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It was gonna be a problem review.
But instead it's probably gonna be kind of an angry rant about something.
I will give you a little bit of back story.
A few months ago, a manufacturer got in touch.
I'm not going to say who on they said, Hey, Johnny, some club kinda promo work.
We want to do something for your audience and cab, something special for them on that actually seems quite appealing and asked what it would be.
And they said, Let's just hold off and we'll send you some product and you can see what you think and I have to be honest.
I really liked that approach, that I got the products and they send me four things and three were pretty interesting.
And the fourth, however well, once I seen it, I couldn't unsee it on.
I'll show you what it is on.
Why it's a problem.
It's important, captain, and you're thinking it's probably a poor and cattle Oh, it's a Harry apart cattle.
Is this Harry?
Oh, no, it's not a Harry importing cattle.
This is a very important cattle.
And that's the problem.
What they'd sent me Waas a pretty direct copy of a Harrier product.
They'd made a couple of small changes, but I mean, look at it, you know, it's it's almost indistinguishable from this.
It's basically the same.
This is not unusual in coffee, and actually it's a massive problem.
And in this situation it's part and parcel, I suspect, to manufacturing goods in China.
Many venturing in China is interesting.
It brings some positives, such as things being much cheaper to manufacture.
But the downside is it's pretty difficult to keep control of intellectual property.
On what likely happens is that whoever this manufacturer was working with in China, that Chinese manufacturer turnaround was like, Hey, I could do a Harrier start pouring cattle for you.
It'll be cheap, easy on for that company.
It allows them to get a new product quickly and cheaply, fell out their product range.
But it also encourage them to do a bad thing.
It encourages them to copy.
And this is This is so common in coffee, and it drives me insane.
Like I have a little biased towards Harry.
I'll admit it.
I've worked with them on and off throughout the years.
I really like them.
I like the products Harry, or get ripped off all the time.
There's a company called Tiara Moe, who's sold purpose appears to be to copy Harrier products and try and sell them cheaper.
And I am not okay with that.
It's It's a massive problem.
As an industry, we're just trying to say It's okay, toe have something that looks good but is just cheap.
I'm like I'm just phoning it in on pretending tohave the good thing.
What kind of incentive are we offering manufacturers to go out that innovate and do something interesting when we're okay with companies coming in, copying their work, duplicating it and just doing it cheaper and devaluing their hard work and not, you know, not allowing them to recover their investment in R and D and in design?
Is that a good thing?
Are we okay with that?
Because I'm not and it's it's just rampant.
You look at someone like Reg Barber, whose tampers have become the kind of default temperature, but that that's because so many people have copied his design.
Almost exactly.
He has done so much for burst of competition on for bursted bursted culture and at the same time, that same culture has turned around and supported.
People who've ripped him off have copied his products, and I think that's a real problem.
And so, even though it's tempting for me to, you know, work with someone who's got some interesting products, who maybe wants to do something valuable for you is the viewer.
Once I've seen that their product is a rip off, that's the end of the conversation.
For me, this is gonna be the policy for the channel.
I will not do reviews in exchange for free product from manufacturers who copy who do this sort of stuff.
It's just not gonna happen.
I might review product if I bought them, and I really want to talk about them.
But in terms of working collaboratively with companies who do this, that absolutely is not gonna happen.
And I will do my best to call out problems as I see them, because I think it's really causing stagnation and problems in our industry, and I don't think any of us should be okay with it.
OK, that is it rent over.
I'm not in the name of the company again.
They got in touch, they gave me some product on good faith based on me doing collaborative with them.
So I'm just not gonna throw them under the bus on YouTube.
But if you want to talk about companies that you think of doing this in the comments below, let me know if you think I've been too harsh, let me know if you think I haven't been harsh enough, let me know.
Anyway, Thanks for watching.
See you soon.
Have a great day.