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  • Hey, everybody, welcome to live coating with Jesse.

  • I'm Jesse.

  • And with me is Gemma Ambrose in the background.

  • And Cordelia, you say Eiko?

  • Delia, how would you?

  • All right, so anyway, my kids, they're all here.

  • Well, not all of them is another one.

  • Upstairs have four.

  • But today we're gonna continue to work on this Expo React.

  • Native app.

  • Uh, so right now we're running it as a, um, as a Web app.

  • So, uh, Evan Bacon's in the channel who works at Expo and awesome.

  • Awesome stuff with Expo Web.

  • We are going to see some extra web stuff.

  • That's let me bring this up on the screen.

  • Ah, let's see where it went.

  • What a shame.

  • Look, there you go.

  • My computer went into sleep mode.

  • Ah, and so Oh, my Oh, my screens get rearranged.

  • I had it all set up, and then I lost it.

  • There we go.

  • All right, So this is the ab running.

  • Actually, it's not.

  • It's not really running.

  • Uh, it's just whatever's left over from what we ran last last evening.

  • What do you hold?

  • Enough?

  • Amber, make a side.

  • Uh, hey, what is not a Gatorade commercial?

  • All right.

  • So anyway, I'm running, react native with Expo and see if the chat something's up with my chat.

  • If, um, somebody tried to type something in the chat because I think my check that disconnected.

  • And I'll see if I can see it.

  • Because right now I am not able to see the messages in the chat.

  • I could try toe open it in a new window.

  • Okay?

  • I opened my chat in a new window, and now I can see the messages, so hopefully this will work.

  • Okay?

  • Yes.

  • So I think I lost some of the first messages.

  • So if he asked me something right off the bat, then I probably can't see it anymore.

  • But I can see the chat now.

  • So, everybody, it was really weird.

  • There were only, like, three messages in the chat, and that's very uncommon.

  • So I I just lost the first few messages or whatever s.

  • Oh, sorry about that.

  • But, uh, Anyway, um, I am I built this, uh, like built apple with Expo, which is a tool that helps you build with react native eso I'm using your in.

  • So I just typed in your own start and now once Expo runs and does its thing.

  • If I hit W, it'll open up the expo app in a Web browser.

  • Eso you could see here having the Web browser reckon.

  • Refresh.

  • It's it's running here, which is pretty sweet, and it actually makes it way easier.

  • Cardio.

  • You don't hit that button.

  • You can't sit with me.

  • All right, 1,000,000 buttons.

  • Uh, I'll sit with you.

  • So it's actually really awesome.

  • I kind of prefer working like this unless there's something I really need to test on a mobile phone.

  • I prefer to do most of the development with the Web, UH, version of of Expo, which is using React.

  • Native Web.

  • It's just so much easier to be able to do all your bugging with, um, like in a Web right.

  • The the feedback loop is tighter.

  • Alright, so there's less time, you know, the there's a little bit of lag if you're developing, like on a mobile device that connected your computer between when you make a change and what it actually updates on the device, I find like, uh, I just have way less issues doing it like this.

  • I do have to frequently kind of keep the mobile version open, though, just to make sure I haven't messed anything up.

  • But it definitely helps me develop faster.

  • This'd is I've used this professionally and on side projects like I'm doing here.

  • So, uh, definitely I like that.

  • That aspect of it do it and trying to get my here we go get my chat.

  • Oh, uh, situated with the stream data on my other screen here.

  • Okay, cool.

  • So this is the third stream that we've done with this particular app.

  • Uh, real quick.

  • I'm gonna go over the goal of this app.

  • We are trying to take data from a brain computer interface, which I'll put on in just a minute and I'll show you.

  • But there's a company called Know Ross Iti.

  • That makes a brain computer interface.

  • That's called the notion It's it.

  • I read your brain waves and then it has a new interface Java script interface that you can use to get that data into your app.

  • So that's what we're going to do.

  • And for this particular app for phase one of the app, all I want to do is measure my level of focus and then display a warning whenever my focus is dropped too low just to kind of remind me to stay focused on what you put in your mouth.

  • What is that?

  • Gift card?

  • All right, so that's the goal.

  • Now, in this particular stream, what we want to do is we pretty much did most of the work we needed to persist.

  • User data from one session to another, Uh, and we want to keep basically wanted just, Ah, finish that.

  • We're almost finished.

  • We had kind of a little bug with it at the end.

  • So when you finish that and then I actually put in our threshold for the the focus.

  • So, like, we're gonna figure out, like at what level of focus should be Sure.

  • Warning.

  • And what should that warning on?

  • And it's probably gonna be a different warning on the web as opposed to on on Mobile.

  • Hey, kid, you can all sit on my lap, so why don't you go play?

  • Uh, that's for, uh, camera.

  • Oh, yeah.

  • Don't press these buttons.

  • It links up to my phone via Bluetooth.

  • But if you're gonna be down here, you can't interrupt me.

  • Okay?

  • Uh, so All right.

  • Let's see.

  • So here's how we're gonna do this in the stream.

  • I'm gonna start a timer.

  • A Pomodoro timer.

  • It's gonna go for 25 minutes during that time that 25 minutes.

  • I'm not really gonna look at the chat too much.

  • I try to focus on coding and explaining what I'm coating.

  • And then after the timer goes up, I'm gonna take a break.

  • I'm gonna go to the chat, and I'm gonna answer all your questions.

  • I want to try to keep this stream to just about an hour long on because I wanna try to get the kids to bed, help get the kids to bed.

  • So you want to say something?

  • Jimmy would like to say.

  • So why not get the Corona virus?

  • Yeah, it's very good.

  • Yeah.

  • Gemma.

  • Gemma.

  • What doesn't want anyone to get the Corona virus?

  • Be safe.

  • You want to say something to everybody?

  • Gets to say one thing and then you gotta let me coat.

  • All right?

  • L don't.

  • Jemma says don't get the current of Iris immerses.

  • Don't die.

  • Cornelia.

  • Would you like to say anything?

  • She could do?

  • Twirls all by herself.

  • All right, All right.

  • Now you already chairs to say something.

  • Now you gotta be quiet.

  • Let me do the Cody.

  • Okay.

  • A lot of people want to see the coding part.

  • Okay.

  • What?

  • Gemma, when you get older, you can have a YouTube general, too.

  • Right on, Actually.

  • So Gemma has been working on free code camp lessons to learn how to code.

  • And Ambrose has been working on coding, too.

  • Kindergarten math.

  • Yes.

  • I told him he had to learn how to read, and he had to learn his mask.

  • Um, all right, so see you later, date.

  • Should being on the show are seeing about seeing about now would be good.

  • Okay.

  • All right.

  • So anyway, uh, hope Hope you're all right with that.

  • That's how it is when you, uh um you work with kids.

  • I don't really have an office of just in my basement, so the kids can just come down whenever.

  • Ah, so let's get started.

  • I'm gonna start my timer, make sure it's actually working on yesterday's show.

  • I started the timer, and then somehow I stopped it.

  • And, um uh, so it looks like it's running successfully this time.

  • All right, Cool.

  • Let me make this bigger make sure everybody can see.

  • All right, I'm gonna make this a smallest.

  • I can.

  • I'm gonna get rid of these files on the side.

  • I did put this on Getem.

  • Eso If you check the description for this video, there's a link to the ghetto grip.

  • Oh, so you can see all this code.

  • And, um, I guess it's not gonna be that useful to you unless you have a notion headset.

  • But you get least check out, see what we're doing.

  • Um, get a kind of a closer look at the code.

  • But what we want to do is the next step, I guess we want to do, is look, the user can put in their i d e mail and password and that links them up to the brain computer interface, and it gets us data.

  • But as soon as we refresh the page, they lose their, um, their subscription to the device as soon as you put the idea and we can get it again.

  • But what I want to do is save the I d in local storage so that they don't even have to put the idea in again.

  • And we just check local storage eso We already have the code for that in here.

  • So we have this, um, this get item for and we're going to get the device.

  • I d right.

  • But the problem is with the part where we actually save is not working right now, So we want to figure out where we can make this save s o.

  • The reason it's not working is I I think I think that this function is actually running first and we're going to test that.

  • Let's test that because I don't think we really have.

  • I'm just gonna do a console log here and just console awesome some nonsense just to see if that is, in fact, what's happening and let's make suspect will bring up the console.

  • And ah, I want to see if that's really the issue that's happening here.

  • I'm not convinced that it is on.

  • Let me get my data.

  • Yep.

  • This is it, uh, you turn my device on.

  • So this is the no Rossi notion had set.

  • If you want to know more about this headset and how it works, you can go Thio.

  • You can check out a video I did on my YouTube channel.

  • Um, the link to my YouTube channels In the description below, I talk a lot more about what this headset conduce you and give you like a demo.

  • Uh, so all right, that's going to start up.

  • It's just gonna take a few seconds to start, and then we'll should be able to connect.

  • In the meantime, let me type in our data.

  • Okay, so this is actually running every time something changes, which is what I thought it was That was happening.

  • Eso What's gonna happen now is if I put a password in, this is gonna run, and I believe it's going to try to lock us in eso.

  • What I'm gonna do is let's just remove password from here, so this doesn't run.

  • When a password is entered, it's gonna erase my stuff.

  • But I'll just copy it again and let's verify.

  • Yeah, cease of password is not running here.

  • So is going to test my theory to see if it was actually this function that was logging us in, uh, early.

  • It was basically, we're getting log into early, like before we press the button and log in, which probably change that to log in instead of press meet.

  • But remember to do that.

  • Okay, so I grabbed a password.

  • All right, Sweet.

  • So it was dysfunction that was automatically logging us in s o just by removing password.

  • I think we've solved that issue.

  • And now when I hit this, this button should call this in it function, which should first save our device.

  • I d to a sink storage.

  • So let's go.

  • Let's go to our, uh, application and go to a local storage and see, right now, we don't have the device.

  • I d sage.

  • When I hit this button, the device and he should be saved.

  • And we should get logged in which?

  • Yep.

  • All right, so the notions online, I just wanted to double check.

  • So sweet.

  • So we have our device idea, and that was, uh, wait, this biggest I could see.

  • Uh, all right, so we could see we have our device.

  • I d now saved.

  • Um, and we are connected, So we're just We're getting some random data since this isn't actually on my head.

  • So we're not getting real data yet, but sweet.

  • So I think that's gonna be an easy fix then.

  • S o we have the data.

  • So what should happen now is if I log out.

  • No, that's not if I refresh the page, which should happen is that it should check as soon as this this component, which is our app component mounts.

  • It should check to see if we have device I d and a sing storage.

  • And if it does, it'll set the device.

  • I d.

  • When the device i d get set, it should trigger dysfunction, right, Which should set in motion everything we need to stay logged in.

  • So let's see if that is really the case to refresh a All right, Cool.

  • So we saw, like, briefly, a little flash of the, uh, the log in panel until everything actually ran, which is fine.

  • And now we're still focused.

  • So awesome.

  • That was actually like, uh, that was really easy.

  • Um, I ended the stream without having fixed that, and it was literally what, like a five minute fixed?

  • So that's really cool.

  • So since we kind of fixed that issue, I'm going to go ahead and commit this Before we move on, the next step is gonna be figuring out how to display a notification.

  • Uh, I'm just always used to doing to get status, just to make sure of what's changed.

  • You know, we really only our editing one file here.

  • So, um, that's do get commit.

  • And I'm gonna do an A M flag.

  • That means it's gonna add, So it should get ad plus a commit with a message.

  • And so whatever I put in this message is will be our Kimmitt message.

  • So I'm gonna say, uh, feet for feature and we're going to say, um let's see log in.

  • Logan persists, uh, through page refresh.

  • OK, cool.

  • So that's a new feature that we've added, and I want you to get push.

  • Since it's pretty much just me working on this project right now, I'm just pushing straight to master.

  • It's still a test project.

  • If this was really in production and there are more people working on it, I would probably set up different branches on then do a pool request.

  • But I think that's a little bit of overkill for a side project right now.

  • All right, so now we have that set up.

  • Not only did we really want that set up, but also it's gonna help us develop this a lot more quickly because we won't have to keep logging in, which is a little bit of a pain in the last two streams s o Now we need to, I guess, uh you need to keep track of our focus, the number of our focus.

  • So let's see how we're doing that right now.

  • Uh, yes.

  • So we have our focus here in our on our state.

  • So since every time our focus changes, it changes state, we're going to be ableto pretty much track that right?

  • And we can come down here and say within this, uh, let's let's go to our styles.

  • Should we do Stiles?

  • Yeah.

  • Yeah, I think that would be a good way to do it.

  • Um, right now, our background color, Let me do this.

  • I'm gonna move my styles into my function because that's gonna allow me to have access to the state, right?

  • And then now, for background color, we can make it determine Ah ah, based on on the focus level.

  • So let's say focus.

  • Um, if focus is less than and let's say less than I don't know 0.3, then we want the background color to be.

  • Let's just say red for now, so that'll be easy to see.

  • Otherwise, we want the background color to be white.

  • Let's see that works.

  • There we go.

  • She could see every time the focus falls below 0.3, it's red, and then we go above it.

  • It's it's white now because I said right now, I don't even have the headset on.

  • So it's just kind of giving us like, random numbers because there's not real data coming in.

  • I can try to put this on so we could get some real data.

  • I don't know how.

  • Well, I'm gonna be able to focus while I'm kind of working on, Uh, well, I'm doing the stream and everything, but I'm gonna try.

  • Try my best.

  • Yeah.

  • Okay.

  • Um, I might have to drop the focus level if I ever want to get out of the red Here.

  • Um, let's drop it down to a point, too.

  • And then that way we'll get there we go.

  • So, um, right now this is like a decent indicator.

  • What I would really like, though, is maybe something a little bit Ah, Oops.

  • It doesn't like that I was using styles before I declared it.

  • So it's put this up here a little bit.

  • I don't think I'm actually even using using this.

  • Ah, loading.

  • This is may be left over from Yeah, I think that's left over from the kind of boilerplate stuff I brought in at first.

  • All right, So sweet.

  • Now, what I'd like to do is have, uh, guess some type of notification.

  • Pop up and maybe have it like vibrate.

  • Really?

  • Ultimately, it would be nice if the user could pick their choice of how to be alerted.

  • Like what type of alarm they would want.

  • Uh, but for now, this least gives us some indication of our focus level.

  • That's that's very bright and obvious, but we would have to kind of be looking at our phone S o.

  • It's not not really ideal, right?

  • If you're trying to focus on something, then you don't really want to be looking at your phone, right?

  • So we need some sort of notification that is going to get your attention even if you're focused on something else.

  • So I think some type of audible or like vibration would be best.

  • Now we can't really do a vibration on, Um, you know, on our Web version of this, But we could at least put in some of the code for it and then test it out.

  • Right.

  • Okay, so let's go into either.

  • We're gonna look either in the expo.

  • Documentation were react native eso first.

  • I'm gonna look at react native and see if we have something for vibrate Vibration.

  • Cool.

  • So we do have an a p i for vibration.

  • Sweet vibration dot Vibrate.

  • All right, Cool.

  • Um, you could see that we can also check and see what Expo has.

  • I think it's expo dot I uh yeah, here's have the docks in here.

  • Vibration.

  • I just wanna see if Expo has anything different, but it looks like they have the same the same docks here, so that's good.

  • Occasionally, expert will have, like, some extra things extra extra components that make it a little bit easier to work with these device things.

  • But for now, this is gonna work.

  • So let's just see if we can set it up so that we have this vibration happen based on a state change.

  • So first, let's poo in vibration from react native, and it looks like We need to add something to our android manifest dot xml.

  • So let's do that.

  • This in and this looks like a permission thing.

  • So, uh, Okay.

  • We need to get permission to, um, to use the vibrate feature.

  • I need to see if we even have.

  • I don't know that we even have this because we haven't attempted to run this.

  • Yeah, we've only done the web, so we may have to attempt to run this first.

  • So let's see.

  • I believe we can try to do an android build if we just type a Yep.

  • There we go.

  • Let's see what we have.

  • It may not work.

  • I don't have android studio installed, so I may have to get that installed and then tried on a different stream injury.

  • No injury device Sound.

  • Okay, I can I need to connect my under a device which I can do.

  • Ms.

  • I left my cord.

  • Did I leave my cord?

  • I left my court in my bag.

  • That's in the closet upstairs, so it's cool.

  • I'm gonna drop into my Amazon electric device that's upstairs in my house and have one of my kids bring me my bag and then we can connect my device up to the computer.

  • So let's do a drop in.

  • This is probably the most useful thing on on Amazon.

  • So it's Hello?

  • Hello?

  • Can you hear me?

  • Hip?

  • Hey, is anybody up there?

  • Hey, I need a I need a favor.

  • Can somebody go in the closet and get my backpack and bring it down to me, please?

  • Hello?

  • Hey, can you go in my backpack and get in my closet and get my backpack and bring it down to me, please?

  • All right.

  • Thank you.

  • All right, cool.

  • So when I get my cord to hook up my android phone, I should be able to run this on my android phone.

  • And, um, we should be able to test out the vibration on my phone, which would be pretty cool.

  • I'll just, like, hold it up to the camera.

  • I guess you could see it running, which is not ideal, but, um, I don't know that we contest the vibration with the symbol there.

  • I said to come down with my backpack.

  • You came down empty handed.

  • Oh, you just came to get my drone.

  • All right?

  • Right.

  • I don't have any gum.

  • in here?

  • I don't think I do.

  • I just need to score.

  • Actually, I do have gum.

  • Here.

  • Here's your award.

  • You can have my packing guns doing your way out, please.

  • Thanks.

  • Okay, so I've got the cord and Major, I brought this.

  • I normally use this when I'm at work, but I made sure to bring it home, because I, uh I figured I might need it.

  • This is, like the longest a normal USB two U S B c chord that I have.

  • We need to find a poor for it.

  • I don't know if it's like this for you.

  • Oh, but like all my USB ports are always taken up, you realize this, but I actually have a USB seaport on that computer.

  • That's awesome.

  • I can, uh, connected.

  • Just threw us b c.

  • So that's pretty sweet.

  • So now I am connected.

  • And let's try this again.

  • I'm gonna run this.

  • Yeah, sweet running the application on the pixel x o.

  • And this should be I might have to scan this barcode if I could find it.

  • Let's go over here, see if I can find it here.

  • So if I skin this barcode, I should be able to to run this on the phone.

  • I need to fund my expo app and skin this key worker.

  • It's still it's running the last application that I build on here, not the new one.

  • So I need to see what is Why is it doing this?

  • Usually if you shake the phone, you can come up with a screen.

  • I think a screen will come up, but it's not working.

  • There we go.

  • I know that didn't work.

  • Hey, uh, you see, this is really weird If I could do anything from here.

  • So, like, just you could see it is it's gonna be really are few to see, but it's running an application right now, but this is the last application that I worked on in Expo.

  • So it's definitely not what I what I want.

  • Let's see how all right, I'm gonna check my timer, because I may be at a time for Yeah, OK, so it's almost time for Meteo stop and good to the questions.

  • Uh, but then also I need to know enable arrived with the area.

  • It's a developer menu.

  • So my consistent command and do a TV shell in foot key event in my terminal window.

  • Shake device vertically a bit.

  • Yeah, my shaking of my devices.

  • Just not not working.

  • I could try to reload.

  • Yeah, Reloading is still coming up with the old one, All right.

  • Says I can run this.

  • I've never tried this one before.

  • Um, I don't know where.

  • See if I run it here.

  • No move.

  • Freeze s own android device.

  • I can run it here, but it's not.

  • Yeah.

  • Might actually need to get the android emulator going if this if I can't get it to work.

  • All right.

  • I'm gonna take a little break, though, anyway.

  • Ah, and answer some questions.

  • So maybe, uh, I'll figure some way out my subconscious will work on this problem.

  • Well, I'm, uh, while I'm reading questions, so I'm just going up a sw Far as I can remember, I missed a few ah, few questions that got cut off from the chat at the beginning.

  • So apologies of a Mr question.

  • Um, let's see.

  • So nds this brain computer app.

  • What is its function?

  • The function of this particular app is to, um give me an alert, give the user and alert whenever their level of focus is dropped below a certain threshold.

  • No stock says.

  • What technology is he using for the actual brain computer interface?

  • It is this device that I'm wearing.

  • It is called The Notion Headset by No, Rossi, it's a the a brain computer.

  • So inside here, there there is actually a small computer, very similar, similar to what you would have in your cell phone.

  • It's an Internet of things device.

  • Um, and it's, ah really, like very lightweight and just fits fits right on your head.

  • It's adjustable so it can fit in a variety of different head sizes.

  • So that's the device I'm using.

  • Uh, if you want to know more about that, check out my YouTube channel links and description.

  • I do a demo video where I talk a lot more about the device in particular.

  • Ah, you also if you do a search for no Rosset e um, try link with the with the website.

  • I got the website up.

  • Its it's no rosita dot C o n you r o s.

  • I t y dot c o uh, and you can sign up to I believe right now you can preorder the headset but check.

  • Check out the site.

  • You'll be able to see how how you can maybe get Thea the brain computer interface.

  • Ah, air Rude.

  • Sorry for mispronouncing your name says, ah, you are my favorite.

  • I believe this is trying to say channel.

  • Thank you.

  • I appreciate that.

  • And I assume you mean free code camp channel, which has a lot more than just me on it.

  • And so it's not like I'm just your favorite, but I appreciate it.

  • Free code camp does a lot of good, good stuff.

  • Um, c c lot.

  • Are you just saying Hi.

  • So, Hey, everybody see, uh, Yousef says the best channel with best lecture.

  • Oh, thank you.

  • Appreciate that.

  • Uh, yeah.

  • Greetings from all over the world here.

  • Looks like someone saying hi from Ghana.

  • Someone from Panama.

  • Uh, awesome.

  • Leonard asked.

  • Where do you live?

  • Your kids also have school s actually live in Ohio, but I'm very close to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

  • And that's where I work right on the border.

  • Um, and my kids, they don't have school.

  • So they never have school on a Sunday like a Saturday or Sunday.

  • But they actually have school off because of the Corona Virus School has been canceled in ah, in the whole state of Ohio for the next three weeks, so it actually shut down quite a few things.

  • So there's no there's a limit on, I think, like any gatherings above 100 people are now banned.

  • Ah, the I think they just said they're gonna shut down old restaurants and bars, although they're allowing, like, drive throughs and delivery and, like, take out food.

  • Uh, so there's a lot of restrictions now in Ohio, which is probably for the best, right?

  • Uh, from what I understand, you know, if we can ah, tragic do as much as we can as early as we can to stop the virus than you know, more people will be healthy.

  • Um, but yeah, we'll be Ah, we'll all be here together in the house for for a long time.

  • Sergei says there they your web team?

  • Yeah, not yet, but I'm training them one day.

  • They will.

  • I'm gonna train him up of a whole team of ah, programmers.

  • Um, that Val Dark says this seems like something that might be useful for not quite self driving cars.

  • Considering the only death so far be it from people thinking the car was fully self driving.

  • Yeah, actually, what I'd like to do with this is running as an android auto app.

  • So that could remind the driver to stay focused.

  • And so whenever the driver loses focus, it would give them some sort of, um, notification That wouldn't be too distracting, but would remind them to, like, focus on driving.

  • So it's gonna be like one of the next steps after we get the basics of this app.

  • Working is I really want to try to use it with with Android Auto on.

  • And I'm because I have an android phone.

  • I contested out with Android Auto.

  • But, you know, ideally, I I know you know, there are other So, like Apple, I think has their version.

  • I've never used it, but I think it could potentially help prevent accidents in cars if I get it to work.

  • Um, see, Leonard says, here in Germany, we have three weeks free of school due to Corona virus, plus two weeks Easter holidays for five weeks, No school.

  • Okay, so there's a Yeah, I imagine there's probably quite a few people out there.

  • They're in a similar situation where school has been canceled or ah, you're working from home or, um, you know, some something like that.

  • I hear that Italy is pretty much on lock down.

  • I don't know if anybody's from Italy watching the stream, you know, Let us know how it is, at least from what I can get here.

  • It's just, you know, online S O.

  • I prefer to try to get information from people who are actually there as opposed to, like, the news.

  • Um, I feel like it's kind of more authentic information and not filtered through whatever news source, but, um, anyway, I'm gonna go.

  • My timer went up for, ah, for the chat.

  • So I'm gonna go back to a little bit of code, and then I'll come back to the chat Ah, in a little bit.

  • And, um uh, see, what's Ah?

  • She was going on in the chat.

  • Answer some questions.

  • Looks like through some China's somebody.

  • And you said that hello from China.

  • Hey, how's it going?

  • Um, so we were just talking about the corona virus with being from China.

  • Like, how is it there in terms of like, you know, are you.

  • Ah, is it at this point?

  • Do you feel like it's pretty contained?

  • O R.

  • Is there still a lot?

  • Um, I guess that you can't do it.

  • Is it starting?

  • It feels kind of like auto over here.

  • Um, at this point, I think it will get worse than it is now in the United States, in China.

  • Do you feel like it's gonna get worse or does it seem like it's getting better anyway, All way, I may not see your message for a while, so I'm gonna go back to the chat.

  • But I just kind of wood would love to get, like, a firsthand account of kind of what we're feeling.

  • You get about it.

  • I realized China is a very big country.

  • So different areas of china are gonna have have different, um, effects from from the virus, but ah, it's still good to get somebody.

  • You're somebody that's there, Uh, get kind of their account of it.

  • Uh, let's see.

  • Let's go back to all right here.

  • So I'm gonna give what I'm gonna do.

  • I'm gonna completely quit at the expo app and go back in and see if I can get a new app to load.

  • And what skin this me going here.

  • Okay.

  • Unfortunately, it's still the old app.

  • I'm gonna try to do a little shake I get.

  • This is supposed to work.

  • I don't know why it's not working.

  • Do I not have?

  • I don't.

  • Yeah, I don't understand.

  • What?

  • It's not working.

  • Okay, Um so, unfortunately, I can't get the developer menu to load, so I may have to check out injuried studio.

  • Like I'm not going to try to do the install for Android studio right now, so we may just have to, um you could try to run this.

  • I mean, I really don't think Yes, I didn't think that would work.

  • Okay.

  • And this it looks like these directions are assuming that we're running on a Mac, So it may be that I just can't use these instructions for, um, a windows machine.

  • Um, let me see.

  • I'm gonna check the chat really quick to see if anybody put the cream by having idea how I could get to Siri fresh Looks like Okay, um, let's see.

  • All right.

  • So I guess we just do Ah, quick, Google search.

  • Right, Because if we can't test the features on a mobile device.

  • Then we're gonna be a little bit stuck here.

  • So, uh, let me say and All right, well, just open up a few of them.

  • Uh, open up.

  • Your simulator says I can press control em.

  • Let's see about that.

  • It looks like that is not working.

  • I wonder if I can if I change.

  • The mode doesn't really do anything.

  • Oh, yeah.

  • We have some messages here.

  • Mmm.

  • I don't think that works.

  • Okay, The only thing I can think of if I do a save.

  • Well, that trigger looks like it's on Lee triggering a web refresh.

  • Okay, uh, let me go back to here.

  • It's ah.

  • Control him.

  • Did not work.

  • Development nerd enabled.

  • I believe we D'oh, but let's double check.

  • Make sure we have Deb mode enabled.

  • Yep.

  • We didn't make sure.

  • Double check.

  • Yep.

  • We turned off production mode.

  • So it is dead mode?

  • Yes.

  • Um, I just see it are to restart Metro bundler just to see if that would do anything which it did not.

  • Okay.

  • All right, let's try this one.

  • This will refresh.

  • I see this one too.

  • I don't think that's gonna help, So I'm just trying.

  • I'm not read this out loud.

  • I'm trying to skim through first to see if these are even, like, close to what we're experiencing.

  • This looks like Android studio.

  • So that's not what we what we want.

  • Okay, um, let's see.

  • I'm gonna try to change something in here and see if they, uh, if saving it would would do anything.

  • So I guess pray, the easiest thing to change would be some text.

  • So it's at in an extra space, See if we get an update.

  • Looks like nothing.

  • I didn't see anything on the screen.

  • Uh, you know, this This is still updating, you know, we could try to do.

  • I could try to just completely quit and then started up again.

  • See if we can get a difference with a total restart, and we can press a to run the android emulator.

  • Let's see what we have.

  • See what other commands we have.

  • So our current mood is development mode just good.

  • That's what it needs to be.

  • Let's do shift or because that should restart and clear the cash.

  • Maybe that would help.

  • Shift are Maybe this will help.

  • All right, While that's running, I'm gonna go to the chat and see what's what's going on in the chat here.

  • Oh, cool.

  • So Alex is in the chat, and he's one of the founders of know Rossi.

  • That's the company that makes this set set.

  • And he said that the gamma brainwaves are what determines your focus of the higher your gamma brainwave, the higher your focus.

  • So, uh, that was pretty cool.

  • Williams says I'm learning python or a P I C equivalent to modules.

  • Um, I I think a p I is pretty standard no matter what the language is.

  • So I'm not exactly sure in python what module means, but I don't think it would be the equivalent of an A P I.

  • If anybody is more multiple about python, though, please, please let us know.

  • Uh, Mr Own said I love this awesome.

  • Thank you.

  • Uh, J P game says, Is your job stressful?

  • I wouldn't really say my job is stressful.

  • Um, it right now the project that I'm working on is still like in development S o.

  • We're not really there's not a lot that's dependent on our project yet.

  • That's going to change once we start like releasing tomb or locations so it will get a little bit more stressful.

  • But right now it's It's not.

  • It's not too bad Programming, I'd say in general in itself, is not stressful, but depending on what project you're working on and what's at stake with the project, it could be stress.

  • Like their external factors that could be stressful.

  • All right, so this thing's still still doing its thing, which is fine, because it gives me time to catch up on the chat.

  • Uh, s Stu asked if I could explain what I'm doing.

  • Looks like somebody else answered in the chat.

  • So, um, so thank you for for answering that, um, J P game test.

  • What's your favorite musical actor group?

  • Uh, I don't know if I could do a favorite.

  • I like a lot of different kinds of music.

  • I don't really know if I have, like, a favorite.

  • Uh, yeah, I don't know.

  • I'd have to think about it.

  • That's crazy.

  • That I never thought about that.

  • Yeah.

  • I don't know what my home, my favorite, would be, um, most often asked if I scream about react.

  • Yes.

  • Yeah, I do.

  • Ah, Streams with React.

  • Yes.

  • So, um right now I'm more focusing on react native.

  • That's what I work with more frequently.

  • But I have done streams that are just normal react.

  • And I'll probably end up doing some normal react stuff.

  • A swell Daniel says I'm from Brazil, but I have a cousin that lives in Ohio.

  • Uh, around Avon.

  • Okay, that's awesome.

  • Cool.

  • Kevin's from California.

  • Okay?

  • Daniel says Avon Lake.

  • Okay, I'm not really sure where even, like, is to take a shit.

  • I'm not originally from Ohio.

  • I'm from West Virginia s O.

  • I don't like I've lived in.

  • Uh, I started to get a little bit of black.

  • I don't know if it's from this running or the Internet is messed up.

  • It looks like extremist.

  • Okay, so let me know if there's anything wrong with the stream.

  • I think we're good.

  • Uh, but my my mouth's rose up for a minute.

  • There a progress?

  • Salim is from Israel.

  • Welcome.

  • There's someone else from Cali to summer from Vancouver, Canada.

  • That's great.

  • I love when we have people from all over for the streams.

  • Uh, Vale Vale dork says, How much have you researched about brain computer interfaces.

  • I haven't done a ton of research myself.

  • I'm interested in it.

  • And, you know, I'll read articles when I see him.

  • But I haven't I wouldn't say that.

  • I'm an expert, you know, at all.

  • My main work is in using JavaScript.

  • Mostly react to build, you know, APS.

  • So, uh, I'm not I'm not really a brain computer interface researcher, but more of just kind of like, uh, dude, I'm into it as a hobby.

  • Like, I I see it is something that could be really awesome and helpful for a lot of people that, you know, I'd like to do more with whenever I can.

  • I kind of like just on the side.

  • Bollocks says my school is closed for a month.

  • Jim is closed as well.

  • Trying to learn, react native with Jesse.

  • Awesome.

  • Well, hopefully you learn something.

  • Um, that stinks.

  • I know a lot of the gyms are closed.

  • I I like to go to the gym and work out.

  • That's gonna be kind of hard.

  • I was I told my kids earlier that I'm going to start ah, using them as weights and doing squats with him or something, because I can't go to the gym.

  • I think I don't know if all the gyms around where I am are closed yet or not.

  • I don't know for sure, but probably really not a great idea.

  • Go to the gym.

  • Although there are some gems that are open 24 hours a day.

  • And I kind of wonder, like if I went there, like, very, very early in the morning.

  • You know, could I get in and be like, the only person in there, you know, that might work.

  • See, if this is there been any progress on this thing?

  • That's I'm gonna close out some of these screens here.

  • Stop that and maybe try it again.

  • We should do an update on this one.

  • I can Ah, I see.

  • Who was it?

  • Shift thing?

  • We shift our was that it?

  • See if it goes any faster this time, we'll give it one more shot if that doesn't work.

  • And, uh, then maybe we'll, um maybe we'll take a break from trying to get the mobile version running on this stream and see if we could do something else.

  • I kind of want to wrap up soon anyway, though, Um, I think I've hit my hour.

  • My hour limit of what I wanted to do.

  • S We did get a little bit accomplished today.

  • See, Veil dork says you could try running it in the emulator first and on the phone.

  • I really I want to, but I don't have the, uh, the android emulator installed.

  • And I don't since I'm on a PC, I can't I don't think I can run the IOS.

  • I guess I could try, but I'm pretty sure I can't.

  • Yeah, I need to have X code, uh, installed, which I'm almost positive you can't run X code on on windows.

  • Hey, you didn't work that time.

  • Nice.

  • All right, let's give this one more shot.

  • Three Open expo.

  • Oh, I think it's where again.

  • All right.

  • Clear in the cash.

  • Always a good strategy, huh?

  • Let's see.

  • Almost were 99%.

  • 99.4 sleep.

  • I check it out if you can see this.

  • That's our red background.

  • So I'm not I'm not focused right now, so I would need to actually log in on this device.

  • Which My gosh, that's gonna be a pain.

  • Um, see?

  • All right, so we have it on this device.

  • Let's just test out the vibration feature just to see if we can get it working on a device now that we're actually hooked up.

  • So what I want to do is ah, we've imported vibrate.

  • And what I think I'll do is say, um, look, when we press this button so the button right now runs in it, so let's just use vibration, vibrate, And then we could just do in pattern number.

  • Ah, do a What's the pattern?

  • I'm gonna have to look again.

  • I don't remember exactly what it what it waas Oh, here we go.

  • Um oh, I remember what got us to this anyway, is we Had we needed to put something in our android file, then we need thio, but I don't think we have it to Sir Webb Package.

  • And what was it?

  • Are android manifest XML, which I don't think we even have.

  • So it's even get it to work without that.

  • And Okay, it looks like we can just put a a duration in justice a number.

  • What is that?

  • I'm assuming that's milliseconds.

  • So we got, like, 10 seconds to from to save that.

  • Okay, Cool.

  • I think that works.

  • So the press it cool if you can hear that.

  • But the phone is vibrating, so our vibration works.

  • Now, unfortunately, we got an error come up.

  • Which I think we got the error because we didn't actually feel in any of the fields.

  • Uh huh.

  • So we got to get some sort of air, but our vibration works.

  • That's really cool, so we can get the device to vibrate.

  • So now it's just a matter of getting the device to vibrate when the state dips below a certain a certain amount.

  • Great.

  • So that's what we want toe happen?

  • No, I'm assuming with if we actually built something for Android like to release on, you know, the APP store, then we would probably get that android manifest file.

  • Since we're running it through the expo app.

  • I think we don't have to bother with that right now.

  • Eso we'll just have to remember this when we go to bundle is I'd love to actually build this and put on the app store for anybody else.

  • Who has this headset thio be able to use.

  • So that would be really cool.

  • Also, YouTube analytics is telling me the The signal for my stream is not really good right now, so let me know if you can still, um, see what's happening on the stream.

  • Cool.

  • That's really cool.

  • No, What we need to do, though, is let's see.

  • We need to figure out how to set that off based on Let's see, scary that go on so long that keeps coming up in my my console.

  • So you don't want that.

  • So right now it's It's all based on the state.

  • What we could do is say, maybe make a use effect.

  • Let's make one down here.

  • So let's use use effect.

  • Okay, So use effect is a react hook that will allow us to do something any time a piece of of data changes.

  • And in this case, we're going to track that focus, right?

  • So any time focus changes, we're going to do a check, and we're going to say, uh, if focus keep doing this to me.

  • If focus, um is greater than groups say less than, um Well, they say your point to, you know, I was gonna do this is a turn, eri, but yeah, actually, we could do it. 01:09:40.760 --> 0

Hey, everybody, welcome to live coating with Jesse.


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用React Native構建一個大腦計算機應用(第3部分)--與Jesse一起現場編碼 (Build a Brain Computer App with React Native (Part 3) - Live Coding with Jesse)

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