字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Chapter VII. MANEUVERING 战争艺术中最古老的世界军事论文孙子 1. Sun Tzu said: In war, the general 第七章。机动 receives his commands from the sovereign. 1。孙子说:在战争中,一般 2. Having collected an army and 他收到来自君主的命令。 concentrated his forces, he must blend and 2。在收集军队, harmonize the different elements thereof 集中他的部队,他必须融入和 before pitching his camp. 不同的元素及其协调 3. After that, comes tactical maneuvering, 投球前他的阵营。 than which there is nothing more difficult. 3。在此之后,来自战术机动, The difficulty of tactical maneuvering 没有什么比这更困难。 consists in turning the devious into the 困难的战术机动 direct, and misfortune into gain. 包括在转入迂回 4. Thus, to take a long and circuitous 直接的,不幸成为增益。 route, after enticing the enemy out of the 4。因此,要采取一个漫长而曲折 way, and though starting after him, to 航线后,吸引了敌人的出 contrive to reach the goal before him, 这样,虽然他开始后,以 shows knowledge of the artifice of 发明之前,他要达到的目标, DEVIATION. 显示了对知识的技巧 5. Maneuvering with an army is 偏差。 advantageous; with an undisciplined 5。是与军队的机动 multitude, most dangerous. 有利的;与散漫 6. If you set a fully equipped army in 群众,最危险的。 march in order to snatch an advantage, the 6。如果您设置一个设备齐全的军队 chances are that you will be too late. 为了抢夺一游行的优势, On the other hand, to detach a flying 有机会,你就太晚了。 column for the purpose involves the 另一方面,要分离飞行 sacrifice of its baggage and stores. 为宗旨列涉及 7. Thus, if you order your men to roll up 牺牲其行李和商店。 their buff-coats, and make forced marches 7。因此,如果你为了你的人卷起 without halting day or night, covering 他们缓冲的外套,并强行军 double the usual distance at a stretch, 占地不停顿地白天还是晚上, doing a hundred LI in order to wrest an 双倍一气平常的距离, advantage, the leaders of all your three 为了做一个百里夺取一 divisions will fall into the hands of the 优势,所有的三个领导人 enemy. 司将落入手中 8. The stronger men will be in front, the 敌人。 jaded ones will fall behind, and on this 8。越强的人将会在前, plan only one-tenth of your army will reach 疲惫的人就会落后,并在此 its destination. 计划仅是你的军队将达到十分之一 9. If you march fifty LI in order to 它的目的地。 outmaneuver the enemy, you will lose the 9。如果你走在李以五十 leader of your first division, and only 智取敌人,你将失去 half your force will reach the goal. 领导你的第一部,也是唯一 10. If you march thirty LI with the same 你一半的人口将达到的目标。 object, two-thirds of your army will 10。如果你用相同三月三十李 arrive. 对象,两三分之二将你的军队 11. We may take it then that an army 到达。 without its baggage-train is lost; without 11。我们可以把它那一支军队 provisions it is lost; without bases of 没有它的行李丢失列车,没有 supply it is lost. 它规定,丢失,没有基地 12. We cannot enter into alliances until we 提供它是丢失。 are acquainted with the designs of our 12。我们不能直到我们进入联盟 neighbors. 都熟悉我们的外观设计 13. We are not fit to lead an army on the 邻居。 march unless we are familiar with the face 13。我们不适合领导一个对军队 of the country--its mountains and forests, 三月,除非我们熟悉的脸 its pitfalls and precipices, its marshes 国家 - 它的山林, and swamps. 其陷阱和悬崖,其沼泽 14. We shall be unable to turn natural 和沼泽。 advantage to account unless we make use of 14。我们将无法把自然 local guides. 优势帐户,除非我们利用 15. In war, practice dissimulation, and you 当地导游。 will succeed. 15。在战争中,实践掩饰,你 16. Whether to concentrate or to divide 一定会成功。 your troops, must be decided by 16。无论是集中或分 circumstances. 你的部队,必须决定 17. Let your rapidity be that of the wind, 情况。 your compactness that of the forest. 17。让你的速度是因为风, 18. In raiding and plundering be like fire, 你的紧,该森林。 is immovability like a mountain. 18。扫荡和掠夺如火, 19. Let your plans be dark and impenetrable 是像山不可移动。 as night, and when you move, fall like a 19。让你的计划是黑暗和令人费解 thunderbolt. 如夜,当你的时候,像秋天 20. When you plunder a countryside, let the 晴天霹雳。 spoil be divided amongst your men; when you 20。当你掠夺一乡村,让 capture new territory, cut it up into 破坏是分给你的人,当你 allotments for the benefit of the soldiery. 捕捉新的领域,就把它成 21. Ponder and deliberate before you make a 拨款的士兵的利益。 move. 21。思考和审议,然后再进行 22. He will conquer who has learnt the 移动。 artifice of deviation. 22。他将征服谁学会了 Such is the art of maneuvering. 技巧的偏差。 23. The Book of Army Management says: On 这就是操纵的艺术。 the field of battle, the spoken word does 23。军队管理的书说:在 not carry far enough: hence the 战场,口语字有 institution of gongs and drums. 不携带远远不够的:因此 Nor can ordinary objects be seen clearly 机构的锣鼓。 enough: hence the institution of banners 普通对象也可以清楚地看到 and flags. 足够:因此该机构的横额 24. Gongs and drums, banners and flags, are 和标志。 means whereby the ears and eyes of the host 24。锣鼓,横幅和旗帜,是 may be focused on one particular point. 途径,让耳朵和眼睛的主机 25. The host thus forming a single united 可能是集中在一个特定的点。 body, is it impossible either for the brave 25。主机从而形成了单一的联合国 to advance alone, or for the cowardly to 身体,是不可能的要么勇敢 retreat alone. 提前单独,或为胆怯地 This is the art of handling large masses of 退单。 men. 这是处理大型群众艺术 26. In night-fighting, then, make much use 男子。 of signal-fires and drums, and in fighting 26。在夜间战斗,然后,没什么用 by day, of flags and banners, as a means of 信号,火灾和鼓,并在战斗 influencing the ears and eyes of your army. 白天作为一种手段,旗帜和横幅, 27. A whole army may be robbed of its 影响你的耳朵和军队的眼睛。 spirit; a commander-in-chief may be robbed 27。阿全军其可能被抢劫 of his presence of mind. 的精神,一种总司令可能被抢劫 28. Now a soldier's spirit is keenest in 他的精神的存在。 the morning; by noonday it has begun to 28。现在,一个士兵的精神是最激烈的 flag; and in the evening, his mind is bent 上午,由正午它已经开始 only on returning to camp. 国旗;在晚上,他的心弯曲 29. A clever general, therefore, avoids an 仅在返回营地。 army when its spirit is keen, but attacks 29。一般一个聪明的,因此,避免了 it when it is sluggish and inclined to 军队时,其精神是激烈,但暴力事件 return. 它当是缓慢和倾向 This is the art of studying moods. 回报。 30. Disciplined and calm, to await the 这是学习情绪的艺术。 appearance of disorder and hubbub amongst 30。纪律和平静,等待 the enemy:--this is the art of retaining 出现混乱和喧哗之中 self-possession. 敌人: - 这是保留艺术 31. To be near the goal while the enemy is 修养。 still far from it, to wait at ease while 31。在接近目标时,敌人 the enemy is toiling and struggling, to be 还远非如此,而安心等待 well-fed while the enemy is famished:--this 敌人是劳动和挣扎,要 is the art of husbanding one's strength. 吃得饱而敌人是饥饿: - 这 32. To refrain from intercepting an enemy 是husbanding一个人的力量的艺术。 whose banners are in perfect order, to 32。为了避免敌方拦截 refrain from attacking an army drawn up in 在完美的横幅,以便 calm and confident array:--this is the art 不要攻击军队制定了在 of studying circumstances. 平静和自信的数组: - 这是艺术 33. It is a military axiom not to advance 学习情况。 uphill against the enemy, nor to oppose him 33。这是一个军事公理不提前 when he comes downhill. 上坡打击敌人,也不反对他 34. Do not pursue an enemy who simulates 当他下山。 flight; do not attack soldiers whose temper 34。不追求敌人谁模拟 is keen. 飞行;士兵不攻击她脾气 35. Do not swallow bait offered by the 激烈。 enemy. 35。不要燕子所提供的诱饵 Do not interfere with an army that is 敌人。 returning home. 不要干涉军队是 36. When you surround an army, leave an 返回家园。 outlet free. 36。当你的军队包围,留下 Do not press a desperate foe too hard. 出口自由。 37. Such is the art of warfare. 不要按一个绝望的敌人太硬。
B2 中高級 中文 军队 战争 士兵 精神 字幕 集中 第07章--《孫子兵法》--演習篇 (Chapter 07 - The Art of War by Sun Tzu - Maneuvering) 147 19 richardwang 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字