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care to wager on who the next contestants will be on the Bachelor.
What about betting?
Who will be the winner of this season?
Ladies and gentlemen, place your bets.
With professional sports grinding to a halt, many fans were itching for some gambling action and are willing to wager on just about anything from the seriously goofy to the totally ridiculous.
You could put your money in a top chef pool where what's gonna happen on top Chef?
It's free to play, and you can win money.
I am at home bringing your forecast.
You can even bet on whether it will rain in L.
This Friday, before superstar quarterback Tom Brady signed with the Tampa Bay Bucks, the betting was hot and heavy on where he'd end up one better that $1000 that he would go to the box and you'll be collecting $45,000.
Anything is fair game for these online gamblers missing the action of sports betting?
Will Bernie Sanders say the word millionaire or billionaire first, even when it comes to President Trump, like how many times will he tweet in a day?
Yup, you can place a bet on that people who want the juice and want the action there are things that you can still bet on.