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  • Every day is different.

  • Coming in at the beginning of the day is usually the best part of the day.

  • And getting to see the people that I work with.

  • I would describe a typical day as inspiring and challenging.

  • We generally do a lot of different things during the day.

  • For courses, we are working on them in different stages.

  • So we're emailing faculty.

  • We're coding in our CMS.

  • We are finding image art.

  • A lot of it springs from being really connected to the pulse of what's going on on campus.

  • You know we're always watching for new, interesting ideas, new classes that are coming up.

  • It's fun to walk the halls, and see the posters at the beginning of each term.

  • It continues to be really important for OCW to be deeply connected both to the MIT community

  • and what's going on, uh, out in the broader open education resources world.

  • We have this program to provide a hard drive that contains a copy of the live OCW website.

  • Our mirror site affiliate then can take advantage of the contents from this hard drive to benefit

  • the local learning communities.

  • The podcast has been really exciting because it's allowed us to explore how people teach

  • at MIT in a different way, that's sometimes deeper than what we're able to convey in

  • video.

  • I hope that by hearing the voices of the professors who make the courses that they love, they'll

  • feel even more a part of our community.

  • I love being able to tweet, or, post something and have someone respond with how it's changed

  • their lives.

  • And that is the best part of my job.



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A2 初級

麻省理工學院OpenCourseWare生活中的一天。 (A Day in the Life of MIT OpenCourseWare)

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