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  • as the damage constructor navigates the narrow channel auto positions his kilter crew to keep it from running aground in the swift, current and shifting tide.

  • We've got a lot of current out here.

  • Yes.

  • You gotta get into Nan Ducky.

  • Now, Jane, deal with that.

  • Okay?

  • Sounds gun.

  • You kidding me?

  • All under my own power right now.

  • And I'm nervous.

  • You're hoping for that bow thruster?

  • Yeah, Just trying to fire this up.

  • Just let me know if things were going awry.

  • Currents running really fast right now.

  • You guys gonna get dead Mountain thrust or working?

  • How much room do I have to sand bar back here?

  • Maybe 20 feet.

  • There's a lot of current there.

  • It's gonna send me sideways if I'm not careful.

  • What way do you need August to push you push me this way.

  • Okay, push.

  • Come on.

  • What more growth?

  • This motor goes in the water works.

  • Those guys were doing up there in August.

  • Put those ding pliers he had.

  • All right, I get home this morning outta gas away.

  • Alaska.

  • The last frontier.

  • All new Sundays at nine.

as the damage constructor navigates the narrow channel auto positions his kilter crew to keep it from running aground in the swift, current and shifting tide.


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B2 中高級

與受損的建造者一起與洋流搏鬥|阿拉斯加。最後的邊疆 (Battling Currents with a Damaged Constructor | Alaska: The Last Frontier)

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