字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 - When it comes to illusions, 談到錯覺 optical illusions get all the attention. 無不聚焦於視錯覺 But the whole body you have 但是,你所擁有的身體 can be fooled and can fool the brain. 可能被欺騙 甚至連大腦都受騙 One of my favorite physical illusions 我最愛的肢體錯覺之一 is the thermal grill illusion. 就是「熱烤架錯覺」 and you can do it right at home. 你在家就能做這項實驗 I have some hot dog halves in an ice bath. 這裡有些切半的熱狗泡在冰水裡 I also have warm hot dog halves. 微波爐裡也有些溫熱好的切半熱狗 Now what I'm going to do is marry the halves together 現在,我將兩邊的熱狗拼湊起來 so that they alternate, warm, cool. 依序排列 溫的熱狗,冰的熱狗 Warm, cool. 先溫的熱狗,再冰的熱狗 When I'm done, I will have a torture device. 完成排列之後,我就會有一個虐刑裝置 But not one that hurts your body, 但並非會傷害人體的那種 one that hurts your mind. [laughing] 而是能扭曲你的思維 [electronic music] 心田 ♪ ♪ 羅珊娜‧潘西諾 -哈囉,麥可 Rosanna Pansino. - Hello, Michael. 歡迎蒞臨心田節目 - Welcome to "Mind Field." - [chuckles] 羅珊娜‧潘西諾是 YouTube烹飪節目 - Rosanna Pansino is the host of the YouTube cooking show Nerdy Nummies的主持人 "Nerdy Nummies." 大腦蛋糕 - Brain cake. Mmm. 我覺得她是最適合擔任 - So I thought she would be the perfect candidate 熱狗錯覺品嘗的來賓 to try out our hot dog illusion. 好吃 - Oh, yeah. 你沒看見或聽見我剛才做的事情吧? - Now you didn't hear or see anything I just did, right? - 對 - 很好 - No. - Good, all right. 妳來是為了享受我們的招待 Well, you are in for a treat. 我需要妳將手臂內側 What I want you to do is take the bottom of your forearm - 平放著,需要掀起袖子 - 好 and place it, skin showing... - Okay. 直接放在熱狗上方 Right onto these hot dogs. - 感覺如何? - 好燙 - Oh! 現在,碰觸每一片熱狗 - What'd you feel? - Ouch. 剛剛真的很痛 But now touch them individually. 冷的,熱的,冷的,熱的 冷的,熱的 - Oh, like, hurt. 但是沒有任何一片感覺像 一起碰觸時那麼燙 Cold, warm, cold, warm, cold, warm. - 為什麼呢? - 我不知道,魔術嗎? - But none of them is as hot as they all felt together. - 到底怎麼了? - 我能試試嗎? So what's going on? - I don't know. Magic? 我當然能試啊,這是我的節目 What's going on over here? - Can I try? - 對啊,試一試 - 好燙 Of course I can try. It's my show. 剛才進行的實驗 - Yeah, do it. - Oh, yeah. 就是所謂的「熱烤架錯覺」 What we've built here is a version 而這項實驗之所以仍有需多爭議 of the thermal grill illusion. 是因為這種接觸會造成疼痛感 And for reasons that are still being debated, 或許是因為人類的觸感神經 特別是接觸到熱及冷的物體 this can cause a sensation of pain. 使觸感神經反映出劇烈的疼痛感 Maybe the sensors we have, specific to hot and cold, 而如著火般的冷熱感受 are both also specific to extreme pain. 讓身體覺得「燙!燙!燙!」 And getting them to fire right together 若這種感受非常靠近 makes the body think, "Whoa, whoa, whoa." - 意思就是快逃 - 紅色警戒 If they're both firing that near to each other, - 對,紅色警戒 - 剛才我的手臂就是這種感覺 that means get away. - Red alert. 因此,我想要說的就是 - Red alert, yeah. - That's what my arm did. 這是一項傷害人的好方法 - So what I'm really trying to say is 因為不會留下任何傷人的痕跡 或是導致任何損傷 this is a great way to hurt someone - 聽起來真奸詐 - 在家試試看吧 without there ever being a mark or any actual damage. 人體表面 - That's pretty sneaky. - Do try this at home. 潛藏著數百萬個末梢神經 [tranquil music] 這些神經的功能,就是傳送接觸物體後 產生的感覺訊息到大腦 ♪ ♪ 但是,遇到某些狀況時,這些神經 - The surface of the human body 並不需要受到末梢神經觸感而產生感覺 contains millions of nerve endings 聽過「痛覺同感」嗎? that send touch-related sensory information to the brain. 最有名的痛覺同感 But in some cases, those sensations 稱為「擬娩症候群」 don't even need to be generated by nerve endings. 意思就是 Ever heard of sympathy pain? 準爸爸出現的懷孕癥狀 The most well-known type of sympathy pain 準爸爸確實能體會 is called couvade syndrome. 懷孕中老婆 It's when a pregnant woman's husband 經歷的各種痛楚 goes through labor pains. 像是增肥、失眠 Husbands can actually sympathize 噁心、情緒起伏等等 with their pregnant wives so much 痛覺同感又稱為「聯覺疼痛」 that they experience the same problems, 透過眼見別人受害而產生的痛感 such as weight gain, insomnia, 身障者最能感受到這點 nausea, mood swings, et cetera. 因為受創的經歷,使得他們的大腦 Sympathy pain is also known as synesthetic pain. 對於別人受創時,更能體認此痛楚 It's pain sparked by seeing someone else get hurt. 他們甚至對於已不存在的四肢 - Ooh! 仍然感受到痛楚 - Amputees can actually be more susceptible to it 這種行為,稱之「幻肢疼痛」 because experiencing trauma can make the brain more sensitive 但是,最令人驚訝的方式 to other people's pain. 或許是大腦與痛感間的關係 Amputees can also feel pain in the limb 能受到「反安慰劑反應」所控制 that is no longer there. 聽過「安慰劑反應」嗎? That is known as phantom pain. 它就像是能治癒人類疼痛的 But perhaps the most surprising way 假痛藥丸 that the brain and pain interact 因為它們真的能治癒那種痛楚 can be demonstrated by the nocebo effect. 那麼,現在 Have you ever heard of the placebo effect? 即將進行一項完全相反的實驗 It's like when a fake pain pill 若一物體有所期望 actually cures a person's pain 他們將經歷一段不愉快的事情 because they have a positive expectation it will work. 像是:感受痛楚 Well, today, 甚至是心理層面的痛楚 we're demonstrating the exact opposite. 我們已告知受測者 他們將參與一項實驗研究 If a subject expects 並藉此以非侵入性骨密度儀測試結果 they're going to experience something unpleasant, 其實這台儀器是假的 like pain, will they feel it 那是我們用檯燈製造的假儀器 一台空氣壓縮機 even if it actually exists only in their mind. 加上一個用來逗貓的 We've told our subject that she's participating in a study 10元雷射筆 to test a non-invasive bone density scanner. 這儀器不會造成傷害 But actually, it's a totally fake machine 也就是不會有任何感覺 that we built from a desk lamp, an air compressor, 根本就不痛啊! 這樣根本行不通 and the kind of $10 laser pointer 但是,這種儀器 you might tease your cat with. 真會讓受試者感覺到疼痛嗎? It doesn't cause physical pain, or for that matter, 往這邊走 physical sensation of any kind. 慢慢走,並且找個位子坐下來 It doesn't hurt at all. You guys, this doesn't work. 妳準備好可以開車的時候 [laughter] 通知我們,我們會協助你的,好嗎? But will the expectation alone 好,謝謝妳 make our subject think she's feeling real pain? 首先,我們必須讓受測者 - So come on in here. 預期即將經歷的痛感 Just go ahead and take a seat right there. 因此我們的演員 即將演出讓她驚恐的一幕 And then when you feel ready to drive, 抱歉,潔西卡 這麼做都是為了科學證明 just let us know and we'll dismiss you, okay? 妳做完了嗎? - Okay. Thank you. 做完了,我只是需要一些時間休息 - First, we have to make our subject - 休息完後,我就可以離開 - 妳剛才做了什麼療程? expect to experience pain. 就像是鎖定目標的雷射器 And to do that, our actors are going to scare her a little. 它用來測量骨密度 Sorry, Jessica, this is for science. - 會痛嗎? - 會 - So are you already done? 看到她的表情 - Yeah. I just, you know, need a minute. 我們似乎成功讓受測者建立 Then I'll be good to go. - What'd you do? 接下來的預期恐懼 - It's like a targeted laser. - 潔西卡,輪到妳了 - 祝我好運吧! It tests bone density. 問題是,實際進行測試時 - Did it hurt? - Yeah. 這個根本不痛的假儀器 - By the look on her face, 真的會讓她感到疼痛嗎? it appears we have successfully primed our subject - 這位是潔西卡 - 嗨! for what's to come. 嗨!潔西卡,請進 - Okay, Jessica, we're ready for you. 妳不坐嗎? - The question is, when put to the test, 診療室內的一切 will she actually feel pain 包括醫療設備、醫療補給品 when there is really none there. 甚至到我們假扮護士的行為舉止 - This is Jessica. - Hi. 全都是為了讓潔西卡信以為真 - Hi, Jessica. Come on in. 為了誘發她心理層面的痛覺 Won't you have a seat? 我們正在進行儀器測試 - Everything in this room, 這並不具侵略性 我們只是想了解 the medical equipment, the hospital supplies, 該儀器的副作用以及病患的反應 even the demeanor of our fake nurse, 我需要妳具體說明 is designed to play on Jessica's mind. 妳待會所感覺到的一切 To psychologically induce the anticipation of pain. 並且,仔細感受妳所感覺到的疼痛 We're testing out some equipment. 以及疼痛的層次 It's not invasive. We need to measure 注意我們是如何跟她說 她待會感覺的痛的程度 the side effects and patient reaction. 藉此,讓她更能預期疼痛的心情 And I want you to be really descriptive 我等一下會給妳一顆球 about what you're feeling. - 擠壓它作為妳感覺疼痛的程度,好嗎? - 好 And pay close attention to the pain that you feel 若中途想停止,它馬上就會感應到 and how it grows. - 好 - 可以嗎? Notice how we are suggesting that she will feel pain, 準備好了嗎? further raising her expectations. 感覺...溫暖 - I'm gonna give you a ball to squeeze 有一點...刺痛感 for pain management, okay? - Okay. 只過了七分鐘 - And any time you want to stop, it stops right away. 她就已經確實感覺到疼痛 - Okay. - Okay? 其實根本就沒這回事 - You ready? 切記,我們的骨密度儀是假的 [machine humming] 而那道雷射光根本就不會產生任何熱能 - It's definitely warm. - Uh-huh. 現在...感覺有些不適 And, like, like, tingly. - 需要我關掉它嗎? - 不,不用 - After only about seven seconds, - 現在已使用了30秒 - 好像被針刺 she's already feeling a physical sensation on her skin, - 針? - 有一根針,很... where there is none. - 非常...熱 - 現在變熱了 Keep in mind, we tested our fake bone scanner, - 已使用45秒 - 並不... and the light emits zero heat or feeling of any kind. - 好,我現在關掉它 - 好,謝謝 - Yeah, now it's-- doesn't feel that great. 妳一開始說溫暖,之後說變熱 - You want me to turn it off? - No, it's okay. 就像是一開始溫溫的 然後變得灼熱 - We're at 30 seconds. - Really, like, stinging. 最後甚至像被針刺到 - A sting? - A sting and, like, 依照這個疼痛程度表,妳能指出 really, really hot. - Now it's hot. 剛才感覺到的疼痛程度嗎? We're at 45 seconds. - Yeah, it doesn't--it's... 介於六與七之間 - Okay, I'm gonna turn it off. - Okay, thanks. 依據疼痛量表 - You described warm turning to hot. 她剛才經歷了深刻的疼痛感 - It was, like, warm and then that, like, heat grew 決定權完全在於妳 我們即將進行下一個階段 into more of, like, a sting. 這階段感受會更加深刻 - On this pain scale, could you point to 還有幾個階段需要進行? the amount of pain you were feeling? 還有五個階段 - Between a six and a seven. - 五個階段? - 對,五個階段 - According to the pain assessment scale, - 我的天啊! - 但是,再次強調 she experienced significant pain. 決定權在於妳 This is completely up to you, but we can move to level two, 喔...好...繼續吧 which is slightly more intense. 接下來是反安慰劑效應測試 - How many more levels are there? 她會覺得自己即將會更加疼痛嗎? - Uh, there's just five. 準備好了嗎? - There's five levels? - There are five. 切記,第二項測試也是假的 - Oh, my gosh. - But again, 我們並未做任何改變 you're in the driver's seat. 意思就是,實際上根本毫無痛覺 - Uh, yeah, sure. Let's do it. [chuckles] 一開始,它的強度 - Here's another test of our nocebo. 應該會比上一次還高 Will she feel an increase in her level of pain 就像是,一開始就覺得刺痛 if she expects to? - You ready? 很快地,她說第二階段 真的比較痛 - Mm-hmm. [machine humming] 已開始15秒 - Keep in mind, level two is fake. 感覺真的...好熱 We're not doing anything different than before, 就像皮膚被刺穿般的痛 meaning nothing is happening to her. 刺得多深? - So, yeah, it started off higher - 30秒 - 我不知道,就像... than the last time, I think. 刺穿了二分之一英吋 或是刺穿了一英寸 It's definitely, like, already stinging. 感覺...非常地...熱 - Immediately, she reports increased pain on level two. 有一種灼熱感 It's 15 seconds. 整隻手臂彷彿著火般的熱 - It feels really, really, really hot and, - 隨時都可以停止 - 妳想停止嗎? like, penetrating. - 好 - 好的,關掉它 - How deep? - Um... - 妳需要衛生紙嗎? - 好,謝謝你 - 30 seconds. - I don't know, like, 不用客氣 1/2 and inch or, like, an inch. 能請你說出第二階段的疼痛程度嗎? Yeah, it is... it's very hot. 大概是九又二分之一 Um, like burning. 一切的演出,深具影響力 Like my whole arm is, like, on fire. 反安慰劑效應測試,讓受測者認為 - We can stop at any time. - You want to call it? 她幾乎能感受到最大的痛感 - Yeah. - Okay, we're off. 其他受測者的感覺不盡相同 - Do you need a tissue? - Yeah, thank you. 感覺肌肉... - You're welcome. - [sniffs] 有種燒起來的感覺 - Could you rank for me how you felt at level two? - 停 - 感覺如何? - Like 9 1/2. 疼痛感,大約在七分 - The power of suggestion was so strong, 其實,現在覺得比上一項測試 our nocebo caused our subject to think 更加刺痛 she felt almost the worst pain imaginable. 其實,我對於她的反應 覺得挺訝異的 Other subject felt different imaginary sensations. 有一些受測者的感覺 - The muscles are kind of, uh, 是由內心而生的 kind of burning a little bit. 我要關掉它了,已使用45秒 - Stop. - How did that feel? 請說明你剛才的感受 - That was, like, a seven. 感覺有些刺痛 Actually it's tingling a lot more now 就像起雞皮疙瘩的感覺 than it was before. 那麼,原來這位 - I was surprised at the intense reaction 經歷過九又二分之一疼痛感的受測者 會覺得怎樣呢? some subjects had to a feeling that was created 若知道全部的感覺其實都是心理影響時 她做何感想? only in their minds. 讓我向妳訴說 - Look, I'm gonna stop it now. That was 45 seconds. 今天我們所做的一切 Describe for me the sensations that you were having. 這是一項心理層面的實驗 - It felt like a little prickle 而這項設備並未對妳造成任何傷害 like when you get goose bumps. 這只是一台會發出噪音的機器 - What about our original subject 檯燈上,也只是一隻雷射筆 who experienced a severe 9 1/2 on the pain scale? - 真的? - 真的 How will she feel when she learns it was all in her head? - 我的天啊! - 妳一直都很安全 I want to debrief you on everything - 我們什麼都沒做 - 天啊! that we're up to today. 這是一項痛苦程度的調查 So this is a psychology program, - 真的奏效了 - 剛才我好害怕 and this equipment is not doing anything to you. 我差一點就... This is just a machine that makes noise. 就要說:我不想繼續了 And that's just a laser pointer on a lamp. 我差一點就想離開這了 - For real? - For real. 妳的確有說,妳覺得像被針刺 - Oh, my God. [laughing] - You were never in danger. 那妳當時感受如何? - We didn't do anything to you. - Oh, my God. 無論是真是假,我的確起雞皮疙瘩 - This is an investigation in pain anticipation. 或是只是緊張 我也分不清楚 - Yeah, that worked. - I was so scared. [laughing] 我心裡知道 I was so close to, like, going to, like, 接下來說不定會很痛 just say, "You know what? I changed my mind." 即將感受到痛感 I was so close to leaving. 我的確感覺...像是... - You did say that you felt a prickle. 整支手臂著火般 - Uh-huh. - How do you feel about that? - 真的嗎? - 真的 - Whether it was really I did get goose bumps 由於過程極度逼真 or I was nervous, which is why I felt it. 以致於這位受測者仍然想像著疼痛的感受 I know, as a person, like, 即便她已知道一切的實驗都是假的 if I think there's going to be pain, 這個效應稱為「反安慰劑效應」 I'm gonna feel something. 為一種全由心智所產生的 負面效應 - I do still feel, like, kind of like 周遭環境的影響力 a burning sensation on my arms. 實在是非常合理 - Really? - Yeah. 光想像都讓我直發抖 - The power of suggestion is so strong 疼痛及觸摸非常詭異 that this subject continued to imagine a physical sensation, 那麼,若是觸碰到... even after learning it wasn't real. 快感及痛感的底線呢? The name for the effect is the nocebo effect. 當某個感覺使妳發笑 It's a negative effect caused by nothing but the mind. 甚至讓妳狂笑不止 - It makes perfect sense, you know, 讓我想到搔癢 the power of suggestion. 被人搔癢時,讓你發笑的部分原因 I'm shaky just thinking about it. 是因為驚訝的心情 - Pain and touch are weird. 你的大腦並不知道該預期何種狀況 But what about when touch straddles the line 或是預期即將發生的事 between pleasure and pain? 換句話說 When a sensation makes you laugh 你根本不可能搔自己癢 and drives you crazy. 若大腦知道你何時、何處 I'm talking about tickling. 以及如何被觸摸 那你根本就不會發笑 Part of what makes you laugh when you're tickled 但是,倫敦大學的 is the element of surprise. 認知神經科學教授 Your brain doesn't know exactly what to expect 發明了一項搔癢機器 or when it's going to happen. 受測者坐進搔癢機器 On the other hand, it's impossible 腳板接近一支 to tickle yourself. 連接握把的刷子 If the brain knows where and when and how 起初,當受測者轉動握把時 you are going to be touched, you won't laugh. 刷子也以同樣的方向及速度轉動 But professors of cognitive neuroscience 並未導致搔癢的效果 at the University College London 接著,轉動為搔癢模式 have invented the tickle machine. 結果導致 Subjects sit in the tickle machine 當受測者轉動握把及刷子接觸腳板 with their feet against a brush 毫秒間的 that is connected to a handle. 些微差異 At first, when the subjects turn the handle, 而這個小差異 the brush rotates at the exact same time 足以讓小腦 resulting in no tickling. 無法預期觸感 Then the machine is switched into tickle mode... 因此讓受測者覺得癢 - [laughing] - Which causes a delay 搔癢很有趣 of less than a second between when the subject 但是,痛感就不有趣了 turns the handle and when the brush moves 若能不痛就是福,對吧? against their foot. 或者說,不是嗎? - [laughing] - This slight change 讓我們和史蒂夫‧皮特聊聊 is enough to prevent the brain's cerebellum 史蒂夫,我知道你無法感覺疼痛 from predicting the sensation, 對,我是先天罕病人士 thus allowing the subject to respond to the tickle. 這個病稱為先天性痛覺不敏感症 - [laughing] 世界上,只有40~50人有這種病 - Tickles can be fun. - 40~50人? - 沒錯 Pain, not so much. 目前發現的人數是這些 If you couldn't feel pain, that would be great, right? 那麼,當你對痛毫無知覺時 是怎樣的感受 Or would it? 痛覺是因為受傷的關係所導致的 Let's meet Steve Pete. 這種感覺會對大腦傳達訊息 Steve, I understand you don't feel pain. 「嘿,別再這麼做了」 就像是個警示燈 - Yes, I was born with a rare genetic condition 而這種情況發生在我身上時 called congenital insensitivity to pain. 我們會有感覺 It only affects about 40 to 50 of us around the world with it. 就像是,假如我碰到你的肩膀 - Only 40 or 50 people? - Yeah. 你感受得到我碰到你的肩膀的感覺 So far that we've been able to find. 但是,假如我碰到你受傷的肩膀 - And tell me what it means when you say you don't feel pain. 我只會覺得有一陣壓力 - Pain is used to detect injury 而這感覺並不會傳達到我的大腦 and it kind of sends a signal to your brain saying, - 所以你感覺任何... - 所有事物 "Hey, don't do this anymore." It's an alarm system. 我感受過的東西,但你無法有痛感 So what happens with my condition is - 對,沒錯 - 但是,這樣挺危險的 we feel what's going on 當初是你是怎麼發現自己有這種狀況的? like if I were to touch your shoulder, 當時我正在長牙... you would feel me touching your shoulder, 我正咬著一部分的舌頭 but if I were to touch your shoulder in a way 後來,我父母看到之後 趕緊帶我去看小兒科 that's painful, I would feel just a pressure, - 你怕癢嗎? - 怕 and the signal of pain would not travel to my brain. - 那你會抓癢嗎? - 會 - Okay, so you feel everything-- - Everything else. - 你喜歡按摩嗎? - 喜歡 that I feel, but you just don't feel pain. - 你吃止痛藥嗎? - 不吃 - Yeah. Correct. - But that could be dangerous. - 那頭痛過嗎? - 從未 How did you first find out that you had this condition? - 那你吃辣嗎? - 我愛吃辣 - Well, what happened was I was teething 我吃辣時,真的有熱熱的感覺 and I chewed part of my tongue off. 但感覺不到痛 So my parents quickly took me to my pediatrician. 那麼拉肚子呢? - Wow. Are you ticklish? - Yes. 那我真沒感覺過 - Do you itch? - Yes. 這種情況是我最大的擔憂 - Do you like massages? - Yes. 像是腸胃炎 - Do you take painkillers? - No. 或者任何體內的病痛 - What about a headache? - No. 直到為時已晚時,我都感覺不到 - What about spicy peppers? - I enjoy them, yeah. 這種病有任何好處嗎? I mean, I do sense the burning sensation, 多數人聽到我感覺不到痛覺 but nothing painful. 全都天真地以為... - What about intestine pain like gas pain? 老兄... - That's something I don't feel, 你可以當拳擊手 so that kind of ties into one of my biggest fears, 這種罕病的唯一好處是... which is having, like, appendicitis 兒時所有受傷的部位 or any other type of internal damage 隨者年齡增長,我並不會感覺到 這些傷所帶來的任何副作用 that I just don't know about until it's too late. 除了剛才說的好處之外 - Is there an upside to this? 我試著過 I'm sure that people, often naively, 一般人的生活 hear that you don't feel pain... - Yeah. 我無法說出什麼是痛覺 - And they think, "Oh, man. 就像你無法向盲人形容 什麼是顏色一樣 Well, you should become a boxer." 這也是我遇到的窘境之一 - The only upside to it is, uh, 要說出什麼是痛,卻無從開口的窘境 being that I have had so many injuries during my childhood, 真的很窘 as I get older, I won't feel the pain that comes with it. 史蒂夫,非常謝謝你 Other than that, really, 真的令我們大開眼界 I just try to live my life normally 因此,無法感受到痛覺 其實不是好事 as everyone else does. 但是,同理可知,能夠感受到痛 其實也是不好的 - I cannot describe pain to you. 光是想像,他們即將受到折磨 Just like you can't describe a color to someone who's blind. 就夠令人感同身受了 - Which is where I run into my problem 中情局以及關達納摩灣都是以 with trying to describe what not feeling pain is like. 使用一種牽涉到痛覺的 - Wow, I'll bet. 心理折磨方式 Well, Steve, thank you very much. 對抗恐怖份子 This was really, really fascinating. 這種折磨方式足以讓犯人永生難忘 So not being able to feel pain is actually a bad thing. 所以,哪種是最糟糕的呢? But likewise, the anticipation of pain can be bad too. 等待即將發生的疼痛 還是疼痛本身呢? Just making someone think that they might be tortured soon 你或許會覺得驚訝 could be a torture device. 我們從最核心處調查 The CIA and Guantanamo Bay are known 在倫敦大學,進行了一項 for using psychological torture 痛覺程度實驗 involving the anticipation of pain 實驗中,提供受測者兩項選擇 against prisoners in the war on terror. 選擇一:馬上經歷深刻的痛覺 The effects of this type of torture can last a lifetime. 或者,選擇二:每隔幾分鐘 So what's worse? 感受較低程度的痛覺 Waiting for pain to happen or the pain itself? 研究人員發現,懼怕所產生的心理作用 You might be surprised. 常常比痛本身還來的糟糕 We're basing our investigation 我們架設假的實驗研究 on an anticipation of pain experiment, 演示出這種現象 conducted at the University College London, 我們正在研究 which gave subject two options. 人體受到電擊所產生的後果 Option one: Experience intense pain right away. - 好 - 絕對不會傷害到你 Or option two: Anticipate a lower level of pain - 但是,過程中並不好受 - 了解 in intervals every few minutes. 我們會顯示兩種設定模式 Researchers found that the psychological effects of dread 現在,先顯示輕度設定 can often be worse than the pain itself. - 好 - 準備好了嗎? We decided to demonstrate the phenomenon 應該吧 by setting up a fake research study. 接著是強度設定 We are looking into - 好 - 我不... the effects of electrical stimulation on the body. 接下來還是會不舒服 - Okay. - It's all completely harmless. 但妳很安全 But it can be unpleasant. - Right. 我們稱為低伏特或是低電擊 - So we'll show you the two settings, all right? - 好 - 準備好了嗎? I want to show you first what we call the light setting, okay? 好 - Okay. - You ready? 現在顯示的是高伏特或高電擊 - I guess so. 好... [buzzing] Oh. 現在是這位受測者 - And then there's the high setting. 做出重要選擇的時候 [buzzing] - Ow. 你已了解這兩種狀況 - Okay. - I don't--[laughing] 你能選擇A - All right, so again, unpleasant definitely... 也就是,每十秒感受高伏特電擊 過程持續一分鐘 - Yeah. - But you're safe. 這位受測會選擇 We call this the low voltage or light shock. 更高程度,更痛的電擊 - Okay. - Ready? 但馬上就能度過 - All right. 或者,選擇B [buzzing] Hmm, okay. 每十分鐘一次低伏特電擊 過程持續一小時 - And now we'll show you the high voltage or higher shock. 或者,他們會選擇更低伏特電擊 - Oh, okay. 但必須每十分鐘痛苦一次 [buzzing] Ooh. 並持續整整一小時 - Okay. - Okay. 無論哪一項選擇 你都會待在這裡一小時 - Now it's time for our subjects 哪個才是最糟糕的呢? 究竟是更高層次的痛覺呢? to make an important choice. 還是等待即將發生的 All right, so now that you know the two differences, 低程度的痛覺 you either can choose choice A, 我選擇時間長的 which is one high voltage shock every ten seconds for a minute. 我選擇時間短的 - Mm-hmm. - Will our subjects choose 就是更痛苦的那一項 the higher, more painful shocks, 好 but get it over with right away? 他們已做了選擇 Or choice B is one low voltage shock 現在就來看看受測者 every ten minutes for one hour. 如何經歷兩種型態的痛覺 Or will they choose the lower shocks, 選擇參與 but be forced to anticipate the pain for ten minutes 較低程度的痛覺,並持續一小時 的受測者 between shocks for a solid hour? 坐在低電擊的實驗室 Either way, you will be here for an hour. 旁邊有一位我們的演員 What's worse? A higher level of pain? 他們將演出假裝受到電擊 Or having to wait and anticipate 嗨 the lower level of pain? 沒有任何一位演員在本節目受傷 - I'll take the long. 這位選擇一小時電擊的受測者 才剛進行不久 - I think I'll do the shorter, 那麼,另一位選擇快速擺脫電擊 uh, more painful one. 而選擇承受更痛苦的電擊的受測者呢? - Okay. 現在...開始 Now that they've made their choices, 進行第一次電擊 it's time to see how our subjects 1 experience these two options? 沒錯,這程度的電擊很痛苦 但這是她的選擇 The subject who chose to anticipate 進行第二次電擊 the lower level of pain during the course of an hour 真的很痛 is seated in the low shock administration room, 進行第三次電擊 along with our actors, - 快完成了 - 沒錯 who are pretending to get shocked. 這或許會更痛,但是她很快就能擺脫 - Hi. 進行第四次電擊 - This subject's hour-long ordeal is just beginning. 進行第五次電擊 But what about the subject who chose to get it over with 進行第六次電擊 and take the more painful shocks right away? 好,完成了 - We're starting now. 同時,另一位受測者 只感覺第一次電擊 Here's shock number one. [buzzing] 第一次電擊完成 - Ow! - Okay. 還有五次電擊未完成 - Yes, the shock is painful, but it was her choice. 較低程度的電擊 - This is shock number two. [buzzing] 卻讓受測者有很多時間都在等待下一次痛覺 - It's really painful. 這樣的等待,卻佔據了他的內心 - Shock number three. [buzzing] 傑洛姆,能跟我來一下嗎? - It's half over. - Exactly. - 好 - 他的時間終於過了 It may hurt more, but she's getting it over with quickly. 說說你為何選擇低伏特電擊 - Shock number four. [buzzing] 我覺得會...比較不那麼痛 Number five. [buzzing] 當你坐在那裡 Number six. [buzzing] 等待間歇的10分鐘 - Okay, you're done. 你當時感受如何? Meanwhile, our other subject is only on shock number one. 裡面超安靜 [buzzing] That's one shock down, 你心裡就會想著 five more to go. [buzzing] 你的想法就像是:「好,要來了」 While the pain level may be lower, 這種焦慮或許就是 the subject has plenty of time for the pain 當初實驗結果記載:70%受測者 and its anticipation to occupy his mind. 選擇接受更痛苦的電擊 [buzzing] 而不是承受心理層面 - Hi, Jerome, would you come with me? 預期疼痛的折磨 - Oh, okay. - Finally, his hour is up. 妳為何選擇更高程度的電擊? Tell me about why you chose the lower voltage choice. 因為知道只要撐一分鐘就好 - I guess you're-- less pain, you know. 我覺得十秒間歇足以調適 - While you were sitting there 並且預期下一波電擊 waiting for ten minutes to elapse, 所以,就像是 how did you feel? 快速撕下OK蹦的感覺 It's so quiet in there, - 妳寧願... - 既痛又快 so basically you got your thoughts. - 既痛又快? - 對 Your thoughts is like, "Okay, it's coming." 癢的感覺是惱人的 - This anxiety may be the reason why 痛覺或許...很痛苦 in the original study, a full 70% of subjects 但是,我們愛碰觸 opted to receive the more painful shocks right away, 擁抱時的感覺很神奇。 rather than suffer through the mental torture 擁抱其實能降低 of anticipation. 患流感的風險 Why did you choose the higher shock group? 還有,擁抱能降低血壓 - Just knowing that it was over within a minute, 擁抱也能釋放催產素 I think ten seconds is easier to go along with 就是所謂的愛情賀爾蒙 and anticipate what was coming next. 我想說的是... So it's kind of like 保持聯繫吧! ripping a band-aid off, I guess. - You'd rather-- - Hard and fast. - Hard and fast? - Yeah. - Yeah, yeah. [soft music] ♪ ♪ Tickling may be annoying, and pain may be, well, painful, but we crave touch. Hugging feels amazing. Hugging can actually decrease your risk of catching the common cold. And hugging can lower blood pressure. Hugging can also release oxytocin, the so-called bonding hormone. I guess what I'm trying to say is... stay in touch. [electronic music] ♪ ♪
B1 中級 中文 電擊 痛覺 受測 感覺 熱狗 選擇 觸摸 - 心靈場(第6集 (Touch - Mind Field (Ep 6)) 22 1 林宜悉 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字