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  • There are many things like more than history.

  • Family history, Virginia history, United States history.

  • I just like it.

  • And I can't think of anything more enjoyable than just reading about history.

  • So in this video, I'm gonna be going over my coding history.

  • And I hope I really hope tomorrow, once his video has been live for a solid 24 hours, I can go down in the comments section, just get a little layout of York hooding.

  • History tells a 15.

  • What languages did you learn?

  • What ideas did you use?

  • What technologies did you use?

  • 1016?

  • Same thing to have 17.

  • Same thing until 2020 now is 2020.

  • If that's too much work for you, I believe a pole right here.

  • This I click here, it's gonna pop out right there.

  • Just give me a little.

  • And for the first time ever, I really hope this video ideas and one that everybody all the other coating YouTubers decide to steal because I'd like to see their coding.

  • Timeline to my coding.

  • Timeline starts at about 2013 or 2014.

  • I'm not talking about back in middle school and me and my friends or script kiddies and made our X box avatar blue Or had there's 10 prestige MTV to lobbies I'm not even talking about You know how proficient he was back then that I get installed Add ons from my Ward Warcraft game?

  • No, none of that when I first started typing up code is when I want to start a time and it all started in tells a 13 with Iowa's development and ethical hacking, I went online, searched up the most popular IOSE development course on you.

  • To me, whatever that was at the time, right?

  • And those by Rob Perceive I completed about 15% of that course you didn't.

  • Hello, world had my i.

  • D.

  • X code all set up.

  • But I don't know, I'm just not really good with accents and me learning a brand new thing.

  • I just want to know what I d two years What coding language She used to teach me that I couldn't be bothered fighting through the accident.

  • It wasn't that bad.

  • I don't want to throw him under a bus.

  • Wasn't at that, but I just couldn't.

  • I just couldn't.

  • So I just ended up quitting nothing else.

  • I was just working regular job.

  • What have you I just quit.

  • But then I saw this free ethical hacking course on you To me Took Dad for about 5% of the course, if that and then I I quit that in 2014.

  • Things got, really I learned Java using the I.

  • D.

  • Net beans, and we did a lot of math was my first ever proper course.

  • I took it at Virginia Wesleyan College.

  • Now, now I only went there for, like, one semester.

  • I definitely like the overall screens, but this one course it set me up perfectly for everything I've learned since.

  • And just picture this, you walk into the classroom.

  • It's a computer lab.

  • Yet the projector displaying upfront the teacher computer desk in the back and then about four rows with six right computers and each we'd be sitting there in our desk, right, so we'd be just like this on our own computer, ready to code.

  • Our teacher would be in the back typing up their own code as we could see up front.

  • Are you sitting there?

  • We'd be copying exactly what she did as she explained it, but then we have to add onto it should give us a task.

  • Something was wrong.

  • We wanted to make it this way, was displaying this.

  • We actually want to display that.

  • Just something, something simple.

  • But they actually get you thinking and solving that problem with code, the absolute best class I could have ever asked for.

  • Because all my other class they weren't in computer labs.

  • You just sit there, kind of watched them.

  • Could you want to really be coding along with him Unless you brought your computer?

  • It was a mandatory.

  • This particular class just set me up.

  • It was perfect.

  • And, you know, I'm not trying to brag here.

  • In all honesty, I may have made some of my classmates kind of angry.

  • I got done first with 99% of the task that we had to do in class.

  • And I would just sit there not being able to contain my smile because of just how satisfying it was to solve it.

  • Just complete it first that, like I said, I think I made something like Austin.

  • He's kind of pissed off because I look around.

  • I tried to, you know, just look around and then I start thinking about it.

  • Just file.

  • One person even said you quit smiling.

  • I'm trying to figure this out.

  • I'm just reminiscing.

  • Good times.

  • Doesn't 15 was by far the craziest Here.

  • There's just so much going on.

  • Switch to a new college.

  • So started learning C plus plus for their entry level programming language.

  • And then I switched back to Java later in the year.

  • Oh, and also terminal commands.

  • I'd take a whole course on it.

  • Federal with so many different textures and 90 ease code Black Sea cliffs, Adam Sublime E Max vim.

  • And if that wasn't enough, I also decided I was gonna dab a little bit in website work and learn some html CSS and a little bit of wordpress.

  • Why not?

  • All this actually started when I moved from Virginia Wesleyan overto od you.

  • Their actual entry level programming language was C plus plus a set of java.

  • So when I came in tow to you, I took her own line core.

  • So C s +333 because I had already taken insured of programming.

  • One, This was actually insured of programming.

  • One into combined into one single course.

  • He has 333 and they did C plus plus, I don't recall exactly if we did code blocks.

  • I think we use code blocks.

  • But I may have also tried sublime then because that's what my professor used.

  • And if that was the case, and I also had to write a make file for my applications, not sure it was really cool.

  • Is actually have the notes from Conference one of that classy s 333 from January 13th 2015 starts off me saying Don't write code without design.

  • Keep a log of how it changed my code, I note here, part one should be a familiar part two and three should seem new because Part one was basically the first class into programming.

  • One which I had already taken in Part two and three was insured of programming to which I hadn't taken complete all of CS 2 52 prior to mid terms.

  • That didn't happen.

  • I was actually co records at CS 2 52 was an introduction to UNIX for programmers.

  • Learned a lot about you.

  • Nick's learn a lot about terminal commands.

  • That was all the assignments there throughout that summer.

  • After I think is when I dabbled a little bit in WordPress.

  • You know, I insult Lamp and did all that stuff, right?

  • Html CSS Look at HTML five up.

  • I pulled down to some of those websites and just switched up things within their uses as a base temple in just made on my own.

  • Actually, that's when I started using Adam for that type of work as well instead of sublime text, not for any particular reason.

  • Just test out in technology.

  • And the next semester and fall of 2015 I got back into Java and we used Eclipse as I D 1016.

  • Actually, the year I set him on YouTube Channel and started my Lola.

  • I did journey.

  • I was development Journey out may or may not remember that, but it started off.

  • Before that.

  • I continued learning c++ Java in terminal commands, but I also took a sequel course database Course did a little bit of work in sequel, and I took another course principles of programming, languages or something along those lines where I learned three different programming language in a single semester.

  • POV re prologue.

  • SML and J never used those languages ever since But the whole point of that course was Thio teach out of their new programming languages.

  • Take your principles that you learned in a job where she plus plus over into prologue.

  • Padre s apology.

  • What ID's I use for those three languages?

  • Absolutely no clue, because I never use it saying such thing.

  • SML and Jay is very like I thought, I don't think anybody uses it, to be honest with you, kind of weird.

  • But then I decided to start taking you along on you to mind of journey.

  • I was development course, an ex code swift along with the new you to me.

  • Course.

  • Thing was, I was 10 at that time.

  • No, I was 9017 is when I finally got to the point my college career, where I could start taking the courses that I actually wanted to take instead of what I needed to take.

  • And I chose Web development as well as artificial intelligence.

  • So nice.

  • So for what development?

  • I use a lamp stack.

  • I actually built a slack clone.

  • Using the lamp stack lamp is Lennox Apache, my sequel and then PHP.

  • And then for my introduction, Artificial intelligence course I use primarily Java and python.

  • We had five assignments may in in the final assignment, and we could use whatever language we wanted.

  • Just get the job done.

  • And that's what I usually just started taking a course where I worked in a team, I think was a softer engineering course because we got to get used to working in a team and doing all of that software engineering stuff.

  • And we started creating this android application where we use tensorflow, and what it would do is it would basically the application would say, All right, this cup, right?

  • It identifies What is it says it's a cup and then it translates cut into whatever language you want.

  • So if you're out in about say you're down in Costa Rica, you don't know Spanish.

  • You would point your phone camera the cup.

  • It would highlight it.

  • It would label cup.

  • No would say whatever the Spanish word is for.

  • Cup here also had option to drop down and see the definition to cup, just to make sure it is the proper word you're looking for now.

  • I'm not saying we actually completed all that.

  • That project actually started until 17 and indeed, once I graduated, tells an 18.

  • But that was that was a concept, at least and 2018.

  • I finally graduated the computer science degree, but that spring semester before I graduated that took an android development course.

  • Actually made a couple of videos on the channel about that.

  • And like I said before, we finished up our machine learning Android application for the Android course.

  • I use Java in enjoyed studio for the I.

  • D.

  • And I actually built I built a pizza app.

  • I think you're able to order pizza on the app.

  • I forget exactly what it did.

  • I also created just like little assignment APS that really went on that difficult.

  • Continuing into 2018 I got my first job is a software engineer where I did Java spring typescript.

  • I was basically a full stack developer.

  • Did anything from sequel in the database Java spring within Eclipse, html and typescript with envious code.

  • We use era for a project management.

  • We use bit bucket for our verse control, but before all of that, before actually gotten into that contract where I did all of the job and typescript in this whole full stack enterprise development work.

  • I was actually able to work on a lot of these side projects that they wanted to work on my team, but never had the opportunity to.

  • So I worked a little bit with you, J s.

  • I worked with react native.

  • I did more Web development work, and then I hopped over into exactly what I just said, which continued on into 2019.

  • That was the main work that I didn't tell the 19 Java typescript all that I just mentioned.

  • And then 1020 this year subscribed to find out.

There are many things like more than history.


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我所學到的一切編碼時間軸 (A Timeline of Everything I've Learned Coding)

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