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What's up, guys is for us.
No good.
I don't journey Episode 15 where I take you along my house development journey from zero toe Act.
Now we're gonna be going over creating a party rock mansion, app.
There's a lot of content in this.
We create the u ie.
We make sure the auto layouts are good.
The constraints are, Well, we go over everything that has to do with you.
I it's kind of basic you I really But it you know, it takes a little bit effort to make sure that someone devices.
And after that, we do basically make a feed where it's a feat of YouTube videos.
So we're gonna have to make a feed, make a table view with all the cells, make sure we're gonna harm code of that utility is into the cells of what not so it's not gonna be pulling data, and we're not gonna use a P I or anything like that.
But we are gonna be a better YouTube videos into our application.
So there's a lot of content we'll go through as much as we can today.
I'll find a good, uh, you know, ending point and then we'll carry this out.
Finish this at up next week.
So let's go ahead and get to that.
Actually, before we get to that, I'd like to discuss something real quick.
A lot of people were saying how it was kind of not good practice the way we were creating a few of the act before.
We weren't using EVC or model view controller it We're just making a lot off.
I don't know the alternative.
I, the outlets for a lot of actions, were doing a lot of different things that didn't it wasn't good practice.
We need to practice in VC.
But what we do in this app is we We go over NBC like we build this app using model view controller.
So better practice in this app.
And I'm glad that we're going through that because as many people pointed out, that's a better way to do it and actually noticed after this After we create this app that very next one is we go over model view controller, so we kind of use it a little bit in order to get our brains accustomed to mount of you controller without even realizing it and then once we discuss it after will be like Okay, that's why we did that.
Or, you know, makes more sense to do it a little bit.
You know, use NBC a little bit and then discuss it.
Just like if you're going to class, a lot of teachers recommend you read through the chapter.
First, you might not understand it, but once the teacher talks about a class, then you're kind of like, OK, now, remember we you know, we read, I read over that chapter, and now it makes sense that the teacher's going over otherwise.
Otherwise, the teacher be going over the chapter in class and you would be lost, and you would be harder to pay attention and whatnot.
So that's why it's good to kind of go through what you're doing with my life, you controller, and then we'll discuss it after and then we'll go and use its more.
Just like in class.
You would read through the Chapter four, go over in class and then go back over the chapter after.
If you're a good student and if you're a good student, you're gonna learn more, and that's what we're trying to do.
with this, you're trying to learn more.
So we're going over a lot of you Controller.
That's basically what the whole spiel was about, which is good practice.
And now we're gonna go create the U I for the party mansion, app, and maybe get into the table of you and whatnot.
So let's get to it.
So we start off with a single the application, and we're gonna insert a U IE image view, nor toe have our main banner up there.
We're gonna throw in the party rock mansion graphic that we got in the mutiny course.
And now we're gonna throw in a regular view.
This is where our buttons they're gonna be.
So basically they're tabs were gonna name the first top video going to make it the same colors, the pink and party rock.
We're going to duplicate it twice, so we're gonna have three of them.
Her in a place is ever they ever gonna name them the proper names.
We changed the other two colors to a gray to show that top videos is selected, the tab of top videos is selected.
We're gonna throw them into a U S.
Stack view.
So it's a lot easier to space and to deal with.
We have to make sure he said the proper constraints for the U.
Stack view.
Now we enter a table, view a tape of you sell inside of that, we change the background of the table of you sell because it's easier to work with.
We can see the size and where the view the cell actually is.
Now we add a u IE image.
You in there, this will basically be the image you for the video.
So this view this imagery although it only is the party rock mansion graphic is supposed to represent the video and then we add the title The video of the music video.
I guess where the sun Goes is ah is a song by the red food guy that I think his band is Ella Maffeo.
Pick whatever fun you want for that.
And then we're gonna create a few controller and we're gonna name that view controller video V.
Make sure you create a file for that as well as change the actual name of the Vue controller to video VC.
So it all matches up.
We're gonna create a Segway from our previously controller to this one.
And basically this view controller will show the video.
So when you click on it, it will show the video.
We're just gonna throw in some u I there and that's basically it.
So that's where we're gonna end it.
We did most of the U in this app next week.
We have a lot of coating to Dio after Redo it.
I've already done it.
You can see some of the code that we go through.
We have to make many different follows.
You know, you have to make a foul, at least one father, model, view and controller, and we go through that.
There's a lot of coding involved in next week.
And what to keep the video as short as possible because I don't like to make videos upwards of 20 minutes, I feel like it's hard to sit through.
It's also harder for me to edit because it's a whole lot longer.
I'd like to keep around 10 minutes so I'll do my best to keep it short.
I need Thio.
No, I want to pack in a lot of information in there, and that's basically it for this video.
If you enjoyed it, check out some other content right here.
And if you wish to subscribe, that'll be right around here.
And I really hope you do.
I hope to see you the next one.