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All right.
Hello, world.
This is CS 50 on Twitch.
My name is Colton Ogden.
And today we're doing for the first time by Aaron Carmelita.
Erin wanted t o give us all introduction.
So my name is Aaron.
I've been working for CS 50 for about three years now, mainly sort of working with high school teachers and our outreach efforts to sort of bring this creep into a high school sister T A p.
It's called right?
Maps to the AP, computer science principles.
That's nice.
Working alongside the dog and Greg and some other folks on team today.
And you've used s I should say we're talking today, going back to the front and stuff, so I typically m on here.
We cover stuff from scratch, build applications, build games, all kinds of stuff.
But we've been transitioning a little bit into Web development and last Web.
Deb Stream that I did was a CSS stream, and we covered some of the basics of that.
But you know, a lot of the time we don't necessarily right CSS from scratch like it can be kind of painful to do.
So a cz we saw even in the last stream.
But we're gonna be taking a look today at a really cool framework called Bootstrap, and some folks in the stream might be familiar with it.
You you've used Bootstrap before.
Having a few projects.
Is it used it all by chance for any of the seats for the AP.
Stuff like the websites.
Um, we don't explicitly call it out, but we definitely reference it for teachers who are a little bit more comfortable in that area just so that they can provide that.
Okay, cool.
Yeah, it's a super cool framework on Biff.
Folks have not used a framework yet.
This will be their first exposure, perhaps to one.
I want to just shout out everyone in the chat who was here in advance, who saw a few people Sabella, curious and Bill X accost Tripathi, Kaiser twitch, Crazy Flock Whip Streak.
And Nate was ah ah, little bit confused.
As to why one of his messages had been blocked, he said, M k in caps to answer your question.
I think it's the twitch spot, and it caught the fact that you were using capitalized letters and I thought you were yelling or something.
That's pretty funny.
So the twitch pot is very Yeah.
It seems sensitive to certain rhetoric, I guess.
Or four rhetoric.
Anyway, Buddha nag saying that having the buffering issue is that on which or is that on another website?
If it's on twitch, I know that twitch doesn't do alive encoding toe a lower format.
So check out our YouTube channel checkout Facebook.
If you're having rendering issues, meet shores plugging the bootstrap link.
We have a few messages from him as well.
Seven of these injury Eddie Mabo 1006.
Lots of awesome people in the chat here.
Some new people in some old people I'm going to know.
You know, yelling is advancing.
Yeah, I guess if you want to yell, I will prove your message after the fact.
But our twitch.
But will Ben, you are not banned.
You but Ben your message, which is gonna hilarious.
I'm gonna transition my computer over to transition the O.
S view over to my laptop so we can see sort of what we have going on here.
So this here, if you go to get bootstrap dot com which a meat shore kindly plugged in the chat.
You'll get through the documentation.
The home page for the bootstrap framework and Bootstrap is really cool.
It allows us to do a lot of awesome stuff without having to necessarily write it from scratch.
It's kind of like a buffet for CSS is kind of like to think about it.
Um, we'll take it.
We'll take a dive into all the different components in layout system and all that sort of fun stuff.
I won't apologize to the folks on the stream here who tried to catch the couple of the streams earlier this week.
The Crypto Stream and the Solitary stream.
So I was sick for the solitary stream and then the crypto stream.
We're having technical difficulties.
That's been a little bit of a messy week.
I apologize for that.
But we should be going strongly after today, hopefully, at least into the near indefinite future.
Paul, to 1987 says Hello, Ogden Helen Bolton.
They very much for joining us.
Um, Kaiser Twitch, Will this be on YouTube afterwards?
Yes, it will be on YouTube afterwards.
Um, yeah, sure.
Actually, it might script the chat, though, actually.
So, uh, just go to YouTube dot com slash CS 50.
And that will take you to our YouTube channel, where you can see not only this, but lots of other video Siri's.
We've done, including David's lectures on, um, CS 50 at Harvard, the CS 50 course, and actually have toe let David know that we are streaming right now so that he pops into the chat.
Um, well, that's streaming now, so maybe we'll see.
Maybe we'll see David J.
Malin making appearance in the chat here very shortly.
Um, so bootstrap.
If you go to get bootstrap dot com, you'll be taken to this nice looking girl.
And actually, the pieces that we see here are representative kind of of the bootstrap aesthetic.
You know, the typical, like, naff bar on top of the period like minimalist kind of less is more.
Yeah, exactly.
Um, and one of the things very common way, at least that I know that website is using.
Bootstrap is seeing a knave are kind of like this with the flat colorization and like the left on the right side stacked knave links.
We'll take a look at actually how to implement this.
And we'll include this in a I think a Web page will end up making from scratch a little bit later.
Once we've covered the basics of bootstrap.
Just kind of tie everything together.
And I thought that would be kind of fun to do a Pokemon theme.
Um, way might do it.
And Elfi theme in the future.
So Aaron is dog named Elfi who comes into the studio and to the I said comes into the store comes into, uh is there Is there an easy link?
I can grab your stick.
Is it on?
Is it on here?
Uh, do they have instagram on on the web browser?
Yeah, slash Elfi and the city like that.
Okay, awesome.
So here we go.
So here's if you want to see Erin's lovely dog, Elfi.
We were going to make potentially a, uh, sort of, I guess a Pokemon fo bo.
Come on, We're gonna make her one of those.
Uh, you can see that she's a little bit.
Yeah, she's adorable.
And there's her as a puppy shakes.
You weren't used to wear a diaper, actually, but yeah, that selfie so shut us tol fee decks 9 87 as the dog emoji in there, which is nice.
Um, so get boost dot com will take it to the website.
Now, if you want to actually use bootstrap in all of its components in all of its awesome features and it has both the CSS side and a Java script side will be covering the CSS I today the Java script side.
Maybe in the future, when we do maybe a more dynamic website after we do it like a job script basics tutorial.
I think we got to Char's are there in the chat.
Actually, we're gonna need six Pokemon Danks 97.
I would like to hear about foundation framework as well, if possible.
General info, Um, I actually have a new foundation, a lot.
And I was I was going to say, two of the other frameworks that people might be interested in that I've seen you might know more of them are foundation, which is this one, which looks pretty similar.
This isn't a very great illustration, but, you know, it kind of looks like this pretty pretty basic.
A lot of you elements kind of this top.
Well, there's this framework which is kind of them and bootstrap have sort of been synonymous at least the last few years.
And there's also one called semantic.
You y what's not semantic you?
Oh, semantic, you y which this one is actually really cool.
I like this one a lot.
Um, I haven't used a lot, but the components and the way that they style the like this the way that the CSS is named is really cool.
Um, you can see here, there you have the option, actually.
Run it.
So it shows you what it looks like beforehand.
And then you hit run code.
You'll see that it gives you this really nice sort of almost like YouTube tag component here.
There's little ways to animate stuff.
Nice and cute like that.
There's a lot of really cool components.
I like semantic y a lot, and I think it's really readable.
So we might actually editorial in cement.
You in the future.
Never really used it, but it looks Looks pretty cool with that.
Yeah, um, Kash says thanks, Colin, to make me fall in love with game developed My pleasure.
Thank you very much for tuning in.
Glad that that has inspired you a little bit, but you have foundations, semantically.
Why bootstrap these air All CSS framework cement to sort of get you, like for the name bootstrap boot strap you up from nothing into something that looks somewhat serviceable without too much effort on def.
You know, the raw CSS you can kind of customize it to your liking.
But if you're more like me and you're not super greatest CSS, you can sort of pick and choose the pieces that you want all a buffet of sorts.
We just kind of how I like to think about bootstrap Mindy's Lucius s frameworks, especially when we start looking at all the different components.
And like Holden mentioned, it's very customizable.
So instead of just linking it as, ah bootstrap link in your HTML, you could actually download the entire thing and sort of customized things there, too, if you're even more comfy.
Yeah, Exactly.
On a ton of people use bootstrap all over the place of stack.
Overflow is just ripe with like if you're looking to get a specific look or specific component to function the way that you want stack overflow.
Your best friend.
Honestly, I use it all the time.
I'm feeling dehydrated and to drink water.
Any tips?
Um, I'm not sure if I'm missing a joke there, but definitely grab some water if you're thirsty.
Um, water and sleep says Nate.
Ice Way, actually, 23 written in the bar.
Okay, cool.
So get boost dot com.
That's the page you're gonna go to.
Oh, I think I said that like four times.
Now, I apologize.
Once you actually get there.
You can go to hit this download button right here nice and middle of the page.
And they actually let you do a couple of different ways.
So a common way that you'll get these and other resources like Jake Worry, which is another popular Java script library is You'll rely on other people in the world hosting the library on a server somewhere on a CD in content delivery network, and you can actually embed the CSS and JavaScript.
It looks like the dependencies.
Excuse me.
Herewith, and there's a little bar that's gonna screwing up how it looks because it's so small.
But there's a couple of links here.
So if I copy these true, true true could do that to, um I'm gonna open up V s code and release notes here and styles that C s s and Index.
I think that was from potentially the other day.
When are the other CSS stream?
I'm gonna open up this bootstrap folder, going to just maximize it, Going to create a new file index dot html and in here and do the old classic HTML sort of, uh, what's it called?
Starting point with which he s code gives you what You can just press down and hit tab.
It'll do that, and then you can just sort of copyright in here Those links that I got from the bootstrap page.
So there's a link in a script tag.
So the link is a style sheet reference, so that's actually grabbing the CSS.
And then the script is actually grabbing bootstraps JavaScript, and there's a couple of dependencies, depending on what we did.
You want to use, um, popper, Slim and popper, which are two different of the two libraries used for some of the components within bootstrap.
You can actually conditionally input those depending on whether your website uses those components.
Yeah, because I know some of them use proper, and most of them don't.
Actually, only a couple of the bootstrap things, which is nice.
They tell you to in the documentation.
Really nice and up front.
Like, Oh, this is a Java script component.
I'm gonna grab some water.
Says 10 top our awesome.
Um Okay, cool.
So that's how you would get it if you were using the CD.
Emling's knows that these air referencing girls that are not obviously on my local machine like this is bootstrap cdn dot com.
Both of these are stacked path of bush obsidian dot com.
So they're hosted online for us.
Some other really visit them too, and sort of check out what's going on a little bit.
Yeah, absolutely.
Um And then if you want, if you want to actually host this on your server or on your local machine, you don't want to fetch the U.
L every single time.
You have the option of doing that by actually grabbing the download here.
If I were to click this download button, it'll download the bootstrap.
4.3 point one says the current version.
We're on bootstrap four.
There was bootstrap three, which was used for a long time, and then they changed before they added flex box.
And much of other stuff says there are some changes that are breaking that you have to be aware of.
And I actually found out some of those last night related to table alignment.
I also want to shut out, Matt, if we came visceral Niccolo to 11 and Krum Co six for the follows serving.
Oh, yeah, I was gonna say that.
Um, just be sure that when you're searching stuff in stack overflow that you're referencing the right version of bootstrap.
So shut for good point.
Yeah, because you don't want you don't be trying to use a booster, have three because they literally added flex box everything in blue strapped for.
And so a lot of bootstrap three was based on floats, which to this day I still don't quite understand 100% perfectly.
But flex boxes a lot more flexible of a system than using floats and clear fixes.
So I would say probably for the better that they changed it.
I'm not sure if you would get, like, some deprecation there.
I didn't get a deprecation error.
I got Well, actually, don't check the council.
Well, it's a CSS thing.
So maybe maybe there's a job script hook.
But I did get weird behavior and weird, like, sort of borders and stuff like that.
So, uh, Luigi Morelli T w for the first time.
Hi, folks.
Finally here.
So shut us to Luigi Morelli, who has been on the Facebook, the Sea City, Facebook, for many years now Since I started actually, in 2013 13 2040.
I believe so, Yes, we did.
Yeah, we did.
Yeah, I remember that.
It was I think you had two years ago, two or three years ago.
I do remember that.
Very brief exchange, Unfortunately, but it was, um it was nice to meet in person.
What is better using the cdn or local copy of Bootstrap?
A question from Rizwan on YouTube.
Um, like any question, it's It's a very subjective um, It's nice, I think, to shift the burden of network request from your server to someone else's server.
I think in most all cases.
So I would say probably the cdn honestly, and like most browsers, will just cash the CSS in Java script from a Web page anyway.
So it's not like you're necessarily shifting a tremendous load under the CD en, I mean at scale.
You are, yes, because millions of people will be downloading that file, but they won't be downloading it repeatedly.
Typically, they'll be cashing it in their browser.
So I would say, probably using the CD and Link makes the most sense to me, especially for the scope of most projects.
You think that's just a typical case, right?
Yeah, but I don't think ultimately matters tremendously.
You will be serving that CSS and H and Java script every time somebody makes her request to your server if you're hosting it yourself in production, so just be mindful of that.
Um, Coco.
Everyone's chatting at Louisiana Nice.
That's awesome.
All right, cool.
Um, so when you download the bootstrap folder, you'll see that you get the CSS and the job script as two separate sub folders of that zip.
We're not going to be using the Java script today at all.
There's gonna be looking at the CSS, and there's multiple different versions of bootstrap and in particular the one that will be using his bootstraps, either.
Bush, about CSS or bootstrap dot minn dot CSS Bush reboot and great.
I'm not 100% sure what they do to your hand with those do.
I'm not entirely sure I haven't looked at it.
Didn't look that up in advance.
But with Google, we can probably find out.
Bootstrap grid.
Um, they always use the grid system.
Yeah, I'm not entirely sure what the difference is with the bootstrap grid.
Uh, re boot.
Yeah, it's like a It's like a bootstrap reboot.
See what that does?
I wonder if that's like a like a retro bootstrap like it has the float instead of the oh, no, it's different.
A collection of elements specific CSS changes in a single file.
Kickstart bush up.
Refined, elegant, consistent, simple baseline to build upon.
That's a very big area, just like a subset.
Let me see what we have here.
Oh, you know what I think that's I think it is.
I think it's grid and reboot are like taking out chunks of bootstrap brother in the whole framework altogether.
And if he looked at the sizes of these 65 for boost up grin and 100 92 for Bootstrap.
So yeah, that's probably what it is.
They're just sub components over the whole framework.
So maybe you don't want to like you some of the like, pretty buttons of CSS, and you're just gonna be ableto have access to those 12 columns that will talk about later Boot shop that you probably just want to use grid instead of the entire and one thing to be mindful of.
Two if you're hosting it on your own platform or even just deferring to bootstrap cdn is it'll ship with a boot strapped out CSS just a regular dot CSS and blue shipped up min.
Nazi SS in this case is not a tremendous actual difference in the size.
But typically, what this will do is shrink down the coat substantially.
And I think this applies more to Java script.
If we're looking out booster about J s versus bootstrap, that min dot Js yeah, you can see butcher dot Js factor is down almost by almost with third of its size on what this does is it effectively just condenses everything down, obscures all the variables, eliminates all the white space and just makes it as compact as possible so that you're serving 50 to kill kilobytes instead of 132 kilobytes.
Yeah, so one of them is obviously more readable, But obviously the computer doesn't need to be ableto read it the same way that we do.
So that unified version is definitely saved.
Yeah, Yeah, um, a CD and checked with hash.
I'm assuming probably I'm not 100% sure, actually.
Haven't looked too much into that.
I know that for our own CD, and we typically hash everything.
I would hope that bootstrapped us that as well.
But I'm not 100% sure.
Um but yeah, that's the difference between men and regular CSS and JavaScript.
And it's important to probably distribute your men versions and production and to use the regular versions.
If you want to debug, dive into the code, manipulate things yourself over right variables and tweak the CSS, but typically would also do that in your own separate file so that you're not changing your boot shop file.
You're kind of layering on top of it, adding your own styles at CSS or remain Nazi SS.
Yeah, that's sort of just the nature of CSS right, The point that it's cascading.
Yep, the you can sort of apply changes and overwrite changes and then have those sort of proliferate throughout your code base, which is really cool.
Remote sin.
Hello, Remote.
Can you cover what SAS mix ins are from?
Bootstrap at some point in the streams is Adam Anting.
That's a little bit beyond my scope, I acknowledge.
I think at this point I was reading about it a little bit.
I don't know if you're too familiar with.
I read the documentation.
They do a really good job of sort of covering all of that in the different subsections.
Um, to be honest, I'm not actually super great with sass.
You have used to sass a little bit, but I'm not a sass expert, Brian.
It was much more about SAS, but I'm not sure if he has the time in the next week or two to do a stream on that.
But I can ask him maybe if we want to do a separate stream on making a project that uses SAS mix ins, but that's more on the development side.
I think if you were to actually start developing bootstrap or customizing it.
And you have sass experience beyond my particular expertise, though, but this is bootstrap.
Once you have it set up, we can actually test it to make sure that we have it working.
If I were to create a container class equals container, what's doing everything lives.
So I might screw up one or two things.
They'll say this is CS 500.
We'll see if this works.
So right now I'm fetching the Java script and the CSS.
I'm just gonna fetch the CSS for now.
And do you actually want to come in that out really quick just to show people what it would look like if we didn't have Yeah, I'll do that.
And also to, um, m Kloppenburg Point Looks like they do hash it.
There's an integrity hash here.
Integrity Shaw.
So it looks to me like that is, in fact, done.
David email.
And hey, all thanks for tuning in today.
So nice.
He has indeed tuned in, um, cool.
So let's do that.
Let's do that exactly.
So I'm going to just do the clearly.
Type 20 fiasco tries to be helpful, but sometimes it's not incredibly helpful.
So this is this class isn't gonna mean anything, actually, but let me go ahead and run this.
So it's in my folder here.
I run this.
It's a very vanilla sort of.
You know, we've seen this many times already.
Until we screw up, we won't learn.
Says Babic, that I appreciate the support.
Um oh, Bordick's Bjorn.
Good to see you, Bjorn.
Um, I think this is Is this your first time being on the stream?
Because, if so, welcome.
Thank you for tuning in.
So if you taken siya 50 this might look something somewhere to like your hello world, Paige.
Just Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Zero CSS.
Nothing at all.
Not even not even our own custom.
CSS Not even bootstraps yet.
But as soon as we take away the comments and recall those or how you do HTML comments with the sort of less than exclamation point dash dash.
Um, we have this class equals container, which isn't terribly useful, but H ones have a default styling.
So if we were to refresh this, we do indeed see that our page now has this different font.
Things kind of shifted over a little bit because it's in a container.
The container hasn't been central line.
Yes, I believe if I just do tech center like that and refresh, we do indeed see that we have a centered container in our Web page on.
This is just one of the nice things Bootstrap gives you for free.
A very easy way to center text and other containers in your Web page, Goran says, Watch the recording in the past.
Well, thank you very much for tuning in.
Appreciate having you with us.
97 says cool.
So that's how you know that you have bootstrap installed just as a sanity check.
We haven't done anything terribly fancy yet.
We'll be making a slightly more complicated with Paige a little bit later.
But before we do that, we probably gonna cover what a lot of the components are and explore just how awesome the actual bootstrap documentation is because I think the bootstrap docks are really good.
Yeah, one.
My favorite parts of bootstrap, actually.
Um, so reboot I'm not We're not going to read a lot of this stuff kind of in too much detail.
We're gonna be looking at kind of the vision more than visual stuff because Bush up Doc's do a really great job of showing you what everything looks like and you can look and at a glance, determine what you might want to include in your Web page.
Sort of like I said, butt faced, I'll take the bits and pieces that are pertinent to what you're trying to accomplish.
And then if you're curious about how it works, if you're curious about the styles that actual specific details, you can dive into the text and read all this information.
Like for example, it says all heading elements E G H one and PR reset to have their margin top removed, which is cool so things aren't quite as spaced apart.
Yeah, margin bottoms there.
They do have a bit of margin bottom.
So everything is kind of this based at least on the bottom edge of it on, and paragraphs have a, uh, little bit of extra margin to make for more space.
Say you're If you're curious about any of those details, you can read about them.
If not, you sort of look and say OK, this is what H ones H two's H three's look like these are what lists look like.
They've been nice and styled.
It's pretty cool.
And these are all just, you know, your normal HTML elements that this is sort of like a costume that bootstrap is putting on it.
Yeah, exactly.
And I mean this guy's kind of to demonstrate just how important a good font choices, Right?
And not not to say that necessarily.
The bootstrap phone is the greatest part of the best fought.
And actually, you can get a little bit fatigued looking at the same bush fall over and over again, and you can kind of recognize booster applications at a glance.
But I'll take this any day.
I think over Raj Timo on you can easily kind of toss in your own font family wherever wherever.
One day.
My Love says it would be interesting to watch a full stack application with authentication users and such.
I agree, and actually, Nick and I might do a We're talking about this, maybe doing like draw a stack out of a hat.
We draw random framework out of a hat, Please turn on The Drake hotline blinks on, Shankar, 23 says.
I think we would get blacklisted for doing that.
So otherwise I would be happy to do so.
Um, yeah, I think we might do something like that.
We might do it like a like a random framework out of a hat.
Like, I don't know, have, like, react And then angular view.
Whatever other sort of spa frameworks there are with, like, foundation Samantha G Y bootstrap.
And then we might do some, like, crazy back end stuff, like maybe the closure, which is the language I'm going to learn.
But maybe even something like flat Django rails a random generator.
Yeah, exactly.
And then Nick and I just sort of, like, struggle and power through a long day of It'll just be a lot of Laura Belle.
Yeah, if we want to really hurt ourselves.
I don't know.
David enjoys LeBeau, uh, coltan.
I'm hoping a protest that correctly and Shankar 23 things very much for the follows.
Full sex is jail 97.
Yeah, that'd be pretty cool.
I know Brian knows Django.
So actually he be well equipped to do it.
Django, drink.
Our original ap CS 50 website was okay.
Do you have Do you have jingle experience.
I do not.
Ryan actually built that.
Yeah, that'd be pretty cool, Actually.
Defined behavior says that would be so cool.
I like that.
Really defined behavior.
Hello from Andy had been following David Malin for for more than 67 years.
And I love seafood.
The online courses all the time.
Helps a lot in my job.
Thank you very much for tuning in and for sticking around.
Uh, what's the difference between jango and flask?
God, um, why don't you answer that question?
Why do some audio troubleshooting really quick?
So jangle in plaster?
Sort of both, um, web applications.
That, sir, what is the boy's?
The question Jang own flask.
Genuine flask.
Flask is a micro framework.
So it's a little bit smaller, has fewer, like, built in stuff.
Django Sounds like a built in o r Ram.
And, like a bunch of other crazy stuff, generally kind of use both of them.
Yeah, to accomplish the same thing.
You can use a lot of them with flash.
You have to import more like if you want to do database that you have to import like side plug ins.
Rest Django Cunt comes with all that stuff.
Django, I believe, has admin views sort of built in, which is really cool.
Um, there's a lot of there's a lot of stuff that Django sort of has built in like old lino kitsch.
It's like a kitchen sink, um, Web development framework.
I think that's the right term.
And then flask is more like I want to be as minimal as possible and just just get exactly the pieces I needed import like the scent bottles that I need.
Okay, so one sort of gives you a bunch and you know, you pick and choose from that versus one having very little and you having to sort of build onto that with Is that you want exactly Exactly.
If you want to keep it in the chat, too.
I'm gonna take a way, have a Facebook audio issue.
Apparently both twitch and YouTube Cats on stream.
I've seen some Schumer's right here actually call tonight.
We're just talking about that before the stream started.
That that would be a cool which brought to write would be combining all the comments from the very place that was strange.
What are your views on angular versus react.
I've only really had experience with react um cold, do you?
I used it very briefly.
It's interesting and that it does a lot of like H e mail attributes to accomplish the stuff that react as I like.
The way that react lets you sort of write in JSX The raw html style, um, personally.
But I know that angular has been regaining traction recently, so I'm not entirely sure if maybe it's it changed a lot since the last iteration I looked at, I think I was looking at I think I did angular one and then it came off angular to, and I did not keep up with the differences there.
Yeah, and that's sort of a problem with a lot of these frameworks.
This once sort of get accustomed to reading it one way.
Then they wake up in a bunch of the things that maybe you like, sort of got deprecating or they've changed the syntax on you, and now some of your stuff is broken.
I know Django recently or not recently, but within the last maybe 12 years, at least, some update that broke our AP website So we have to go in and, uh, fix that.
Oh, yeah.
It could be pretty crazy.
Um, angular.
Seven isn't trained.
They've come out with six version since then.
You really jumped off the boat?
I did.
I do not remember much about about angular can boost up.
He used.
If I need to create a web page from a design file which was created by designer or bootstrap could be applied for some general websites.
Um, thanks, 97.
If you're referring to, like, photo shop like a P s d, then it's a pretty manual process.
Um, unless somebody has written a utility to sort of convert that into CSS.
But I think there are some of those of with varying sophistication.
I think in general, from what I've read and research because I haven't done a lot in that space, I think typically designers html descent CSS designers will hand convert what they see an important, you know, using the images and stuff that's in the PSD.
But the layouts themselves will be largely, um, don't be largely hand imported or hand, um, tweet.
So it seems we're having since one of the audio channels is.
I'm not sure if you're familiar.
So in Sexton and, uh, Terek out when I, ladies and gentlemen, um, sorry, we have, ah, Facebook Audio Channel issue on the side.
So we're just trying to deploy the real quick.
So So it goes in.
Okay, So meet me.
Your microphone.
It's missing the cause.
I'm here.
You can actually see it.
It looks like there's only one audio channel.
Typically, there's two.
I think that so Apologies everybody, Um, viewers popular.
Says Adam.
Ant, in your view, is definitely getting traction to we actually used view for I think it's CS 50.
This last year we used a view as part of the last.
It might have been that or it might have been a different class he was teaching.
I'm not too familiar with it, to be quite honest with you, Flask is lower level than jango and programming language spirit.
If it helps.
Yeah, that's kind of Yeah, that's that's kind of apt.
Um, they're both fairly abstract.
Yeah, I see.
I definitely see what Babak is going with that Django does a lot more for you, but it also has kind of Ah, some people are saying that it's opinionated and yeah, it does do it Does expect everything to sort of be in the right spot.
Actually, some people shouting out says, Hi, Ian says, Bab, ignite and Cecil.
How about Samantha?
You I find it far easier and I please.
And in boot straps is in for N J.
Yeah, we actually touched on that very briefly at the beginning of the stream.
I like semantic e y a lot, but I haven't learned it yet, but it is one of the things that I want to learn, and we can probably expect a stream on it in the near future.
But currently I can't speak too much on the actual use of it.
There was a slice tool in photo shop, but the problem is the slice tool.
Use html tables.
This was in the shop.
CS six version.
Yeah, I'm not sure, Indra, I do not do much of that at all.
Actually, react has a lot of issues with libraries.
Angular is a lot better, says Kumar Mahendra.
Yeah, I need to spend a little bit more time in that space, sort of working on it and thank you So Raj a pun day for the follow Bella Cure says hello in on Bab Ignite says hello to the other person that joined, uh, the other lady.
Other than Aaron, that's Terry Cavanaugh.
Is she a terrace to hear what you got all that?
She bounced.
Okay, so, yeah, that's problems being sort of sorted out.
But yeah, we were talking earlier about the I guess this is this first reboot page.
And the reboot page, I think, is kind of describing how bootstrap changes the way things look sort of at large.
Not really the components, but like the spacing, the fonts, the way things like lists are rendered things like tables.
Even actual tables are coming.
It's coming.
It's like just the elements of bootstrap that doesn't include like, including the classes and, like the very things that are sort of hidden that you just get for free by importing bootstrap react all the way, says M for N.
We're gonna have a very opinionated chat here.
Aziz, start diving into the world of Web development.
Sergeant Monday, I think I said thank you for the follow.
Uh, that's a Korean name and I cannot read that.
I apologize, but thank you very much for the follow on Shoe one.
I feel we're in Japanese.
I have a chance.
But in Korea and I have not learned Korean yet.
One shoe one.
Thank you very much for the follow as well.
Or even a little bit Spanish.
Yeah, I could I could read the Japanese.
It could necessarily promised that I'd know what it says.
But I could I could potentially read it.
Oh, we got someone who tunes into the media course on Mondays.
Oh, shoot, Babbitt.
Nice is I love the media course Lectures on Mondays by Ian and Dan.
Nice in Says hello again.
Um all right, so we were talking about earlier, So we looked at headings we looked at list.
This is what lists look like.
Now they look a lot nicer than they did before.
They have the numbers look kind of nice.
The dots organized.
It's not like as block ia's, you know, old school looking as the other lists were, um, dispersion.
Three bowling.
That's true, too.
It looks like a lot of the things have a little bit of left margin even.
Oh, actually, know that this actually says it's resets to marginal FTO container itself gives it that.
Ah, you're right.
You're right.
You're right.
Same here.
Cash No one.
No one has been looking at the media courses.
Is it awesome?
I appreciate it.
Thanks so much.
I appreciate it.
Thank you.
Um, Cooper thinks the dreamer.
We've been doing a lot of upgrading of our system here.
And so a couple of things air moving in and out wires.
They're changing.
We had very horrible audio issues last time because there was a frequency issue, and this is all sort of a result of that.
Like we've been upgrading because kind of because of that.
But we've been We've been upgrading.
So we were asking talk Lee approaching stabilization.
Frederick, they were teacher Said has followed.
So thank you very much.
And then Cousin Carl Duckworth's says, thank you guys for all you do have been falling.
See a city for five years.
I'm loving the twitch streams.
That's awesome.
Thank you so much for for tuning in for so long.
Yeah, thank you very much.
Okay, so here's what pretext.
Looks like we'll be really looking at pretext.
But, you know, just mono spaced.
If you're trying to, like, you know, have a job, descriptor, whatever in your actual literal page and that render, like source code, you can use a pre tag tables.
This is what tables look like.
They have, you know, kind of the same as they look in regular HD mo.
But we're gonna look at tables in a little bit.
You get a lot of really cool styling for free with the bootstrap tables.
Gigi Chandra.
Oh, we Chen drawl.
Thank you very much for the follow up.
I was a little bit painful.
I said that a little bit poorly.
This is what forms look like.
So clearly, these all look a lot nicer.
We didn't have a ton of time to dig into forms in my HTML stream just cause we're short on time, but things like text fields, drop downs, check boxes, radio buttons with text areas with vertical height instead of just horizontal width.
Yeah, Once we get more into the components, we'll see how they, like, make this a little bit more pretty right now.
This is still sort of reminiscent of what it looks like.
Yeah, Yeah.
No, it's it's definitely still needs some work for sure.
Um, clearly, the big thing that I'm noticing is mainly just a font, because I think even this box here kind of is the same.
It might be the same.
Um, but yeah, we do get a much more pleasing, more modern look.
Two things for free, which is really great.
Come on, Pedro.
Thank you very much for the follow and Juan Mood Ed.
Thanks very much for the follow.
And Maybelle says, thank you, everyone for the answers.
I did a bit of flask and thinking about picking up Django.
Is it hard?
So is this social shake?
Um, I don't think anything is super hard.
I think the hard part is, like, kind of just diving in and just learning things consistently.
Um, most of the frameworks, I would say, at least in my experience, it's pretty easy, but it's really just learning the way they expect you to put things in the right places.
And I would say that you know, documentation for a bunch of these schools.
It's just gotten so much better in the past few years that it it really isn't that difficult to, you know, Google something and find the documentation for it directly and not even having to go to Stack overflow.
Yeah, but let's not Let's not get too crazy, but yeah, no, I mean it is the documentation is great.
Like looking at Bush of documentation.
We haven't even gotten to the components yet, and we will look about many of the components, but booster visit a tremendous job is such a pivotal aspect.
I think of what makes a framework makes or breaks a framework or a tool is having this really nice documentation.
But yeah, uh, back to the question that the soul shake asked.
I don't think it is going to be hard to learn this stuff necessarily.
But I think if you're just going to potentially get overwhelmed by how many different things there are, so it's important, I think, take baby steps and learn the framework a bit by bit.
I dove into Django many years ago to build a simple application, and I remember there being just lots of sections to learn.
If you want a nincompoop thing view of the framework, if you want a small sort of substantive you of the framework.
You can certainly learn separate modules.
You don't need to necessarily learn the admin system, for example, to build a simple website or a blogger.
Not unless your block has an admin page where you want to edit blog's or whatever, but, you know, just learn it piece by piece, build pages like That's the Where you learn the most is actually making stuff.
That's why I like us implementing things from scratch on stream because I think we get a chance to learn together and sort of get feedback from one another.
Yeah, and it's sort of not really help Holder to see a finished product sometimes, like the air messages that you get are very helpful in getting people started with.
Okay, I have this big long thing.
How do I even interpret this?
Yeah, exactly.
I hate coming necessarily to this with a pre baked cake, so to speak, just because I feel like the folks watching might not get that same experience, they might not get the debugging experience.
I myself learn better when I can do it live and we get feedback back and forth.
So I think that's just an important part of it.
You're gonna have to get your hands dirty, so to speak and actually make some web pages.
Yeah, it definitely shows people some good practices for how to go about solving these problems.
That will definitely come up when you try and build your own.
So excellent question.
I would say anybody who's wondering it is a little bit afraid.
Just dive in and just figure it out.
As you go, you will surprise yourself with how effective I think you're actually getting.
Yeah, and one sort of strategy that ideo when I'm learning a new tool is I just make sure that I just do a little bit and then get it till work.
Yeah, instead of like, trying to right this big long page And then, Oh, now I have no idea where the errors.
Yeah, exactly.
Um, how can I get better at Java script?
Another basics.
Same exact thing.
Just make more Web pages.
Look at tutorials.
You can go on.
There's YouTube videos that you could surely watch that cover all of this.
The syntax do exercises.
I think Brian Plug, Project Oiler and another stream, which is just a Web page that lets you solve problems but ultimately finding a problem that you want to solve in a Web page, some sort of dynamism in the world of JavaScript and excuse me actually executing it.
That's how you're gonna get better at Java script learning bit by bit, you know, asking questions, working on projects that other people finishing projects.
That's ultimately how the path is.
It's not a clean path all the time on it takes a long time, but you will get there with 23 says.
What I've heard about Django is that it's opinionated.
Yeah, this is the kind of common theme amongst all the big frameworks, like Django and Rails.
Um, love C plus plus best jump A seven seas people supposed best practices.
I am a little out of touch with C plus plus, I programmed in a lot many years ago.
I don't know if I'm equipped to do a best practices stream on it, but maybe we subsequently not.
But I have used it because it is popular when you're sort of coding for hardware.
Yeah, definitely.
Is, um, yeah, way Might do something like that, or at least a small stream on it.