字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Chapter V. ENERGY 战争艺术中最古老的世界军事论文孙子 1. Sun Tzu said: The control of a large 第五章能源 force is the same principle as the control 1。孙子说:一个大的控制 of a few men: it is merely a question of 力量是同样的原则为控制 dividing up their numbers. 几个男人:这只是一个问题的 2. Fighting with a large army under your 划分的数目。 command is nowise different from fighting 2。一个庞大的军队战斗,在你的 with a small one: it is merely a question 从战斗命令是毫不不同 of instituting signs and signals. 用一个小的:它仅仅是一个问题 3. To ensure that your whole host may 对实行标志和信号。 withstand the brunt of the enemy's attack 3。为了确保您的整个主机可能 and remain unshaken-- this is effected by 经受住了敌人的攻击中首当其冲 maneuvers direct and indirect. 并保持不可动摇 - 这是透过 4. That the impact of your army may be like 演习的直接和间接的。 a grindstone dashed against an egg--this is 4。那你的军队的影响可能像 effected by the science of weak points and 对一个鸡蛋在磨石破灭 - 这是 strong. 受影响的科学和薄弱点 5. In all fighting, the direct method may 强。 be used for joining battle, but indirect 5。在所有的战斗,直接法可 methods will be needed in order to secure 用于参加战斗,但间接 victory. 方法将必要的,以确保 6. Indirect tactics, efficiently applied, 胜利。 are inexhaustible as Heaven and Earth, 6。间接的战术,有效地应用, unending as the flow of rivers and streams; 为天地取之不尽,用之不竭, like the sun and moon, they end but to 无休止的河流和溪流; begin anew; like the four seasons, they 像太阳和月亮,但他们最终 pass away to return once more. 重新开始,像四季,他们 7. There are not more than five musical 去世返回一次。 notes, yet the combinations of these five 7。有不超过五年的音乐 give rise to more melodies than can ever be 指出,然而,这五个组合 heard. 带来更多的旋律比以往任何时候都可以被 8. There are not more than five primary 听到。 colors (blue, yellow, red, white, and 8。有不超过五个主 black), yet in combination they produce 颜色(蓝,黄,红,白, more hues than can ever been seen. 黑色),但它们产生的组合 9. There are not more than five cardinal 色彩比以往任何时候都更可以被看到。 tastes (sour, acrid, salt, sweet, bitter), 9。有不超过五伦 yet combinations of them yield more flavors 味道(酸,辛,咸,甜,苦) than can ever be tasted. 但他们的组合产生更多的口味 10. In battle, there are not more than two 比以往任何时候都可以一尝。 methods of attack--the direct and the 10。在战斗中,有不超过两 indirect; yet these two in combination give 攻击方法 - 直接法和 rise to an endless series of maneuvers. 间接的;然而,这两种组合让 11. The direct and the indirect lead on to 产生无穷无尽的演习。 each other in turn. 11。直接和间接导致到 It is like moving in a circle--you never 依次其他。 come to an end. 它像一个圆圈移动 - 你永远不 Who can exhaust the possibilities of their 走到了尽头。 combination? 谁可以耗尽的可能性 12. The onset of troops is like the rush of 结合? a torrent which will even roll stones along 12。部队开始就像是繁忙的 in its course. 在激流中的石头,甚至会沿着辊 13. The quality of decision is like the 其课程。 well-timed swoop of a falcon which enables 13。对决策的质量是一样的 it to strike and destroy its victim. 良好的时机,一举使猎鹰 14. Therefore the good fighter will be 它打击和摧毁它的受害者。 terrible in his onset, and prompt in his 14。因此,良好的战斗机将 decision. 他可怕的爆发,并迅速在他的 15. Energy may be likened to the bending of 决定。 a crossbow; decision, to the releasing of a 15。能源可能被比作是弯曲 trigger. 弩,决策,到发证 16. Amid the turmoil and tumult of battle, 扳机。 there may be seeming disorder and yet no 16。在一片混乱和动荡的战斗, real disorder at all; amid confusion and 有可能是表面上的障碍,但没有 chaos, your array may be without head or 真正的障碍在所有;中的混乱和 tail, yet it will be proof against defeat. 混沌,您的阵列可无头或 17. Simulated disorder postulates perfect 尾巴,但它将会对失败的证明。 discipline, simulated fear postulates 17。假设完美模拟障碍 courage; simulated weakness postulates 纪律,模拟恐惧假设 strength. 勇气;模拟假设的弱点 18. Hiding order beneath the cloak of 实力。 disorder is simply a question of 18。隐藏在斗篷下的秩序 subdivision; concealing courage under a 混乱的根本问题 show of timidity presupposes a fund of 细分,隐瞒下的勇气 latent energy; masking strength with 胆怯显示的前提是基金 weakness is to be effected by tactical 潜在能量;掩蔽强度 dispositions. 弱点是由战术影响 19. Thus one who is skillful at keeping the 处置。 enemy on the move maintains deceitful 19。因此,人们谁是熟练的在保持 appearances, according to which the enemy 在移动中保持欺骗敌人 will act. 露面,根据该敌 He sacrifices something, that the enemy may 将采取行动。 snatch at it. 他牺牲的东西,敌人可能 20. By holding out baits, he keeps him on 抢夺它。 the march; then with a body of picked men 20。通过举办了诱饵,他让他上 he lies in wait for him. 在前进;然后用男人的身体挑 21. The clever combatant looks to the 他就是在等他。 effect of combined energy, and does not 21。聪明的战斗寄望 require too much from individuals. 联合能源的影响,不 Hence his ability to pick out the right men 需要太多的个人。 and utilize combined energy. 因此,他有能力挑选适当的人 22. When he utilizes combined energy, his 和利用相结合的能量。 fighting men become as it were like unto 22。当他利用相结合的活力,他 rolling logs or stones. 打架斗殴,因为它好像变成了 For it is the nature of a log or stone to 滚动日志或石头。 remain motionless on level ground, and to 因为这是一个日志或自然石 move when on a slope; if four-cornered, to 保持静止在水平地面,并 come to a standstill, but if round-shaped, 在斜坡上移动时,如果四一隅,以 to go rolling down. 陷于停顿,但如果呈圆形, 23. Thus the energy developed by good 去滚下。 fighting men is as the momentum of a round 23。因此,良好的开发能源 stone rolled down a mountain thousands of 打架斗殴被看作是一个圆形的势头 feet in height. 石头滚下山千 So much on the subject of energy. 英尺的高度。
B2 中高級 中文 战斗 能源 字幕 攻击 能量 斗篷 第05章--《孫子兵法》--能量。 (Chapter 05 - The Art of War by Sun Tzu - Energy) 108 21 richardwang 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字