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  • ELIZABETH NOLAN: What we're going to do today

  • is just discuss a few aspects of cross linking.

  • So we decided it was important to introduce

  • this within recitations this year, because cross-linking

  • comes up time and time again.

  • And there's different ways to do this,

  • and different strengths and limitations

  • to different approaches.

  • So I guess in just thinking about this,

  • what is cross-linking?

  • So if you say, oh, I'm going to use

  • a cross-linker for my experiment,

  • what does that mean?

  • AUDIENCE: Forming a covalent linkage

  • between two molecules of study.


  • So there's going to be formation of some sort

  • of covalent linkage between two or maybe more--

  • right?

  • Because some cross-linkers can have

  • more than two reactive groups, OK, of study, right?

  • So we're chemically joining two or more molecules.

  • So why might we want to do this?

  • What are possible applications?

  • AUDIENCE: Study protein-protein interactions.

  • ELIZABETH NOLAN: So that's one.

  • So protein-protein interactions, right.

  • And that could be identifying unknown protein-protein

  • interactions or maybe you know two proteins interact, act

  • but you don't know how, right?

  • And you decide to use cross-linking

  • as a way to probe that.

  • So how might cross-linking help with studying a known

  • protein-protein interaction?

  • AUDIENCE: Start getting an idea of where

  • the proteins are actually interacting or which residues



  • AUDIENCE: It could allow you to isolate them.



  • So maybe there's an unknown one, and you fish that out,

  • because a cross-linker was used, right?

  • And you know what one of them are.

  • Or maybe, say, we know that these two proteins interact

  • somehow, but we don't know how.

  • So is it on an interface on this side versus maybe

  • the other side versus maybe behind the board, et cetera.

  • And so, there's many ways to study

  • protein-protein interaction.

  • And really, how I'll present cross-linking today

  • is in the context of this particular application,

  • but there are many others.

  • But if we just think, we've seen a lot

  • of protein-protein interactions in this course, right?

  • So just even today, ClpXP is an example, right?

  • We saw protein nucleotide interaction

  • with the ribosome GroEL GroES is an example

  • of protein-protein interactions, right?

  • And they've been studied by many other methods,

  • like crystallography for instance.

  • But sometimes maybe it's not possible to get a structure,

  • right?

  • And you want to define an interaction surface

  • or know exactly what residues are important.

  • So here, say, is protein-protein.

  • But that could be generalized to any other type of molecule,

  • like RNA, DNA, right?

  • What about a single protein?

  • So can you use cross-linking to learn more

  • about tertiary structure, quaternary structure?

  • So imagine for instance, rather than two separate proteins,

  • we have one protein where there's some flexible linker.

  • And we have reason to believe these different domains

  • interact.

  • But how do they interact?

  • Again, is it something like this undergoes

  • some conformational change and they're

  • like this versus other possibilities here?

  • So what about just other applications

  • of cross-linking chemistry before we

  • look at some examples of molecules?

  • So we can capture and identify binding partners,

  • as Lindsey indicated.

  • We can study known interactions.

  • Where else could this come up?

  • While it wasn't defined in this way,

  • we've seen certain technology that

  • takes advantage of cross-linking chemistry often.

  • AUDIENCE: Within the realm of biological things,

  • it's used for--

  • I mean, if you want to find a functional root.

  • So like bioaccumulation or general bioconjugate chemistry

  • for [INAUDIBLE]


  • So general.

  • Exactly, general bioconjugate or conjugation chemistry.

  • So maybe you want to attach a tag to a purified protein.

  • Maybe you want to modify an antibody.

  • Similar chemistry can be employed.

  • And likewise, even like from application standpoint,

  • a mobilization.

  • So say you need to make your own resin

  • to do some sort of affinity chromatography

  • and you want to attach a protein or an antibody to that,

  • you can use the types of chemistry shown here.

  • So we're going to talk about a few different types

  • of cross-linker and the chemistry, and pros and cons.

  • And just as a general overview, I'll describe types.

  • So we just heard the word homobifunctional.

  • So homobifunctional versus heterobifunctional.

  • OK.

  • And this refers to the reactive groups.

  • So we need to talk about what types of chemistry

  • is going to be used to do cross-linking.

  • So this refers to reactive groups.

  • And then another classification will be non-specific

  • versus specific.

  • And so, this doesn't refer to, say,

  • the chemical reaction between the cross-linker

  • and whatever it's hitting, but rather whether or not

  • the cross-linking reagent is site-specifically

  • attached to a protein or biomolecule of interest or not.

  • If we just think about this non-specific versus specific,

  • if we want to attach a cross-linker

  • at some specific site in a protein, how can we do that?

  • So think back to the ribosome discussion,

  • where unnatural amino acid incorporation was not attached,

  • but was introduced.

  • So that's one possibility.

  • If you have an amino azyl tRNA synthetase and a tRNA that

  • can allow some sort of cross-linker

  • to be introduced site-specifically,

  • and it works for your experimental situation,

  • you can do that.

  • So we saw benzophenone, which is a cross-linker

  • and the evolution of that orthogonal ribosome ribo-x.

  • But let's say you can't do that, right?

  • So for instance as far as I know,

  • there's no tRNA AARS pair for benzophenone

  • in a eukaryotic cell, right?

  • Or maybe in some circumstance.

  • What is something just using standard biochemistry

  • you could do?

  • So what type of residues can be modified in a protein?

  • AUDIENCE: Cysteine.


  • So cysteine, lysine.

  • These are common side chains that are modified.

  • And what would you say is more typically employed

  • if you want to introduce a site-specific modification

  • using chemistry?

  • AUDIENCE: Cysteine.

  • ELIZABETH NOLAN: Cysteine, right?

  • So if you have an individual cysteine that's in the protein

  • or maybe you use site-directed mutagenesis,

  • you know where that cysteine is, and then you

  • can modify it with some reagent there.

  • We'll come back to that in a minute.

  • So in terms of reactive groups then on the protein,

  • we can think about lysines, right?

  • We have the epsilon amino group, cysteines.

  • We have the thiol.

  • What do we need to think about for our chemistry

  • when thinking about these types of side chains

  • and wanting to do a reaction?

  • So under what conditions do we have a good nucleophile?

  • Pardon?



  • So we need to think about the basicity, right?

  • The PKA of these groups, right?

  • That's very key here for that.

  • What else do we need to think about?

  • What other factors might govern reactivity, just thinking

  • broadly?

  • So PKA.

  • For your amine, it will be type of amine.

  • For a cysteine, redox will play a role, right?

  • You can't have your cysteine and a disulfide.

  • It needs to be the free thiol form.

  • So these are all things to keep in mind.

  • So Alex has used a homobifunctional cross-linker.

  • Why did you use a homobifunctional cross-linker?

  • AUDIENCE: It was to stabilize a nanoparticle.

  • ELIZABETH NOLAN: To stabilize a nanoparticle.

  • OK.

  • So very different type of application here.

  • AUDIENCE: Yeah, that's why I didn't mention it.

  • ELIZABETH NOLAN: That's fine.

  • Yeah.

  • We're not doing much with nanoparticles here.

  • But let's say we want to use a non-specific homobifunction.

  • So this was non-specific cross-linker

  • to look at some protein-protein interaction, right?

  • So if we just suppose, for instance, we have some protein

  • A and we think it interacts somehow with protein B,

  • how can we use cross-linkers to study this?

  • So let's take a look at an example

  • of a homobifunctional cross-linker in terms

  • of design.

  • So this one will be amine reactive.

  • And its name is DSS here.

  • So effectively, if we want to dissect

  • this structure into different components, what do we have?

  • AUDIENCE: Two leaving groups kind of linking.

  • ELIZABETH NOLAN: So we have two reactive groups,

  • or leaving group, separated by a linker.

  • And in this case, we have two NHS or 6-cinnamyl esters,

  • right?

  • That are amine reactive.

  • So what's the product of reacting

  • an alpha amino group or a lysine epsilon amino group with an NHS

  • ester?

  • What do we get?

  • AUDIENCE: Amide.

  • ELIZABETH NOLAN: An amide, right?

  • We get an amide bond.

  • And then we have this linker or spacer region.

  • OK?

  • Here.

  • So two amine reactive groups and a linker, or spacer.

  • And in this particular case, this linker or spacer

  • is about 11 angstroms and it's flexible.

  • And it's stable and cannot be cleaved.

  • So in the case of Alex's project,

  • this was used to stabilize a nanoparticle.

  • Did you have a pure nanoparticle?

  • Or was this in a very complicated mixture?

  • AUDIENCE: It's very not in this course.

  • ELIZABETH NOLAN: So what's going to happen if this reagent,

  • say, is added to cell lysate?

  • What are you going to get?

  • AUDIENCE: Random cross-linking with a bunch

  • of different lysate proteins [INAUDIBLE]..


  • So there's a high, high likelihood

  • of a lot of different cross-links, right?

  • So potentially a big mess, right?

  • High likelihood, right?

  • Because you have no control over where these reactive groups

  • are going to hit.

  • And do most proteins have lysine residues?

  • Yeah.

  • Do all proteins have an alpha amino group?

  • Yeah.

  • Well, some might be modified, but anyhow.

  • You have very little control with this type of reagent.

  • So then the question is, if you use it,

  • how are you going to fish out your desired

  • protein-protein interaction?

  • Or even if you're working with two purified proteins

  • and they have multiple lysines, you

  • can end up getting multiple cross-links, right?

  • So maybe that's helpful for initially identifying

  • that an interaction exists.

  • But in terms of getting more detailed information in terms

  • of how do these actually interact,

  • that may be tough here.

  • OK?

  • So easy to come by, but potential complications.

  • Just in terms of thinking about this in the linker,

  • why is it important to think about the linker

  • and your choice of some reagent here?

  • So what properties does the linker give?

  • AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE] to the link,

  • then I guess its flexibility will determine

  • how close the two proteins have to be in space for those to be



  • So there's some constraints imposed

  • by the linker in terms of how close together or far away

  • are groups that react.

  • What else comes with the linker?

  • How does it affect the properties of the molecule?

  • Alex?

  • AUDIENCE: I was going to say it can dictate how likely you

  • get a cross-linking on the same molecule between two amines.

  • If you make it short enough, so that it

  • can't reach the next lycine or something,

  • then it can prevent [INAUDIBLE]


  • May be able to.

  • So what's an inherent property of a molecule?

  • AUDIENCE: It might affect solubility.


  • Right.

  • It may affect solubility.

  • So linkers can be-- this is a bunch of CH2 groups,

  • relatively hydrophobic, right?

  • There can be more hydrophilic linkers or other strategies.

  • And then the question is, does that matter?

  • Does the solubility properties work

  • with your experiment or not?

  • But imagine if you want to do cross-linking in a live cell,

  • you need that cross-linker to get into the cell.

  • So you need to think about membrane permeability

  • and what happens after that.

  • Here.

  • So the linker is another critical aspect.

  • And so, if you're ever working with a cross-linker,

  • that's something you want to think about in addition to what

  • types of side chains or what types of biomolecules

  • do you want to modify.

  • So let's look at an example of a heterobifunctional linker.

  • It's not linker.

  • Yeah.

  • Well, it is cross-linker.

  • OK.

  • So this one will have a different type of spacer group.

  • So it will be with a cyclohexyl.

  • So what do we have in this case?

  • Steve?

  • AUDIENCE: So you have an NHS ester and also a maleimide.

  • And then the sulfonate group probably helps the solubility.


  • So there's a bunch of interesting aspects

  • to this molecule.

  • So we have the NHS ester to react with an amine.

  • Right here we have a maleimide, which will react with thiols.

  • So heterobifunctional, because there's

  • two different reactive groups for different types of side

  • chains.

  • And then, as Steve mentioned, we have this group here.

  • And so, this is to improve water solubility.

  • OK.

  • And then what do we have in this linker region?

  • AUDIENCE: A cyclohexyl instead of the aliphatic--


  • And what does that give?

  • AUDIENCE: Isn't it rigid?

  • ELIZABETH NOLAN: Yeah, exactly.

  • Like cyclohexyl, right?

  • Think about chair conformation, rather

  • than what I have done here.

  • But it will give a more rigid linker,

  • and also shorter than what we see up here.

  • So this is on the order of eight angstroms.

  • So how might this molecule be used?

  • What could you do with it that you can't do with this one?

  • AUDIENCE: Cross-link cysteine and lycine [INAUDIBLE]


  • Well, that's the first point, right?

  • You can have two different groups.

  • One end will react with a cysteine.

  • One with some lysine.

  • So is this specific, or non-specific, or both?

  • AUDIENCE: Probably depends on the context.


  • Right.

  • Could depend on the context.

  • And then from the standpoint of specific cross-linking--

  • which I would argue is a better use of this compound--

  • what can you do?

  • Just imagine you have some protein of interest

  • and maybe you want to label it here.

  • And you have some side chain.

  • So site-directed mutagenesis to put in a cysteine.

  • And then you can modify that there,

  • such that you have cross-linking reagent, right?

  • And then you can imagine whatever

  • your experiment is here.

  • So again, thinking about using this compound in, say,

  • a complicated mixture, like a cell lysate--

  • you want to see if there's any binding partners or whatever.

  • What's the limitation in terms of reactivity

  • of this amine group that you would use in that second step?

  • Where do you lack control?

  • AUDIENCE: You still can't control

  • for the alpha for the N-terminal reaction, right?

  • ELIZABETH NOLAN: What do you mean by that?

  • AUDIENCE: So if the [INAUDIBLE] is free,

  • then would you have comparable reactivity

  • between the N-terminals, and, for example, your desired

  • lycine?


  • So that could be an issue.

  • So do lycines and N-terminal alpha amino groups

  • have different reactivity?

  • Do they have different PKAs?

  • And is that something you could control?

  • Maybe, maybe not.

  • But more broadly than that, so you

  • have an issue that it will react,

  • let's say, with any amine, right?

  • Can you control when it reacts?

  • AUDIENCE: To some extent [INAUDIBLE] pH.

  • ELIZABETH NOLAN: So what are you thinking?

  • AUDIENCE: If you--

  • ELIZABETH NOLAN: So if you think about just experimental design,

  • right?

  • And say you were to try to use pH to control reactivity--

  • and I'm defining this broadly-- reacting with any amino group.

  • So we're not going to try to do something to selectively

  • label one, right?

  • This is reactive.

  • It will react, right?

  • So would pH change your whole buffer?

  • Or pH change the cell lysate, and then

  • switch to turn on reactivity?

  • Probably not.

  • Probably not, right?

  • That, I'd say is not very likely.

  • So the issue I'm getting at here is

  • that you have little temporal control or spatial control

  • of an NHS ester.

  • It will react with an amine provided your conditions are

  • appropriate.

  • So just getting back to this pH issue and a little digression,

  • if you want to use something like an NHS ester

  • in a test tube experiment, what you

  • need to think about beyond pH?

  • So what do you need to think about with the buffer?

  • AUDIENCE: You don't have something [INAUDIBLE] buffer

  • [INAUDIBLE] so you might want to use the phosphate buffer,

  • something that doesn't [AUDIO OUT]

  • ELIZABETH NOLAN: So this is a key point.

  • You need to think about cross-reactivity

  • with the buffer.

  • So if you have tris buffer, you have amine.

  • If you have a buffer that's like glycine, there's amine, right?

  • And your buffer concentration in most instances

  • is much higher than whatever the concentration is

  • of the molecule you want to actually modify, right?

  • If you think about 10 million molar tris or 75 million

  • molar tris compared to micromolar or nanomolar

  • of some protein, so you need to have

  • a buffer that's not reactive.

  • You need to have an appropriate PKA.

  • Those are important considerations.

  • You need to know that your reagent is good.

  • Sorry, appropriate pH.

  • What about the thiol here?

  • What do you need to think about if you're doing a test tube

  • experiment and want to modify a thiol with a maleimide

  • or something else, like iodoacetamide

  • that we saw last time?

  • AUDIENCE: Buffers need to avoid DDT.




  • Or BME, beta mercapto ethanol.

  • Right.

  • Even before that step, what you need to make sure?

  • So what if there's multiple cysteines?

  • AUDIENCE: That they're not [INAUDIBLE]..


  • So either inter- or intramolecular, right?

  • So if a reducing agent's added and the reducing agent

  • is thiol-based, again, you're going

  • to have much more reducing agent than your protein of interest,

  • right?

  • So you don't want your thiol-reactive probe

  • to react with the reducing agent in the buffer here.

  • So that needs to be removed.

  • And then if you remove it, you need to ask,

  • does the thiol stay reduced or is it susceptible

  • to air oxidation?

  • So these are just all practical considerations to keep in mind.

  • If a reaction doesn't work, why doesn't it?

  • And was it something that wasn't right with the buffers there?

  • OK.

  • So back to this issue of not having much control

  • about timing control for reactivity of these types

  • of groups, what could be done to overcome that?

  • So what other types of cross-linkers are out there?

  • Yeah.

  • Photo-active.

  • Photo-reactive cross-linkers.

  • So what's the idea here?

  • AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE] the appropriate [INAUDIBLE]


  • So what do we have?

  • And what can we do?

  • So just the first point to make is

  • that we want to think about specific labeling here.

  • So we can attach site-specifically to a protein

  • or some other biomolecule, maybe it's bi-cysteine modification

  • with something like a maleimide.

  • Maybe it's unnatural amino acid incorporation.

  • And it's chemically inert locally until irradiated.

  • OK?

  • And so, basically irradiating this photo-reactive

  • cross-linker will activate the photo-reactive group,

  • and then you get s-linking.

  • OK.

  • So this type of approach is often

  • used to capture binding partners.

  • It can be used in the test tube or in cells.

  • What are the types of photo-reactive cross-linkers?

  • AUDIENCE: Aryl azides.


  • So aryl azides are one type.

  • What's one we saw in class?

  • Although we, didn't talk about photochemistry.

  • Yeah, benzophenone.

  • And there's some other examples.

  • So what's another example?

  • AUDIENCE: Fluorinated [INAUDIBLE]


  • So they fall in here, right?

  • So we can think about, either just

  • phenyl azides or fluorinated phenyl azides.

  • So another way to do this is to generate

  • carbenes via diazirines here.

  • We'll pretty much focus on these types, which are major types.

  • So where did this idea come from?

  • How new is this type of work to stick a photo-reactive group

  • on a protein, and then use it in a cross-linking application?

  • And where did the idea come from in the first place?

  • What types of chemists often study photochemistry?


  • ELIZABETH NOLAN: More broadly.

  • So physical organic chemistry, right?

  • There's a whole component of photochemistry there.

  • Let's take a vote.

  • 2000?

  • First photo cross-linker.

  • 1990?

  • '80?

  • '70?

  • '60?

  • Just no clue?

  • So around 1962 was the first paper

  • using a photoreactive group on a protein here, Westheimer.

  • And then Jeremy Nulls in 1969 was the first example

  • of an aryl azide.

  • OK?

  • So this work came out of physical organic chemistry

  • and at a time where physical organic chemists were

  • transitioning into enzymology.

  • So we don't have time to go into a lot of the photochemistry

  • of these different moieties, but it was quite rich there.

  • So how does this work?

  • What types of reactions and groups

  • get modified here in the cross-linking?

  • So let's think about them.

  • So let's consider an aryl azide.

  • So what happens when aryl azides are irradiated with UV light?

  • AUDIENCE: Took all of the nitrogen gas.

  • Get a nitrene.

  • ELIZABETH NOLAN: Get a nitrene.

  • Yeah.

  • So if we just think about nitrenes for a minute,

  • what types of chemistry do nitrenes do?

  • Are they reactive?

  • So can they insert into C-H bonds?

  • N-H bonds?

  • Add to double bonds?

  • Can they do other things as well?

  • OK.

  • So here we have our protein.

  • What's going to happen?

  • As Steve said, we're going to generate a nitrene.

  • So how does that happen?

  • We irradiate with light to get our nitrene.

  • So what happens with these aryl azides

  • is some interesting photochemistry when you're

  • at, say, room temperature.

  • So rather than this nitrene reacting, say,

  • with a C-H bond or an N-H bond, it actually

  • undergoes a ring expansion.

  • So what we get-- and this is very fast.

  • So on the order of 10 to 100 picoseconds.

  • So this happens before it has a chance

  • to react with something else.

  • OK.

  • To give us this intermediate.

  • OK.

  • And so, this species has very different chemistry

  • than a nitrene.

  • And what happens is it will react with nucleophiles.

  • So imagine our amino group to give the cross-link.

  • So this pathway is the dominant pathway

  • if just an aryl azide is used here.

  • To think about from the standpoint

  • of wanting to do cross-linking.

  • So let's say you attach this aryl azide

  • to a protein of interest, and then you

  • irradiate with light and look for it

  • to cross-link with something, is this an issue?

  • It will form a cross-link.

  • Would you rather have a nitrene reactor or this seven member

  • reaction with a seven membered ring?

  • AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE] nitrene, but it

  • would depend on what you're actually looking at, like what

  • you were investigating.


  • So why would you argue for the nitrene?

  • AUDIENCE: Because we were talking about the nitrene

  • does have the capacity to do a [INAUDIBLE] So

  • if you wanted to do something like that kind of chemistry,

  • then having this be the dominant pathway would be inefficient.


  • There's a lot more C-H bonds than there

  • are lysines or N-termini.

  • So that's one aspect.

  • We've lost that chemistry.

  • And then to another point, how well did these reactions work?

  • So nitrene reactions are very fast.

  • Relatively speaking, this is kind of sluggish there.

  • And so the question is, what can be done in order

  • to improve upon this?

  • OK.

  • And Steve mentioned these fluorinated phenyl azides

  • there.

  • And so, photochemical work, unrelated to any sort

  • of biological cross-linking chemistry,

  • showed that if you fluorinate aryl azides

  • you can get nitrene reactivity, rather than this other pathway

  • here.

  • OK?

  • And so, if we just take a look at that, what happens?

  • For instance, imagine we have this tetrafluoro analog here.

  • We can imagine irradiating this and getting to our nitrene.

  • I'm going to skip the steps.

  • OK.

  • Now what can happen?

  • Imagine we have some C-H bond nearby.

  • We get this cross-link.

  • And this reaction is very, very fast here.

  • Very, very fast.

  • Can ring expansion occur in this situation?

  • OK.

  • So I'm pointing this out, because the language

  • in the packet was a little strong.

  • If there is something for this nitrene to react with nearby,

  • it will react.

  • But this can undergo ring expansion.

  • It's just much slower than the case above.

  • So the studies I've read say about 170-fold slower there.

  • So it's not that the pathway is completely blocked.

  • It also too depends on the experimental conditions.

  • But anyhow, this is quoted to be near diffusion controlled here

  • for that.

  • I mean, this is pretty interesting when

  • you think about it, right?

  • Because aryl azides, they can be fed to cells

  • to do unnatural amino acid incorporation, right?

  • They're used in click chemistry for instance,

  • types of conjugation chemistry.

  • But here, the photochemistry can be taken advantage of

  • to give a cross-linker that can be controlled

  • in a temporal manner there.

  • So what about the benzophenone?

  • What does benzophenone react with after being

  • irradiated with light?

  • So imagine you have your protein.

  • And maybe in this case you did unnatural amino acid

  • incorporation to site-specifically attach

  • a benzophenone.

  • What happens?

  • What happens is that there's formation

  • of a triplet diradical.

  • And what will this do?

  • Here, it's going to react with some C-H bond

  • to get the cross-link.

  • Let's say you have this guy here and you

  • want to do a cross-linking experiment.

  • So we can imagine some different possibilities.

  • What do you think you'll get out?

  • Are you only going to get out your desired cross-link?

  • What might happen?

  • 2:00, 1:50 on a Friday.

  • Let's get some jumping jacks.

  • Come on.

  • Should I dismiss all of you, because there is a major energy

  • low today, I have to say there.

  • Yeah.

  • Do you think you'll get one product, 10 products, 100?

  • AUDIENCE: There will be lots of side reactions.


  • There's still the possibility for many side reactions, right?

  • And you always need to be aware of that.

  • So if you cross-link something, the next question is,

  • is this something that's actually relevant or not?

  • Or is it an artifact there?

  • So the analysis can be very complicated.

  • And so, that's just something to think about.

  • Say you have cross-linked species from cell lysate,

  • what are you going to do to analyze that?

  • Just think about some of the things that have come up

  • in other contexts here.

  • We talked about protease digest and mass spec

  • for looking at substrates of GroEL GroES, that's

  • something that can be applied.

  • And there's many sophisticated new tools

  • to get a lot of information out of the mass spec, which

  • we won't talk about.

  • But having tags within the cross-linker, right?

  • So then you need to ask, how well is the coverage going

  • to be?

  • So even after this step, there's a lot more work,

  • which we won't go into details in this recitation today.

  • What about inherent efficiency of cross-linking

  • in terms of these benzophenone versus the aryl azides?

  • We want to think about relative cross-linking efficiency.

  • Any sense of that?

  • AUDIENCE: I think the benzophenone compared

  • to the diazirine is a lot less efficient.

  • I don't really know [INAUDIBLE]

  • AUDIENCE: I have a question.

  • When we're talking about efficiency,

  • is it purely based on the speed of this reactivity?

  • Or is it also taking into account

  • the different cross-reactions that could occur?

  • Because it seems like there are more possibilities

  • for more cross-reactions.

  • Even though it might be more reactive, it's not--


  • The former, right?

  • Just thinking about the reaction.

  • There's the possibility of cross-reactions

  • for all of these.

  • They're highly reactive.

  • A nitrene is highly reactive.

  • The benzophenone triplet diradical is highly reactive.

  • A carbene, if you're going to get that from some diazirine

  • is very reactive.

  • And yes, it's something important to think

  • about in terms of your experiment.

  • What is the relative efficiency of the reaction?

  • So I said that aryl azide is a little sluggish

  • compared to the others.

  • Something to consider, right?

  • You know what is the timescale of whatever it

  • is you're trying to trap.

  • So the wavelengths.

  • What is it about these wavelengths

  • that might be undesirable?

  • AUDIENCE: For in vivo studies, one shifting towards UV

  • means that you can have issues undesirable,

  • like DNA cross-linking stuff, but also it

  • means that it's not going to have

  • deep penetrants [INAUDIBLE] shift towards [INAUDIBLE]..

  • ELIZABETH NOLAN: What wavelength would you like?

  • JOANNE STUBBE: I would like it around 650.

  • These are all UV visible interface.

  • And you have hundreds of things that

  • absorb length are very incredible inefficient.

  • [INAUDIBLE] Most people never identify what

  • they get out of the other side.

  • They just see two things stuck together,

  • and that's the extent of it.

  • They never describe the molecular details.

  • ELIZABETH NOLAN: So let's actually just close--



  • So one of the questions I asked in the discussion section,

  • is it worth the effort if you're going to site-specifically put

  • in a cross-linker?

  • And imagine you find this protein-protein interaction,

  • if one chooses, you can do quite a bit

  • more experiments in terms of where

  • you place this cross-linker and mapping out that interaction

  • region there.

  • And so, that's I think also just a take-home is often

  • you need to put your reactive group in more than one place

  • to really get at the answer to the question you're asking.

  • And so, there's folks around doing that there.

  • But is it 20 positions?

  • Is it 10?

  • Is it 50?

  • Because if you don't know at the beginning,

  • you may need to do a lot of just systematic trial and error

  • for that.

  • Yeah.

  • So I think you should all read the packet.

  • And there are some suggestions for reading

  • if you're curious to learn more, one of which

  • is a manual from Thermo.

  • So often, the companies give a lot of good general background

  • information, and there's many different types of chemistry

  • included in that as well.

  • I'll also point out, Ed is here for those of you

  • who don't know Ed.

  • So he'll be presenting next week on cryo-EM.

  • And you should definitely read the fatty acid synthase paper

  • beforehand.

  • The structures are incredible.

  • And fatty acid synthase serves as a base

  • for our discussions of polyketide and polyketide

  • synthases, which is where we'll begin module four in thinking

  • about the biosynthesis of natural products there.

  • OK.

  • Have a good weekend.

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B1 中級

R5.交聯概述,包括光反應交聯方法。 (R5. Overview of Cross-Linking, Including Photo-Reactive Cross-Linking Methods)

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