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  • one of the many businesses struggling right now.

  • The music industry with Venu shut down Across the country, musicians at all levels have been out of work.

  • But with Livestream performances and dance parties like D.

  • J D.

  • Nice is massive instagram hangouts bringing people together.

  • Artists are taking it to the next level, like Erykah Badu holding an interactive live concert with a full band from her bedroom.

  • We're going to talk to her in just a moment.

  • But first, here's a look at some of the other ways that musicians of the global and local level are helping each other out.

  • While some are crediting DJs with saving their lives in quarantine, some musicians are now focused on saving lively hoods.

  • That's what we're here with parting with calling club hopping for a call virus concerts to lift our spirits.

  • Whole family thanks you for everything that you're sacrificing your doing right now.

  • Getting tangible help to those in need.

  • Chris Martin of Coldplay, kicking off Global Citizen and the World Health Organization's together at home with famous faces joining in Tell Grown a Virus Declines with you.

  • Dave Matthews Fundraising for small business owners struggling to keep the lights on the horizon sponsored Siri's dubbed Pay It Forward Lot.

  • Try and find ways to look after those businesses that you love community.

  • Our survival depends on performing for Grammy Award winning singer Erykah Badu canceled concerts almost put her and her team out of work.

  • Her solution.

  • The quarantine concert series.

  • Just $1.

  • It's an interactive live performance with a full band with a perk.

  • A peek from inside her bedroom way.

  • NEW YORK With the Great White Way going dark and so many actors in Broadway workers suddenly with no income, Rosie O'Donnell is taking action.

  • She's raised more than $600,000 counting DJs are giving back to now struggling clubs and bars that helped launch them.

  • When we actually made the decision to close, like, actually broke down and cried, um, it's not gonna be the same again.

  • Popular music venue nowadays in Queens, New York, is virtually hosting DJs every night.

  • Listeners condone 82 they're out of work, bartenders and staff.

  • But is it enough?

  • It's Ah, it's a funny thing.

  • Thio all at one time be blown away by generosity and support and a secret well, helping each other.

  • But then you also know that the need is so vast.

  • A lot of us work in a way that doesn't give us access to social safety nets.

  • Technology is serving a purpose right now of being able to connect us when we can't be in the same physical space together, no longer on the same dance floor, but all moving to the same be This party is just getting started, Fox announced in upcoming Benefit Concert hosted by Elton John.

  • Musical guest to include Billy I'll Ishan Mariah Carey So Dance World.

  • One Big Party With a Purpose That show called I Heart Living Room.

  • Concert for America, airs on Sunday night in Joining Us Now is one of the artist that you just saw at the forefront of this issue and a little bit of her soothing, soulful nature is certainly something that we could all use right about now.

  • So welcome to the show, the one the only the incomparable Miss You better call Tyrone.

  • Erykah Bad do.

  • Thank you for talking with us.

  • We appreciate it.

  • So you want this quarantine concert series this week after taking your fans inside your home?

  • Tell us more about this uniquely intimate experience or where the idea come from.

  • And what's the response been so far?

  • Well, the moment that I learned that our all of our shows were canceled, I was actually headed to to Austin, Texas, to, um, to do something else.

  • And I was thinking, How am I going to support all of these people that depend on me?

  • And how how will I continues for my lifestyle?

  • You know, because of course we're recording artists and we're not rich people were working class people.

  • Both play rich people won't.

  • So So there there had to be something that I could do, and I immediately thought Okay, just like everyone else.

  • We should do some kind of live stream, but I just want to do a regular life stream.

  • I wanted to do a live stream that was interactive, so that had the same quality that my show live shows have, uh, with a few other components, and I wanted to do it from my own platform.

  • So I went on the hunt for this technology, looking for a streaming company that could, for these things, off the interactive component component where the artist seems a song, and then the three audience chooses the next one by a pole percentage.

  • And it's something that really wanted to offer because I thought that, well, if I could give them something really special, then everybody will, you know, feel like they weren't missing out on this thing.

  • And I could also employ my texts in musicians and everyone the the whole ecology of the music industry, which include all of those people who make up the little moving parts that make these things happen.

  • You're talking about supporting the text and you charge a dollar, which is obviously a great deal for fans.

  • But is that does that do anything to be able to compensate all the people that you have to support?

  • L know what dollar isn't nearly enough to do that.

  • But what I was thinking, what off is Everyone's laid off.

  • We're all working class people.

  • I wanted to give them the experience that they were received on a life for $1 because that's what people deserve.

  • I don't really think about all of the components of that.

  • Like how much of paid wall where costs are streaming company would cost or any of them sings right?

  • But, you know, depending on how many.

  • Dr.

  • Badu world market dot com To see the streaming shows that are happening weekly, the next one is happening this Friday.

  • If enough people to an end, it may be enough to feed all of these people.

  • And it's not just the star, it's everyone.

  • And then when the techs and things going to the communities, they spend money there.

  • So it's ah, you know, it's a a cold connection where one hot cold it ignites the next thing.

  • And I was interested in doing that for a dollar, because that's what people deserve.

  • The project has clearly been all consuming for you.

  • What's been the most challenging aspect of it and what's been the most enjoyable.

  • Well, for me, the most challenging aspect was probably the fact that I did it all by myself on my own platform.

  • I was create a week the director, the concept for how this thing looking appear, and I did it all on my platform.

  • I didn't lose any of the other platforms.

  • That was I had to learn so much, and I was actually tired.

  • The most enjoyable aspect is the moment that I got to sit down on my bed with my microphone like this.

  • I've got to perform because that's therapy for me.

  • And it touches me in such a way.

  • And I can only hope that it touches people in the same exact way.

  • You know, you have just pulled out the microphone right there.

  • The first concert was obviously in your bedroom.

  • What?

  • What might we expect for the next show in this Siri's?

  • You're gonna do it in the bedroom again?

  • Well, you can expect any day you want.

  • You won't give us a hint.

  • You don't add confusion.

  • That's just part of our You know, we can't really break the cold, you know, Come the coat magicians was to keep keep the coat.

  • But I tell you this, um, whatever I do comes from my heart.

  • Whatever my music musicians do comes from their hearts.

  • We don't have rehearsals and all those things we feel each other and and I like, um direct my musicians to do to X and engineers is to play your instrument like a drunk in the great words of off James Brown.

  • And as long as we're all in sync.

  • You know, that's what you can expect.

  • You can expect to feel something amazing.

  • You know, it wants one of us is drunk.

  • Everybody got to be dry.

  • He has to be and saying You can expect more of the same, but a little bit been okay time Well, music is so important, especially now during these tough times.

  • What advice do you have for the many people who are struggling at this moment?

  • It's tough because you know, this moment actually didn't create the struggle.

  • That struggle, the beautiful struggle has been in existence as long as there has been a separation and hierarchy.

  • So the struggle is not a new thing.

  • And in the distance, see, And it's not a new thing, either.

  • As long as we've had these, we've been distant from one another, but I think that what we have had the opportunity to to do is focus on ourselves.

  • Um, if we can't go out, go within.

  • And I think that this time has forced us to do just that to love ourselves in a way that helps us be more honest with one another to help us be more honest with ourselves and more honest, honest about what I want to do.

  • It means there's so many things that are amongst us right now.

  • That could trouble is you know, there's this mental illness and there's abuse and others poverty and all of these things.

  • But I think this moment, if anything good has come out of it, it has been the fact that we all get to focus.

  • And if we all get to focus on the same thing at the same time, that's the place where change occurs.

  • And lastly, I just wanted to get a sense of this moment of the quarantine and how that might be inspiring your music and the collaborative environment with your fans.

  • Because your fans get to actually chat with you live and give input as faras what they wanna hear.

  • So the revolution of the eyes of the revolution will be televised.

  • Miss Erykah Bad do.

  • Thank you so much for joining us, and for your time, you could be sure to watch her next livestream performance.

  • Go to bad to world market dot com Our best to you and your family.

  • Please stay safe and thank you for the music.

  • Hi, everyone.

  • George Stephanopoulos here.

  • Thanks for checking on the ABC News YouTube channel.

  • If you'd like to get more video show highlights and watch live event coverage, click on the right over here to subscribe to our channel.

  • And don't forget to download the ABC News after breaking news alerts.

  • Thanks for watching.

one of the many businesses struggling right now.


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