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  • Hi.

  • Welcome to show me the curry dot com.

  • I'm a new jer and I'm Hittle, and today we have a big announcement to make.

  • That's right.

  • I actually have been in the process of moving to India in the last few months due to my husband's job and fool trying to get there and get settled.

  • It's a big move, so it's quite a challenge, I'm sure.

  • But we just wanted to come out here and tell everybody that things were going on as we've always been going on so you won't see any major changes and, like a great showman from India, said the show must go on.

  • And this Show me the car.

  • He will definitely go on because you're just going to see a little change, a few changes that maybe just make the show even better.

  • It'll have, you know, it'll give a new dimension to it.

  • And I think, uh, before yeah, yeah, One of the benefits of being in India is I'm sure we're gonna get to see a lot more Indian recipes like authentic Indian recipes, streetside food.

  • So looking forward to that, So basically the only big change you'll probably see it.

  • Sometimes you'll see me by myself.

  • Sometimes you'll see thing.

  • But then you still will see both of us together because we're making our best effort to still get together every few months and still do our shows together.

  • Yes, but I do miss her.

  • Likewise.

  • D'oh.

  • Anyway, we just wanted to fill you guys in on what's happening with our lives news.

  • Show me the curry.

  • Absolutely.

  • But stay tuned for all the fabulous changes.

  • And don't worry, we're not going anywhere.

  • You can get it off as the season.

  • I'm going to continue to try to add a pinch of spice to your life.



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