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  • the quiet in the house this early in the morning is amazing hi guys welcome back

  • to my channel it's 8:50 a.m. and I got really inspired after reading a bunch of

  • your comments on YouTube to create this video this is a very you know non

  • scripted video talking about how I keep this beautiful crazy loud family of mine

  • in check together not falling apart I'm the glue you guys are following kind of

  • our journey our lives and I'm so happy to share it with you I never thought

  • that I'm gonna be in the business of sharing my business but I must say I

  • feel like I have this huge huge family you are like my relatives that just live

  • around the world and I just keep posting and updating my social media so you guys

  • can keep up with what's going on I created a video I think like two years

  • ago when I just started my channel about motherhood and me and balance and all

  • that jazz and I really wanted to make kind of an updated video about that

  • touching on some questions or comments that you guys ask and leave often it's

  • kind of a little s time to connect I'm gonna start with basically talking a

  • little bit about my you know evolution as a mother I gave birth to Jake when I

  • was 23 I had no frickin idea of what I was doing

  • 100% did I have any maternal instincts prior to that no I had an idea of the

  • mother that I wanted to be but I also had this really unicorn pink butterflies

  • idea of what motherhood is actually so I remember when I was pregnant with Jake I

  • would judge so many mothers around and I think that's something that a lot of

  • women and girls do I would look around and be like oh I would never do that I

  • will never say that my kid will never eat his boogers

  • um and then I had a baby and I think that karma has a wonderful way of

  • lessons that taught me a very very important lesson and that is to never

  • judge another mother and we all have our own little ways of dealing with this

  • crazy crazy journey of motherhood and when I had Jake I just really you know

  • went through this and I'm still going through it through this journey of

  • understanding who I am who is my child what is the best way to communicate with

  • each other we had kind of ups and downs and every kid is different I mean Jake

  • Ben and Max are all so different max so far is like I mean six weeks old

  • what can you expect from this perfect child whoo Jake it was very challenging

  • because I was a kid I had no idea what I was doing and he was you know a very

  • stubborn baby and we just kind of had to learn how to do it also growing into the

  • parents that we are min Gary and I it's Gary's fourth child - yes he's much

  • older than me is 18 years older than me but I'm his first wife although he

  • always tells people that he skipped his first wife and went to a second wife

  • which is cute it's funny I hope you get the joke it was a learning curve for

  • both of us to understand where we are as a couple in this Parenthood the world we

  • decided from the get-go to really make sure that with our kids we are a united

  • front we try to first of all not to disagree in front of the kids and always

  • back the other parent Jake or Ben will come and ask mom and then if I said no

  • to go and ask that and they don't never tell or mom said no so we really always

  • make sure that we know where we stand with our decisions so our kids know they

  • can't play us mom and Papa are the same and that's something that we kept

  • practicing obviously as time captain we had been with bed I was 24 does that

  • make sense Wow yeah I was 24 so Jake and Ben 17

  • months apart I would say that the hardest transition was moving from zero

  • kids to one kid because your whole world and everything you knew about yourself

  • and how you were doing things and your routine everything goes and then moving

  • from one to two was more manageable because you already got used to the

  • sleep depravation and just like the chaos and diapers as the

  • boys are growing I see more and more the areas where I want to focus on regarding

  • discipline I remember when I had been I started reading all these Parenthood

  • books because I wasn't doing it with Jake I was to like all over the place so

  • I started reading it would ban and every single book made me feel like a failure

  • and I remember after every book of what come and start crying to Gary and Gary's

  • like can you stop reading this there's no manual of how to raise children every

  • child is so so different at that point I started really trying to figure out how

  • I want to raise them how I want you know the discipline to be something that I

  • really liked about my childhood is that I had a lot of freedom to express myself

  • and I think that that was not a calculated move I think it was more of a

  • result where my mother didn't have time to be like a discipline you know maniac

  • she was working all the time she was a single mom so it was very much of a

  • you'll figure it out and I did so I kind of wanted to bring that aspect to the

  • way we discipline our kids because they have some traits and I'm sure you see in

  • the videos that are absolutely amazing for the future very challenging right

  • now but I don't want to break that so I think that for me I'm always gonna try

  • to notice those beautiful aspects of them if it's their stubbornness or you

  • know they won't like Ben or won't stop doing something until it's done right it

  • has to be perfect and I know that right now it can be really annoying and

  • everything so much time but in the future I think there will be such a

  • strong skill I want them to have a voice I want them to disagree if they feel

  • like they disagree I'm not a big believer of this like super strict

  • parenting just because I want them to grow into their own individual self for

  • me with the kids the most important part is for them to be kind for them to be

  • conscious of themselves and their environment for them to be hungry and

  • not necessarily like to make money or things like that I want them to be

  • passionate about something I think it's very

  • important in life to be an enthusiast I really want to kind of develop that

  • aspect of them we kind of really do what works for our family and I think that

  • sometimes and I post vlogs or videos people like to criticize certain things

  • are not even on my videos even other family videos the way your mother did it

  • would not work for you or for someone else I stopped making those comparisons

  • and I started understanding that okay for my goals and from my long-term this

  • is what's gonna work I'm all about working and having fun and spending time

  • with the kids but also not necessarily being there 24/7 I'm okay with that

  • because when there are teenagers I know that they'll need me then a lot more

  • that's when there's start experimenting and you know getting into different

  • groups of friends you know I'm gonna be the mother that will be sitting outside

  • of every house party doing little random pop-ups into their schools and just like

  • be really really annoying Jake Ben and Max when you're teens I'm

  • coming for you guys for the young girls that message me and tell me that I

  • aspire them to be a young mom please relax I think that for me it all really

  • worked out because I started my life as a grown-up much earlier I traveled the

  • world and I was by myself a lot which made me really honest with myself and

  • made me learn about my flaws and my my strengths and I think that prepared me

  • so well getting into this whole like grown up family kids stage of my life

  • that early on so I truly encourage you guys to figure out who you are what your

  • values are what you want from your life and find a person that will have the

  • same kind of values I didn't plan to marry someone that is much older than me

  • but you know life happens and I know that I wouldn't be able to go through

  • this journey with someone my age that's the journey that I chose for myself

  • so again there's really no right or wrong here I think one of the best

  • things about marrying older is that Gary comes with so much experience and wisdom

  • I think it really helps our relationship to grow and it really helps to maintain

  • the proper values and raise our kids properly so I'm really grateful for that

  • as the kids grow older my transformation as a mother I decided that I want to

  • lead by example I want to lead by showing the kids that I take care of

  • myself then I respect myself that I love myself I put time into myself so I share

  • everything with them I tell them that I go to the gym I tell them about things

  • that going on at work but like obviously the kids version you know I share a lot

  • of things with them and I love that they're interested in it you know when I

  • started doing YouTube seriously I started taking a lot of my time and I

  • started feeling really really bad about it

  • when Jake was stay-at-home mom I was doing you know I was with him all the

  • time with Ben I was going to school for nutrition but it was kind of part time

  • and I was doing modeling but you know it wasn't full-time either so I had a lot

  • of time to spend with him as well and right now I got to a point in my life

  • where I'm in the season of becoming and growing in the business aspect and I

  • decided that yes I have so much mom guilt but this can be a great example

  • for the kids to see you know how you create something how you build something

  • and be proud of it I stopped giving myself that guilt and we kind of looked

  • at what's going on in their lives that's where we decided to start hiring help

  • we always had a nanny because Gary and I decided from the get-go that we want to

  • make sure we have time for each other to keep enjoying life together and you also

  • have to remember that Gary is not a 30 a 30 year old dad he's a 45 year old dad

  • so that's different the patience is different you know having kids later in

  • life you already formed as a human and you have your ways and it's very

  • difficult to break those ways so that's something you know that I was aware of

  • when decided to have children with Gary as I

  • started focusing on my business and we started growing other businesses

  • together we decided to look at all these things that we have going on with the

  • schedule and with the kids and see where we can make it more efficient while not

  • losing touch with the children we found those pockets and that's where we

  • decided you know we are able to afford help so we're gonna get it that way we

  • can really have it all and focus on their business and enjoy our children

  • and enjoy each other and it's still freakin hard don't get me wrong like

  • even when you have help you are still a parent no one can discipline my kids

  • no one can organize their schedules and make sure that everything is going

  • smoothly with school and activities and all those things there's still quite a

  • bit going on I stopped making myself feel guilty and I've noticed that before

  • I used to always say but how did my mom do it how did my mom do it how does this

  • mom do it because there's some older women when they meet you in they're like

  • oh I did everything myself but times have changed I don't want to be

  • miserable I want to have a happy marriage I want to be selfish for the

  • stars and I want my kids to see all of that and enjoy the result of a mom that

  • is happy in her own skin and in her life that's kind of how I'm trying to build

  • this whole system and guys let me tell you it is so hard to keep this going

  • smoothly three kids husband and then still focusing on my work and enjoying

  • what I do and I'm not complaining by any means I feel so fortunate and so

  • grateful but it's hard and it's fine that it's hard because it makes me

  • better and faster and more efficient being a working mama even what help

  • means that I'm gonna suck in certain areas in my life and I think that that's

  • where prioritizing comes into the picture so I make sure that I prioritize

  • what's really important sometimes my kids will have to have pizza sometimes

  • it will have to be three times a week I don't beat myself up anymore about that

  • as long as my kids are smiling and and kind and developing properly we are

  • good to go Gian mentioned to me that we got a letter about registering a baby

  • and she reminded me that I haven't registered Max's birth so the kid was

  • like unknown until last night when I came home and you know applied for birth

  • certificate so you know priorities it's only been six weeks it's fine he'll be

  • recognized now as a citizen of Canada you can have it all but it has to be

  • prioritized properly I can honestly say that I'm still stressed out and I often

  • feel like a failure if it's at work or as a mother or in the Department of kind

  • of self-care balance is such a receiving word because we can never really find

  • that balance that balance changes every single day kind of embrace the chaos and

  • breathe really really deeply have a cup of coffee or tea or whatever makes you

  • feel good and just you know take it day by day and step by step I truly don't

  • think that there's a way to do things I think that some people can relate to me

  • because they have a similar personality to me so some people are really into you

  • know the working mom and doing all these things other women that decide to stay

  • at home and enjoy their kids and it's such an amazing thing being a

  • stay-at-home mom is an insane amount of work I've had the chance to experience

  • kind of all of them where when Jacob was more at home with Benna was like kind of

  • starting getting out there doing my own thing and then with Max I'm kind of in a

  • different place in my life so I've kind of had all these seasons of experiencing

  • having kids and becoming I'm really enjoying this I'm really enjoying to

  • learn more about myself with every child something that I've learned is that

  • there's a season for everything from me keeping that in mind I'm just trying to

  • be present and I'm trying to really enjoy of what's going on today and at

  • this time in my life I have a lot of moms that message me or even younger

  • girls message me and say that would through my

  • content they saw that they don't have to be one specific thing because I think

  • that with children there's still this misconception of you know you are a

  • mother so everything else have to be canceled we live in a wonderful time

  • where you can be a businesswoman and you can have hobbies this is kind of the

  • modern woman and I think that we really need to be grateful for that because

  • that was not the case for our parents or our parents parents I've been lucky

  • enough to meet other moms throughout my journey of motherhood that I really

  • adapted small little things from each and every one of them I think that

  • motherhood is such an amazing club to be part of if you find those right mamas to

  • stick to it can be really empowering empowering things to all my baddest

  • mamas out there we're all doing such an amazing job good for us cheers to us

  • mamas what else that's it I think I covered everything okay now I have to

  • move on with my day I'm excited to continue this discussion

  • with you so let me know your thoughts in the comments have an amazing day

  • you

the quiet in the house this early in the morning is amazing hi guys welcome back


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A2 初級

我如何讓我的家庭不至於分崩離析 (How I Keep My Family From Falling Apart)

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