Formytests, I'm using a twocore I 360 100 withhyperthreadingeightgigsofRamand a twogigabytesRx 5 50 from a m.
Thiswastheweakestcardthat I hadthatwouldactuallyletuslaunchthegame.
So a twogigentrylevelcardand a drugcalledProcessSir, cantheyhandlethisnewTriple A title.
Let's take a looknowwhethertheeye 3 61 100 isslowerthananeye 5 25 100 k, forexample, isdebatable.
But I chosethisCPUas I couldn't helpbutwonderjusthowwell a dualcoreCPUwoulddousingmyriseandfivewouldhavebeantooeasy.
Themainfocushere, though, is I thinkthe R X 5 50 it's twogigabytesofftheranstartingatthebeginninghere, andyou'llnoticethatthereisno M s I overlayorfrackedcountertodaybecausetheydon't workwiththisgameatthetime.
I recordedthisanyway.
Wedohaveveryusefulingameperformancemetrics, though, asyoucanseeand a 10 80 p lo.
Wewereseeingabout 30 to 35 framespersecondaswemadeourwaythroughtheopeningindoorarea.
I'm usingthecurrentrecommendedAMGdriver, andaftertestingwiththenewoptional 20.3 pointonedriveraswell, I foundthatitmadenodifferencetoperformancewiththiscard, likelybecausethe V Ramistheprimarylimitationhereaswemovedoutdoors, wesawmoreof a hittoperformance, andasyoucansee, wewereseeinglessthan 30 framespersecond.
Inthisinstance, I'm goingtohavetosaythat 10 80 p withtheRx 5 50 probablyisn't a wiseoption, though.
Ifyouwantto, youcanlowertheresolutionscale a littlebit.
Personally, I'd ratherjustdroppedtheresolutiondowntothenextavailablepresetinsteadthat, ofcourse, being 900 p at 900 p then.
And I havetosaythatdespitestillexceedingthe V Ramlimitsofthecard, whichoccursevenat 7 20 p, theperformancewasmuchimproved.
Asyoucanseebytheframerateinboththetoprightandtopleftcorner's, wewereseeingbetween 40 and 50 FBSmostoffthetime.
It's alsoworthnotingthattheprocessir r i 360 100 washoldingupjustfine.
Therewere a briefcoupleofmomentswhen I sawtheusagehit 100% onallthreadsat 7 20 p, butthisdidn't reallyhappen.
Often a tall I think 900 p provides a nicebalancebetweenvisualsandperformancebecause, honestly, do.
Maternalstilllooksgood, evenatlow.
Reallygood, actually.
Sothenlet's moveontothe F O.
Mentioned 12 80 by 7 20 Thisisyourbestbetatachieving 60 F guestswith a PClikethis, itstilllooksgood, inmyopinion.
Andthecloseryoucangetto 60 framespersecondin a firstpersongame, thebetter, especially a fastpacedonelikedoom.
Anyattempttotryandplaythisonmyoldercardsfailed, bytheway, sono g TX 4 80 testsinthisone, I'm afraidifyoudo, though, have a twogigabyteGPU, andit's aspowerfulormoresothanan R X 5 50 a once $79 orwasit £59 card?