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  • It's a beautiful day here in Virginia Beach.

  • To be honest with you, whether you believe it or not, they actually forecasted for snow today.

  • No snow.

  • Instead, we just get this really cold rain fun fact.

  • The more you get closer to the ocean, the less likely to snow.

  • However, it isn Owen inland.

  • I want to go about four hours in to that leash mountains and go snowboarding today.

  • But every single person I asked to go snowboarding with me had other things to do, such as life.

  • You know, when you're an adult, people thinking they have responsibilities and whatnot can't just pick up and go snowboarding for the day.

  • I gotta keep my hair in my face.

  • All right, so here we have to be completely honest with you.

  • This is not the box it came in, came in a bag.

  • But I threw away the bag when I got earlier this week and then just pretended to pick it back up for the camera.

  • So this is a shipment that I ordered a couple weeks ago from being good.

  • I think it's called dot com.

  • The website's not what you think it is.

  • It is a electronic component website.

  • You can get stuff really cheap.

  • For example, here we have a we most D won, many a starless bread board and a bunch of wiring.

  • Oh, not to mention the LCD screen, but you can't really see that just yet.

  • Not too long ago, I saw this clock.

  • The service is a clock, and it can also serve as a YouTube subscriber counter, meaning.

  • If I set it up for my channel, it would tell me my executive turnover account right now on the counter.

  • And instead of paying $200 for that, I decided to order this for, like, 20 some odd dollars and build one myself.

  • I looked into the Arduino and whatnot, but that's a little bit too much for what I need in terms of the capabilities for us, The price.

  • This Hopefully we'll do what I needed to dio.

  • But for now it's going back in the box That will be the next episode or the episode after that.

  • If you didn't know, this is Episode two of my series, which is essentially documenting everything going on.

  • Details.

  • 19 that I feel his video worthy, and I think you will find this project to be very interesting.

  • But for now, we're gonna keep the right there to be completely honest with you.

  • And I hate to say this on the very first like episode of the series.

  • That isn't the introduction of the series.

  • I did a very poor job of documenting this past week.

  • Today is Sunday, but this is a Sunday before the Tuesday that this video goes out.

  • And the main reason I'm telling you this is because it brings me back to work as you know what work.

  • I don't really film anything, mainly because I don't own the software, so I can't be showing you the code.

  • But right now is very interesting time because I'm transitioning from working on a lot of the in house projects in some of these side projects that are coming in to a full time contract.

  • I am full time working their mind you, but there's a different contract that I'll be hopping on where, instead of doing a lot of Web development work and a lot of experimentation with different technologies, I'll be doing a lot of Java work getting back to my roots and actually what I'm what?

  • I'm actually decent.

  • So I'm pretty excited to get into the whole job around of things instead of doing this whole Web development stuff that I've been doing for the past few months and this past week being one of the more hectic ones.

  • It's funny.

  • I was talking about my previous video of this series about how this is gonna be my first year were actually have a consistent schedule, and the very first, what I like to call a real weak hotels in 19.

  • It was anything but consistent.

  • I'll get to work.

  • It don't really matter what time I got to work because I think three or four of the days this past week I didn't get home until like seven PM because I was just working.

  • There's a site that I was working on that had a deadline this past week.

  • So there wasn't a lot of development work outside of real work, like I wanted to get done.

  • So that's kind of why I didn't document a lot of what was going on because most of it was at work and you're gonna love this.

  • Let me let me type in my password here.

  • A lot of people, for some reason, get upset because I look at my keyboard when I type in my password.

  • I don't understand the only thing I'd be able to look at on the screen or a bunch of dots, and there's no point me looking at the dots going like this.

  • Instead, I could make sure I get it right the first time and just look at the keyboard.

  • I don't see the big deal.

  • I think those people are suffering from something called Dunning Kruger Effect.

  • But that's neither here nor there.

  • Today.

  • We're gonna be talking about imposter syndrome.

  • I don't know a single person who hasn't suffered from Imposter syndrome as a software developer.

  • If you don't know what imposter syndrome mean, it's essentially you get stuck in your mind like I'm not good enough for this job.

  • Look at all these other people, and for me it always happens when a transition period.

  • So when I first got into college, was one of him and I will look at all these people would think, How did they already know how to code?

  • Like I feel like everyone was coating from the womb and me.

  • I'm sitting here 18 19 years old, and I'm coding essentially for the first time.

  • But then once I started to program and kind of blocked out everyone else, or maybe even try to get help from other people, I realized that we're kind of on same little, you know, I tried to get up and I was able to do some of the work, and they were able to do some of the work.

  • And I felt at least competent encoding some of those early pieces of work.

  • However, the next time I encountered Imposter syndrome was when I was applying for internship positions.

  • There would be all of these positions that had all these different skills laid out.

  • And I'm trying to figure out how in the world is someone with two years of computer science degree experience, not like real world coating every single day experience but college experience, supposed to know 10 languages and supposed to have this type of experience and no way more than any normal student would know, even coming out of college just for an internship, and I really was just nervous about that.

  • But I ended up lying either way and in all honesty, a lot of those job requirements on that weren't just fluff.

  • I don't know why they do it, but half the things listed I just didn't even do, ever did even touch.

  • And then the next transition period was from college into the workforce.

  • See for me, I felt my resume was on point.

  • I had some good internships under my belt.

  • And then once I started this job, I was going to have a computer science degree.

  • But even then, plus, I actually were on my own IOS applications.

  • I had a few of those under my belt by the time I went into this, although I wasn't applying to Iose development, Jobs was There aren't many around where I live.

  • I still felt that that would add value, but I still was like facing like I'm not good enough.

  • Like I feel like everyone else is way better and they would be more qualified because all of these things listed, I still feel like college and all my side working.

  • My internships didn't prepare me for this.

  • I thought people wanted workers to come in and just be ableto type everything in Boom.

  • That's what they got.

  • But in reality, at least in my situation, I was able to go into my job in the first few months and even now still is kind of like a mentor ship.

  • I don't know if that's what it's like in every company, but since I'm working at a startup and my balls is amazing in a really good position where they don't expect me to come in and just be this expert level programmer, they understand This is my first year in the rial job workforce.

  • So if you're worried about all of these little different transition periods, just try to find something that will fit.

  • You try to find something where the people understand that you're not gonna be this 5 10 year experience of a developer.

  • You're gonna be first riel job at full time in the workforce.

  • You may have had, like me a whole year's worth of internship experience in the workforce, but that's not the same.

  • Or maybe it is and you're still worried about going into the workforce.

  • Just know that I'm actually kind of facing a poster says right now, although Java is my thing and I've been bringing up my get have account actually meant to bring up exorcises.

  • Um, as well.

  • I've been working on Java.

  • I showed you on a recent video.

  • I don't know how the exposure is doing on that camera there.

  • Let me correct this.

  • But I did a lot of work on my Java track on exorcises.

  • Um, where I did a lot of these different types of Java Java programs.

  • This one has to do with dates, energy in time, games, loops, pattern matching strings, images, loops.

  • Ah, bit wise.

  • Operation conditional is cryptography.

  • So on and so forth.

  • That's really what I've been working on because I feel like I'm not gonna be prepared coming into this working in a team and being able to pull my weight.

  • I'm really trying the best I can in order to pull my weight.

  • Once I get into this, which be next week, I think I'll be full time like on this particular contract.

  • I'm just going through it again.

  • So just know that you may be going through it just like me when you enter college.

  • Just like me when you got your first inter chip.

  • First job, so on.

  • And so forth.

  • I'm just about a year in, maybe, maybe more like 88 months in, and I'm still kind of feeling that it's kind of sucks.

  • And imposter syndrome is just not fun.

  • You just feel like you're bad developer.

  • And if you stumble across this video because you thought I was going to essentially tell you how to get over the hump of imposter syndrome, I don't I can't I in order to get over the hump, I just I just did it.

  • I just went through it.

  • I don't even know if I got over the hump.

  • I just kind of try to get in the groove of the job because I'm still facing it today.

  • If I knew how to get over the hump, that I wouldn't be facing it right now, right?

  • So essentially, he's just move forward.

  • If their jobs out there that you try to apply for and you see all these requirements just apply.

  • I've given plenty of tips when it comes to how to go about applying to different internships and jobs.

  • Just use that as long as nothing on your resume is lying, just make sure you essentially cater your particular resume to that job listing.

  • If you have a basic knowledge of some of the things that they're listening on, the resume, then list that I mean listening on the job listing, then list that when your resume that's my best advice for I just I don't know how to get over the hump that is a posture syndrome because I'm still facing it today and that's that.

  • I just know you're not alone, okay?

  • You know you're not alone because everyone goes through it.

  • And before anyone tries to call me out, I just want to show you something real quick and the reasoning why this graphics card back here isn't in the proper slop.

  • It's supposed to have the little black piece similar to this right here over the prongs there.

  • But it kind of broke off, which is why it's sitting in this one back here.

  • See, that's what it's supposed to look like.

  • That's what it does look like.

  • So that's where it since I have actually reached out to a hardware company or two, trying to see if they wanted a sponsor of video.

  • So I get finally, upgrade this 4 to 5 year old PC to put in perspective.

  • This is 1/4 generation Intel core processor inside there, and that was the new one when I built this thing and right now we're sitting in ninth generation.

  • So what is that 4 to 5 years old?

  • PC?

  • It still does what needs to dio, but it could do it better.

  • That's kind of what I'm trying to get an upgrade of PC.

  • I know I would get one by the end of the year.

  • Whether I buy it or not, I just can't buy one right now.

  • Too cheap for that.

  • And apparently I'm too cheap to report an outro.

  • As you could see, I met in my video right here, and I just realized it didn't record now trust thinking I was gonna record him today for this video, but instead our courts on today for next week's video next week.

  • Studio is going to be sick like I have a lot in store, so just make sure you subscribe.

  • If you haven't already.

  • I hope you found some so then useful out of this video.

  • Just know that imposter syndrome if you're facing.

  • If you feel like you're not good enough, I know that you're not alone and just get better and try to prepare for whatever you have kind of coming up in your career.

  • So I hope you guys enjoy this video 10 except having going piece.

It's a beautiful day here in Virginia Beach.


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A2 初級

冒牌貨綜合症:我是個糟糕的軟件開發人員 (Impostor Syndrome: I'm a Bad Software Developer)

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