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  • MICHAEL SHORT: All right, guys.

  • So today I'm not going to be doing most of the talking.

  • You actually are, because, like I've said,

  • we've been teaching you all sorts of crazy physics

  • and radiation biology.

  • We've taught you how to smell bullshit,

  • taught you a little bit about how to read papers

  • and what to look for.

  • And we're going to spend the second half of today's class

  • actually doing that.

  • Well, we're going to have a mini debate on whether or not

  • hormesis is real.

  • And you guys are going to spend some time finding

  • evidence for or against it.

  • Instead of just me telling you this is what hormesis is

  • or isn't.

  • So just to finish up the multicellular effects

  • from last time, we started talking

  • about what's called the bystander effect, which says,

  • if a cell is irradiated, and it dies

  • or something happens to it, the other cells nearby notice.

  • And they speed up their metabolism,

  • their oxidative metabolism, which

  • can generate some of the same chemical byproducts

  • as radiolysis does, causing additional cell

  • damage and mutation.

  • And there was an interesting--

  • yeah, I think I left-- we left off here at this study,

  • where they actually talked about most

  • of the types of mutations found in the bystander

  • cells were of different types.

  • But there were mutations found, in this case,

  • as a result of what's called oxidative-based damage.

  • This is oxidative cell metabolism

  • ramping up and producing more of those metabolic byproducts that

  • can damage DNA as well.

  • What we didn't get into is the statistics.

  • What do the statistics look like for large sample sizes

  • of people who have been exposed to small amounts of radiation?

  • I'm going to show you a couple of them.

  • One of them is the folks within 3 kilometers of the Hiroshima.

  • So I want you to notice a couple of things.

  • Here is the dose in gray, maxing out at about two gray.

  • And in this case this ERR is what's

  • called Excess Relative Risk.

  • It's a little different than odds

  • ratio, where here an excess relative risk of 0

  • means it's like nothing happened.

  • So anything above 0 means extra excess relative risk.

  • So what are some of the features you notice about this data?

  • What's rather striking about it in your opinion?

  • Yeah?

  • Charlie?


  • timeline from [INAUDIBLE] timeline here.

  • MICHAEL SHORT: This one?

  • AUDIENCE: Yeah.

  • MICHAEL SHORT: Oh, yeah, these are the errors.

  • Yep.

  • What does it say here?

  • Is it-- more than one standard error Yeah.

  • AUDIENCE: There's a lot of variability?

  • MICHAEL SHORT: Yeah, I mean, look

  • at the confidence in this data at high doses.

  • And then while you may say, OK, the amount of relative risk

  • per amount of radiation increases

  • with decreasing dose, which is the opposite of what

  • you might think, our confidence in that number

  • goes out the window.

  • Now what do you think of the total number of people that led

  • to each of these data points?

  • How many folks do you think were exposed to gray

  • versus milligray of radiation?

  • AUDIENCE: A lot less for gray than [INAUDIBLE]..

  • MICHAEL SHORT: That's right, the sample size.

  • I thought it was cold and loud in here.

  • The sample size for the folks in gray is much smaller.

  • And yet the error bars are much smaller too.

  • That's not usually the way it goes, is it?

  • Usually, you think larger sample size, smaller error bars,

  • unless the effects themselves and confounding variables are

  • hard to tease out from each other.

  • If you then look at another set of people,

  • all of the survivor-- oh. yeah, Charlie?

  • AUDIENCE: How did they determine the-- the doses [INAUDIBLE]??

  • MICHAEL SHORT: This would have to be from some estimate.

  • This would be from models.

  • It's not like folks had dosimeters everywhere

  • in Japan in the 1940s.

  • But this-- these would be estimates

  • depending on where you lived, let's

  • say in an urban, suburban, or rural area,

  • let's see, things like milk intake

  • right after the bomb, or anything that would have given

  • you an unusually high amount of radiation,

  • distance where the winds were going.

  • This is the best you could do with that data.

  • And now look at all of the bomb survivors,

  • including the ones outside 3 kilometer region,

  • but still got some dose.

  • What's changed?

  • AUDIENCE: It seems like they're less likely to get

  • more risk for less dose.

  • MICHAEL SHORT: Yeah, the conclusion

  • is almost flipped for the low dose cases.

  • If you put them side by side, depending on the folks living

  • within 3 kilometers of the epicenter of Hiroshima

  • versus anyone exposed, all the bomb survivors,

  • you get an almost opposite conclusion for low doses,

  • despite the numbers being almost,

  • you know, within each others confidence

  • intervals for high doses.

  • So what this tells us is that the effects of high dose

  • are relatively easy to understand and quite obvious

  • even with low sample sizes.

  • What is different between these two data sets?

  • Well, it's the only difference that's actually listed here.

  • Distance from the epicenter, right?

  • So before I tell you what's different,

  • I want you guys to try to think about what

  • could be different about the folks living

  • within 3 kilometers of the epicenter of Hiroshima

  • versus anyone else in the city or the countryside?

  • Yeah?

  • AUDIENCE: Would it be like [INAUDIBLE]??

  • It seems like a the closer, like, it

  • would be a lot more instances where you get a higher dose.

  • So they're underestimating [INAUDIBLE]..

  • MICHAEL SHORT: Could be, yeah.

  • It might be harder to figure out exactly how much dose folks had

  • without necessarily measuring it, right?

  • But what other major factors or confounding variables

  • are confusing the data here?

  • Yeah?

  • AUDIENCE: Wouldn't a lot of people who lived closer,

  • like, not inside the radiation, like,

  • the actual shockwave and heat from the bomb [INAUDIBLE]??

  • MICHAEL SHORT: So in this case, these are for bomb survivors.

  • So, yes, that's true.

  • If you're closer, you get the gamma blast.

  • You get the pressure wave.

  • AUDIENCE: But like, even if you survive that, it still like

  • would affect them in addition to radiation.

  • Is it counting for people who got injured from that too?

  • MICHAEL SHORT: It should just account all survivors, yeah.

  • AUDIENCE: So if they were injured,

  • that could change how they reacted to the radiation

  • exposure.


  • Absolutely.

  • And then the other big one is, actually,

  • someone's kind of mentioned it, but in passing, urban or rural.

  • The environment that you live in depends on

  • how quickly, let's say, the ecosystem replenishes or not

  • if you live in a city or what sort of other toxins

  • or concentrated sources of radiation

  • you may be exposed to by living in a city that's

  • endured a nuclear attack or something else.

  • It could also depend on the amount of health care

  • that you're able to receive.

  • If you show some symptoms of something,

  • if you live way out in the countryside,

  • and there weren't a lot of roads,

  • then maybe you can't get to the best hospital,

  • or you go to a clinic that we don't know as much.

  • The point is, there's a lot of confounding variables.

  • There's a lot more people.

  • But anything from like lifestyle,

  • to diet, to relative exposure, think about the differences

  • in how folks in the city and out in the countryside

  • may have been exposed to the same dose,

  • because, again, dose is given in gray, not in sieverts.

  • That's the best we can estimate.

  • But would it matter if you were to exposed

  • to let's say, alpha-particle containing fallout

  • that you would then ingest versus

  • exposed to a lot of gamma rays or delayed betas.

  • It absolutely would.

  • So the type of radiation and the route of exposure in the organs

  • that were affected are not accounted for in the study

  • because, again, the data is in gray.

  • It's just an estimated joules per kilogram

  • of radiation exposure, not taking into account the quality

  • factors for tissue, the quality factors for type of radiation,

  • the relative exposure, the dose rate,

  • which we've already talked about.

  • How much you got as a function of time actually does matter.

  • So all these things are quite important.

  • And for all these sorts of studies,

  • you have to consider the statistics.

  • So let's now look at a--

  • I won't say, OK, a cellphone-like study

  • where one might draw a conclusion if the error

  • bars weren't drawn.

  • So based on this, can you say that very low doses

  • of radiation in this area actually

  • give you some increased risk of, what do they say,

  • female breast cancer?

  • No.

  • You can't be bold enough to draw a conclusion from the very

  • low dose region from, let's say, the-- the 1s to 10s

  • of milligray, that whole region right there that people

  • are afraid of getting, we don't actually

  • know if it hurts or it has nothing, or if it helps.

  • That's a kind of weird thing to think about.

  • So the question is, what do we do next?

  • These are the actual recommendations from the ICRP.

  • And I've highlighted the parts that

  • are important, in my opinion, for everyone to read.

  • And the most important one, probably we'll

  • have to come to terms with some uncertainty

  • in the amount of damage that little amounts of dose do.

  • So this is the ICRP saying to the general public,

  • you guys should chill out.

  • There's not much we can do about tiny amounts of exposure.

  • They happen all the time.

  • You can either worry about it, and get your heart rate up,

  • and elevate your own blood pressure,

  • and have a higher chance of dying on your own,

  • or you can just chill out because there is not

  • enough evidence to say whether a tiny little amount

  • of radiation, and we're talking in the milligray or below,

  • helps, or hurts, or does nothing, which leads me

  • into the last set of slides for this entire course,

  • they're not that long because I want you guys to actually

  • do a lot of the work here, is radiation hormesis, real

  • or not?

  • There are plenty of studies pointing one way or the other.

  • And I want to show you a few of them with some other examples.

  • The whole idea here is that a little bit of a bad thing

  • can be a good thing, much like vitamins,

  • or, let's say, vitamin A in seal livers, a little bit of it

  • you need.

  • It's a vital micronutrient.

  • A whole lot of it can do a whole lot of damage.

  • You don't usually think of that being the case for radiation.

  • But some studies may have you believe otherwise

  • with surprisingly high sample sizes.

  • So the idea here is that if you've got anything, not just

  • element and diet, but anything that happens to you,

  • there's going to be some optimum level where you could

  • die or have some ill effects if exposed

  • to too much or too little.

  • We all know that this happens with high amounts of radiation.

  • The question is, is that actually happened?

  • So let's look at some of the data.

  • In this case, I mentioned selenium and actually

  • have a fair bit of this data that shows some,

  • let's say, contradictory results in this case, where

  • a whole lots of different people were

  • exposed to a certain amount of selenium accidentally.

  • I don't think these were any intentional studies.

  • But some folks received massive doses of selenium

  • and tried-- folks tried to figure out, well,

  • what how-- oh, yeah, if you want to see how much they got.

  • Remember that you want about 5 micrograms per day on average.

  • That's a pretty crazy amount of selenium

  • that ended up killing this person in four hours.

  • But let's look at a sort of medium dose, something way

  • higher than you would normally get.

  • Two different studies published in peer-reviewed places--

  • this one says, "taking mega doses of selenium,"

  • so enormous doses, "may have acute toxic effects

  • and showed no decreased incidence

  • of prostate cancer and increased prostate cancer rates.

  • 35,000 people.

  • The same supplements greatly reduced

  • secondary prostate cancer evolution in another study."

  • Kind of hard to wrap your head around that, right?

  • Both these studies were done with, I'd say, enough people

  • and came to absolutely opposite conclusions,

  • showing that there's definitely other confounding

  • variables at work here.

  • So there's kind of two solutions to this problem,

  • increase your sample size to try to get

  • a most representative set of the population

  • or control for other confounding variables.

  • And then the question is, how do you

  • model how much is a good thing to go over

  • what these models mean.

  • The one that's described right now in the public

  • is called the linear-no threshold model.

  • This means that if this axis right here is bad

  • and this is axis right here is amount

  • that any amount of radiation is bad for you.

  • What I think might be a little bit more accurate

  • is called the linear threshold model.

  • If you remember from two classes ago,

  • the ICRP recommends that, I think,

  • 0.01 microsieverts is considered nothing officially.

  • That would mean there is a threshold below which

  • we absolutely don't care.

  • And if there are any ill effects,

  • they're statistically inseparable from anything else

  • that would happen.

  • And that would suggest here this linear threshold model,

  • where this control line right here would

  • be the incidence of whatever bad happens in the control

  • population not exposed to the radiation, the selenium,

  • the whatever.

  • There's also a couple of other ones like the hormesis model,

  • which says that if you get no radiation,

  • you get the same amount of ill effects as the control group.

  • If you get a little radiation, you actually

  • get less ill effects.

  • In this case, this would be like saying

  • getting a little bit of radiation to the lungs

  • could decrease your incidence of lung cancer.

  • Does anyone believe that idea?

  • Getting a little bit dose to your lungs

  • could decrease lung cancer?

  • OK.

  • And then you reach some point of crossover point

  • where, yeah, a lot of this thing becomes bad.

  • And the question is, is radiation hormetic?

  • Does this region where things get better actually

  • lead all the way to x equals 0 as a function of dose?

  • And I want to skip ahead a little bit

  • to some of the studies.

  • No, I don't want to skip ahead.

  • There are some non hormetic models

  • that have been proposed in the literature.

  • It's easy to wrap your head around a linear model, right?

  • It's just a line.

  • More is worse.

  • But the question is, how much?

  • So folks have proposed things like linear quadratic,

  • where a little bit of dose is bad.

  • And then a lot more dose is more bad as a function of dose.

  • That's actually kind of what we saw in the Hiroshima data.

  • And I'll show you again in a sec.

  • So the history of this LNT, or Linear No-Threshold model,

  • states the following four things--

  • radiation exposure is harmful.

  • Well, does anyone disagree with that statement?

  • I think we all know that even large-- you know,

  • at least large amounts of radiation exposure is bad.

  • It's harmful at all exposure levels.

  • That's the one you have to wonder.

  • Each increment of exposure adds the overall risk,

  • saying that it's an always increasing function.

  • And the rate of accumulation exposure

  • has no bearing on risk.

  • The first one's easy.

  • We know this is true because you expose people

  • to a lot of radiation, bad things

  • tend to happen, deterministically.

  • The second one, we already know is false.

  • If you look at large sample sets of data, like, the data

  • we showed before, there's definitely

  • a non-linear sort of relationship going, where

  • each incremental amount of exposure

  • has the same amount of incremental risk.

  • We know from a lot of studies that's not typically true.

  • Then the question is, what about these two?

  • So now it's going to-- we're going to find

  • and who you some fairly interesting studies.

  • In this case, leukemia as a function of radiation dose,

  • what do you guys think about this data set before I

  • seed any ideas into your heads?

  • So here is dose and sieverts, not gray.

  • And here is odds ratio, relative risk of contracting leukemia.

  • If you were to look at the data points alone,

  • what would you say?

  • AUDIENCE: A little bit of dose is good for you.

  • MICHAEL SHORT: Yeah, you might think that.

  • But look at all the different types

  • of models you can draw through the error bars.

  • As you could draw anything going,

  • let's say, down and then up.

  • You could draw a linear no-threshold model,

  • as long as it got through this line right here

  • or a linear quadratic model.

  • So a study like this doesn't quite

  • give you any sort of measurable conclusion.

  • A study like this might, especially considering

  • the number of people involved.

  • In this case, this is the activity

  • of radon in air as related to the incidence of lung

  • cancer per 10,000 people.

  • Notice the sample size here, 200,000 people

  • from 1,600 counties that comprise 90% of the population.

  • Chances are you've then passed the urban-rural divide.

  • You've then passed any region of the country.

  • So by including such a gigantic sample size,

  • you do mostly eliminate the confounding variables.

  • So, location, you know, house construction,

  • urban versus rural, age, anything else

  • are pretty much smeared out in the enormous sample size.

  • And what do you see here?

  • AUDIENCE: Looks pretty good for low dose.

  • MICHAEL SHORT: Yeah, you see a fairly

  • statistically-significant hormesis

  • effect, where, you know, the route of exposure

  • is very well-known.

  • Everything else seems to be controlled for by--

  • I mean, we've included something like almost 0.1%

  • of the US population.

  • That's not bad.

  • Other ones for people that get more specific, targeted dose,

  • in this case, women who received multiple x-rays

  • to monitor lung collapse during tuberculosis treatment, a group

  • of people that can be tightly controlled

  • and followed very well.

  • These are numbers with one standard deviation.

  • And that, right there so you can see, is centigray.

  • So this dose right here is one gray worth of dose.

  • That's a pretty toasty amount of radiation.

  • But below that, again, statistically

  • significant-looking data.

  • I don't know how many people were in the study

  • because I didn't extract that information.

  • But it's something you might be doing in the next half an hour.


  • MICHAEL SHORT: Oh, it does.

  • It says deaths per 10,000 women.

  • But how many people were in the study?

  • The question is, what is your sample size?

  • So like in the last study, it was just 200,000 people

  • in the samples.

  • That gives you some pretty good confidence that you've

  • eliminated confounding results.

  • So I don't know how many folks get tuberculosis

  • these days in the US, or whether this was even a US study,

  • chances are the sample size is smaller.

  • So than even if the data support your idea of hormesis,

  • you have to call into question, is

  • this a large enough, and a representative enough,

  • sample size to draw any real conclusion?

  • So then let's keep going.

  • More data needed.

  • Evidence for a threshold model.

  • This is probably the most boring-looking graph

  • that actually gives you some idea of,

  • should there be a threshold for how much radiation

  • is a bad thing?

  • In this case, it's very careful data.

  • It's a very carefully-controlled data set, lung cancer

  • death from radon in miners.

  • And folks that are going down underground probably

  • have a higher incidence of lung cancer

  • overall from all the horrible stuff

  • they're exposed to, whether it's coal or, you know,

  • if you're mining gypsum.

  • Oh, there's lots of nasty stuff down there.

  • But there is an additional amount

  • of deaths responsible from radon.

  • Here's your relative list risk level of 1

  • and up to 10 picocuries per liter,

  • which was around the maximum of the last study.

  • It's as boring as it gets, which helps refute

  • the idea of a linear no-threshold model,

  • because if there was a linear no-threshold model,

  • this dose versus risk would be reliably and significantly

  • going up.

  • So there's data out there to support this.

  • And even-- even better ones, lung cancer deaths

  • from radon in homes.

  • The study was careful to look at.

  • If you look at the legend here, these

  • are different cities ranging from Shenyang in China,

  • to Winnipeg in Canada, to New Jersey, which is apparently

  • a city, to places in Finland, Sweden, and Stockholm,

  • which are somehow different places.

  • Yeah.

  • So when you see a study like this where they actually

  • control and check to make sure they're

  • not getting any single locality as

  • an unrepresentative measurement, and the data just

  • looked like a crowd--

  • a cloud along relative risk equals 1,

  • this either refutes the idea that there is no threshold

  • or supports the idea that there's

  • got to be some threshold lying beyond 10 picocuries per liter.

  • So, again, to me, it supports the ICRP's recommendation

  • of chill out.

  • You're going to have a little bit of radon in your basement.

  • But pretty big studies, and quite a lot of them,

  • show that a little bit isn't going to add any risk to you.

  • So if you're worried about risk, they're

  • statistically is none based on quite a few of these studies.

  • And in order to enable you to find these studies on your own,

  • I wanted to go through five minutes of where to look.

  • And the answer is not Google because Google is not very

  • good at finding every study.

  • It also picks up a whole lot of garbage

  • that's not peer reviewed because it just scrabbles the internet,

  • you know?

  • That's what it does really well.

  • Instead, I want us to take the next half hour,

  • split into teams for and against hormesis,

  • and try and find studies that confirm

  • or refute the idea that radiation hormesis is

  • an actual effect.

  • So how many of you have some sort of computer device

  • with you here?

  • Good.

  • Enough so that there is equal amount in each group.

  • I'd like to switch now to my own browser.

  • And I want to show you guys the Web of Science.

  • Web of-- yeah, [INAUDIBLE] I use Pine on my phone.

  • It's much better science.

  • So if you just Google search Web of Science, and you're at MIT,

  • it will recognize your certificates

  • and send you into the actual best scientific paper indexing

  • thing out there.

  • AUDIENCE: Better than Google Scholar?

  • MICHAEL SHORT: Oh, my god, it's better than Google Scholar.

  • Yeah.

  • If you think you've found everything

  • by looking at Google Scholar, you're only fooling yourself.

  • You're not fooling anybody else.

  • It's getting better.

  • But it doesn't find anything.

  • And Google Scholar is really good at finding

  • things that aren't peer reviewed,

  • self-published stuff, things on archive, things

  • that you can't trust because they

  • haven't passed the muster of the scientific community.

  • So instead, let's say you would just

  • do a simple search for radiation hormesis.

  • You can all do this.

  • Don't worry.

  • I'm not showing you how to search.

  • I'm showing you some of the other features

  • of Web of Science.

  • And you end up with 534 papers.

  • You can, let's say, sort by number of times cited,

  • which may or may not be a factor in how trustworthy the data is.

  • It might just correlate with the age of the paper.

  • It might also be controversial.

  • So if people cite it as an example of what to do wrong,

  • it might be highly cited.

  • You know, people have made tenure cases and like careers

  • on papers that ended up being wrong.

  • And all you see is 10,000 citations saying this person

  • is an idiot.

  • If the committee val-- you know, judging you for a promotion

  • doesn't read that far into it, they're

  • like, oh, my god, 10,000 citations, right?

  • Boom!

  • Tenure, that's all you have to do.

  • I think I have it a little tougher.

  • The important part is while with a title like that, oh, man,

  • the more-- the real fun part though is you

  • can see who has cited this paper.

  • So if you want to then go see, why has this paper been cited

  • 260 times, you can instantly see all the titles, and years,

  • and number of additional citations of the papers

  • that have cited it.

  • So this is how you get started with a real research, research.

  • Yeah, that's what I meant to say,

  • is starting from a paper and a tool like Web of Science,

  • you can go forward and backward in citation time,

  • backward in time to see what evidence this paper used

  • to make their claims, forward in time to see what

  • other people thought about it.

  • So who wants to be for hormesis?

  • All right, everyone, all you guys on one side of the room,

  • all you guys, other guys on the other side of the room.

  • And I'd like you guys to try to find

  • the most convincing studies that you can

  • to prove the other side wrong.

  • I suggest using Web Science, not Google Scholar.

  • It's pretty easy to figure out how to learn how to use.

  • And let's see what conclusion we come to.


  • MICHAEL SHORT: Yep, hormesis by the wall--

  • yeah, anti-hormesis by the window.

  • There we go.

  • And I'm going to hide this because I don't want to give

  • anyone an unfair advantage.


  • SARAH: So this is a graph showing the immune response

  • in the cells of mice showing that after they were given

  • doses from 0 to 2 gray, or 0 to 7 on the right,

  • the response of the immune system.

  • So at the lower doses below like 0.5 gray, which is in the range

  • that we're looking at, well, the immune system in the mice

  • had a stronger response at low doses of radiation

  • and then very quickly tapered off,

  • supporting the claim the low doses are good for mice.



  • SARAH: I have another graph too.

  • MICHAEL SHORT: So this percentage change in response,

  • I'm assuming 100 years is no dose.

  • OK.

  • SARAH: Yes.

  • So at higher doses, the response of the immune system

  • was suppressed, which follows with what all the other studies

  • show about giving doses in excess of like 1 gray to cells.


  • So anti-hormesis group.

  • SARAH: Oh, I have another graph, but--

  • MICHAEL SHORT: Oh, you do?

  • SARAH: Yeah.

  • MICHAEL SHORT: Oh, I wasn't going to call them out.

  • I was going to have them criticize what's up here.

  • SARAH: Oh, no.

  • I have another graph.


  • SARAH: I have two of the same ones.

  • No, I have another one somewhere.

  • I'll find it in a sec.

  • This one.

  • All right, so this one is incidences

  • of lung cancer based on mean radon level

  • and corrected for smoking.

  • So you can't say that it was just from people smoking.

  • So for radon levels up to 7 picocuries per liter,

  • the incidence of fatal lung cancer

  • actually decreased as you had more radon.



  • SARAH: Yes.

  • MICHAEL SHORT: Anything else you guys

  • want to show before we let the anti-hormesis folks poke at it?

  • SARAH: That's what I got.



  • MICHAEL SHORT: What are your thoughts?

  • AUDIENCE: OK, could you go back to the last one.

  • SARAH: I will try, yes.

  • AUDIENCE: Do you have any other [INAUDIBLE]..

  • AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE] response.

  • AUDIENCE: So-- so a mouse is twice--

  • almost twice as effective at fending off disease?

  • OK, I-- I am not a mouse biologist,

  • but the smell test makes me think that--

  • that perplexed me.

  • And I guess you didn't do studies [INAUDIBLE]..

  • SARAH: I am not personally offended by this.

  • So you're good.

  • AUDIENCE: Enormous-- enormous change.

  • And if radiation hormesis has such a strong effect

  • on these mice, then why isn't it something everywhere as a thing

  • now.

  • Like, if radiation-- if hormesis is responsible for 80%

  • [? movement ?] in mice, [INAUDIBLE] like where--

  • SARAH: I don't know that it was improvement.

  • I think it was just in the amount of response they saw.

  • I don't know if that means it's--

  • well, that doesn't always mean it was

  • effective at doing something.

  • Right.

  • MICHAEL SHORT: [INAUDIBLE] you guys have comments too?

  • AUDIENCE: Additionally, that's like an extremely small

  • of a dose for such a massive response

  • in like a field that is so based on probability.

  • Like, how can something like the dose range

  • that small have that much of an impact on mice?

  • SARAH: Well, from 0 to half a gray is pretty significant.



  • AUDIENCE: --before you get to the 0.6 gray.

  • AUDIENCE: You're also only looking

  • at the cells from [INAUDIBLE] it seems like.

  • And it like looked varied depending

  • on the kind of tissue.

  • So you can't do it for overall.

  • MICHAEL SHORT: OK, I want to hear

  • from the pro-hormesis team.

  • What makes your-- what makes your legs a little shaky trying

  • to stand and hold this up?



  • SARAH: Didn't read the study.


  • MICHAEL SHORT: I like this--

  • I like this idea that, yeah, you're

  • only looking at one type of cell, which may or may

  • respond differently to different types of radiation.

  • There are no error bars.

  • SARAH: No, not even a whole mouse either.

  • AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE] in the mouse.

  • MICHAEL SHORT: Oh, oh to trigger an immune response.


  • MICHAEL SHORT: It's like-- there are--

  • there's other cells nearby.

  • But they're like, oh, you're not my cell.

  • I'm going to [INAUDIBLE].



  • So that's-- that's a valid point.

  • But, yeah, did it say in the study how many?

  • SARAH: Again, did not read the study.


  • Read the conclusion.

  • MICHAEL SHORT: The data alone, just taken it at face value,

  • make it look like hormesis is a definite thing, Yeah, Kristin?

  • AUDIENCE: I'm saying if there is [INAUDIBLE]..


  • SARAH: True.

  • Nine mice cell samples.

  • MICHAEL SHORT: Let's go to the other study.

  • SARAH: All right, the-- the lung one?

  • MICHAEL SHORT: Yeah, it seems to be

  • more controlled and more legit.

  • SARAH: Yeah.

  • This one has error bars.

  • MICHAEL SHORT: Yeah, 1 has error bars, 2, corrected for smoking.

  • So let's see what the caption says.

  • Lung cancer fatality rates compared with mean radon levels

  • in the US.

  • SARAH: And for multiple counties because it

  • talks about counties plural.

  • So--

  • MICHAEL SHORT: So multiple counties

  • helped control for single localities, or--

  • AUDIENCE: So the 0 level there is theoretical.

  • So the data that you have down here,

  • like, we don't know what actually happens [INAUDIBLE]..

  • SARAH: Past what?

  • AUDIENCE: Like-- like below 1, the mean radon levels

  • because everyone is exposed to radon.

  • SARAH: Well, it says average residential level of 1.7.

  • So I think that means maybe some people have less, maybe

  • some people have more.

  • I don't know what the minimum radon level is.

  • MICHAEL SHORT: It's not going to be 0.

  • SARAH: It's not 0.

  • MICHAEL SHORT: Yeah, no one gets 0

  • unless you live in a vacuum chamber.

  • SARAH: I don't know what kind of scale that's on.

  • AUDIENCE: Me too.


  • Cool, yeah.

  • So this-- this is fairly convincing.

  • If the point here was to show there

  • is the theory of linear no threshold,

  • and here's what's an actual data with error bars shows.

  • It does a pretty good job in saying,

  • the theory is not right, in this case.

  • Can you say that in all cases?

  • It's hard to tell.

  • In the first study you found that was on the cellular level.

  • Maybe the multicellular level--

  • multicellular level, certainly not the organism level,

  • like we said, how many mice.

  • This is just parts of mice.

  • Just--

  • SARAH: It could be the same mouse.

  • MICHAEL SHORT: Some cells-- yeah.

  • This one is definitely at the organism level.

  • It's for-- for gross amounts of exposure, how many of them

  • resulted in increased incidence of lung cancer?

  • The answer is pretty much none.

  • They all showed a statistically-significant

  • decrease, which is pretty interesting.

  • So thanks a lot.

  • Sarah.

  • And the whole team.

  • Now one of you guys come up and find [INAUDIBLE]..

  • SARAH: Carrying the team.


  • MICHAEL SHORT: So who wants to come up?

  • Or does no one [INAUDIBLE]?

  • SARAH: Let's throw down, right?

  • Fixing to scrap.

  • MICHAEL SHORT: OK, you can just pull it out.

  • SARAH: OK, Are you sure?


  • SARAH: OK.

  • I don't want to break things.

  • MICHAEL SHORT: No, pulling it out's fine.

  • If you jam it in, you can bend the pins.

  • And that's happened here before.


  • MICHAEL SHORT: Yeah, if you want to take a minute to send

  • each other the links, go ahead.

  • No, I like this, though, is you can--

  • you can find a graph that supports something.

  • And you can cite it in a paper.

  • And you can get that paper published.

  • But looking more carefully at the data

  • does sometimes call things into question.

  • AUDIENCE: Just like [INAUDIBLE].

  • MICHAEL SHORT: Like, I think you guys found

  • a good example of that mouse cell study

  • that looks like it supports hormesis,

  • but you can't say so for sure.

  • Make sure no one's waiting for their room.

  • No one's kicking us out.

  • AUDIENCE: Have we got a paper that I found here

  • but we can't open up on there.

  • MICHAEL SHORT: Interesting.

  • Can you send me the link?


  • AUDIENCE: Wait, that wasn't an option.



  • I mean, we can continue this.

  • There's-- we're not-- since we're not going to the reactor

  • since that valve was broken, let's keep it up.

  • AUDIENCE: Hey, [INAUDIBLE] workbook

  • and [INAUDIBLE] put it in the log book.

  • AUDIENCE: That's your fault.


  • AUDIENCE: I wasn't even [INAUDIBLE]..


  • Email us by name.


  • AUDIENCE: It's not over yet.


  • MICHAEL SHORT: Yeah, actually, I like this.

  • This will be a good--

  • quite a good use of recitation.

  • I'll keep my email open in case folks want

  • to send things to present.

  • AUDIENCE: That's the whole title.

  • GUEST SPEAKER: So one-- one of the main problems

  • that we had with the hormesis effect

  • was that all of the studies that we've seen

  • seem to cover a large scope of like tissues,

  • different effects, and all sorts of things,

  • like, yeah, there's a lot of studies.

  • There's a lot of trends.

  • But, like, the things in particular

  • that they're studying are all over the place.

  • And a lot of the--

  • a lot of the research done, like these studies

  • here, are not actually meant to study hormesis.

  • It's kind of like recycled data that's

  • used from some other study.

  • And they're kind of like pulling from multiple sources, which

  • increases the uncertainty.

  • Then, additionally, we have conflicting

  • epidemiological evidence of low dosages.

  • So we're, in one instance, you may see a reduction

  • in breast cancer mortality.

  • You'll see excess thyroid cancer in children, other, which is--

  • MICHAEL SHORT: That's the same study that was just shown,

  • the Cohen 1995 residential radon study.





  • GUEST SPEAKER: And so I think--

  • we're not-- I don't think we're trying to disqualify hormesis

  • as, like, completely wrong.

  • I think one of the biggest issues

  • that we're taking with it is that it's a small effect,

  • if anything.

  • It's something that we really don't know about.

  • It's hard to quantify.

  • And it's, at the end of the day, really just not worth it, not

  • worth looking into because of all of the variable--

  • variables that go into it.

  • And the effects that, like, we just don't know about.

  • We don't understand it.

  • So, yeah, fire away.

  • MICHAEL SHORT: That's a a great viewpoint, actually.

  • Yeah, Monica?


  • OK, so it says support for radiation hormesis [INAUDIBLE]

  • cell in animal studies, OK?

  • And then it cites an example.

  • Can you tell me how that, like, you know,

  • supports what you're saying?

  • AUDIENCE: Can you just highlight the part?

  • MICHAEL SHORT: Oh, right-- right up here.


  • GUEST SPEAKER: We haven't seen it in humans.

  • AUDIENCE: Well, often, biological studies

  • are done on rats because they have similar effects to humans.

  • But it's a lifespan of, like, 1/10 a human's lifespan.

  • So, biologically, that's accepted.

  • GUEST SPEAKER: Medicine also is not

  • accepted until it works on humans, not on animals.


  • GUEST SPEAKER: So we can cure cancer in rats all day.

  • But, like, if it doesn't work in like the human body,

  • then it just--

  • we still don't use it, like, it needs

  • to clear the hurdle of human usefulness

  • before we actually use it.

  • MICHAEL SHORT: Let's actually look at this paragraph.

  • They relate to carcinogensis in different tissues

  • and the dose-response relationships [INAUDIBLE]..

  • AUDIENCE: So there's a line that says

  • the evidence for hormesis in these studies

  • is not compelling since the data may also be also

  • be reasonably interpreted to support no radiogenic effect

  • in the low dose range.

  • MICHAEL SHORT: Oh, that's interesting.

  • Now, how would one interpret-- because you showed the Cohen

  • data.

  • So how would one interpret that to mean no effect?

  • I'm trying now determine in this--

  • are the claims of this paper that you've been [INAUDIBLE]??

  • And this brings up, actually, another point.

  • They do agree that there's been hundreds of cell and animal

  • studies.

  • They cite three human studies.

  • So since we have the time, you guys

  • may want to look for more than three human studies, done

  • at the time of this writing.

  • It's not fair to take ones that were done afterwards.



  • Let's find out.

  • AUDIENCE: After 2000.

  • MICHAEL SHORT: It might say at the bottom of the first page.

  • AUDIENCE: Oh, wait, in the-- in the [INAUDIBLE]..

  • MICHAEL SHORT: 2000, yep.

  • Yeah.

  • So if you want to refute that point,

  • you may want to find more human studies pre 2000.

  • It wouldn't be fair to do otherwise.

  • But, actually, I liked what you said.

  • So what you're proposing--

  • if there's a mostly blank board, is

  • that most people should adopt the model that

  • looks something like this.

  • This is the axis of how much bad or that 0.

  • And this is dose in gray.

  • And whether your model does this, or this, or this,

  • it sounds to me like you are defining a--

  • like you're defining a kill zone.

  • [INAUDIBLE] maybe the--


  • MICHAEL SHORT: The point isn't whether or not hormesis exists.

  • The effect may be so small that who cares.

  • But the bigger discussion is how much is that, not

  • is a little bit good.

  • Is that what you're getting at?

  • GUEST SPEAKER: Yeah, the like, maybe it does look like this.

  • But the dip is small, really not that

  • different from the linear threshold model, we noticed.

  • MICHAEL SHORT: Oh, so in addition

  • to being a basic science question,

  • could the issue of hormesis almost

  • be a sidetrack in getting proper radiation policy through?

  • That's a point I hadn't heard made before,

  • but I quite like it.

  • Because it's not like you're going

  • to recommend everyone smokes three cigarettes a day

  • or, you know, everyone gets blasted

  • by little bit of radiation once a year as part of a treatment.

  • I don't think anyone would buy that.

  • Even if it did help, I don't think anybody would emotionally

  • buy that.

  • But by focusing on--

  • you know, that-- there's a nice expression

  • is the most important thing is make the most important thing

  • the most important thing.

  • It means don't lose sight of the overall goal, which

  • is if you're making policy on how much radiation

  • exposure you're allowed, do you focus

  • on saying, a little bit is actually good,

  • or do you focus on saying, here's the amount that's bad?

  • And anything below that, we shouldn't

  • be regulating or overregulating because there's no evidence

  • to say whether it's good or bad outside the kill zone.

  • I quite like that point, actually.

  • It means that the supporters of radiation

  • should chill out as well.

  • Cool, all right, so any other studies you want to point out?

  • GUEST SPEAKER: We had a couple of abstracts.

  • MICHAEL SHORT: Yeah, let's see.

  • GUEST SPEAKER: But I don't--

  • I'm not sure.



  • AUDIENCE: Some of the other ones don't compare hormetic models.

  • But they look at--

  • they say [INAUDIBLE].

  • It's like--

  • GUEST SPEAKER: Do you want to come up?

  • AUDIENCE: Yeah, this one says [INAUDIBLE]..

  • GUEST SPEAKER: All right.



  • AUDIENCE: It basically compares threshold models

  • with no-threshold models in [INAUDIBLE]..


  • So perhaps hormetic is still better for you,

  • but they-- the [INAUDIBLE] was good enough with [INAUDIBLE]..

  • MICHAEL SHORT: So what they're saying is the--

  • the choice of model really doesn't

  • matter, as long as it fits through the data

  • that we've got.

  • And it seems to be, again, what happens in the low-dose regime

  • is less important, right?

  • AUDIENCE: And it will-- they were satisfied when

  • it fell from the [INAUDIBLE].

  • MICHAEL SHORT: So they're saying the best estimate of this--

  • interesting.

  • AUDIENCE: They prefer no threshold [INAUDIBLE]..

  • MICHAEL SHORT: That's funny.

  • "If a risk model with a threshold is assumed,

  • the best estimate is below 0 sieverts.

  • But then how is their confidence interval from--

  • oh, less than 0 to 0.13.

  • They don't quantify how much lower

  • it goes because a negative dose doesn't make sense.

  • No.

  • So, yeah, it's a strong conclusion.

  • But it looks-- looks fairly well supported

  • to say that we can't say with those confidence intervals

  • that they give if there is or isn't a threshold.

  • Interesting.

  • What do you guys think of this?

  • So what would you delve into the study

  • to try to agree with or refute this claim?

  • AUDIENCE: They use a linear quadratic model only,

  • it looks like.

  • So they're not considering any of the other proposed

  • models, which is a little--

  • maybe not sketchy, but it just seems

  • like it'd be very easy to consider other models

  • and why didn't they do that.


  • You know, what no study has gotten into yet is,

  • what's the mechanism of, let's say, ill effect acceleration.

  • This is something that, at least at the grad school level,

  • we try to hammer to everyone constantly

  • is not just what's the data, but what's the mechanism.

  • What's the reason for an acceleration of ill effects?

  • So if you guys had to think with increasing radiation exposure,

  • let's say we wanted this linear quadratic model idea, what

  • could be some reasons or mechanisms for an increased

  • amount of risk per unit dose as the dose gets higher?

  • Yeah?

  • AUDIENCE: Well, your body [INAUDIBLE]..

  • But then-- so at some-- you get more dose--

  • you get more dosing [INAUDIBLE].

  • It just keep fixing itself.

  • And once you get past a certain point,

  • then it can't [? fix itself ?] [? fast enough. ?] The

  • additional damage keeps snowballing events.

  • And they're giving it more damage

  • to curb more radiation because you would run out of--

  • of various [INAUDIBLE].


  • Works for me.

  • Yeah, I like that-- the idea there

  • was that you've got some capacity to deal

  • with damage from radiation.

  • And then once you exceed that capacity, you don't also--

  • with a higher dose, you don't also

  • ramp up your capacity to deal with that dose.

  • So in the linear region, let's say,

  • you're somewhat absorbing the additional ill effects of dose

  • by capacity to repair DNA or repair cells.

  • Then once you exceed that threshold,

  • you're beyond that point.

  • So that could be a plausible mechanism

  • for why there could be a linear quadratic model that could

  • be tested, certainly with single cell or multi cell studies,

  • like these-- these radiation microbeams or, you know,

  • injecting something that would be absorbed

  • by one cell [INAUDIBLE] irradiated,

  • and seeing what the ones nearby do.

  • So you could count that as number

  • of mutations, number of cell deaths,

  • anything, something that could be quantitatively tested.

  • So that's pretty cool.

  • I actually quite like this study.

  • It's awfully hard to poke a hole in--

  • in the logic used here.

  • The claims aren't outrageous.

  • They're saying, this is what the data is saying.

  • If you change the model, you can or not have a threshold

  • and still get an acceptable fit.

  • Can we actually look in the study itself?

  • One thing I want to know is, what sort of--

  • do they do meta analysis, or did they--

  • yeah, so this was on the Japanese atomic bomb survivors.

  • So did they analyze previous data,

  • or did they get their own.

  • And then if so, what was the sample size?

  • Somewhere it'll be, like, yeah, [INAUDIBLE]..

  • So where [INAUDIBLE].

  • GUEST SPEAKER: Where am I--

  • where should I be looking for this--

  • MICHAEL SHORT: Probably further down

  • in any sort of methodology section--

  • materials and methods, here we go.

  • OK, here it is, 86,500 something survivors.

  • Oh, yes, with lots of follow up.

  • AUDIENCE: But how are you able to determine the dose?

  • Like--

  • MICHAEL SHORT: That is a good question.

  • AUDIENCE: Because especially for--

  • if we're looking like low dose, and you're estimating,

  • it's very easy to, like, estimate wrong, or, like,

  • because then-- then it calls into question you have--

  • [INAUDIBLE] modeling they're using.


  • So that's a great question is, how

  • do they know what those people die?

  • So how would we go about trying to trace that?

  • This is when you dig back in time.

  • They reference this, the data appears et al,

  • whatever, whatever.

  • So if you can go to Web of Science,

  • pull up this Pierce et al Web paper.

  • Look at cited references.

  • Yeah, right there.

  • And look for that 1996 Pierce study.

  • Let's see if it has it.

  • You can just like control F for Pierce, and we'll find it.

  • Pierce and [INAUDIBLE].

  • Yeah, 1996, that's the one.


  • Which one?

  • This one?


  • This is the 1996 one.

  • Yep.

  • So let's see if we can trace this back

  • and find out how they estimated the dose of these folks.

  • GUEST SPEAKER: So I just go to full text?




  • So interesting, this LLS cohort.

  • So there was some life span study,

  • which was also referred to actually in the lecture notes

  • as one of the original studies, says,

  • who met certain conditions concerning adequate follow up.

  • Although estimates of the--

  • OK, I want to see the next page.

  • Although we estimate-- that might

  • be what we're looking for.

  • Number of survivors, let's see.

  • AUDIENCE: It's 92%.

  • MICHAEL SHORT: OK, here we go, materials and methods.

  • The portion of the LSS cohort used here

  • includes the same number of survivors

  • for whom dose estimates are currently available,

  • et cetera, with estimated doses greater than 5 millisieverts is


  • Table 1 summarizes the exposure distribution.

  • So let's go find table 1 and see where the data came from.


  • MICHAEL SHORT: So it turns out that this is specifically--

  • DS-86 weighted colon dose in sieverts.

  • Interesting.


  • So how did they get that?

  • MICHAEL SHORT: I don't know.

  • But it sounds like we need to find this LSS, this Just LSS.

  • So let's look at the things that this paper cites.

  • Find this LSS.

  • So I'm walking-- what I'm doing here is walking you through how

  • to do your own research.

  • And if someone comes to you with some internet emotional

  • argument of, this and that about radiation is wrong,

  • instead of yelling back louder, which

  • means you lost the argument, you hit the books.

  • And this is how you do the research.

  • AUDIENCE: LSS-85, does that mean it was [INAUDIBLE]..

  • MICHAEL SHORT: Probably.

  • Version of-- title not available.

  • I hope it's not that one.

  • Can you search for LSS?

  • Nothing?

  • So let's go back to the paper and find

  • what citation that was.

  • If you go up a little bit, I think there was like a sup--

  • a superscript up to the last page, I'm sorry.

  • There was a superscript on LSS stuff.

  • AUDIENCE: So general documentation

  • of the selection of LSS cohorts [INAUDIBLE]..

  • MICHAEL SHORT: Thank you.

  • All right, let's find references 9 and 10 in the--

  • yeah, [INAUDIBLE].

  • AUDIENCE: Can you click one of the References tab?

  • MICHAEL SHORT: Oh, yeah, up there, References.

  • Awesome!

  • 9 and 10, OK.

  • Let's find them.


  • MICHAEL SHORT: So let me show you

  • quickly how to use Web of Science

  • to get what you're looking for if I could jump on?


  • MICHAEL SHORT: You don't have to, yeah.

  • But thank you for being up here for so long and running this.

  • So we're looking for--

  • where was-- the article was here.

  • Went into references.

  • I guess that was like the last--

  • I don't want to close all your tabs.

  • Here we go.

  • So GW, is that Beebe and Usagawa.

  • So we'll go to Web of Science, look for authors,

  • any paper with those authors.

  • So you can do a more advanced search.

  • This is where things get really interesting and specific.

  • So ditch the topic.

  • Search by Beebe and add a field, Usagawa.

  • And then anything with these two folks

  • in the author field that is indexed by Web of Science

  • will pop up.

  • Nothing.

  • Did I spell anything wrong?

  • Usagawa, of course.

  • That's unfortunate.

  • Last thing to try is Add Wild Cards.

  • Interesting.

  • This is actually one place where I would use Google

  • to find a specific report.

  • So because you're not looking to survey a field that's

  • out there, but you're looking for any document

  • that you can confirm is that document.

  • Let's head there.

  • Oh, it looks like Stanford's got it.

  • That's something that references it.

  • So at this point, we've hit the maximum

  • that we can do on the computer.

  • But if you finally want to trace back

  • to see how were the Hiroshima data acquired,

  • take these citations, bring it to one of the MIT

  • librarians like Christ Sherratt is our nuclear librarian.

  • AUDIENCE: He's a nuclear librarian?

  • MICHAEL SHORT: And we have a nuclear librarian, yeah.

  • MIT libraries is pretty awesome.

  • So when you're looking for anything here

  • in terms of research or whatever,

  • there's actually someone whose job

  • it is to help you find nuclear documents.

  • And chances are, this is a pretty big one.

  • So I wouldn't be surprised if we have

  • a physical or electronic copy.

  • So we're now like one degree of separation

  • away from finding the original Hiroshima

  • data, where we can find out how did they estimate that dose.

  • So I think this is fairly--

  • hopefully, this is fairly instructive

  • to show you how do you go about getting the facts to prove

  • or disprove something, knowing the-- not just the physics

  • that you know, but how to go out and find that stuff.

  • Now, I did see a bunch of sources

  • from the pro hormesis team.

  • You still want me to show them?



  • Thanks.

  • All right, you just want to hold this up while your--

  • let's go to your sources.

  • OK, here we go.

  • AUDIENCE: All right.

  • MICHAEL SHORT: So walk us through what you found.

  • GUEST SPEAKER: I just need to open them up.

  • AUDIENCE: Go through them all, or--

  • MICHAEL SHORT: Yeah, let's do them all.

  • GUEST SPEAKER: There's not too much.

  • Kind of-- OK, so, I unfortunately

  • was not able to find like too many pretty graphs, or data,

  • or anything of the sort.

  • But if you look up, what did I search for this?

  • I think I just looked up radiation hormesis.

  • And this is one of the articles that turned up.

  • And it seems to be pretty well cited.

  • You can see it's been cited 184 times.

  • And kind of the quick look through the citations,

  • from what I saw, seemed to be in support of it.

  • And if you actually look at the abstract itself, where is it?


  • GUEST SPEAKER: Yeah, well-- the last sentence

  • is pretty excellent.

  • "This is consistent with data both from animal studies

  • and human epidemiological observations

  • on low-dose induced cancer.

  • The linear no-threshold hypothesis

  • should be abandoned and should-- and be replaced

  • by a hypothesis that is scientifically justified

  • and causes less unreasonable fear

  • and unnecessary expenditure."

  • MICHAEL SHORT: You know what?

  • I want to see what are the human epidemiological observations

  • that they cite.

  • GUEST SPEAKER: Yeah, so unfortunately, the MIT

  • libraries does not have an electronic copy

  • of this article.

  • And I wasn't able to find one.

  • But going through some of the citations for it--

  • MICHAEL SHORT: Before you do, could you

  • go back to the article?


  • MICHAEL SHORT: I want to point something out.


  • MICHAEL SHORT: Can you tell if this was peer reviewed?

  • GUEST SPEAKER: I do not know how to do that.

  • MICHAEL SHORT: It appears to be a conference.


  • MICHAEL SHORT: Not all conferences require peer review

  • in order to present the papers.

  • So while conference proceedings will typically

  • be published as a record of what happened at the conference,

  • we don't know if this one was peer reviewed and checked

  • for facts by an independent party.

  • Could you go up a little bit, and maybe there'll

  • be some information on that?

  • Oh, it did go in the British Journal of Radiology.

  • OK, that's a good sign.

  • So conference proceedings, you don't know.

  • But in order to publish something in a journal,

  • you do because then in order to get in the journal,

  • things have to be peer reviewed to meet the journal standards,

  • regardless of whether they came from a conference or just

  • a regular submission.

  • So, OK, that's good to see.

  • So, now, what else you got?

  • GUEST SPEAKER: And then one of the key sentences

  • that I found right here, adaptive protection

  • causes DNA damage prevention, and repair, and immune system

  • or immune stimulation.

  • It develops with a delay of hours,

  • may last for days to months, decreases steadily

  • at doses above about 100 milligray to 200

  • milligray and is not observed anymore

  • after acute exposures of more than about 500 milligray.

  • That's all pretty interesting.

  • Like I said, unfortunately, I couldn't find the actual paper.

  • So you can't really delve into some of those claims.

  • But I tried to look at some of the citations that

  • delved into them.

  • And this is where my presentation gets a little bit

  • shakier because I'm not particularly

  • good at parsing some of this complex stuff very quickly.

  • MICHAEL SHORT: Let's do it together.

  • GUEST SPEAKER: All right.


  • MICHAEL SHORT: If you could click Download Full Text

  • in PDF, it'll just be bigger.


  • MICHAEL SHORT: There we go.

  • GUEST SPEAKER: So it seemed to me

  • this one was more looking through the statistics

  • of various studies.

  • I'm not entirely sure.

  • But I think the conclusion--


  • There we go.

  • So the very last paragraph, "the present practice

  • assumes linearity in assessing risk from even the lowest dose

  • exposure of complex tissue to ionizing radiation.

  • By applying this type of risk assessment

  • to radiation protection of exposed workers

  • and the public alike, society may gain a questionable benefit

  • at unavoidably substantial cost.

  • Research on the p values given above

  • may eventually reveal the true risk,

  • which appears to be inaccessible by epidemiological studies

  • alone.

  • MICHAEL SHORT: So what are they going

  • on claiming [INAUDIBLE] versus not being willing to claim it?

  • GUEST SPEAKER: So it seems like they're

  • saying that at the current, there's not really a problem--

  • a statistically valid assertion of

  • the linear no-threshold model and that the benefits

  • to society gained from that are not worth the cost to society

  • from that assumption.

  • MICHAEL SHORT: So what sort of costs

  • do you think society incurs by adapting

  • a linear no-threshold dose risk model?

  • GUEST SPEAKER: I mean, it could pose unnecessary regulations

  • on like nuclear power, which could

  • be arguably better for society.


  • Nuclear power plants emit radiation, fact,

  • to use the old cell phone methodology.

  • There's always going to be some very small amount of tritium

  • released.

  • The question is, does it matter?

  • And if legislation is made to say absolutely no tritium

  • release is allowed, well, you're not

  • going be allowed to run a nuclear plant.

  • That's not the question we should be asking.

  • The question we should be asking is, how much is harmful?

  • So I think that's what this study is really getting at

  • is I'm glad to see someone say, you may have a benefit.

  • But the cost is not worth the benefit.

  • Like I-- I had a multiple of the same arguments

  • with different people when they were complaining, well,

  • how dare would you expose me to any amount of radiation

  • at any risk that I can't control.

  • I used to protest outside Draper Labs

  • for 30 years protesting nuclear power.

  • I was like, OK, how did you get there?

  • They were like, oh, I drove.

  • What?

  • In a car?

  • Do you even know the risks per mile of getting on the road,

  • let alone in Cambridge specifically?

  • No?

  • Well, I was like, you should really consider

  • where you put your effort?

  • It's-- again, it's emotions versus numbers.

  • I'm going to go with numbers because I

  • tend to make bad decisions when I follow my emotions,

  • as do most people because most decisions are

  • more complex than fight or flight nowadays.

  • Yeah?

  • AUDIENCE: So a lot of the discussion

  • just seems to be around like expanding [INAUDIBLE]..

  • But a lot of the arguments don't seem

  • to like really [INAUDIBLE].

  • But, yeah, like there's a certain extent,

  • like, oh, you will see [INAUDIBLE]..


  • AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE] are doing the same.

  • MICHAEL SHORT: You make a great point.

  • That's why I like your-- your chosen idea so much

  • is, well, you didn't say chosen.

  • That's what I-- yeah.

  • Yeah, the question we should be asking ourself

  • is not what is the dose-risk relationship, but when should

  • we actually care.

  • It's like both sets of studies have kind of

  • come to the conclusion that, nah, right?

  • AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE] dose doesn't really matter.

  • GUEST SPEAKER: Yeah, and then I found this last one

  • is a little bit more assertive.

  • It's kind of just hitting the same nail

  • on kind of the elimination of the linear no-threshold model.

  • But then it does go on to make some more powerful claim right

  • here.

  • "These data are examined within the context

  • of low-dose radiation induction of cellular signaling

  • that may stimulate cellular protection

  • systems over hours to weeks against accumulation

  • of DNA damage."

  • MICHAEL SHORT: Was this the paper cited

  • in the other one that actually said hours two weeks?

  • GUEST SPEAKER: I believe so, yeah.

  • MICHAEL SHORT: OK, cool.

  • GUEST SPEAKER: And then we can actually--



  • We can look up the full text on Google Scholar.


  • When you know what you're looking for, you can verify it.

  • That's-- that's a useful thing for Google is like to find

  • known content.

  • But if you're trying to survey a field in Google, no.

  • GUEST SPEAKER: That's not what I wanted.

  • MICHAEL SHORT: Not yet.

  • I'm sure-- I'm sure they're working on it.

  • But they're not Web of Science yet.

  • GUEST SPEAKER: All right.


  • GUEST SPEAKER: Does anybody see a Get The Full Paper button?

  • Oh, wait, right here, right?


  • That's it.


  • Sign in?

  • MICHAEL SHORT: Sounds like we don't subscribe to this.

  • GUEST SPEAKER: Oh, I was able to get to it somehow.

  • Well, yeah.

  • AUDIENCE: I have another article supporting this claim, though.


  • GUEST SPEAKER: But this one--

  • AUDIENCE: Submit it, or bring yours up, or whatever.

  • GUEST SPEAKER: And then this one--

  • this one just had some nice data.

  • If I'm going to summarize, it had--

  • it was looking at the amount of DNA damage instances

  • compared normal background dose to like very, very low dose.

  • And the very, very low dose was significantly less

  • than the normal background dose.

  • So that just kind of shows that like

  • very low levels of radiation are like no worse for you than just

  • background dose, which is interesting.



  • MICHAEL SHORT: I also want to make sure,

  • do you guys have more articles you want to show?


  • MICHAEL SHORT: If you want to send it to me,

  • I'll put it up here.

  • GUEST SPEAKER: All right, I minimized because I didn't just

  • want to leave your email.

  • MICHAEL SHORT: Oh, I don't care.

  • There's nothing--


  • MICHAEL SHORT: I'll bring it back up.

  • So that's all the ones you sent?

  • Cool.

  • Actually, this one-- this debate is turning out

  • a whole lot more interesting than previously because,

  • well, because you're thinking.

  • It's actually really nice to see this.

  • And this is the--


  • MICHAEL SHORT: I'm not surprised.

  • Don't worry.

  • It's just pleasant to have a debate about something

  • controversial with a whole group of people

  • who are thinking and researching rather than shouting

  • and like throwing plates.


  • MICHAEL SHORT: Oh, no, if you want throw a chair,

  • but I might throw one back.


  • MICHAEL SHORT: I wonder if anyone's gone out recently

  • and has come up with all of the pro and anti hormesis studies

  • and actually written a paper that says,

  • that's not the point, because, really, what we're

  • getting-- huh?

  • AUDIENCE: You could write that.

  • MICHAEL SHORT: No, I think you could write that paper now.

  • AUDIENCE: Well, oh.

  • MICHAEL SHORT: It would make for a pretty cool undergrad thesis,

  • actually.

  • Yeah?

  • Maybe I can tell you a little bit

  • about what an undergrad thesis actually

  • entails because the seniors are all asking.

  • But it's good for you to know ahead of time.

  • So the main requirement for an undergrad thesis

  • is it's got to be your work.

  • That doesn't mean you have to have

  • collected the data yourself, like done an experiment.

  • But it has to be some original thought, or idea,

  • or accumulation of yours.

  • So trying to settle this debate and trying to figure out what

  • would be a proposed chill region to say,

  • forget the linear threshold or no threshold.

  • That's for the basic scientists.

  • If you are a government and want to legislate something that

  • actually captures should people be afraid or not,

  • defining that region would be a pretty cool study to do

  • in the meta-analysis of lots of other studies,

  • tracing back how worthy--

  • I mean, a lot of people refer to the Hiroshima data

  • set because that's about the biggest one we have.

  • In addition to folks with radon or folks that smoke,

  • they were all exposed to the same thing

  • in the relatively same area.

  • So it's a good control group of people.

  • But how was-- how were those doses estimated?

  • You have to dig that up.

  • And the act of digging that up and then recasting

  • all of these new studies in the basis of everything

  • we've learned since would make for a pretty cool

  • undergrad thesis topic.

  • So as undergrad chair, I wouldn't say no to that.

  • Threshold and other departures from linear quadratic curvature

  • in the same data set appears to--

  • is it the LSS data set?

  • Let's try to get the full text.

  • Awesome!

  • I think it's looking good.

  • Great!

  • Now I've seen that name before.

  • Interesting.


  • MICHAEL SHORT: Interesting.

  • They propose another model called

  • a power of dose, a power law.

  • And they say, depending on this--

  • there's little evidence that it's

  • statistically different from one which

  • is a what do they call one linear threshold

  • quadratic threshold or linear quadratic threshold, OK?

  • So, again, it seems to be yet another paper saying,

  • I don't think it matters.

  • Statistics says it doesn't matter.

  • You could fit any model to this data.

  • Let's get to the methods.


  • MICHAEL SHORT: Interesting.

  • So dose response for all non-cancer mortality

  • in the atomic bomb survivors.

  • So, also, in this case, it's mortalities not

  • caused by cancer.

  • AUDIENCE: Like, caused by radiation disease?

  • Or is that caused by [INAUDIBLE]??

  • MICHAEL SHORT: So this would be--

  • I think what they're getting at is is there a response,

  • or is there a change in the amount of mortality

  • not due to cancer and the--

  • the--

  • AUDIENCE: Health benefits other than decreasing risk of cancer.

  • MICHAEL SHORT: Or in this case, health detriments, right?

  • Because in this-- you know, it never goes negative.

  • You can't really tell in some cases.

  • Let's see.

  • Yeah, quite hard to tell, especially considering.

  • And so at the low doses, what would you guys

  • say for the low dose data?

  • AUDIENCE: That doesn't matter.

  • MICHAEL SHORT: I see a pretty well-defined chill zone

  • right there, right?

  • AUDIENCE: Chill zone?

  • MICHAEL SHORT: We're definitely still

  • in the chill zone at 0.4 sieverts of colon dose.

  • And that's a pretty hefty amount of dose.

  • You know, we're talking eight or nine times the allowed amount

  • that you're able to get in a year from occupational safety

  • limits.

  • Once the doses get higher, things

  • seem to get a little more deterministic or statistically

  • significant.

  • But, yeah, look at all the different models.

  • The linear threshold, quadratic threshold,

  • linear quadratic threshold, power of dose

  • all goes straight through not just like in the error bars,

  • but almost straight through most of the data points,

  • except for the really far away ones.

  • So this is a pretty neat study, showing,

  • like, hey, the relationship does not

  • appear to matter for doses of consequence.

  • I would call 2 sieverts a dose of consequence

  • based on our earlier discussion of biological effects.

  • Luckily, it doesn't go much farther than that.

  • You don't want a lot of people to have

  • received doses beyond 10 gray.

  • But this is pretty compelling to me

  • to say, like, we can argue about what the real model is

  • and what the underlying mechanism is, but is

  • this a question we really should be asking ourselves

  • when the total risk--

  • let's say, when the total risk to an organism

  • reaches about 100%, once you reach a a dose where it doesn't

  • even matter, then is this a question

  • that we should really be debating in the public sphere?

  • I love the outcome of this particular debate.

  • Lots of statistics, don't have time to parse.

  • Is there anything else, Chris, that you wanted

  • to highlight in this study?

  • AUDIENCE: This appears to [INAUDIBLE] comments

  • on Professor Donald Pierce on [INAUDIBLE]..

  • MICHAEL SHORT: Oh, OK, well--

  • AUDIENCE: Do you think it could be the same Pierce?


  • It was a UK Pierce, I think.

  • That's pretty cool.

  • So anyone else have any other papers

  • they want to show for or against or for our sort

  • of collective new conclusion?

  • Which is that we should just relax.

  • Cool.

  • Well, that went-- yeah?

  • Charlie?

  • AUDIENCE: I just had had a question, like,

  • what would be like a posed use of radiation

  • hormesis [INAUDIBLE]?


  • MICHAEL SHORT: So let's say you could

  • prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that a little bit of radiation

  • exposure was a good thing.

  • You might then prescribe radiation treatments

  • in order to reap the benefits.

  • I don't think there's been a single study that

  • shows that there's like deterministic benefits

  • from irradiating people.

  • Some of the studies show that folks

  • that have gotten exposed via various routes

  • do show a lower incidence of cancer.

  • So you could almost think of it like a vitamin, not

  • an injectable vitamin.

  • But-- so back-- there are lots of pictures online

  • and stories of way up in the north in Russia

  • and northern countries that expose you

  • to ultraviolet radiation to stimulate

  • the production of vitamin D in your skin cells

  • because in the absence of an ingestible source of vitamin D,

  • you make it naturally, but not when there's eternal darkness.

  • So they'd actually have kids stand in front of a UV lamp,

  • which does have ill effects.

  • That can cause also skin cancers,

  • but the benefits of the organism in generating

  • vitamin D that you need for health are greater.

  • So that might be an example.

  • These-- these sorts of ideas are not that far fetched.

  • If you put little kids in front of UV lamps,

  • which you know can do bad things,

  • but also does more good things, then who's to say it

  • shouldn't happen for radiation?

  • Well, no one's to say yet because we

  • have no real conclusive proof that it is helpful.

  • But that was the-- yeah?

  • AUDIENCE: Have there been any mechanisms that [INAUDIBLE]??

  • MICHAEL SHORT: You mean in-- for radiation

  • or for something else?

  • AUDIENCE: For radiation.

  • MICHAEL SHORT: The mechanisms of-- so that one study that

  • Chris showed that--

  • what was the idea?

  • That-- [INAUDIBLE].

  • The first one that you showed, the mouse one,

  • and then the one that Chris mentioned

  • where a little bit of radiation dose

  • stimulated the immune system.

  • That might be a potential good thing,

  • where the damage or death of a few cells

  • may stimulate the nearby ones to ramp up an immune response,

  • thus snuffing out any other infection or problem that's

  • coming up.

  • That could be a use.

  • But we have to be proved with much more confidence

  • than anything I've seen today.

  • So that's a good question.

  • Yeah, like how would you use it?

  • Use it like a vitamin, like a UV lamp, like a SAD lamp.

  • Although, I don't think SAD lamps

  • do anything bad, the Seasonal Affective Disorder,

  • the most unfortunate acronym in the world.

  • Yeah.



  • I don't know if that would be easy to swallow.

  • Yeah.

  • Cool.

  • All right, any other thoughts from this exercise?

  • I think I'll do more interactive classes like this.

  • It's good to hear you guys talk for a change.

  • Cool.

  • OK.

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34. 放射性激素 (34. Radiation Hormesis)

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