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It's been six months since my first visit to Brixton prison.
Everybody knows you're here.
While I'm confident a lemon treacle slice could be a best seller, Azizi looks your B and flies out.
So far, I've been unable to find a major outlet is a 24 7 worry even while I'm at the day job.
Very busy.
But I can't stop thinking about the president of the kitchen Russell, because Bad Boy Bakery is trickling along.
So what?
I haven't got it.
I have your weight business, a big coffee house chain and not one of the very top.
If I can't find the major retailer willing to sell the slice, the Bad Boys Bakery is going out of business.
It's not gonna last much longer unless our land bloody big coffee chain, fast growing UK coffee shop industry is worth around £5 billion a year.
I want us to get a slice of the action, but so far the response has been Luke Warm Acosta extremely positive feedback from the head of food.
However, once it went to the senior directors for approval but decided it would be wrong to proceed with a meeting, I'm afraid since we spoke to Waitress Cafe.
They also tunnels down due to the conflict with Heston.
I've employed a coffee industry expert who has been pushing the slice with Kathy Nero, but there's a general concern that the recipe might be too sweet.
Hi, Helen, is Gordon.
Have you spoken to Nero?
I have a couple of concerns.
One of them, really, is that the product would need to be developed further before they would be already tried it in any of them.
I'll let you deal with it with some things polish.
I know it's not polished, but, you know, we've come on leaps and bounds, so I haven't had a chance to show them sort of a bigger change.
That moment is about if they even go for a trial, they don't know that there's something in place able to deliver that they need.
We do have some others.
We've got Squires Squires.
That's like, Yo, Chelsea Football Club versus Fucking Stenhouse mule.
E would appreciate that Disc wires that go out.
Fucking museum.
Fuck New Zealand.
There's more fucking sheep than there is coffee bus.
Kathy Nero are concerned about the product on our ability to deliver a big order.
I need to keep pushing for a meeting.
In the meantime, I'm pressing on with plans to develop the marketing.
It's not just the taste that's important to the slightest success.
It is vital that the public buy into the idea behind it.
How we're gonna sell that, How we gonna market it?
You need help because this has to be put across.
Yeah, the right way.
And you don't get a second chance of this.