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three difficult stories tonight, and hopefully my plan is to get through all three of them, so we'll see how that goes.
So we're going to talk about the story of Sodom and Gomorrah and then the story of the the sacrifice of Isaac.
She is extremely complicated, complicated story, and so we'll try to make some headway without this story of Sodom and Gomorrah.
Is plenty complicated too.
So what we established last week, at least in part, was this idea that the Abrahamic narratives air set up as punctuated eh pox, I suppose, in Abraham's life.
And we were hypothesizing that, you know, you set out a goal for yourself in your life.
It's like a stage in your life.
You might say that, and then when you run that goal to its end, when that stage comes to an end, then you have to regroup and orient yourself once again.
And I was making the case that that's a good time to make necessary sacrifices.
You know, one part of that's because as you move through your life, you have to shed that which is no longer necessary and because otherwise it creates around you and holds you down and you perish sooner than you should.
And I think that's in large part because if you don't dispense with your life as you move through it than the stress of all that undone business and all those unmade decisions turns into a kind of chaos around you.
And that chaos puts you in a state of psycho physiological emergency preparedness, chronically and that just ages you.
And so it's necessary, in some sense, to stay light on your feet and also, I think, to renew your commitment.
Two your aim upward.
And I believe that that's what the sacrificial routines in the Abrahamic stories dramatized.
I said already that these things are often first portrayed very dramatically and concretely before they become psychologist.
And we'll see because one of the things that happens tonight as well in these stories is that when God makes his covenant with Abraham, this is the next part of the story.
It's also when the idea of circle circumcision is introduced into ancient Hebrew culture.
Now there's every bit of evidence that other cultures were utilizing circumcision beforehand, so it wasn't necessarily a novel invention of the Abrahamic people, but I see it's introduction as a step on the road to the psychology ization of the idea of sacrifice, right?
First of all, it's giving up something concrete, and then second, it signified by the sacrifice of a part of the body instead of for the sake of the whole.
It's something like that.
It's dramatizing the idea that you have to give up a part of yourself for the sake of the hole and eventually, well, by modern times.
That becomes virtually completely psychological in its in its essence, in that we all understand, perhaps not as well as we should, but at least well enough to explain it that it's necessary to make sacrifices to move ahead in life.
One of the themes that I'd like to explore tonight in relationship, especially to the sacrifice of Isaac, is that, you know, once humanity had established the idea that sacrifice was necessary to move ahead, which is really it's a discovery of incalculable magnitude, right?
The idea that the idea that you can give up something in the present and that will in some sense ensure a better future is an unbelievable achievement.
It's equivalent to the discovery of the future.
It's equivalent to the discovery of the utility of work, like its importance can't be overstated.
Okay, so it took a long time for people to figure this out.
Animals haven't figured it out, all right, we've figured it out, and it's hard.
It's hard for people to make sacrifices because, of course, the president has a major grip on you, as it should, because in some way you live in the present.
So anyways, there's the twin problem of getting the whole idea of sacrifice up and running and then figure out exactly what it means.
But there's a problem that branches off that, too, or a twofold problem.
So the hypothesis is that sacrifice is necessary to ensure the that the future is safe and secure and productive and positive and all of those things.
Okay, so then then question immediate two questions immediately.
Rise from that right?
One is Well, what's the proper sacrifice now?
We already talked about that a little bit with regards to cane enable in.
One of the things we saw was that Cane's sacrifice, whatever it was, was wrong.
Enables was right.
Noah's seemed to be right.
Abraham seems to you right there is something about a sacrifice that could be correct.
There's something about a sacrifice that could be incorrect.
The question is what would be the maximally correct sacrifice?
So because that's on obvious question to arise from the mirror observation that sacrifice is necessary.
OK, if you're going to sacrifice and it's necessary.
Well, how is it that you would behave if you were going to do it really well, if you're going to do it perfectly, Okay, so that's question number one, and then Question number two might be well, if the future could be better because of a sacrifice and sacrifices convey Arian quality than how much better could decide the future Be if your sacrifice was of the highest quality, right?
There's a limit issue there, and the limit is something like, Well, how good could your life be if you really got your act together and you gave up all the things that were impeding you in your movement forward?
If you did that forthrightly and and and with with integrity and with seriousness with with dead seriousness and you tried to set your life right, what is the upper limits with regards to how your life might lay itself out, and I would say, Well, we don't know the answer to that, But I think that the idea of something like the city of God or the Kingdom of God on Earth or the re establishment of paradise something like that is the answer of the imagination to the question.
How good could the future be if sacrifice was optimized?
And those are our critical questions, right?
And a narc?
A typical question is a question that everyone asks whether they know it or not, because sometimes you can act out a question.
An archetypal question is a question that everyone asks, and an archetypal answer is the answer that can't be made any better to that question, so I could give you an example of that.
The reason that Christ's passion is an archetypal story is because it's a kind of limit, right?
It's the worst possible set of things that can happen to the best possible person.
So it's a story that constitutes a limit.
It has nothing to do with the factual reality of the story.
That's a completely independent issue.
I'm speaking about this psychologically, is that certain stories can exhaust themselves in a perfect form, and that would be the archetypal form.
So that's the territory that we're going to wander around in a little bit today, and we'll use the stories as anchors be thinking a lot about the Sodom and Gomorrah story because it has.
Ah, it's classically associated with the biblical injunction against homosexuality, and that's often how it's red.
I would say, in particular, by the more fundamentalist end of the Christian spectrum, and I've thought about that a lot because it's pretty damn clear that the story of Sodom and Gomorrah has something to do with sexual impropriety.
But I've really come to.
The conclusion is very little to do with homosexuality, so we'll see how that interpretation prevails as we walk through this tonight.
Okay, so we'll start with a bit of a recap from last week.
So Abrahams had had his last adventure.
He's 90 years old, 99 years old.
Actually, the Lord appeared to Abram and said onto him, I am the Almighty God walk before me and be that perfect.
Well, that's quite the command now.
Alexander McLaren we talked about before, elaborated apartness slightly, and this is what he had to say.
If this is not precisely walking with God, the idea of walking before God, it is rather that of an active life spent in continual consciousness, of being naked and open before the eyes of him, to whom we have to give an account.
Okay, so that's that's an idea that's in keeping with the notion that what we're seeing an Abrahamic story is the call to adventure of the of man of the typical person, right?
Because your life in some sense is an adventure.
And I suppose the reason for that is that you're confronted by things that you cannot understand that you have not yet mastered.
There's a heavy price to be paid if you fail to conduct yourself appropriately, and there's a large reward to be gained if you conduct yourself properly.
And so that pretty much defines an adventure story and God calls to Abraham and tells him to move out into the world to leave what he's familiar with to go into the strange lands of famine and tyranny and to find his place.
And and that works out quite nicely for Abraham and so what?
That also means is that because Abraham is doing that consciously, at least, according to this interpretation, that he's not naive in his in his determination to move forward.
You know, I mean, I've dealt with lots of people who have anxiety disorders, you know, and one thing about people who have anxiety disorders is they are not mysterious to me.
I understand it's no problem for me to understand why people have anxiety disorders or why they're depressed or why they have substance use problems.
The mystery to me is always why people don't have all of those things at once, because everybody has a reason to be anxious.
In fact, we have the ultimate reason to be anxious because we know that we're vulnerable and we know that we're going to die.
And how you can not be anxious under those circumstances is a great mystery.
It's a massive mystery, and the same thing applies with regards to depression, and then the same thing applies to some degree with regards to drug and alcohol abuse.
But as I said last week, there's plenty of reasons to drown your consciousness and alcohol, that's for sure.
We could refer to the aforementioned anxiety and depression Not least, and so and the and the sorts of drugs that people are prone to take our chemicals that take the affect of edge off the tragedy of life.
So so it back to back to the issue of Of Fear.
Abraham is self consciousness.
That's what this commentary says.
But the thing is, is he moves for Despite that, he's self conscious and he knows the danger.
But he moves forward despite that, And that's actually the appropriate response in the face of actual, non naive understanding of what constitutes life.
Like if you're naive and you move forward, it's like, Well, what the hell do you know?
You know, there's no courage in naivety because you don't know what there is to stop you.
You don't know what dangers you might apprehend, but to be aware of what it is that your problem is.
So to be alert, existentially, let's there to be fully self conscious means that you're perfectly aware of your limitations and how you might be hurt and then to make the decision to move forward into the unknown in the land of the stranger.
Anyways, that's the I would say That's one of the secrets to a good life, and I can say that really, without fear of contradiction, I would, I would say, because the clinical literature on this is very, very, very clear.
What you do with people who are afraid and and to some degree depressed, but certainly anxious is you lay out what they're anxious about, First of all, in detail.
What is it that you're afraid of, what might happen?
And then you decompose it into small problems, hypothetically, manageable problems.
And then you have the person exposed themselves to the thing that they're afraid of.
And what happens isn't that they get less afraid.
That isn't what the clinical literature indicates exactly.
What happens instead is they get braver.
And that's not the same thing, right?
Because if you get less afraid, it's like, Well, the world isn't as dangerous as I thought it was.
You know, silly me.
If you get bravery, that's not what happens.
What happens is yeah, the world damn world's Justus, dangerous as I thought, or maybe it's even more dangerous than I thought.
But it turns out that there's something in me that responds to taking that on as a voluntary challenge and grows and thrives as a consequence.
And there's no doubt about this.
Even the psycho physiological findings are quite clear.
If you if you if you impose a stressor on two groups of people.
And on one group the stressor is imposed in voluntarily and on the other group, the stressor is picked up voluntarily.
The people who pick up the stressor voluntary voluntarily used a whole different cycle physiological system to deal with it.
They used the system that's associated with approach and challenge, and not the system that's associated with defensive aggression and withdrawal and the system that is associated with challenges much more associated with positive emotion and much less associated with negative emotion.
It's also much less hard on you because the the defensive posturing system, the prey animal system man.
When that thing kicks in, it's all systems are go for you.
You know you're the gas is pushed down to the are the pedals pushed down to the metal and the brakes are on.
You're using future resources that you could be storing for future time right now, in the present to ready yourself for emergency.
So there's there's there's nothing simple or truly at all about the idea of being called to move forthrightly forward into the strange and the unknown.
And there's a real adventure that's associated with out right.
So that's an exciting thing, which is part of the reason why people travel.
And then also to see yourself as the sort of creature that can do that is willing to do that on a habitual basis is also the right kind of tonic, for I hate this word for yourself.
Esteem, you know, because the self esteem has nothing to do with feeling good about yourself.
As as I already mentioned, there isn't necessarily reason why a priority.
You should just feel good about yourself.
But if you convert you yourself, acting in a courageous and forthright manner and encountering the world and trying to improve your lot and and taking risks, you know in a non naive way, well, then you have something that you can comfort yourself with a night when you're wondering what the whole damn point of his of your futile and miserable life.
And so and that's necessary because it's often the case that you wake up at four in the morning, or at least sometimes the case that you wake up at four in the morning, when things haven't been going that well and wonder just what the hell the point is, of your futile and miserable life.
You have to have some rial to set against that.
It can't be just rationalizations about how you know you're a valuable person, among others.
Even though that's true, that's not good enough.
You need something that's more realistic.
To set it against that, and observing courage in yourself is definitely one of the things that that that can help you sleep soundly at night when things are destabilized a little bit around you.
So back to the covenant, God tells Abraham, you make my covenant between me and thee and will multiply the exceedingly a neighbor and fell on his face, and God talked with him, saying, As for me, behold my covenant, my contract is with thee, and thou shalt be a father of many nations.
Neither shall die name anymore be called Abram.
But my name shall be called Abraham for a father of many nations.
Have I made the and Heber means Hi father in Abraham, father of a multitude and I will make the exceedingly fruitful.
And I will make nations of the and kings shall come out of the And I will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed after the in their generations, for an everlasting covenant to be a god unto thee and to thy seed.
After the and I will give unto thee and thy seed after the the land wherein thou art a stranger all the land of Canaan for an everlasting possession and I will be their god.
I love that line.
Really The line about the land where you are a stranger, You know, everything that happens in the Bible.
Almost everything that happens in these more archaic stories in particular is laid out geographically.
The metaphors geographic.
So you moved to a land that you haven't yet occupied.
Maybe that's full of strangers, and then the land is what's granted to you.
But it's perfectly reasonable to think about this from the perspective, from a more abstract perspective that's much more relevant to modern people with our incredibly complex societies.
You know, it's definitely the case that if you go into the land of the stranger which is exactly what you do when you try out any new endeavor, right when you start a new job or when you start a new educational enterprise.
When you start a new relationship doesn't matter.
You're out there and unexplored territory like the physical geography is the same.
But we don't live in in the physics in the spatial world.
On Lee, we live in the temporal spatial world, and what that means is that the same place could be different at a different time and mean it could be completely different.
And so if you're in your house, but you have a new person in your house while your host is new.
For all intents and purpose, because the territory surrounding that new person is the territory of the foreigner, essentially, and the same thing happens to you when you start a new job, and you'll find that when you start a new job, especially if you stretched yourself a little bit beyond your zone of comfort, that you very much feel like an impostor, right?
When your first there and then the question is, well, how do you master that?
And the answer to that seems to be well, it seems fairly straightforward if the place that you're in has any degree of possibility if it isn't inhabited by demons, so to speak.
The best wayto act is to lift your aim upward, an attempt to get your act together and to tell the truth and to live a meaningful life and to do difficult things.
All of that and that is the best way of mastering a new territory.
And in Ohio, all probability.
The degree to which you're able to act that out is precisely proportionate to the degree to which you're going to become a master in that territory.
And that sort of thing can happen a lot faster than people think.
You know, it's it's really quite remarkable how fast you can move forward.
If you can establish yourself somewhere and prove yourself useful, assuming that you're around people to whom proving yourself useful actually matters like I know perfectly well that you can end up in unemployment situation where you're punished for your virtues, right, in which case you should just get the hell out of there and really, really, you get out of there and you go find somewhere where if you work hard and do what you're supposed to do, you're actually going to be rewarded, right?
Because that's not a workplace, that hell and you should just leave there.
So and God said unto Abraham, thou shall keep my covenant, therefore, thou and thy seed after the in their generations.
This is my covenant, which he shall keep between me and you.
And I see it after the Everyman child among you shall be circumcised.
That's a mystery.
They're like, Why that particular right?
What's dramatic?
I mean, it's certainly it's certainly effects a man where he's most concerned to be affected.
There's something like that, and so it's It's a sacrifice that has a certain I would say, a certain degree of unforgettable ity that would be the first thing in a certain degree of pain and threat that goes along with it.
So it's not nothing.
That's the thing.
Now you can argue, and I think there is a NAR Gye mint, a case to be made about whether or not in the modern world circumcision is a reasonable, uh, is something reasonable to inflict on infants.
I don't want to have that conversation at all and But I don't think that's relevant to this particular issue because we're talking about something different.
We're talking about humanity's attempt to reconciled themselves to the fact that something has to be given up in order for something else toe happen and to try to really work through that idea and to make it into a psychological reality.
And so far, what we've seen in the biblical stories is that when you make a sacrifice, it's not really something personal or psychological right.
It's something external and dramatic.
You give up something that you own.
You don't give up something that you are or that's part of you, and it's it's actually more of a sacrifice to give up something that's a part of you or something that you are than to give up something that you owned.
I mean, it's a subtle distinction between because in some sense, the distinction between what you own and what you are is subtle, right?
I mean, it's not overwhelmingly subtle, but but people identify with their possessions and they need to, because otherwise they wouldn't care for them, and they need their possessions in order to live so their possessions are in some sense integral to them.
But the this transformation here of an act that was external and associated essentially with possessions to something that was actually at least part of the body, brings that much closer to it brings it much closer to the to the to the individual as a psychological reality.
It's something like that, and you shall circumstances circumcised the flesh of your foreskin, and it shall be a token of the covenant betwixt me and you.
It's also a permanent marker, you know, and I've read a fair bit about practices like tattooing and body scarification, you know, which is Those are very, very common practices right there.
Human universals.
Actually, no matter where you go around the world, you mean you see a couple of things, first of all, almost without exception, people wear clothing, and sometimes it's relatively minimal clothing.
But it's an often it's more decorative than protective, but it's almost inevitably clothing.
And the other thing that you see is that people do scarf I and tattoo themselves, and they do that in some manner to catalyze their identity right there, trying to transform themselves from a generic person.
In some sense, to a person that's being designed by their own hand.
It's something like that there it's a It's a marker of developing identity, and some of it seems to be catalyzed with pain.
You know that modern people who tattoo and I'm not saying that I'm in favor of tattooing because actually I'm not, but that but that's my own particular bias.
And if you have a tattoo, that's fine with me.
Um, I'm also not saying that there's anything wrong with it, but one of the things you do see what that people who have a to tattoo do report is a couple of things is that the pain is actually necessary and that the pain is actually something that seems to establish something like a memory so well.
It's a memory because of the pain, because you bloody well remember things that hurt.
But it's also a memory because it's actually etched on you, right?
It's not something that you can just abandon and forget.
And so a circumcision is exactly the same thing.
It's like you don't forget it because it's part of you, and so it makes a good token for a covenant, and so that seems to be the rationale here, from from speaking from a psychological perspective, it's to indicate as well that the damn thing that's happening is serious.
And I think also that was the case with the earlier sacrifices of animals.
It's like modern people don't do this like you don't know how serious you would take a vow if you sacrificed a goat in your backyard.
You know, it's actually a very dramatic thing to do.
You know, you think about it as primitive, and perhaps it is archaic and no doubt it is.
But it's also to to take the life of something and to spill its blood.
That's no joke.
That's something you remember, especially if you haven't done it before.
And we actually don't know what we would need to do in order to take something seriously.
You know, because we all do things like make New Year's resolutions about how we're going to be better people and we don't do it.
And the reason for that, at least in part, is because we don't know how to make the sacrifice sufficiently bloody.
Let's say so that we remember that it's necessary, right?
We don't take it with seriousness.
We don't think I should quit smoking because I'm going to die.
We don't think through what that means.
Like coughing your lungs out for three months in a hotel bed.
Well, your entire family is like half repulsed and horrified and sorrow stricken at the fact that this has happened far too early.
You know, we won't make that real enough to make it serious and serious.
And without that seriousness, we won't do it.
So there's something to be said for rituals of seriousness.
And I think this is one of them.
And he, that is eight days shall be circumcised among you, every man, child in your generation's he that is born in the house or bought with money of any stranger, which is not a thigh seed.
This is from Charles Joan Ellicott, who is bishop of Gloucester.
The fitness of circumcision, to be a sign of entering into a covenant and especially into one to which Children were to be admitted, consisted in its being a representation of a new birth by putting off the old man and the dedication of the new man under Holiness.
It's like a baptism.
That's right, that's that's what That's what's echoed there.
And, of course, baptism is returned to the Prekaz McGahn in chaos because that's what the water indicates and return to the source of life, and then the renewal that comes along with it.
So that's the it's it's.
It's a sacrificial idea in some sense, that if there's to be a new you, that the old you has to dissolve has to return to the solution from which it emerged initially and to reconstitute itself.
And so there's an echo of that idea here.
The flesh was cast away, that the spirit might grow strong and the change of name and Abram and Sarai was typical of this change of condition.
They had been born again, and so must again be named and the women could it need.
He admitted directly into the could not indeed be admitted directly into the covenant.
Yet they shared in its privileges by virtue of their con Sanji annuity to the men who were as sponsors for them.
And that's Sarai changes her name equally with her husband.
Well, you could make a case and and anthropological observers have made this case too, that women undergo a sufficiently a set of sufficiently radical psycho physiological transformations merely as a consequence of being part of being feminine in nature, such that the additional rituals of transformation that might be necessary for men aren't necessary.
And one of those might be menstruation, because that's a pretty dramatic transformation.
And there has been some indication that circumcision is like a male.
It's like the male equivalent of menstruation, something like that, because of the blood that's involved in because of the local.
And then, of course, the same thing is the case with women when they give birth, because that's a particularly dramatic thing, as I just witnessed, because my daughter just had a baby this week.
So thank God for that recent investigation.
This is from the Cambridge Bible for school oncologists, which, if you want to read it, is only 58 volumes.
Recent investigation has not tended to support the theory that circumcision has any connection with primitive child sacrifice, nor, again that it took its origin from hygienic motives.
Apparently, it represents the dedication of the manhood of the people to God in the history of Israel.
It has survived as the symbol of the people belonging to Jehovah Through his special election, this corporal sacrament remained to the Israel Light when every other type of religion or race had been severed.
See, the other thing that I read about in relationship to this idea of the multi generational covenant had something to do because God told Abraham to include all of the people of his household into this covenant, and and that that that really meant that he was establishing it.
Ah, territory of ethics around like the Ark except the psychological equivalent of the Ark.
So it was a spiritually or psychological or ethical territory that everyone who was of that household was required to occupy or obliged or perhaps privilege to occupy.
And there was also an injunction to Abraham with regards to his Children, which was that as he had established a covenant with God, which we could say is something like his decision to to aim as high as possible and to live properly as a consequence, it's more than that.
But it's something like that that he also was under the supreme moral obligation to share that with his with the other men in his family, especially his Children and so and so I think there's also a call here to adopting ah, sacred, the sacred responsibility in relationship to Children that has to do with ensuring that they understand how to take their place in the world.
And I think that that's definitely something very much worth considering, especially given the emphasis in the Noah story and the story of Noah that Noah had his, that his generations were perfect.
Right you.
As I said before, it wasn't nearly that he had walked with God and that he had perfected his own relationship with the divine.
Let's say with the transcendent and I want to make that concrete, which is a strange thing to do with the transcendent.
I mean, people ask me all the time about what I believe.
And of course, that's what I'm trying to explain while I'm talking.
But but and in many people, of course, are skeptical about the idea of anything transcendent and and and say transcendent and eternal, but that it can also be addressed from a psychological perspective, because I would say, Well, if you have an ideal of any sort, how is that not transcendent?
It transcends you.
That's the first thing, and it doesn't exist.
In reality, it exists in a place of possibility.
And believe me, man, we treat places of possibility as if they're rial because people will will call on you.
You know about your possibility to your potential.
They'll say to you, you're not manifesting your full potential.
And you might say, Well, what do you mean by that potential?
It doesn't exist.
It isn't here.
Now you can't measure it our way.
It you can't get a grip on it.
They'll say, Don't rationalize.
You know perfectly well what I mean when I'm talking about your potential and so we could and you do and everyone does.
And everyone knows exactly what that means.
And so that's a metaphysical reality that will immediately accept as riel and also castigate ourselves for not fulfilling and others to like.
Because you're just not happy when the people around you, especially if you love them, don't fulfill their potential.
You really feel that something has gone wrong and so there's a transcendent reality and potential, and then when you hypothesize an ideal that you might pursue, which you always do if you pursue anything right, because to pursue something means you don't already have it.
You're pursuing something that doesn't exist.
You're probably not pursuing something that's worse than what you already have, because why the hell would you pursue it right?
That's completely counterproductive.
So in in the mere fact of your pursuit, you you pause it, a transcendent reality that you can that you can that you can journey towards.
That's more valuable than the reality that you have now.
That's predicated in some sense, on something like an eternal verity or an eternal truth.
It partakes in the ideal.
And so we have a relationship with the transcendent and you might say, Well, that doesn't mean you have to personify the transcendent say, as Jehovah, you know, the God, the Father.
But there's also some damn good reasons for doing that, because one of the things that I've realized thinking through this covenant idea and also the sacrifice idea, is that the idea that the future is a judgmental father is a really, really good idea, you know, because you think about what the future is.
In part, I mean, the future is, however, the natural world is going to lay itself out over the next endless amount of time.
That isn't what I mean.
I think more about your future now.
Mostly your future is the future that you're going to negotiate with other people.
But they're going to be other people in the future.
And some of those people are going to be you in the future and family members in the future.
And so what's happening right now is that if you make the sacrifices properly, then you're actually pleasing that future set of people.
And that future set of people is definitely going to serve as a judge.
It's exactly what it does.
That's precisely what it does.
And so you might say, Well, it was the brilliant imagination of mankind that hypothesized that the best way to think about the social group, including the family but he also including you as your future self was to consider that you live in relationship with a future father who's a judge.
It's like, Yes, that's exactly right.
Now is it right, right, or is it psychologically right?
Well, it's a least psychologically right.
And, you know, one of the things I've learned about the biblical stories is that to say, that they're psychologically right doesn't exhaust the ways in which they're right.
But it at least gives rational, modern people who are skeptical and properly so a better way of getting a grip on them.
So and the uncircumcised man child whose flesh of his foreskin is not circumcised, that soul shall be cut off from his people.
He has broken my covenant, so it's a serious contractual oration relationship.
Now I was thinking about how to understand this, and I remember this old story, which I'm going to read to you about a monkey.
So there's an old and possibly apocryphal story about how to catch a monkey that illustrates this set of ideas very well.
First, so goes the story.
You have to find a large, narrow necked jar just barely wide enough in diameter for a monkey to put its hand inside.
And then you have to fill the jar up with rocks so that it's too heavy for the monkey to carry away.
And then you scatter some treats around the jar that are attractive to monkeys and close to the jar, and then you put a few of those treats inside the jar, and so that's the first part of the trick.
And then the second part of the trick is the monkey comes along and gathers up the treats and then puts his hand in the jar and grabs the treats that air in there.
But it's narrow necked, and so once the monkey puts his hand in there and grabs the goodies that he can't get his hand out of the damn jar.
And so then you could just come along and pick up the monkey.
And, like, too bad for the Monkey writes like he should let go of what he had so that something terrible didn't happen to him.
But that isn't what the monkey will do because he can't sacrifice the part for the whole.
And there's something about the circumcision story that's about that.
It's about sacrificing the part to save the whole.
And I mean, there's an echo of that in the New Testament.
If I remember correctly, I believe it.
I believe this is correct.
Although it might not be, um, where Christ tells his disciples to pluck out their eye if it offends them.
Seems like a very dramatic huh?
You know, piece of advice.
But it's it's partaking of the same idea, which is that now, if there's something holding you back, we'll see this when we get to the story of law to If there's something holding you back, even if it's dear to you, you have to let it go.
You seriously have to let it go because there isn't anything more important than progressing forward and cheap sympathy, cheap empathy, cheap nostalgia.
None of that is sufficient.
None of that will work because the consequences of not putting things together immediately are dire.
And there's no time to wait.
And God said unto Abraham, As for Sarai thy wife, thou shalt not call her name Sarai.
But Sarah shall be her name.
My princess.
That was Sarah.
Sarah is mother of nations on.
I will bless her and give thee a son, also of her yayo.
Bless her.
She will be a mother of nations.
Kings of people shall be of her.
An Abraham fell on his face and laughed and said in his heart, Shall a child be born unto him?
That is 100 years old Scott Logic doll, I would say I mean hears God talking to many laughs you know, But that's okay, that's he's a courageous guy.
And that's what people are like.
And, um, and shell Sarah, that is 90 years old.
Bear and Abraham said unto God Oh, that Ishmael might live before the and God said Sarah, thy wife shall bear thee a son, indeed, and now shall call his name Isaac.
And I will establish my covenant with him for an everlasting covenant and with this seat after him.
And as for Ishmael, I've heard the behold I have blessed him and will make him fruitful and multiply.
Am exceedingly 12 princes Shall he beget, and I will make him a great nation.
Now what does this mean?
This is This is a miraculous story in some sense, right?
Because, well, Sarah, it's what the Isaac want, or what Abraham wants most is to have a son.
But it looks like it's pretty much impossible, and I think what the story is attempting to indicate.
It's something like God only knows what will happen to you if you put your house in order.
Certainly things that you do not currently regard as possible will happen, and the more you put your house in order the Maur things that you regard as impossible will happen.
And it might be the case that if you put your host together sufficiently, things that were of miraculous impossibility would happen to you well, and there's no way of knowing until you try it.
But there's no way of being sure that it's not the case unless you do.
And my experience is being that I don't mean just personally.
I mean that the world is a remarkable and mysterious place, and the relationship between the nature and structure of the world and your actions is in determine it.
They may be more tightly related than you think, and I don't know how to square that with the fact that, well, you're obviously in a mortal body and constrained by all sorts of serious constraints and and none of that, none of that can be trivially overcome.
And I don't really understand how there could be that seriousness of mortal constraints and the infinite potential that also seems to characterize human beings all at the same time.
But then I don't really understand anything about the nature of reality.
So that's just one more mystery to add to the pile.
So but my covenant, I will establish this Isaac which share Sarah shall bear unto thee at the set time next year.
Many left off talking with him in God went up from Abraham and Abraham took Ishmael is sun and all that were born in this house and all that were bought with his money every male among the men of Abraham's house and circumcised the flesh of their foreskin and the self same day as God had said unto him, That must have been an interesting conversation.
That uh huh I mean, really, this is what God told you to do away.
It's like, OK on.
Abraham was 90 years old and nine when he was circumstance circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin.
And Ishmael was 13 years old when he was circumcised in the self same day.
Was Abraham circumcised and his son and all the men of his house born in the house and bought with money of the stranger were circumcised with him.
All right, so that's the renewal of the covenant.
That's the next part of the story.
That's the circumstance.
That's the circumcision story.
And as I said, it seems to indicate to me something about seriousness of intent, something about the responsibility that Abraham determines to take for everyone that's part of his household.
The psychological, increasing psychological transformation of the idea of sacrifice, the necessity of doing something memorable on the what would you call it, the the utility of rekindling the aims of your highest values.
When you come to the end of a net park in your life, when you have to take stock again, right, you take stock of yourself.
That's really what that phrase means.
To take stock is to take stock of yourself and to decide.
Okay, well, what should move forward in time with me and what should be let go, as if it's dead wood and the more dead wood that you let go of and burn off when you have the opportunity.
The last decree.
It's around you.
Here's something interesting about forest fires.
You know, people have been trying to prevent forest fires for a long time, especially that damn bear Smokey right?
He's trying to prevent forest fires, and so because forest fires burn up the forest and that can't be good, but here's what happens if you don't let forest fires burn.
Is that well, Forests collect a lot of dry branches right cause tree branches die and would falls on the forest floor and collects.
And so the amount of flammable material keeps increasing with time, and that's not so bad if it's wet.
But if the amount of flammable material is increasing and it gets really dry and then it burns, then you have a real problem.
The forest fire can burn so hot that it burns room this topsoil right off, in which case you don't have a forest at all anymore.
You just have a desert, and lots of trees are evolved to withstand forest fires of a certain intensity.
And some won't even release their seeds unless there's been a fire.
And so a little bit of fire at the right time construct everything from burning to the ground.
And that's also a really useful incite, a metaphorical insight into the nature of sacrifice, right?
It's also a lot easier to let go of something when you're deciding to let go of it, because you've decided yourself that you're done with that.
It's a weak part of you.
It needs to disappear you do that yourself, it's much better and much easier than it is if it's taken away from you forcibly, in which case you're very much likely to fight it.
These other.
There's another interesting thing here.
Ah, motif that runs through the entire Bible.
It's a very, very powerful motif, and it's partly associated with this idea of walking with or walking before God, you know, in the New Testament, Christ says something like my father's will be done, and he means that that will should be done through him.
And so I can't.
I won't build a state this exactly right.
But it's something like this.
You know, a lot of what people regard as their own personalities and are proud of about their own personalities aren't their own personalities at all.
There useless idiosyncrasies that differ them differentiate them trivially from other people.
They have no value in and of itself.
They're more like quirks.
I remember once I was trying to teach a particularly stubborn student about how to write, and she had written a number of essays and in university and got universally walloped for them, and the reason for that was she couldn't write really at all.
She was really, really bad at writing.
And so I was sitting down with her, trying to explain to her what she was doing wrong.
And she was being very annoying about it.
Very recalcitrant, very, very unwilling to listen.
That was a pearls before swine thing, you know?
And at one point she said it.
I can write perfectly well this university professors just don't like my style.
And I could feel my hands creep towards her necks.
Well, that would be funny if it wasn't true, But it was also true, You know, when I thought What the hell's with you?
You can't even write.
And you think you have a style.
And not only do you think yeah, no, not knowing how to write is not a style.
That's the other point, right?
And so you know, she she instead of humbling herself, which was necessary and OK, because she was a new university.
Students like, of course, you don't know how to write.
When were you gonna learn in school?
I don't think so.
So she had this, you know, this this this style issue and it it just it just didn't go anywhere at all.
And so now let's see.
I lost my train of thought, telling you, telling you all those jokes.
Oh, yes, in terms of above, letting things burn off.
Yeah, well, so she was proud of her insufficiency.
That's arrogance, right?
That's not humility.
It's self deception and arrogance to be proud of your insufficiency.
That's a very foolish thing.
And that means to cling to the parts of you that are dead.
Okay, now there's this idea that runs through the Bible.
I think as a whole that Okay, I'll tell you another little side story here.
I was reading about Socrates today and I was reading about Socrates trial.
You know, he was tried by the Athenians for corrupting, for failing to worship the correct gods and corrupting the youth of Athens by like teaching them stuff and asking them questions, you know, which is a great way to corrupt people.
And, um So he knew the troll was coming and Athens wasn't a very big place.
Only had about 25,000 people.
Everybody knew everybody.
Everybody knew who the powerful guys were.
Everybody, including Socrates, knew that the trial was a warning.
Do you like, get out of town, right?
We're gonna put you on trial in six months, and the potential penalty is death.
Got that?
It's like so So Socrates had a chat with his compatriots and they were contemplating fair means and foul to set up a defense for him so that he could or to leave so that he could not be tried and put to death.
And, uh, he decided that he wasn't gonna do that.
And he also decided that he wasn't going to even think about his defense.
And he said Why?
This is quite an interesting thing.
He said why?
He told one of his friends that he had this voice in his head.
Damon a spirit.
Something like that, um, that he always listened to.
And that that was one of the reasons he was different from other people because he always listened to this thing.
It didn't tell him what to do.
But it told him what not to do.
It always told him what not to do, and if it told him not to do something, that he didn't do it.
If he was speaking and the little voice came up and said no.
Then he shut up and he tried to say something else, and he was very emphatic about this.
And he said that when he tried to plan to evade the trial, or even to mount his own defense, the voice came up and said, No, don't bother with it And he thought, Well, what what the hell do you mean by that?
Like, there's a trial coming and I'm gonna be put to death.
And well, he eventually concluded that he was an old guy, you know, The next 10 years he was in his seventies, perhaps the next 10 years.
We're gonna be that great forum.
He got a chance.
Maybe the gods were giving him a chance just to bow out.
You know, put his affairs in order to say goodbye to everyone, to avoid that last descent into catastrophe, which might have been particularly painful for a philosopher and two, and to walk off the world on his own terms, something like that.
The point I'm making with that is that Socrates attended to this internal voice that at least told him what not to do.
And then he didn't do it, and of course, Socrates was a very remarkable man, and we still hear about him today and we know that he existed and all of those things and so back to the back, to the walking with God idea.
You know, as you elevate your aim, you created judge at the same time, right?
Because the new idea which is an ideal you, even if it's just untidy, a position that you might occupy, even if it's still conceptualized in that concrete way that becomes a judge because it's above you, right?
And then you're you're terrified of it.
Maybe that's why you might be afraid when you go start a new job, right, because this thing is above you and you're terrified of it and it judges you.
And thats useful because the judge that you're creating by formulating the ideal, tells you what's useless about yourself.
And then you can dispense with it and you want to keep doing that.
And then every time you make a judge, that's more elevated than there's more useless you that has to be dispensed with.
And then if you create an ultimate judge, which is what the archetypal imagination of humankind has done say with the figure of Christ, because if Christ is nothing else, he is at least the archetypal perfect man and therefore the judge.
You have a judge that says, Get rid of everything about yourself.
That isn't perfect.
Of course, That's also what Abraham.
That's also what God tells Abraham, right?
He says, to be perfect to pick on ideal.
That's high enough, and you can do this.
The thing that's interesting about this, I think, is you can do it more or less on your own terms.
You have to have some collaboration from other people, but you don't have to pick an external ideal.
You can pick an ideal that fulfills the rule of ideal for you.
You can say, Okay, well, if things could be set up for me the way I need them to be, and if I could be who I needed to be, what would that look like?
And you can figure that out for yourself, and then instantly you have a judge, and I also think that's part of the reason people don't do it right.
Why don't Why don't people look up and move ahead and answer is, well, you know you start formulating a