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  • okay, I can't upload.

  • This is absolutely horrible.

  • Good grief.

  • Like this video, This video right here.

  • This video right here, it's just so in cohesive as it sits in my computer.

  • That's why I'm here to kind of give you guys a better, better understanding of what's going on today when I mean today, this video is like from two weeks old.

  • This is recorded a couple days after the Super Bowl, which I think was in the beginning of February, and now we're closer, closing in on the end of February.

  • So, uh, it's a good video.

  • I need to release the video.

  • It's just I'm gonna make sense of it for you guys to start off the day I had a phone call with a CEO of a local car.

  • So throw my degree.

  • I've learned to main language.

  • You know this you have a computer science degree, so I've learned to main languages Java and C plus plus.

  • But lately I've been doing oh, my own a lot of Io's development, and then in my courses, I've done Web development.

  • I'm doing android development and last semester actually had an artificial intelligence course where I worked a lot with Java and Python.

  • Oh, I'm definitely open to that.

  • I would really appreciate it, actually.

  • All right, I hope everything goes well with that client you mentioned.

  • Okay, You too.

  • But, well, that went well.

  • And for the record, that was a reenactment.

  • In case any of you could tell, I don't want to violate the privacy of a personal phone call by putting it online, so I just simply reconnected and that you may know it's not every day that you get a phone call from a founder or CEO of any sort of company.

  • So let me give you a bit of back story.

  • So as many of you know, I had a coop internship, whatever you wanna call it at Norfolk Southern.

  • I was there for about two semesters, and during that tenner, I worked very closely with a few different people.

  • And one of those people recommended me to the CEO of this company knowing I love software development.

  • That's what I want to get into.

  • And then I'm finishing up my computer science degree and keep in mind, I got along with basically everybody I worked with in this company, so they knew I would be a good fit in another company.

  • If you go into an internship, coop, job, school, whatever it may be, you don't get along with all these people.

  • Or at least you don't try to get along with all these people.

  • You're not gonna get these types of recommendations.

  • Their relationships in the workplace are very important.

  • Because if I didn't get along with these people than I would never have been recommended to the CEO of this company and then if I would have never gotten recommended to the CEO of this company, he never would have friend of me on LinkedIn messaged me on LinkedIn and then exchanged phone numbers so we could, you know, have this talk that we just had.

  • And as you saw, it was a very basic talk where kind of talked about my schooling, where my expertise lies.

  • I'm graduating in May and things of that nature just like a and get to know you type of phone call.

  • And actually, since I'm about two weeks in the future of that phone call, we've talked a bit more back and forth, and he offered me an internship with the company up until I graduate in May.

  • But I did turn down that internship offer and he understands why.

  • Because I need to focus on my schooling.

  • And then I also turned down an internship offer from Dominion Enterprises.

  • And since I mentioned that, I guess it's only right for me to kind of tell you guys how that came about.

  • So basically, I applied to solve for a development position at that company in hopes to kind of lock a job down.

  • So I have a job coming out of graduation in May because that's kind of how it goes.

  • A lot of people already have jobs locked down, where in May they essentially have a guarantee job.

  • I currently do not.

  • I'm not too worried about it, but, you know, might as well get the ball rolling.

  • They saw my application.

  • They called me up.

  • We communicated a bit.

  • They offered me essentially an internship, or at least the ability to go through the interview process the interview, process it for official reasons in order to get that internship.

  • But they also understand that I have a heavy course load.

  • I want to focus on school, so I graduate in May and my grades air not complete crap, because when I had a full course load in a full workload back, I've had that, like two different semesters, my grade's really suffered.

  • And since this semester's course load is a lot heavier than past semester's course loads, it really wouldn't make sense for me to pick up a job, whether it's part time or full time, considering how difficult it was in the past.

  • But now it's time to take you back to that day.

  • So after the phone call, well, I'll let pass for us, tell you, here's the rest of my class, and 30 minutes after that I need to finish up a project proposal presentation for tomorrow's class and tryingto we're trying to pitch our android app and my injured development class to my wealth class and the teacher mainly.

  • So today, my group and I are working on that proposal in order to convince the teacher to let us go through with this app idea.

  • Oh my goodness.

  • How naive passports was, uh, you guys will see later in this video what I'm talking about.

  • It was it was bad, but I'm sorry for interrupting I'll let you get back to the video.

  • And in that same class, we have small assignments alongside this big project that we have going on, one of which is due very soon.

  • I need to get it done today and or tomorrow because this weekend I'm going on my bachelor party.

  • We're going snowboarding.

  • But yeah, let's get on with the day.

  • And in case you forgot, getting on with the day starts off with class and to be more specific, online class.

  • Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention this next segment is me taking guys through one of my own line lectures because I know so many of you guys are computer science students or went to be computer science students.

  • And this is kind of an understanding of how online lectures are brought to you.

  • Using WebEx, I've figured out mentioned that because I know not everybody's interest computer, science, something I've noticed about myself is that when it comes to actually doing something, whether it's going to class online or in person, or actually coding whenever I'm recording, there's always like, half for at least part of my mind that is just focused on this and I really need to make sure all of my attention is focused on coding or class.

  • So that's why, instead of recording the live video, I'm gonna give you the basic gist of how this online course actually works.

  • So as you could see on the computer, this is the basic gist of the class.

  • This is a recording of last class, and we have our instructor up top right here.

  • He's always in the window so you can see him unless he cuts it off himself.

  • And then you have another screen either showing what he's writing down, which that's what's on the screen right now.

  • Or it shows a screen, whether it's code or requirements or presentations.

  • That's the idea.

  • There are people in class asking him questions and then on the live Web X, This is WebEx.

  • After all, there is a chat box right here with all the online students who can talk and if they have a mic or chat in.

  • Otherwise, it's not the best example, because now, in hindsight, I see that the recording isn't exactly the same as being in it live because, like I said, we have the chat box over here.

  • His face is right over here, and then the screen of whatever he's doing on the computer or writing down is right in the center.

  • But that's the basic gist of it.

  • And as you can see, we have video archives of all the classes.

  • So if you can't make it, you can do it whenever you want.

  • That's the beauty of online classes.

  • I figured you guys could use that knowledge, considering so many of you are or plan to be computer science and now we're back to the future.

  • So this next segment is I'm completely thrown by the wayside.

  • I'm going to repeat essentially what I said in the video inm or cohesive terms, because I just you could literally see.

  • We'll watch.

  • Sorry, guys, I'm just brainstorming here.

  • You're seeing the gears turning the wood burning, Probably smoke come out of my years of trying to figure this out.

  • So instead of y'all sitting there watching me racking my brain, I am going to kind of put it in Maur cohesive terms.

  • I've been requested time and time again, more so on this day that any other day to create a community slack channel.

  • So anybody who's on my YouTube channel will come over and we can talk about whatever my thoughts were.

  • You know, if you know how slack work's you essentially, I'll create a work space.

  • And then within that work space, there are different channels.

  • You can have access to all of the channels unless I make someone, some of them private for some reason.

  • But the public channels Computer science I was development android development.

  • A lot of people have been asking me about math with in computer science, not specific problems, but kind of like, How do you go about doing this?

  • Or did you struggle?

  • Because it's in all, honestly, it's It's helpful to know that other people are struggling in the same areas that you're struggling to know that you're not alone.

  • So I'll just be making channels within the workspace that relate to my YouTube channel.

  • And I want to see how many of you guys would like this type of thing.

  • I know other people have recommended discord.

  • I've always used slack as more of like a work space, and then discord.

  • Maura's like a gaming platform or gaming communication platform, rather, so I'm going to hold a pole.

  • I know that my bias is slack Just for those reasons.

  • There.

  • I'm gonna hold a pole up here.

  • I think, Yeah, that's the right corner with Click The little I'll see a pole Slack discord either Because many of you may not care whether it's like you're discord.

  • But you want something like a community slacker community scored or neither.

  • So some of y'all are like, No, I won't.

  • I won't use it.

  • I mean, you could make it whatever, but I'm not gonna use it.

  • Simple is that maybe you you may use it.

  • So second, just before you say neither.

  • Consider that you may end up wanting to use it.

  • Uh, my brain is turning again because I don't know if I want to include this in the video or not, but I think I should I think I should, because I was going to include it in that one.

  • I just wasn't very cohesive in how I said it.

  • But I know a lot of people YouTubers and people like that.

  • Use patri on Patron is essentially a platform for the community to support the creator.

  • So if you've ever going on somewhere like twitch.

  • They have it all built in where if someone is streaming on twitch, viewers of that twitch stream can subscribe for $5 a month or donate whatever they want because they get value and entertainment out of the twitch.

  • Streamer, so patriotic essentially serves as that middleman for the community, for the viewers to donate and help support creators because they believe in what they're doing.

  • And they want toe help.

  • Those creators and in return, a lot of YouTubers will offer early access to videos or access to videos that don't live on their YouTube channel or access to something like a slack community.

  • Or, you know, whatever other creative ways that creators can can help out their community because their community is helping them.

  • Does that make sense?

  • So I just explain what Patron Waas.

  • But I don't know if I want to do patron.

  • I think I just want to create like a free, slack channel for everybody to use.

  • And then maybe sometime in the future, I will set up a Patriot account and figure out what benefits patrons can get.

  • I may also include, like a patron part up there in the poll.

  • You know, forget that.

  • Forget that.

  • I'm not going to include the page on up there.

  • If you're interested in helping to support the channel, then I will just leave or just leave a comment or something like that.

  • I'm sorry.

  • This is what I wanted to avoid.

  • This is what I wanted to avoid from that video to this video is just having my my brain turning because I wanted to be cohesive.

  • But I hope that made sense.

  • It probably did it, but I do.

  • Oh, my gosh.

  • I can't believe I haven't even mentioned this in the video yet.

  • We absolutely blew through.

  • 5000 subscribers like y'all are amazing.

  • And I know this sounds cheesy, but I like to give appreciation where appreciation is D'oh.

  • So I appreciate every single last one of you for subscribing to the channel watching videos.

  • I'm glad we have this connection.

  • And that's like channel could extend that connection in order to help each other out even more.

  • Because as much as you may learn for me, or I may entertain you your comments I learned from those.

  • I mean, those help me out immensely.

  • So everything you're doing in this community.

  • Thank you.

  • Thank you so much.

  • Next stop is 10,000.

  • I mean, you remember my 1st 100 then I even made a video about my 1st 500 subscribers.

  • And then it's just one of those milestones that 5000.

  • Wow.

  • And the next one is 10,000.

  • So I just want to say I appreciate you guys, and thank you so much for helping me achieve this milestone in my life into my YouTube career.

  • And I mean, this is just beginning.

  • I can't wait to see where this goes.

  • What's even crazier than that is now, just about two weeks later, we have already, like we're already at, like, 6000 subscribers.

  • Excuse me.

  • 6400 subscribers.

  • I mean, y'all are absolutely amazing.

  • But now it's time to go from something so positive, like me thinking all of y'all for supporting me in this channel to something so in negative to Ah, well, take it.

  • Take a look.

  • What days?

  • I swear I have been working non stop forever.

  • That that was me last night.

  • I really felt a bit brain dead.

  • All I want to do at that point was watched.

  • People play video games because I couldn't even play video games myself because I don't think my brain would follow what was going on on the screen.

  • That's pretty sad.

  • I mean, to put in perspective.

  • I've recorded this whole entire ending of this video last night after that little snippet that you saw.

  • But I don't feel that that is efficient enough for this video because I felt like a mumbling idiot.

  • To be honest with you, I mean, I just just my brain wasn't flowing.

  • Even now I feel like my brain is still like rejuvenating from the past two days of minimal sleep and working all the time on everything that I need to get done.

  • And, as you know, there are two made projects and what I need to get done.

  • The first being a PowerPoint presentation for the project proposal.

  • Essentially our android app idea for the entire semester for my enjoyed application development course, whatever it's called, and then the other one was for the same course where I had to create an android to do list application.

  • So that's really like my first ever injured application they have created because that really like Hello World application.

  • Not gonna count that.

  • Well, let's just say the project proposal didn't really go as planned because I got assigned to a group of four students.

  • And as you may have seen from one of my last videos, I went into class.

  • I was bringing my journal into class with all my app ideas to see, you know, kind of picture to my team, to see if they would fit the scope of what this course would entail.

  • And if everybody else wanted do we ended up going with somebody else's idea.

  • So once I got the idea, we got the ball rolling.

  • I set up a slack channel for us to communicate, because that's easier to communicate for me, At least then email because e mails can just kind of get lost when it comes to slack, you can have that one, your phone or on your desktop.

  • Give you notifications.

  • It's probably one of the best tools for a software developer to actually use, and I also got the ball rolling on the presentation.

  • I created the first, like six or seven slides out of a 20 slide presentation.

  • Keep in mind if you, you know, divide 20 by four, that is five sides.

  • Person already did, like around seven slides in this.

  • So I essentially did my fair share.

  • And I set up everything which actually takes more time than people think.

  • After setting up the slack, channel had to, you know, set up everything in Google.

  • Dr Invite everybody.

  • I had to find all of their e mails and then invite them to Google Slides So everybody can edit this PowerPoint presentation because I figure we're all gonna be working on it together.

  • That's not really how the eggs went.

  • Once I uploaded this slides to the Google Dr invited everybody vehicle docks.

  • Communication basically ended within the slight channel with two people just cut dry.

  • And I uploaded all of that.

  • I think the day I started recording this video so essentially the day before it was due, we started a bit late, but I figured we could get it done.

  • It wasn't that big of a project for four people to complete, but for one person, on the other hand, that's a different story.

  • So once I had the seven slides in, there was one other person that was kind of communicating After I uploaded the slides, he did like three slides on existing competition to our APP idea, because that's something that we needed to include.

  • We had a whole list of requirements laid out from our professor to include in the slide, and then we still had roughly half of the presentation to complete maybe even more than half, because one of which entailed mock ups that I wanted to create using Adobe X D.

  • And I did hear actually, some of them and I'll get more into those when I describe the actual project.

  • But I ended up finishing the rest of the Power Point presentation myself, but I had to allocate all of my time to that.

  • I couldn't really use any of my time to work on the to do list application or any of my other schoolwork that I had to get done.

  • Of course, of course not this video.

  • That's why I'm waiting until after everything was due to finish up this video.

  • But luckily I essentially got everything done.

  • We went up there.

  • I presented all of the slides I completed.

  • The other guy presented the three sides that he completed and I tried to.

  • I figured at least my team would read up on the Power Power Point presentation to be familiar with it because they're gonna be standing up in front of class with me.

  • That's not the case.

  • I tried to transfer over, you know, because I didn't want to present all the slides because, you know, that kind of obvious that I kind of did all the work, But I tried to, you know, include somebody else.

  • So I wasn't presenting the whole entire time.

  • He just mahi Didn't he think essentially froze up, kind of stumbled over his words.

  • Don't really know what to say because he didn't read any of the slides, like, a least at least like, get familiar with the slides that you're about to present.

  • But I'm really just venting at this point.

  • I need to vent to you guys.

  • Sometimes when you're in, you're in school or even I'm sure this happens in the work force.

  • Teams don't always work too well together or they don't work at all.

  • Like literally.

  • The two of the members did zero of the work and one of the other members did 10% of the work is that 10% maybe 15% of the work.

  • Meanwhile, I did 85 to 90% of the work and I'm really not saying that to brag, because I wish I didn't have to say that.

  • I wish I got a little bit more help when it came to this PowerPoint presentation, but I didn't and that's that.

  • So let's get into what, this PowerPoint presentation, the app idea that this was proposing to the class into the teacher and Thio really preface this.

  • I mean, not even be using this app idea for this semester because this APP idea is in the scope of this course.

  • But maybe not for a team of four.

  • So what my teacher is doing is splitting us into two groups of to I'm hoping I get teamed up with the person who leased it.

  • Three of the slide, you know, the competition slides, and I think that's what I'm going to try to fight for, considering I don't want to be teamed up with somebody that doesn't do anything, obviously, or else I'd do it.

  • Oh my, what I'm trying to say if I get teamed up with the person who had the APP idea because they had their initial app idea.

  • Although I'm the one that built on it and actually made it something that could fit into the scope of this semester, I don't I don't care.

  • They can have their app idea since they initially brought it to the table.

  • If I don't get teamed up with them, which I don't really want to be, that I won't be completing the project within the semester.

  • Me and my new partner, I have to think of another app idea.

  • Just go with that one, which I'm perfectly fine with.

  • Some really not that big of a deal.

  • And as for the APP idea, it's an application where you would sign in, log in to your user profile and the main information stored on your user profile.

  • Our pizza preferences.

  • Yeah, it's kind of a silly idea, However, for the scope of this course I mean and everything that it entails it.

  • It makes sense.

  • I mean, I'm not really looking for a $1,000,000,000 idea for this course, something that you can put on the place door.

  • I mean, that's cool.

  • I think more so what?

  • I'll be building, especially since I won't have a hunch percent of the rights to it for the course will be just, uh, you know something simple that you can enter your portfolio, and that's what this is.

  • So you'd have a user profile with your pizza preferences on it.

  • And if you were hosting, let's say a Super Bowl party, since that was just this past weekend and you want to order pizza would create an event on this application and invite all of your friends.

  • Maybe we can integrate something where you invite them on Facebook and you bring them into our application in order to say, If you care about what type of pizza I order, you need to come into this app and essentially creating pizza preferences.

  • So it's not only for one event alone, your pizza preferences will be saved.

  • You know, like crust pizza toppings.

  • What pizza?

  • Talking to go together.

  • What pizza taught me to love what you like in which absolutely hate you won't eat it all.

  • And that's what you would enter in.

  • And you could use that for any amount of future events.

  • And the real kicker of this application would be all the people who are as we be to your event within the application.

  • We had the access to that pizza preferences, and we generate three pizza options based on the group's the primitive groups.

  • Pizza preferences.

  • We don't want to include anything that anybody hates.

  • We're trying to correlate what everybody loves and what toppings will go well together.

  • That's where the algorithm will come into play and then a proposed feature, something that I think would be really cool if we had access to some sort of like pizza, a p I where we can use the pizza orders that we generated within the application and open up a brand new order within the pizza application.

  • Then you figure out all of your stuff in order through Pizza Hut or dominoes or Papa John's Or What have you.

  • I mean, if this app, you know, gets to a certain scale imagining that we try to take it to the next level.

  • If I'm a local restaurant or even a chain restaurant, I would want you to know wantto have the ability to make an order on my application because that means you're gonna be making more money I mean, you're gonna have more people ordering pizza from your company because it's just easier.

  • So I mean, why not?

  • Sure, there's a little bit more to it.

  • But that's the basic gist now onto the to do list android application that I had to build it in three hours of mind you.

  • Now, as far as the to do list APP is concerned, I'm gonna be going over that in the next video.

  • I'm going to be showing you guys theat the features, the code.

  • I believe the code is already uploaded to get hub.

  • So if you want to check out the APP, go ahead over there, check it out.

  • And don't forget to follow me on Get hub.

  • Leak is down to the scripts.

  • And don't forget to subscribe to me on YouTube, especially if you want to see that first, you know, to do list Andrew application of mine.

okay, I can't upload.


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A2 初級

一個計算機科學學生生活中的糟糕一天 (A BAD Day in the Life of a Computer Science Student)

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