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Can you say it with me now?
123 yeah.
What is up?
I'm Ethan, your real life English fluency coach.
And we have a new type of lesson for you this week.
I'm really excited about it.
By the end of this lesson, you're going to see why fast speaking natives are so difficult to understand.
And you'll even train your pronunciation to speak more clearly and fluently.
This week's lesson is all about correct word stress in English.
And if you wait until the end, we even have a test for you.
So let's jump into that.
But first, if you're new here, please remember to subscribe so we can bring you more powerful lessons like this every single week.
All right, let's get into it.
All right.
To start of this video, I'm going to give you a quick lesson about stress in English.
Then we will look at some real life examples from friends, and finally, we will test everything you learned today.
So are you ready?
First, in order to understand stress in English, you need to learn that English is a stressed timed language, not a syllable time to language, civil time.
Stress every syllable and a sentence about the same, for example, in languages like Spanish, Brazilian, Portuguese or Mandarin.
Stress time languages, on the other hand, like Russian, German and English, stress some syllables differently than others.
This may sound confusing and scary, but the good news is that in English, this is predictable because it is divided between two types of words.
Content and function.
To illustrate this, take a look at how I say the following.
You can always spot someone who's never seen one of his plays before.
You may have noticed that that's not how you're supposed to talk, but rather you need to stress the content words and reduce the function words.
Now look at how Chandler says this in this clip from friends.
Picture so exciting You can always spot someone who's never seen one of this place before.
You can always spot someone who's never seen one of this place before.
Notice content.
Words get more stress.
They sound louder.
They seem longer, their higher and pitch and even sound clear content Words always have a strong valve function.
Words get less stress.
They're shorter, quicker, and de emphasized, they often drop continents or syllables.
They do not have strong vows, but rather usually reduced the vow to a Schwab sound or other week.
Val Sound, for example.
The becomes the can becomes four becomes for, and it even happens with multiple words.
For example, she is in a becomes She's in a stressed words that is content.
Words are heard Maur clearly than others, unstrapped words that is function.
Words are squeezed between stress words in such a way that many times they almost disappear.
So it goes without saying that if you stress function words, it can make your speech sound unnatural, and in some cases it can even convey a slightly different meaning.
So I said, This is predictable, right?
So you're probably wondering now, how do we identify content and function?
Words and content words.
The ones that are usually stressed are generally announce main verbs, adjectives, adverbs, interjections.
Question words like what, when and where and negatives, auxiliary and motive.
So function words.
The ones that are usually unstrung est are articles, particles, auxiliary verbs, model verbs, pronouns, propositions or conjunctions.
So let me give you some examples.
Dave goes to the store.
Did goes the store with his daughter and notice how, even though these sentences seem longer, we say them in about the same amount of time it goes of the store.
If he's going to the store, David's gonna have gone to the store.
Did could have gone in this store.
No wonder it seems like natives speak so fast.
Function words take almost no time to say so.
If you want to make a phrase longer, you have to add content words.
And what happens when you stress too many syllables?
Dave could have gone to the store versus Difficult Got in the store.
She is going to buy a red car, even though she wants the pink one.
She's gonna buy a red car, even though she wants a pink one.
The kids have been playing at the playground because I've been playing in the playground, as you can see.
Not only is it more tiring to speak this way, but it also sounds unnatural and robotic.
This also shows you that natives are not necessarily speaking fast, rather because we de stress reduce and cut the function words.
Sentences become shorter, which, to the untrained ear, gives the perception that we speak fast.
Luckily for you today, you will begin training your years to these native stress tendencies and understand fast speaking natives.
All right, I think you have probably got it down.
But even if you are a little confused, don't worry.
Because now we will look at some real world examples.
Help you fully comprehend this concept.
Why do you have to break up with their?
Why do you have to break up with their?
Why do you have to break up with their be a man?
Just stop calling.
Be a man.
Just stop calling for you, man.
Just stop calling Joyce Picture so exciting.
You can always spot someone who's never seen one of this place before.
You can always spot someone who's never seen one of this place before.
You can always spot someone who's never seen this place before.
Please, could she be more out of my league?
Please, Could she be more out of my league?
Could she be more out of my league?
He could never get a woman like that in a 1,000,000 years.
They could never get a woman like that in a 1,000,000 years.
Thank you.
Never get a woman like that in a 1,000,000 years, so you can invite us all to the big opening so you can invite assault to the big opening so you can invite assault to the big opening.
I don't even think you just get one shot.
I mean, I don't even think you just get one shot.
I don't even think you just get one shot.
I wish there was something we could D'oh Such There was something we could do.
There was something we could D'oh.
What do you want me to do with a dozen lasagnas?
What do you want me to do with a dozen lasagnas?
What do you want me to do with a dozen lasagnas?
You guys are always hang out in my apartment.
You guys always hang out in my apartment, always hang out in my apartment.
I love her books.
I cannot get on a plane without one.
I love for books.
I cannot get on a plane without one.
I love her, but I can't get on a plane without one.
I'm sure your little boy's not gonna grow up to be one When I'm sure your little boy's not gonna grow up to be one, but I'm sure your little boy's not gonna grow up to be one now for your test.
If you really want to make the most of it, I recommend grabbing a pen and paper.
So here is how it's going toe work.
First, we will show you the text on the screen.
Second, you need to try to guess which are the content and which are the function words.
Third, we will play you a video one time fast and then one time slow.
Fourth, we will show you the text on the screen again, and you should consider if you still think you are right and five.
Finally, we will give you the correct answer.
So are you ready?
Get Chandler.
You've been there for five years.
Get Chandler.
You've been for five years.
Get Chandler.
You've been there for five years.
He's opening up a restaurant and he's looking for a head chef.
He's a A restaurant, and he's looking for a head chef.
He's opening up a restaurant, and he's looking for a head chef.
You guys want to try to catch a late movie or something?
You try to catch a late Pearson you guys want to try to catch a late movie or something?
Maybe, but ha, yeah.
I hope you had a ton of fun with the day's lesson.
Be sure to let us know what you thought about this new format in the comments below.
And if you want to continue learning like this, then I highly recommend you check out our free three part mini course that will help you to understand fast speaking natives, improve your pronunciation, increase your vocabulary and so much more.
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Thanks again for joining us today.
Now go out there and kick ass with your English.