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2019 has been a hell of a year.
It's We've had some really cool moments on the channel this year.
We've done a lot of cool stuff, a lot of cool videos, a lot of different types of videos and a lot of diverse things have happened.
We raised a ton of money for charity as well this year, but the year is coming to an end.
Not only is the year coming to an end, but with the end of 2019 we come to the end of the decade.
Now we've come to them.
I've come to the end of money decades, to be precise so far.
But with the end of a decade happening this time, something very special is going on because I have created this channel within this decade.
The entirety off my YouTube career, the entirety of this channel and the entirety off every single one of you knowing me is within these 10 years there's only a handful of people in the world who knew me before what I do now on the Internet, and I've been very blessed to be able to do this as my job to be able to do a day after day to continuously put our content into interact with you and try and make you happy to make you smile.
Just have some fun along the way, and I am beyond blessed to have so many of you follow along and know who I am today, and I never, ever want to take that for granted.
But within these 10 year gap within this YouTube career that I have done, I have played some monumental games for the channel.
There are Spence, um, really big moments on the channel on video games are all a huge part of that.
I went and I asked you guys what your top seven favorite games on the Shiner now seven is a weird number two pick, but it's because I want to do a week off nostalgia.
I want to do a week off older games.
I've played on the channel that have meant a lot, not only to me and to you, but to the channel as a whole.
There're some games that came along that emotionally meant a lot to me on.
There are the games that came along that a lot of people found me through and a lot that came along that just resonated with a lot of you.
So I've tried to pick some of the best ones that people have chosen.
It's very hard.
I've played a lot of video games, but I think some of these are the ones that will resonate with a huge amount of people from the very start of the channel.
Up until now, these air not ranked.
I'm not picking these in any sort of order or anything like that.
These air just written down the way I have them written down the ones that I have thought off, the ones that you guys picked.
I'm also omitting the really story driven.
Let's plays like Detroit become human and stuff and under tail and things like that.
Just because I feel like those Siris are done, I feel like that they're wrapped up.
I feel like this story is doing in the series, is what it is, and it should be kind of left that way.
That and I kind of want to do a different video every day, and I can't really start one of the story driven ones and then haven't carry on through Maybe That's something we could try out next year, and we can go back and have, like, a nostalgic series where we play some of the older Siri's and see how different it is in current times.
But I'm trying to pick the ones that are best done in kind of like a one off scenario.
So without further ado to kick us off at the start of this week of nostalgia this week, this week, off decades remembering games we have to start in one place that can only be God.
I've got back and played this game already.
I went back and it's okay.
I clicked into this on this computer.
Apparently, um, I went back and did it again years ago after having not played it in years.
But I really wanted to do this one again because this was one of the first let's place that I did on the channel that I did to completion, but that I remembered very vividly no one else was playing it.
No one else that I had followed had played.
It was the first game that I played on my channel, that I felt like this is mine.
This is my Siri's.
I don't know any of my friends who have played this game.
I had so much former did.
I did some voices.
I finished the entire game.
But it was also the 1st 1 that a lot of you had found me through that people really caught on.
And it started to get, like, a lot of use and a lot of attention.
So this one means a lot to me if you haven't seen it.
Boy, are you in for a trip?
It's not a very long game, but it's a game about burning things.
You have to burn your stuff.
You could take out your terms and conditions.
You can read them, but it doesn't burn your terms and conditions.
Take that apple with your over bloated terms and conditions all the time.
Well, I guess anything these days.
What godhood voice that I give her.
It's been years.
I remember sugar plumps for sure, and the weatherman under legitimate purchase of your brand new little info.
No entertainment fireplace.
We've lovingly crafted each fireplace toe warp, your home and your heart stay warm in their way.
Love, Miss Fancy.
I think that's a better voice for her.
That's another reason why we can redo the series.
Because now we can give it a new spin.
Yes, get all the coins.
Have you already burned all your things?
That's okay.
You can always buy Maur with your brand new love Miss Fancy Way Got our catalog.
The catalog also has one of my favorite songs in any video game.
It's so good.
What should be buying some building bucks?
We also have some.
Do I get my things yet?
My, uh, achievements, I guess.
Do we have them?
Yeah, we do.
So you get achievements along the way by pirate combo.
Someone else's comma Springtime, Cabo Generations Combo Movie Night combo.
So some of these are a little tricky to figure out some of them.
Okay, what could we spell?
I think we spend a great word already.
Ivan gets a fucking live and Pipes plays.
All right, Let's just put everything in, put everything in and burn it all.
Just buy everything, burn it all at the same time.
You get all the achievements, all of us.
You think Luigi's mansion was the first came to have spiders with money in them.
No little inferno did it way before that alarm clock.
Someone else's credit card.
Um, can I do any of the other ones yet?
I don't think so.
Let's just keep technically, you could just keep burning anyway.
You don't really need to get the achievements.
I don't think so.
I can't remember, but I love burning things.
Keep you nice and warm and cozy during the winter.
Is this kind of cozy, though it is making me feel all warm and fuzzy.
Oh, you're doing so great.
But don't worry.
Your little photo is not like other games.
There are no points.
There is no score.
You're not being timed.
Just make a nice fire and stay warm in the glow of your high definition entertainment product.
But you can't do that forever.
There is bound to be an end.
Stay warm, Miss Nancy.
Miss Nancy.
I love your letters.
They keep me warm during the cold, dark nights.
Is there anyone out there?
You don't know me, but I thought I would tell you.
It's so called outside.
I'm all snuggled up in front of my little Inferno Entertainment fireplace.
It's so toasty I could stay here forever.
Like a hook in a bucket of mug.
I mean, a book in a mug, innit?
From sugar plant?
This is for you.
Oh, look at her.
The Q t.
Such an adorable little being.
But I'm sorry, Sugar pubs.
I must burn, you know.
No, that's not bourbon.
One spider.
All right, what else can we get, Uh, batteries this day.
This guy Shit.
I can't buy the bike and the party.
We're gonna have to wait.
Please dispose of some of your belongings before ordering more.
Okay, Sorry.
I got too excited.
I Sorry.
I just want her things.
Burn it off.
Oh, God.
The mattresses fucking explode.
I think is great.
I feel wonderful.
It's me again.
It smells like something's burning.
Did you get a little entertainment fired?
Little inferno entertainment fireplace, tow.
It seems like everyone has one these days.
Everyone I know has one, and everyone I don't know has one too boring stuff is pretty fun, but be careful.
The instructions said there something even more dangerous than fire.
But I burn them so we'll never know from your new friend Sugar Plum.
What an adorable little be sugar bumps.
I'm sorry.
I'm gonna burn your letter.
I need to stay warm during the winter months.
Your affection means a lot to me.
Oh, this is someone else's portrait.
And I think someone else's credit card Fuck can't do both at the same time.
But I What?
I want a burger.
I want to burn it all.
We can speed things up a cz well with these tokens.
But why am I explaining the game to you?
A lot of you know how this game works already.
Because you've seen the spider.
You've seen the Siri's before because your true jacks up the guy fence.
Here we go.
Here we go.
Bike partner Combo.
Boo ya, baby.
Then I could buy a credit card that should come in fairly fast.
Bring it on in there.
But bring it on in the CO fastest birds.
But remember those who bright those who burned the brightest in the fastest don't burn for long.
It's kind of implied in the whole fastest part of things.
All right, we got another combo.
Spring time is seeds on a clock.
I'm pretty sure of that.
Is he inside?
my brain.
I just realized that that accent is the default when I go to when I played papers, please.
That was one.
When I played this, it was one.
But that's about it.
It's me again.
I already burned all of my stuff surface.
Will you send me something?
I need some more by your flying's.
Okay, I'll get you a jar of firefights, but Oh, wait, no, I need to get rid of these first, but get some fires.
Nice spring time.
Oh, that's so cool.
This game also had some really great physics.
Like the physics of the fire and everything in the fire.
Looks amazing.
There we go.
I did it.
Uh, what else can we get?
My pictures.
I don't have any pictures on my computer.
Apparently, connect the social network.
And we could speed these up.
Just get them going.
They're ready for it.
Get ready for the gross spiders.
You You can't get money out of these guys, though, because they suck.
The spiders I know have money in them.
Thanks You for the new of fire flights.
Each one was like a little wish.
I really think that she should have, like, a little misfortunes voice, though, which is a little similar.
But I can't do that voice properly.
I set them free to see where they would go, but the old buttoned up, so we knew they wouldn't last forever.
Oh, I got you something.
Okay, it's attached.
Just flip over the letter ribbit again.
Okay, here it is.
All a paper hurt from Sugar P.
She's the sweetest.
She's gonna be my girlfriend.
All right?
What other combos?
Lenders Combo movie night combo bank and money together, maybe.
Hey, lenders combo.
I got it.
Oh, give me all that sweet cash.
Liquidate the assets.
I could burn her hair it, but I'll keep it for a bit.
Legal inferno is filled with secrets and I just found one.
Don't worry, I won't tell you that would be a spoiler, but it's really good.
Okay, I'm just going to draw something here.
I already got it, Sugar p and tell you to definitely do not burn those do things together.
And there are more more combinations than can ever be listed.
Love, sugar plums, sugar plums.
I missed you.
I'm gonna burn your letter, though, because that later was pointless s on this one on the popcorn.
I could buy the next catalogue already.
You know, because I'm a a bit of a baller at this game.
You guys say I'm a very big deal.
Even though it took me fucking forever to figure shit out the first time TV on the popcorn on the TV actually shows what's on it.
This very big brain game.
All right, let's bring the new catalog.
Make sure your previous catalog has no on purchase items all right yet, but they're not by in the previous one, uh, school bus bricks.
All in all, you're just another brick in the wall.
Dude, whatever generations combo, what is the generations combo?
Okay, sorry, sugar plumps.
I need room.
Capitalism waits for no one breaking weather report.
It's got to be another cold one, folks.
That snow has been coming down faster and faster every day colder than the last that can last forever.
Hey, build a nice cozy fire and say warmest folks reporting from the window blown over the smoke sex over the city.
The weatherman and God, this is This is tripping me out, man.
playing this, playing it now and remembering it's so fondly because I've played a lot of video games.
I play a lot of games on the channel, as I said, but they're sorry there's a There's a few that I remember.
There's a few that I remember so vividly, and so finally.
And this is one of them.
Uh, no, I don't need that.
I wonder if this is the generations combo because it's pictures from different times.
I don't know.
We had this game mainly because of what it meant to me on YouTube at that time.
Just the type of game that it was.
I had never played really anything so subversive.
I had no idea what it was before I went into it and I was just trying to find weird games to place fighter.
And YouTube was such a simple time back then you could literally just upload anything.
You could just play an upload anything, and everyone would watch anyway because you didn't have to fight against so many systems on the platform.
Okay, that was not the combo.
Um, sorry.
It was It was super fun back there.
I mean, still super fun But it was just me in my room, in the cab.
I was still in my log cabin when I was playing.
This game was wild.
A fire breather combo.
Okay, so something else breathes fire now.
Seafarers combo just by you guys.
I know you guys do yet, but I'm gonna find out by shook him up greater mailbox to hold one additional item.
Did I ever do that in the original?
I cannot remember.
Burned at all.
Do you scored fire as well?
What do you do?
Oh, you've already found my second catalog.
Did you know your Elizabeth further comes with a free instructional video?
Love, Miss Nancy, I love this video.
Hey, kids like toys.
You know what's more fun than playing with toys?
Setting them on fire?
New little inferno entertainment fireplace way.
I've got five places set burns at 100 degrees just for me.
I thought playing with Well, you're right.
But up out of your chimney, way up in the sky.
It's been snowing for years and we just don't know why.
I'm pretty sure we know why the world is getting colder, but there's no need for alarm.
Just sit by your fire, burn all of your toys and stay.
It's just good.
My God, they all died happily ever from tomorrow corporation.
So the whole point of the game is talking about like capitalism on consumerism, on talking about, like burning the stuff because you haven't.
But it's not good enough.
And you want Maura all of the time on burning.
It is signifying like your tolerance for you.
You buy it and then it's like, yeah, whatever I want the new things like think of like iPhones.
You get one and that I think are cool.
And then the next year you just get a new one and then a new one.
Just that, like consumerism aspect to it all.
And it all goes up in flames and smoke, and it's hurting the planet.
Very powerful message.
Eager Bunny.
Let's even get anything else.
Dynamite watching you.
Magnetic hurt.
You don't have a heart.
Okay, He's crazy, man.
Lives nice.
Burn it off.
Little inferno.
Fireplace is pretty much my favorite gay.
Even though it doesn't make any sense by stuff.
Burn it and it gives you more money than you started.
I love free stuff.
that can't last forever.
Oh, I hope they release a free update of legal infernal fireplace with pink logs from cigarette plans.
She kisses her letters.
P s sh that thing in the back.
It looks like a face, but it's not PPS, but it can see you.
Yeah, this this creeped me out.
He's just sitting there, man.
Not even doing anything.
Feelings bear Pushy.
I think you could do all the push.
She's right, Damn it, I need seven.
Shit, Damn it!
That's not enough.
Spider, that's enough.
Let's get all the parties together.
I don't actually know if they do making combo, but surely they must.
There's a tornado.
I think it's a later combo combo for me.
Maybe there's an extra pushy that I missed.
Sorry I burned you guys just for the sheer entertainment out of it.
And I'm not sad about it.
Okay, I guess what?
I'm making you something because you are my pretty good friend freed even Frank, even though you never reply to my letters, Okay.
But you have to send me something first you need to send me is great and attractive.
And there's long invisible arms, huh?
No, It's not love you.
It's magnets.
I need the magnet.
Okay, Okay.
I'll get you a magnet.
Mugsy Cam the f down Here comes one magnet just for you.
It all here.
You're so much morning.
Oh, damn.
Okay, um, this camera will go with Where is it?
The camera will go with pick.
No, no, no.
There's another one, uh, generations combo.
I thought it was a picture combo.
Okay, here.
You're magnets.
There you go.
You also say you never replied to your letters, but I sent you something already.
You was a asshole.
Okay, Watch out.
He had a bomb strapped to his chest.
That's dark.
Get a magnet in the cold metal heart.
You put them together.
And what do you get?
You get attraction, baby.
You get love.
That's how love is made.
One person has a magnet in their chest.
The other person has a metal heart, and then he just you love each other.
You come together, hopefully on in more ways than one.
And you just you have a happy life.
Thanks for the magnet.
I can tell you there is something special about it.
Did you notice to what?
Don't worry, I'm still making you something.
I'm not very good at deadlines, but you can have this for now.
I think it's broken.
A thermo meter.
Thank you.
Thank you very much.
Apricot, There's me.
That's me.
When I wake up in the morning That is so me.
If that's not me, I don't know what is.
How hot is it?
We'll never know because it broke my thermometer.
What's the What's the boiling point?
What's the explosion?
Point of a thermometer.
That's how you know how hot it is.
There's another pushy local Sam's bland lambs.
Jesus, Jesus Christ!
Oka san can't out.
Oh, I forgot there was something I wanted to tell you.
Are you there?
I'm not replying to your letters because I burned them.
Uh oh, my God!
You have the mini move.
Many new blow up the moon.
Any one coin left?
Let's just do this.
Let's speed it up.
I have no patience.
Yes, Yes.
It says Christ that waas Awesome!
I know you're there.
I heard you blow up Moon.
Do you know how?
What do you want to know what I know.
Are you ready for me?
to tell you something.
Really, really ready.
Okay, Listen carefully.
I'm your neighbor and I think I'm stuck here just like you, you and me and a little wall right between us.
That's you and me.
Right now.
The camera is the wall, but I cannot reach you from your neighbor.
Seeger plans.
Thanks, Sugar P.
Next catalog.
I don't have enough money to buy anything.
Never mind.
Sugar p will come through that the despite er's or four as well.
So you can actually keep buying things.
Breaking weather report the forecasts is thinks no clothe, rolling in from all directions were in for something being Stay warm and folks reporting from the weather balloon over the smokestacks over the city.
The weather man.
Thanks, weatherman.
You're my best friend.
I don't even know who.
Um all right, way make s'mores dry Ice, wooden spoon.
Why would I want a wooden spoon?
I can't buy a whole lot right now.
Spending all my money just pissing it all away instead of making meaningful combinations like all of these, I gotta wonder.
Just unlocked when they go for a bunch of them afterwards are the double fan.
I can get?
No, we gotta make some s'mores first, though.
Hey, live another dead.
Oh, is your fireplace keeping you warm?
Do you know what's even cozier than a crackling fire hug?
That was a coupon for one free hug.
You might need it one day.
Miss Nancy.
It's Nazi.
Miss Nancy, a freak.
I don't need a hug.
I need heat.
I need warmth there.
I need someone to keep me warm.
Oh, it's England during the winter, The windows open.
Why is it open?
It's so cold.
So I must burn more things.
I can't get the double family, that one.
That one.
I think this is the double fan combo.
Hey, stupid metal objects break.
So there's a combo in this game.
Cool, terrible teeth.
One of them involves a lepre cop.
Are you trying to tell me something?
Are you trying to say something about IRS people?
I don't appreciate that.
My father was a potato, and you shall respect him.
I was gonna make terrible teeth time bomb and just that one cat fish bear in a china shop.
Dinnerware, cornflakes combo.
Dead fish.
Wake up.
Who get coffee on the alarm clock.
to be awake up combo.
I think exact combo grows.
Blowfish, wait.
There is one of the fish deadly fish combo Drive another fish?
Can I give the Fisher going?
I would help.
Sugar plums bought me curtains.
She's so sweet on their fire resistant sugar.
P You're so sweet.
Thank you.
I felt bad for burning all your letters all these years.
I'm so sorry, Sugar P.
I didn't mean to the game made me do it.
Do you like your new curtains?
They're so pretty.
There's nothing like a well decorated home.
But don't worry.
They are fire proof.
Love Sigur plants.
What a fucking delightful sweetheart.
I love you, sugar plumps.
There's teeth in the cereal grow and it burns green.
It's kind of epic.
Alright, rupture our fourth catalog.
Let's start getting some or combos Thes guys will go with the dyno mite combo I believe caught him out of these little coupons.
I want more.
Give me more now I have to just sit around and wait all the time.
I hate waiting.
I want it.
I want it now.
I want to burn things.
I want to destroy things.
That's what I do best.
Oh, you're killing me.
You're killing me here.
But you're killing me.
Come on him.
Come on, Come on, Come on.
Yeah, I was gonna say, What if this is even the combo for that?
All right.
And I think I can't even buy you yet.
I think he is good for the fire breather combo to I can't check because he's dead.
He exploded.
Could I order him again?
20 seconds.
That's so long.
And Internet time was like four years governing halfway there yet.
Uh oh, God.
Waiting sucks.
Do you guys do the fire breather combo?
Oh, baby.
Um, so money, but of gars, the way I got the wrong ones together.
Shit, I get all four deadly fish combo.
Put all the fishy things together.
Yes, and then the cornflakes combo.
It really just makes sense when you think about it, guys also sushi.
It's discount sushi.
So it's full of flies like eggs instead of actual rice.
Fucking gross.
There's one called zombie Gary, which should be a zombie in some seeds, right?
God, even rember zombies being in this, that's a That's a play on plants versus zombies for sure.
These guys I just bought you might go together, actually.
Cell phone on the boss?
Can I call sugar plums?
Oh, is that her?
Oh, my God.
That I just will her into existence.
Yeah, once a Sam Ege Me.
You know what else?
Bazillions of years ago and billions.
Trillions of little particles spewed into the cosmos.
Entire Galaxies form Lex Normal's on day and the east in stars and suns Got on fire.
After billions of years on P Leon's off miles I easy number of particles all stuck together and created you and me and a little world right between it seems impossible.
But it did happened.
And they also created this delicious ham sandwich.
No, no, no.
Thank you for your salty cosmic particles.
Mr Big Screen.
You taste like progress from your neighbor sugar blossom sugar.
But you're the best sugar pumps for smash.
I'm typing you laters.
And I don't ever delete button.
It's for Wolf.
But you know what I love more than anything?
Length pages.
They could be filled with anything.
Dinosaurs are out there space or the entire world where everything is pink.
The possibilities go forward forever.
Both Can't ever go back.
Sugar plums.
Yes, you can have these.
It's a delete button.
You said you're really putting fell off.
Did you just give it to me?
Okay, I need to burn this and I need to get it.
Wasn't this?
No, I have one of those.
I need a phone.
Ah, I think we don't even have the achievement unlocked.
I know.
There's an airplane mode combo.
Yeah, I do have a lot.
I had to do to do you such a mess here, Spider.
We're going to get Thea was the one called meant a combo, which is the little and photo floppy disk with GameBoy.
Essentially, it is a game boy, right?
What did they call it in this handheld fireplace?
I think this is one of the combos that took me forever to figure out what I played it originally.
There you go.
Well, that's weird.
Picks A pixellated combo is that pixel blocks in the little inferno game.
Even my fire is pixelated.
That's cool.
All right, now it's back to normal.
Ah, that was it was like taking drugs, video games or drugs.
Tried these two in the pixel.
Pixelated, confident work for that.
So maybe try these days.
A ninja.
There is a Japanese combos.
I think the ninja and the bad sushi go together.
I need four Fucking dammit!
I'm just waiting around.
All I do is wait.
No matter what, we have not alone.
You know, city is filled with people.
I know they are there.
I can see their chimneys and smell the smoke.
There are more people than I can count.
I want to visit everyone and ask billions of questions.
Where did you come from?
What did you always want to be?
What's your favorite Smeal?
But even though they're everywhere, they're far away with little burning Galaxies with legal smoking.
Jimmy's on their heads.
Oh, it makes me cold.
But that always have you seeker plants she gave me.
Guess I have been accepted.
I will burn your letter now on.
Guy also needs this.
You just committed just already.
Boom, baby.
Yeah, Nice.
They knew this would give me more of them.
Let me give me two.
But I need three.
Just give me Maura game.
I deserve it.
I'm a good boy.
scientists going to give me a lot this year because I have not been bad at all.
Tiny galaxy.
She was just talking about those gravity boy action toy that sees this combo works.
Pixelated pixel combo.
Thank you.
Game Little Galaxies are so cool.
Oh, they're dead.
I killed them all.
Bring it down here because I need okay.
Breaking weather report Hui, the come out are circling.
It's getting windy out there, but the wind isn't blowing east or west or north or south.
It's blowing up.
Stay warm down there.
Reporting from the way.
The balloon over the smokestacks over the city.
The weatherman.
Thank you, weatherman.
You bring nothing but pain and misery all the time.
Look, I gotta dance and letter Little inferno to electric.
All right, well, I'm gonna leave this video here.
I didn't even intend on getting this far into the game, but it's just so much fun to play.
If you want to play a little inferno, go buy it for yourselves.
It's absolutely amazing.
It's one of my more treasured memories on the channel on.
I'm really glad I came back to it.
I'm glad that I went back and watch the all right we're back.
It looked like at the playlist of the original Siri's before recording this one.
And it has, like, millions of views now, which is nuts, because at the time at the time, it was already doing well and I was really happy with it.
But I'm just I'm just glad anyone watched.
Man, I'm glad that anybody picked up on the series.
I'm glad anyone caught on and started watching me since then, because that's that's years ago.
Now how many years ago is Little Inferno have noted The first episode of Little Inferno in 2013 July 2013.
It's been six years ago, but 6.5 years ago a lot of cash on him.
So let's put corn there.
We spell out.
Here s That's the West.
Yeah, save the corn.
Um, good memories.
Well, that is the first episode of Nostalgia Week wrapping up the decade week that we're going to be doing here.
Thank you for watching Spider.
I Hopefully I'll have some surprises for you.
I think I think a lot of you know what games are gonna be in this week, but it'll be fun.
You're leave your suggestions and your predictions down below, and we'll see what happens.
But over Christmas, this is gonna be my Christmas gift to all of you.
Thank you guys.
So much for watching this one.
A little inferno.
Not only does it warm my heart in the game, but it warms my heart in real life as well.
Say goodbye, little man.
He just won't do anything.
No, he's burning.
Oh, Jesus Christ.