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morning, gamers and run back to the bread age.
Look at my lovely dad standing here.
This is literally me.
In 10 years, if I'm even looking, Vapor cloud came up near me.
There's new chapters out for breath Ege.
Now, the chapters three and four, I think are out, and I have not played them.
But the developer sent me a code for them.
So thank you to them.
I love your face is, uh so I think I can just type of game two hours.
Really Gonna put weight more of that massive.
Let's load.
There's a fly in my mike.
God, I get jumped scared by myself every single time I turn around.
Do you like my little troupe?
You like my little army of Jack's that I'm building?
I'm using them to go take down the end of dragon.
My friends are still here.
Oh, guys, You wanna go to bed?
Come on.
Come on, sleep and you go.
Don't Don't you dare fight against me.
Okay, you guys, the bodies were fighting back.
What happened?
Where did everybody go?
Oh, no.
What are the body's gone did ham?
Sir, I don't want that.
Why would I want a dead answer?
How do I check my inventory again?
There we go.
Um, I got Schwarm A.
I've got alcohol as every good gamer needs on his adventures.
I don't want a dead hamster.
Drop that.
Put it over there.
Can you pick it up?
I mean, I know I could pick it up like that, but I want to pick it up and put it somewhere else.
No, don't equipment.
Uh, install?
Oh, no.
I have a cabin of death.
Oh, least I clear ups in space because the other person's no randomly gone.
I I'm not really up to speed as to what I was doing last time.
Let's go and see if we can see anything new.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
This is all new, isn't it?
That's new.
I think all of this is Brian.
You as well, e think I could only go as far as the fist last time and we did a thing with the the spaceship.
And then it took off without us.
Maybe have to go do that again.
My God, thing is wonderful.
There's plenty more things in it.
I don't know if any of them are actually things that I can do.
Um, I really feel like I need another one of those stations.
Wait, Let me go back inside and get some air.
This is gonna take me a long time to do beyond space.
Too scary.
You don't like it?
I'm committing.
I'm going this direction and you can't stop me, Dad, I think I might die if I go in this direction, though, I think I get super close to the actual, like fist icon.
And then I ended up almost dying, but eventually making it I Oh, this one does not have a lot more oxygen.
Oh, God.
Stop, Stop, stop, stop!
I know it's not infinite and unlimited.
That's why I'm here refilling my oxygen phrasing Danger.
I don't even wanna care.
Just let me slip me, Play something, play video games.
I don't wanna have to manage things.
We're in space.
Oh, you need this.
Oh, you're going to die.
Who cares, Gamer, I don't care about anything except sick wins.
And looking after my dogs just drift to spray some on the freeze to death my face when?
Well, that's all red over there.
Okay, Okay, I get it.
How do you use these use?
Hey, you have to fix you.
I actually gonna freeze to death.
How did I get here last time?
Oh, God, I can't even see anything.
Just keep going.
You could make it.
Just because it's like looking under a whole sheet of ice right now does not mean that you can't fight for what's right.
Well, I don't want to join them in the great big death ball in this guy after sneeze.
Never mind.
God dammit!
Body, What do you do?
That cock blocking me from my beautiful sneezes?
Oh, very, very thought out.
Let me still playing.
Just two badgers.
How much?
This'll is great cartoon thistles.
There we go.
Yes, the world is coming back into the 00 man, I think I'm gonna die, lives and act according to the situation.
I think I'm gonna die again.
Oh, God, I do have health, though.
I can Max out my health.
Oh, it's going down fast, though.
No news making over here is down there.
Over here.
Oh, God, it's appear for Find out.
Come on, Captain Jack, You can make it.
I have half my health left.
This is a zit.
Gamers depress.
Actually, don't take deep breaths.
Party wasting your oxygen even faster.
Here we go.
Way going badly.
Damn, You're finding systems are still functioning.
Ah, Take that dark void.
I have bested you, you stupid bitch!
Need a handy scrapper.
Is that this?
That is not this, huh?
It's this I'm repairing.
Look, I'm a big rip Perryman, okay?
How do we just stop?
Could you just stop the floaties?
Hey, it's working Sweet.
Oh, so I do.
The door is locked.
If you managed to get inside, there is a chance to send a distress signal to the nearest planet.
Or at least keep the course with Captain.
Who allowed this to happen?
Enter password.
The password is on the chicken.
I've been 123 And then you take the key and then did this.
I just let me use it.
Don't let me have to take it out.
Okay, here we go.
Woodward's gamers.
Where to?
Come aboard, Captain.
And the whole thing takes off on its own, doesn't it?
Yeah, it's fun.
Oh, it will be a long day broccoli for you.
A slight decrease of the background radiation was noticed.
Surprisingly, your attempt to break the liner could lead to positive results.
I could find out the nature of this phenomenon, but for that I would need to disclose some confidential information of the breath edge company which contradicts the security protocols.
So not a single space suit.
I will disclose this information to you.
It is extremely necessary for us.
There are a lot of stupid space suits with dead carriers floating around, so nobody will even know if he resorts of the good old torture method like the drill.
I need a drill.
I don't have a drugged wife to go all the way back.
Oh, that's a pain in my ding dong, man.
I'm and I will die this time because I don't have oxygen candles.
Ho ho, dippy blip e.
What the hell am I supposed to do then?
She just float around and search where you want me to go?
Though you said that I could get the information with the drill.
I need to know, bitch, Where you focus gotta drill.
This is so cool racket.
A great game for the whole family thing is wonder.
Over here, we're gonna die anyway, So die in ST Find out how you reduce the radiation.
You need to calculate the coordinates of the place where the captain's bridge crashed into the liner breath edge agency coffins can help us with this.
However, we still need to find an engineering shuttle.
Or even better, the engineer himself.
I got it.
I got that.
Now what?
You said.
Yeah, I I shuttle ahead.
I wonder how you find everything so quickly.
Is it because of my hands?
That's because they're awesome.
Oh, sweet, glorious air for a boy's lungs.
The truth is out there.
Uh oh.
So cool.
Overplayed the X Files music.
Wait, Put in now.
Cut it out.
We don't need any more of it.
It'll probably get copyright claimed eyes that mathematics and ho narrow toes run works.
Is it a perfect parabola to take this post?
Exchange of specialists convenient infected, but still remains a fantasy.
This is great music.
Hell, yeah.
Get all those materials.
Oh, there's so many things.
I want it all.
Wait, Drink one of these, but Yes.
On then.
Did I get a nutrition pack?
One of nutrition pack?
Yeah, I had some.
Uh, yes, yes, yes.
No, I'm not I'm not me.
I have four belly.
Why am I carry your own nutritious goo?
Well, they don't need that shit.
Oh, large oxygen candles.
Let's scan this year's scanner.
Got it?
Do I have a scanner?
I feel like a scanner is like, one of the most basic things that this game has, and I don't have it on me.
Oh, I am not prepared for this.
Oh, merciful Jesus.
You sneeze to hurt, huh?
He's often I literally sneezed so hard recently that I popped my shoulder out of its socket.
I want to, like, sneeze and like, do that like, block it.
And whatever way sneezes are pop and back in again.
It was horrible.
Guys, I almost die.
A scanner.
Oh, God.
I feel like I have one of those, but I don't know who containers.
Oh, it could leave some stuff here if I want.
Uh, let's Let's see some of these Gu's fine metal fabric.
Wait, can I make alkali?
I don't know how this stuff is made in this game.
So that's where you just take my time and look.
Food, Water resources for your little friend.
Garbage collector Crashing.
Drill required.
Ah, uh, when I get the drill, I have to use it on that.
Those things.
You are not alkali, honey.
Scrapper, I have one.
Why is it not in my thing again?
There you go.
Thank him.
Back through what you get what I get out of these ones.
Wait, have I find one of these ones before?
Oh, no.
I made your ability.
Come back.
Oh, Dick.
Okay, so another one.
Hey, God damn it.
What do you Ice, Ice, ice, baby.
Few way, Way back.
Freaking out.
Just stay in here.
And I appreciate the music is only eat.
I don't need video games.
I have got my music.
Is there a bed in here that I could lie on or something and get health back?
It's my face in a bad way.
He hurt, man.
He hurt real bad.
But the Dickie is this titanium bowl.
I wonder what that will give me.
20 maybe.
Um, that's crazy.
Uh, drop something.
No, Don't drop anything, though, because everything's useful.
Okay, well away I go, man, I don't have to go all the way back.
That's so annoying.
Don't you just love that?
I was wandering around and almost dying and running out of oxygen stuff.
I just had an oxygen station in my inventory that I did not use like a doll.
I caved.
I gave him going back.
I want to see what my my thing has probably has nothing, but I might be able to get some resources around it.
But I do have an oxygen generator so I can at least bridge the gap halfway between these areas.
I also know Reid Noah radiation anymore.
So I should be able to get closer to some regions.
If you were those error, this is a confusing game.
There's a lot going on so pretty.
This'd is absolutely terrifying.
Them floating adrift in space, dangling the little fees.
Just fucking scary.
Don't dangle my feet.
He's in space on a dangle my feet.
He's in bed When I watch Brooklyn 99 That's why we're used one of these bad boys.
How do I use it?
Install Confirm You're fucking dead.
By the time I figured out to use it.
You can stop with that music right now.
My oxygen is getting filled.
One of the jacks fell.
You okay, buddy?
I think he's dead.
That's okay.
There could be only one.
I need some way of increasing my oxygen.
Just use a large oxygen candle, which in creator refills 200 oxygen.
So unless those air just for the stations.
But I feel like I should be able to increase my opposition to about that level all the ways.
It's just tedious dough.
If it's not running out of air, it's running out of heat.
I'm home.
Did you all miss me?
Oh, dead ham, sir.
Did you miss me?
Dead body.
Did you miss me?
Come on, be part of your family and you go, Diego.
You like the ham, sir.
He's cute.
You could play with him, all right.
Don't have anything in here.
Oh, baby, I have a lot of stuff in here.
I even have paint yellowish water.
I love yellowish water.
Tastes so good.
Plastic was useful.
Condoms are useful because you make that air bubble things, but for right now it's pointless.
You got any more than okay?
What did I need plastic for?
I know.
I need a plastic to make something.
Yeah, Nice.
Get that alkali.
Brock, get that education, brother.
She's going to make a drill.
No alcohol is to make a battery.
And I think that's all I need to make a drill.
It's all coming together.
My master plan.
Tiny little bits of progress here and there.
The small victories.
I am the best boy.
You don't even know me.
Um, on metal.
Didn't have it on heavy metal Broadway.
Love that shit.
That's what I live for, man.
Having medal day, that's all.
Ice lying around.
There's metal over here.
I'm gonna binky banging until I can take it home.
Treated to a nice dinner.
Take that stinky metal, Stupid bitch.
It's an inanimate object, Jack.
You're a fucking anonymous object, Rell.
I feel like I had a drill already.
I don't know why it went away from you.
I can make another battery, which I'm going to need for the scanner.
And then I could go back and make the light bulb back in the other place.
Yes, Yes, yes, yes, yes.
Jerry, It's an inside out battery with rather complicated pattern from electric type.
All of this is fit into a fancy case.
That's fancy name.
You could be broad.
How do we use the oxygen generator?
I think I already did.
I think I used it to refill one of the things on the way back.
Never mind.
Go back to your regularly scheduled programming.
I'm going over to dismantle this one.
I don't really feel like I'm gonna be over in this area too often, so I'm gonna take the oxygen out of it.
Puff Puff on that.
I'm going to take it on and use it.
That's a plan.
Not right yet.
You're great.
He just smiles and nods.
That's exactly what I need.
Can I just meant this yet?
Oh, God, nothing was happening.
Oh, no.
It broke it down into its base components.
Oh, hippy dippy.
That's terrible.
That's not what I wanted.
I know.
I just broke a thing to tell me that oxygen was are unlimited.
He just called a game that was a little bit too much like oxygen is not included, but whatever.
Oh, God.
Am I actually gonna make this?
Oh, God.
Am I actually gonna make this Oh, no.
Oh, no.
Wait till they go over to this one and not refill my oxygen and just start dismantling.
It does not do the things I said I was gonna dio one right, dying but wait.
But But But always destroyed organs and come back and die then silly gamer her Give me that thick suck on the road again Oh, it's got that got my four leaf clover.
Yes, Lots of power.
Lots of Irish in me All right, Freezing danger Whatever I at the danger I don't know what's over there.
It's on fire.
Maybe that's where Shrek saved Princess Fiona.
It's what?
I don't know.
Maybe it's over.
There is where I don't have a cough in the middle of a recording to make it more annoying, but never great As I sit here floating endlessly through space E.
I think back on all the times that I have not done this in many years.
Music's delightful.
So peaceful, so nice.
So calming and soothing makes you feel like I'm back in the womb.
I actually don't know if I'm going to make it.
This is cutting it very, very, very close.
I hope you make a little breakage, man.
I know.
I know.
Because they paint some.
Not again.
She's just like oxygen.
Yeah, I get it.
I know I'm dying.
I'm the one that it's happening to.
Okay, Okay.
Just 100 meters to go.
You got a lot of health bar left.
You could make it.
We're fighting.
It's okay.
You need to choke a little bit.
What's life without a little Choke it, Jack.
Sweet oxygen.
Oh, yes.
Oh, yeah.
Oh, that's good.
Oh, that's very good.
Give me back there, blinky.
Blankie music.
Thank you.
All right.
So little glimpse of death.
Just a little glimmer.
You need to look death in the eyes.
To get acquainted with him in the race is gonna be scary.
When you die, he's gonna show up and be like, Yeah, So it's me.
You're gonna be like what?
Let's face it.
Death never hurt anybody taking that sweet oxygen, bro.
It's good.
Good for your lungs.
All right, let's do the weight drill.
Own self.
What you ever was that I offered for you to torture other space suits.
It's a logical thing to do.
Well, I utter another word.
I don't know what that waas okay.
When they get electrons, let bygones be bygones.
Correspondent dialogues are absent in the game.
Therefore you won't get any.
Can I drill this stereo?
There's getting more electronics e one electronics.
I want answers.
Grab a required.
Yeah, that's a reason I don't know what that does, but I haven't looked like with a chain saw during the crash.
I could find no other explanation for such damage to a space suit.
We need one that is in good condition or at least other parts of this one.
I'd recommend exploring the area.
So I need to find the engineering shuttle, Which Oh, just put your stuff over here.
Oh, cool.
Okay, okay.
I like objective markers.
They help a lot.
They give me guidance on purpose on a direction to going.
We're gonna collect this case.
Gamers, hold onto your Jimmy Jams.
Hold onto your Johnny Ranchers because we're gonna bust this case wide.
It's like there's nothing here.
Examine some other debris.
Oh, fuck you wasting my time going to say that all of them is Eman.
I want a bigger jet pack on a bigger oxygen I want to explore.
I wanted to see the game.
I don't have to keep bouncing back and forth all the time.
Who needs to find the light bulbs to make the scanner when you could just fight the scatter?
Excellent day.
Just like that of Scott.
It's got a durability of five.
That's soaks.
Didn't I need the scanner for you?
What do they need the scanner for?
I needed it for something.
Are you?
I can make a stop it.
That's you guys can eat some good.
Choose whatever.
Uh, let's put on rubber in here.
It takes up a lot of space, but at least I'll know where it is.
If it's here, you got your oxygen cylinder.
You could make a blueprint of the real small oxygen cylinder, which is forbidden to be installed on any non state suits, including British company funeral suits.
I can't say for certain what body parts.
Okay, Sorry.
I just a part of the small intestine.
That's a balloon.
But it seems he had a good lunch before the crash, For sure.
Oh, is this it?
Okay, pick it up.
Pick it up.
Small habitation.
That could be very useful.
Oh, I want to build that.
I want to be able to explore for you.
No, I No, don't even worry about it.
Stop tripping, dawg.
I've got it.
I'm a smart boy.
Here we go.
This is what I wanted, man.
It's not in here.
Get the blueprint for it.
What the What do heck?
Small habitation module in four replaceable blocks of walls.
The most undemanding option for construction.
It serves as an ideal place to relax, eat and watch photography and a cozy little room to meddle in a construction.
Can I have a construction kit?
And I picked it up.
There was a construction kit great outside and their construction kit.
A hammer, a chisel, some nails.
Construction kit and times to metal.
I have that.
Maybe it's just not in the game yet because I have the things you find a finger crows engineer was married or to force.
You must admit that determining which hand that cut off finger belonging to is not such an easy task.
D'oh do indeed.
OK, there's lots of cases over here talking about another scanner.
Radiation noddy, A magnetic master key.
It used to be called a crowbar, but the game designer conspired with the translator and threw a tantrum.
So now it's a magnetic master key.
That's one Christie, too.
I have that, Don't I of plastic?
I've won death.
What's behind Secret door number?
This one?
Who knows?
Hop on in on the bigger endowment in space.
What is it, A repair tool right today.
Isn't that just my scrapper thinking?
Unfortunately, this isn't what we're looking for.
Although I would think they're better than yours.
And it looks like nobody needs.
I think the dead guy has better hands than Ideo.
Screw you, man.
My hands.
A great games 40 giving the medal.
I know.
Next we're going up there.
Big boy energy.
Big gamer man time.
I don't know what I need The magnetic master key for the crowbar.
Maybe if I build it, it'll be like, Hey, come over here and on a couple of my door's a little huh?
Oh, God, I'm actually going to start tying.
Oh, no, no, that's fine.
That's fine.
That's fine.
If only I had a bed to lie on in here, but I don't really annoying make some refined metal.
I got a new thing.
The repair tool.
You should be able to make that.
Moves, not screws and child disobedience with a good strike in rotational movement.
That doesn't sound too good.
Um, okay.
Room makes it a little Yeah.
Sound need.
Oh, all right, let's head on up to this big boy up top.
It's going off on and, like Watership down up here way.
Need to repair a thing.
Can I be the repairman?
Could be Bob the builder builder barely built shit, but the brother sucks.
He's a fraud.
He's a phony.
Also, any of nine durability left in my scrapper.
That's a good Hey, a person scan with this oxygen cylinder.
Yea, Okay.
Come on, You're coming with me.
No, Stop resisting, Tiffany.
Just just come with me.
You come back to a new home, right?
If you stay up there, just gonna be dead forever.
You don't be dead forever.
Do you know you don't?
You want to come with Jack?
You want to be free?
You're gonna have a nice new hole.
I'm sorry I can't bring you back to your friends.
Was dead hamster back there?
you guys have really get along.
Stop freaking out.
Freaking out.
It's just the door.
There you go.
You stay there.
Oh, God.
I have a covered person.
Uh, it's less lonely now, don't payem grumpy mole.
He's pretty cool.
I was only able to build on oxygen balloon before, which is plus 25 oxygen cylinder plus 100 and 25.
Oh, I need a compensate.
Er what's Ah, compensate?
Er, I don't know.
What's a compensate her with you.
Oh, do you bring compensated.
Oh, let's just pick up the titanium, then I can make a compensate or what?
Okay, I also didn't realise this has opened a couple of coffins up in the top, right?
So I have to build my thinking.
Comes it anymore, Alkali.
Maybe you can get it off some rocks nearby.
Turn my last alkali into batteries because there's probably more batteries.
Um, break down a battery.
Because if we could break stuff down from their stuff into smaller stuff on, then I need to aluminum actually need one, and then I should be able to make the magnetic master key and then open up some coffins and open up coffins.
And that's when we really start finding the big guys, huh?
Yeah, that's telling yet maybe this is alkali over here.
00 Would you be a nice boy, A goody gumdrops?
I think this is our ally.
No, you're not, are you?
You're aluminium adrenal.
I have one of those This'll actually works out really well.
All he needed was to Yeah, I didn't get the one I wanted.
Well, actually, I needed aluminum as well.
All being able to breathe for 125 75 is going to be so nice.
What did I need it for?
Er, I need to make a compensation.
And he's the alkali for that.
What do they need the other one for?
Ah, the magnetic master key.
That was it.
Excellent technology of opening the back panel of breath of agency coffins is commercial classified information, and therefore, I cannot advise you to turn on the magnet, attach it to the lock and pull the trigger to dislodge locking mechanism.
You'll have to figure it out yourself.
Okay, but where are they and what do they look like here?
This is a non standard modification looks like someone wanted to improve the speed characteristics of this coffin, which is a violation of the contract.
You're doing great.
You're almost there.
Oh, God, Thing is horrible.
Oxygen candle.
Don't mind if I do.
Uh, okay.
God have enough space.
Large accelerator.
Got it?
Got it.
Got it.
Okay, take some oxygen.
Smoke one of them smokable.
Got it.
All right.
At least I know I know what they look like now.
Nutritious gu.
I want nutritious goo.
Is this what I think it is?
Alkali, baby, Alkali, baby on my thing.
Just run out.
It's meant to be Gamer, gamer, gamer Progress, Progress.
I think it's hard to know what's going on in this game.
Something's Oh, yes.
Oh, yes.
That should be enough to make no baby.
Well, I got a new equipment.
Large accelerator.
If gas is probably distributed, Do I've to yellowish waters back in the other place?
And I was like, Oh, what?
They make those dammit conversations.
Thick electrical tape two times plastic.
Okay, think electrical tape is just rubber.
It's all coming up, Jack.
It's all coming up, Jack.
Make it.
Make it.
I'm gonna be so full oxygen be like a real boy.
Oh, yeah, For me.
I could, like double them up or something.
That'd be great.
Oh, look at that oxygen tank.
Oh, my God.
Wait, What 100?
Oh, cause I start off with 50.
That's more than double of what?
I had fun around.
All they want now, and nobody's gonna bother me.
It's great.
Well, some people thought about me.
But you know what?
That's just life.
We have to open up 200 of these things.
I think he has the durability of 14.
Why are you doing this to me?
Oh, no.
Whatever you Oh, you take the headphones.
A street accessory for a man in his forties.
Unless he said Japanese Culture Festival, Could they wear them?
Oh, I wanna wear them.
Also, don't judge him.
Wear what everyone of them is.
Uses equipment.
But seeing the size of this ball of debris, they managed to rule.
It makes me start to respect them.
The trash consists of electrical tape.
Do it before you realize that these mechanics just artificially prolonging the gameplay.
You you can't do that.
You can claim that they're prolonging the game play and then keeping them in any way, because that is literally all they're doing.
And it's tedious.
But you can't call how tedious it is.
That just means, you know, they're tedious and you kept him in any way.
I believe that.
I want to take the body, though, when I I want to build an army of dead people are known dead army of sorts, if you will.
Wow, What look we have scripted for you only you only needed three attempts.
Are you sure that you're playing the license version of the game?
Yes, my game is licensed.
Hey, wire.
But it's analysis will take about three days.
No three seconds or enough.
Apparently, the captain's bridge damaged the tank with mayonnaise on the port side of the liner.
The mayo got pulled into the course gravitational field, which increased its massive decreased its activity.
Bombarding core with other similar debris may lead to a further increase in its activity.
Probably what's left to do is to find something with similar properties, and may it would not kill yourself with such experiments.
Okay, way need to hurry In this regard, I will calibrate the radiation sensors of it.
You'll be able to get much closer the liner and will assume that you are not exposed to radiation at all.
Okay, wait.
What the hell was that?
Okay, so your interlocutor is already mentioned.
This shuttle with survivors would be nice to find it before you actually mark several interesting places that I found.
Thank you.
Okay, so the game waas Okay, I let you get away with that.
Then they were saying there was artificially prolonging the thing.
And then after three of them instead of 200 it was like, Yeah, you're done.
Okay, get in before.
Yeah, I pretty much stopped listening after I almost died.
This is all the stuff I want.
Okay, I need eight ice.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I made fun of you earlier.
You're the best.
Num num ice ice.
Oh, full storage.
I do say so myself.
Quite if I make yellowish water times too, I can get an increased accelerometer on, and then we can go double space speed.
Uh, no, not that I need to make.
Yeah, you wish Water.
Is the other's water actually drinkable.
No, it's just made for Okay.
Large accelerometer.
And I can't do anything with the old ones, though, now that I have.
So this is the thing that let me boost way normal accelerometer.
Where does it go?
Nobody puts a clip on his nose.
It's a little clothes peg on his nose to go faster.
See you guys in there.
You're taking up a lot of space on the alcohol.
I never use it.
You and there.
You in there?
I want to see your five second go.
Or if it just you don't go faster.
It just last longer.
I'm perfectly fine with that.
That is absolutely acceptable.
Oh, what a gay man.