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  • -You look so young.

  • I always say this every time I see you.

  • I know you're...

  • a grown man. -Yeah.

  • [ Laughter ] Do you ever get --

  • Do you get carded when you go out to like --

  • like if you go to a club

  • or a wine-liquor. -It's been a while.

  • Like the mustache helps.

  • -It does. -When I have the mustache on,

  • you know, less people are like --

  • They're like, "Oh, you're a man.

  • You have a mustache. Great." -Okay, yeah.

  • -Yeah. But, without the mustache,

  • -But without the mustache -- -you're 15.

  • BOTH: Yeah. [ Laughter ]

  • I never -- I got carded when I was younger,

  • but, actually, like the problems arose when

  • I was old enough and I was living here in New York City.

  • I was doing a TV show for the WB network.

  • You guys remember that? -Yeah. Totally. [ Cheering ]

  • With the frog? -Yeah, the frog. Bah!

  • Yeah. I'm with you. Yeah.

  • -And I was working with a young actor named Penn Badgley,

  • [ Cheering and applause ] who's on "You" right now.

  • Amazing actor. But he was only 19.

  • So, when we'd go out, I'm like, "Well, hey, man, here's --

  • You take my ID and I'll take my passport."

  • And I would make sure he'd get into wherever we were going

  • that night with like our friends

  • and, about 10, 15 minutes later,

  • I would walk up to the doorman, hand him my passport,

  • and he'd look at me and be like, "You're already inside."

  • [ Laughter ]

  • -"You're actually already in here.

  • You just came here

  • five minutes ago." -Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

  • -Fantastic. -Yeah. Pretty much.

  • -Let's talk about "This Is Us." -Okay.

  • -Congrats on all of this stuff.

  • You actually directed. -I did. This season,

  • I directed an episode. -How was that?

  • -It was a blast. I mean, I started directing

  • when I was 25, doing like small commercial work and whatnot,

  • but this was the first time I had ever directed

  • any episodic TV.

  • -It's a lotta work. -It's a lotta work.

  • It's a lot of preparing and planning and I was --

  • I would say I was overprepared, just so that nobody would worry.

  • My bosses weren't worried.

  • The cast weren't worried, except for Susan Kelechi Watson

  • and Chrissy Metz kind of giving me side eye,

  • [ Laughter ] like, "Oh, you know what you're doin'?"

  • I'm like, "Yeah, I know what I'm doing. We're good."

  • -[laughing, clapping] Do they really?

  • -A little bit, yeah. They were a little worried.

  • Sterling wasn't worried.

  • Justin Hartley wasn't worried.

  • Mandy Moore was not worried.

  • Susan and Chrissy, they were like, "Okay."

  • -That's it, yeah.

  • [ Laughter ] You did a great job.

  • -I think so, yeah. -You did.

  • I wanna show everybody a clip from "This Is Us."

  • Here's Milo Ventimiglia in "This Is Us." Take a look.

  • ♪♪

  • -I'm in love with you, Jack.

  • ♪♪

  • -You are?

  • -Yeah.

  • ♪♪

  • [ Chuckle ]

  • I am.

  • ♪♪

  • You and I,

  • oh, are gonna have it all together.

  • We're gonna have the big moments

  • and the small moments and...

  • it's gonna be one for the ages.

  • ♪♪

  • [ Sigh ]

  • I can't believe you beat me

  • to saying "I love you."

  • -[sigh] Well, you better believe it.

  • ♪♪

  • Rebecca Malone,

  • I love you.

  • Don't you ever forget it.

  • ♪♪

  • [ Cheering and applause ] -They're the sweetest.

  • -Come on. -They are all 100% the sweetest.

  • -They're the sweetest people on the planet.

  • -Milo Ventimiglia, everybody!

  • [ Cheering and applause ] "This Is Us"

  • airs Tuesdays at 9:00 pm on NBC.

-You look so young.


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B1 中級

米洛-文蒂米利亞罵《這就是我們》的合作明星擔心他的執導能力。 (Milo Ventimiglia Calls Out His This Is Us Co-Stars for Worrying About His Directing)

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