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Yeah, I got something.
This right here is a flexi spot.
Sit stand.
Automated desk base.
I'm making the desktop.
This is a dead space.
That's a box.
It's a C.
What's in here?
But let me just say first.
This thing must be very solid, because it is very heavy before we get started.
Like cookies.
All right, let's get started unpacking this thing.
Look, all of this stuff, you know, that's neatly packaged company wellness workspace solutions.
All right?
I'm not gonna completely bore you with me building this whole entire time, so Well, it's just making vlog seconds of, like, 10 seconds to me building this thing, and then I'm gonna show you what in the world this thing is about.
But before I get into putting it together, I would like to think flexi spot because they actually sent me this for free, which is awesome.
They like what I was doing my YouTube channel.
I've actually been in the market for a sit stand desk and they reached out just as I was looking into them, and they offered to send me one for free.
Look at that.
I'm not even touching anything.
Look it's going down on its own.
Okay, bring back up.
That was just a test.
We'll bring it back up.
So I said it at the very lowest that could be on the preset.
And all you have to do is hit the button and it takes all the way down.
Look, I've only have regular old desks that I never even got to pick out there.
Always hand me downs or I didn't have a desk.
So this is amazing to me.
The fact that we're able to just hit a button and it'll go to your proper presets, sitting condition or standing condition.
There's three presets on this.
And don't worry, future force will be here in about a minute or two in this video to show you guys the finished product.
So this is what you get out of the package after you symbol it.
So, basically, of course, you have your legs.
You have this.
You have this bar here was, in all honesty, I was 100% sure that this was gonna be connected to one another.
I almost thought that it was gonna be independent legs or maybe just a little sliver through the middle, so I was kind of worried about the durability of the desk house building.
But with this, this is a very sturdy center that I could put it says £200 on.
I'm sure they're just underestimating to be safe, but I'm very confident to put my desk on here and then put my computer or what have you on top of my desk?
Whether I put my actual tower on top of it, I'm not sure I want to figure out a way to mount that under, But you guys will see that here to say.
I just wanted to show you guys what you get out of the package.
And here are the brains.
Essentially, this talks to the motors in the legs and this is plugged in to the power.
So it's a power supply to the power to each leg.
That's what these are.
And then to our controls and on our controls.
As you can see, we have a down a button.
We have a 12 and three presets, so you can set one at your sitting position to understanding position in three at I don't know, maybe you have another chair that you like to use like a stool, and that's kind of like in the middle.
They also have this.
The flexi spot company has a product where it's essentially an elliptical like, you know, when the stationary bikes.
I think that I don't think that's an elliptical but a stationary bike that you would sit on and you would just be essentially working out why you work.
That's not my thing.
But that may be your thing.
And that's why a big reason why they have the third preset sit stand bicycle, stationary bike, and then em is how you set those.
Basically, what you do is you hit in and then you hit one in order to set your current height at one.
And then if you want to set your standing height, you raise this all the way up to a place that feels comfortable Yet M.
And then you hit, too.
And with this a s for you hit the A and it will remind you it starts a countdown timer 45 minutes after 45 minutes over remind you to stand again because a lot of people say for every hour or for every 45 minutes you're sitting.
You should stand for 15 minutes.
So 15 minutes within a one hour span, you should be standing for me.
I think I'm gonna be standing more than I'll be sitting, but I guess that depends if I'm playing games or if I'm actually working.
So I definitely update you guys later down the road just to tell you how this thing is.
But right now I'm really, really excited.
So let's go ahead and jump one toe future forced where all of this is essentially my destiny.
Thanks for the introduction past force.
That is very nice to you.
What a nice guy.
But he did forget to ask you guys to subscribe if you're watching this video all the way until where I was at the end of it, I think you either like me like my content or something.
I must be doing something right, and I really wouldn't like it if you guys subscribe.
Don't hit this describe, But if you've already hit it because I would unsubscribe you.
But if you haven't yet, be sure to subscribe for and just recommend some content down in the comments section for you to see I don't like over I was development stuff.
This, I think, is important for Iowa's developers because we're sitting at our desks standing or sitting all day, not standing, and we need something like this to either remind us to take a walk every 45 minutes or remind us to stand every 45 minutes, and we do need to be standing instead of sitting for eight hours a day.
You know, we need a sit 30 minutes on stand, 30 minutes on set, 30 minutes.
Whatever process.
Whatever little pattern that you find works best for you that keeps you active and on task.
You need to figure that out for yourself, but I do recommend us standing a bit more than we probably are.
And yes, I know this does sound like a bit of an ad, and to be honest with you, it kind of is you watch any type of review video.
It's essentially an ad, and this isn't even so much of a review because I just got the product.
It's a first look, but I do believe at the first look at this desk that this is a product that every I was developer needs.
We need a sit stand desk that works well, and it kind of add on to that.
I am leaving an Amazon link to this product.
Its bigger brother, which is a more sturdy toe, hold more weight since their desk, as well as a sit stand desk topper or riser.
I'm not sure exactly what it's called.
Essentially, if you already have a desk, I'm sure it's a sitting desk.
You can put this on top of it.
It'll hold your monitor kind of like monitor stand where you put your keyboard and mouse it work regular.
And then if you rise it up, it'll turn your desk essentially into a standing desk.
I think it's kind of cool, but I needed a whole new desk all together.
That's why I asked for this one.
And yes, I did get this sent to me for free.
Already said that I just want to reiterate, but I'm not being paid to say any of this.
If this was a crap product, I would tell you that it's a crap product or I just want to make a video on it all together.
So I'm telling you.
From what I can see from this first look, it is a good product.
Oh, update you guys down the road maybe in a few months to tell you whether or not this is good as it seems running out of the box.
And, yes, I have been talking without addressing the elephant in the room.
And that is these two little things sticking out.
This is part of the arms of the desk where your desk you're tabletop is supposed to sit.
And I made this tabletop, uh, you know, put some boards together, glued I'm stained.
Um, made him look how I wanted them to look.
But I only put three when I put it.
Should have put four.
If I would've put four.
What had all this covered up?
All this covered up.
Ignore this little guy right here.
It would have looked a whole lot better, but that's my fault.
I think I am gonna end up just adding on another board to this.
I just don't know when because I've already bolted this whole entire thing to the desk.
I just needed I just needed a desk and it's working for me.
So far, what I'm gonna do with this actual set up?
It's not gonna be my laptop.
It's actually put that on the ground because that's misleading.
What is actually going to be is I'm gonna have a monitor.
As you guys seen the past videos, I'm gonna have my computer tower and I don't know.
I'm not gonna hold it on the desk.
I kind of want to figure out a way to hang it from this cross beam down below.
That's kind of making my whole desk dirty.
And I want to have it hanging from there.
So I don't have wires just hanging if it's on the ground and they're just hanging there and I love it If it was just off the ground in order for the fans on the bottom of it, toe run.
Well, because if it's old carpet, they won't run too well because it will be muffled by the carpet.
So I'm going to do my best to figure out a way, maybe rashes traps or something to hang it from the bottom of this crossbeam.
But for now, I'm just gonna put it on the ground because right after I signed off on this video.
I'm gonna show you guys a cool little edit just off my set up.
Once I set it up with my monitor amounts my keyboard, which I still have yet to update Go figure and my computer tower.
So I think that would be pretty cool.
Of course, this isn't gonna be everyone's set up on this channel because most of your eye was developers.
I'm in.
I was developer and I want to consolidate my whole entire set up into one new Mac book pro.
But budget doesn't allow for right now.
So I'm stuck with my PC, my desktop PC as well as my 2012 Mac book and I say stuck with because I love boat.
It's just kind of it would be easier to have one thing.
I will also be less distracted playing video games on my desktop PC because I wouldn't be giving when a man, but enough of that.
No past force actually talked about the functionality of this desk, the up down buttons self explanatory in the 123 presets and in the end button in order to set the presets.
But I also want to talk about this a bond.
I already addressed it, But the A button is remind button that it starts a 45 minute timer and after 45 minutes and let you know you should stand.
So they kind of recommend, sit for five minutes, stand 15 minutes and already said, I think it would be standing where they're sitting.
Maybe I may figure out a pattern where I sit, where I'm playing around, and then when I'm actually working, I stand because a lot of people will have two different desks.
Or maybe they have an office and they'll have a home office where at one is kind of playing around or light work and the other one is deep into programming or deep into whatever their work is.
And I kind of want to set that for myself.
I I kind of had a method to my madness before where my desktop I would have all my work, and then I would stay after work or go to a library in order to do some of the coding or some of my schoolwork and things of that nature.
But for now, I really like this room.
I really like this desk and the ability to sense dance.
I'm gonna figure out a way to balance it to within this one desk.
I'll keep you guys posted.
But enough of me.
This is about the desk.
So let me show you guys that I hope you enjoy this video.
Be sure the light coming and subscribe.
And until next time, have a good one.