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hundreds dead, thousands infected across multiple continents.
Millions quarantine with whole cities in lock down.
But how did the Corona virus spread so quickly?
We're gonna trace the virus day by day, over the first month of the outbreak, following its park from patient zero in China to across the world.
And what might happen next?
Has people everywhere celebrate the start of a new decade?
The World Health Organization is told that a handful of people in the city of Wuhan and China had pneumonia with no other clear causes origin.
But there's one common theme that connects the patients who Nancy food also market.
Many of these first cases are linked workers at the market selling life fish, birds and other animals as a precaution.
The market is shut on January, the first nearly a week later, on January the seventh.
Chinese authorities say they've identified the cause off the pneumonia, a new virus in the wider Corona virus group, which includes the common cold and starts.
Now, this sparks serious concerns.
17 years ago, the SARS epidemic began in China and went on to kill 800 people.
The new virus is temporarily named 2019 n C O.
V but becomes popularly known as the Corona virus.
They will.
How should we deal with?
Two days later, on January, the night the first death is confirmed, A 61 year old man, he was a regular visitor to the market in Wuhan.
By now, 41 people are known to be infected with the virus.
At this stage.
Wu Han's health commission says there's no evidence that virus could spread between humans.
Yet by Week two, the new novel, Corona Vice, isn't just affecting China.
On January 13th Thailand reports its first case now to understand how and why the infection spread its key to look at the timing of it.
Reports of the first death in China came just before Chinese New Year, the country's biggest holiday.
On a time when millions of traveling across the country and abroad as planes left Wuhan eval, So too, did the virus.
On the 15th of January, Japan reports its first case.
Then, on the 20th of January, South Korea does, too.
On the same day that South Korea reports its first case, it's confirmed the Corona virus can pass from person to person on official figures, become clearer as the World Health Organization starts to publish Daily report.
This is when the numbers erupt with 282 cases reported from four countries.
The next day, 314 cases are confirmed, including 16 healthcare workers, then jumps toe 581 with the majority still in China on January the 23rd.
With numbers rising.
City of Wu Han is put under quarantine This is clearly a very busy street.
Another beautiful day in quarantine ruin.
Anyone in public is told to wear a face mask on the Chinese government sends 300,000 extra mouth to help.
Then, at 2 a.m. It's announced that old public transport is to be shut down on anyone wanting to leave.
The city has a hours before or exits are closed from 10 AM Wuhan, a city with a population bigger than London, is in lock down.
A brand new 1000 bed hospital begins to be built to treat the virus with the aim of completing the whole thing in just a matter of days.
China has history here in the midst of the SARS epidemic in 2003 as Beijing battled severe acute respiratory syndrome.
A new facility for patients was constructed in just one week, almost a month.
After first learning about the virus on the 30th of January, the W H O now declares a public health emergency, with the main reason being its global spread away from China.
There are now 82 cases in 18 countries, but no deaths outside of China yet, and in Germany, Japan, Vietnam, France and the United States, people who have bean to China and now infecting those who haven't come the last day.
In January, the virus spreads to England, where two members of the same family test positive.
In China, Meanwhile, there are now 2000 new cases in just the last 24 hours, and the virus has now reached every state in the country, bringing the worldwide total to 9800 cases across 21 countries, the biggest quarantine in history right now taking place in China.
I think you're going to see that more amplified now.
As a result of this declaration, the United States declares a public health emergency and says that it will begin temporarily suspending entry for foreign nationals who have traveled to China in the last 14 days.
That's against the advice off the W H O.
Yet they have still being no deaths outside China come to start the month.
Three more countries report having the virus bringing the total to 24.
Following on from the United States lied.
Australia says it will also refused entry to allow non citizens arriving from China.
Australian nationals coming from China will be quarantined for two weeks, something the UK, South Korea, Singapore on New Zealand are beginning to also do as they evacuate citizens from China and monitor them percent ever.
I've quarantine.
On Sunday, the second of February, the first death is reported outside off mainland China.
A 44 year old Chinese man from Wuhan dies of the virus in the Philippines and then by February the fourth, a second death outside the Chinese mainland was confirmed in Hong Kong.
So, looking back from the start of the year to February 11 the novel Corona virus has infected more than 43,000 people globally.
The majority of those in China on the Chinese authorities now say it's caused the death of more than 1000 people in the country although the number of new infections day by day has begun to decline, that means more people have died from the novel Corona virus than they did during the SARS outbreak in China.
But is it is deadly?
And what does the first month of this outbreak tell us about the nature of the Corona virus?
Currently, experts believe the virus has killed around 3% of those it has infected.
That's a lower death rate than SARS, which had a mortality rate off just under 10% on other diseases like a bowler, which kills around 50% off those infects, however, Corona virus has infected more than five times as many people as SARS evident, sir.
Crucially, what might happen next a lot depends on how well the virus is contained.
But we can use right now or what are called non pharmaceutical interventions preventing mass gatherings, potentially closing schools, potentially even introducing travel restrictions.
It's going to be a real challenge to contain it.
The Chinese have been applauded by the W H O for their response to the virus, with the director general saying they have set a new standard for their reaction to the outbreak dispute was with China detected the outbreak, isolated the virus sequence in the genome and shared it with W.
Joined the world are very impressive now.
The Chinese have admitted to their own shortcomings in their initial dealings with the virus.
In the first few days and weeks, officials have been accused off downplaying the severity off the virus.
A doctor in Wuhan tried to warn colleagues late in December, and he was accused by authorities for spreading false information, although there later apologized.
Then in early February, the doctor himself was killed by the very virus he tried to warn against sparking outrage at the Chinese government.
Many experts now believe that by not alerting the public on health care professionals much earlier, a crucial opportunity was lost.
To stop the disease from becoming an epidemic Corona virus has been contained to an extent by widespread health interventions.
That means quarantining those infected to stop the spread that relies on huge international cooperation on identifying who's infected, where they've bean on who could have also got it.
Countries are already making huge steps to control it, like monitoring airports, banning travel on isolating patients.
But these methods rely on the virus only spreading.
When people show symptoms something which scientists are unsure about another way it could end it simply by a vaccine or cure.
Researchers in multiple countries are trying to find a vaccine, but at the moment there isn't one and it could be months or even a year before there's a breakthrough.
What we do know is that the major risk comes from the virus spreading to countries who do not have as advanced healthcare systems.
These countries will be less able to cope with an outbreak unless effective at quarantining and controlling the spread.
Our greatest concern is the potential for the virus to spread to countries with weaker health systems and which are ill prepared to deal with it.
The key message from the W H O is to prepare a ll countries for the possibility of an outbreak on to ensure they're ready to contain it.
W H O also says that the world is still not ready for a global pandemic that often we operate on a quote cycle of panic and neglect.
So basically we throw money at problems when they break out, but do nothing to ensure we're prepared to prevent the next one.
The world remains dangerously unprepared for a global pandemic.
For too long, the world has operated on a cycle off panic and neglect.
We throw money at an outbreak, and when it's over, we forget about it and do nothing to prevent the next one.
This is dangerously short sighted and frankly, difficult to understand.
If we fail to prepare, we're preparing to fail.
As China and other countries continue to try to contain the virus, what's the best advice for you regarding the outbreak?
The Department of Health in the U.
K has called the Corona virus a serious and imminent threat to public health, but the overall risk in the UK remains moderate.
For those of you who visited China, Thailand, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia or Macao in the last 14 days on have a cough fever or difficulty breathing public health.
England says you must contact your GP by phone.
A number of experts have said there's no need for the general public to wear masks in places where the risk of infection is low.
The current W H O infection control advice for the general public does not mention masks or goggles, focusing instead on hand washing, covering the mouth while sneezing on avoiding raw and undercooked food to stop transmission of this virus.
It's very important that sick people wear masks.
That's for Brooklyn.
For people who have no symptoms, damask will not necessarily protect them 100% because if they don't apply other measures, it's not sufficient.
So my message is more that mask alone is not enough.
It's a package of measures that you have to put in place.
And if people use the entire package is fine.
If they just use mask her, I think it's not enough.
So that's how the novel Corona Virus went from an unknown infection in the market in Wuhan to a global health scare that has dominated news headlines for most of 2020.