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There are lots of reasons for wanting a lava moat around your house, but not that many how-to videos explaining how to build one.
可能有很多種原因會讓你想在房屋周圍建造熔岩護城河,但是解釋究竟該如何建造的影片卻不多見 。
So we’re here to change that.
It’s actually pretty easy to make lava, at least in principle—the ingredients are just rocks and heat. Lots of heat.
Most rocks melt at temperatures between 800 and 1200 Celsius, which is hotter than your oven, so you’ll need a gas or charcoal powered forge, or an electric furnace.
大部分岩石的熔點介於 800 °C 和 1,200 °C 之間,這遠比你家的烤箱溫度還要高,所以你需要使用天然氣或煤炭的大熔爐,或是電熱爐才行。
To reduce energy consumption, it’s tempting to choose a kind of rock or even metal or glass that melts at a lower temperature, but then it won’t glow as much.
The intensity and color of the glow depends on how hot the lava is, and you definitely want a lava moat that glows that nice bright orange-yellow color.
For this reason, we recommend only top quality Keweenawan basalt obtained from the upper Midwest of the United States.
因此,我們只推薦你使用最高品質、產自美國上中西部地區的 Keweenawan 玄武岩。
One of the challenges in maintaining a glowing lava moat is that it’s literally radiating away its energy in the form of heat and light.
維持熔岩護城河閃閃發光的挑戰之一是它的能量會以熱和光的形式發散掉 。
This means you can’t simply melt your lava, pour it into your moat, and call it a day.
Your lava moat is going to need some kind of built-in heating apparatus to make up for the losses.
A ceramic crucible with high temperature electric heating coils will work just fine.
And you’ll definitely want a good layer of insulation to keep heat from leaking into the ground—because you’re going to need a lot of heat!
At the temperatures we’re working with, lava radiates roughly 100 kilowatts of heat per square meter.
在我們選用的溫度下,熔岩每平方公尺會輻射出大約 100 千瓦的熱能。
That’s equivalent to 1000 100-watt lightbulbs per square meter—though you can’t fit 1000 100-watt light bulbs into a square meter, if that gives you any sense of how intense lava is.
這相當於每平方公尺有 1,000 個 100 瓦的燈泡-雖然要把 1,000 個 100 瓦的燈泡塞進僅 1 平方公尺的面積根本不可能,不過這樣你就能想像出熔岩有多熱了。
Anyway, electricity typically costs around 10 cents per kilowatt hour, so each square meter of lava moat is going to cost you around $10 per hour.
總之,每千瓦時的電費基本上是 10 美分左右,所以每平方公尺的熔岩護城河每小時會花掉你 10 美元。
This means that a lava moat a meter wide and enclosing an area roughly the size of a football field will cost $60,000 per day.
也就是說,如果要讓 1 公尺寬的熔岩護城河環繞著像足球場那麼大的面積,每天要花掉 60,000 美元才能維持運作。
If you don’t like the idea of being reliant on somebody else to keep your lava moat home security system operational, you could instead power it with solar panels, or build your own power plant.
Each of these has its pros and cons.
Solar power never needs fuel resupply shipments: the sun is going to keep burning for a while.
However, every square meter of lava moat requires 2000 square meters of solar panels to keep it glowing day and night.
然而,每平方公尺的熔岩護城河需要 2,000 平方公尺的太陽能電池板才能維持日夜發光。
We don’t need to explain the security risks of putting your lava moat’s power source outside of the protection of the lava moat,
so if you want a lava moat a meter wide, powered entirely by solar panels inside of the moat, the math works out that the moat needs to surround an array of solar panels 8 kilometers across.
因此,如果你希望 1 公尺寬的熔岩護城河完全由護城河以內的太陽能電池板供電,我們可以計算出來,護城河需要圍繞著直徑達 8 公里的太陽能電池板陣列才行。
Which is clearly absurd.
You can have a wider and yet more reasonable-sized lava moat if you instead build your own commercial scale power plant inside of it.
Coal and nuclear power plants produce enough energy to heat a lava moat 10 meters wide and encircling an area 500 meters across.
燃煤和核能電廠產生的能量足以加熱一條 10 公尺寬的熔岩護城河,來圍繞直徑 500 公尺的面積。
Enough space to fit the power plant and your house inside!
The downside is that unless you build your moat on top of a coal or uranium deposit, you’ll need to bring in outside fuel for the power plant so your lava moat won’t be entirely off-grid.
Perhaps the best off-grid option for powering your lava moat is simply to take inspiration from the source of lava itself: the earth’s own internal heat.
Assuming you don’t have access to an island in a lava lake in an active volcano, the next best option is geothermal power.
By choosing the right location, a good geothermal power plant can heat a modest-sized lava moat that’s just perfect for protecting a single family home.
I suppose you might also want to learn about precisely how wide your lava moat should be to deter intruders,
or how to cool your house once it’s successfully encircled by lava,
or how to deal with all the noxious fumes given off by lava.
And for that, you need to check out the full lava moat instructions available in the book, “How To” by Randall Munroe, which this video is based on and supported by.
“How To” is an absurd and entertaining self-help guide full of ridiculous over-the-top advice about everything from how to dig a hole, to how to be on time, to how to ski, to how to catch a drone.
《這麼做,就對了!》是一本既荒謬又有趣的自助指南,裡頭充滿怪誕至極的誇張建議,涵蓋問題應有盡有,其中包括如何挖坑、如何準時、 如何滑雪、如何捕捉無人機等。
You can find a how-to guide for how to obtain a copy of “How To” in the video description, and a big thanks to Randall and “How To” for supporting and inspiring this “How To” video.