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  • Hi, I'm Adriene Hill, and welcome back to Crash Course Statistics.

  • When comparing groups, there isn't always one single box that we can put someone into.

  • You might be someone's child, but also a parent, and a partner.

  • You have an ethnicity or maybe a job title, and maybe you're a competitive dog groomer

  • And it's not just people that belong in multiple groups.

  • Your watch might be a smart watch, but also an Apple product, and something that's rose

  • gold.

  • Things and people belong to multiple groups.

  • And those groups can overlap or interact.

  • So today, we're going to take a look at ANOVAs that include more than one grouping variable.


  • We want to look at sedan prices to figure out how they're affected by manufacturer

  • and color.

  • For now, we'll assume that those two factors are independent of each other -- they don't interact.

  • And for this, we use a Factorial ANOVA, which can have just two grouping variables--like

  • car manufacturer and car color--up to hundreds of grouping variables.

  • In this case we're going to look at Toyotas, Hondas, Chevrolets, and Lamborghinis.

  • And include the colors blue, red, silver, and white.

  • A Factorial ANOVA does almost exactly what a regular ANOVA does: it takes the overall

  • variation--or Sums of Squares--and portions it out into different categories.

  • If we're interested in how car manufacturer and color affect price, we first calculate

  • the overall variation in the dataset called the Sums of Squares Total.

  • We do this by summing up all the squared distances between each car price and the mean overall

  • car price.

  • Then once we know the total variation in the data set, we set out to use manufacturer and

  • color to explain why these sedans have different prices.

  • Our proposed model looks something like this: Which tells us that we think the price of

  • a car is some baseline cost plus an adjustment for who made the car and what color it is.

  • And like before, we know that we won't always be exactly spot on.

  • So to complete the General Linear Model form we add an error term which represents how

  • offour guess was from the actual price of each car.

  • We're going to use our model and the error to create F statistics for each part of our

  • model, as well as the model as a whole.

  • The F-statistic is a ratio between the scaled Sums of Squares for a variable and the scaled

  • Sums of Squares for the Error.

  • We call these scaled versions of the Sums of Squares, Mean Squares.

  • When we create these models using statistical software like R, or Python, or even Excel,

  • we'll usually get what we call an ANOVA table as an output.

  • And the table will give us all the information we need to answer our questions.

  • We can see in this table that the p-value for color is way bigger than our alpha cutoff

  • of 0.05.

  • So we did not find evidence that color has a significant effect on car price.

  • On the other hand, we did find evidence that manufacturer has a significant effect on car price.

  • And I guess we knew that.

  • But just like with our t-tests, we know that a significant F-test only means this result

  • is statistically significant.

  • It doesn't always mean it's practically significant to you.

  • If there's a statistically significant effect of manufacturer on car price but it turns

  • out it's only about a $20 difference well that might not have a huge impact on whether

  • or not you decide to buy a particular car.

  • So we need another measure of effect size.

  • Something that helps us understand how big the effect really is in more practical terms.

  • There are many different measurements of effect size for ANOVAs, but they all share similar

  • ideas, so we'll show you just one: eta squared.

  • Effect sizes try to tell us how large an effect is compared to how much variation we generally expect.

  • In a t-test, we recognize that a new negotiating technique that only increases salaries by

  • about $2 a year is not that exciting because people's salaries generally vary way more

  • than $2 a year.

  • Eta squared does the same thing for us.

  • To calculate eta squared, you take the Sums of Squares for your particular effect--in

  • this case, car manufacturer--and divide it by the Total Sums of Squares for your entire

  • data set.

  • Eta squared is always between 0 and 1.

  • And its interpretation is like the interpretation of R-squared.

  • Eta squared tells you the proportion of total Variation that's accounted for by your specific variable.

  • So here, in our made up data, we see that 46% of the variation in car price is accounted

  • for by manufacturer.

  • Sounds like a lot.

  • But effect size is something that the person analyzing the data will have to interpret

  • for themselves.

  • It can be pretty subjective.

  • We might also be interested in how well our entire model--with both manufacturer AND color--can

  • predict sedan prices.

  • Say we were designing this model for a car selling website so that they can tell customers

  • what they should expect to pay for their dream car.

  • They might ask us to calculate eta squared--which is here equivalent to R-squared--for our entire model.

  • And we can do that the formula is exactly the same.

  • So, now we know that our entire model with both factors accounts for about 48% of the

  • variation in the data.

  • If we could explain 100% variation, we could perfectly predict car price.

  • So 48% means we can predict about half the variation while the rest is explained by other

  • factors we did not include in our model, like size of car and style of car, as well as error.

  • We predicted car price using manufacturer and color with a model assuming that these

  • two factors are independent.

  • But maybe color has very little effect on the price of cars from less expensive brands

  • like Toyota, Honda, or Chevrolet, whereas if you're getting a fancy Lamborghini, color

  • may have an effect.

  • A lot of people want that bright orange lambo.

  • If this were the case, then these two factors are not independent.

  • The effect of color depends on which manufacturer made the car.

  • That's called an interaction because the two factors interact with each other.

  • And these interactions can be really important.

  • Let's move on from cars and look at how professional and novice olive oil tasters

  • rate olive oil.

  • You're opening an olive oil shop.

  • You've already traveled the world in search of the best olives, you've learned how to

  • extract and process the best oil.

  • But as you're putting the finishing touches on your storefront and marketing plan, you

  • run into an issue.

  • You're not sure how to bottle your oils.

  • You could shell out a lot of money for very Instagrammable fancy bottles or save some

  • money and go with a simpler bottle (letting your oil speak for itself).

  • Since you've been watching Crash Course Statistics, you decide to run a small experiment.

  • First, you gather two groups of people: olive oil experts and olive oil novices since those

  • are your two main customer groups.

  • Then, you give them your delicious olive oil from both a fancy and a plain bottle, and

  • ask them to rate their overall impressions.

  • Once you collect your data, you conduct a TWO-WAY ANOVA, just like the one we did earlier.

  • This time, our TWO factors are expertise and bottle style.

  • Two, hence two-way ANOVA.

  • But you're curious to see whether expertise and bottle style interact.

  • So you add one more thing to your model, the interaction Term.

  • We won't dwell on the math here, but this new interaction term is calculated similarly

  • to all our other terms.

  • Since there are 4 different combinations of our two factors--expert with fancy bottle,

  • expert with plain bottle, novice with fancy bottle, novice with plain bottle-- we calculate

  • the sum of the squared distance between the mean of each of these 4 groups, and the overall

  • mean for each point.

  • This is sometimes called the Sums of Squares Between Groups.

  • Also, SSB - Sums of Squares Between Groups.

  • Then from the Sums of Squares Between Groups, we subtract the sums of squares for each factor

  • in the interaction: expertise and bottle.

  • Sums of Squares Between Groups tell us how much variation is explained by coming from

  • one of the four possible combinations of olive oil expertise and bottle type.

  • When we subtracted the main effects of Expertise and Bottle Type, we were left with the amount

  • of variation explained by how these two factors influence each other.

  • Here we can seen the means of all four combinations of Expertise and Bottle Type.

  • This type of plot is called an interaction plot, because it shows how these two factors interact.

  • The blue line represents Experts, and the red line, Novices.

  • You can see that experts rated both bottles of olive oil similarly, they weren't swayed

  • by the fancy bottle.

  • But novices rated olive oil in the fancier bottles higher than olive oil in the simple ones.

  • It seems like the effect of bottle style on olive oil ratings is different depending on

  • whether you're an expert or a novice.

  • This indicates that there's an interaction between these two factors.

  • If there were NO interaction between Expertise and Bottle Type, we'd expect the red and

  • the blue line to be approximately parallel.

  • This would tell us that regardless of expertise, bottle type has a similar effect.

  • (In this case, both prefer the fancy bottle.)

  • But, we've only looked at graphs so far.

  • Let's pull up the ANOVA table for this model.

  • Based on our table, we can see that neither Expertise alone, nor Bottle Type alone are

  • significant but their interaction is.

  • When we look at how Experts rate both bottle types, and Novices rate both bottle types,

  • we can see a clear difference, represented by the different slopes of our red and blue lines.

  • And just like before, we can take our significant effects and calculate an effect size for them,

  • so that we can see how practically significant it is.

  • In this case, the amount of variation in our data due to the interaction between expertise

  • and bottle type.

  • To get effect size, we just divide by the total variation.

  • In our last example, we talked about eta squared, which is one way to calculate effect sizes

  • for ANOVAs, and is analogous to the R^2 formula we talked about for regression.

  • To calculate eta squared, you just take the Sums of Squares for your desired effect, and

  • divide by the total sums of squares.

  • In this case, the interaction effect of bottle type and expertise accounts for about 9.14%

  • of the total variation in the data.

  • Effect sizes tell you something about the magnitude of an effect, but it's up to you--or

  • whoever is analyzing the data--to decide whether an effect of that size is useful.

  • In our model, we only had one significant effect: the interaction.

  • But occasionally we'll see other significant effects.

  • Single variables, like Bottle Type and Expertise, are called main effects.

  • Statistically significant main effects are important, but when you interpret them, you

  • need to do so with caution.

  • For example, if we looked at a study of an allergy medication, we might observe a significant

  • main effect of medication on allergy symptoms.

  • Which means that on average, people who took the medication had less severe symptoms than

  • those who didn't take it.

  • But, we also recorded whether or not the subjects had a certain allergy related gene, gene Y.

  • It turns out that there's a significant interaction between allergy medication and

  • whether or not you have gene Y.

  • If you DO have gene Y, the medication doesn't work that well.

  • In fact, you'll feel about the same.

  • But if you DON'T have gene Y, it works incredibly well all of a sudden your sneezes are gone!

  • If you told everyone that this allergy medication worked….it wouldn't quite be the whole truth.

  • That significant interaction told us that while on average people displayed fewer symptoms

  • on the medication, that allergy relief is different depending on whether you have gene Y.

  • The different slopes for each of our lines in this interaction plot demonstrate how the

  • two groups respond differently.

  • Back to your olive oil shop.

  • Looking at the data you have--seems like you should go with the fancy bottles.

  • The experts won't be swayed but the rest of your customers will like all the embellishment.

  • And there's only a couple olive oil professionals in your town.

  • People, cells, animals, and pretty much anything we might be interested in measuring, are parts

  • of multiple groups.

  • So it's important to have the tools to consider multiple groups together with a statistical model.

  • They allow us to have a richer understanding of how certain things might interact.

  • Like your gender and your ethnicity and your pay.

  • Or your age and generation and favorite slurpee flavor.

  • Thanks for watching, I'll see you next time.

Hi, I'm Adriene Hill, and welcome back to Crash Course Statistics.


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方差分析第二部分:處理交叉組。統計速成班#34 (ANOVA Part 2: Dealing with Intersectional Groups: Crash Course Statistics #34)

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