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FERGIE & Q-TIP & GOONROCK: (SINGING) Just one night,
all we got, just one nigh, all we got, just one night, all we
got, just one night, all we got.
A little party never killed nobody.
So we going to dance until we drop, drop, drop.
Mm, a little party never killed nobody.
Right here, right now, is all we got. skeeten-bod-op-bop.
(SINGING) A little party never killed nobody.
So we're going to dance until we drop.
Let's go.
A little party never killed nobody.
Right here, right now is all we got.
Oh, a little party never killed nobody.
So we're going to dance until we drop.
A little party never killed nobody.
DAVID J. MALAN: All right.
This is CS50, and this is lecture 8.
And that was a look at the so-called CS50 hackathon, this annual tradition
with which we nearly end the semester that will start around 7:00 PM here
in Cambridge, will then end around 7:00 AM the next day in Cambridge.
And punctuating the evening will be quite a bit of work
on final projects, which is the overarching goal of the evening
to give students, both an academic and a very
social and collaborative environment in which to tackle
their final achievements in the course.
But also, as you gleaned there will be a bit of distraction, a bit of food
from Felipe's, typically, around 9:00 PM, a little bit of Domino's Pizza
around 1:00 AM.
And for those still standing as in the muppet there,
we'll treat you to breakfast at IHOP if you still have the energy.
Thereafter, we'll be the so-called CS50 Fair, the climax of everything
that you've done in CS50.
And more on that in the weeks to come.
So without further ado, where have we been these past several weeks?
Well, recall that, over the past couple of weeks,
we've been introducing web programming.
And most recently, did we try to tie together a lot of the topics
from the past few weeks.
HTML and CSS and JavaScript, and then Python, and then another framework,
another piece of software called Flask that
just made it easier and more possible to build web-based applications.
And the simplest example of that last week, recall,
looked a little something like this.
And this past week with the problems on similarities and survey,
have you been building your own web-based applications.
But they haven't quite had all of the pieces
that you might want to assemble into a web-based app.
And so today, we'll fill in those final blanks.
But recall that we've been trying to frame these applications, not
as one-offs or just tools that you built, but as part
of a common paradigm or a methodology.
And indeed, when you're learning computer science and software
engineering, you start to notice patterns in the software,
in the code that you're writing.
And humans tend to adopt these patterns because they save you time.
And then everyone can speak the same language, so to speak.
So MVC was the acronym we introduced last week, Model View Controller.
And that just speaks to this paradigm whereby
you organized certain type of code in one file, certain types of other code
and another file.
So your Python code goes in application.py.
Your HTML goes in your HTML files, your CSS in your CSS files, and so forth.
But what we didn't have last week was this thing here, really.
Model generally refers to your data.
And while survey, your most recent problem,
did have data, a CSV file that's arguably a model,
CSV is not terribly expressive.
You can pretty much just write rows to a text file, not unlike a spreadsheet.
But you can't really query it.
You can't easily insert or delete.
You pretty much would have to reconstruct the whole file.
And indeed, that's exactly what I did back in the day.
The very first web-based application I wrote back in sophomore or junior year
was the freshman intramural website.
And all I had available to me, both technologically and conceptually,
we're CSV files.
I had no idea what databases were, didn't realize how much easier they
could make my life.
So I stored all of the data behind these links here just
in very simple text files.
But today, will give you so much more power.
And especially, if you're coming into the class with an interest
in applying CS to other fields in medicine or the arts
or any world in which there's data, particularly,
in STEM and data science and the like, realize
that SQL has really become this incredibly powerful language
with which to solve problems in those and so many domains.
And ultimately, what your build, this coming week--
your very last CS50 problem set--
you have now peaked just about-- will be CD50
Finance, a web-based application by which you can buy,
or "buy" and sell stocks.
And so what you're going to do this coming week is write code
that implements a web application that resembles this whereby
your users and yourself will be able to register for an account,
log into that account.
You'll be given for free, thanks to us, 10,000 virtual dollars.
And then you can go ahead and buy and sell stocks via their symbol
using this application.
So for instance, if I go ahead and register myself here.
Let's say, username Malan, password 12345--
shouldn't have said that.
Go ahead and register here.
You'll see that, by default, I get this free $10,000 in virtual cash.
You know what, I'm going to go ahead and buy myself
a share of maybe Netflix, whose symbol is NFLX.
I'm going to go ahead and try to buy one share.
And now you'll see that, not only do I have less cash left, about $9,600,
I now own a share of stock.
And if we reload this throughout the lecture, frankly,
the price might go a little up or a little down
because this web application you'll build
will also talk to an API, an Application Programming Interface--
so some third-party website that provides you with stock data.
So you ask it for the current price of a stock.
It gives you an answer in JSON format, if you
recall our short discussion of that.
And you'll integrate it, ultimately, into this interface.
So this will be the culmination of so many of the ideas
and the building blocks with which you've experimented.
But we need a few final pieces today.
So first and foremost, when I registered for this site, I created an account.
And indeed, I can go ahead and log out now.
And if I go ahead and log back in--
if no one's stolen my password yet, I can see my account and only my account.
But we haven't yet seen any mechanism in code
whereby you can implement this notion of logging in, right?
What is the underlying logic via which a website knows that you are logged in
or you're not logged in, right?
Clearly, when I went to this website just a moment ago,
it prompted me to log in because I was not because I had logged out.
But how did it know that?
And now that I am logged in, how does it know that I can click on "quote"
to get just the stock quote or "buy" just to buy a stock or "sell."
Why does it not prompt me every time I click a link to log back
in with my username or password?
What do you think?
AUDIENCE: Isn't cookies little files that
saves the data inside your browser's cache that let it know what's going on.
DAVID J. MALAN: Yeah, cookies--
little files that get saved by websites on your computer.
Now odds are, most everyone here has probably heard in some form,
cookies-- bad.
Maybe bad, privacy-invading, yes?
So true.
But most of the web would not work without them.
So someone else, what do you understand a cookie to be?
What is a cookie?
AUDIENCE: Basically saves your information
so you don't have to put it in every time.
It saves your information so you don't have to put it in every time.
So in simplest form, it's exactly a combination of those answers.
Whereby, when I log into a website, you could
imagine that website just remembering my username and my password
by just saving them in a little file on my Mac or PC
so that the next time I visit a web page,
it just automatically sends them for me, so that the human doesn't
have to type them again and again.
Now let's find fault with that.
Feels like that would work, but what's a downside of that naive implementation?
What do you think instinctively?
AUDIENCE: The data is just out there?
DAVID J. MALAN: The data is just out there, right?
I have people in the office or at home or in a library
that I might not want to just be able to walk up to that computer
and just see this little text file planted on my computer.
Because then they could log in to my account by just digging around.
So it feels a little invasive.
Indeed, that's one of the threats of cookies.
So it turns out cookies or websites tend not to do that, at least,
if they're implemented well.
They instead just plant a really big random number on your hard drive
or in your computer's ram or memory.
So 1234567-- like, some really big number maybe with letters and numbers
maybe even some punctuation that uniquely identifies me.
And thereafter, any time I click a link on that same website,
after logging in, my browser, thanks to HTTP--
the language that browsers and servers speak that we discussed a few weeks
just magically sends that same big random number
to the server again and again.
And so long as the server remembers that that big random number corresponds
to user name Malan, it can figure out whose account to show.
And why is it a big random number?
Why is it not just my password or my username?
Why am I proposing that it be a big random number?
AUDIENCE: Sometimes people can guess it by just using a random generator.
DAVID J. MALAN: Exactly.
In computer science, randomness is this incredibly powerful ingredient.
If you pick a big enough word or a big enough string
or sentence, the probability that some random adversary, or bad person
on the internet, is going to be able to guess or try
to guess that value is just so low, it's just not realistically
ever going to happen in your lifetime statistically.
And so random this gives us that capability.
And so you can think about this metaphorically in the real world
as being like a hand stamp.
If you've ever gone to an amusement park or a bar
or a club where you have to show your ID or you
have to pay for a ticket on the way in, sometimes they'll
stamp you with either visible or invisible ink.
And that's largely for efficiency so that, thereafter,
when you're in the amusement park, you can come and go.
And you don't have to repay or reprocess.
If you're in the bar or the club, you don't have to keep showing your ID.
They can check once, and then more efficiently let you come and go
as you please.
Because you're just presenting your hand or this virtual hand
stamp to the bouncer or to the gatekeeper at those places.
So cookies are exactly like that.
Unbeknownst to us all this time, anytime you visit a website into which you've
logged in, your browser is secretly but usefully
presenting a hand stamp to that server to remind it who you are.
Or rather, not really who you are, but of that big random number
so that, if the server remembers who that number belongs to,
it can figure out whose account to then show.
So put more concretely, if I actually pull up some of the HTTP examples
that we looked at in the past, let's consider this in context.
So almost everyone here has probably used Gmail at some point.
And you log in generally via page like this.
So it might be infrequent because you're not often
prompted to log into email because of-- surprise, surprise-- cookies
from Google being on your computer.
But let's see where those come from.
So when you request Google or gmail.com, you might send, in a virtual envelope,
so to speak, from your Mac or PC to the server, a message like this.
Families who've not seen this before, this
is what your browser is actually sending to a server in order
to request a home page of gmail.com.
Now, I'm going to simplify this a little bit
because there's a bunch of redirects--
HTTP 302s and 301's involved that aren't that interesting today.
So let's just assume that Gmail responds immediately.
Typically, Gmail would respond with this, saying 200 OK.
Here's the login page.
And here's a web page in text/html format.
But once you've logged in, what your Gmail actually does
is it also sends this.
Recall that we call these things HTTP headers--
key value pairs separated by colons that are semi-secretly sent from browser
to server and from server to browser.
Now we, more sophisticated developer types can see this stuff, right?
You can open up Chrome's network tab and start poking around.
And it's not secret per se.
It's just most people don't know it's there.
And what Google and other companies are doing is
they literally send a header called set-cookie, the value of which
is that big random value that the server has decided for you.
Your browser, assuming that it speaks HTTP properly,
should then save that value in RAM, your computer's memory,
or on your hard drive.
And then, every other click you make on gmail.com should send,
not just headers like this, but it should send the opposite header--
just cookie, not set-cookie, but cookie, which
is the presentation of that hand stamp.
And so every time you click a page on Gmail, or Facebook,
or almost any website into which you've logged in.
Those cookies have been planted on your computer.
Now recently, in both Europe and in the US,
have laws been passed that are increasingly putting pressure
on companies that operate internationally to present you
with cookie-based information, right?
You get these little pop-ups increasingly.
And you've been getting them for years in Europe saying,
can we plant cookies on your computer?
So given all of this, what might happen if you say
no, no cookies on my computer?
AUDIENCE: You have to keep logging in.
DAVID J. MALAN: You're going to have to keep logging in, right?
If you take away this fundamental HTTP feature, much of the web
breaks, or the user experience deteriorates significantly.
Now the flip side is cookies can be used, not only for good, so to speak,
but also for evil.
It turns out that there are a lot of ads on the internet, of course.
And that's what drives a lot of the revenue that makes it all possible.
Those ads typically come from image tags in your HTML or script tags
or some of the HTML tags we have seen in the class.
But they go to third-party servers, somewhereelse.com.
And the problem arises with cookies when those third parties are allowed
to plant cookies on your computer.
Because if you go to Google, and you go to Facebook,
and you go to Twitter-- bunches of websites.
Suppose they all have some middlemen advertising service advertising
on each of these websites.
That middlemen, so to speak, because they
have their ads and, therefore, their HTTP headers on this site,
and this site, and this site, there are big third parties
out there-- lots of them advertising networks-- that know everywhere
little old you is going because they see your cookie appearing
from multiple different other sites.
And so here's where cookies become, not a computer science, engineering feat,
but really a threat to one's privacy because they
can be used so easily for tracking.
And frankly, AT&T and Verizon, as an aside, got into trouble--
not enough people know this--
some years back when they started injecting, forcibly, additional HTTP
headers similar in spirit to this to all of people's cell phone traffic--
so not things you could even opt out of initially.
Because this was a way for advertisers and for themselves
to be able to track users.
So these HTTP headers on which cookies are based
are very powerful, but also very invasive.
And we're only now starting to see, societally and politically,
pushback on this very simple mechanism that, hopefully, we as CS types
just understand the mechanics of and, therefore, now the implications.
So let's see this in context, for instance.
Let me go ahead and open up a relatively small example in CS50 IDE.
For those unfamiliar, CS50 IDE is a web-based application
via which you can write programs in the cloud,
just using any browser on a Mac or PC.
I'm going to go ahead into my account here.
And I'm going to go into Store.
And I'm going to go into the Templates directory
and show that this example here has a few files.
This will look familiar to students in the room.
Application.py is the web-based application.
And then we have some template files, so to speak.
In my Terminal window here, I'm going to go ahead and, with just my keyboard,
go into this directory called Store in source 8, which is available online.
And I'm going to go ahead and do a flask run, which, for those unfamiliar,
is the command via which you can start a web server
and start running a web-based application.
So now that I have that, I'm going to go ahead and visit exactly this URL here.
And we'll see a relatively simple and super ugly web store.
Let me go ahead and zoom in a bit.
And this web store allows me to buy three things-- foos, bars,
and bazes, whatever those are.
And this is a very simple e-commerce-like site
where I just have to type the quantity of foos, bars, and bazes that I want.
And then I can go ahead and buy them.
So I'm going to go ahead and say, give me one foo, how about zero bars,
and these two bazes.
And I'm going to go ahead and click Purchase.
And now you'll see my shopping cart.
But if I continue shopping, you'll see that it
resets, just like if you keep browsing Amazon or whatever other website.
But if you want to check shopping cart again,
notice it's remembered what I'm looking for.
And in fact, you know what?
I'm going to go ahead and close the window.
I actually lost the website.
But you know what?
If I go back to that URL and reopen, I see the storefront.
But if I view my shopping cart, it has remembered my state.
So notice the power now of cookies.
It's not just to remember with a hand stamp who you are.
But now you can remember anything about that user that you want, right?
A shopping cart on Amazon or any website is the best example of this
because it would be horrible, horrible, horrible for a User Experience or UX
if every time you click the darn link, you
lost the contents of your shopping cart because the website forgot who you are.
So this is a compelling feature to remember.
And it's cookies that implement this feature too.
Because more generally, what's going on with cookies is this.
When you set a cookie using the set-cookie header that
looked like this, there is a key value pair
to the right that we might call session, and that has the value.
Value is the hand stamp.
Session is just a term of art that refers to this abstraction
that you can think of really as a shopping cart.
But it doesn't have to have anything to do with actual shopping or e-commerce.
It's just a container in which you can store stuff.
So this is telling the website that my session value, my hand stamp
is 12345-- and big really random number.
The website can then say, you know what?
I'm going to store a container for you.
Let's call it a Python dictionary, or dict for you,
inside of which I can put anything I want.
And so in fact, when you go to a shopping cart like this,
what is the server actually doing?
Well, upon seeing your hand stamp, and realizing, oh, you are user 1234567.
Oh, that's username Malan.
Let me go ahead and grab the dictionary, the Python dict
from memory, or even from a CSV file if you want,
and show you the contents of your shopping cart.
Meanwhile, someone else, Brian visits the same exact website
and logs in with his account.
He's going to present a different hand stamp, presumably.
And so the website can look for a different dictionary
and show Brian the different contents of his shopping cart.
And the same for everyone in this room.
So this simple mechanism--
I mean, consider the power.
This is just a stupid text value key:value.
And from all of that does all of the web's capabilities now come.
And we won't look in too much detail into the code here,
but let me show one snippet of it.
If I go into application.py, the magic that makes this possible in flask
is just to import this additional feature.
You'll recall, from the past couple of problems
you've worked on, you import from flask a few things--
render template, redirect, request.
Well, if you Add session to that list, which
is the code abstraction of this hand-stamp idea, what you can now do
is this.
Let me scroll down to the juicy part here.
And notice that you can do lines of code now,
and for the next CS50 finance problem, lines of code like this.
Session is just a Python dictionary, or dict.
You can index into it using any word--
foo, or bar, or baz, just like you could with dictionaries more generally.
And you can store in it anything you want.
In my case, I want to store a number--
0 foos, or 1 foo, or 2 foos or whatever.
So I can simply convert to an int, the user's request forms
item, whatever that is.
And let me wave my hand at some of the code above because it just
sets the whole thing up.
But the new line of code, the new feature
that now will empower us to build something like a stock trading website
is quite simply this line here.
Because what you can also do to remember that a user is logged in,
just go ahead and store in this so-called session,
a value of, like, true.
And if the value true is there, you can infer that the human is logged in.
And if there's no such value in the dictionary, they are not logged in.
And so we'll hold your hand a bit more in the next problem set
with this introduction of CS50 Finance.
And we'll write some of the code that handles the login,
so you can see by example how to do this.
But it'll be up to you thereafter to start
remembering what stocks a user actually has
using sessions to retain the fact that they've logged in already.
All right.
So that was a lot all at once.
But any questions on cookies and the feature they provide,
these things called sessions?
Anything at a all?
AUDIENCE: Is the session saved on the user side or the server?
DAVID J. MALAN: Is the session saved on the user side or the server?
Really good question.
And the answer can be it depends.
You could store on the user's client, on their browser.
And as the gentleman over here proposed, you could theoretically store literally
their user name and password-- maybe I proposed that earlier--
on their computer.
And that's bad for the reasons that we surmised earlier.
But you could also store the contents of their shopping cart, foos, bars,
and bazes.
That's not quite as invasive as storing their password.
But if you're buying things you don't really want people knowing,
that is then invasive.
So maybe we can do better.
And better is often, store it on the server.
So a well-designed website will typically
store only this big random value, the hand stamp, on the Mac or PC.
And then all of the interesting and maybe sensitive stuff
is stored in a database or CSV file or just the server's RAM or memory
like in a global variable.
Good question.
Other questions?
Other questions?
All right.
So that's one problem solved.
We know now we can implement login forms.
And we know that we can remember that people are logged in.
So let's just stipulate that is now possible.
But over the past couple of weeks, it's not been incredibly powerful
to only have access to things like CSV files, comma separated values, which
create the illusion of Excel and Google Spreadsheets
and Apple Numbers like columns and rows.
Well, it's pretty much a linear search for everything, right?
A CSV file is just rows and rows and rows and rows of data.
And if you want to search for anything in that
file, like you might have wanted to for your survey implementation,
how do you find it?
Well, you open the file with Open.
You maybe use a for loop and iterate over every single line
looking for some value, and then you close the file.
That is big O of n.
And in the worst case, the thing you care about is at the very end.
And it's not terribly efficient.
Now, you can append to files pretty efficiently.
Recall that when we opened files with quote unquote, "A" for Append mode.
We did this with a brief example, instead of "W" for Write.
You get the operating system's help and add rose to the file
at the very bottom, which is more efficient.
But you can't insert things in the middle very efficiently.
You can't delete things very easily.
You would have to literally, for those kinds of scenarios, open the file,
read the whole darn thing, then write out parts of it
or add to it as you're writing out.
And so humans years ago realized, well, this is stupid.
All of us humans in the world are constantly
writing code to open files, change files, save files.
Why don't a few of us do an even better job of implementing that feature,
then share it with the world?
And thus were born, effectively, databases.
And these days, there are so many different types of databases--
you might be familiar with tools, commercial software like Oracle,
or SQL Server, or Microsoft Access.
And in the open source world, there's Postgres and MySQL,
and SQLite and others.
And many of them, as even those names imply,
use a special language called SQL, Structured Query Language, which
is the very last language we'll introduce
you to in CS50 unless you go off on your own with final projects
to pick up something more.
But with SQL, you have the ability to select data from a database,
to insert it, to delete it, to updated it.
All of the things that you could absolutely do with Python and CSVs,
it would just be so darn tedious to write those lines of code yourself.
So what's the right mental model?
Here is, I claim, essentially a database.
Like most everyone in this room has probably
used Google Spreadsheets, and if you've not, probably
Excel or maybe Apple Numbers.
So these are spreadsheets.
And they're essentially what you could call a relational database.
Relational-- implying that there's relationships
among the various data in the rows and the columns decided by you
or whoever made it.
And this is a spreadsheet of course.
And it has rows where your actual data goes.
And columns-- and what's noteworthy about the columns?
It's just conventional to do what with the columns,
especially in that first row?
AUDIENCE: Headers.
DAVID J. MALAN: Yeah, put some header values, right?
You could certainly put them in the left.
It's just humans prefer, it seems, to read top
to bottom instead of left to all the way to the right.
So we just adopted a conventioneers ago that your columns represent
different types of data, and the rows represent different values
for those fields or for those columns, so to speak.
So if you wanted to store a spreadsheet of values
for a bunch of students in a class or in a university,
one column might be ID number, like their Harvard ID or the Yale ID.
Another column might be their name, their email address, phone number, age,
and so forth.
And you could just lay that all out.
You can make it pretty and boldface the top and organize things and sort it.
But at some point, this isn't quite the right tool.
And in fact, I ran into this in grad school years
ago where I was analyzing large sets of data.
And it was just convenient to double-click on the CSV file,
open it in Excel, and just manipulate it and answer the data
questions that I had.
But back in the day, Excel actually had a limit of 65,536 rows.
Sounds like a lot--
and that's 2 to the 16th power, if you call the reference there.
And so humans at Microsoft decided years ago, that's enough.
And frankly, it kind of was.
Because even in the thousands of rows, like,
my Mac just became unusable because it was just too much memory being used.
So it was just an impractical limit anyway.
But at some point, you might want to store
65,537 rows of data or hundreds of thousands of rows or millions of rows
or even more.
I mean, there are so many websites, Google and Facebook
and others that surely do this already.
You can't just use a program on your Mac or PC anymore.
You need to use fancier software.
But that fancier software often still works the same way.
You have one main file called a spreadsheet in our human world.
But in the server world, you might call it a database instead.
And whereas, in our human world, we might
have things called Sheets or individual spreadsheets within the bigger file,
in a database, you're going to have things called tables.
But they're the exact same thing with rows and columns.
And so when we want to actually store data,
we can actually store it in exactly those ways.
So let me go ahead and do this.
Let me go ahead and open up Google Spreadsheets just
as representative of a database.
And let me go ahead and create a new file here.
So New Spreadsheet-- and just so that we can represent things like students.
I'm going to call this spreadsheet Students.
And over here I'm going to put their ID number and their name, and what
are some other fields I rattled off that come to mind?
DAVID J. MALAN: Say again.
AUDIENCE: Sports and stuff they want to do.
So sports they want to do, sure.
That's fine-- a little longer.
What else?
AUDIENCE: Graduation year.
DAVID J. MALAN: Graduation year, age, OK, good.
So graduation year, age, concentration--
OK, and we can probably keep going, and it just gets wider and wider.
And these are my columns, if you will, or the fields in the database.
And frankly, I could name this if I really want to be tidy here,
and I could call this Students.
And you know what?
Maybe I should call this not students but university.
Because I might want to have another tab here that we'll preemptively
name to, say, faculty.
And faculty probably have ID numbers, and they have names,
and they probably have departments, for instance.
And they also probably have emails and so forth.
So phone number is another one.
But I might want to kind of cluster these different types
of data in different spreadsheets because they're
kind of apples and oranges.
There might be some overlap, but they're distinct inside different sheets.
In the database world, you do the exact same thing,
except you call the whole thing a database,
and you call these things tables to be clear.
But more importantly, with a real database, so to speak,
you have to be a little more proactive about telling the database what
types of data you want to store.
Now, those of you who've used Google Spreadsheets and Apple
numbers and Excel know that you can go to the format menu or the data menu
or whatever, and you can show things to different decimal places.
You can turn things to percents.
And you can format the data.
But that doesn't tend to have any functional impact on your data.
It's just an aesthetic detail, like, how long or short do
you want to show the numbers to be in your columns and cells.
But with databases, you can actually provide juicy hints
to the database that will help that database store and find data for you
more efficiently.
For instance, there's this laundry list of data types
to which we have access in SQL.
So SQL is the language with which we're going to be able to query a database.
Frankly, in something like Google Spreadsheets and Microsoft Excel,
how do you find data?
We'll usually hit Command-F or Control-F, and you search for it.
That's not very programmatic.
You can do it with macros and such.
And we'll do this with code.
But with SQL, you're going to have to make a few decisions first.
SQL supports a few different data types, at least, in one of its forms.
So it turns out there's a lot of competition out there.
SQL is a general language.
But different companies and different nonprofit groups
have come up with their own dialects.
So much like we humans might speak--
bunches of us might speak Spanish.
Well, there are different variations of Spanish, not to mention
many, many, many other languages.
And so similarly, in the programming world,
as there's sort of a common subset of words in a language.
But then different companies and different people
might have added and subtracted their own features just because they think
that's better for their use cases.
So in SQLite, which is the database technology we will use in CS50 IDE,
and Android uses this, and it's very popular in other contexts
too, IOS as well--
they only have a few data types.
Blob, of all things, integer, numeric, real, and text.
Now what does that mean?
Well, it turns out, it means different things with different databases.
In another popular database, it's called Postgres or PostgreSQL.
This is a very popular one for high-performing websites.
So if you're trying to build a business, you're
trying to make an application used by everyone on campus, generally,
you would use a fancier technology than SQLite, which is, by definition,
And you'd do something like Postgres.
And so we'll introduce you to both of these dialects along the way
because each of them allows us to do different things
with a different degree of precision.
So in SQL, let's claim, even though it's a simplification,
there are at least these data types.
When deciding what type of data to store in your database table,
you have to decide, not just what it's called, like ID, and name, and email,
and dorm.
You have to decide what data type it is.
So we've kind of come full circle.
Because the last time we did this was in what language?
So in SQL too you do this, but it's not to be nitpicky.
It's to actually improve performance.
So this is to help you get at that data more efficiently.
Because the more the server, the database, knows about your data,
the faster it can find it essentially.
So in the world of databases, you generally
have to decide, not just to store an integer, but either
a small int of integer, or a big int.
And generally speaking, at least in most databases, this might be 2 bytes.
This might be 4 bytes.
This might be 8 bytes.
So let's maybe impress the families here.
If you have a 32-bit integer, or 4 bytes,
what's the biggest integer you can store in your database?
(WHISPERS) 4 billion.
Someone please, impress.
AUDIENCE: 4 billion.
DAVID J. MALAN: 4 billion is exactly correct.
And it might be 4 billion positive values, or maybe it's only 2 billion
if you also want to have 2 billion or so negative numbers as well.
Big int uses 64-bit, which is just massively, massively bigger.
And tiny int or small int rather--
there's also tiny int in some dialects-- small int is just 2 bytes,
and it actually counts up as high as 65,535, as I alluded to earlier.
So you just need to decide.
Now, why would you choose one or the other, when you could just use big int
and store small numbers and big numbers alike?
Well, why might you just intuitively not want to make all of your integer values
in a database big ints.
It's just simple-- give me as much headroom as I want.
AUDIENCE: You would be using memory.
You're just using memory unnecessarily, right?
Why use more memory than you need to?
Now, arguably-- god, memory is so cheap these days.
Computers are getting bigger and faster.
So in some contexts, it's not a big deal.
But if you have lots of data, and every one of your rows in a database
is 2 bytes bigger than needs to be, and you have 1 million rows,
that's already huge numbers of bytes that you're just wasting and throwing
So it behooves you to actually give some thought to these data types.
Of course, you don't want to go too small
because, if you use a small int or maybe even an integer,
but business is so darn good that you have over 4 billion users or 4
billion rows or 4 billion foos and bars and bazes that have been sold,
which absolutely happens to the Googles and Facebooks of the world,
you better start using 64 bits to represent unique values instead of just
Because eventually, you'll run out.
Well, what else?
Besides integer values in SQL, you might want to use floating point values.
Those are real numbers that have decimal points in them.
This is quite like C. They're called a little something different.
And annoyingly, it uses two words in this case.
But a real number is a 32-bit value that is a floating point
value, like a float in C, and double precision
is like a double in C, which is 64-bits.
And that just lets you get even finer-grained control
over the decimal point as we've seen.
Because of course, you can't represent numbers precisely
because of imprecision, as we've seen in both Python and C.
Numeric is kind of a catch-all for a bunch of number-related things
that aren't quite integers or reals necessarily.
Boolean, a true or false value, dates if you
want to literally store, like, year, year, year, year, dash, month, month,
dash, day, day in a standard computer format,
even though human cultures vary how they write that.
Datetime if you want have a date and a time right after it--
numeric is actually a solution to a problem.
Turns out that, finally, after all this time,
we have a built-in mechanism for storing numbers precisely.
And this is perfectly timed because, in CS50 Finance, when
you're dealing with money, it would kind of be nice if you don't accidentally
round off how much money someone has either slightly lower or slightly
Those of you may be families especially because, from a few movies back
in the day, if you ever saw Superman III,
this is how some money was made by shaving fractions of pennies
off of computer systems and, more moderately, Office Space.
Office Space did this as well-- big scam trying to round off these pennies.
Well, if you use the right technology and language, with SQL,
you can actually specify a numeric data type, which is like a floating point
value, but you specify, essentially, the total number of digits you
want it to handle and how many of them should be after the decimal point.
So it's common in stock markets to actually use
four decimal points of precision.
So not just cents to the tenths and the hundredths place,
but to the thousandths and ten-thousandths place,
you can now specify that with a value of four for precision.
And you don't have to worry about those round
off errors we talked about before.
Time and time stamps-- just how much time
has passed since the date and date and time are also available to you in SQL.
And then lastly here, text values--
turns out you have a choice of values for when
it comes to deciding how many characters do you use to store your data.
You can use char, which just like in C with an array,
you have to decide in advance for a string how many bytes to use.
And if you say char 8, you are getting 8 bytes.
And if the name is Malan, M-A-L-A-N, you are wasting 3,
or if we null terminate it, 2 of those bytes.
But SQL introduces a solution that Python kind of gave us too.
Varchar as the name implies-- variable number of chars
allows you to specify just an upper bound.
So if you know that one of your columns is going to be called Name.
And a person's name might be M-A-L-A-N-- like five letters,
or maybe certainly more for people with longer last names are first names,
you can say varchar 100.
And that's the upper bound on how long it is.
But the database will be smart.
If you only need five characters or 5 bytes,
it won't waste 95 others for you.
It will optimize that for you.
And then lastly text, if you want to store tens of thousands,
like paragraphs or pages of text, that's even bigger than varchar
where you don't necessarily want a well-defined upper bound.
You just want a good chunk of memory.
But there are implications here.
And just quickly, char and varchar seem not even complimentary.
Just char seems unnecessary.
Why paint yourself into a corner and say give me
only 8 bytes when you could just say, eh, give me
up to 100 bites, and you, the database server,
figure out how many to actually use?
Why do these two data types exist?
AUDIENCE: It would be longer to run.
So time is spot on.
It might actually take longer to use one data type or the other.
How could that possibly be?
Well, if you've got a value like char where you specify
a precise number of characters like 8.
If you think about the columns in Google Spreadsheets and Excel,
every one of those columns, those cells is exactly the same width, right?
It's 8 bytes, 8 bytes, 8 bytes, 8 bytes.
And as soon as you have perfectly constant offsets--
this is byte 0, this is 8, this is 16, this is 24, this is 32,
and so forth, you reintroduce the capability
that in C we had with arrays.
You have random access doing simple, simple arithmetic-- multiplication,
addition, and subtraction, you can just jump to any element in a column
if it's using the same number of bytes for every cell.
But with varchar, if you need to have small narrow cells and wide cells,
you're going to have what's called a ragged array where
one side of it, the left-hand side, so to speak,
is going to be very straight and rigid.
But the other side my kind of vary based on how long the word is in that column.
And to your point about time, it's going to take the computer more time
to search a varchar field.
Because it can't just jump to the third element.
It has to search all of them, potentially.
But thankfully, at the end of the day, databases don't do that.
They don't just devolve into linear search.
CSVs devolve, for our purposes, into linear search.
The magic and the intellectual property and the secret sauce, so to speak,
that goes into databases--
Oracle SQL Server, Microsoft Access, Postgres, MySQL, and SQLite
is that really smart computer scientists have decided to implement algorithms
and fancy data structures, often tree-based--
if you recall our discussion of binary trees
or tries on a hash tables and those fancier data structures-- they
had baked those kinds of data structures and designs
into their database software.
They've made it freely available or commercially available.
And so we now just have an abstraction called a database
into which we can store data and just read it, update it, write it,
and change it quickly without having to implement all
of that low-level plumbing ourselves.
And so that's ultimately what a database is going to give us.
But we have to actually have access to a database to do that.
And we need to actually decide first to help
the database by telling it what to store where and how to store it as a type.
So why don't we do this?
Let me go ahead and do exactly that with a couple of examples.
Let me go ahead and open up CS50 IDE again,
our web-based programming environment.
And let me go into our Terminal window.
So for those unfamiliar, a terminal window is just this black and white
or this blue and white window in which you can type commands.
And rather than point and click and double click on things,
you can only do things textually in this window.
And it turns out that, in the world of SQLite,
we can actually use a command called SQLite3,
which allows us to create a database.
So in our human world, for CSVs, you've seen how, in code, you
can just create rows and columns.
You can literally type it in a text box.
SQLite is a database technology that uses binary format, 0s and 1s.
And so you're going to have to actually store your data differently
using a program.
So if I want to make a file called, for instance, froshims.db,
I can literally say SQLite three froshims.db,
and then I'm in this program.
This is a text-based program via which I can create my rows and columns.
And it, by designer, is going to be a little arcane for a moment.
It's going to look a little cryptic.
But if I want to go ahead and create a table, like a spreadsheet in here,
I'm going to literally type CREATE TABLE.
I'm going to call this registrants just like last week
when we were looking at froshims examples.
And the freshman intramural sports program
has students registering for sports.
So I'm going to have a registrants table here.
I'm going to go ahead now and specify that I
want a few columns for this database table, one of which I want to call ID,
one of which I want to call name, and one of which I want to call dorm.
So I'm going to keep-- whoops.
I didn't mean to hit Enter.
Let me just clean this up.
So now I have three columns, ID, name, and dorm.
And if I were to hit Enter, theoretically, it
should create a database.
It's not going to be graphical like Excel or Google Spreadsheets,
but it will exist in my IDE in a file called froshims.db.
But I can't just hit Enter yet.
Because I have to tell the database a bit more.
I need to tell it that, you know what?
My ID value should probably be an integer.
And you know what?
My name should probably be char, or varchar?
What should the name of a student be stored as?
AUDIENCE: varchar.
DAVID J. MALAN: Varchar, OK?
So varchar because they're going to vary, right?
If you can think of bunches of your friends,
they might have short names or long names.
OK, what's the upper bound?
What's the length of your friends' longest name?
All right.
Is anyone in here having a name, first name and last, that's longer than 16?
AUDIENCE: That's 50, sorry.
I heard 16, I thought.
Because you're not going be able to register for froshims
because the database is going to truncate.
And as an aside, if you've ever gone to a website and tried typing into a form
field and either your keyboard stops working
or you do type a long word or paragraph in, and then you hit Enter,
and it's some of it's gone, well, that's because the database likely
can only store so many bytes.
And frankly, this often happens on customer service forums, right?
They don't really want you being too verbose with the customer support
They'll cap the length of the field into which you're typing.
And they're also doing that on the database,
but also probably for practical human reasons,
they don't want to read a big complaint that's this long as well.
So 50-- anyone have a name longer than 50 characters?
DAVID J. MALAN: Yeah, not many names.
But you know what?
We have technology to answer this.
Longest name in world--
and it's this guy.
Guinness Book of World Records is probably right.
So his name is Barnaby Marmaduke Aloysius Benjy Cobweb Dartagnan Egbert
Felix Gaspar Humbert Ignatius Jayden Kasper Leroy Maximilian Neddy Obiajulu
Pepin Quilliam Rosenkranz Sexton Teddy Upwood Vivatma Wayland Xylon Yardley
Zachary Usansky.
But he also goes by Nick, apparently.
But OK.
Let me go ahead and highlight this.
And I could count this manually.
But I'm sure someone has made a website to count characters in a string.
There we go, lettercount.com.
Let's go ahead and paste that in, count the characters, 225--
so nick will not be registering unless we don't support just 16 or 50.
Looks like we need at least 225.
So at some point, you do have to make a decision.
And honestly, it's not always obvious.
You do have to specify that varchar is going to be-- eh, it could be 16,
could be 50, could be 225.
But you know what? if he has kids--
so let's just round up a bit and call it varchar 255, honestly,
only because it was a convention.
So back in the day, 255 tended to be the max length
for this field in older databases.
And that at least feels like it's probably enough wiggle room for names.
But you have to make a judgment call at some point.
We could ignore the problem say 1,000 characters.
But if that's never really going to happen,
and your potentially wasting space, you probably shouldn't.
Because even though it's an upper bound, you're sacrificing something like time,
potentially, to search that field if you're just
telling the database that it's going to be bigger than it ever actually
will be.
It needs to be more finely hinted.
So what about dorm?
Oh, god, now we have to do this again.
How do we do it with dorm?
What's the longest length of a dorm or a house on campus?
DAVID J. MALAN: I'm, like, OK [INAUDIBLE],, house maybe.
But honestly, at some point, it doesn't matter too much.
But being consistent is what matters.
It's a matter of style.
It's a matter of design.
At some point, you don't have to nitpick every little value.
But you should probably pick some reasonable value
that you could justify to a roommate or to a colleague or to a teaching fellow.
And then say this feels like enough without it being actually excessive.
And there's one last thing I'm going to do here is just
end my thought with a semicolon.
I apologize, they're back.
But at the end of my start here, if I haven't made any typographical errors,
and I'm going to go and hit Enter.
Nothing seems to happen.
And ironically, in CS50, in programming, nothing happening
is usually a good thing because it means no errors have happened.
If, in SQLite, I type schema, I can actually
just see a regurgitation of the table I just created.
But more importantly, I can start to insert data into this.
Now unfortunately, it's not yet graphical.
But if I want to insert data into this, I can do this.
INSERT INTO registrants-- well, what do you want to insert?
I want to go ahead and insert an ID, a name, and a dorm.
Well, with what values?
Well, with these values--
the ID will be-- the first registrant will be 1.
The first one to register will be Brian.
And his dorm, Brian where did you live?
BRIAN: Out on Pennypacker.
DAVID J. MALAN: Pennypacker.
So it's good.
That might be close to four timer too lengthwise.
So I'm going to go ahead and do this.
Here is an example of a SQL statement.
CREATE TABLE is one verb or expression you can use.
INSERT INTO is another.
You specify the name of the table, the fields of the table, and then values.
And now I'm capitalizing just to make clear what are SQL commands
and what are actually just words I, the human developer, chose.
But it's just a convention.
These uppercase words could probably be lower case in most contexts too.
But it helps things, I think visually, to distinguish.
Now I go ahead and enter.
Nothing seemed to happen.
That's probably a good thing.
Let's go ahead and register one other person.
I'll be the second registrant.
So maybe David from Matthews.
And so Matthews here, Enter.
And now, if I want to select all of the students in the database,
I can go ahead and say SELECT FROM--
or you know what?
Let's select everything as denoted in many languages by star,
from registrants semicolon enter, and there we have it.
It's kind of a tiny super simple, lightweight database.
But there are my rows and columns much like Excel
and Google Spreadsheets would lay them out for me.
But it gets better than this.
Suppose I want to search this database for all of the students who
registered for Matthews.
And suppose that time passes and more students
actually register for forshims.
I can actually filter this data.
I can do something like SELECT star FROM registrants WHERE
dorm equals quote unquote, "Matthews."
And so I can filter it, hit Enter, and now I get back just one row.
And if your should mind starts to wander--
wow, if I could introduce Python or JavaScript into this,
you know what I could do?
I could probably get back, not this and this ASCII-based table, this text
Maybe I could get back an actual list of rows
so that I can actually do something with that data.
And that's, indeed, where we're going with this.
So if I want to select someone else, I could do hmm--
maybe SELECT just the NAME from registrants
where dorm equals "Mathews."
If I only care about knowing who registered,
I could do that and whittle it down to even less data.
So already, in just these few commands, I
can express so much more functionality than you could with a CSV.
To do this and CSV, you would have had to write all
of these lines of Python code yourself.
What if Brian moved?
So Brian really didn't like the Union dorm,
so we're going to go ahead and UPDATE registrants
and SET dorm equal to-- where do want to move to?
BRIAN: Canaday.
I could do this a few ways.
What's your instinct?
How could I identify Brian and only Brian so--
I don't want to move to Canaday.
How do we move just Brian?
Maybe we could WHERE name equals quote unquote "Brian" and Enter.
I like this, but someone find fault with this if you could.
AUDIENCE: Two Brians.
DAVID J. MALAN: If there are two Brians, we're moving both of them
are all three of them.
So maybe better, honestly, would be to say, mm,
let's just say where the ID equals 1.
Now, of course, I need to know Brian's Harvard ID number or whatnot.
But this is going to be more precise.
Because the supposition here is that the leftmost column or ID
field, by human convention, should be unique so that it uniquely identifies
the room so we can have as many Brians as we want,
but we're not going to confuse them.
If I go ahead and hit Enter now, nothing seems to happen.
But if I select star from registrants again, and hit Enter, notice now,
Brian has indeed been moved to Canaday.
So there are so many other things.
Brian, you know what?
You're not very good at sports the team concluded.
So delete from registrants WHERE ID equals 1.
And now if we select star from registrants, we have just me left.
But Brian is gone as well.
So we have the ability to INSERT, to SELECT, to UPDATE, and DELETE,
and CREATE, all the while filtering.
And we've only just scratched the surface here of what's possible.
Because it turns out, we can store so much data in these databases.
All of our students, all of our faculty--
if you're a company, you can start to store
all of the products in your database, all of the orders,
all of your customers.
But as soon as you start going down that road, well, gee, what's a customer?
Customers have names and ID numbers and maybe email addresses
and postal addresses.
Those are going to get messy-- phone numbers,
which are kind of like integers, but not quite.
So there are so many questions we still need to answer.
But feels like it's time for some fruit and some muffins.
So why don't we go ahead and take a five-minute break, turn on some music.
If parents need to depart, that's fine.
And we'll see you back here in five or so minutes.
All right.
So we're back.
And where we left off was exactly here using
SQLite3, which is the version 3 of the SQLite command, which
is just a text-based interface to the technology
that we should think of as SQLite.
SQLite is interesting and it's lightweight in the sense
that it's not a server, it's not fancy software that you have to run.
It literally stores all of your data in a file, but that, by convention,
ends in .db or maybe even .sqlite.
But it's just a binary file, 0s and 1s.
It's not text that you can open with Excel or something like that.
So it's not a CSV.
So it's stored on file.
This means that you don't need particular experience
with setting up a database server.
You don't need memory and software to actually run on the computer.
You can store everything locally, but you do pay a price.
Because recall from our past discussions, disks are slow.
And if you're storing your data on the disk,
it's not going to be nearly as fast as storing it only in RAM.
And that's why these other technologies like Postgres and MySQL,
and Microsoft Access, and SQL Server, and Oracle exist.
Those are fancier products where someone literally does double-click an icon
or run a command that runs a program that
stays running in the computer's memory and gives you even better performance.
But for our purposes, pedagogically SQLite is handy.
But we're still going to ask the questions about data types
because SQLite does support fancier data types like those in Postgres
and SQL Server, MySQL, and Oracle, and those are the lower-case ones
we introduced a bit ago.
But honestly, this is going to get tedious quickly.
Even I rarely remember exactly the right syntax when creating tables,
the order in which everything has to go.
So I tend to use a Graphical User Interface, or GUI myself.
And there are lots of tools out there.
But we've built one that's free and open source the CS50
IDE that just makes it a little easier to edit your SQL tables.
So I'm going to go ahead and Exit out of SQLite.
And I'm going to go ahead over here.
And you'll notice that we have all of the files
from today including, most recently, froshims.db.
That is the file I created with SQLite3.
But if you double-click it when using CS50 IDE,
it's actually going to open a program that's called phpLiteAdmin.
It happens to be written in another language called PHP,
has nothing to do with databases, just the name of the product here.
But it's a tool that, using pretty simple HTML tables,
just gives us a graphical user interface over the exact same functionality.
And personally, I just find this easier to use.
And pedagogically, it's going to be better
because it's going to show us the available data types for our table.
So for instance, notice here-- there's a lot going on the screen.
But a lot of this is just uninteresting details.
But notice here, I see a table called registrants.
And then I can browse it.
I can see its structure.
I can execute manual SQL by typing it in.
I can search it, insert.
I can do bunches of things to it.
And that's why this graphical user interface is just convenient.
Let me go ahead and click on registrants.
And by default, you'll see these tabs now, Browse, Structure, SQL, and then
a bunch of others.
And notice over here.
You'll see the one row and the one registrant who actually remains.
Because when we last left off, we removed Brian forcibly from the team.
So suppose I want to go ahead and add more rows just
for the sake of discussion.
I can just do it manually here.
I can go in here and I can say, let's say the third player
is going to be Veronica.
I think she was also in Matthews so I can just type that in here.
And I can just go ahead and click Insert.
But what's nice about phpLiteAdmin is that it will not only
insert the rows for you, it will show you
the SQLite code with which you could have done it yourself.
So it's a nice visual reinforcement of that exact same command.
And you'll notice they use double quotes instead of my single quotes before.
They're sometimes interchangeable, but not always.
So it's a wonderful way of just learning how you can actually
do this with the right SQL code so you're not oversimplifying it
with the GUI.
But you know what?
Let's do this.
I'm going to go ahead and start over because I
want to make some better decisions.
I'm going to go ahead and, literally, right-click or Control-click
this, delete froshims.db.
And let's actually start this from scratch.
Now previously when I did this, I could have,
in my Terminal window, gone ahead and done SQLite3 and then, what was it?
Froshims.db and created the file.
For now, I'm going to actually just go ahead and touch
a file called that name, which is a simple command that
just literally creates it, but puts nothing in it,
just so I have an empty file.
And you'll see that it just popped up again
on the left-hand side, which is handy.
And now I can double-click this version of it, which has nothing in it yet.
And I'm back to phpLiteAdmin.
But notice no table in database.
So let's start to ask some of the harder questions
as to actually how to create data in a database.
So let me go ahead and go to this field here-- create
new table on database froshims.
I'll go ahead and call it registrants again.
But how many fields?
So let's go with ID, name, and dorm, what else?
Email I heard earlier.
Age I heard earlier.
AUDIENCE: Sports you want to be in.
So sports you want-- excuse me--
sports you want to be in.
OK. six fields, six fields, let's go with that.
So it's, actually, you know what?
Seven fields.
I want phone numbers too this time.
So let me go ahead and click Go.
And now you'll see just a GUI way of prompting you for all the answers
to the same questions as before.
And maybe this is clearer.
Maybe it's not.
But just no alternative to the memorizing
exactly what the commands need to be.
So top to bottom, here are all of the fields I need to decide on.
Ironically, the fields is just a synonym for columns.
And yet my columns are currently laid out in rows,
but that's just a UI issue.
So let me go ahead and decide.
By convention, my first field is almost always ID or probably should be.
And we'll see why this is powerful and just a little bit.
The data type for that, by convention, should be integer,
unless you've got a lot of data like a Facebook,
and then big int might make more sense.
But notice this Dropdown actually gives us
a nice menu of options just as before.
And you'll see in gray text, the category,
or in fancy terms, the affinity of these various types in SQLite
and in lower case black words here, you'll
see the actual data type supported by big popular databases like Postgres
that you might want to use for your final projects.
In fact, we're introducing these with eye
toward your using these for final projects in the cloud, not in CS50 IDE,
but actually getting your own domain name
and putting your website, if you do a web app, out there.
So here, we have all of my available types.
And under Integer, I'm going to go ahead and literally choose Integer for my ID.
All right.
Next, go ahead and Zoom Out.
Let me go ahead and choose a student's name.
Before did we do did we decide on char or varchar?
AUDIENCE: varchar.
DAVID J. MALAN: OK, varchar, and what size?
So the user interface here just allows me to type it in.
So the syntax is a little different because it's a GUI, but 255.
But you know what?
The last field was dorm.
That too, I think we said varchar.
So let me choose that.
And 255, though, this one's a little more debatable.
I'm not sure what the right number is, so in the absence of clarity,
I'm just going to standardize on some same value without being too wasteful.
But notice there are a few questions here that we haven't come to.
But our perfect segue earlier hinted at this.
It turns out, you need to make a few other decisions
when designing a database.
If you know in advance that one of your fields
is the primary piece of data to uniquely identify users,
that's what's going to be called a primary key--
the column or fields that, guaranteed, is going to identify users uniquely.
So if you've got two Brians, each of them is going to have its own ID.
That therefore, is your primary key, not the name field Brian.
So I'm going to tell the database, this is the primary key.
And it's going to help me keep track of that uniqueness.
Moreover, this is a fancy feature.
Before, I was manually and very arbitrarily
saying Brian will be number 1, I'll be number 2, Veronica will be number 3.
That's tedious.
Like, computer should be able to solve that problem for me.
I don't want to think about who is idea number what.
You can auto-increment the field.
So if I actually check this box, SQL for me
will just plus-plus, plus-plus the idea field every time
I insert a new name and a new dorm.
I don't have to even bother specifying an ID anymore.
Now there's another column here, not null,
where you can specify this column should never be null.
And this is important because, if you're building a website that has important
data that you must have from the users-- like,
your app won't work without the user's username or their password
or their email address--
you can say not null.
And your database will ensure that you can't even
insert a row into this database unless you give it a value for that field.
So it helps you protect you against yourself.
Because you could certainly implement that
logically in Python or any language.
But the database is a final gauntlet as well.
A default value doesn't really make sense here.
But for certain types of fields, you can say, database,
insert the current time or the current date for me?
Now, why might you want that?
Why date and time by default?
Why might that be useful?
AUDIENCE: When the account was created?
DAVID J. MALAN: When the account was created, when they bought
a foo, when they shipped a bar-- any number of reasons.
You might just want to know, what is the time right now?
But you don't have to write code for that.
The database can answer those questions for you.
So just so much more functionality than we got, of course, with CSVs alone.
So name, should it be a primary key?
Otherwise, we couldn't have two Brians.
And generally, your primary key will be one field, though,
theoretically you could make joint columns if you wanted.
But generally, it'll be a single one.
Should we auto-increment Brian-- so it's, like, well--
Brian28, or Brian2, Brian3, and so forth?
Doesn't really make sense.
Not null?
I want all of the freshmen's names so that we
know who is signing up for sports.
And dorm?
Yeah, not null.
But oh, corner case--
can anyone think of a corner case where dorm maybe
should kind of sort of be null?
AUDIENCE: They're off-campus.
DAVID J. MALAN: They commute, they're off-campus--
it's not many students.
But if you have 1%, 5% of students living off-campus,
this is a design question now.
And all of us have probably visited some website
where you just can't fill out the form in the right way
because you don't fit their mold or their expectations.
And that's just because of a poor design decision.
So let's allow it to be null just in case.
Now what else?
We said a phone number was when I proposed.
Gosh, there's no phone number type.
So what do you want to go with?
DAVID J. MALAN: I'm sorry?
DAVID J. MALAN: Varchar.
So we can pick varchar and maybe use 10 or so for 10 digits in the US,
at least, though, maybe, like, 12 with the dashes, or 13 with the parentheses,
DAVID J. MALAN: What's that?
DAVID J. MALAN: I hear murmuring.
AUDIENCE: A small int.
DAVID J. MALAN: A small int and just treated
as a number, maybe that could work too.
Another alternative?
Anything else?
DAVID J. MALAN: Precision-- so a specific number.
AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE] make sure you have the correct number.
So not a bad instinct.
But it turns out with the numeric data type, where you specify scale
as it's called-- the total number of digits in precision--
that's generally meant for floating point values-- so
real numbers with decimal points.
Because even though you're specifying a max limit,
you don't require that many digits.
It's just a max.
AUDIENCE: I would think that giving it--
doing some sort of chars would be a bad design because then you
can enter nonnumerical values.
We can kind of find fault, I think, both of these ideas, though both of them
are reasonable.
If you allow for char or varchar, I could
type in like foo or bar or baz and not a number.
So maybe we should go with int.
But can someone think of a counter-example to why
you shouldn't use integer?
AUDIENCE: It's got a variable length to it, doesn't it?
So you'd get whatever number--
DAVID J. MALAN: Variable length.
But if we actually do the math, maybe 65,
maybe-- there are enough bytes there.
We could use a big int, and that gives us a really long phone number.
So there's probably a reasonable max.
AUDIENCE: Let's say [INAUDIBLE] in between [INAUDIBLE] integer.
DAVID J. MALAN: Hyphens and parentheses.
We have to decide, do we want to support those?
And honestly, all of us are perhaps a little US-centric right now, most of us
But when you make a local call in some zones, like, you type 0 first.
And some human might type 0 as their number.
But what's going to happen if you type 0 into an integer field?
AUDIENCE: You're going to ignore it.
DAVID J. MALAN: You're going to ignore it.
So now there's that corner case.
So dammit.
Like, there's no way to solve this problem it would seem.
So what's best?
We have to make a compromise and just accept
that we have to solve this with code.
AUDIENCE: Varchar.
DAVID J. MALAN: Varchar?
All right.
So varchars or char.
All right.
So maybe let's simplify the problem.
No one from outside the US can take freshman intramural sports.
That simplifies the world.
Because if we only support US phone numbers, now we can say 10 digits.
And if we say, you know what?
I don't care about the hyphens or the parentheses.
I can use code, JavaScript or Python, to throw away the syntax.
And I can just store 10 digits.
Maybe char 10 is sufficient--
3 for the area code, then the rest of the number, the all seven digits
But you could find fault with this too.
And we're really alienating that international population on campus.
But again, these are just non-obvious design decisions.
And so here we are, at the end of the semester.
We don't always have good answers.
And reasonable people will disagree.
But let me simplify our assumptions and just do US numbers, 10 digits,
and trust that I will use code in Python or some other language
to throw away the syntax, the punctuation and whatnot
of parentheses and hyphens.
And I'll make sure the human hasn't typed in any letters of the alphabet.
I can do that in code.
And you know we can do that even in JavaScript when a human submits a form.
We'll leave for the end, sports, what was it sports--
AUDIENCE: Sports they want to do.
DAVID J. MALAN: Sports they might want to do.
So this is a good example of, you shouldn't really have spaces
in your field name, so the convention would be sports_they_ really or might
or let's just call it sports in this case.
We'll come back to that.
I think there were two other ideas we had.
Phone number.
Email is a good one.
What should that one be?
There's no email type, unfortunately, even though there
is an HTML, an input type for email.
AUDIENCE: Varchar.
DAVID J. MALAN: What's that?
AUDIENCE: Varchar.
DAVID J. MALAN: Yeah, I feel like we probably need a varchar here.
But here, a little non-obvious, what is the longest email address in the world?
Maybe it's Nick's?
So I don't know.
But let's pick a reasonable upper bound that we can maybe
be comfortable with as a group.
And let's see-- anything else here?
And was there one more field?
AUDIENCE: Graduation year.
DAVID J. MALAN: Oh, grad-- oh, age.
Let's go with age.
So age-- finally, something simple.
What you want this to be?
AUDIENCE: Small int.
DAVID J. MALAN: Small int, right.
We will not support people older than 65,535 years old.
Someone want to find fault with this idea though?
I would argue, there's no one right answer to any of these.
AUDIENCE: You need month.
oh, it depends.
Do we want month?
We might need [INAUDIBLE].
AUDIENCE: --then you need the date, the year.
DAVID J. MALAN: So you're assuming we want birth date.
I think I've called it age.
So maybe that's the problem.
Like, if it's age, small int's fine.
Like, you can be 0 years old or 65,000 years old.
We have a good range.
AUDIENCE: All about the age, date of birth.
DAVID J. MALAN: If it's age, I think we're OK.
But I think you allude to a good point, which is, why would we maybe want
to store birth date and not age?
The damn thing's always changing, otherwise, right?
Like, I'm going to have to update my database tomorrow and then
the next day, let alone every hour or every minute just
because my users' ages are changing.
Like, that seems silly.
Let me, instead, fix a value--
so do something like birth date.
Birth date-- maybe specify not an int.
But let's actually use the date field.
We could store time if we really care what time they
were born on a certain day.
But here, I can say date is going to be a little better because, now I
know in Python, JavaScript, even C, I can do a little bit of math.
And if I know they were born on such and such a day and month and year,
well, I'll just subtract that from the current day, month, and year
and figure out how many days or years old they are-- so a better design
decision there perhaps.
But we do have to standardize the format.
We can't just allow people from the US and Europe and Asia
to all kind of choose their own formats.
SQL standardizes this-- year, year, year, year dash
month, month dash day, day.
And that's the value of having these data types again.
All right.
So how about sports-- the last one?
AUDIENCE: Varchar.
DAVID J. MALAN: Varchar, all right.
What's the longest number of words in the sport?
AUDIENCE: I didn't say might want to do, so I could get up there,
but 255 probably makes the most sense.
DAVID J. MALAN: Maybe unless they're very athletic.
Here too I don't know.
But just for the sake of opening up possibilities,
when you think the human might be a little expository
and actually write a paragraph of all the sports they're
involved in or whatnot or even bigger than a paragraph, text is even bigger.
Sports, this probably isn't compelling.
And I'll change it back to varchar.
But if someone is typing in their college essay
into the Common Application, or if you're
asking people to paste their resumes, or the like, you might want to use text.
Because I have no idea how many words someone's going to have.
Text allows you to store even more data.
But it stores it a little differently.
It tends to store it not in the column, but using pointers.
If you recall from a few weeks back, it uses the equivalent
of that to store it over there, which takes a little more time to get to.
So again, there's just a trade-off here.
So we could do varchar 255--
makes me a little nervous.
So I'm going to go with another common value.
1024, it's a power of 2, but there's no one right answer here.
But these are the non-obvious design decisions we have to make.
If I didn't make any mistakes here, I'm going
to go ahead and click Create, and whoo--
table has been created.
You can even see now all of the data that's been created there.
And voila, if I go back to froshims, and I go back to the registrants table,
not only can I browse it-- there's nothing in there yet.
I can look at the structure and actually see all of those same values
and edit some of them like renaming.
But you can't completely mutilate it.
You might have to start over if you make too many changes.
All right.
Any questions then about this?
AUDIENCE: Why do you use 1024 instead of 1023?
DAVID J. MALAN: Oh, why do I use 1024 instead of 1023.
Typically, when you choose a ma-- oh, convention.
I can't justify this.
255 was the max because I think one of the bites was reserved for some value,
But that's not really the case.
That bound has been lifted, and no good reason.
AUDIENCE: You could have used 255.
DAVID J. MALAN: Nowadays, yes.
Years ago, 255 was an actual limit.
And so it got adopted.
Now, I don't know.
I just pick powers of 2 often.
And then at my next go-to would be 2048, 4096, and so forth, just because.
AUDIENCE: What's the difference between varchar and char?
DAVID J. MALAN: Varchar--
What's the difference between varchar and char?
Char uses a fixed number of bytes no matter how many of them you are using,
the advantage of which is your columns, conceptually,
are perfectly straight on both the left edge and the right edge, which
means you have random access because every cell is some fixed
number of bytes from the rest.
Varchar user a ragged array, as it's called,
where one side, the right-hand side is shorter or longer in different cells.
So there's only a maximum length on each of those cells.
But searching it can be slower as a result
because you can't just jump to cell to cell.
You have to follow the lengths of those things.
That's the trade-off.
AUDIENCE: If you [INAUDIBLE] education, how do you add it?
DAVID J. MALAN: Oh, if I wanted to add an education field now and modify
the table--
if you realize too late, oh, darn, like, I need to actually add something
to this, in the GUI tool, we can add 1 fields to the end of the table,
So let's do that.
Let me go ahead and click Go.
I'll be prompted with a similar form, but smaller.
I can go ahead and type in something like education.
Let me propose this is varchar, maybe 255,
though we could have that debate too.
I'm going to go ahead and say add fields.
And now notice that the table has been altered successfully.
It actually, for whatever reason, it's not showing me
the code for that particular command.
But there is literally an ALTER command in SQL
that would allow you to change it.
And if I go back to the structure now, you'll
see that I have another column called education shown ironically
here as a row.
AUDIENCE: Does the order of the columns matter?
DAVID J. MALAN: Good question.
Does the order of the columns matter?
Fundamentally, no.
By convention, you would typically put the ID first.
And then I, personally, by design, put the most important fields
next like name feels like the right choice,
maybe email feels like the right choice, though, I clearly thought
of it a little too late this time.
It's not easy in SQLite to reorder things, but in other databases you can.
So there, it's more of a human convention.
AUDIENCE: Is it convention to have one single primary key,
or can you have multiple?
DAVID J. MALAN: Good question.
Is it a convention to have one single primary key, or can you have multiple?
By definition, you can only have one.
But that primary key can span multiple columns.
So we haven't seen a use case for this yet.
But there are scenarios in which you would want to say,
I want to guarantee that these two columns together are unique,
but not each individual one unique.
But we won't encounter that just yet.
Other questions, yeah?
AUDIENCE: What if you had added education
after you had started the database, and that was a not null field?
DAVID J. MALAN: Really good question.
What if you had added education after you already had real data in there,
but you specified not null, which is problematic.
Because what is the educational backgrounds of the previous people?
Typically, what the database would do is either reject it,
or it would just put the "empty string," quote unquote.
So it's not technically null, but there's nothing actually there.
It's just a string of length 0.
Really good question.
All right.
So what can we now do that's a little more powerful about this?
Well, let me go ahead and quickly insert some data here.
I'm going to keep most of it blank.
But you know what?
I'm not even going to bother with ID.
Brian you're back on the team.
Let's go ahead and insert Brian.
Let's go ahead now into registrants again.
Let's go ahead and add Veronica again.
So I'm just inserting a few rows manually.
And again, notice it's executing all of this for me
without me having to bother typing it out.
But I absolutely could.
In fact, just for good measure, let's do one manually.
If I click the SQL tab, notice that I get a default suggestion here.
That is the syntax with which you can select everything.
Or I can just type INSERT into registrants.
But now, if I only want to insert a name,
I don't have to do all of the columns.
I can just say go ahead and insert here, Erin, for instance,
semicolon, zoom out and click Go.
That seemed to work.
If I go back to browse now, Erin is in there as well.
But you'll see the difference.
The query that's being generated automatically by the GUI
was lazily just inserting quote unquote, the so-called empty string of length 0.
I, by omitting even mention of those columns,
was deliberately inserting null.
So frankly, my database is getting a little messy here.
So you generally don't use phpLiteAdmin or a GUI to insert data.
You might use it to conveniently create your tables
and get your application ready.
But then you're going to write code ultimately.
And that's the direction we're going.
And I'm going to go ahead and insert one more person.
Oh, I forgot I'm not on the team at all because we started over.
So let me put myself back on the team, David.
And let me go ahead and click INSERT, go back to registrants,
and now you'll see there are four of us.
My ID changed because they've been inserted in different orders.
But notice all of the auto incrementing has been happening magically for me.
And that's useful because I don't have to even think about it.
And who cares what my ID is.
I just need to have, in many cases, in a database, a unique ID.
So now let's actually write a little bit of code, right?
Thus far we haven't done anything useful.
We've shown you this black and white window in which you
can select in certain update data.
But that doesn't really solve any problems we know about yet.
We have this graphical web-based interface
via which you can create tables and add data, but who cares?
We're trying to solve actual problems.
And the problems of late have been to build
software that would solve any number of human problems
like serving users and showing the results
or finding similarities in documents.
So suppose the problem at hand now is to actually build
something like the froshims website and let students register and then see
who is registered.
Well, back in my day, I fairly lazily, for lack of technical know-how,
just emailed the registrations to the proctor or the RA who was
managing the intramural sports program.
But I-- they later started putting it in CSV files.
Suppose now, version 3, 20 years later, I want to store in an actual database.
How can I actually do that and then see the results?
Well, let me go into the IDE again and open up,
for instance, a New File that I'll go ahead and call lecture.py.
And suppose I just want to write a simple Python program via which
to select data from a database.
So it turns out I can do a few things here.
First of all, let me go ahead and do, let's say, from CS50,
I previously have done things like import get_string and get_int
and so forth.
It turns out that the CS50 library for Python also supports SQL.
And it's going to give us a function called
EXECUTE that will let you execute any SQL command, but in Python code.
So instead of pulling up SQLite3 via my own hands
or going to a graphical user interface phpLiteAdmin,
I can write code that talks directly to froshims.db,
and eliminate all of those tools altogether, and just now write code.
So how do I do this?
I'm going to declare a variable called db for Database.
So I could call it anything I want.
And I'm going to go ahead and call this SQL function.
And I'm going to pass in a somewhat funky looking string as an argument,
but it's a standard convention, to say what
database technology do you want to use?
Then you do colon, slash, slash, slash-- so it's three slashes, not
the usual two in a URL.
And I'm going to specify froshims.db.
This now will give me a Python variable called
database that is kind of like a portal, if you will, into that database
file that I can send SELECTs, and INSERTs, and DELETEs, and UPDATEs to.
How do I do this?
Well, if at the end of the day, I want to execute
the equivalent of SELECT star from registrants, how do I do that?
Well, I'm just in a text editor, right?
This is CS50 IDE.
I'm just typing text.
Moreover, I'm typing text in a Python file, and this is not Python.
And indeed, the IDE has this little red x saying, mm-mm, can't do this.
But I could pass SQL code as an input to a Python function
and let that function talk to the database.
And indeed, that's what we're going to get here from CS50's library.
I'm going to go ahead and do this.
You know what?
Access the database and EXECUTE the following SQL code,
quote unquote, "that" close parentheses.
Now, what is select return by convention?
What should it return?
Well, in SQLite3, we just saw a pretty text-based table
with lines and slashes that looked like a table, but was just text.
phpLiteAdmin, we actually saw HTML tables when I browsed the database.
And I proposed verbally, a bit ago that, you know what?
If I were to get back all of this data in code, what data type
would I like it to me as?
I want rows from a table.
Show me all the students who've registered.
What data structure in Python seems apt?
DAVID J. MALAN: Yeah, just a list, right?
A list that's ordered from first row to last row.
So we'll call that a list or an array, back in the day of C. So you know what?
I'm going to assume that's correct.
And if I read the documentation, I would see that it's correct.
CS50's EXECUTE function, if you select, returns to you a list of rows.
It might have 0 rows if there are no matches.
But it might have 1,000 rows if there are lots of matches.
I'm going to store those results, wherever they are, in my rows array.
Now, suppose I want to print out who has registered in my database
from whatever froshims website exists.
I'm assuming students have registered on the web.
Now I'm just the proctor or the RA who's actually now
trying to manipulate the data and do something with it.
So what can I do?
Well, for row in rows, what do I want to do?
Let me go ahead and just print out that so-and-so registered.
So so-and-so registered.
Well, how do I plug in so-and-so?
Well, there are a few ways to do this.
And let's see.
First of all, I could use my placeholder syntax for print.
And then, I want to print out the row.
But what do I want from that row?
What columns are in any row in this database?
DAVID J. MALAN: ID and name and dorm and phone and sports.
Well, it turns out, those are going to be handed to you as Python dictionaries
or dict structures.
So I can just say row quote unquote, 'name' here.
And I'll use single quotes just to make more clear what's going on here.
And then I need to make one fix.
How do I--
DAVID J. MALAN: --F for Format string.
So it looks a little cryptic.
But this is just Python stuff now.
The only thing that's new is SQL.
But if we stipulate that SQL, when using this execute function
is just going to hand you all a list of rows, each of which
is a dictionary so that you can get at this column or this column--
ID, or name, or dorm--
this would seem to be now a nice convergence of this week--
now, with the past couple of weeks.
So let me go ahead and save this.
Let me go ahead and View my Console, so I have a Terminal window.
And let me go ahead and run Python of lecture.py.
And in just a moment, if I cross my fingers,
I should hopefully see who has registered.
I've seen who's registered.
Now there's one line of output that I didn't expect, which is just this one.
This is the library just being pedagogically helpful.
It's showing me every command that I sent to the database.
But you'll see that so-and-so has registered.
So this is kind of interesting.
It's kind of a stupid program, right?
Because most proctors aren't going to be hacking
froshims by using a terminal window and running Python scripts.
They're probably going to want to do this by a web page
and actually see who is registered.
But if we have the ability in Python code to do this, like,
iteration, what could I do instead of just printing to the screen?
What could I print out per last week and per the past problems set?
I could print out HTML, right?
Like, each of the students who register, kind of
feels like an opportunity for an unordered list
or an ordered list or a table or whatever.
You can now generate HTML.
So let me do this.
Let me actually go into an example I've made in advance.
What if I went ahead and opened up layout.html.
Here is a simple layout for a web application using Flask.
For those unfamiliar, this is mostly HTML
plus a technology called Jinja, which is a web-based technology for generating
websites dynamically.
The body of this page is clearly what's of interest.
And you know what?
I bet I could do some logic right in there.
So let me go ahead and do this.
Let me go ahead and Create, let's say, a New File.
Let's call this application.py.
I'm going to go ahead and, just for time's sake,
do a little bit of copy-paste to save myself some keystrokes.
So here's a very simple web app.
And this is going to be my to-do.
So if I go in here to templates, let me open up index.html--
and let me go head into here.
So long story short--
here's where we're going with this.
What if I instead generate an unordered list using code from last week,
but I use my for loop here inside of my web app
instead of actually just with a simple lecture.py file.
Well, recall that I could do something like this.
I can have a Jinja loop.
So I could say something like for row in rows.
And then, down here, I can preemptively say something
like andfor, which is our weird syntax from last week.
And then, in here, I can just do a list item.
And then, if I want to show who registered, what do I type here?
Something in between these curly braces if each row represents a registrant?
DAVID J. MALAN: Row name registered.
I can just do something like this.
So same idea, I'm just wrapping it with a little bit of HTML.
Now let me go to my application.py file because I'm
going to have to fill in some blanks.
And let me see, how can I do this?
Well, ultimately, I want to return the result of rendering
a template called index.html.
For families unfamiliar, this is just a line of code
that says go show that file to the user.
But I don't want to just show them the file as-is.
But let's at least get this set up.
I'm worried that it might not work yet because I need to get the actual data.
So how can I get all of the rows for my registrants?
Well, I can do rows gets db.execute.
And I can go ahead and select star from registrants and store that in there.
This file is called froshims.db that I created earlier.
And everything else is just Flask stuff from last week.
Nothing else is new.
The only thing that's new is this line here,
this line here, and now this line here where
I'm using SQL inside of a Python call by passing
it is an argument to a function called EXECUTE.
How do I pass the rows to index.html?
DAVID J. MALAN: Yeah, like rows equals rows is the convention we've adopted.
You call it anything you want, x equals y,
but this is a little more straightforward.
So this is saying, hey, database, get me all of the rows from my registrants,
and then render the template index.html, and pass in these rows.
And now, if I hold my breath and run flask run, no syntax errors.
If I go ahead and visit this here and open--
dammit-- the tab, I see an internal server error.
So teachable moment, families.
Let's go back into that browser window here and see what happened.
Template syntax error-- so pretty stupid mistake.
It looks like I expected a square bracket instead of a curly brace.
That's fixable.
Let me go into index.html.
And oh, I didn't finish my thought.
So that's some of the frustrations of programming for those
who are seeing this for the first time.
Let me save that.
Let me go back to the browser here, and we'll just reload.
And oh my god, voila, now I have a web page
via which you can see who has registered.
But you know what?
We can make this more powerful.
Recall that we've been playing with HTTP for some time.
And if this is the URL I'm accessing, recall
that we played around with reimplementing search functionality.
Well, what if I want to support search such that I can just visit q
equals and then search for people named, say, Brian
and see how many Brians are registered.
Could we add support for something like this?
Well, maybe.
Let me go back into the IDE, into application.py.
And let me go ahead and say something like this.
q equals request.args get q to see if anything is actually there.
And then let me go ahead and do this.
SELECT star FROM registrants WHERE--
let me see-- q where what?
NAME equals q.
But I need a placeholder.
So maybe I should do this.
And as soon as I do this, I need a what?
F for a format string.
So I could just create, on the fly, a SQL command
that plugs in the value of q between those curly
braces to express the logic of select all
of the registrants whose names equal Brian or Veronica
or whoever's name I typed in.
Let me go back to the browser here.
Let me go over and do something like this now.
Question mark q equals Brian-- cross my fingers as before.
And what did I do wrong here?
What did I do wrong here?
This is subtle.
And we're seeing it for the first time.
It thinks there's a column called Brian.
But why would it think that?
Well, what I've effectively done is sent in this.
Brian is not a keyword in SQL.
And because it's an actual string that I'm comparing against,
what I really need to be doing is this.
Otherwise, SQLite is going to think it's like the name of a column or something
I pre-created so we have to fix this.
But that's OK.
I can put the quotes there.
But I should probably put the q there in quotes.
Let's save this, go back to the browser, reload.
And there we go.
Now we have functionality for Brian.
And so with this basic building block, what have we done?
Well, in SQL, we have several commands at our disposal--
creating a table, which frankly gets tedious by typing it out.
I myself tend to use and recommend phpLiteAdmin just to create your table
and get it going.
But then you can certainly manually, with SQLite3 or phpLiteAdmin INSERT,
or UPDATE, or DELETE, or SELECT information
once it's actually in the database.
And that's pretty powerful.
But once you do that, you can now use that same new syntax, that new language
SQL, passing it in as an input with a "string" to our EXECUTE function,
and now start pulling any data you want from your database.
Last week, with CSV files, if you wanted to do this,
you'd have to open the CSV file, use a for loop to iterate over it,
look over every column and row for your data, then pass it in.
And that's fine.
That's correct.
That's not bad.
But it's tedious.
And you're reinventing the wheel again and again.
And there's no filtration built in as there is to SQL itself.
So you now have a more sophisticated tool
in your toolkit so to speak with which to solve that same kind of problem.
Any questions then on this technique?
All right.
Well, let's look at a bigger database and see where we can go with this?
So if you go on the course's website, you'll
see a larger database that's actually available in multiple formats, SQLite,
which we'll see in a moment, but also Google Spreadsheets.
Because frankly, it's a lot more pleasant to look
at your rows and columns in a GUI than it is, necessarily,
with the file itself.
So this happens to be a free and open source sample database.
Like, some guy, years ago, took his actual iTunes database--
all the music he'd ever bought, he wrote a program
to like analyze Apple's file format in iTunes
and extract all of the data that seemed to be stored about him,
I think was the story, and just made it publicly available as a sample
database for students and teachers to just use to manipulate data.
But what's interesting is that this database
demonstrates some other principles that we really haven't touched on.
For instance, if I were to store, again and again,
all of these students who are registering for froshims,
what do you start to see in certain fields?
Well, I was a little lazy, and I didn't bother typing in everyone's dorm.
But suppose that hundreds of students have registered for froshims.
A lot of them are going to be from Matthews, some from Pennypacker,
some from Candaday, some from Weld, and bunches of other buildings on campus.
It starts to get a little ridiculous when
you see Matthews, Matthews, Matthews, Matthews,
Matthews-- like, 100 or more times.
If there are 1,600 freshmen, there are a lot of kids in Matthews.
That's a lot of bytes to store M-A-T-T-H-E-W--
I don't know.
It's not important.
Doesn't matter how it's spelled.
That's a lot of bytes to actually store in your database again and again
and again.
It feels like there should be an opportunity
to factor out the commonalities.
And what humans do with databases is, once they recognize a recurring
pattern of data, same darn strings again and again and again, you know what?
Rather than use-- now it matters--
M-A-T-T-H-E-W-S-- which is 8 bytes.
Or P-E-N-N-Y-P-A-C-K-E-R, which is 11, then we have a lot of bytes being used
again and again and again to store all of these dorms.
You know what?
What's better than 11 bytes or 8 bytes?
Let's just use an int, or let's even use a small int--
2 bytes or 4 bytes to represent dorms.
So instead of storing Matthews, let's just store the number 10.
And instead of Penny Packer, lets just store the number 11, thereby,
using some bytes, but fewer and, therefore,
saving bytes in the long run.
And so with this database demonstrates is exactly that principle.
Certainly, when it comes to music, where artists have multiple albums
and artists have multiple songs, it's probably
a little silly in a musical database to store the name of the album
again and again and again and again for all 10 or 12
or 20 tracks or songs on that particular album.
So what this person did was this.
Notice here, we have a whole bunch of sheets.
Or in database-speak, these would be tables.
And notice that these tables have columns.
And notice that these columns are album ID,
in the album table, album ID and title.
But notice what he did very cleverly with this field, artist ID.
Artists or singers have lots of songs to their name, eventually.
And so he's assigned each of them unique value,
or Apple did, in iTunes underneath the hood.
So how do I know what this artist's name is?
How would you figure this out?
It's not that interesting to us humans do know, ooh, artist ID number 2.
This is just-- what's that?
AUDIENCE: You need another table with artists.
We need another table with artists, which is right over here.
So let me go ahead and look there.
So if I want to see-- let's see, "Let there be rock," artist number 1.
Let's go to the artists table.
And turns out, AC/DC, the band is who created that.
Now we've added a step here, which maybe is costing us a little bit of time.
But it's going to save a space in the long run if I'm not storing long
artist's names-- although, AC/DC isn't terribly long--
again and again and again.
Now, which is better?
Well, it's a trade-off.
Are you more comfortable wasting space and storing everything together?
Or do you prefer to save space and just spend a little more time
joining the data back together?
But it's going to be really annoying if, now,
if I want to make a website that shows me the names of the songs
that I have in a database and the artists for them,
let alone the albums, and more of that, the titles of the tracks, and so forth.
It feels like that's three queries, right?
Like SELECT the album, SELECT the artist, SELECT the titles--
but no.
With SQL, you can collapse that altogether.
Because notice, in this table here, artist,
there is a column called Artist ID that's numbers.
And notice, if you kind of picture this, it's
like finger tips here-- let's propose metaphorically--
represent the artist ID.
If I go into album now, notice that we have album ID and title,
but we also have artist ID.
And so if you imagine these two tables sharing this common column, what if we
kind of stitch them together like this, lining up one
on the left, the other on the right, thereby reconstructing
all of the information and duplicating it as
needed so that I get back just the album and the title and the artist.
Well, how can express that?
Well, let me go ahead into CS50 IDE where I have a copy of this file.
Let me close all of my tabs from earlier go into this file called lecture.db.
And in lecture.db, in phpLiteAdmin, we'll see all of those same tables.
And I literally just imported it into a SQLite.
You'll see all of these same tables.
We can browse album just as before.
And we just see a different format for the same data.
It's the same data from the Google Spreadsheet,
which is just more user-friendly.
And let me go ahead and do this.
I could, of course, SELECT star from album
Where our artist ID equals 1 to get back all of AC/DC's albums.
And indeed, here, I have two.
They have For those about to rock, We salute you, and Let there be rock.
They have two.
But notice, the rows I got back contain only what information?
Album ID title, and artist ID.
I just know, as a human, that oh, these are AC/DC's albums.
But what if I want to know, well, OK, I see that artist ID is 1.
So all right, well, let me open another tab here.
And now let me SELECT star from artist WHERE artist ID equals 1.
And so if I want to learn something about that artist-- let me go ahead
and Zoom Out, click Go, and OK-- now I get AC/DC.
Well, this is great.
Now I have to results, two sets of rows.
This is stupid.
Now I'm just creating work for myself by having two return values.
I could call db EXECUTE twice.
But there's a better way.
It turns out, SQL allows you to join tables just using SQL itself.
So I'm going to go ahead and do this.
I'm going to go ahead and SELECT star FROM album,
but also FROM artist WHERE Album.Artistid--
let me scroll to the right--
equals Artist.Artistid.
So notice I'm saying select everything from two tables,
but only do so where the album tables, artist ID
column has the same value as the artist tables artist ID column.
That's kind of the stitching, metaphorically, of my fingers
together, looking for that common column.
If I go ahead and click Go, wow, look at what I've just constructed.
It's a lot of information, but I have album ID and title,
I have artists ID still, but I have the name of that artist altogether.
So if you now let your mind wander back to the Python code,
oh, I could now get a whole bunch of rows containing
everything I care about all at once.
I don't need two select queries.
I can join these tables in this way.
And I use join very deliberately.
It turns out that there's another way to express this same thing.
Instead of using that comma syntax I did, you might see as well this,
Select star From Artist JOIN Album ON Artist.Artistid equals--
let me scroll over--
This is going to have the exact same effect,
but you might just find that it reads a little more intuitively to you.
Select everything from the result of joining these two tables.
How do you want to join them?
Well, join them on this equaling that--
just another way of expressing the same idea.
And if I click Go, I get back the same information.
So ultimately, with JOINs do we have the ability to reassemble data.
So on the one hand, it's just good practice to normalize your database.
Identify columns that have lots and lots and lots of redundancy, and only
store that information once.
For instance, CS50 Finance, if you're supporting
many different users, every time Malan or Brian or Veronica buys a stock,
feels like it would be a little silly to store Malan
or Brian or Veronica along with Netflix, the symbol, and the number of shares
one of us bought.
Because Malan, Malan, Malan, Malan is going
to appear all throughout the database.
And what if I change my username or my name or someone gets married
and, therefore, it changes?
Like, why do you create that messiness for yourself?
Instead, give Brian and Veronica and me and everyone else a unique ID.
And when they buy something, just store their user ID or customer ID
or however you want to think about it, just like with album ID and artist ID.
And so normalizing a database is all about finding those commonalities
and moving the data into its own table.
And if you care about rejoining it, just use
SQL to reconstruct that view of the data, so to speak.
So what else can we do here as well?
It turns out that there is in SQL, not just primary keys,
but there are unique constraints in some databases where you can specify,
this isn't my primary key, but I want it to be unique.
You can specify that something should be indexed.
So it turns out that, if you just know there's a field in your database
that you want to be able to search on very efficiently,
you can index it in advance.
And you'll see or be able to do this if you'd like for final projects
or even for the next problem set if you'd like.
But what this enables are queries like this.
If I want to go ahead and search for, for instance--
what would be a good example?
I'm interested in rock.
So if I want to go into My SQL tab here.
I could say something like this.
SELECT star FROM Album WHERE Name not equals,
but where name is LIKE and then I'm going to say 'Rock.'
But if I want any number of characters to come before that word,
I can use a percent sign.
And if any number of characters after, I can use a percent sign.
These are like wildcards.
In most languages, you would use star.
In SQL, you use percent signs.
But it means the same thing.
And if I go ahead and say go, now I get back--
oh, I get the got wrong lecture, album, oh, title I think is what I wanted.
Let me try that again, sorry--
WHERE Title LIKE 'Rock'--
let me go ahead and click Go.
And voila, here are all of the albums in the database that
have the word rock in them.
Now, as an aside, this table has a lot of more albums in it.
And frankly, it's small enough though.
It has hundreds of rows, maybe a few thousand rows.
None of us humans are really going to notice how slow linear search is.
But if you start having thousands of rows, tens of thousands
of rows, millions of rows, not having an index
means that searching for something like rock is going to start at the top
and search every darn field all the way to the bottom, big O of n.
If you instead tell the database, I know I'm
going to be searching on this column a lot, please index it for me,
here comes the secret sauce.
SQLite, Oracle, Microsoft Access, and so forth, they
will, using their own intellectual property,
build up some fancy data structures-- trees, or hash tables,
or whatever in memory, store the data for you invisibly in that format
so that, when you do ask for a question like, show me all the albums like rock,
they can answer you in much faster time than linear.
And that too is what you get with SQL that you don't get with CSVs.
CSVs are, by nature, only linear.
So we can do better.
But you, the programmer, have to help the database
and actually give it those hints, not just the types,
but also hints like this.
And as an aside, there's also the notion of foreign keys
where, if you really want to lock things down, you can specify that,
if you ever see in album ID in another table,
if it's a primary key in the album table,
by definition, in the other table, it's going to be called a foreign key.
Because it doesn't really belong there, but it's
referencing a column elsewhere.
So there's a lot more technology and vocabulary.
And you're welcome to dive in deeper.
And odds are, many of you will for final projects,
by nature of wanting certain features, among them, even
the ones we've seen like auto incrementing and not null.
As an aside too, SQL even has functions.
And for data scientists and statisticians
it's super useful to be able to just do math and summaries of data right
within SQL without ever writing Python code or R or anything else.
Built into a SQLite and other databases are
functions like this for average, counting things, getting
the min, max, sum, and so forth--
all of that you get for free with a lot of databases.
All it takes in the context of Python is a line like this.
But, but, but, but, but there are some problems.
And let's end by taking a look at two fundamental problems and threats that
are too often underappreciated.
And in fact, we have to fix a very serious vulnerability that I introduced
into my very own code earlier.
But first, the so-called race condition.
In survey-- or rather, let's see--
suppose that we think back at the very start of the semester, most of you
signed up for a GitHub account for the very first time.
And you went to github.com/signup.
For those unfamiliar, GitHub is a website
where you can save and store programming code that you've written
and want to collaborate with others on.
And you chose a username.
And let me go ahead and try choosing a username like, say, jharvard
for John Harvard.
Notice that the website immediately said the user name is taken.
All right, that's useful.
And you can probably guess how this is done-- maybe a little JavaScript,
using AJAX, talking to the server, getting the response,
changing the HTML or the CSS or whatever.
Might take some time to wire all that together.
But that's probably what's going on.
So let me try a really long random username that is not taken.
Hey, it's available.
But probably is not a good thing that I'm streaming this on the internet.
Because if I wait long enough, I bet someone could, for playful reasons,
just sign up for this, let alone anyone in this room.
But you've just told me it's available.
So good.
I'm really excited.
I've got my username.
Let me go ahead and type in my email address,
malan@harvard.edu, my password, 12345-- take a few moments there.
Verify my account and so forth.
And I click Submit.
Suppose that I'm told, momentarily, sorry, that username has been taken.
Could that happen?
Yeah, if any of you were trying to mess with me right now,
you would have signed up for that username and beaten me to the punch
so that when I hit Join, I get an error.
That's the definition of a race condition where two people or two users
or two computers or two threads--
if we really roll back to our discussion of threads in Scratch--
are trying to do the same thing at roughly the same time.
And if those two things, threads or humans,
check the state of a variable, which is a fancy way of saying
is the username available, they both get back answers.
But then some number of split seconds later,
then they make a decision based on that information, there is a window of time,
either split seconds or even seconds or minutes,
where the state of that variable could, of course, change.
So if you two, literally, right now on your laptop,
typed that very long username, all of us would probably be told, green light,
it's available.
But only one of us is actually going to get it.
And that's because of a race condition.
Literally, all of us might be racing to sign up for that value.
And it's when state can change in between things happening.
This is a bad thing because it makes your data
vulnerable to changes by someone you don't necessarily intend.
Or if the database isn't smart, you might
be able to do especially bad things.
ATMs are a canonical example of this.
If you had a malicious adversary trying to log into two bank accounts at once
or two physical machines at once, either with two cards or two accounts and two
laptops, you could imagine both of them trying to deduct, like,
$100 from the same account instantly.
Because imagine a poorly-implemented bank website.
It checks the account balance of the user logged in.
Do you have $100?
If the answer is yes, maybe both websites are going to say yes,
you may deduct $100.
You hit enter and voila, you deduct $100.
The user gets it somehow because it's transferred to some other account.
But the bank thinks it only did that once, deducts $100,
but you've just walked away with $200 because you made a decision based
on the same answer in two different threads
or two different programs or two different computers.
So long story short, this can happen even in the real world.
An example I was taught by my advisor years ago was this.
Suppose you and your roommates have a little dorm fridge.
And you're in the habit, of course, of drinking a lot of milk.
And so the fridge has run out of milk.
And you come home, the first roommate after classes.
And you realize, oh, I really need a drink of milk.
And so you check the fridge.
There's nothing there.
So you close the fridge, and you walk into the square, go to CVS,
and get in line to buy some milk.
Meanwhile, your roommate comes home.
Also, they really need a drink of milk.
And so they check the state of the variable.
Argh, no milk.
Close the fridge, and then walk to like Tommy's Convenience or some other place
nearby and get in line for some milk.
You of course, then both get home eventually.
And what happens now?
Dammit, now you have twice as much milk.
And milk goes bad quickly.
So now this is a problem, a very bad problem.
You have twice as much milk as you could possibly drink.
But what's the origin of that problem fundamentally?
AUDIENCE: You're out of something.
DAVID J. MALAN: You're out of something, but--
AUDIENCE: You need it.
DAVID J. MALAN: --you need it.
But why did I end up with two?
AUDIENCE: There's no flag.
DAVID J. MALAN: There's no flag, right?
There's no indication.
There's no sharing of state.
You both inspected the value of the variable,
made a decision independently on it.
But the state of that variable changed on one of you.
Because when one of you came home, the later person, damn, like,
the milk has already been refilled.
So how do you solve this?
In the real world, how could you avoid this problem?
You just, one, never do errands for your roommate.
AUDIENCE: The magnet you put on the refrigerator says get this.
DAVID J. MALAN: Mag-- yes.
A shopping list, right-- gone for milk--
Arrested Development.
Always leave a note, right?
You could convey that information.
You could more dramatically lock the refrigerator, right?
Padlock the thing, and so your roommate can't
inspect the state of the refrigerator while you are gone, therefore,
not making us vulnerable to this.
And I use the word lock deliberately because,
in databases, that's how they solve this.
There is a feature in databases called locks.
Or fancier versions of this are called transactions,
whereby, you can guarantee something called atomicity,
where atomicity means you can do multiple things back to back to back
without getting interrupted.
So in the case of a bank, it is possible, with SQL, using slightly
fancier syntax that we won't dive into today to solve this problem by saying,
you know what?
Begin the following transaction.
Check the state of the bank account, deduct this amount of money,
and now commit the results.
And while I'm doing that, lock everyone else out.
Don't let any other customer or any other user
do exactly that information that touches the same data until I am done.
Long story short-- you pay a price, perhaps.
You're literally preventing your roommate from accessing the fridge,
and that's annoying.
Or you're preventing other customers from doing transactions.
So hopefully the computer is fast at this, and your fast at shopping.
But you've at least ensured that you have atomicity.
No operation can get inserted into your sequence of operations
as by your roommate or some other computer or thread.
So that's a problem with databases that we're only going to skirt over.
And GitHub might solve this, how?
Well, by just not caring, potentially.
I don't know what's going to happen if multiple of us try.
I'm guessing they will just give n minus 1 of us an error message saying, sorry,
that username is no longer available.
Think about this.
If you've ever bought airline tickets, this
is a solved problem in that industry.
That would be really annoying.
If you just spent an hour of stressful price-hunting
for a good airplane ticket, you start checking out
after adding it to your shopping cart.
And five minutes later, after your name and email address and credit card
number, the ticket is gone.
So what do airlines do?
They often give you a five-minute window.
And some of the fancier websites show you the clock saying,
we guarantee this for the next five minutes.
Hotels might do this too where they locked the refrigerator for you
by somehow altering the database to say, mm-mm.
No one else can buy this ticket or this room for the next five minutes,
much like the note or the padlock.
So those kinds of things are all around us.
But let's look at one final example that's the worst threat of all is this.
Previously, I allowed myself to search by name.
So q equals Brian or q equals David or Veronica or the like.
And what did I do with that information?
Well, if we go back into the IDE and actually look
at that file in application.py, I simply formatted it using an F string
inside of this SQL string.
But what if my users were a little bit malicious?
And suppose that someone doesn't want to just search for Brian.
But you know what?
Suppose they do something like, my query is DELETE FROM registrants WHERE--
sorry Brian-- NAME equals Brian--
something like this.
Now, this is not valid at the moment, because this string,
while I'm certainly allowed to type it in,
is going to get plugged into my code, but in the wrong place logically.
Like, I'm going to look for someone's name called "DELETE FROM registrants
WHERE name equals Brian," which is just nonsensical.
It will return 0 results.
But what if I do something like this where I say,
Brian or DELETE from registrants where I finish
the thought that the programmer had and then start my own new thought.
Or another way of doing this is to use special syntax semicolon, something
like this.
Long story short, I could contrive a human malicious input that
finishes the programmer's thought and returns zero rows, but by the way,
also sneaks one additional rogue query into the database.
This is what's known as a SQL injection attack.
And if you naively and very, very, very badly and incorrectly write code like I
did-- don't ever do this--
you will be vulnerable to exactly this attack
because you are blindly plugging in the user's input to a string
that you are then passing to a database.
This is a fundamental flaw in lots of applications, lots of languages
where you have to distrust your users.
It doesn't matter if it's for just students on campus
or it's just for you and your friends.
Never ever, ever trust users' input because either someone's
going to mistype something and something is going to go awry,
or you're going to have a bad apple trying
to hack into your website or your application
by trying these kinds of commands.
And you have to always write code defensively.
So how to do this?
There are a bunch of ways.
But it turns out that, what's dangerous about something
like I just typed in is that it's the semicolon, for instance,
and that's the quote marks over "elsewhere."
So the safest thing to do is, no matter what the user types in, escape things.
You can use special syntax.
We saw this in C-- generally, putting a backslash in front of something means,
don't let it have its default behavior.
Instead, treat it specially.
So you could use special code in Python that
just says remove any bad characters, or replace things.
Frankly, you've probably been to a website where you've been told,
sorry, you can't use that character in your password.
Or sorry, you can't use that in your username.
That's just dumb.
Like, that is the lazy approach to this.
There is no reason to prevent users from typing
any characters into their keyboard for their password and maybe even
their username.
That's kind of a lazy way of defending against this by saying,
mm-mm, I don't trust any percent sign, any semicolons,
any dashes, any apostrophes.
Rather, just escape things.
But it's silly for all of us in this room
to write our own code for scaping users' input or scrubbing it, as it's called,
or sanitizing it, as it's called-- same things.
Why don't we just use a library?
Now, there are many libraries out there.
The one that we're using at the moment is CS50's.
And the EXECUTE function does this for us.
Instead of using F strings, which you should not use like this.
You should instead do this.
If you want to plug in a placeholder value to a SQL query,
you literally use a standard convention, that we have adopted too,
where you just put in a variable's name, but with a colon in front of it.
And it can be anything.
It can be q.
It can be x.
It doesn't matter.
But you want to just plug in some value there.
So I'm going to call it name, by convention.
Then you close your quote and finish your thought.
And then you go ahead and pass in the actual value, name equals q.
And now you have constructed, dynamically,
a SQL string with a place holder that is not
Python's own curly brace placeholder.
This is a special SQL convention where you say plug in value here.
What value?
We'll plug in this names value, q, whatever the human has typed in.
And what are execute function will do for you
is all of the fancy backslashing and all of the escaping
and will protect you from the user's data.
And this is how truly simple it is.
It doesn't have to be CS50's library.
This is ever so common in all languages, but too few people know about it
and use it.
And so half the time you read about some database getting hacked
or your data getting stolen, it is because
of a stupid oversight like that.
So just use libraries and escape users' input.
We can see this now more concretely.
All of the undergrads in the room have surely
logged into, either Yale's website or Harvard's website,
which looks a little something like this here.
You're prompted for your login name and your password,
or your Harvard key or the like.
Well, how does this take effect in real terms?
If I were to type in my email address--
but then weird syntax like this-- let's look at an example.
Quote "or" quote unquote "1" equals quote "1."
Notice it's not balanced.
It's missing a quote over here, missing a quote over here.
Because the presumption is that maybe Harvard is vulnerable to this.
I don't think they are.
But suppose that the code running Harvard key
and Harvard's login page looks a little something like this.
This is bad.
This is dangerous because they're just using f strings or format
strings, which are just going to blindly plug anything in there.
And so if you let the human type in something cryptic like that,
notice what has happened logically.
Where username equals me at example your email provider.com and password
equals quote unquote, so nothing, or 1 equals 1.
And why 1 equals 1?
If I go back, notice that there's a quote here and a quote here.
And the reason that I didn't finish my second quote here or my second quote
here is because I'm assuming, as a bad guy,
I think Harvard is just going to blindly plug my input
into a single quotes of their own.
Therefore, I can finish their thought nonsensically.
But notice, logically, what happens.
Select all users from the database where the user name is me at example email
provider and the password is nothing.
Or 1 equals 1.
Well, when does 1 equal 1?
Like, always.
So this will always return users from the database,
and presumably, therefore, let me log in as one of those users--
so incredibly simple to defend against this.
Just use placeholder syntax and distrust and sanitize users' input.
The syntax in SQL and the CS50 library is quite simply with that colon.
But in other libraries, it might be quite the same.
So now you are all, families and students alike,
inaugurated into the small class of folks
in the world who understand particularly geeky humor.
You might notice this meme that's gone around the internet for many years
now where someone either maliciously or humorously
decided to paint this over their license platelets.
Let's enhance.
Why would someone do this?
AUDIENCE: Scanners.
DAVID J. MALAN: Scanners, yeah.
Tollbooths are going away, at least in the US.
And they instead have cameras or readers that are scanning the front of your car
and trying to optically do OCR, Optical Character Recognition,
on your license plate.
And the presumption here is, maybe in some municipality,
there's some badly written code where they just blindly plug
your license plate into their code.
And hopefully you finish the thought where ZU 0666--
whatever that is, it's part of the license plate--
but "semicolon drop database table dot dot dot."
And we didn't even look at that because DROP is pretty extreme.
It literally deletes a database itself.
But this is a nice way of getting off the hook from a total price.
And most canonical perhaps, XKCD is a very popular cartoon strip.
It's particularly geek-oriented.
And you'll perhaps understand this joke now as well among CS circles.
I can hear the laughter making its way through.
So from here on out, if you take nothing else away,
remember little Bobby Tables with pset.
Our final, will you actually implement CS50 Finance
and coalesce all these ideas.
Thank you so much to all of our families for joining.
And we will see you next time.