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uh, I'm a little bit nervous.
Little bit nervous recording this in Joe because the last video promise you that day in the life video.
But I recorded that day in the life video like two weeks ago through meets ago what whatever it may be.
And when I was anything, it's just not I do it when I was recording is just It's more it's very abnormal.
It's like a regular day in the life because just was a poor representation of what I do on a day to day basis.
The day was all jumbled up, the work was all different and just I wasn't very happy with it, So I kind of sidelined.
Now, I asked you all in a community of host.
I want to ask you here again, Just, uh, let me know if you would like to see that, like a regular day in the life.
I guess I guess it could be a good representation on some of the off the more interesting days on the job.
But regardless of whether or not I upload that particular video, want to make a regular day in the life video, whether that's me doing a remote day in the life video or on the job day in the life video cause is the same exact thing.
It just depends on the location, for the most part.
So just let me know if you think you'd like to see that a regular day in the life video as well as a regular day in the life video.
And, uh, I think we could make something work.
This video is all about my boot to development environment.
How I set it up in all that jazz.
Based on the top comment on my previous video, they all seem to be very interested in itself.
Figure why not my development environment?
Starting off with the operating system and is a boon to 18 Few.
The tools that I first down, though, when I said this development environment is the eclipse that you can see is powering up now and then.
Visual studio code in visual studio code.
That is where I do of the front and work.
So a lot of it is just a she male bootstrap, more so than CSS but CSS when it's necessary and then angular typescript.
So that's kind of what's going on in visual studio code and everyone eclipse.
So obviously we're not gonna be looking at any of the code.
Of course, I used the dark thing because the light theme I just can't really handle that.
And then when it comes to the fore matter, the Java code style, as you can see under properties for this project, I used the Google style and then the save actions.
These are all my save actions.
In case you're curious, Can I make this a little bigger?
So these are all the save actions that I have.
So whenever I hit save, it'll do the proper formatting for me, and I don't have to go back and try to make sure everything is just right.
It really helps a lot.
That's the cool thing about some of these text editors and 90 eases that that does a lot of the work for you.
That's the whole point of using this instead of note pad plus plus And, of course, any clips.
This is where I do all the back and work off the Java programming and things of that nature.
And then when it comes to the terminal, I don't have anything special installed for the terminal like Oh my Zishe Or however you pronounce Oh, my Z s h I have that on my Mac.
But for some reason, I just never saw down here.
Maybe I will one day.
But what I do when I set up my, uh, particular development environment is that I make sure I have angular sale I installed to make sure I have my VPN installed.
If I come over here, you can see VP and is off right now because I'm not connected.
But those are the few main things.
And of course, make sure that I think fire Fox comes preinstalled on this and then I make sure that have Google chrome installed.
And then I just installed chromium Web browser as well because I'm weird like that, and I use a bunch of different browsers at once and then something else to note is that I also run a dual monitor set up at work.
Now, of course, is just a laptop.
But I have to monitor set up.
This is kind of doctor, over to the side.
You have seen that before in previous videos, so I just have to windows going on when it's just on the laptop, it just kind of consolidates in tow, the one behind the other.
Now that's basically what I have for my development environment.
But in order to get to this point, you have to install virtual box and go through that whole entire process of setting up virtual boxing and insulting the operating system.
So that's what we'll do now.
But we're gonna help on this big old computer over here.
Her sings.
First, you want to download your brain to image.
I like to do this first because this takes the longest.
You come on over to boo dot com down the desktop.
If you're gonna install are installed boon to on your virtual machine, just click down the simple is that you can see your recommended system requirements Over here.
This is a boot to 18.
You can also come over to pass releases the alternative it downloads, and you can go with the boon to 16 or 14.
I don't understand why some people like to go with the older operating systems, but I guess they have a reason for it, and we're gonna be using virtual box.
Oracle Virtual box or our virtual machine manager, if you will.
So when it comes to virtual box platform packages, remember this.
This, when it comes to the operating system, is what's your computer, which are really machine is running in what your virtual box will be running on.
So Windows host is what we'll be choosing because we have a Windows operating system that we're going to install virtual box on because, as you can see down here, we've installed virtual box like you can just click on this.
It'll install Virgil boxes and execute herbal file.
That's what works on Windows, although we're gonna be running a boon to on the virtual box.
That doesn't matter at this stage.
So once you have the virtual box downloaded and then hopefully, once you have, you're a boon to image.
I so file downloaded.
Once you have the virtual box downloaded, you'll be able to install.
It's a simple installation process that we're not gonna go over in this video because it just takes you step by step, and hopefully, by the end of you installing that, you'll be a little bit closer with your a boon to image download.
Now you can go ahead and open up your virtual box manager and look essentially the same.
Exact is this with the exception that I currently have a virtual machine created on my virtual boxing, you do not.
In order to do that, you want to click the new.
You want to name this whatever you want, so I'm just going to do that because I'm not going to save this any beyond this video type.
Want to make sure that that Lennox is selected and version?
We want to make sure that a boon to 64 bit is selected clique next in for memory size.
What I personally do it work with my 16 gigabyte laptop is that I allocate half of the memory to it, so that's eight gigabytes.
I only have eight gigabytes in this whole entire machine, and I do running Windows eight.
I do plan to make a new build a new PC by the end of the year, so please don't judge me too harshly.
I figured there's no point in buying Maur DDR three when I actually needed it, because I'll be upgrading to DVR for whatever the heck is available nowadays.
So we're just gonna allocate four gigabytes to this.
We're gonna create a virtual hard disk now create VD.
I next dynamically allocated next.
And with this, I just chose a good amount.
Oh, my work machine.
I have 465 gigabytes.
I don't know why this is what I decided.
And now you have created your virtual machine within a virtual box.
But you do not have your operating system installed just yet.
What you want to do is you see down in storage, you see optical drive empty.
What you want to do is click on that and hopefully you will have your image or ice.
Oh, file right here.
If not, you could just choose dis image and essentially find it.
Click on that to make sure that it is selected right there, because this will act as an optical drive for when we start this, you will be able to boot up a boon to and install it.
Now, something to note is that you also want to make sure you install guest editions that will allow this to be a bigger box on screen because you'll be able to come up to view you'll be able to order resize guest display and that'll fill up the entire window or you'll be able to come down here and you'll be able to resize to whatever resolution you want and then, with this is just a basic boon to installation.
You install have been, too.
You continue and then were we hae prolapse.
When it comes to this just name of whatever you want in your name, your computer's name, it's just gonna be This is your computer.
The virtual machine is your computer, so you can name whatever thank you.
Want password?
I want to use 1234 You probably shouldn't.
And then the installation process of a boon to ensues.
If you've been following the channel for a while, you know that the reason I use a virtual machine instead of dual booting or just having a single operating system is because my virtual machine is my development environment and in my development, vibrant.
I need to access a VPN the client's VPN that VPN does not have Internet access.
So I used my host operating system or Internet access, and that is the main reason why I use a virtual machine at work.
Now you with what I just showed you.
The virtual machine is not as good as a host operating system.
It's still it's still Aggie.
I make sure I watched any video and do any WebEx conferences or meetings on my host operating system.
But everything that I need to do on the virtual machine does it fairly fine, and that is essential to my development environment.
I hope you guys enjoyed this video.
If you did, you should give it a thumbs up.
I don't know if any of you actually do give it a thumb's up just because I asked you to give it a thumbs up.
But say it anyway.
If you haven't described already, be too sure to do so.
If you aren't sure.