字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 What's up, gamers? 哈囉各位玩家,遊戲週又來囉,跟我念一次,遊戲週! 今天我們又要玩更多麥塊ㄌ Is gaming week. 沒錯各位 我把房子蓋好了,現在有玻璃天花板喔 Say it with me. "歐淦Felix怎麼那麼讚??" 我知道 然後看好囉 Gaming week Today we're playing more Minecraft. 我的植物都長好快 That's right, everybody. 你覺得咧,羊羊 我還...你看我的花 好嗎 I finished my house. 我的房子有多可愛?馬上留言就可以拿到Xbox喔 It's got a glass ceiling now. 然後我又把這個蓋得更穩了一點 因為各位同學 我們今天有超多事要忙 Yeah, that's awesome, Felix. 首先我們要去馴服那隻臭馬 喔蛋咧 我要...淦 I know. 我要用我的鋤頭採收麥子,對 And watch this. 我們要用小麥來引誘馬匹 All my planes have grown so much. 應該行得通ㄅ。我不知道,聽著 What do you think of that? 我比你更懂麥塊好爆 不要再雞雞歪歪 Cheap? 你的房子和農場看起來有這麼讚嗎?這是什麼 I've also look at the flowers. 甜 ↗ 菜 ↘ ? ? ? ? 甚 ↗ 麼 ↘ ? ? ? ? Okay, How cute is my house Common right now And you can win an expired. 這啥 So I made this stable because today, Bro's, we have a lot of things to do. 這沙小 And one of the first things we're gonna do is we're going to ride the goddamn horses. 西 ↗ 瓜 ↘ ? ? ? ? Await. 那這個咧 Sorry. 南 ↗ 瓜 ↘ !!!!!!!! 麥塊就是這樣 Need Thio. 你原本要做一件事,然後你就會因為其他幾百萬件事分心 God damn it. 其實我也沒必要現在做 I need to use my home to get this weed out. 但我就覺得 我現在就要!!!! 你看我有多快 That's right, because we're gonna use the wheat to learn out the horses. 我是世界上最快的農夫。這什麼 - 可以不要再害我分心了嗎? I think that's how it works. 這就是為什麼這些年來人們一直在等我玩Minecraft 只是為了看到我種植種子 I don't know. 前所未有..我還有西瓜嗎? Listen, I know more about mine crap than you do, so they didn't even talk to me. WT F ** k你從哪裡來的? All right? 我可以幹嘛?好的,各位玩家們,所以我們有小麥,我們還有這些馬 Does your house a farm look epic like this? 他們從第1集開始就一直在這裡,倒帶回遊戲週的第1集 What is this? 我要騎這匹馬 吃吧 對 快吃 Beat wrote what? 吃吧 他們要吃多少?需要多少小麥 What is this? 你喜歡嗎 ?他現在信任我嗎?我們現在是朋友嗎?這樣OK嗎?你想要多少小麥? Because this Mallon, what is this? 那是我所有的小麥 其實我還有兩個。欸欸欸欸 我有叫你走了嗎 Bob? 我想騎你,別走 Dad, this is the thing with my truck craft do you think you're going to do one thing and then you get distracted with a 1,000,000 other things? UuUuhHhH Whyyyy? I don't have to do this. 穿上 穿上 穿上 穿上 !!! Yougyün 賣鬧 I just feel like I have to do this. Yougyün 別鬧 Now look up fast. 我幫你取了名字 你應該感到高興 Yougyün你到底想要什麼 I am the I'm the fastest planter farmer in the world. 也許...蘋果可能他想要蘋果 我有金蘋果。也許我應該餵他 怎麼... This is what? 在Minecraft騎馬。嘿伙計們 今天呢 Can you stop distracting me? 我們會$$^&%(@ 直接告訴我 !!!我懶得聽你廢話 This is why people waited for me to play Minecraft all these years just to see me plant seeds like no other plant or before. 你必須馴服馬 每隻馬都要先馴服 你到底想浪費我多少時間? But we got more melon. 你必須用手馴服馬 嘗試多次後便可馴服 What did you come from? 所以我只需要騷擾馬兒們讓他們可以接近我 喔那不難阿 快來Yougyün What kind of rest of economic? 我成功了 !!! 我馴服牠了要怎樣跳阿?把鞍放上這個婊子 Okay, gamers. Yougyün!! 我們走得超級快 So we haven't wheat. 哦 We have these horses. 天啊 好吧,Yougyün對我的馬廄來說太胖了 Yougyün。拜託,進去吧 我沒時間了 They've been here since Episode one. 天啊Yougyün 你好沒用 好吧,你進得去我家嗎 Throwback to episode wanting a gamer week. 好 這樣OK齁 對吧 好孩子 I'm gonna ride his whores. 納給他一個蘋果 嘿Yougyün,你喜歡吃蘋果嗎?Yougyün Take it. (瑞典髒話) That's right. 不對!! 你要這個嗎 Take it. 吃看看... Take it. 吃啊 How much do they need? 好吧。算了,我還是需要Yougyün留下來 所以我打算幫Yougyün弄個新家 How much wheat you like that? 好的 Does he trust me now? 你就住這邊 我就是打算這樣 好,你住這,不要那樣看著我 Are we friends now? 我今天還有其他事要做 好嗎。 我有一籮筐的代辦事項 你說對不對啊?羊 Are we cool now? 你好沒用 有夠可撥 我們晚餐見 How much wheat would you like? Yougyün搞定了 下一步是我們要做一個地獄門,然後我們要進入...痾 That's all my week's supply actually got to a eight that I tell you that. 那個東東 但首先,我們要做個水桶 要做水桶的話 Leave. 我知道這個 因為我其實是Minecraft的老手 很多人都不知道 我知道怎麼做水桶 I want to ride you Go. 好嗎 那是什麼 Go away. 小鐵塊??? 我們不能說髒話 下一步呢 我們要裝滿水桶 哈囉Yougyün 你要把水裝進桶裡 Uh, wear it where it is. 因此 Where? 這就對了 我們把桶子給裝滿了 It where it got you got? 我剛剛說了什麼? You gotta get fund your again. 接下來 我們就要來真男人挖黑曜石法 聽起來很瘋狂 Do not Halves are with me. 等等,我的礦場在哪裡? 我記得我在某處有個礦場 哦,對,當然就是這裡 I have named you. 閉嘴,你沒有朋友 有些人可真夠大膽 You should be happy. (瑞典髒話*2) Yeah, I get. 淦 哦 他們為什麼要醬? 我以為之後都不會再被嚇到了 What do you want? 你害我分心了,看看你幹的好事 我現在需要煤礦 天啊 Maybe Apple. 我根本可以開一間採煤公司 你看我有超多 Maybe he wants. 閉嘴 好吧,所以我們得找到岩漿 顯然很恐怖 我要確定這裡夠亮 I have Golden Apple. 不然會生怪 這啥?這是我蓋的嗎 好 我們就從這開挖 They've actually feed him that. 希望我們能找到岩漿 How to ride Forced buying? 好 之前是在這裡嗎? 我要確定沒走錯 好吧,岩漿在哪裡?哦 Crank. 媽欸 這聲音有夠恐怖 Hey, goes with something. 那是什麼聲音? They will do that. 你好? 這個遊戲的音效真夠可怕 Don't just tell me I don't need to listen to you first. 我的岩漿在哪裡?我知道很多人都很直接 You must tame the horse. 直接向下挖 你要知道沒膽是玩不了Minecraft的 喔 我聽到了岩漿嚕 Each hordes must be tamed to tame horse. 你要花多年做功課 才敢開始行動 Do you wanna waste my time anymore? 我只要幾秒鐘 因為我夠有種 You must use your hand to tame horse. 越來越近了 喔耶 喔耶 岩漿先生 You will tame horse by repeatedly trying to mount the horse and getting back What? 喔耶 近在咫尺 So I just have to harass the wars into sitting with? 找到你嚕 岩漿先生 看看那個 有夠讚 I can do that again. 就像醬 欸欸 痾... Oh, I think the words I did it my knee crack. 現在拿起一桶水 然後到進岩漿裡面 要怎樣才可以... So I jumped to save on this bitch. 可惡 Oh, yeah, But again, we're going so fast. 好 酷喔 我又找到了水,我可以裝走它什麼的 Hell, yeah. 這沒有用啊 裝它 裝它 裝那個水!! 好我裝到了,所以我只要... My crab! 奇怪。沒關係。就是這樣做 Three pictures. 你只要把它倒在這裡 Oh God! 哇 Your guns drowning! 我們成功了 Okay. 管它這是的什麼方塊 我不記得以前的版本可以挖這個 但我們顯然需要這些 Your gun is too fat for my stable. 這要花很久的時間去挖 所以這應該是一個很大的問題 Jurgen bleeds! 我有拿到嗎 Come on, go in and all the time. 沒,沒拿到 為甚麼沒有 God, you're useless! 冰桶挑戰!!! "拜託嘛Felix 玩麥塊啦 我超愛麥塊" Jorgen! 一群玩Minecraft的書呆子 Alright. 拜託喔 我的鑽石都花在這個上面了 他都快壞了 You fit in my house. (Press F to pay respects) Get out! 你在剛剛的恐慌裡 是不是以為我嚇壞了 Okay, We're cool, right? 但其實一切都在掌控中拉 我原本就是打算要回到地面 good boy here. 所以我想我的物品應該還在, Notch和G胖拜託保佑我 寶貝 天啊 It's given a nap year again. 因為如果我的東西都掉到岩漿裡 那就玩完了 You like some apple? 好 如果你覺得回天乏術了請幫本片按讚 我記得你們有警告過我... 喔感謝老天 You gotta get the fun. 好吧,也許有些東西掉了 不,我們沒事 我們很好。 我們完全沒事 我的護腿在這裡 哦,天啊,謝謝G胖 No. 剛才真的是精華 You want that? 在最恐慌的時候我們也撐過來了 You want that trying to eat. 看 我的鑽石頭盔回來了 我差點就失去它了 Ah, All right, fine. 這就是為什麼你在玩遊戲時要小心 知道嗎 Well, I still need Jernigan to stay, so I'm going to make your again out of new, right? 所以我不靠近他 就不能把他吸起來 可是我又不能靠太近...?? This is where you live. 等等 That's definitely what I wanted to be. 我有拿到嗎?沒,我沒有拿到,白癡的岩漿,臭岩漿 你太臭了 All right. 我才不岩漿你咧(沙小) 吃我的屁股啦 You live here? 什麼?我可以用桶子把岩漿撈起來? You don't look at me like that. 聽起來不太安全 目前為止在這個伺服器裡我是一次都沒死過 真希望可以維持這個紀錄 I have other things to do today. 好吧所以7我需要多少1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 All right? 9 10 20 10.好 我有12個了 應該夠了 好,我們回家 I have a bucket list full of things. 超強 超強 超強 超強 超強 Isn't that right, sheep? 我超強~~ You're useless. 如果你也覺得很強 請幫本片按讚 ...然後你再送我XBOX Pathetic. 好的各位玩家 剛才真是成功 I'll see you at night. 搞什麼?這是我的舊礦坑 天,這可以通到我家欸 WTF At dinner. WOW我家有礦坑!? We have your again. 到底發生了什麼 我們來挖個小洞 這樣就知道入口在這邊 Next up is we're going to make a portal, and we're gonna enter the thing. Yougyün 你還在!!! 好 But first we need to make a bucket and make bucket. 做好了 OK,玩家們 我剛剛在做什麼?喔,對 I know this because I'm actually a veteran at Minecraft. 我們要蓋一個超神地獄門 蓋這邊好?還是在那裡?好 蓋在這吧 A lot of people don't know this. 我從來沒去過欸 我以前常玩遊戲的時候 也從來沒去過 I know how to make buckets. 我應該感到害怕嗎?那 我需要多少方塊 All right. 有成功嗎?好 那為甚麼沒啟動 What is that? 不好意思 我以為這樣就夠了欸 回答我! 羊 如何觸發地獄門... 燧石和鐵錠 No, get I can't say that bad word. 什麼?我要怎麼拿到燧石 Next up we fill the bucket. 這不可能 喔淦...該死,該死的 也許需要填滿角落 What up, Juergen? 我要如何找到燧石?OH 礫石 我們還是回到礦坑裡去吧。出發嚕,兄弟們。礫石看起來長怎樣?這個是礫石嗎? Fill the bucket with water as such. "閃長岩" Every girl we filled it with bucket. 閃長岩到底是沙小 What I just say And next up. 阿那這個是甚麼 也是閃長岩嗎 We just have to dig straight down. 我需要礫石! Gross. 我都已經準備好要來史詩大冒險了, 但我需要礫石 什麼是礫石? I know. 我都玩了幾個小時 卻一次都沒看過 It's great. notch在整我嗎?? Wait. 你看 像煤炭就很明顯 喔耶 金礦 Where was the mine? 是他嗎 I had a mind. 這是什麼?這是什麼? Summer. 礫石!!礫石!!! (瑞典腔) Yes, of course. 我們終於找到了礫石,燧石在哪裡,它媽的燧石在哪裡?我需要用別的工具挖嗎 Here it is. 繼續挖掘礫石,直到燧石出現。到目前為止,運氣很不好啊,伙計 Shut your mouth. 到底燧石有多稀有阿 拜託喔 You have no friends. 水啦,我看見它了 The audacity of some people Job Larry fixed on God damn it. 我們有一個了,任務完成了, 該死的 礫石你爛透了 Oh, why do they do that? YEES I thought I would stop getting scared after a lot. 好吧,現在我們必須找到回去的路 You distracted me and look what happened. 這樣就OK了 該回到家裡囉各位 又完成了另一項任務 現在是在下雨嗎 I need the colon now. 什↗ 麼↘!! Minecraft會下雨??? Then I could start a coal mining business. Yougyün全身都溼透了 我要幫你蓋個屋頂 對不起 Yougyün Looking much there is shipped up. 你看看 太舒適拉 棒極了。好隨便啦 我要燧石幹嘛?我還需要一個鐵錠 All right, so we need to goto lava. 行 我就從裏頭拿一個 哦 Clearly. 天哪 Very scary thing. 酷喔 不 我不要這個 我不想要它啦,該死的 我做了鐵粒 好吧,所以下雨了,不過我想那個 I need to make sure this is late. 這符合我們正在做的美學 Otherwise enemy spawn, what is? 因為我們要進去地獄門啦,兄弟 (媽的能不能不要一直踩田==) This is all I built. 好的,啊巴巴巴巴亞 All right, we're gonna have to dig down helpful able find Laba sooner than later. 巴巴巴 Oh, Okay. 好的,Yougyün。讓我們開始有史以來最大的冒險吧。 Here's my old right. 帶一根胡蘿蔔以免餓肚子 I just gotta make sure I find my way out of this maze. 也許我應該帶更多食物 All right, Where's the lava? 蘋 ↗ 果 ↘ Oh, my God, Rose. 好吧,哦,我需要盾牌 好吧,Yougyün That's very serious sound. 遊戲時間到 What is that sound? 開玩笑的吧 Hello, Game sound. Yougyün進不去?? Very scary. 這是甚麼歧視 我們不是應該在黎明下奔馳嗎... 就像魔戒演的那樣阿 Where is my law? 搞什麼? Yougyün在那裡等著 好吧,我去檢查是不是門壞了 也許是我的樓梯搞砸了之類的 Bon. 不,啊 I know a lot of people have a stigma against digging straight down, but you do understand that you need balls to play Mind Cran Oh, I hear the lava. Yougyün在另一頭等我~~~ What would take you years? 我們正在進入地域... Practice and research takes me only a couple of seconds because I got balls. 握握握握握握握喔!!! Oh, yeah Oh, yeah, We're getting Mr Lobo. 發生了什麼事情?發生了什麼事? 我快起笑了 Oh, yeah! 哇哇哇哇哇哇哇哇哇哇哇哇哇哇哇哇哇哇哇哇 Oh, yeah! 好的,好的,開挖 我們需要這個,我們需要這個,我們需要這個。 記住這個法則: "躲在洞裡他們就打不到你" Oh, yeah, I found you. 躲在洞裡他們就打不到你 Found you, Mister Lava. OH老兄。我從這裡獲得一堆XP。酷爆了。但我們必須小心,不要忘了 Well, look at that, eh? 總有人說"地獄不是真的"... 那是因為他們沒看過活生生的EOE Now we take a bucket water, and we pour it in the law. 說真的 為甚麼這遊戲恐怖成這樣啊老兄 How do I do that? 你能在這裡找到什麼?其實我不知道。 Goddamn it! 等等。等等,我的傳送門呢?我走丟了 喔你在這 Okay, cool. 天啊,真是糟糕的決定 哦,天啊 岩漿怎麼那麼多 老兄 I found water. 媽欸 Then I could just want button What? 那是什麼? 一定是珍貴的素材 Never works. 別人可能有力量 有勇氣 Grab it, Grab it. 但是我 Grab the water. 有採礦技能 Okay, I got it. 我到底在找什麼?蘑菇!! So I could just reared. 我應該殺了你們嗎? (別阿阿阿) Okay. 我不想這樣。我想和他們成為偷摸大雞... Is this how you do it? 你看他們的房子都著火了 他們當然會生氣囉 You just pour it here. 看看他們 他只是想整天跳來跳去 我懂,我和你一樣 Whoa. 如果你找不到路回去會怎樣?天啊,Yougyün會怎樣呢 We just made whatever this is. 我們來當福連子吧,好嗎 I don't remember if you could actually mind these back in the day, but we need these. 來當福連子吧,好嗎 嘿 嘿 嘿 嘿 Apparently, they take forever to farm, so they should be helping. 不要就算了 好 好 好 Goddamn, That. 他想怎樣就怎樣吧 這裡不歸我管 I get it, though. 要是歸我管 你們早就死光了 沒甚麼地方好去了 No, I didn't get it. (F) Why not? 不,哦 Ice bucket challenge. 天啊 我命休矣 Come on, Do it, Felix. 我命休矣 我沒有水 沒有水 I love mine. 修喔修喔 我不能死RRRR Cry A bunch of nerds of blame mine crap. Yougyün還在等我,這岩漿! 啊! Dude, I'm breaking my eye diamond mine path for these. 我們還會再來大冒險的 Yougyün!!! It's getting totally ruined. 我一定要回去!!! Uh oh. 哦,天 真是太瘋狂了。還在下雨?你在開玩笑嗎?好吧,我已經吸取了教訓 In the midst of my panic. 我走到哪裡都要帶上水 You may have thought that I was pure panic, but I actually managed to go to the surface. OK Bros 下一集我們會去釣魚 如果想看到更多Minecraft實況請按讚 So I think I didn't actually lose my items prey to notch And gay bins, baby. 我們下次見 Oh, God. BYE~~ Because if myself falls in the lava, it's older. 什↗麼↘ ? 你沒玩過Tuver模擬器? Okay, guys, smash like on this video if you think it's over. 你應該知道這很好玩吧 You guys warming for that? 我不應該發表意見 Yes. 但你先試試看,再告訴我好不好玩好的。我給你價格 Thank God. 還沒被說服嗎? 那我和你做個交易 All right, maybe some stuff going. 這遊戲算你免費 是不是很划算阿?? No, we're fine. (快去下載) We're fine. We're completely fine. My legs air here. Oh, God. Thank Gabe in. That was a true gamer moment in the Minister. That panic? I persevered. Look, I have a diamond helmet now, and I almost lost that. This is why you need to be careful. When you play video games, you know what's gonna happen. So I have to be closed to pick it up Then I also have to be far away that way, but I get it. No, I didn't get it. Stupid lava, stinky lava. You stink Lava. I don't love you. Eat my ads. What? I can grab a lobbying a bucket that seems very unsafe. So far, I have zero. That from this server, so I would really like to keep it that way. I haven't died yet, so All right, so, seven, How many do I need? 12345678 9 10 2010 I have 12. I think that's enough. All right, we're going back. Epic, epic, epic epic epic at Make a Peck Smashed like on this video. A few things epic and you could give me an Xbox. Alright, gamers, that was success. What the hell? This My old mineshaft. Oh, my God! That goes to my house! There's a mine. Gramp! Imam! House! What the hell is that? The way yet again. You're still there? All right. There you go. Okay, gamers, What was I doing? Ah, yes. We were building an epic forethought to the net. The Rio should rebuild it here. Or should I build a Sure Let's do it here. I never done this. That was not like back when I was a gamer. Like I've never been to the nether round. Should I be scared? So many blocks. So we need again. Does that work? Okay, So why does he not open? Excuse me? I thought this was all I had to do and threw me Shoot. How to open up the portal. Flint in Steed. What? How do I get Flynn from? I wasn't possible. No! God damn it! Hey, God! Maybe he needs to be nice. How do I find Flint from gravel? All right, I guess. Back to the mine we go, boys. How does grab a look like? Is this gravel die or I What? The Frick Is it die? All right. Like what is what is it Is day alright? Need gavel some ready for an epic adventure. But I need get happen. Like what is gravel? I've never seen it. And I played for hours. Is not strolling me like when you find Cole. It's so obvious. Gold. Oh, yeah. All right. Could this be, uh what is that? What was that? We kind of get up. Where's the flame first? Goddamn flint. I need Thio. Farm it with something else. Continue to dig up gravel until Flint appears so far. No luck, buddy. How rare is Flint? Dude? Yes, I saw it. Way have one voice mission accomplished. Goddamn travel. You suck. Yeah, or right now we just gotta find our way back. And then we're good. See time to head back home, boys. Another mission accomplished. It's it's raining. What? It rains in Minecraft young again. It's all wet. I have to build the roof for you. Sorry. Year again. Look at that. That's so cozy. That's amazing. So what? What do I do with the Flynn? I need an irony in. Good. All right. I think I can scrap a lot. One of out. Oh, my God. Cool. No, I don't want it. I don't want it. Dammit! I made nuggets! Okay, so it's raining, But I think that that fits the ecstatic of what we're doing because we're going through the nether port. Told Bro's. All right. Ah! Bah bah bah Laba Yeah, Baba Baba! All right, here again, Let's go on our biggest adventure we have ever gone to. I'll bring a carrot in case we get hungry. Maybe I should bring some food. Apple. Okay. Oh, any my shield. Okay. Yeah. Again, It's gaming time. You kidding me? Yeah. Reagan can't end there. What kind of discrimination? It's theirs. We're going to ride out in the dawn like they did in Lord of the Rings What, Jurgen, wait there, or I'm gonna check if that's the case. Maybe my stairs messed it up or something. No. Yeah. It again. Wait for me. Wait for me on the other side way. We're entering another round. What's happening? What's happening? I'm freaking out. I'm freaking out. Okay, all right. I mean, what's with farting? Whoa, whoa, whoa. My God, This guy What about this? Okay. All right, form. We need this. We needed a minute. All right. Remember the rules. You can't hurt. They can't hurt us in the holes. All, dude, I'm getting epic expert from being in here. This is very epic, but we must be careful and not forget. Hell isn't really They said they have not seen them. Never around for real. Why is this game scary? Dude, what can you find here? I actually I don't know. Wait, wait. Where's my poor love already lost? Stay. There you are. Oh, God. It's It's such a terrible position. Oh, my God. There's so much love. I did. Holy cow. What is that? That's gotta be precious material. They may have strength and courage, but I have a mining skills. What am I looking for mushrooms. My supposed to kill you guys. I want that. I want to be friends with them. Look. Their houses on fire. Of course they're going to be angry. Look at them. He just wants to jump all day. I get it. I'm the same. What happens if you don't find your way back? Oh, my God. What happens to your again? Let's be friends. Okay, Let's be friends. Okay? Hey, not for all right. All right. It's gonna be like that. Just gotta be like that. I'm not the one making the rules. I'm nine by voice. You'd all be dead. There's, like, nowhere to goes Mill. Oh, God, This is it. This is it. I don't have water. I don't have water. I'm burning up. I'm burning up. I can't die. Jargon is waiting for me a lot about stop. We're going to make it back to you again. I gotta make it back. Done, mate. Oh, my God. That was Gray's. It's still raining. Are you kidding me? Alright, I've learned my lesson. I'm not going anywhere without water again. Okay, bro. So in the next episode, we're going to go fishing, smash like if you want more epic Minecraft. Let's place and I'll see you broads next time. What? You never played two for simulator. You know it's fun, right? I'm not supposed to give my opinion, but give it a try and then you can tell me if it's good. Not convinced yet. Okay, I'll cut your deal. Game is available for free, and that's a great price.
B1 中級 中文 PewDiePie 岩漿 minecraft 馴服 小麥 地獄 Minecraft是可怕的!!!- 第三部分 (Minecraft is scary!!! - Part 3) 54 1 林宜悉 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字