字幕列表 影片播放 列印英文字幕 (bell dings) - Okay, so, I have a whole playlist of videos about Git and GitHub if you haven't, if you don't know anything about Git and GitHub you might want to go and look at some of those as we'll assume basic knowledge. What I'm going to show you is, if you're on a new machine, hopefully you might have set this up already, but what if right now, for the first time, you are using Git from the command line and you also want to work with GitHub. So I've actually already installed Git. I can see that, because I can type Git and it shows me a bunch of things, it doesn't say Git is unknown, but if you need to install Git, you can just go to git-sem and download the latest version for your operating system and then back here. I got all this crazy stuff open, let me close it. I can start doing git commands, like for example, if I make a directory, that's make a directory, like new project and I do cd new project and I say git init that's how it actually makes a git repository inside of a folder. Oh, look at this, all of the sudden it says look, git and master and I can do things like git branch and somethings I don't like to use the word master, I just use source or something so I can say git branch source. Okay actually, I haven't made any files, so it's not going to let me make a the branch without any files, so let me show you, this is a bit out of scope but it's fine actually because we can tie some things together, like for example I'm going to say code dot. It will open up this directory with Visual Studio Code, then I'm going to make a new file and I'm going to call it sketch dot js because I'm working on some Java script code. I'm just going to put function setup in it and hit save and look at this when I come back here you can see now that the file is in there, and look at this actually this changed I think this is indicating something to me like there's a new file or something. So now I want to say git commit but guess what, who's making that commit. I haven't actually configured my, if I'm working with git locally on my machine, I actually need to configure who I am. One thing I can do is, is type git config dash list I believe, and this is all the various settings of things that are like set up I don't really care about that, I just hit Q to get out of that. What I need to do, and I'm just going to look this up with git config user dot name or user email, or user name and this can be my name or whatever name I want to use. You should probably tie this to your GitHub account. Oh no it needs to be global, git config user name, I want it to be global, I think if I do dash dash global then I can say git config user dot email and Daniel at the coding train dot com dash dash global. So this now, I've now set up git by the way. If it's a fresh install you're going to want to do this, with my information and then I can do things like, I can say git status and this is like the new untracked file so I can say git add sketch dot js and then I can commit it and maybe what I want to do is say. You know most people would just do this git commit dash M for a short message like make a new file and I could do that but I'm being very long winded in this video so what I'm actually going to do is configure my editor. So what I'm going to look for is configure code editor with git or associate, I think is the word I'm looking for, associate. If I come here, basically this is what I need git config dash dash global core. I want this and I'm using code and I think it's good like to put this dash dash wait, meaning it will wait for you to finish and now if I say just git commit, it opened up this thing in my editor, which I can now write my commit message. New file and I can write my longer one like dear diary, I don't know what I am doing with my life, all the best, sheefmahn. Alright and then once I close it, back here it's done that and I don't know why I'm talking about git branches but I can say git branch source and that made a new branch like I can say git branch and it will list me and I can hit Q to get out of that. Git branch dash V, it's showing me more information and I can say git checkout source and now I'm in the source branch. This is so useful if you know again, if you're new to git you might not realize this but know which branch you're in all the time, having that reminder is incredibly useful. I should also mention if I go back into Visual Studio Code and I do things like add something you know, create canvas two hundred, two hundred you can see here there's ways, here you can see right here this one comes up, so this is also Visual Studio Code knows about git and it's showing you things like this one change and if I click on this here it's kind of showing you this is the new line of code, that is the current change. You can actually do all of your git stuff from within Visual Studio Code yourself but, I tend to do it here, something that is a little tricky is if you want to not have to always type in your username or password for GitHub if you're about to send your code to GitHub there is a way to configure that through a SSH key, I think it makes sense to do that in a separate video if people are interested in that. The instructions are actually pretty good on the GitHub website, SSH key GitHub. If I go to this, generating a new SSH key, I always am just following this exactly, and then associating it with a particular laptop and then that computer is automatically logged in, you should probably use a passphrase when it asks you, empty for no passphrase, to be more secure. Okay alright, so next, next up working with nodes Oh, we're almost done. [Music Plays]