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  • All facts in this movie have been independently confirmed.

  • Sources are documented at

  • Transcribed by Activists of Free Humanity:

  • top movie recommendations

  • Any living system on our beloved planet,

  • is an eloquent expression of the Universe's astonishing ability

  • to come to a perfect balance

  • and then to do what life is ment to do:

  • to thrive.

  • Thriving is the natural flow of life

  • Consider what is surely on of the greatest wonders of all

  • how a tiny egg and a single irrepressably plucky sperm

  • can unleash a process that brings forth in end another one of us

  • a being of vast ability and unlimited potential,

  • with a brain capable of complex and soaring self reflection,

  • legs made to dance and run,

  • fingers nimble enough to weave a basket

  • play a violin,

  • caress a face.

  • If nature teaches us anything,

  • is that life is meant to work

  • and like every living thing, our purpose is to thrive.

  • And yet, for the majority of people on the planet

  • life is not about thriving,

  • it's about surviving,

  • just trying to hang on.

  • Is this really the best that we can do?

  • Did the Universe labor for nearly 14 billion years

  • only to bring forth a species that will end up as an enemy to life itself

  • and to its own home?

  • I don't think so!

  • My name is Foster Gamble

  • and I have spent nearly a lifetime trying to figure out, what happened

  • what is happening, that could account

  • for this staggering agony and deprivation on this planet.

  • As a young man, driven by the misery I saw

  • and by my fear for our survival,

  • I set out on a journey,

  • seeking to answer questions like:

  • Is it even possible for humans to thrive?

  • If so, why aren't we?

  • My research led me to places, I never expected to go

  • revealing surprising discoveries, that seemed unrelated at first

  • but which turned out to be crucially connected, as you'll see.

  • I found a code

  • a pattern in nature that's been embedded in arts and icons, throughout the centuries.

  • I believe this code holds the key to a new source of clean, sustainable energy

  • that could completely revolutionize the way all people live.

  • I came to understand how our economic system is rigged

  • and I found out, what we can do about it.

  • My journey will reveal ways we can reclaim our power,

  • to create liberating healthy systems, everywhere on Earth.

  • I realized that we are not a mistake, we are simply mistaken!

  • We've been blinded to our brilliance,

  • insure of our strength,

  • ignorant of our genius,

  • unaware of our true power and magnificense.

  • But all that is about to change!

  • I invite you to share with me the highlights of my unlikely journey!

  • I created this navigator,

  • to take us through time and space.

  • Let me show you around!

  • On this screen we can access what I call "our vitals":

  • it's the critical data, we don't get from the corporate media,

  • which in the U.S. has consolidated from 50 companies,

  • down to 5 in just over 25 years.

  • We'll use this to check on, how we're really doing.

  • The right screen tracks how to chart a healthy sustainable course

  • for living on planet Earth.

  • I call these the "navigating insights".

  • And this will be our compass.

  • Instead of a needle seeking north in our earth's magnetic field,

  • our compass is the shape of the field itself

  • and that shape, as you will soon see,

  • has amazing technological and social ramifications.

  • After a lifetime quest

  • I've come to believe that this pattern actually holds the key to a world that works for everyone.

  • So let's go!

  • <b>THRIVE</b>

  • <b>What on Earth will it take?</b>

  • I grew up in a world of privilege and power,

  • attending elite private schools and then Princeton University.

  • As a direct descendant of one of the founders of Procter & Gamble,

  • I was growed to be a leader in the establishment,

  • but I chose a different path.

  • <b>Uncovering The Code</b>

  • I began to wake up when I was in elementary school.

  • Adults were teaching me that the way to protect myself from a nuclear explosion

  • was to dock under my desk and cover my head.

  • That's when my serious questioning began.

  • A couple of years later, I had a direct experience of universal energy.

  • It happened one day when I was riding on a school bus, gazing out the window.

  • I had a vision of the world pool pattern

  • and I just knew that the flow of energy I was seeing

  • was the same in atom, as in our entire solar system.

  • I felt deeply, that I too was somehow made of that same pattern.

  • This vision was that originally got me into science,

  • into trying to figure out how the universe works

  • and how we humans fit in the overall pattern of life-energy.

  • Years later I learned that the pattern I saw,

  • is known by some in the scientific world.

  • It turn's out that in 1921 Albert Einstein got a Nobel prize for discovering,

  • that when energy is released in the Universe

  • There are little packets of wholeness, that emerge

  • This pattern actually tells us a lot about how life evolves.

  • Considering the enduring wonders of creation throughout the universe

  • and how unsustainable so many of our human systems are,

  • I figured learning how the universe creates and sustains life,

  • would actually be quite useful.

  • Each of these little packets of wholeness, that Einstein discovered,

  • called a quantum,

  • is made out of its surroundings, but is distinct within it,

  • like a whirlpool in water.

  • These packets are always the same pattern, nomather what size

  • and they are surprisingly relevant to issues as seemingly disconnected,

  • the wars in the Middle East, the global financial collapse

  • and how we achieve justice for everyone.

  • We are about to explore how.

  • Mathematicians call this pattern the Torus.

  • The energy in a torus flows into one end,

  • circulates around the center

  • and exits out the other side.

  • It's balanced, self regulating and always whole.

  • I was first officially introduced to the torus by scientist and inventor Arthur Young.

  • Futurist Duane Elgin explains

  • how the torus is the primary pattern that nature uses for life

  • at every scale.

  • The Evolution means to unfold, to roll out.

  • So the question is, what is the Universe rolling out?

  • And what the Universe is rolling out is self organising systems

  • and you can see this at every scale.

  • Self organising system is a technical term

  • for a system taking a hold of itself,

  • knowing itself, essentially.

  • And if we go to nature,

  • we can look and see these self organising forms, throughout.

  • We can see it in the cross section of an orange

  • the cross section of an apple.

  • We can see it in the dynamic nature of a tornado.

  • We can see it in the magnetic field around the Earth,

  • a similar magnetic field, around an individual.

  • We can see it in the structure of an entire whirlpool galaxy.

  • We can see it in the structure of a small atom.

  • And, every scale, throughout this entire history,

  • the Universe has one single project

  • it's growing toruses!

  • the Universe is a torus growing factory

  • These toroidal dynamics are visible at various scale.

  • One of them is at the galactic level,

  • which are huge spinning structures, with billions of stars in them.

  • Looks like, typically, big arms of galaxies,

  • spinning around

  • and we have vortex, that goes to the center out

  • to the edge of the galactic halo,

  • that surrounds them.

  • Stars move from this galactic disk out to the halo,

  • down the vortex and back out again.

  • Stars as Arcturus, for instance, we know, have done that path already.

  • That's the appropriate description even for the atmosphere of our planet.

  • The weather goes from the north pole down to the equator and then back up

  • and the south pole, up to the equator and then back down.

  • Even the dynamics on the surface of the Sun are very similar.

  • Of course here we are looking at it from an external perspective,

  • on a small scale model.

  • When we look at the solar system embedded in the galaxy

  • embedded in the cluster,

  • embedded in a super cluster,

  • we're travelling in the sea of infinite torus flow.

  • The torus is like the breath of the universe,

  • it's the form that the flow of energy takes at every scale of existence.

  • But there's also underlaying structure, in how the flow fits together,

  • sort of like a skeleton.

  • It is called the vector equilibrium

  • a term coined by one of the XX century's greatest thinkers

  • Buckminster Fuller.

  • Inspired by Fuller's visionary work,

  • I spent decades for searching the dynamics of the vector equilibrium and the torus.

  • I became so excited by the potential of the toroidal energy form,

  • that in 1997, I co-founded a multidisciplinary think tank,

  • called The Sequoia Symposium,

  • to study the pattern and explore its applications.

  • Our collective research convinced me,

  • that the torus and the vector equilibrium are primary patterns,

  • fundamental to the creation of the universe at all scales.

  • The Sequoia Symposium gatherings,

  • I learned of inventors, who claimed they were using the torus dynamic

  • as the basis for devices that generated energy without combustion.

  • This revolutionary development

  • accessing what's sometimes called zero point or radiant or free energy,

  • is now being called most simply, new energy technology.

  • Given that so much of the suffering in our world

  • is the result of lack of access to energy

  • I realized that free, unlimited, clean energy

  • would be one of the greatest breakthroughs in history.

  • It could not just improve,

  • but actually transform the quality of life on this planet.

  • So I began to wonder, who else knew about this pattern

  • or about the powerful potential energy source?

  • Some of the scientists of the symposium showed me how the torus has been encoded,

  • by different cultures for millennia.

  • Apparently ancient cultures have embedded this code

  • in the most enduring forms then possible,

  • in stories, in icons, in alphabets, in buildings.

  • Here we are at one of the world's oldest sacred sites:

  • the Osirian temple, at Abydos, Egypt.

  • Very few writing is found in the Osirian temple.

  • However, there is one very significant piece of information in that temple.

  • It is a very faint, but clear and precise drawing.

  • It's not edged into the rock, it's not carved,

  • it's burned in to the atomic structure of the rock,

  • in some extraordinary way.

  • Nassim has decoded the Osirian symbol in three dimensions.

  • Since our world is not two-dimensional,

  • it makes sense, the code relaying information about our world,

  • also wouldn't be limited to flat designs.

  • His three-dimensional version of the Osirian symbol starts with a vector equilibrium

  • a perfectly balanced force field

  • with 12 equal energy lines radiating out.

  • They stabilize the center, like the 12 spokes of a wheel.

  • The primary pattern of balanced energy flow around this structure,

  • is the torus.

  • Here we extend to the next larger scale

  • with a total of 64 pyramids, called tetrahedra.

  • If we then put spheres in

  • representing the toroidal energy fields surrounding each of the pyramid

  • and then we drop away the pyramids,

  • we end up with a matrix, that is amazingly an exact overlay for the Osirian icon,

  • a three-dimensional model of the same pattern,

  • that was burned in the rock wall of the Egyptian temple

  • thousands of years ago.

  • Now we travel across continents, from Egypt to China,

  • where the same geometry appears in another sacred site, built in 1420.

  • Then you go to the Forbidden City,

  • the sun gods reside

  • and where you find that the ancients, the "foo dogs"

  • the guardians of the knowledge.

  • They guard the knowledge under their paw.

  • The same geometry, with 64 energy units, is encoded again.

  • I started wondering, is it just a coincidence,

  • that the exact same design appears in significant places on two different continents?

  • But then, Nassim showed me, that this geometry of 64,

  • is encoded time and again in cultures across the centuries and from all over the world.

  • The Hebrew kabbalistic tree of life

  • creates the same structure, we just saw,

  • with the vector equilibrium again embedded at every level.

  • The ancient Chinese system of wisdom, called the I-Ching,

  • is based on 64 hexagrams,

  • symbols with six lines in a set,

  • some coninuous, some broken.

  • These can be put together as the six edges of a tetrahedron

  • and together would form the 64 tetrahedran crystal.

  • Ephesus, Turkey

  • Golden Temple of Sikhs', Amritsar, Punjab, India, sec. XVI

  • The same pattern shows up in modern scientific research.

  • The double helix has an alphabet of 64 codons,

  • that are used to encode our human DNA.

  • I had seen that there was advanced knowledge of the living geometry of the universe

  • thousands of years ago.

  • But how on Earth did they know about it?

  • Most of the stories of ancient Egypt and Mayans and Incas

  • talk about sun gods coming to the Earth

  • and teaching them engineering and writing and all of their science.

  • I started to wonder,

  • if all these sun gods were not advanced civilizations,

  • coming from another part of our galaxy.

  • These texts and of many ancient cultures describe them as coming in flying boats

  • or, in the Vedic tradition, flying machines, etc.

  • There are many mentions of these sun gods coming through time.

  • Could these early pilots from beyond our world

  • be the ones responsible for sharing the knowledge of this code?

  • Could they actually be tapping its power to propel themselves through the cosmos?

  • This isn't were I thought my research would lead me

  • and these notions were rocking my world.

  • But Nassim is impressive evidence to back up his theories

  • and I could see no other rational way, advanced math and physics concepts,

  • would have been recorded over 3000 years ago.

  • I sort out one of the most knowledgeable investigators:

  • Dr. Steven Greer,

  • the founder of the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence.

  • He's conducted hundreds of interviews with top ranking government and military witnesses.

  • And so, if we talk about extraterrestrial intelligence,

  • we're talking about civilizations,

  • that have reached the point of being sentient, like we are,

  • but whose technologies and perhaps social capabilities are such,

  • that they've been able to become interstellar

  • or interplanetary civilisations.

  • And we look at the fact that, in most concerned estimates in Milky Way galaxy,

  • that there are at least 10 000 earth-like planets, that have intelligent life on them

  • and at least half of them are likely to be as advanced or more advanced than ours.

  • It's almost a certainty, that there's intelligent life out there,

  • that has mastered the laws of the universe,

  • beyond what's currently taught at MIT and Caltech,

  • to be able to transfer through space time, in real time

  • through vast distances of interstellar space.

  • We have over 4 000 cases

  • were these objects have landed on terraforma

  • and left physical evidence.

  • We have over 3 500 pilot cases.

  • We have hundreds of cases,

  • including ones from the highest ranking investigator of the FAA, John Callahan

  • and numerous other operators, where these objects have been tracked on radar,

  • going tens of thousands of miles per hour

  • or dematerializing and then reappearing in another point in the sky.

  • Yes, there have been ET visitations, there have been crashed craft,

  • there have been material and bodies recovered.

  • We have contact with aliens,

  • not originating from some foreign country,

  • but from some other solar system.

  • And I've been a party to that.

  • There were documents that I have seen,

  • referred to the USS Roosevelt

  • having several instances of UFO flyovers

  • and particularly, after they took on board nuclear weapons.

  • And my CEO told me, what you got in your log did never happen.

  • The crew coming on duty and the crew coming off duty

  • all saw the UFO just hovering in mid air.

  • It was a metallic, circular object

  • and, from what I understand, the missiles were all shut down.

  • That meant it went dead.

  • And something turned those missiles off.

  • Now remember, all the set was flying in several thousand miles per hour.

  • So this thing fires a beam of light at the warhead, hits it

  • and then this thing flies up, like this,

  • meanwhile, we're all going like this, fires another beam of light,

  • goes around like this, fires another beam of light

  • goes around like this, fires another beam of light

  • and then flies out the way it came in

  • and the warhead tumbles to outer space.

  • The feeling at the time was that it must have been extraterrestial

  • They took the film and they spooled off the part, that had the UFO on it

  • and they took a pair of scissors and cut it off, they put that on a separate roll, they put it in the briefcase,

  • they handed Major Mansmann back the rest of the film

  • and said: "I don't need to remind you, major Mansmann,

  • of the severity of the security breach.

  • We'll consider this incident closed! "

  • But who do you tell, that you were involved in a UFO incident,

  • without them looking at you as if you're not wrapped too tight?

  • Mexico military releases photos of alleged UFOs

  • French get a look at the nation's UFO files

  • Vatican says alien life may exist

  • Out of all the evidence for the existence of UFOs

  • one extraordinary phenomenon continues to astonish and inspire me.

  • The appearance throughout the world of so-called "crop circles".

  • These elaborate designs appear mysteriously swirled into crops of grain,

  • in such a way, that the stocks are bend over, yet remain alive.

  • More than 5 000 of these patterns have appeared in over 30 countries

  • most of them in England.

  • The media has led many people, including me at first,

  • to write these crop patterns off as hoaxes,

  • the nighttime work of a few pranksters.

  • Of course there have been fake versions,

  • but those made by human hands are crude,

  • compared with the vast majority of these elegant creations.

  • Could hoaxers have created all 5 000 of these patterns?

  • Could a few people with ropes and boards

  • have created something as complex and beautiful as this one,

  • made in the dead of night, in a driving rain

  • and leaving no footprints on the soil?

  • The electromagnetic field over the area, where the crop's been laid down to create the image,

  • is often electrostatically charged.

  • Some of these areas are littered with strange magnetic particles.

  • One of the most amazing crop designs is not a circle, but a rectangle

  • that seems to be a direct response to a message sent out into space in 1974.

  • The message was a radio signal

  • depicting our planet's location in the solar system and Earth's people,

  • in hopes that it might be received and interpreted by an extraterrestial intelligence.

  • 27 years later, in 2001,

  • This crop design appeared in England,

  • along with, what could be a self-portrait of the sender.

  • This message maches the format of the NASA signal

  • and describes a different solar system from ours,

  • a picture of the sender,

  • non-human DNA

  • and a microwave antenna they apparently use to communicate,

  • rather than radio antenna, that we used.

  • The antenna symbol had appeared a year earlier,

  • in exactly the same field,

  • right next to a working radio wave antenna

  • like the one NASA used to send out the original signal.

  • NASA continues to officially deny extraterrestial contact of any kind.

  • And yet, year after year,

  • these spectacular creations appear.

  • So what might these remarkable designs mean?

  • Here are some two-dimensional versions,

  • that seem to be revealing the torus, in 3D.

  • And here is the vector equilibrium,

  • and the related pattern of 64,

  • that we saw encoded in the art of so many ancient cultures.

  • When I saw the coherence between the crop circles and ancient encodings,

  • I thought regardless of whoever created them and wherever they're from,

  • there must be an important purpose to these designs.

  • They're so coherent

  • I've come to believe that the pattern of the torus and the vector equilibrium

  • especially in the form of the 64 tetrahedran crystal,

  • is showing us how energy works in the universe,

  • so that we can learn to align with it.

  • I believe that they are giving us a model

  • for accessing energy in a clean, safe and limitless way

  • and the new means of propulsion.

  • What more important message could there be to get to us

  • and especially now, from their perspective,

  • as we're beginning to extend our careless reach beyond our planet?

  • I got further confirmation of this notion,

  • when I met Dr. Jack Kasher,

  • a former professor of physics at the University of Nebraska,

  • who has also researched UFO fenomena.

  • Presentating at The Sequoia Symposium,

  • Dr. Kosher showed a remarkable series of drawings,

  • by a woman named Lane Andrews,

  • who claimed to have been invited on to extraterrestial spacecraft.

  • I was startled to see her detailed scetches of the toroidal energy field,

  • that she said, propelled the vehicle

  • and protected the passengers.

  • I subsequently interviewed James Gilliland.

  • James has many hours of UFO footage

  • from his ranch near Mount Adams in Washington State.

  • He also claimed to going on board of alien spacecraft.

  • What blew my mind was that he had never never met Lane Andrews

  • and had no knowledge of her experience,

  • yet he described a phenomenon, that was amazingly similar:

  • numerous ships with spinning rings of light.

  • Could it simply be coincidental,

  • that James and Lane describe the same torus dynamic

  • and that both of these people have been harassed extensively by government and military agencies ?

  • To some the idea of UFOs may seem crazy

  • and yet from another perspective it is completely plausible.

  • The Earth is about 4.5 billion years old,

  • that's 4,500 million years old.

  • What if there is another planet, that is almost exactly like ours,

  • almost exactly

  • 4.501 million years old?

  • They're million years ahead of us,

  • and on a galactic scale they're almost our twin brothers.

  • So where are we gonna be in a million years?

  • We have solved all these problems and there's another way,

  • weather it's wormholes or warping space.

  • There's got to be a way to generate energy

  • so that you could pull it out of the vacuum.

  • And the fact that they are here, shows us, that they found a way.

  • This is a major shock to the human system, that is in progress.

  • I understand why people of our generation,

  • people who aspired to positions of political leadership, etc..,

  • never dear go near that question, because it's a worldview change,

  • it is a fundamental worldview change.

  • So here we are, a relatively immature species,

  • struggling with possible self-destruction!

  • If aligning with the torus

  • does hold the key to a new form of clean, safe energy access,

  • imagine the implications!

  • This could be the most important technology breakthrough of our times!

  • So who wouldn't want to have an energy source, that's unlimited and freely available?

  • That turned out to be a key question,

  • that's what led me down the next rabbit hole.

  • It turns out that scientists as far back as the early 1900

  • have been developing alternative ways to access electricity

  • without combustion.

  • Nikola Tesla believed he had tapped into what he called "radiant energy".

  • Many scientists believe he was accessing what's now called free energy.

  • But before Tesla could finish the project,

  • its financier, banker JP Morgan,

  • who had a monopoly on the copper used for electrical lines,

  • recognized how Tesla's invention could transmit electricity without wires.

  • he then shut down Tesla's funding.

  • Tesla's lab was burned down and he was ostracized,

  • all for trying to implement his vision of unlimited energy for everyone.

  • A modern day inventor Adam Trombly was inspired by Tesla's work

  • and by the possibilities of the torus.

  • Trombly built a dynamo, a direct current generator,

  • that accessed electrical power right out of the air.

  • We were trying to demonstrate that by mimicing the magnetic field of a planet

  • and rotating this device, we can actually create a dynamo, that would work.

  • And, in fact, it did work, and it does work.

  • So when we contemplate nature, when we contemplate Jupiter

  • or we contemplate a dynamo like the earth rotating in space,

  • we basically have a magnet, that is rotating in space

  • the lines of flux of the magnet are pulling down and through

  • in this toroidal pattern of the magnetic field.

  • It's also expanding and contracting - it's breathing.

  • It's taking in the energy of space literally and transforming it.

  • Right here in this toroid, we have enough energy

  • to transform the entire earth.

  • And that's not just a theoretical statement, it's literally true!

  • If we contemplate the implications of this

  • means that every single place on Earth suddenly has power,

  • every single person on Earth suddenly has power.

  • We have universal abundance!

  • Trombly had been invited to demonstrate one of his generators at the UN and the U.S. Senate

  • but these events were undermined by the first Bush administration,

  • then the device itself was taken in a government raid.

  • Trombly's experience isn't unique.

  • Almost every time I found an inventor,

  • with a promising new technology in the field of free energy,

  • he told us similar story of suppression.

  • Inventor John Bedini

  • began working with Tesla's theories of radiant energy, decades ago

  • and has produced a sortment of battery charging devices

  • that generate more energy, than it takes to run them.

  • He announced, that he was going to start offering them at low cost.

  • Soon after that he was attacked in his lab

  • and swore not to produce the devices.

  • For his own safety, he had to let go of marketing free energy.

  • These are all devices from labs I personally visited.

  • The quality of this footage is obviously poor

  • and I'm not expecting this to convince you.

  • My point is, that being there with these inventors, accompanied by experts

  • and seeing these new energy devices in operation

  • convinced me that the technology is real

  • and the implications of that to me are absolutely thrilling.

  • Canadian John Hutchison not only created some free energy batteries

  • but also used Tesla's theories to counter gravity,

  • to make objects float.

  • This could revolutionize the field of propulsion.

  • His lab was raded

  • and equipment was taken by police and government officials in 1978,

  • 1985,

  • and again in 2000.

  • One of the scientists we were going to interview for this film,

  • was Dr. Eugene Mallove,

  • an engineer from MIT and Harvard

  • and editor of "Infinite Energy" magazine,

  • which covers both theoretical and technological developments in the new energy field.

  • Dr. Mallove was mysteriously beaten to death in 2004.

  • If these inventors were all hoaxers and charlatans,

  • I wonder why are they being suppressed so consistently and so brutally?

  • I asked free energy inventor Adam Trombly,

  • why he thought this technology was being suppressed

  • and if the UFO phenomenon was related.

  • We've had major military people, taking great risk to themself, say, yes, these things are real.

  • Why do you think the military-industrial complex

  • doesn't want that statement to be made?

  • Because you start thinking about, what kind of technology is behind that.

  • That's the bottom line.

  • The suppression of UFO phenomena

  • is hand in hand with the suppression of so-called free energy.

  • The energy is extracted from the fabric of space around us,

  • which means it can not be metered.

  • This is a direct threat to the single largest industry in the world: energy

  • It's goodbye Exxon Mobil,

  • goodbye oil,

  • goodbye coal

  • goodbye linear transmission of electricity through power lines.

  • All that gone!

  • Unfortunately, it's someone's 200 trillion dollar piggy bank.

  • The proven oil, gas and coal reserves are worth over 200 trillion dollars.

  • This information coming out ...

  • would completely change geopolitical power ...

  • more than anything else in recorded human history.

  • And would happen in a generation!

  • I started to examine the breakthrough solutions

  • and, to much to my surprise,

  • These concepts have been proven in hundreds of laboratories throughout the world.

  • And yet, they have not rally seen the light of day.

  • Rather than smashing things together

  • and trying to control the explosion,

  • these new technologies rely on blending,

  • of dancing with what naturally is.

  • The common denominator of all the free energy devices, I have seen,

  • is that it mimic, in one way or another, the torus energy shape.

  • You don't have to believe in free energy technology,

  • to be concerned about the repression of ideas and inventions.

  • I found myself thinking,

  • what better way to justify our dependence on oil,

  • coal, nuclear

  • and other dangerous and dirty technologies,

  • and to claim there's no better, cheaper alternatives?

  • It was my beloved wife and creative partner Kimberly,

  • who kept bringing me back to the human implications of my scientific research.

  • For me, as intrigueing as the torus and ETs and free energy are,

  • the most compelling question was:

  • Would understanding these things really help alleviate human suffering in any way?

  • And it turnes out, it can!

  • So much of the pain on the planet has to do with the lack of access to energy.

  • Can you stay warm?

  • Can you get food and water?

  • Can you get hospital care?

  • All that has to do with energy access.

  • If there is a fundamental pattern

  • - which makes sense to me, that evolution would be efficient in that way

  • and we can align with that pattern to create new technologies,

  • that would solve these problems,

  • that it's worthy to me to open my mind

  • to these socially taboo subjects.

  • If the new energy technologies were to be set free worldwide,

  • the change would be profound.

  • It would affect everybody,

  • it would be applicable everywhere.

  • These technologies are absolutely

  • the most important thing that's happened in the history of the world.

  • So given the stakes, I decided to ask:

  • Who's benefiting from suppressing scientific research?

  • Whose wealth and power are threatened by access to clean free energy?

  • Who has a motive to set up a world, where so few have so much

  • and so many have so little?

  • As an independent researcher, I followed one of the cardinal rules of investigative journalism:

  • If a story doesn't make sense, follow the money!

  • <b>Following the Money</b>

  • Our being dependent on oil

  • insures, that energy corporations continue to reap phenomenal profits.

  • I see them commiting huge resources to undermine energy alternatives

  • to control global reserves

  • and maintain high oil prices.

  • They have enough money and influence,

  • to suppress anything that might threaten the monopoly.

  • So who's behind the huge energy corporations?

  • The Rockefeller's oil empire got started in 1870,

  • when John D. Rockefeller founded Standard Oil

  • and became America's first billionaire.

  • Standard Oil has since morfed into Exxon Mobil and others.

  • And Rockefellers control our food as well!

  • They were primarly responsible

  • for the global shift to large-scale petroleum-based agriculture

  • I remember the so-called "green revolution" in the 60s and 70s.

  • Like most people, I thought it was a great thing.

  • It was however based on the planting of huge plots with a single crop,

  • using vast amounts of oil-based fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides.

  • The Green Revolution was the brainchild of the Rockefeller Foundation's natural science division,

  • in partnership with large agricultural corporations.

  • Petroleum-based agriculture

  • provided vast new profits for the oil industry,

  • but never lived up to its promises

  • of ending hunger and promoting health.

  • The Green Revolution did at first increase productivity,

  • because every bit of soil was being used for immediate production,

  • but its true cost can now be seen.

  • Taxpayers pay billions in subsidies,

  • to giant agricultural corporations.

  • Small family farms have all but disappeared.

  • Biodiversity is destroyed,

  • toxic chemicals poison farmworkers and pollute the land,

  • water and our food supply,

  • endangering the health of us all,

  • as of 2010, aproximally one in every seven people worldwide

  • did not have enough to eat.

  • The giant corporations were brought us chemicals for chemical industrial agriculture.

  • And we were talking about three instruments to consolidate the food chain.

  • The first was genetic engineering as a way of control.

  • The second was patenting seed and patenting life as a way of control,

  • declaring seeds to be private property

  • treating the saving of seeds by farmers as a crime,

  • as a theft of intellectual property.

  • And the third was so-called free trade treaties,

  • that would drop ordinary people, farmers, growers off their freedom,

  • to save seed.

  • The design of "terminator" technology to create sterile seed

  • in order to impose even more dependence of humanity

  • on a handful of corporations, it would be ultimate step in this.

  • We are of what we are doing with seeds,

  • literally, for the first time

  • creating a new colonization, which I call the colonization of the future.

  • Who controls the food supply, controls the people;

  • who controls the energy, can control whole continents;

  • who controls the money, can control the world. Henry Kissinger, 1973

  • So in two srucial areas, energy and food,

  • same elite banking families and their corporations have taken control

  • and the consequences have been devastating.

  • For me it was overwhelming at first,

  • to discover such a monopoly of influence,

  • but I knew it was important,

  • like learning you have a tough, but treatable disease,

  • it helps to understand, what's causing it and how it operates, if the goal is to cure.

  • So I continued my investigation.

  • If oil and food are controlled by the big banking families

  • where else does their influence show up?

  • As I followed the money, I began to see the same pattern of control

  • in just about every area of our lives

  • and always found the same families in charge,

  • either directly through their banks and corporations,

  • or indirectly through their major foundations.

  • Again it was the Rockefellers, who created the National Education Association,

  • with help from the Carnegie Foundation and later from the Ford Foundation.

  • What the captains of industry wanted from our schools,

  • was an obedient and docile work force,

  • who would be manageable employees and eager consumers.

  • Schools are to establish fixed habits of response to Authority.

  • That's why it takes 12 years

  • for you to respond reflexibly,

  • when anyone in the position of authority, tells you what to do.

  • Like education, health is another area dominated by big money and corporations.

  • The American Medical Association, for example, is largely funded by the Rockefellers,

  • who use their funding to influence AMA research and decision making.

  • The average MD has four years of medical school,

  • takes one course in nutrition,

  • two and half hours in many cases

  • and these materials used - curriculum materials -

  • are supplied by the National Dairy Council

  • and the National Livestock and Meat Board

  • and other industries, including the Sugar Association,

  • with products to sell, that actually undermine our health in the first place

  • Unfortunately, the way the system of medicine is set up,

  • medical education is primarly funded by pharmaceutical companies,

  • so there's a motive to make and sell as many drugs as possible.

  • It is also a time effective way of making money

  • for the phycician, for the pharmaceutical company, for the whole medical establishment.

  • But it's really perpetuating the problems, it was ment to alleviate.

  • Side effects may include nausea, dry mouth and constipation.

  • Increases in white blood cells, which can be serious ...

  • Sexual side effects, diarrhea, nausea and sleepiness.

  • Can lead to coma or death.

  • How far will these forces go, to make a profit?

  • Would they actually suppress cures for diseases,

  • the way they suppressed free energy technology?

  • Sadly my research has shown me, the answer is yes.

  • One well documented example is the case of Dr. Royal Rife.

  • In the 1920s Dr. Rife invented one of the most advanced microscopes of his time.

  • He also developed a new technique he called coordinated resonance.

  • which was apparently able to destroy cancerous tumors,

  • as well as viruses.

  • In 1934, in clinical trials affiliated with the University of Southern California,

  • Rife's treatment was tested on 16 terminally ill cancer patients.

  • Within three months, they were all sucessfully cured.

  • Soon after, a lab testing Rife's technology was burned down

  • and a fatuous lawsuit was filed.

  • Through the efforts of Morris Fishbein,

  • head of the jurnal of American Medical Association,

  • Rife was essentially shut down and ruined,

  • his brilliant and promising work all but forgotten.

  • It was really hard for me to consider,

  • that someone might actually be supressing cures.

  • and cancer has run through my family like a raging river.

  • I found out that it's all about patents.

  • If a pharmaceutical company can patent and make money from treatment,

  • especially one, that we have to keep on using,

  • then that's what we get.

  • Otherwise we don't even hear about it.

  • It's not just Rife, who got shut down.

  • Rene Caisse had an old indian ojibwa formula, that was effective.

  • Harry Hoxsey and Max Gerson had natural remedies, that worked.

  • But you know and you look them out, the AMA makes them sound like complete crooks.

  • And that's for following the money has been so helpful,

  • because the same powers, who control the AMA and their research and funding,

  • control the pharmaceuticals.

  • So there's a multi-trillion dollar financial incentive,

  • to supress cures, that can't be patented.

  • Knowing that cures exist,

  • has not taken away the anguish I feel

  • from losing so many people, I love, to cancer.

  • It's giving me something really satisfying to do with the pain

  • and I believe when we take the love and devotion that we have,

  • for anyone who's died and who will die unnecessarily

  • and are direct it to developing and getting these cures out

  • to people, who need them,

  • we can break this cancer legacy and heal.

  • As difficult as it was for me,

  • I've come to an inescapable and profoundly disturbing conclusion:

  • I belive that an elite group of people and the corporations they run,

  • have gained control over not just our energy,

  • food supply, education and health care,

  • but over virtually every aspect of our lives.

  • And they do it by controlling the world of finance,

  • not by creating more value,

  • but by actually controlling the source of money.

  • When I followed the money, I found that it took me up the levels of a pyramid.

  • Here we are at the bottom level, going about our daily lives!

  • Above us is government,

  • people who are given a monopoly on force

  • and use it to tax and control us, whether or not we agree.

  • But who controlls them?

  • At the next level are the corporations.

  • Many would say that it is now corporations and not nation states, that rule the world.

  • They call it a"corporatocracy".

  • To acquire the world's resources and control the markets,

  • this corporatocracy must to have access to cheap money.

  • The big corporations get their loans with special rates from big banks,

  • which means that those who control the major banks, the money elite,

  • ultimately control the corporations.

  • As I followed the money, I learned that almost everything I once believed about money,

  • is simply not true.

  • It's interesting how few questions we actually ask

  • about very everyday things,

  • like when we go into a bank and we ask for a loan, say $ 50,000 dollars, 50,000 pounds.

  • What actually happens?

  • See, most people live their lives,

  • based on a kind of vague image of what happens.

  • What actually happens, is you ask for 50,000 pounds,

  • they type into your account 50,000 pounds.

  • That's all they do!

  • They don't mint any coins, print any money

  • they don't move any precious metal anywhere

  • they just put 50,000 pounds into your account in a computer screen.

  • From that moment, you start paying interest

  • on money, that has never, does not and will never exist.

  • It turns out, that banks actually have about 9 times as much money loaned out,

  • as they have on reserve in their vaults.

  • This is possible because of what's referred to as fractional reserve lending.

  • The way it works is that the Federal Reserve or the central bank in any country

  • is legally allowed to determine the amount of bank must have on reserve.

  • In the U.S. it's currently around 10%.

  • So if you deposit $ 10,000 dollars into the bank,

  • the bank sets aside 10% or $ 1,000 dollars

  • and then loans out the rest of your money.

  • The way it works is, say another person comes into the bank

  • and asks for a car loan of $ 9,000 dollars.

  • At this moment, the bank loans out the $ 9,000 dollars,

  • from your original deposit.

  • It isn't there anymore!

  • The borrower then pays the person selling the car

  • and they go to deposit the money into another bank,

  • which is part of the same central banking system.

  • This $ 9,000 dollars is treated as a new deposit

  • and the process continues.

  • The money gets redeposited and reloaned,

  • until the initial deposit of $ 10,000 dollars

  • becomes $ 100,000 dollars.

  • The banking system just created $ 90,000 dollars by loaning out your money.

  • Apparently it began with the goldsmiths in the seventeenth century,

  • when people were trading in gold.

  • Gold was heavy to carry around, so people stored the actual metal in vaults

  • and traded receipts instead.

  • Those receipts were the first paper money.

  • Since only a few people would withdraw their gold at any given time,

  • the vault owners, basically the new bankers,

  • began creating receipts for more metals, than they actually held.

  • They loaned out those receipts and charged interest on money,

  • on gold that they didn't really had.

  • That's how our so-called fractional reserve system was born.

  • In this system the bankers get to make money out of nothing,

  • while the rest of us have to work hard to earn it.

  • It has created a modern form of serfdom,

  • where the mass of society is now working, to pay off their debt to the banks

  • "It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand

  • our banking and monetary system,

  • for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution

  • before tomorrow morning. Henry Ford, 1922"

  • Under this fractional reserve scheme

  • we inevitably become debt slaves

  • to a ruling class of financial elite.

  • Not because they are better or smarter than anyone else,

  • but because they have rigged the system

  • to benefit themselves at the expense of most people on the planet.

  • Catherine Austin Fitts is an expert on this issue.

  • He was assistant secretary of housing and urban development

  • under president George Bush senior

  • and then an adviser to the Clinton administration.

  • Lets set up a game of Monopoly and you want to buy a part place,

  • What I can continually do is just print money, give myself more money,

  • lower the value of your money by printing more.

  • No mather how hard working you are

  • or how successful you are

  • I can always end up buying you for free.

  • So how come if you or I make money, it's called counterfeiting

  • but if the banks do it, it's increasing the money supply?

  • How did the banks get this power?

  • This is Jekyll Island,

  • where in 1910, representatives from the Rockefeller family, Rothschilds,

  • Morgans and other private bankers

  • gathered secretly,

  • to draft the legislation, that would create the Federal Reserve.

  • Ed Griffin literally wrote the book on what happened on Jekyll Island.

  • Central banks are banking cartels,

  • which have gone into partnership with the respected governments,

  • on the countries where they operate

  • and they've been given monopolistic power over the creation of the nations money supply.

  • That what the politicians handed to them as a gift, you might say, for the partnership

  • Now, in return, what do the bankers do for the politicians?

  • I promise to create money out of nothing, now that they got this legal power to do it,

  • anytime the government needs it.

  • And since 2008,

  • we witnessed the greatest fake money printing run in recorded history.

  • This financial sleight of hand disguises the cost,

  • hides who's to blame

  • and leaves us as debt slaves working to pay off the bill.

  • I find it revealing, that in the same year the Federal Reserve was founded, 1913

  • the internal revenue service was also established.

  • An income tax was then instigated,

  • so you and I would have to pay the politicians debt, plus interest,

  • to the bankers.

  • The problem is we have a privately owned central bank system, in U.S.

  • disguised as a government-owned system.

  • If you look in the phone book here in the Washington DC area,

  • you look up for Federal Reserve and the blue government pages, it's not there.

  • It's in the white pages, right next to Federal Express.

  • It's a privately owned central bank.

  • What is the proper relationship ...

  • What should be the proper relationship between the Chairman of the Fed

  • and a president of U.S.?

  • - Well, first of all, the Federal Reserve is an independent agency.

  • And that means basically, that ...

  • there is no other agency of government, which can overrule actions that we take.

  • ... There is no other agency of government, which can overrule actions that we take.

  • We have a private bank, that prints money on behalf of the Treasury.

  • The Federal Reserve prints money on a debt based system,

  • which creates scarcity,

  • but it puts a group of insiders in a position,

  • of having access to all the data about economy, when we don't.

  • So you have a small group of bankers, who understand the idea of how money works in economy

  • and gives them the ability to print money

  • in a way that the insiders are protected

  • and everybody else is drained.

  • Catherine went on to compare a healthy economy to a vibrant torus,

  • balanced, freely flowing and energized throughout,

  • in contrast to what's happening in our current economy.

  • What we have is a system that's very dynamic

  • and it's trying to optimize.

  • But intertwined in the core of it, we have a tapeworm.

  • The way a tapeworm works in your body

  • is to inject the chemical into your body,

  • that makes you crave what's good for the tapeworm and bad for you.

  • We have a parasite, that's very much manipulating and engorging itself

  • at the expense of the whole.

  • We live in a tapeworm economy,

  • where the financial elite are the tapeworm,

  • and they're feeding on us

  • and don't like it, when people blow their cover.

  • After Catherine began exposing government corruption at the highest levels,

  • the FBI raided her company and ceased its assets.

  • She was dragged through the courts for ten years,

  • before being found innocent.

  • So we got the Federal Reserve,

  • a privately owned corporation with a monopoly on creating money,

  • but with no countability,

  • backed up by a government with a monopoly on force.

  • The country got sold on the Fed

  • as an institution that would help stabilize the economy

  • and remain independent of politics.

  • But in fact, in close to a century of existence,

  • The Federal Reserve has done just the opposite.

  • Since they took charge, we've been robbed through inflation

  • and the purchasing power of the dollar has declined more than 96%.

  • And the wealth gap makes it clear,

  • most of the money is going to a very few.

  • Only 16 years after the Federal Reserve was in power,

  • America experienced the Great Depression.

  • My research revealed that before the great crash in 1929,

  • elite bankers pulled their money out of the stock market.

  • After the crash they used that money,

  • to buy up cheap stocks and smaller failing banks

  • for pennys on the dollar.

  • Among the bankers who consolidated their wealth this way, were

  • the Rothschilds, Rockefellers and Morgans.

  • A similar scenario played out in the 2008 financial collapse,

  • with the same bankers benefiting.

  • In the years leading up to the collapse,

  • the biggest banks, including Bank of America, City Group and Chase,

  • controlled by the Rothschilds, Rockefellers and Morgans,

  • were bundling and trading bad loans,

  • that they knew would eventually fail

  • It's like putting rotten oranges in a box

  • and selling them as grade AAA.

  • The bundlers of the dept knew it was only a matter of time,

  • before someone would open that box

  • and see that the content was worthless,

  • They were the ones, who packed the boxes in the first place

  • When the rotten oranges, what we hear about is

  • unsound loans, derivatives and credit default swaps

  • were finally discovered, everyone was impacted.

  • People lost their homes, their jobs, their businesses and their retirements.

  • Meanwhile, the biggest banks, who created the problem in the firstplace,

  • were the ones who got bailed out.

  • Why is that?

  • Why would the Federal Reserve give trillions to the banks,

  • even though the majority of Americans were against bailing them out?

  • And why not help those most in need,

  • rather than the perpetrators of financial collapse?

  • My research led me to believe that the same people who created the Federal Reserve

  • the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers and the Morgans,

  • still control it and use this scheme,

  • to bail themself out at our expence

  • "[The banks] are still the most powerful lobby on Capital Hill

  • and they, frankly, own the place. "

  • I'm convinced that the near collapse of the economy in 2008,

  • resulted from an orchestrated "pump and dump" scheme,

  • designed and executed by the big bankers,

  • to consolidate wealth and power.

  • David Icke explains how he sees the Federal Reserve

  • rigging the so-called "business cycles".

  • Stage One is like throwing a fishing line out

  • Stage One ...

  • you put lots of money - units of exchange - into circulation.

  • You do this by pushing interest rates down

  • by making lots of loans.

  • This is the part of a cycle, we call a boom.

  • Because there's lots of units of exchange in circulation

  • there's lots of money changing hands.

  • That generates lots of economic activity, that generates jobs

  • and as more and more money is spent, there's more demand.

  • So companies take out more loans, and fresh air money

  • to increase their production.

  • People get confident in their everyday lives:

  • "Hey, you know, I work for this company, they got lots of orders,

  • it's really going great, my job is safe

  • I tell you what, we can have a bigger house."

  • Then they start to change it!

  • What they do is they pull the fishing line in.

  • They push interest rates up!

  • Now fewer people are taking out loans

  • and they make the criteria for having a loan from the bank stronger anyway

  • And also, now, as interest rates have gone up,

  • a larger part of people's income is going to bay back the extra interest

  • and not being circulated in buying things.

  • Suddenly ...

  • there's nothing like as much money in circulation

  • and therefore, fewer things are being bought.

  • Companies start to go down in terms of their profits,

  • they start to shed jobs

  • and they start to go out of business.

  • People lose their jobs, they can't pay the mortgage anymore,

  • of the big house they took out in the good times.

  • Now, what the banks are doing, is starting to roll the fishing line in,

  • because, as they go bankrupt, companies and individuals

  • banks get the real wealth,

  • the property, the land, the resources, they signed the loan,

  • for lending nearly figures on a screen.

  • Now this economic cycle of fishing line out, fishing line back,

  • lots of units in circulation - pull them in,

  • has been going on for centuries.

  • And what it's done ...

  • it's stolen and accumulated the real wealth of the world

  • in the hands of the few.

  • "Give me control over a nation's currency and I care not who makes it's laws"

  • At the international level, central bankers use the World Bank

  • and International Monetary Fund,

  • to make more money, while exploiting the resources of countries they lend to,

  • bankrupting them in the process.

  • The central bank of central banks

  • is the Rothschild created Bank for International Settlements.

  • The elite are positioning themselves

  • to control access to virtually everything we need to survive.

  • Nomather were you go in the world,

  • the money is controlled by the banking system.

  • They decide if people eat or if they don't eat,

  • who's a billionaire and who lives on less than a dollar a day.

  • He who controls the money, controls the world

  • and very few control the money.

  • At this point, my view of the world had been turned upside down.

  • I was struggling with the realisation that the failure and suffering of so many

  • is actually a success and fulfillment for a few,

  • the elite central bankers, who fooled the world into letting them create money.

  • They already have vast fortunes.

  • So what is their endgame?

  • What is their ultimate agenda?

  • <b>Uncovering The Global Domination Agenda</b>

  • "When an honest man discovers he is mistaken,

  • he will either cease being mistaken,

  • or cease being honest. "

  • I kept running across compelling evidence and credible experts,

  • saying that the secret agenda of the banking elite

  • is nothing less than total global domination.

  • At first I resisted the idea,

  • but I was committed to finding out, what was keeping us from thriving,

  • nomather where it might lead

  • One night I woke up at 3 am, with a burning question:

  • If this small group wanted to dominate the entire world,

  • What would they need to control, to accomplish it?

  • I jumped out of bed and started making a list.

  • First and foremost they had to control money.

  • And they do!

  • Controlling money allows them to run anything else.

  • They need to control energy.

  • And they do!

  • They already control big agriculture and world trade

  • they're buying up water supplies worldwide.

  • They've got health in their pocket

  • and they are trying to suppress natural alternatives.

  • Mainly, they have to control what information we get

  • and how we react to.

  • In America, the Internet, our greatest tool for communication and grassroots organizing

  • is currently not controlled or censored,

  • but its open status is being attacked from all sides.

  • Governments, corporations and the UN are all attempting to take control,

  • for complete domination dissent has to be controlled.

  • They need to take away our rights,

  • spy on ordinary citizens

  • and track every aspect of our lives.

  • As the day dawned,

  • I knew that a powerful elite had almoust everything set up to rule the world

  • and I had a frighting realization, that Big Brother is not just coming,

  • he's here now!

  • We're already in the matrix,

  • So how do we get out?

  • To envision that, I realized I needed to discover

  • what their ruling structure looks like and how it works.

  • A relatively small group of families,

  • especially the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Morgans and Carnegies,

  • along with the Harrimans, Schiffs and the Warburgs,

  • have been leading the controlling elite in the west for generations.

  • I'm not implying that every individual in these families

  • is aware or active in the global domination agenda.

  • However, I am convinced that the heads of these dynasties

  • control the corporate and banking interests

  • to carry out the sinister scheme that's destroying so many lives.

  • Those secretly driving the agenda have been known by many names.

  • Late reports confirm that they meet throughout the world behind closed doors

  • to discuss their agenda.

  • Then like clockwork, their plans begin to show up in the media

  • finance, corporate, government and military arenas.

  • Of course not everyone involved in these groups is in on the decision making.

  • There is a hierarchy of knowledge and participation.

  • One of the primary symbols of the controlling elite is the all-seeing eye.

  • It's on the dollar bill,

  • it's on the American mass surveillance system,

  • initially called "Total Information Awareness"

  • it's on the British intelligence agency MI-5

  • and it even oversees the Supreme Court complex in Israel,

  • designed and funded entirely by the Rothschilds.

  • I believe they've taken the majestic image of the Cheops pyramid

  • and it's legendary metallic capstone

  • and perverted the meaning, to represent those at the top,

  • being able to track and control all those under them.

  • One of the painful ways this information has been used

  • is by people who want to promote anti-semitism.

  • They wrongly call this a "Jewish agenda"

  • and continue the ongoing racism,

  • that undermines and destroys so many lives.

  • Let me be clear: this is definitely not a Jewish agenda

  • It's been documented the central bankers even funded both sides of WW II

  • as well as some of the corporations associated with Hitler's atrocities against the Jews.

  • Since these people have more money

  • than their families would need for generations

  • and since they have the power to create money

  • I don't believe wealth is their endgoal.

  • After you have all the material things that you could possibly want in life,

  • what is left to excite you?

  • And for many people the answer is power!

  • Global power!

  • They became intellectually elite,

  • they began to think that they had a plan, that was better than anybody else's plan,

  • they got the idea, that freedom is dangerous.

  • If you give people freedom, you know what?

  • They propably not going to use it wisely like we think they should.

  • We are smarter than they are

  • and for their own good, we should rule them.

  • As I came to accept the idea of a ruling elite planning for total global domination,

  • I began to hear the same people,

  • actually talking more boldly and publicly about it,

  • only they call it the "new world order".

  • When we are successfull

  • and we will be

  • we have a real chance of this new world order.

  • It is a new world order

  • with significantly different and radically new challenges.

  • The new world order can be created - it's a great opportunity!

  • "There is urgent need for a true world political authority."

  • Given the condition of our world,

  • a new world order can sound like a great idea,

  • but I had to distinguish between what I was discovering about global domination,

  • a one world government run by an elite few

  • and the reality of our global interconnectedness,

  • which is the realization that at a fundamental and even spiritual level,

  • are not separate, we are all connected.

  • But the agenda for global domination is really the exact opposite.

  • It's a "divide and conquer" strategy

  • to keep us all betted against eachother

  • thinking that it's the democrats or republicans,

  • the liberals or conservatives, who are the problem,

  • when both parties are ultimately serving the same plan.

  • I belive we're heading toward a totalitarian world authority,

  • actually a military dictatorship run by a tiny elite,

  • who have all the power and make all the rules.

  • If they succeed, there will be nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.

  • Think about it!

  • The whole notion of conspiracy

  • has been so ridiculed,

  • that it's socially challenging just to consider it

  • and there's always a reasonable sounding story

  • to explain any one incident at a time.

  • I personally used to try to justify

  • how the same people consistently ended up with more money and more control,

  • by thinking: "They must just be taking advantage of the situation, but not actually causing it."

  • But after nearly a decade of putting the issues and the evidence together,

  • I am convinced, it is not random

  • and if few very powerful banking elite families

  • and their political and corporate partners

  • do have an agenda to dominate and control the rest of us.

  • Once I got the reality and the scope of the agenda,

  • I really had to think, how much do I want to know about this.

  • Do I want to focus on the worst of what human beings are capable of?

  • We decided it is worth knowing who these people are

  • and how their organizations operate,

  • because on the other side of the rage and the sadness

  • are clarity and strength,

  • the power we have to focus our efforts effectively,

  • now that we understand what's really going on.

  • The greatest prison, where people live in,

  • is the fear of what other people think.

  • What happened to me, as a result of the ridicule I went through,

  • is that I stepped out of the fear of what other people thought

  • and it's only when you do it,

  • that you realize, what a prison you lived in before.

  • And what it gave me was a personal understanding,

  • of how easy it is for a few to control the many.

  • All you have to do

  • is dictate the norms in society,

  • what is considered right and wrong, moral and immoral, good and bad,

  • sane and insane, possible and impossible

  • and

  • you build what I call a "a hustle-free zone"

  • and if you live your life within that zone of perception belief

  • and what you say and think,

  • then people will leave you alone because you are normal.

  • Once you step out of that place

  • and you start to express your uniqueness,

  • what the Illuminati have created,

  • is a whole human population of the prison wardens,

  • who are jumping on those, that are stepping out of the norm.

  • And it's interesting,

  • when you get to the edge of that hustle-free zone by what you say and think,

  • you're not thinking: "If I do, that about the head of the World Bank?".

  • No!

  • We say "What will mother think?"

  • or the guys down the bar or people at work, what would they say?.

  • And what the Illuminati have done, by creating the norms,

  • they have created an absolute army of people,

  • to impose those norms on eachother.

  • Their grand strategy for global dominance is already being implemented.

  • They're carving up the world into superstates,

  • that transcend national boundaries,

  • so that we are easier for them to manage.

  • They have already established the European Union and the African Union.

  • Politicians from the U.S., Canada and Mexico,

  • under the title of the Security and Prosperity Partnership,

  • have been working on the northern part,

  • of what could arguably be called plans for an American Union.

  • This has been going on for years,

  • without citizen or congressional consent.

  • A Pacific Union is already in process.

  • This is the organizational chart for global tyranny,

  • the structure for complete control.

  • Here are two of the most powerful men in Europe,

  • talking about moving to a single world government.

  • It is extremely important ...

  • that we, in this new ownership of global governments,

  • had particulary on both sides of the Atlantic,

  • the implementation of the same rules, in the same fashion.

  • 2009 is also the first year of global governance,

  • with the establishment of G20 in the middle of the financial crisis.

  • On the international level,

  • the central banking elite have put up huge organizations in place,

  • to implement their policies,

  • including the World Trade Organization,

  • the World Health Organization,

  • the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.

  • John Perkins is a man who knows from decades of his own experience,

  • as a so-called "economic hitman",

  • how the collusion of banks, corporations and governments

  • has taken over countries around the world.

  • We used many techniques, but propably the most common

  • is that we go to a country that has resources that are corporations covered,

  • like oil

  • and will arrange a huge loan to that country,

  • from a organization like the World Bank or one of his sisters.

  • But almost all of the money goes to U.S. corporations,

  • not to the country itself,

  • corporations like Bechtel and Halliburton,

  • General Motors, General Electric - These type of organizations.

  • And they build huge infrastructure projects in that country:

  • power plants, highways, ports, industrial parks,

  • things that serve the very rich and seldom even reach the poor.

  • In fact the poor suffer, because the loans have to be repaid

  • and they're huge loans and the repayment on the names of the poor will not get education,

  • health and other social services

  • and the country is left holding a huge debt by intention.

  • We go back to the economic hitmen of this country

  • and say:

  • "Look, you owe us a lot of money, you can't repay your debts,

  • so give us a pound of flesh. "

  • As soon as one of those anti-american presidents is elected,

  • one of us goes in and says: "Hey, congratulations Mr. president!

  • Now that you're president, I just want to tell you that I can make you very very rich

  • - You and your family - it's several hundred million dollars in this pocket,

  • if you play the game our way.

  • If you decide not to, in this pocket I have a gun with a bullet with your name on it,

  • in case you decide to keep your campaign promises and throw us out.

  • Sell our oil companies, your oil, real cheap

  • or vote with us at the next UN vote

  • or send troops and support of ours to some place in the world, such as Iraq. "

  • And in that way we managed to build a world empire,

  • with very few people actually knowing, that we've done this.

  • Like many people, I thought a conspiracy for global domination could not really work,

  • because basicly people are just not that competent.

  • I thought there'se no way, they could pull out such a scheme

  • at the necessary level of control and secrecy.

  • One false hopes is, this is all happening because government is incompetent

  • and it's a giant mistake and people really don't know.

  • And of course that's great air cover for the fact that this really does know, where it's going

  • and it's going where it wants to go and it's being successful at it.

  • - Still I wondered how could something that is so big and corrupt be kept secret?

  • - It's a simple structure and if it wasn't simple, it wouldn't work

  • And it can be likened to a compartmentalized pyramid.

  • If you look at any organization today,

  • Whether it is a transnational corporation, university, government, secret society,

  • they're all structures of pyramid.

  • And as the CIA and other intelligence agencies talk about.

  • They have this "need to know" system

  • Only let people know as much they need to make their contribution and no more.

  • So, you take a bank, an individual bank, not that there is such a thing.

  • At the bottom you got the people you see when you pass a check over the counter in the bank.

  • They don't know what the bank manager behind them knows and is discussing.

  • They only know, what they need to know, to do their job.

  • The bank manager in the office behind them,

  • he or she doesn't know, what's happening at the next level

  • and they don't know what's happening at the next level

  • and, eventually, you got a tiny few people at the peak of the pyramid of that banking structure,

  • are the only ones, that know, what the real agenda of the bank is

  • and what the direction is that they are going and why.

  • This kind of compartmentalisation

  • explains how the Manhattan Project,

  • which developed the atom bomb in WW II

  • was kept secret, despite having 130,000 people working on it.

  • When I first found out the scale and intentions of the agenda,

  • I felt like a had a flu for about two weeks.

  • But then it dawned on me!

  • Here is this well planned, well orchestrated attempt,

  • to squelch human potential

  • and still, our brilliance shines through.

  • Even though we've been systematically distracted and repressed

  • people have come up with innovative, ingenious solutions

  • to a huge number of problems, that we face.

  • It's not our fault, that we didn't recognized,

  • how organized and intentional this scheme is.

  • It's our challenge!

  • I looked at the kind of world, the controling elite have already given us

  • and I had to ask: "What kind of world would we be living in

  • if they had absolute and complete domination over everyone, everywhere? ".

  • In this new world order of theirs

  • a tiny number of people would exercise total control,

  • over the lives of everyone,

  • through a system on intrusive surveillance,

  • violent suppression of dissent and dept slavery.

  • Imagine tiny islands of opulence surrounded by a sea of misery,

  • where the mission of the military is to protect the have's,

  • from the have not's.

  • I've come to believe that their endgame is truly ominous

  • and that they will stop at nothing, to continue implementing their plan.

  • As difficult as it may be for Americans to accept,

  • I'm now convinced, the agenda of the global elite

  • includes destroying the financial strength and sovereignty of the U.S.

  • With its history of free speech and armed revolt,

  • America represents the major hurdle to global consolidation of power.

  • If they can suceed in bringing down this country,

  • I believe the international elite intend to transfer the power and productivity of Americans

  • to their one world dictatorship,

  • gradually taking over our lives,

  • by what David Icke calls "the totalitarian tiptoe".

  • Think about it!

  • They got us so deep in debt, we can never repay it,

  • they're collapsing the dollar

  • and they're intending to replace it with a global IMF currency.

  • This press for a global cashless electronic currency

  • would enable a central authority to financially disable any individual or group

  • in an instant.

  • Now, for the first time in history,

  • international taxes are being proposed

  • under the pretence of adressing climate change.

  • Like a Trojan horse

  • the suggested treaty unvealed, that the 2008 Copenhagen Climate Conference,

  • appeal to our concern for the environment,

  • while distracting us from the fact, that this unprecedented carbon tax

  • would be paid to the World Bank and enforced by global police.

  • There are ways to adress our obvious need to curtail pollution

  • without creating a tax base for tyranny.

  • You want to change society in a way that,

  • you know, that if you do it openly, you know, you're gona get adverse reaction

  • So you don't do it openly, you play problem-reaction-solution.

  • Stage 1:

  • you create a problem.

  • It could be a terrorist bomb, it could be a 9/11, it could be a run on a currency

  • it could be a stock market collapse, a government collapse.

  • You tell the people your version of:

  • a) Who did it!

  • and b) Why?

  • And at this point,

  • problem-reaction-solution would fall down,

  • if we had a media, that was in any way related to journalism.

  • Instead, the mainstream media is a public relations office,

  • for the official version of events.

  • Turnes out president George W. Bush was right,

  • about Saddam Hussein hiding weapons of mass destruction.

  • The virtually only way or source of information the public have about the event,

  • is from the mainstream media.

  • And they're looking at stage 2 of problem-reaction solution

  • is the reaction of outrage of key, key, key fear

  • and they want the public to say to the government:

  • "Something must be done ... this can't go on ... what are you going do about it?".

  • And this allows stage three,

  • which is those who created the problem,

  • clean that public reaction with a false story

  • to then openly offer the solution to the problems they have themselves created.

  • The idea of using tragedy

  • - manufactured or simply utilised -

  • was deeply significant in my finally understanding,

  • how far these people will go to achieve their goals.

  • It's a documented fact, that we entered the Vietnam war under false pretenses.

  • Former Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara

  • has acknowledged, that the attack on a ships in the Gulf Tonkin didn't actually take place.

  • Our judgement, that we have been attacked on that day, was wrong.

  • It did matter!

  • More recently, former President Bush

  • used nonexistent weapons of mass destruction,

  • as a pretext for invading Iraq.

  • Tactics like this are sometimes referred to as "false flag" operations.

  • An increasingly more people believe that 9/11 was a "false flag" operation

  • by the global elite,

  • in order to set the stage for taking over Middle East oil

  • and dismantling U.S. constitutional protection.

  • Most of what's needed for a police state is actually already in place.

  • Right now in America

  • any of us can be imprisoned without a warning or due cause

  • and we can be kidnapped, tortured and assassinated legally

  • if the government decides, what we're doing is a threat to their plan.

  • All they have to do, is name us as a suspect

  • in their so-called war on terror.

  • We're being watched more and more.

  • In 2010 there were 30 million surveillance cameras recording us in the U.S. alone.

  • When we demonstrate, we're now relegated to what's euphemistically called "free speech zones".

  • Zones for free speech?

  • Every phone call and e-mail we send

  • is collected and archived and can be inspected at any time.

  • our Drivers licenses and passports have computer chips implanted in them,

  • to track our every move.

  • And now, hospital patients are getting these same chips

  • implanted under their skin.

  • In fact, it was Procter & Gamble who developed these chips,

  • initially for tracking their products.

  • It's always offerd as a way to help,

  • But even an Assistant Director of CIA

  • has admitted it's an entry point to getting all of us chipped,

  • for better tracking and control.

  • These would be controllers

  • through the U.S. Space Command have outlined a plan

  • called "full spectrum dominance."

  • Sophisticated satellite surveillance

  • as well as directed energy and laser weapons, which are already developed,

  • have the ability to target dissenters anywhere on Earth.

  • I believe they are also trying to insure they can deal effectively with any resistance.

  • FEMA containment camps

  • and railroad cars with shackles

  • have been recently constructed or refurbished all over the U.S.,

  • for use in what officials call:

  • "Times of pandemic or civil unrest."

  • "Social experiment in China under Chairman Mao's leadership,

  • is one of the most important and successful in human history. "

  • David Rockefeller, 1973

  • That "social experiment" killed more than 70 million Chinese people during "peacetime".

  • There's one more brutal realisation about the global domination agenda,

  • that I need to share.

  • This was a horrible one for me to grasp,

  • but, without it, this investigation would be dangerously incomplete

  • and our solutions strategies would be inadequately enformed.

  • In my research I came across convincing evidence,

  • that their plan actually includes the elimination of the majority of the worlds population.

  • As sick as it sounds, it makes sense,

  • that they would be better positioned to succeed,

  • in their quest for absolute control,

  • if there are fewer of us to manage.

  • Every time I thought, "They wouldn't do that"

  • I discovered I was wrong.

  • I found startling documentation,

  • that eugenics is one of the core pillars of their plan.

  • Eugenics is the practice were some people get to decide, who's worthy to breed

  • and who's not

  • Sterilization is one of the many insidious ways,

  • this covert plan is being implemented.

  • In 1904, the Carnegies funded the first eugenics laboratory

  • in Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island.

  • The Rockefellers funded involuntary sterilization of people of color,

  • through their eugenics programs

  • and funded the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in Germany,

  • to further the racial supremacy agenda,

  • later adopted by Hitler.

  • In 2007, the U.S. Department of Agriculture and Homeland Security

  • funded a proposed project -

  • the aerial spray over 7 million people,

  • in urban areas of northern California.

  • After citizens organized against the plan,

  • officials were forced to reveal, that the spray included multiple toxins,

  • that can cause disease and disrupt the reproductive cycle.

  • Fortunately, civil resistance stopped the project.

  • The U.S. government has been caught over 30 times,

  • covertly experimenting with toxic chemicals on its own citizens.

  • From soldiers, prisoners and the Native American reservations,

  • to entire towns and counties.

  • Mass covert sterilization of women and girls,

  • usually using secret additives to vaccines,

  • has been exposed in Brazil

  • Puerto Rico,

  • Nicaragua,

  • Mexico and the Philippines.

  • Thise have been under the auspices of such programs as:

  • John D. Rockefeller's Population Council,

  • The U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare

  • when Nelson Rockefeller was under secretary,

  • and the Rockefeller founded World Health Organization.

  • Novartis and Syngenta,

  • in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture

  • and the Department of Defense,

  • have field tested a spermicidal strain of GMO corn,

  • that would render male consumers infertile.

  • This was quietly announced as a

  • "... contribution to the world overpopulation problem."

  • The list goes on and on.

  • Right now, global human fertility is plunging.

  • I'm convinced that this is no accident.

  • For me,

  • being willing to consider and research a direct depopulation agenda,

  • was critical to my getting a whole picture

  • and to generating responses, that could be sufficient to the task we face.

  • I know this might sound crazy,

  • but imagine that it's 1932 and we're in Germany.

  • If I told you, that in the next decade, millions of people would be exterminated,

  • you would say "impossible, no one would do such a thing".

  • This is what depopulation looks like today.

  • I'm convinced that I'm not overstating the case.

  • Could I be wrong?

  • Perhaps.

  • But what if I'm not?

  • We are at a critical fork in the road of human evolution.

  • One road is leading toward tyranny and possible self destruction.

  • The other would lead us to a peaceful, healthy civilization,

  • based on honouring the rights and freedom

  • of every single person on the planet.

  • To set off in this new direction,

  • it's up to you and me to clear that road.

  • The time has come to say: "Enough."

  • "There is another way!"

  • I belive, that together we have the knowledge, the resources and the solutions,

  • to meet that challenge.

  • <b>Creating Solutions</b>

  • I see this process as nothing less, than a struggle for the soul of humanity.

  • It begins with a shift in worldview,

  • answering the question: "Who are we really?".

  • What is human nature?

  • Are we humans what the elite would have us believe,

  • stupid greedy creatures,

  • who, if left of our own devices, would evolve into violence and chaos?

  • And so, for our own good, must be ruled over by a self appointed elite?

  • Or are we naturally caring and creative?

  • I belive, when people are healthy and have what we need to survive,

  • we can create a world based on integrity, ...

  • freedom,

  • and compassion,

  • a world where everyone can thrive.

  • Which of these two views will shape our future?

  • That's our choice, now!

  • The agenda of the ruling elite is the product of a destructive worldview,

  • based on their beliefs, that there's not enough to go around,

  • that some people are more deserving than others

  • and that their safety depends on maintaining absolute control over the rest of us.

  • In short, their worldview is based on scarcity and fear.

  • But as powerful as they are,

  • the architects of the new world order can not create their threatful vision,

  • without our collusion.

  • To stop them, to render their agenda obsolete,

  • We have to wake up, we have to take action.

  • It is like the last effort,

  • of a particular fase of civilization,

  • it's its last gasp really.

  • And now we often use the metaphor of the caterpillar becoming the butterfly.

  • Because the caterpillar crunches its way through the ecosystem,

  • it's very destructive, it eats 300 times of its weight in a day

  • until it's so bloated that it hangs itself up and goes asleep

  • and its skin turns into a hardened chrysalis.

  • Then in its body you get these imaginal cells

  • - Biologists actually call them that -

  • forming within the caterpillars body.

  • The caterpillar's body then actually becomes a nutritive soup for those cells.

  • But what's important about that metaphor

  • is that the old and the new coexist for a while.

  • And it's the job of the caterpillar to preserve its life

  • It's a desperate government, that we have now

  • trying to control oil in the Middle-East

  • and one in now to promote nuclear energy and all these things,

  • they know better,

  • but they have to play out the role of predicting themselves - it's their job.

  • And if you love butterflies, you don't go around steping on caterpillars.

  • So we can't hate them, it doesn't do any good.

  • But if you want alternative energy,

  • you don't ask an oil economy administration to produce it for you.

  • We have to produce it, we imagine our cells

  • have to show, that it's cheaper, more efficient and more effective.

  • Our job is to build the new world.

  • If we had the vision and a worldview

  • that says "our crisis is a birth" and everybody is needed,

  • and everybody will have more of what they really want,

  • You could turn this desperate world into

  • a renaissance of human creativity and love.

  • It may seem that the controlling elite has all the cards,

  • but we have many advantages of our own.

  • First lets talk numbers

  • Very few people consciously perpetrating the domination agenda.

  • Most of those helping to implement the plan

  • don't understand the whole picture, of what they're part of.

  • By my calculations, we outnumber the actual architects of the plan,

  • by more than a million to 1, in the U.S. alone.

  • Entrepreneur and environmentalist Paul Hawken,

  • estimates that there are now well over one million organizations in the world,

  • that work toward social and environmental justice

  • comprising the largest social movement in the history of humankind.

  • This movement, when connected electronically

  • could become the network of networks,

  • that will be the most powerful activist force for change, ever.

  • If you look at the people, who are involved with restoring this Earth

  • and stopping the damage

  • and resisting the depredation

  • and nurturing change,

  • in reimagining, what it means to be a human being

  • and if you're not optimistic, then you might want to get your heart checked, you know

  • because there is an extraordinary, beautiful, gorgeus, fierce group of people in this world,

  • who are taking this on.

  • The second important advantage for us

  • is that all the power centers, that the elite controls

  • require our participation.

  • If enough of us have withdraw our support,

  • their plan can't work.

  • This is true of the central banks,

  • the military,

  • the corporate media,

  • the government and more.

  • And following the models of Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr.

  • we have the power of nonviolent nonparticipation.

  • It takes tremendous energy, resources and deception,

  • to try to dominate the lives of others.

  • In moving toward freedom, on the other hand,

  • we have on our side the evolutionary life force

  • and what Gandhi called "Satyagraha"

  • the simple power of truth.

  • In India we have thousands of villages, which are now freedom zones.

  • So we will not accept patenty,

  • we will not cooperate with it,

  • just like Gandhi did not cooperate with authorities.

  • We will not allow chemicals and genetically engineered crops

  • to enter our ecosystems,

  • because they threaten biodiversity.

  • And this freedom movement,

  • which is a freedom movement for all species,

  • not just for individual humans,

  • is something that's going so fast

  • and is reflected in the movement for GMO-free zones in Europe.

  • I turn my back

  • and there's another thousand GMO-free zones:

  • 90% of Italy, 90% of Austria.

  • The freedom zones, around the seed, around the food,

  • are creating massive shifts.

  • In Bolivia, a grassroots movement took to the streets,

  • relentlessly banging pots and pans

  • and eventually stopped the foreign corporate takeover

  • of their water resources.

  • Although very little is shown in the corporate media,

  • there are countless success stories going on every day, all over the world.

  • The population of Hawaii approved the resolution against forced vaccination

  • A man invented a machine that converts plastic into oil

  • Harvard medical students rebel against relationship with Big Pharma

  • A small farmer wins a moral battle over Monsanto

  • EU foiled in bid to force France and Greece to allow GM crops

  • Bayer ordered to pay $ 136.8 million in U.S. rice case

  • Going organic: more farmers switching from conventional dairy methods

  • I wasn't willing to make this film,

  • until I knew, there were responses, that are a mach for the crisis.

  • And now the power of the Internet

  • enables us to share the breadth and the depth of this research.

  • We've spent years creating a vast website,


  • that brings it all together

  • and makes the information and what we can do about it, acessible to everyone

  • Here you have your very own navigator module

  • to go deeper in to the main subjects covered in this film:

  • code, problem and solution.

  • You can study strategies and tactics

  • and connect with others, to take high level actions.

  • Every fact stated in this film has been independently verified

  • and the reference is on our website.

  • This sector navigator facilitates whole-system-thinking,

  • that recognizes, that actions in one area impact all the others.

  • The center of the sector navigator is worldview,

  • because it determines how we experience everything that happens

  • within and around us.

  • In every sector you'll find critical issues,

  • resources, group strategies and individual actions,

  • to peacefully an productively affect real change

  • Our resource tree will link you to the people,

  • organizations

  • and media

  • that we most recommend to help you get more fully educated and engaged.

  • I was encouraged to find, that there are a minimum number of actions,

  • which working together, can tip the scales, if not endless.

  • Once we see the big picture,

  • we look at what each of us can do, to help accomplish it.

  • Let's take a look at the strategic antidotes to their economic domination.

  • We need to: stop any more bailouts of banks or corporations,

  • dismantle the Federal Reserve,

  • withdraw taxpayer support from central banking agencies,

  • such as the IMF and World Bank

  • allow development of alternative currencies and independent banks

  • and refuse international taxes.

  • My main emphasis is on solutions in the U.S., because that's what I know best,

  • But just as the predicament is global,

  • so are the principles on which the solution strategies are based.

  • Here is some tactical actions, that we can take as individuals,

  • that don't take much time or money, to make a real difference right now.

  • What can I do?

  • Get informed, speak up and connect with others!

  • Bank locally!

  • When we move our money out of the big centralised banks,

  • and it's in locally owned banks and credit unions,

  • we defund the problem and fund the solutions, all in one move.

  • Buy and invest responsibly!

  • Every dollar you spend sends a message.

  • Join the movement to audit and end the Federal Reserve!

  • It's robbing us!

  • Join the coalition to keep the Internet fair and open!

  • Don't let anybody take control over!

  • Support independent media!

  • Get your information from diverse sources

  • and think about, who's funding the news you get!

  • Support organic non-GMO farming!

  • Join movement to bring about honest elections,

  • including traceable paper ballot

  • and campaign finance reform.

  • Congress can only be accountable to us,

  • when corporations stop funding them.

  • Advocate for renewable and new energy technology!

  • Bring the conversation about free energy out into the open!

  • It will transform the power dynamic on this planet

  • faster than anything in recorded history.

  • Sign up for critical mass action!

  • It's a strategy to leverage our power

  • by waiting until a huge number of us agrees to participate,

  • before taking an action.

  • Imagine a million of us acting in unison!

  • Then again, imagine even more!

  • I've been inspired by how many grounded solutions

  • and real life problem solvers there actually are.

  • Aqeela Sherills is one person whose work has specially touched me.

  • He helped broker a gang truce between the Crips and Bloods.

  • One of the things that we discovered in the process of waging peace in the neighborhood,

  • was that conflict is healthy.

  • It's unresolved conflict, that actually leads to violence.

  • When we first launched a peace treaty,

  • we had a lot of success in the first year.

  • Gang homicides dropped 44% in the neighborhood based upon our actions.

  • Aqeela describes what happened,

  • when two rival gang leaders finally met after the truce.

  • The brother came and told me, "I know you got some hard feelings for me

  • maybe I got some hard feelings for you,

  • but because of this truce,

  • I'm willing to put all of that to aside. "

  • And he stuck out his hand

  • he hugged him and he said he closed his eyes,

  • because he was prearing for a sharp knife to enter his back.

  • He was waiting for a bullet,

  • to be shot in his stomach.

  • But after a few moments

  • he realized that ...

  • it was genuine.

  • I belive that having a clear picture of our potential,

  • is as important as uncovering, what stands in its way.

  • So I want to take you to a possible world of the future.

  • It's a world the elite would have you believe is an impossible pipedream,

  • but I'm convinced it's a world that is utterly within our grasp.

  • We can create a world where people can thrive

  • where we can feel safe and secure.

  • The air, water and food are clean.

  • A world were communities are capable producing their own energy and food

  • and trade is open and fair.

  • Rather than focusing on punishment,

  • instead justice restores lives and losses.

  • Insurance pays doctors to keep people healthy.

  • Education is voluntary,

  • serving the needs of individuals instead of corporations.

  • We get honest feedback from independent media.

  • There are no subsidies and no bailouts.

  • Imagine that with an honest money system, little or no taxes

  • and low electric or fuel bills,

  • you would have the money to pay off your home and car

  • and be free to save and invest.

  • You would enjoy more wealth, freedom and security.

  • All while working the same or propably less.

  • Let's say I started a mutual fund for my neighborhood

  • and all the neighbors had stock.

  • And, so they heal the environment and their stock went up in value.

  • So instead of getting drained financially, they're making money.

  • They're making money from things that make their kids safer

  • and prevent the planet from dying.

  • So you kind of have one's cake and eat it too.

  • Instead of working all week to make money

  • and then coming home and trying to save the planet on the weekends,

  • you can spend Monday to Friday making money saving the planet

  • and then go to the beach.

  • This vision of a thriving world,

  • is based on what could be called the liberty perspective.

  • There's a simple principle that underlies this approach:

  • of non-violation.

  • Nobody gets to violate you or your property

  • and you don't get to violate anyone else,

  • exept in genuine self defense.

  • This is the one rule I found, that every single person agrees with,

  • at least for themselves.

  • I believe that non-violation is the true north of humanity's moral compass

  • and our core navigating insight.

  • This insight can guide us and protect each and every individual

  • as we set up voluntary self-sustaining systems.

  • It is a way of living that I can stand for wholeheartedly and without reservation.

  • I've been profoundly influenced by the work of Austrian economist Ludwig von Mises,

  • who developed a whole philosophy and an economic system,

  • based on the core ethic of non-aggression.

  • Motivated by having witnessed the ravages of communism and fascism in Europe,

  • he commited his life to finding a just way.

  • He recognised, that those systems

  • as well as socialism and even democracy,

  • wrongly assume, the rights of the collective, or the group

  • to be more important, than those of the individual.

  • I had always gone along with the view, that more people will thrive,

  • if we consider the group's needs above the individuals,

  • but when I took a closer look,

  • I found that doesn't really work that way.

  • In the name of what's best for the group,

  • governments have been responsible for most of the war,

  • death and destruction on the planet.

  • More than 200 million individuals were killed in the twentieth century alone.

  • So how would applying the principle of non-violation change this dynamic?

  • It would take us from incremental change of a fundamentally flawed system,

  • to a complete transformation,

  • where not just some, or even the majority,

  • but everyone could truly have the opportunity to thrive.

  • In order to impliment the principle of non-violation,

  • it makes sense to me to honestly re-examine our past,

  • because it doesn't work to try to build a healthy living system

  • on top of an unhealthy one.

  • We have to go back to the most fundamental acts of injustice,

  • upon which the country was founded.

  • In the seizure of the lands of the people

  • and the slaughter of their women and children,

  • and the rendering destitute most of the remnants of these people,

  • is such an ingrievous wrong,

  • that we believe, that we have to deal with that,

  • to come to grips with that, in a fundamental way,

  • understanding that they are not wrongs, that were done and completed,

  • a 150 years ago.

  • They're wrongs, that are continued every single day.

  • So you have through the history of North America and the U.S.

  • over 500 treaties signed

  • with indigenous nations,

  • were every single one of them now has been violated.

  • In fact, tremendous amount of wealth

  • have been generated from indigenous people's lands and resources

  • and billions of dollars every year is still being generated by corporations in European nations,

  • based on the continous exploitation of indigenous people's lands and resources.

  • If we didn't have large corporations and Western governments

  • defining how you and I were to relate to each other,

  • living here in North America now together,

  • how would we relate to one another, how would we make it different.

  • It's going to take time and courageous effort,

  • to shift the consciousness and accomplish the tasks,

  • that will move us toward the world, I'm talking about.

  • And yet I know of no greater gift, that we could give to future generations.

  • We can't do everything at once.

  • I envisioned three overlapping stages of the solutions process.

  • In stage one we bring as much integrity as possible to our current systems.

  • If we cut the U.S. military budget in half,

  • it would still roughly equal to defense spending of the entire rest of the world.

  • Between that and getting rid of the Federal Reserve

  • over a trillion dollars a year would be freed

  • enough to feed everyone on our planet,

  • deal with social issues and heal our environment.

  • Many people believe that widespread starvation and poverty are inevitable

  • but compared to war, eliminating poverty and restoring the environment are cheap.

  • According to Lester Brown's "Earth Policy Institute"

  • it would take under $ 200 billion dollars a year to restore the earth's environment

  • and meet global social goals.

  • But this stage isn't the endgoal of the liberty perspective.

  • While stage one has lot of the compassion,

  • typically associated with liberal-democratic agenda,

  • stage two reflects much of the wisdom

  • of the traditional conservative worldview.

  • In stage two we shrink government's role,

  • to protect the individual liberty

  • and storing things we share in common,

  • like ecosystems and the airwaves we use to communicate.

  • As the system gains integrity

  • and will move to sound currency,

  • people will have enough money to have more control over everything that affects them.

  • Stage three grows out of the increasing freedom,

  • that people gain in stages one and two,

  • as they have more money and more time.

  • There is no involuntary tax and therefore no involuntary governments.

  • There is no monopoly on force.

  • There are rules, but no rulers.

  • Rigorously protecting individual rights

  • turnes out to be key for honouring our interdependence.

  • We can be distinct, and unified, at the same time.

  • As utopian as this can sound at first

  • I'we been thrilled to see how much practical thinking has been done

  • to deal with tough issues like health care,

  • crime and education.

  • These three stages validate the best of both the liberal and conservative perspectives

  • that have divided us for so long

  • and then reconcile them at a new level,

  • around non-violation

  • a core ethic we all share.

  • Stage three honours human incentive

  • and finally includes the rights of not just many,

  • not just most, but everyone.

  • The torus provides a template for a society based on integrity and wholeness.

  • It conserves, what's working.

  • It has built in feedback, so it can self-correct and innovate

  • to maintain balance.

  • We can apply these and other features of the torus dynamic

  • to our human social systems.

  • I truely believe that aligning conciously with a fundamental life energy pattern,

  • at every level:

  • physical,

  • emotional,

  • mental,

  • interpersonal and environmental

  • it's ultimately the art, science and the celebration of love.

  • That's what we're here to learn!

  • The fundamental insight of our interconnectedness

  • changed the way I approach everything.

  • In my own life I found a practical expression of this philosophy,

  • in the modern non-violent martial art of Aikido.

  • It offers powerful guidance

  • on how to respond effectively and non-aggressively to the global domination agenda.

  • Morihei Ueshiba, its founder,

  • talked that to practice Aikido, one must mimic the movement of atoms and galaxies.

  • As free energy technology blends with the toroidal pattern,

  • to access unlimited power,

  • Aikido, the way of harmony

  • blends with the energy of an attacker ...

  • redirecting it ...

  • to peaceful resolution.

  • Aikido is not a technique to fight and defeat an enemy.

  • It is a way to reconcile the world and make human beings one family.

  • Gandhi and King applied these principles of non-aggressive power,

  • at the economic and social levels.

  • If we respond with violence to the domination agenda,

  • other than in self-defense,

  • it would only continue the old "us versus them" paradigm

  • and provide an excuse for even more police state measures.

  • I believe, that it's essential, both morally and strategically,

  • that we take the path of non-aggression.

  • There is another aspect of the torus,

  • that has profound implications for how we can respond to the challenges before us.

  • It is the absolute stillness, the zero point,

  • that lies at the center of each toroidal system.

  • I believe that you and I, as well as every other being,

  • are torus energy fields,

  • centered by stillness

  • and each connected to one another

  • into the boundless consciousness of a living universe.

  • As much as I benefit from the experience of others,

  • as highlighted here with the navigating insights

  • and as valuable as daily feedback is

  • about what's really going on in the world,

  • as we see with the vitals

  • I'we come to recognize that our primary compass

  • is our own inner guidance.

  • As we learn to quiet the noise

  • and amplify the inner signal

  • we can better hear the voice,

  • that naturally knows and offers wise direction.

  • We have an entire inner life,

  • a vibrant and lively inner life,

  • that is truely the navigator of the path, that we take on the outside.

  • If your inner life is the driver of how you show up in the world,

  • it makes sense, that if you want to have anything to do with where you're going,

  • that you have to be in relationship with that inner life, with that driver.

  • As we develop increased relationship to who's in the driver seat,

  • what happens is that here is a synergy, it's a symbiotic relationship,

  • that our inner lives are actually able to be more in tandem

  • of we're choosing to go

  • and we're able to get there.

  • We are not nearly as insignificant in our impact, as we think we are.

  • In order to heal the world, we have to start telling a different story to ourselves,

  • we have to start engaging a different story with others.

  • It's a collective story, that manifests as the world.

  • Humanity is now in a very interesting evolutionary phase,

  • in which we move from hostile, aggressive competition,

  • which is in the nature of young species,

  • into a more mature mode of cooperation, collaboration.

  • There is no question in this country,

  • that money, that capital, is being increasingly concentrated in the hands of a few

  • and those, who are so powerful, are concentrating it farther,

  • but there is a force, that's more powerful and that's the power of the people.

  • When we look at the crisis now,

  • it is so easy to fall out of love with life,

  • is so easy to become pessimistic and desperate.

  • But, from my perspective,

  • the crisis has matured to the point,

  • of being on the threshold of mass awakening.

  • And that feeling inside me

  • gives me the vitality, to know,

  • that no matter how small, what I'm doing, looks to me,

  • in the face of these huge problems,

  • that the impulse of evolution is not small.

  • And when it's in everybody, who's waking up, it's huge.

  • And as more and more of us are waking up,

  • linking up and daring to speak up,

  • the scheme for global domination is being exposed

  • and we're discovering solutions, that can create the world, we earn for and deserve.

  • Again and again, throughout history,

  • when people have recognized tyranny, rearing its cruel head,

  • they've come together and stood up for liberty.

  • I am confident humankind will look back at this period

  • and be proud, that when we saw, we acted.

  • Thank you for coming on this journey with us!

  • I'm convinced, we have what it takes to thrive.

  • Lets make it happen!

  • Transcribed by Activists of Free Humanity:

  • In honor of life's irrepressible urge to thrive

  • and in memory of those who have been persecuted or killed,

  • for their commitment to truth and justice,

  • we gratefully invoke their courage

  • as we come together to stand up for our lives.

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All facts in this movie have been independently confirmed.


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