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Hey, what's up, guys?
Friendly neighborhood.
Emma, I'm coming to you today with some hot tips and tricks and how to get better while you're sick of Japan.
I went to the beach and I got sick that I had a cold, but I also had, like a fever going on.
My arms were covered in goose bumps, but my call was super hot and I felt like vomiting all the tires like what's going on?
So I went to the doctor and he was really nice, and he told me that I was severely dehydrated.
And then I needed to drink a lot of fluids, and I did.
And now I just have a cold.
It's going up.
It's all it's all up from him, Milhouse.
Anyway, my hot tips and tricks, I wanna show you and tell you what I'd be doing to get better in Japan, because that's where I live.
The first thing I want to show you, because I know a lot of you people don't speak Japanese.
Even if you do, I see a little bit Japanese, but you know, when it comes to medical stuff, I like to be able to meet.
AM an English speaking doctor.
Sure, I'm happy to chat about food and fun things that Japanese.
But when it comes to medical stuff, it really like to have some kind of English knowledge.
This island's really cool is that most doctors have met in Japan.
Speak a bit of English, I think maybe some of them train of the sea easily.
They know at least medical tens in English.
And so every place I've bean, too, even if the front staff speak Japanese.
Usually when you get to a doctor, I've had good times, every time so far, where people would just be like Oh, yeah, I guess being a little bit of English, it's really the guy went thio like, kind of local to me, like one train step away from my house.
He spoke to me in Japanese that I could understand.
But every medical term he used Jeffrey, the English one, and so was not lost little, and it was great.
So there's this application that you can get that I just saw someone talk about on Twitter, and it's cold Japan Hospital.
So when you go up, it'll show you any kind of English speaking clinics that are around and show the mention relation away you are so that you can go to them and have English speaking stuff.
Um, I don't know.
Every single place is registered on this.
Uh, but yeah, if you're looking for somewhere to go, get this app and you can find an English speaking place.
This isn't spun, said.
I just started toward it there.
It was really cool.
They also have English speaking chemists and pharmacies as well.
So if you live in Japan, you should be on some kind of health insurance.
It's mandatory.
So if you come to Japan, you probably go on national health insurance.
And that means that although you have to pay a certain amount every month, depending on your income overall hospitals really cheap.
I got medication and I went to the doctor and got the consultation.
And altogether it was about $17.
Yeah, and they gave me a bunch of pills to take.
Like he basically said, I just need to rehydrate myself and take medicine for the cold.
So they gave me thes and another set of pills.
They do give you quite a lot of pills here, but I think they're a lower dose of what we get in the West.
Um, my friend, the West, sad from Australia, is that the West is America, the West, my western.
I usually have a lot less pills list, but in Japan get a lot of pills.
This, plus another pack of pills.
I have to take them with food, and it's gonna help my cold.
One thing that I see a lot of recommending in Japan and also what the doctor recommended me for dehydration is sports drinks.
So here a lot of people swear by Carrie Swett.
Yeah, a lot of people drink it when they're sick just to get that fluids up.
The what's it called electrolytes mean?
That's really a thing in the old countries.
But I just know that a lot of Japanese people swear by what straight, simple Carrie Swett.
So when I found out that I was dehydrated, the doctor was like, Okay, you need a drink to leaders of sports drink in the next two hours and then go into water.
And so I was just like on the way home, check in the sports streams and it had a lot.
It was great.
And my symptoms of dehydration went away after a day of drinking liquids forever because I couldn't need anything.
My legs were like shivering and soul everywhere.
Was sore at the West headaches.
And now today, I'm feeling great.
Just got a cold, Feeling a little crazy?
Well, I mean, it's been a little bit difficult for me to eat things that just not being feeling right.
And I just need really easy foods on the stomach.
So being eating fruit and this Japanese, they called.
You actually, I don't know how to say it.
I never heard it said out loud.
We'll call you.
Uh, so I'm gonna show you guys how to make that today.
Is a rice porridge.
I think it's a little less water down than the Chinese Con ji.
Call me.
I've only ever seen it written down my whole life.
But this is stuff.
It's just like a really thick rice porridge with the rice is really soft.
So you don't really have to put much effort into eating it, and you couldn't help it and put anything you want in it.
But really, it's just easy to get down.
So I missed you how to make it Because I haven't eaten yet today.
And it's time for medication case in my hand.
I have the pot for my rescue.
I've just got some water in it and I'm gonna put in one cup of rice, and I'm just gonna give it a wash.
So I'm just rubbing the grains together like this under the water.
The rice part.
Just kind of like the equivalent in Australia to chicken noodle soup.
We're just chicken soup.
Do you have a thing in your country where if you're sick, you always do this like, is there a sudden meal that you eat or something that you do now?
I'm basically gonna be doing this until the water runs clear.
So I'm gonna go drain it now and put some more water and just keep washing up.
Okay, so I've got it as clear as I can, and I'm gonna leave to sit for half an hour before I start cooking it.
Just so it has more time to soak up the water.
Okay, so it's been half an hour, and I just cleaned the rights for the final time, and I've added five cups of water to the one cup of rice that I have.
So I'm just going to put it on and let it work its magic while we're waiting.
Look how nice it is Outside.
It's so sunny.
It's a nice day.
I lie down.
I'm dizzy of a load overflowing.
Maybe this is why you should do it in a pot or something instead of a rescue.
But it's done.
It's ready.
Quick note.
I've been using this.
Honey, it's got music in it.
I know you can get these from Comma Koda, but there's a special honey show making at these Siggi B Garden City Be God and that's what it's called.
So, yeah, if you are in Japan, I really recommend that stuff.
It's so good and good for cults, huh?
Can't you see that much for now?
Okay, so the way every pet of mine is really simple.
You could do much better things with it, but I like to put garlic in mine.
A little bit of pepper.
I've been assault, and you could really have anything you want.
That's the beauty of this stuff.
You can just kind of make it however you want, but whatever you want on it, uh, it could be as creative as you like or as simple as you like.
Okay, so and a bit of this now, it's just really easy to chew.
Easy to digest.
I don't know how the digestive system works, but it's just easy on the system, and I find it really tasty.
Even though it's very lightly seasoned.
I'm sure you could make it healthier with maybe some vegetables and some onions.
But just as it is, it's a good, like sick comfort food.
I'm gonna go and eat this.
Watching David outnumbered documentaries.
I've been watching Frozen Planet, which is being great.
I highly recommend we just have a little bit of David and bring in your life.
You get better.
There's a hair in my rice.
That's what I get for having had.
All right, Well, that's it.
Thanks for watching fugitives video.
I leave a thumbs up its subscribe if you want, and I'm doing good.
I'm just gonna have a nap.
I need some porridge.
I'll see you guys in, but we'll see you guys in the next video.
Someone's at the door.
Who's at the door?
Is that Eric?