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  • in this video, I'm gonna show you guys, my top food spots and Yokohama's Chinatown.

  • The Chinatown is known to be an awesome street food place, so if you walk around, you'll see a lot of need a bunch of Shu Mai shops and just like you'll just see it all over the place.

  • But in this video, I kind of wanted to take you off the beaten path, and he's gonna want to take you guys to some of my favorite spots, some local spots that might not be in your regular average guide back some of these spots, maybe hidden so all the links and everything is always in description owned before we get started.

  • If you want to see what I'm doing on the daily, definitely check out my INSTAGRAM account.

  • And if you want to help support the channel, definitely check out.

  • All right, let's get a move on in Yokohama.

  • Yokohama Chinatown is a foodies fun ground with street food shops every few meters, and there's about 250 Chinese own restaurants scattered throughout the district.

  • In fact, it's the largest Chinatown in Japan, as well as one of the largest in the world quick little history about the area.

  • In 18 59 the Yokohama Seaport was opened and many Chinese immigrants and traders arrived in former settlements, built schools, community centers, facilities, which all became the start of all we know today as Chinatown.

  • But because of strict laws during that time, it was on Lee until 40 years later, in 18 99 where the immigrants permitted to live outside the designated foreign settlement area.

  • Today, 95% of Yokohama Chinatown visitors are in fact non Chinese, which is uncommon worldwide for a Chinatown.

  • Also notice 10 colorful gate throughout China town and four main outer gates will serve to protect the area and all based on banks Way.

  • All right, enough of the history lesson.

  • Let me show you some of the signature street food spots for re Crouching Tiger.

  • Hide my dragon.

  • So here they give me is still with trying for the uninitiated cute panda buns from Rasheen, Nick Amman from this world champion Chinese food shop, and this place behind me is popular for the Yankee.

  • Shut up both, and one thing that's also nice is there's a lot of dim sum places you don't see a lot of this in Tokyo.

  • So if you wanna have dim sum and you wanna have all you can eat, they do it for, like 2000 to 3000 yen, depending on the place.

  • I've actually had it here before, and it's pretty good.

  • Number five.

  • Happy Pancake, Although a popular shop throughout Tokyo, I had to include this joint because it's really in the Chinatown food conversation.

  • But trust me, his shop won't disappoint.

  • Make sure your phone's a fully charged as it may take 20 to 40 minutes to serve because the pancake batter is whist fresh and cooked on Lee after the order is placed.

  • Look at these little circular pillows of joy.

  • All right, I'm so excited to share with you guys.

  • Miss Pancake Spot.

  • It's a very similar style to the one sucks up, as you see.

  • But this one has a lot more options, and that's about this place is you don't have to make a reservation, but you might have to wait.

  • Wait.

  • All right, let's try these pancakes out.

  • They have their own signature light as air pancakes, moist and dusted with powdered sugar.

  • The soft, moist texture is one of a kind and with a healthy dose of Berries that creates a refreshing and tangy surprise, definitely a treat infused with love.

  • So I got the cheese mousse pancake with very sauce way.

  • Just cut into it right now and check out this bike that's crazy and saying a little bit of everything.

  • I got the cheese booth butter cream.

  • I got that bear raising a pancake stage that is some fluffy love.

  • It's not even like a spanking.

  • It definitely tastes like the hints of agony here, and it's just to die for that.

  • That just definitive.

  • I just loved it being all this stuff in, if you're gonna do like street the day you want to, like, start up for that nice breakfast, then definitely this is one of the spots might go over to the original pancakes, topped with whipped butter and blended with unique cultured butter, as well as a rich and creamy Monica honey from New Zealand.

  • To top it all off, mother of damn, that looks good, too.

  • And for those of you who aren't 100 with your Japanese yet English is on the many as well as pictures.

  • Oh, and they also have cute, not they art.

  • If you're into that number for Ed.

  • Oh, say, Meadow says one of the most popular shops you can find all over Chinatown.

  • I know, I know.

  • I'm not supposed to include shops like this today, but I couldn't help myself.

  • It's just so good.

  • So this shop is known for its knee.

  • Come on.

  • But at least I want to recommend a lesser known item, a shark fin shopping.

  • So check out, we got some shall being You know, I thought it was just like shopping, but it says Shall bean.

  • So we got two types.

  • There's a Fukuoka today, which is shark fin, and then what?

  • One of them is cheese and two of them or just the regular.

  • And what I love about shopping is fried, which is pretty awesome.

  • And it's almost like a thicker version of Gaza, because pastry or the bread around is just a lot figure.

  • What else I really like is how they make it to order.

  • Once I ordered it and made it right on the spot.

  • But you know, it's super fresh that loveliness when breaking it open, you can see the creamy, thick insides that give the shark minutes savory inspiration.

  • I also love how the insides are encrusted with a crunchy shell.

  • It's almost like having a really thick shark fin soup put inside a really thick gyoza and like super fried, that's good.

  • I almost think Verma cellie in here as well.

  • Try the cheese.

  • You can tell this one is The cheese bowl was recorded that just geez, Bart, but actually didn't record.

  • I didn't press a button.

  • So now, while I have as this laugh, but all I can tell you what I said earlier is, it's pretty much like the cheese itself.

  • It almost looks like a clam chowder, a lot thicker when you eat it.

  • It's almost like biting into like a hot pocket, but it just kind of like a Chinese version of it.

  • If you like hot pockets and this cheese one is for you if you don't really liked you so much, and this one is probably not for you, but I love it.

  • Number three equal.

  • So this shop is all about timing.

  • He could times a shovel, shovel, ski, AKI restaurant.

  • But that's not what we're throwing down on today.

  • From 2 to 5.

  • They've got Cafe Con and, oh, lousy, lousy.

  • It's about that time I ordered the flu Toto Su plane, which translates to fluffy melting soup play.

  • This epic soup plate is decorated with a fair side of Otsuki red bead with cream sauce, flaked with a much a pattern and sports a side of much ice cream.

  • Pouring the rich much of sauce and Japanese saw black sugar sauce creates a perfect blend of Japanese tradition and elegance.

  • You can see I put something sticky on there, which is like a red bean moose as much of flakes, which is nice as well.

  • Thing is like, honestly, the lightest, and it's so light and almost like.

  • It's like frothy almost has, I guess, like a taste.

  • But they've whipped it so much that is just so much air in there that is just like he's like beautiful Mrs.

  • Fly itself has, like a hint of saltiness, just pairs really well, with sweetness from the cut of meat stew and then much sauce, and also this Suzuki moose.

  • What a combination it is like biting into a cloud.

  • Believe for thought.

  • Let's get some of this much ice cream threw it down with this soup play, the warm souffle and the corn much ice cream like there's no other better combination.

  • Number two notice notice.

  • It was a local bakery hidden in the back streets with a fresh breath of Japanese sensibility and is secretly popular among the locals in this area.

  • Not only is the interior design on point, but so are the baked goods.

  • All right, so check this little sneaky, peaky what I really like about the shop itself.

  • It's kind of like on the outskirts of Chinatown.

  • It's like in this like, hidden Valley area.

  • There's not a lot of people know about it, So I wanted to kind of shed some light that was like this pretty cool bakery here in itself.

  • It's like very Japanese, all the bigger items.

  • They're placed nicely on the trays.

  • Even the tongues that you used to pick up the bread has like this fabric on.

  • It looks like a Japanese plate itself looks very Japanese.

  • So what?

  • I got Waas.

  • This is the bread roll with seaweed and cheese melted on top.

  • Inside.

  • It has some Pam.

  • In fact, you have under here some like mayonnaise.

  • It's just like a very unique thing.

  • You really get seaweed on top of breads.

  • I wanted it kind of share.

  • This is your thinking seconds.

  • Pretty cool.

  • Single bite of this.

  • Oh, Red.

  • It was like watching magic on, which is kind of like a chilly, moist, playful bounce to it.

  • But then you get, like, this extra extra crunch from the melted cheese.

  • No tears also adds like a unique flavor to it.

  • So I think the cheese or the mayonnaise has likeness of saltiness.

  • The bread itself has like this sour nous.

  • When you put it all together with a ham and seaweed, it just has this awesome flavor that just looks like one of a kind.

  • He may be here in Tokyo, here in Yokohama and definitely worth sharing with you guys and number one QE in Rio.

  • Keanu is a Cantonese food shop that specializes in Joshua and student drills.

  • All the Joshua is prepared at the store using a special rock ary cooking method, so you know it's cooked to perfection.

  • The first floor looks like an ordinary takeout shop where you can buy meat by the weight, but what a lot of people don't know is that there's actually a second floor dining area.

  • This place has some of the best duck John Shoot in town comes in like a nice and rice bowl.

  • This is the cashew, and it'll weaken.

  • See the red willingness to it, and then you have the grilled duck on the bottom.

  • It comes with an egg, comes with like some pickled has greens.

  • I think this is like a cabbage, like a toy or something, but underneath they're just a lot of rice on.

  • Michael also got two kinds of meat, rice bowl said, but with a crispy skin, pork belly and juicy pork tongue.

  • Oh, the pleasure is all mine.

  • Look, rights is like breaking apart a little bit.

  • So nice Cha shoe looks like it's been like barbecued like a little sweetness.

  • What's awesome state witness to it, But it's been marinated for a little bit, but I just love the flavor and it just makes my mouth so happy.

  • I can't tell what it is.

  • It's almost like it's been smoked as well.

  • Raj is so delicious.

  • You need to see you like how happy this thing is is a full meal for sure to get some of this duck duck nice and cook.

  • You can see the oil still in the skins quite moist.

  • It looks like still have a bite.

  • That's amazing.

  • Meat just bounces in your mouth.

  • It's nice, and I like a nice place for texture, of all of the juices and the oils and everything, just like hit your tongue gives you just a very labor full sensation.

  • This is a bowl.

  • Just steal some of Michael's bowl, so this is the pork with skin.

  • You can see the layers of meat and fat in there.

  • Nice crispy skin like I'm all about scanning.

  • I love skin.

  • Wow!

  • Just tastes like little Filipino Dish is very similar to that roast.

  • The pig, like an open flame, is perfect with this, that crispy, crispy skin.

  • It's amazing.

  • It's fun because I'm looking around right now and they see a lot of older people from this restaurant.

  • I would be like, just like they know their taste.

  • They know what's good for you, almost like regulars that come here a lot.

  • This is like one of the meals you can't beat, and you can't get this in ways that don't go so you're looking for something like this.

  • Chinatown is your spot.

  • All right, so that's my favorite food spots in Chinatown.

  • Guys like this video help me out.

  • Like button doing helps, but channel check out camera.

  • You want to see more of my Tokyo food guides?

  • I release a video every Saturday morning at 9 a.m. In Japan.

  • So definitely that's a cabin on the bubble, and I'll catch you guys in the next one.

in this video, I'm gonna show you guys, my top food spots and Yokohama's Chinatown.


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隱祕的日本街邊小吃 橫濱中國城 東京附近必去的5大名店 (Hidden Japanese Street Food Spots Yokohama Chinatown Top 5 Must Try near Tokyo)

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    林宜悉 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日