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  • DAVID MALAN: There's any number of languages in which we can communicate,

  • English being just one of them.

  • But computers, of course, only understand binary zeros and ones.

  • And so somehow we have to communicate our thoughts-- ultimately in binary--

  • in order to solve some problem with a computer.

  • But certainly, we don't want to program computers by writing zeros and ones

  • and memorizing the patterns that they'll understand,

  • so we do somehow need to adopt a process by which

  • we can express our thoughts and the solutions to the problems

  • that we have in mind but in such a way that the computer can understand them.

  • Now it turns out it's quite meaningful when

  • you see something like Intel inside or AMD

  • or any number of other computer manufacturers

  • that make what are called CPUs, Central Processing Units, which

  • you can think of as the brains of sorts inside of your computer.

  • Well, turns out that Intel and AMD and other companies

  • have decided in advance what patterns of bits--

  • zeros and ones-- that their CPUs understand.

  • A certain pattern of zeros and ones might represent addition.

  • Another pattern of zeros and ones might represent subtraction or multiplication

  • or division or the act of moving information around in memory

  • or saving information from memory.

  • And so those patterns are very much computer or CPU specific.

  • And frankly, I'd like to be able to write software and write

  • code that can run on your computer and my computer

  • and some other manufacturer's computer without really having

  • to know all about those zeros and ones.

  • So there too it would be nice if there's a process, a workflow, a tool

  • chain via which we can communicate our thoughts in a fairly accessible way

  • but have them ultimately translated into those zeros and ones.

  • So what is it that Intel inside really means?

  • What is it that a CPU actually understands?

  • Well, it's what's called machine code, zeros and ones that ultimately dictate

  • what the computer should do-- add, subtract, multiply, or something else

  • altogether.

  • That machine code literally might look something like this.

  • In fact, let me give you just a moment and from all of these zeros and ones,

  • can you glean perhaps what this very program would do if run on a computer?

  • No?

  • Well, odds are you couldn't imagine what this would do because even

  • I can't read these zeros and ones.

  • But if it turns out you fed these very zeros and ones to a computer,

  • it would print out on the screen quite simply

  • "hello world," which is sort of the canonical phrase, one

  • of the first phrases ever printed on a computer screen back in the day

  • when computer languages were first being invented.

  • Now you, of course, would never know that, should never know that,

  • nor should even the most sophisticated of programmers

  • because this is just too low of a level to communicate one's thoughts in.

  • Far more compelling would be to operate at a level closer to English

  • or whatever your spoken language might be.

  • And so quickly, when humans invented computers decades ago,

  • did we decide we need something different from machine code.

  • We need something at a higher level of abstraction,

  • if you will, something that's more familiar to us

  • but that's close enough that the computer can somehow figure out

  • what to do.

  • And so thus was born assembly code.

  • Assembly code is an example more generally

  • of what's called source code, which is typically

  • English-like syntax more familiar to us humans that can somehow be translated

  • eventually down to machine code.

  • And assembly code, which is one of the earliest

  • incarnations of this general idea, looked a little something like this.

  • Now it too looks pretty cryptic, though hopefully

  • not quite as cryptic as just seemingly random patterns of zeros and ones

  • because there is some organization to this text here.

  • It's not quite English-like I would say, but there's

  • some familiar sequences of characters that I can perhaps

  • ascribe some meaning to.

  • I see words that look a little familiar-- push queue or at least push,

  • move queue, or perhaps move.

  • Sub-- maybe that means subtract or call, as in to call a function

  • or a procedure, xor and add and pop and others--

  • these seem to be reminiscent of English words.

  • And so while cryptic--

  • and I would surely need a manual in order to figure out what these mean--

  • this is a standardization of how you might communicate instructions

  • to a computer.

  • Indeed, all of those keywords push queue, move queue, sub queue and so

  • forth are literally called instructions, and those

  • are the names given to the instructions, the commands that Intel and AMD have

  • decided that their brains, their CPUs shall understand.

  • To the right of these instructions is some cryptic looking syntax now--

  • dollar signs and percent signs, commas, and others.

  • Well, those are used to communicate what are called registers.

  • It turns out that the smallest unit of useful memory

  • typically inside of a computer--

  • in particular inside of a CPU--

  • is what's called a register.

  • A register might be eight bits back in the day, 32 bits

  • more moderately, or even 64 bits.

  • And that is really the smallest piece of information

  • that you can do some operation on, the smallest unit of information

  • that you can add to something else or subtract from something else and so

  • forth.

  • So when a CPU is doing its arithmetic-- addition, subtraction, multiplication,

  • division, and so forth--

  • it's operating on pretty small values.

  • They might be big numbers, but they only take up maybe 32 or 64 bits.

  • And those registers, those chunks of memory have names.

  • The names to be fair are cryptic, but they're expressed

  • in the same language, assembly code.

  • So that you're telling the computer in this language what should

  • you move to where and what should you add to what.

  • And so once you acquire a taste, if you will, for this language,

  • does all of this begin to make more sense.

  • And frankly, if I really scour it, aha, down here at the bottom,

  • I do see explicit mention of that phrase hello world.

  • And these other lines simply call in to action the printing of that phrase

  • on the screen.

  • But frankly, this doesn't look all that compelling still.

  • It's certainly better than zeros and ones,

  • but assembly code is generally considered

  • to be fairly low level, not as low level as zeros and ones and not as low

  • level as electricity from the wall.

  • But it's still low level enough that it's not really

  • that pleasant to program in.

  • Now back in the day, decades ago, this was all you had at your disposal.

  • And so surely, this was better than nothing else.

  • And in fact, some of the earliest games and some of the earliest software

  • were written in assembly language.

  • So it truly was experts back in the day writing frequently

  • in this low language, and you might still use it today

  • for the smallest of details.

  • But on top of assembly language have evolved more modern forms

  • of source code-- newer languages with easier to understand syntax

  • and more and more features.

  • And one of the first successors to something like assembly code

  • was a language called C, quite simply.

  • C looks like this.

  • Now I dare say this too remains fairly cryptic,

  • but I feel like we're walking up a set of stairs

  • here where things are finally starting to look a little more

  • familiar and a little more comfortable, even though there might still

  • be some distractions of syntax.

  • These angled braces and these curly braces

  • and quotes and parentheses and a semicolon--

  • all of that you might get to in an actual course on programming itself.

  • But here we use this as demonstrative of a fairly more English-like syntax

  • with which you can express the same program.

  • Printing hello world in a language called

  • C can be implemented with precisely this code.

  • But frankly, we're starting to stray pretty far from that low level language

  • that computers ultimately understand and need to accept as their input binary.

  • So how do we get from this higher level language, so to speak,

  • called C down to those zeros and ones?

  • Well, frankly, the process by which this happens

  • tends to make an intermediate stop in what's called that assembly language.

  • So a human might write code like this, like I did here

  • in C. You might then use a program that converts the C code to assembly code

  • and then another program that converts that assembly code down

  • to those zeros and ones.

  • And frankly, you could probably use a tool

  • that does both of those steps at once so that it

  • creates the illusion of going directly from this to so-called machine code.

  • Those zeros and ones.

  • So let's take a moment and actually do that on my computer here.

  • This is a process that you can do on a Mac or PC

  • running Mac OS, Windows, Linux, or any number of operating systems.

  • I happen to be doing it on a Mac here.

  • And I'm going to use a fairly common program these days called a text

  • editor.

  • This is a very lightweight version of a word processor.

  • It doesn't have bold facing and underline and italics.

  • It really just allows you to type text, but it

  • does tend to colorize it for you to draw your attention

  • to the disparate parts of a program.

  • And I'm also going to open up what's called a terminal window.

  • A terminal window is a keyboard-only interface to what your computer can do.

  • So while I still have access to my mouse,

  • it's not going to be all that useful for this environment

  • because anytime I want to run a program or execute a command or make my Mac

  • do something, I'm going to have to do it from my keyboard alone.

  • Let's take a look.

  • Now here I am in front of my text editor,

  • and I'm going to go ahead and create a file called sayhello.c,

  • dot c being a conventional file name to indicate to the computer

  • that the code I am about to write is going

  • to be implemented in that language called C. Now

  • at the top of this program is where I'm going to write my code,

  • and I'm simply going to transcribe what we just saw.

  • Include standard IO dot h int main void open curly brace

  • followed by a closing curly brace ultimately

  • and then printf quote unquote hello comma world backslash n, finally,

  • a semicolon.

  • So herein I've written my source code.

  • And indeed, it's been colorized by the text editor

  • simply to draw my attention to disparate parts of this program

  • and were we to dive deeper into C, in particular,

  • we'd see what each of these different symbols mean.

  • But for now, let me propose that we only care

  • about what this program is meant to do, which

  • is to print ultimately hello world.

  • But all I've done is write a program in C.

  • I somehow have to get it to its form of zeros and ones

  • that the computer ultimately understands.

  • So it's not sufficient just to save the file because, indeed,

  • all that's been saved are these letters and symbols in some file called

  • hello.c.

  • I somehow have to convert that file to zeros and ones.

  • Well, it turns out that there exists tools called compilers.

  • A compiler is simply a piece of software--

  • written presumably by someone else--

  • that knows how to understand C, perhaps knows about assembly code,

  • but definitely knows about those patterns and ones

  • that Intel and AMD ultimately require that I output in order

  • to get them to execute commands.

  • So how do I go about compiling hello.c?

  • Well, it turns out installed it on my computer--

  • and perhaps even yours-- is a program called CC, the C compiler, if you

  • will-- compile simply referring to this process of translating

  • one language to another.

  • And so I'm going to go down here to the lower portion of my screen

  • wherein I have a prompt, dollar sign that for whatever

  • historical reason simply represents a prompt in a terminal window.

  • And it's in here that I can type these textural commands,

  • cc -o hello space hello.c--

  • a fairly cryptic incantation of commands.

  • But ultimately, this has created a new file

  • on my computer called quite simply hello with no file extension.

  • Now on a typical Mac or PC, when you want to run a program,

  • you would typically just double click its icon, and it would be loaded up.

  • And you would see its ultimate behavior.

  • But here in this command line interface, so to speak,

  • wherein I can only type commands textually,

  • I have to tell the computer to run this program only via my keyboard.

  • And the convention via which you can do this

  • is quite simply to say dot slash hello where dot refers to the current folder

  • or directory in which this file is.

  • The slash just separates from its name, and hello, of course,

  • is the name of the program I've written.

  • And here we go.

  • With the stroke of enter, I now see hello world.

  • And thus was born my very first program in C.

  • Of course, it took me quite a while to get to this point,

  • and I didn't necessarily even understand all of those lines of code

  • along the way.

  • But I did understand that my goal at hand and the problem to be solved

  • was to print quite simply hello.

  • But there's a bit of overhead, of course,

  • to a language like C wherein there's not only the syntactic complexity of it,

  • but that frankly gets much more familiar over time.

  • There's also this additional step, this middleman,

  • a compiler that has to exist and somehow translate your source

  • code to machine code.

  • In fact, what we've effectively done just now is this.

  • If up here is my so-called source code stored in any file,

  • for instance, hello.c, and I want to convert it ultimately

  • to so-called machine code, the zeros and ones that my computer understands,

  • I somehow have to get from input to output.

  • And the middleman here is again this tool

  • called compiler in the context of my having written this program call in C.

  • I used a program, a compiler, called CC, but any number of other options exist.

  • You might have heard of Visual Studio perhaps or Eclipse or yet others still.

  • This middleman simply takes as input that source code in C

  • and produces as its output that machine code that the computer expects.

  • And so when I type that Command cc -o hello hello.c,

  • it ultimately was telling my computer take as input hello.c,

  • produce as output a new file called hello, inside

  • of which are those zeros and ones.

  • Now not all languages operate like this.

  • It turns out that more modern languages skip that step of compilation

  • altogether or at least hide that detail from the user

  • so that he or she doesn't necessarily need to know how to compile their code.

  • It's handled more automatically.

  • Now some languages instead use not a compiler but an interpreter.

  • Whereas a compiler takes as input one language like C and produces as output

  • another language like machine code, an interpreter

  • instead takes as input some source code and then runs it

  • or interprets it line by line top to bottom, left to right.

  • And whenever it sees an instruction like print, it thinks to itself,

  • oh, I know how to print something on the screen,

  • and it goes and does it on behalf of that source code.

  • It does not, strictly speaking, convert those instructions

  • instead to zeros and one.

  • It is instead the interpreter itself which

  • is just a program that itself is implemented with zeros and ones

  • that the CPU understands.

  • And those zeros and ones collectively know

  • how to recognize keywords or functions in that source code language

  • it takes as input in order to execute it on the program's behalf.

  • So what is an example of an interpreted language?

  • Well, among the most popular ones today is that called Python.

  • Python is especially popular in the world of data science and web

  • programming and in command line applications

  • ones written at the so-called terminal window via which I can solve problems.

  • And so Python is notable too for its relative simplicity-- certainly vis

  • a vie something like c.

  • In fact, in order to implement the equivalent program in Python

  • that I just implemented in C, it suffices to write just this.

  • Say what you mean and little more.

  • There's less syntax here.

  • There's fewer keywords that are unfamiliar.

  • It's just instead the verb or function print followed by hello world--

  • no semicolon, no curly braces, fewer symbols altogether.

  • But how do I go about running a program in Python?

  • Well, it turns out that typically Python is interpreted, not compiled.

  • So I'm not going to run it through a compiler per se,

  • but I am instead going to interpret it line by line-- albeit just one

  • line with this particular program.

  • So let me go back into my text editor and terminal window

  • and this time create a file called dot

  • py being the conventional file extension for any program written in Python.

  • And in, I am now going to write that one line

  • program print open parenthesis quote unquote hello world.

  • How do I interpret this file called

  • Well, it turns out I run a program that itself is

  • called Python, which is my interpreter.

  • And so I run in my terminal window Python space,

  • and the output is now the same.

  • So what has just happened?

  • Albeit just one line, what that program called Python has done

  • is open up this file called hello, read it top to bottom,

  • left to right, albeit quite quickly, recognized

  • that it knows this keyword or function called print and therefore knew

  • what to do next.

  • It went ahead and printed hello world on the screen and then automatically quit.

  • So this seems like a nice thing.

  • No longer do I have to remember and take the time to compile my code,

  • but surely, there must be some price.

  • And indeed, one of the implications of saving that step no longer having

  • to compile your code but instead just jumping right

  • to its execution or interpretation is that you pay potentially

  • a performance penalty.

  • You certainly can't quite see it in a program as short as hello world.

  • But if you were to write a program with hundreds or thousands

  • or millions of lines, the overhead required

  • to read that file top to bottom, left to right,

  • and to figure out based on the instructions

  • therein what it is the programmer intended actually

  • does take non-zero amount of time.

  • And it can surely add up for the most computationally complex of problems--

  • anything involving an analysis, anything involving loops or cycles,

  • you can certainly begin to feel its effects.

  • But that's OK because we humans have been fairly creative over time.

  • And as we've invented more and more programming languages,

  • we have fortunately also invented more and more solutions

  • to problems like these.

  • And so it turns out that even though this all happened quite quickly, when

  • I ran this interpreter called Python, odds are if my computer were smart,

  • it was probably doing me a favor underneath the hood

  • without my even knowing.

  • And in fact, what Python and some other interpreters

  • do is actually compile your code for you,

  • save the results in a temporary file that you yourself might not even see,

  • and the next time I run this program, especially if it's large and complex,

  • Python will skip this step of reinterpreting the file again and again

  • and instead look at that precompiled version of my same program--

  • therefore, saving some time but achieving the same results.

  • Only if I go back and change my code and make changes to my program

  • does Python need to regenerate that cached version of code, if you will,

  • in order to reuse that again and again.

  • And this intermediately cached code is generally called byte code.

  • It's not quite zeros and ones, but it's closer to it than Python itself.

  • And so for this same program in Python, were my computer

  • to actually compile it for me, what I would actually see is code like this.

  • Much like assembly code is it fairly cryptic, but at least

  • in there is some familiar phrase hello world as well

  • as the function I ultimately called, which is that known as print.

  • Now Python and C are not the only languages out there.

  • In fact, there are dozens in vogue these days.

  • And there are hundreds-- if not thousands--

  • that humans have created over time.

  • For instance, depicted here is perhaps one with which you

  • yourself are familiar or at least heard of.

  • It's called Java, and it happens to be an object oriented programming

  • language in a language, which means it has features

  • beyond those earliest of ones like C. Here, though,

  • is perhaps the simplest way via which you can implement that same program

  • hello world, but it-- not unlike C-- has a bit

  • of overhead, a number of samples and words that at first glance

  • certainly are not obvious.

  • But ultimately, that's all this program does.

  • But Java is distinct in that it took a different approach to another problem

  • that we've not yet tripped over.

  • I've been running and running this program thus far in my Mac,

  • and I compiled it particularly for this Mac on an Intel CPU.

  • But it certainly stands to reason that you or someone else

  • might not have the same computer or operating system as I,

  • and it would seem to be quite the burden on the programmer

  • if they have to compile their code in a different way for you and for me

  • and for everyone else.

  • And so it turns out that this cost of doing business, if you will,

  • shipping different shrink wrapped boxes back in the day of the same program

  • for different computers and OSes is ultimately

  • solved by way of a virtual machine.

  • A virtual machine, as the name implies, is not

  • a physical machine but a virtual one implemented, as they say in software--

  • software that humans have written that mimics the behavior

  • of a virtual imaginary machine.

  • And then companies like Sun and others have implemented support

  • for that virtual machine for Macs and for PCs

  • and for multiple operating systems.

  • And so Java subscribes to the monitor of write once run anywhere.

  • You needn't compile it again and again for different platforms,

  • rather you can install on each platform its own virtual machine

  • and run the exact same code.

  • So it's simply a different approach to an otherwise omnipresent problem,

  • but Java falls into a class of languages that uses that particular technique.

  • And what other languages are out there?

  • Well, very popular these days on both servers and clients is a language

  • called JavaScript, such as that pictured here.

  • Here is yet another language-- this one called

  • Ruby-- that replaces the word print with just put,

  • but it too is more syntactically simpler, much like Python itself is.

  • On the other hand, here is C++, incredibly common still,

  • especially on PCs, along with other languages as well.

  • But in C++, you see code reminiscent of C itself, also conventionally compiled.

  • Now if you'd like to see any number of overwhelming examples of how you might

  • quite simply in hundreds of languages say hello world,

  • take a look at this URL here.

  • And in fact, there's so many other languages

  • that are popular and powerful, sometimes in different ways.

  • In fact, it's not just the case that you use one particular language

  • for one particular job.

  • There are many tools that you might bring to bear

  • on the exact same problem at hand.

  • In fact, the reason that so many languages exist

  • is that over time, we humans have perhaps rightly or arrogantly

  • decided that we can do better than languages past.

  • And so humans invent new languages that have other features,

  • different approaches, and of course, reasonable people can disagree.

  • And so you have some languages that can achieve the very same task.

  • They just do it differently.

  • The text looks a little different.

  • The features are a little bit different.

  • And so it's up to the programmer as part of the design process

  • to decide what tool is best for the job, not unlike a physical tool

  • that you might have in a home tool chest.

  • Among the most popular these days perhaps are these here Bash and C

  • and C++ and C#, Closure and Erlang and F# and Go, Haskell, Java, JavaScript,

  • Objective OCaml and then PHP, Python, R, Ruby, Scala, Scheme, SQL, Swift,

  • and so many more.

  • In fact, if you'd like to see a nearly exhaustive list of all

  • of the language humans have invented, take a look at Wikipedia

  • here, which goes into so much more detail.

  • So suffice it to say that computers can print hello world,

  • but they can do so much more as well.

  • So what are the basic building blocks that can be found in languages like C,

  • like Python, Java, C++, and any number of others?

  • Well, let's return to the pseudocode with which we began to program, albeit

  • verbally, some time ago.

  • Here we had the algorithm via which to find Mike Smith in a phone book

  • and to search more generally.

  • Recall, though, that laced throughout this pseudocode or program

  • really were a few constructs that were semantically distinct from each other.

  • Let me go ahead and highlight in yellow some of the verbs that we saw last.

  • Pickup and open to and look at call, open and open and quit--

  • all of these were calls to actions, verbs or functions,

  • as we described them previously.

  • Well, it turns out that in C and in Python and other languages as well,

  • we have not necessarily these same words but these same actions.

  • For instance, we've seen in two languages

  • already that you can print hello world on the screen.

  • That function or verb in C happens to be called printf.

  • In Python, it happens to be called more specifically print.

  • And so those are examples of functions in those languages as well.

  • What else did we see last time?

  • Well, we had if and else if and else if and else,

  • and we describe these as conditions or branches

  • via which you can make decisions and either go left or right down

  • the fork in the road.

  • Well, in Python in C and in other languages

  • too do we have those same features as well.

  • We then looked at Boolean expressions, questions

  • that you can ask to which there are yes and no or true and false answers.

  • In Python and C, we're going to see those as well.

  • And lastly, we saw loops-- go back to step two, go back to step two--

  • a programming construct via which you can do something again and again.

  • Now here we did this in order to keep looking for Mike.

  • But in the real world, might you be searching for data in a large database

  • or an Excel file, a CSV file, Comma Separated Values.

  • And so you might want to have some programming code that

  • opens that file and then iterate or loops over one line

  • after another doing some calculation or analysis,

  • loops enable us to do exactly that.

  • So let's go ahead now and see if we can see

  • these constructs in a common modern programming language.

  • We'll use Python if only because it's incredibly commonly used at the command

  • line within a terminal window.

  • It's incredibly commonly used nowadays for web programming.

  • And it's ultimately incredibly useful in the context of data analysis and data

  • science, more generally.

  • So let's begin where we left off recreating a program in Python that

  • quite simply says hello world.

  • To do that in my text editor here, I've created

  • a file now called to suggest that we're going to do this

  • a few times, starting at zero, in order to iteratively improve on this program.

  • Well, herein I'm going to do print quote unquote hello world, saving my file.

  • No need to compile it but I'm now going to go ahead

  • and type Python space

  • And there we have hello world.

  • Now this program, of course, is by definition not terribly dynamic.

  • No matter how many times I run this program,

  • it's going to print hello world, hello world again and again.

  • Suppose that I instead wanted to get user inputs.

  • Well, it turns out that Python--

  • like other languages-- has a function via which you can do exactly that.

  • And a function, of course, takes optionally inputs

  • and optionally produces some output.

  • Now in Python, perhaps the easiest function with which to get user's input

  • is called quite simply input.

  • So let's see how we might use that.

  • Let me go ahead and create a new file called

  • And in this file am I first going to call that function called input,

  • and input is called exactly that.

  • But it takes as input some input, which is to say the string or the phrase,

  • the sentence via which you want to prompt the human for his or her input.

  • So for instance, I'll go ahead here and ask

  • what is your name question mark space.

  • And now this function is going to return to me a value, so to speak.

  • I don't know how input is implemented.

  • Someone else yesteryear implement this for me.

  • But I do know per its documentation that when I call it,

  • it's going to do the equivalent of handing me back a slip of paper

  • on which is written the user's input from his or her keyboard.

  • But for me to make use of this input, I need to store it somewhere.

  • And in a programming language, much like in math,

  • you have access to what are called variables.

  • Now a mathematician might call their variables x or y or z.

  • And in programming could we also call our variables

  • the same but more conventional is ways to use

  • names that are a little more descriptive-- actual words that

  • describe their contents and the means by which I can store the return value,

  • so to speak.

  • What is handed back from a function like input is in a variable

  • that I'll call perhaps aptly name.

  • And in order to store the return value of input into a variable called name,

  • it suffices simply to use a single equal sign.

  • And this equal sign is not to be confused with the equal sign

  • that you and I know in math.

  • After all, in math, using an equal sign would

  • apply that what is on the left equals what is on the right.

  • And ultimately, that's our goal.

  • But initially, we only know the value on the right--

  • the so-called return value from input that's handed back to me, so to speak,

  • from the function.

  • So in fact, with the equal sign in many programming languages is called--

  • Python among them-- is the so-called assignment operator.

  • And so you consider what's happening here as being this.

  • On the right-hand side is a function.

  • It's handing back some value, the user's name.

  • The equal sign implies copy that value from right

  • to left into whatever is on the left.

  • And so if on the left I have a variable called name,

  • that variable-- much like x or y or z-- is

  • going to store the user's input ultimately,

  • so I can use it subsequently in some other line of code.

  • Now what might that subsequent line of code be?

  • Well, suppose I'd like to print not just hello world but hello, David,

  • or hello, someone else.

  • Well, now I can simply structure the second line is taking as input

  • the contents of that variable.

  • So I might go ahead here and say print quote unquote hello comma,

  • and I now somehow need to append to that shorter phrase

  • the name that has actually been typed in.

  • And there's a number of ways we can do this.

  • For instance, we might do it as follows.

  • It turns out in Python that you can use plus not

  • only to add two numbers together but also, in some sense,

  • to add two words or two strings as they're called in a language.

  • And if I do plus in between hello and that variable name,

  • the effect is going to be to join or to contaminate those two strings of text

  • together so that would ultimately is printed

  • is hopefully hello comma David or hello comma yourself.

  • So let me go ahead and save this file and in my terminal window now run

  • Python of, I'll input my name David.

  • And now notice my input is separated by one space from that question mark

  • because on line one did I preemptively include

  • that space between those double quotes.

  • Now I'm going to go ahead and hit enter, the effect

  • of which is to have input return that value, storing it

  • in the variable called name, and then in line two, just go ahead

  • and print hello comma followed by name.

  • Now just to be clear that this is not hardcoded somewhere else.

  • Let me go ahead and run it one more time.

  • Python

  • And let's go ahead and type your name and there too

  • do we see hello your name.

  • So the program is now dynamic, and I've outputted dynamically

  • whatever it is the human is typed in.

  • But it turns out there's any number of other ways we can do this.

  • And so just so that we've seen a few different ways,

  • let me go ahead and create a new file called

  • wherein we have almost the same code, but we're displaying your name

  • or mine a little bit differently.

  • As before, I'll go ahead and define my variable called name, assign to it

  • the return value of input asking the user for his or her name.

  • And then on my second line of code, we'll again go ahead

  • and say print hello comma.

  • And then following that, I actually have a choice.

  • I don't necessarily have to just concatenate

  • one input onto that first string hello.

  • I can actually combine these as two separate inputs to print.

  • It turns out that print, like many functions,

  • can take either zero or one or two or any number of inputs.

  • You simply, as the programmer, need to separate them

  • by commas, not the comma that's inside of the quotes.

  • That's just my English grammar separating hello from your name

  • but outside of the quotes.

  • And so my text editor is displaying it a little bit disparately in white.

  • So in this case, am I using the same function

  • print passing in not one but two arguments or inputs, the second

  • of which is that actual name.

  • Now there's a minor bug here that I'm not yet anticipating,

  • but let's see what happens next.

  • If I go ahead now and run Python, type in my name, voila

  • it's so close and almost right.

  • But here perhaps is my first bug.

  • It's not necessarily a bug that's breaking the program altogether.

  • But to be a little bit nit-picky, I think we could do a little bit better,

  • say, grammatically there seems to be two spaces instead of one

  • but where are they coming from?

  • Well, it turns out that functions, when they take inputs,

  • can also have default behavior.

  • And in this case, print is designed by its authors

  • whenever you pass in two or more arguments

  • to just separate them by default with one space.

  • Now I can fix this mistake in a couple of ways.

  • But the simplest way is just to remove it from my own input,

  • saving the file again and rerunning Python of

  • gives me now what is your name?

  • David.

  • And we're back-- hello, David.

  • Now it turns out there is yet more ways than you can format information

  • on the screen.

  • And just so that we've seen one other way,

  • allow me to create a fourth file called

  • In, am I going to start almost exactly the same declaring a variable

  • called name, assigning to it the return value of input,

  • asking the user for their name.

  • And then in my second line of code am I again going

  • to use print starting with a parenthesis and a close parenthesis.

  • In there am I ultimately going to say hello comma something,

  • and the something this time is literally going to be name but not quite name

  • on its own.

  • Indeed, if I were to run this program now,

  • what do you think might be printed?

  • I've said to the program print hello comma name, but unfortunately,

  • name is as written, N-A-M-E. And so I would literally see that on the screen

  • no matter what I typed in.

  • But it turns out in Python, if you surround your variable's name with

  • curly braces, typically found just above the Enter key--

  • at least on a US keyboard-- you can tell Python that this N-A-M-E is actually

  • the name of a variable, not just a string of text on its own.

  • But in order to tell Python that it should treat this string, this input

  • to print a little bit differently than usual,

  • you have to fairly cryptically prefix it with a single F,

  • thereby telling Python that this is what should

  • be called a format string or string--

  • That is, a string of text a sequence of characters

  • that should be treated as formatted in a special way.

  • And according to Python's own documentation,

  • if you format your input using these curly braces inside of which

  • is the name of a variable, Python will go

  • through the trouble of plugging in the value of that variable

  • there and therefore formatting it for you.

  • And so I'll again go ahead and run Python of hello3.pi, input my name,

  • and voila, we're back to Hello, David.

  • So what are the takeaways then from the simplest of programs?

  • Well, we clearly have the ability to print information on the screen.

  • But we have at our disposal a function, a piece of code

  • that someone wrote long before me that takes as input perhaps just

  • a string like hello world.

  • But if you pass it multiple strings will it handle those as well.

  • And if you pass it a special type of string will it handle that as well too.

  • And so depending on the documentation for some language

  • do you have these and so many more features available to you.

  • And so one of the first steps in learning any programming language

  • is not to take a formal lesson or class but simply,

  • quite honestly to read the documentation.

  • And once you have under your belt some knowledge of one or two

  • or few programming languages, it is much easier in the computer world

  • to pick up new ones than I daresay it is in the human world where you

  • have a much larger vocabulary at hand.

  • All right, enough about printing.

  • What more can we do?

  • Well, programming languages can typically

  • handle any number of arithmetic or mathematical operations--

  • addition, subtraction, and many others among them.

  • So why don't we go ahead and create a program that quite simply prompts

  • the user not just for their name or string

  • but rather two inputs, two numbers.

  • And we'll call them more familiarly x and y.

  • I'm going to go ahead and declare a variable called

  • x assigned to it from right to left the result of asking

  • for the user's input of x.

  • And then I'm going to go ahead and do precisely the same thing

  • on another line of code defining a variable called y

  • and assigning to it from right to left the return value of another call

  • or invocation of input--

  • this time, prompting the user for y.

  • And then I quite simply am going to go ahead and print out the result.

  • So print x plus y--

  • this time not using any double quotes at all

  • because what I literally want to print is x plus y,

  • not the concatenation of two strings, not a string at all,

  • but rather just a number.

  • In my terminal window now will I go ahead and run Python

  • on the name of this file,

  • I'm prompted for x, which I'll say one.

  • I'm prompted for y, so I'll say two.

  • And indeed, 1 plus 2 is 12, but no 1 plus 2 is not 12.

  • So what's actually happened here?

  • Well, this is the first real bug, if you will, that I've introduced to my code.

  • Now step one here has x equals input, prompting the user for x, and step

  • two has y equals input prompting the user for y--

  • little different from before that we've chosen different variable names.

  • Now on line four--

  • and I've separated with this blank space just

  • to make it a bit easier to read do I have print x plus y.

  • But 1 plus 1 is surely not 12.

  • But what appears to be happening?

  • Well, it's no coincidence that the answer Python's

  • giving me is my first input followed by my second.

  • It would seem, in fact, that Python is contaminating

  • my first input to my second that is joining them just

  • like hello comma David.

  • So why is that happening?

  • Well, I would hope that plus when given two numbers

  • would, in fact, add those two together.

  • But here's a catch.

  • It turns out that underneath the hood, Python, like many languages,

  • actually has what are called types or data types--

  • that is to say, different ways of representing information

  • if that information is a number like an integer

  • or even a real number with a decimal point

  • or a string of text that is a sequence of characters or maybe more

  • generally, a value like true or false, a so-called Boolean value, and even

  • others still.

  • And in this case, indeed, it turns out-- and you would only know this by trial

  • and error by having read the documentation first--

  • does the input function built into Python return

  • to you not a number, but a string.

  • Even though what I typed on my keyboard looks like a number

  • and surely is in practice, it's actually not being stored as such by Python.

  • It's being stored and said in such a way that the computer is interpreting it

  • as a string of text.

  • So we have to be ever more explicit.

  • And indeed, computers don't necessarily know what I intend.

  • Maybe the goal at hand was to write a program that concatenates

  • one number against another.

  • And so if I really want the user's input to be treated as numbers,

  • I somehow have to coerce it to such or convert it

  • or more technically, to cast it from string to an int.

  • Now it turns out Python has other functions with which I

  • can fix this mistake, and I might do this in between these lines here.

  • X should not just be whatever the user typed in.

  • I want x to be the result of converting whatever

  • the human typed in into the integer or into version of that string.

  • Meanwhile, can I fix y by the same y equals int of y,

  • thereby telling Python even though, yes, the human typed something

  • in a keyboard, therefore implying a string,

  • go ahead and convert that one and that two

  • to an actual integer underneath the hood, a pattern of bits, if you will,

  • that represents not the ASCII value or the Unicode value

  • that the user typed in but the underlying pattern of bits

  • that represents one and represents two.

  • Let's go ahead now and rerun this file as Python arithmetic py,

  • inputting again 1, inputting again 2, and lastly, hitting Enter.

  • This time, we have three.

  • Unfortunately, we've paid a bit of a price, albeit just a matter of style.

  • I seem to have increased the length of this program from just three lines

  • to five just to fix a simple mistake.

  • But it turns out that just as functions take input and produce outputs,

  • so can you pipeline them, so to speak, or nest them so that one function's

  • output is another function's input.

  • The result of which is that we can kind of tighten this up.

  • I can instead on line 2 here delete what I have

  • and on line one alone simply say that once

  • I get back the return value of input--

  • the user's input, if you will, return on a conceptual sheet of paper--

  • go ahead and pass it immediately to that function called

  • int and surround the whole thing with parentheses,

  • thereby passing the output of input into the input of int

  • and then assigning the result from right to left.

  • And again, here can I get rid of line 3, passing the output of this input

  • to the input of this int and again surrounding it

  • with parentheses in order to pass its output into its input,

  • ultimately assigning from right to left that value.

  • Let's to be sure go ahead and save this file.

  • And then in my terminal window, run one final time Python of,

  • inputting 1, inputting 2, and still do we get 3.

  • Suppose, though, that we not only want to take a user's input

  • but make a decision based on it, taking out for a spin

  • this notion of a condition with some Boolean expressions.

  • How might we do that?

  • Well, let me go ahead and create here a file called,

  • inside of which I'm again going to ask the user for two inputs,

  • call it x and y, and then I'd like to determine whether x is less than y,

  • greater than y, or exactly the same.

  • Well, as before, I can declare my variable called x, assign to it--

  • preemptively this time--

  • the result of passing to int the return value of input

  • asking the user for just x and then define another variable

  • called y, assigning to it the return value

  • of int, which is passed, in turn, the return value of input,

  • asking the user for y.

  • And now with these two numbers in hand, am

  • I going to proceed to do the following.

  • If x is less than y followed by a colon, indented below that,

  • I'm going to say quite simply, well, you know what?

  • X is less than y, simply to inform the user as much.

  • And then back aligns with the if.

  • Am I going to say else if x is greater than y with a colon

  • and then indented below that, print x is greater than y.

  • Now those are the semantics that I intend,

  • but it turns out you have to read the fine print.

  • In Python, it is not else if that you can use.

  • Humans some years ago decided that slightly more succinct than else

  • if would be literally elif.

  • And that, in fact, is the correct syntax to use when you have a second fork here

  • in the road.

  • But indeed when we have now a third, we might do this else if--

  • there I go again--

  • elif x equals y, let me go ahead and say print x equals y.

  • But there's a bug here already because equal does not mean what you think.

  • Indeed, before we've been using the equal sign as the assignment operator,

  • so to speak, copying from right to left some value.

  • And in fact, here on line 8, there's already a bug.

  • Using a single equal sign between my x and y

  • here would have the effect not of comparing those two values

  • but instead copying from right to left that value in y

  • into that value for x, thereby making them equal no matter what.

  • And so it turns out that we humans painted ourselves

  • into a bit of a corner some years ago.

  • We've already used equal to assign one thing to another.

  • So it turns out that humans in many languages

  • decided well, let's still use equal but two of them back to back.

  • And so if you want to use not the assignment operator but the equality

  • operator, do you want to use two of these things back to back.

  • And so now I have a program that asks quite simply if x less than y, print

  • as much.

  • Elif x greater than y, print as much then.

  • Elif x equals y, print the same, x equals y.

  • But we don't necessarily need this third condition, it turns out.

  • Logically, if you've got two numbers, two integers,

  • I'm pretty sure, by definition, it'll either be greater than 1,

  • less than the other, or exactly the same.

  • And so we can save a tiny bit of time here

  • by not even asking that third question.

  • If I know that x is not less than y and I know that x is not greater than y,

  • I might as well just confer logically that they must be actually equal.

  • And so here we have the first of my Python programs

  • that much like my pseudocode for finding Mike Smith allows

  • me to take users' input and then compare it

  • in order to take a different fork in the road based on its value.

  • So my Boolean expressions here are x less than y and x greater than y

  • and that's it.

  • And my conditions here or the syntax with which I induced these branches

  • are my if, my elif and my else.

  • But important in Python--

  • unlike in pseudocode-- is some of this syntax.

  • The colon very specifically say do the following if this is true,

  • and the indentation, the multiple spaces--

  • here I typed four--

  • is ever so important as well.

  • Whereas many programming languages are a bit loose

  • when it comes to whitespace, so to speak,

  • how many times you hit the spacebar or tab.

  • Python enforces that you have the same amount of indentation everywhere.

  • And so if I want lines four and six and eight here to all line up logically,

  • they must literally do so in the file.

  • Similarly, must lines five and seven and nine line

  • up just right so that they are only executed

  • if the lines are just above them are true.

  • Let me go ahead and save this file.

  • And in my terminal window, run Python of,

  • typing in shall we say 1 for x, 2 for y.

  • And indeed, x is less than y.

  • Let's run it again, this time, flipping things around.

  • X is 2.

  • Y is 1.

  • And indeed, x is greater than y.

  • And one third time, which should be inferred if x is 1 and y is 1,

  • then, indeed, x equals y.

  • Now programming is not all about numbers.

  • In fact, pictured here in a program I wrote

  • already is wherein we have lines of code that, again,

  • prompt the user for input but this time, leave it as a string.

  • And so on line four am I asking the user for his or her answer

  • to a yes or no question.

  • Presumably the user might type little y or little n or perhaps capital Y

  • or capital N.

  • And indeed, I'd like this program to handle any number of those cases,

  • as any program might.

  • On line 7 here am I asking then two possible questions.

  • If c-- the name of the variable I gave to the users' input--

  • equals equals capital Y. Or to be robust, that variable c equals

  • equals lowercase y.

  • Let me go ahead and conclude and print that the user meant yes.

  • Meanwhile, if c equals equals n capitalized

  • or if c equals equals c in lowercase, similarly

  • do I want to conclude that the user meant no.

  • And so here the new operative word is quite literally or.

  • In Python, it tends to be fairly English-like,

  • ever more so than C and other languages where

  • if you want to do something or something else,

  • you literally say quite simply or.

  • If I wanted both situations to be true, albeit illogically,

  • could I use the actual word and.

  • But of course, the user's input can't simultaneously be capital

  • Y or lowercase y.

  • And so here is using or apt.

  • Now when programming, you don't have to use

  • only those functions that are handed to you by the particular language.

  • You yourself can invent functions of your own.

  • For instance, let me go ahead and in a file called

  • implement a program that takes as input an integer

  • or number from the user and then quite simply prints out the square thereof.

  • So if the human types in 2, I'll print out 4.

  • If the human types in 3, I'll print out 9.

  • And so how when might we go about doing this?

  • Well, perhaps in a familiar way now, x shall

  • equal the result of converting to an integer whatever the user's input is

  • after prompting them for x.

  • And then I'm going to go ahead quite simply and print out, well, x times x.

  • That is the square of x.

  • I'll go ahead and save this and in my terminal window

  • run Python on and as proposed, square 2 and as proposed, square 3.

  • And indeed, this program works exactly like this but to square a value

  • has kind of a nice ring to it.

  • And the fact that it happens to be implemented as x times x

  • is really just an mathematical implementation detail--

  • something that I shouldn't really have to worry about or remember.

  • I would just like to square the user's input.

  • So wouldn't it be nice if there were a function in Python--

  • or any language for that matter--

  • quite simply called square.

  • Indeed, I can make that happen, whether or not it exists,

  • and simply define it myself.

  • And so here I'm going to go and do the following.

  • Using Python's keyword called def--

  • short for define--

  • I'm going to go ahead and define a function called square.

  • I'm going to specify to Python that that new function shall take input

  • that I'll arbitrarily but conventionally call n for number.

  • And then with a colon as before and some indentation 2

  • am I'm going to go ahead and return quite simply n times n.

  • In other words, the math is the same.

  • The implementation details are the same.

  • But what's new here is this new keyword return.

  • Just like with the input function built into Python,

  • some human in that function's own implementation

  • had a line of code that said return to the user whatever they have typed in.

  • Here am I doing the same but returning not some users' input but rather

  • n times n.

  • And so you can think of this function called square much like that input

  • function, jotting down on a digital piece of paper that value,

  • handing it back to the caller or whoever uses this function,

  • and letting them use it as they see fit.

  • So now rather than use x times x myself can I more conceptually clearly say

  • square of the user's input x.

  • And the fact that x is not the same as n is quite OK.

  • It is this function square that presumes to call its own input n.

  • I can call my own input to square whatever I want, say, x.

  • So let's go ahead now and run this program and see what happens.

  • Based on these definitions, it would seem that I could square x in this way.

  • If I go ahead and run this program again, Python, and type to,

  • I get more output than I surely intended.

  • In fact, this is the first of my truly bad mistakes.

  • Here do I see what's called traceback, which is sort of a trace

  • or a log of everything the computer tried to do.

  • And you'll see some hints, however, arcane this output, that line two is

  • where my mistake probably is.

  • In particular, I have some kind of name error in Python

  • where the named square is not defined, and yet it's right here.

  • Well, it turns out that Python and a lot of languages

  • take things fairly literally.

  • And if when you're interpreting your file

  • they're reading top to bottom, left to right,

  • unfortunately, it's too late to define square on line four

  • if you yourself want to use it on line two.

  • But we could surely fix this logically.

  • As by moving that code up top down below, defining square at the top,

  • writing my own logic below, now trusting that Python will see square and only

  • use it on line five.

  • Let's go ahead and save this file, rerunning Python of,

  • again typing 2.

  • And voila, now it works.

  • But this isn't quite the most conventional way to solve this problem.

  • As naive as Python is reading your code top to bottom,

  • it's a bit of a regression now, a bit of a mistake

  • that I'm putting the actual code that I care

  • about at the bottom and the actual code that I

  • was trying to abstract away, if you will, and give name to at the very top.

  • At the end of this day, the program I care about

  • are these lines here, not my implementation of square.

  • And so I would actually prefer, albeit a bit nit pickily,

  • to put that code actually where it was.

  • And so if you do that, thereby keeping the main part of your program

  • at the top, as is convention, you still have to solve the same problem.

  • So how might we do that?

  • Well, the Pythonic way or the conventional way in Python

  • is to do this--

  • to define a function that most people call itself main, again,

  • ending it with a colon, indenting below that the lines you have written.

  • And then at the bottom of the file is the very last thing

  • you do, telling Python to call that function called main.

  • Because here now is what Python will do.

  • It will read this file in interpreting it top to bottom, left to right,

  • defining a function called main and then here defining a function called square

  • and then here calling one of those two functions, which

  • in turn, calls the second.

  • But in this way have you taken care to define all of your functions first

  • and never calling any of them until everything's been defined.

  • Now so that you've seen it too, it's not quite conventional to just run

  • main at the bottom.

  • Instead, you'll typically see a more magical incantation like this.

  • If underscore name underscore underscore equals equals quote unquote underscore

  • underscore main underscore colon, indented below that

  • will be your actual call to main.

  • This, for more arcane reasons, ensures that if you're

  • using a small program as part of a bigger one,

  • it won't necessarily get executed at the wrong time.

  • But logically, what the key takeaways here

  • are what you can actually do by defining your own functions.

  • Here too do we have an abstraction.

  • What does it mean to square two values?

  • Simply multiplying one against the other.

  • But it would be nice to just refer to that as a verb unto itself like square.

  • And so by defining this function do we now abstract away that multiplication

  • and just treat this as the idea we actually care about.

  • Now, of course, we're not saving all that much time,

  • and my programs even bigger than need be.

  • But it's demonstrative of this principle of abstracting away implementation

  • details and building your more interesting product on top of work

  • that you or someone else has already done.

  • Now what if we want to do more than just square a number?

  • We instead want to prompt the user for input, convert that input to a number,

  • and then ensure that that number is the type of number we want.

  • Indeed, it's not uncommon in a program to ask the user for a positive

  • integer-- something useful--

  • again and again until he or she provides just that.

  • For instance, the user might type 0 or negative or something else still,

  • but you want to pester them again and again until they

  • provide exactly the input you expect.

  • Much like in a website where you're forced to type a number

  • or email address or something else, similarly

  • can we do that in Python in code.

  • So let's go ahead and do exactly that.

  • And assume for the moment that there exists already a function called, say,

  • get positive int--

  • a function whose purpose in life is to get from the human an

  • integer from one on up.

  • Let me go ahead and preemptively this time

  • to find my own main function with def.

  • And inside of that code, go ahead and declare a variable called I for integer

  • and then just presume for the moment to call

  • a function called get positive int, which itself will take a prompt as

  • before asking the user, say, for I. And what do I

  • want it down to with this number?

  • Well, let's keep it simple for now and just print I itself.

  • But I now need to implement that function called get positive int.

  • So for that, I can use def and say def get positive int.

  • But I need this function to take itself a prompt.

  • And I'm going to go ahead and call it exactly

  • that, which is to say when I call this function,

  • as I've done on line two passing in some string of text

  • that I want the user to see, well, in my definition of get positive int on line

  • five, I need to tell Python to give that input a name,

  • so I can refer to it ultimately.

  • Because, indeed, when I'm going to do after adding that colon

  • and indenting underneath is ultimately, we

  • want to call input, passing in precisely that prompt.

  • After all, get positive int is not going to presume

  • to know in advance what the programmer wants to prompt the user with.

  • Instead, it's going to get it just in time via that input or argument.

  • But I need to pester the user again and again if they don't actually

  • give me a positive int.

  • And so how might I do that?

  • Well, just like in pseudocode, we might define for ourselves loops--

  • blocks of code that do something again.

  • And again as we go to step two, as before, so can I do that in Python

  • in any number of ways, but perhaps the simplest here is this--

  • to simply say you know what, Python?

  • Go ahead and give me an infinite loop while true--

  • while being my operative word here, inducing a loop while something

  • is true.

  • Well, you know what's true always is the word true.

  • And indeed, built into Python are Boolean values--

  • true and false literally-- by definition, capital T and capital F.

  • So by saying while true colon, I'm saying Python, please

  • go ahead and do something again and again until I tell you to stop.

  • Well, what do you want Python to do in this loop?

  • I want to go ahead and declare a variable called say n,

  • assign to it the return value of calling that in function,

  • passing to it the output of input.

  • And then and only then if the human has obliged and given me a positive int,

  • I'll go ahead and say, well, if n greater than zero,

  • go ahead and break out of this loop.

  • So a different approach than we saw in pseudocode where I simply said

  • go to and go to and go to again.

  • Here I've instead said, Python, do this forever until I say break.

  • And only once n is greater than zero, as per the user's input,

  • do I break out of this loop entirely and therefore return

  • when I'm ready that value called n.

  • And so here on my last line of code am I again using return, handing back,

  • if you will, a sheet of paper on which is that number.

  • But I only reach this line 10 after I've said break on line 9,

  • and so does this function get positive in ultimately return exactly that.

  • So as always, let me go ahead now and save this file but only

  • after adding that last cryptic line.

  • If the name of this file is implicitly underscore underscore main,

  • then do I want to go ahead and call main so

  • that we avoid all of those issues of code in the wrong order.

  • I'll go ahead and click Save and do Python of,

  • providing an input, say, negative 1, being

  • prompted again for a number so negative 2-- still

  • not a positive int nor a zero.

  • But if I finally type of value like one do

  • I actually see the one that I inputted.

  • But it turns out Python supports other types of loops

  • as well, not just via this keyword called while but actually

  • via a preposition called for.

  • For instance, suppose that I want to implement a program that,

  • not unlike a charting program like Excel,

  • prints for me some kind of bar chart.

  • These bar charts will be purely textual using, say,

  • hash marks to represent values.

  • But to do this, I'm going to have to prompt the user for input

  • and then print out precisely that many hashes horizontally.

  • Well, let's see what I get.

  • I'm going to go ahead and as always prompt the user for input.

  • We'll call it say n.

  • And that user's input shall be converted via int after asking them

  • for that value of n.

  • And then once I have that value do I want to iterate

  • that is loop some number of times--

  • some number of times equal to whatever the user's input was.

  • So if the user has inputted one, I'll print just one hash mark.

  • If the user inputs 10, I want to print 10 of those hashes.

  • But how do I do this?

  • A while true loop or forever loop that infinitely loops is probably

  • not the right approach here.

  • But rather I want to iterate some finite number of times.

  • And so a for loop allows us to do exactly that

  • with built-in functionality as follows.

  • Let me go ahead and say Python for I in the range

  • of n, which is the user's input, go ahead per the colon

  • and do the following next.

  • Go ahead and print out a single hash for each value.

  • And so what is this line of code doing?

  • Here on line 3 do I have for I in the range of n.

  • Well, it turns out that range is a function built into Python

  • that returns to you effectively a range of values.

  • By default, that range starts at 0 and goes up to but not through the value

  • you ask for.

  • So if you pass to range the value like 1, you will iterate only one

  • time the range of 0 to but not through 1.

  • If you instead input a value of 10, you'll iterate over a range of 0

  • through 9 up to but not through 10 and get precisely that many hashes.

  • My goal, again, is to print a bar chart of sorts

  • with one hash representing each of these values

  • from left to right, a horizontal bar chart.

  • So let me go ahead and save this file here and in my terminal window

  • run Python of

  • We'll input a number like 10.

  • And unfortunately, they all seem to be vertical.

  • And if I scrolled up higher in my terminal window would I see all 10

  • but again, one on top of the other.

  • So how do I somehow keep my cursor, if you will, on the same line?

  • Well, all this time, I've been using print.

  • I've been getting a new line for free, so to speak.

  • At the end of printing anything has Python

  • been moving my cursor, not unlike an old school typewriter,

  • to the bottom left of the next line.

  • But sometimes I want my cursor to stay on the same line,

  • even as I do something again and again.

  • And it turns out Python--

  • and knowably know this by having looked at the documentation,

  • therefore is that the print function can take

  • a second input that is not necessarily just

  • some other string you want to print.

  • But instead it's a named parameter--

  • that is, an input that has a predetermined named--

  • in this case called n--

  • that you can set equal to a specific value like nothing.

  • It turns out, albeit non-obviously, that, by default, Python

  • ends each line with a carriage return, if you will, or a blank line,

  • otherwise represented here technically as a backslash n, which itself

  • is technically distinct from an old school carriage return

  • but has the effect of moving that cursor down to the next line.

  • So this is implicit.

  • It would be incredibly annoying if any time you wrote Python code

  • and wanted to print something that you had

  • to type out that sequence of symbols.

  • And so you get those for free, so to speak.

  • But if you want to override that default behavior,

  • you need to instead tell Python's print function, you know what?

  • End your lines with nothing at all, quote unquote with nothing in between.

  • But when I'm done printing all of them, it

  • would be nice to move my cursor to the next line so that my next prompt--

  • that dollar sign we keep seeing in my terminal window--

  • is at least on its own.

  • So I'm going to go ahead and say print open paren closed paren

  • with nothing inside that because if I get for free a blank line,

  • I don't need to pass anything to print.

  • That is as the very last step just going to move my cursor to the next line.

  • So let me go ahead and save this program now and again,

  • in my terminal, window run Python of, typing in this time 10.

  • And there do I get my 10 hashes horizontally.

  • So it turns out Python has what are called types, and the only time you

  • really need to know or care about this is when, frankly, it

  • starts to bite you, like it did us.

  • Indeed, when I asked for the user's input

  • and expecting an integer but the user typed exactly

  • that but I didn't convert it in advance to an int,

  • I got ultimately that weird behavior of concatenating one string to another.

  • So underneath the hood are there are any number of types built into Python--

  • a bool like true/false, integers like numbers, strs or strings of text,

  • and even floats, real numbers that have a decimal point

  • and some number of digits after.

  • But beyond that are more sophisticated data types or data structures still.

  • Dict or dictionary, which is as we'll call it a hash table of sorts,

  • list which can be any number of values back to back,

  • a range of values as we've just seen, or a set wherein

  • you have no duplicate values and a tuple, not unlike x comma y or latitude

  • comma longitude.

  • But it turns out that an appreciation of these types

  • can help you avoid some very serious mistakes in code

  • because it turns out that depending on how you store your data in a computer's

  • memory, you might actually get behavior that you didn't actually intend.

  • For instance, let me quite simply write a program that prints out

  • the value of, oh, say, 1 divided by 10.

  • I have here a file called, say, imprecision that I quite simply

  • am going to do this--

  • prompt the user for an input called x, converting their input to an int,

  • as always, asking for x, and then defining another variable called y--

  • this time, converting to an integer the user's input after prompting for y.

  • And then quite simply, I'm going to print x divided by y.

  • Let me go ahead and save this and in my terminal window

  • run Python of, hitting Enter here,

  • typing in, say, 1 divided by 10.

  • And so 0.1 is the answer, just as you'd expect.

  • Let's go ahead and print out more digits than 1 after that decimal point,

  • just to make sure that 1/10 is indeed 0.1 with implicitly an infinite number

  • of zeros to the right.

  • Well, let me go ahead just for simplicity's sake

  • and first store the value x divided by y and a third variable z.

  • And then in my print statement here, let me print out exactly that z,

  • but let me format it a bit differently than usual.

  • Using Python support for an or format string,

  • using that prefix f, which connotes give me a format string,

  • am I going to print exactly that quote unquote z.

  • But recall that you need to surround it with those so-called curly braces

  • to make clear to Python that you want to plug in its value and not literally z.

  • Well, it turns out there's additional syntax we can use, albeit cryptic,

  • via which to tell Python, yes, print z but to this many decimal places.

  • And the syntax for that is a colon right after the variable,

  • followed by a literal period, and the number of decimal points

  • that you'd like to print.

  • And because this is a so-called floating point value or real number,

  • we need one additional F. Now with this syntax

  • should I be able to print that same value but to a specific number

  • of decimal places.

  • Let's see.

  • In my terminal window, let me go ahead and run Python and,

  • again inputting 1, again inputting 10, and whew,

  • I indeed see point 1 followed by nine more zeros--

  • a total of 10 digits.

  • Well, let me get a little more curious and instead print out, oh, shall

  • we say 20 decimal places--

  • again running my program in,

  • inputting 1, followed by 10, and all looks almost good until wow, 5, 5, 5.

  • I'm a little curious now as to what's going on.

  • Let me go ahead and run this one last time after printing 30 decimal places.

  • Here I'm going to go ahead and run Python of,

  • hoping that the I'm not going to get worse, and it does.

  • It seems if you look far enough out, you start to see some weirdness.

  • In fact, let me go as far as out as--

  • I don't know-- 55 decimal places, going ahead and running

  • Python of, and putting one in 10.

  • Oh, my god, it does get worse.

  • So it would seem that all of us taught in grade school that one divided by 10

  • indeed equals 1/10 is not quite true.

  • If you look far enough beyond the decimal point, eventually,

  • things go horribly, horribly awry, and that is because computers quite often,

  • as powerful and sophisticated as they are, can't quite do everything

  • and can't quite do everything that we humans do.

  • Now why is this?

  • It would seem that Python is ever so slightly

  • off when it comes to the representation of this floating

  • point or this real value.

  • Now why is that?

  • Well, inside of a computer is hardware like this, RAM or Random Access Memory,

  • which is a little chip of memory inside of your computer wherein files

  • and programs or stored when they're open or running.

  • And inside of each of these black chips is some number of bytes or bits

  • that are ultimately used to represent any of the values in your program.

  • The catch here, though, is that this device, like any physical device

  • in the real world, has only a finite amount of space or capacity, which

  • is to say, no matter how big or expensive this particular RAM is,

  • it has a finite number of bytes--

  • maybe one billion if it's a gigabyte or two billion if it's two gigs.

  • But it's a finite number in total.

  • And by default, what Python and most languages do is

  • they decide a priori how many bits or bytes

  • to use to represent any of the values in your program.

  • And so if your number is so precise or so big

  • that it can't quite be represented in only that many bits,

  • the language, like Python, is going to come as close as it can

  • and represent that value with some approximation.

  • And that's what we're seeing.

  • One divided by 10 is surely a mathematically well-defined number.

  • Indeed, it's 1/10 or 0.1 and mathematically should be 0.10000 ad

  • nauseum infinitely.

  • But in Python, if you're only using, say, 32 or 64 any number of bits,

  • you can't possibly represent the infinite number

  • of numbers that exist in the world and represent all of them

  • perfectly, precisely.

  • To do so, you would surely need an infinite number of bits,

  • and we don't have that in our physical world.

  • And so you have to suffer, unfortunately,

  • this potential for floating point imprecision where values you care about

  • are going to be close but not quite what you

  • intend, unless you, the programmer or designer of the system,

  • are willing to spend more than just 32 or 64 bits

  • but more and more and more and enough that you

  • can get that decimal point and those values as far off to the right,

  • so to speak, as you can.

  • But darn it, if there isn't another problem that derives

  • from precisely the same constraint.

  • Not only can you have imprecision when it comes to floating point values,

  • even integers are potentially flawed, not necessarily in Python

  • because in the latest version of Python have they designed in the language

  • the ability to use as many bits as you need to represent integers--

  • specifically, numbers like negative 1 and 0 and 1 and everything

  • to the left and everything to the right.

  • The language itself will use more and more bits

  • to store exactly the integer you want, but that

  • did not used to be the case in Python and is still not the case

  • in some languages.

  • Some languages are vulnerable to what's called integer overflow whereby

  • if in that language you try to count so high that you need

  • to represent a number that's too big to fit in the amount of storage

  • you've allocated--

  • 32 or 60 or some number of other bits--

  • you're going to overflow the value.

  • The result of which is that you might be going up and up and up and up

  • and representing a bigger and bigger value.

  • But it gets so big that all of the ones in that number become zeros.

  • And somehow accidentally.

  • you end up overflowing and starting all over numerically.

  • Now how might that be?

  • Well, consider a number that's represented with only three digits,

  • and let's start counting, for instance, from 123.

  • Adding ones to that gives you 124, followed by 125, 126, 127, 128, 129.

  • And what do we do in our human mathematical world?

  • Well, if you were about to hit nine and we now need to go to 10,

  • you don't just write 10.

  • Rather you write zero, and you carry the one, so to speak,

  • continuing now with your logic, adding that one to that two, giving you 130.

  • And that's OK.

  • We've stayed within the confines of that three-digit number.

  • But of course, if we go count up long enough, we'll eventually reach 999.

  • But if we have decided to only allocate three digits for this number

  • where or what is going to happen when we add one number to this?

  • Well, you might be inclined to carry the one and carry then one again.

  • And in the world where you have the luxury of pen and paper,

  • you might simply write down 1,000, which is the right value.

  • But if your computer or device is only representing values with three digits,

  • you have overflowed this particular value,

  • and you've overflowed in the sense that even though I have it here

  • on the screen, that doesn't actually have room in which to fit.

  • And so your number 1,000 becomes mistaken for 0 0 0,

  • thereby having you've overflowed and wrapped around from a big number

  • to a small.

  • Now you might think that this is fairly contrived and why would

  • you ever do something so foolish as to only represent numbers

  • with three digits.

  • Well, we humans have done worse.

  • Now it wasn't all that long ago that we humans made precisely this mistake

  • using just two digits to store years.

  • After all, if almost all of your dates start with 1900-something,

  • you might as well just store those last two digits.

  • Unfortunately, by December 31, 1999, were many of us quite a bit nervous

  • that we hadn't found all of the code and all of the devices in the world

  • that we're still using just two digits because, as

  • with integer overflow, if you have a number already counted up to 99

  • and you only have two digits, you might run the risk that 99 rolls over,

  • overflowing to 0 0.

  • And all of a sudden, it is not the year 2000 but 1900 again--

  • quite simply the result of integer overflow

  • by using a fixed amount of memory to represent

  • something and not having anticipated that you might eventually need more.

  • But you can certainly design for this and engineer defenses against this.

  • Indeed, some games have done better than we as a society.

  • Indeed, this game here Lego Star Wars has a point system wherein

  • you can accumulate coins over time.

  • And if you play this game long enough, you

  • can accumulate apparently as many as 4 billion of these coins

  • but unfortunately no more because the engineers

  • who designed this game decided that the maximum number of points you can accrue

  • is just that--

  • 4 billion.

  • But why?

  • Well, it turns out that in many computers and game consoles,

  • it's conventional to store your integers or ints 32-bit values--

  • 32 zeros or ones back to back, which means

  • you have 2 to the 32 possible permutations

  • thereof, which means you have roughly four billion possible values.

  • You actually have a few more than 4 billion,

  • but it's perhaps cleaner in a game to just choose

  • a clean value with lots of zeros.

  • But in this game did they anticipate that you'd play this game too long,

  • and you might eventually overflow.

  • And who knows what might happen to that gamer

  • if he or she plays the game so long, and all of a sudden,

  • their high score becomes zero.

  • So these problems are solvable.

  • You just have to anticipate and actually engineer those solutions.

  • But sometimes we don't, including companies like Boeing.

  • It wasn't all that long ago that the Boeing 747 had a software bug in it

  • whereby the plane's power system might actually

  • turn off while the plane in the worst case were actually flying.

  • One article put it as follows.

  • A model 787 airplane that has been powered continuously for 248 days

  • can lose all alternating current--

  • AC electrical power-- due to the Generator Control Units,

  • GCUs, simultaneously going into failsafe mode, the memo stated.

  • This condition is caused by the software counter

  • internal to the GCUs that will overflow after 248 days of continuous power.

  • Boeing is in the process of developing a GCU software upgrade that

  • will remedy the unsafe condition.

  • Another website analyzed the situation as follows.

  • A simple guess suggests that the problem is a signed 32-bit overflow as 2

  • to the 31st power is the number of seconds in 248 days multiplied by 100--

  • that is, a counter in hundreds of second.

  • Which is to say it is presumed that Boeing had stored some form of integer

  • in its own software, and that integer was

  • representing the number of hundreds of seconds

  • for which the power had been on.

  • But if you're only using 32 bits and only have at your disposal

  • roughly 4 billion one hundredths of seconds, turns out mathematically,

  • after 248 days, that counter, which is clearly important,

  • might overflow and wrap around to zero, the result of which

  • is that the power of an airplane might shut off.

  • And so the temporary work around, before the software upgrade was deployed,

  • was to quite literally reboot the airplane while on the ground

  • before that 248th day.

  • Now we've only just scratched the surface

  • of what you could do with Python, and in fact, we've

  • looked at some of those characteristics that are demonstrative of the features

  • that you might find in any number of programming languages.

  • But we're not even limited to the functions that come

  • built into the core language itself.

  • It turns out there are called libraries and frameworks and yet more

  • in any number of languages that provide additional features that you somehow

  • have to load or import manually in order to use.

  • One such example might be in Python.

  • If you want to generate random or technically pseudorandom numbers

  • to create some kind of variation in how your program behaves,

  • it turns out that you can't just call a random function right out of the box.

  • You need to tell Python to please load or import that feature for you.

  • So let's go ahead and write a program in a file called

  • that allows us to generate a random number between, say, 1 in 10.

  • I want to go ahead, though, first and do this.

  • From a library called random, go ahead and import a function

  • called randint for random int.

  • And then if I want to go ahead and generate or select and then

  • print a pseudorandom number between 1 and 10 inclusive,

  • I can simply do print rand int 1 comma 10,

  • and the effect will be to let Python somehow figure out

  • how to choose a number between those two values

  • and return to it to me so that I can print it.

  • Let's go ahead and save the file and then in my terminal window

  • run Python of and 10.

  • Let's go ahead and run it again.

  • And this time, I get six.

  • Let's go ahead and run it yet again, and this time, I get 10.

  • Yet again, let's go ahead and run it, and this, time I get one.

  • And if I were to run it shall we say an infinite number of times, over time,

  • I would see a uniform distribution, hopefully, of those 10 possible values.

  • And that's what's meant by pseudorandom itself.

  • It turns out that languages and computers more generally can't really

  • pick a random number off the top of their head like you

  • and I can, rather they need to use algorithms, which themselves

  • are deterministic processes-- code that does the same thing again

  • and again in order to create, if you will, the illusion of randomness

  • by creating a statistically uniform distribution over some range of values.

  • Now often, a computer will use something that's

  • changing, like the clock that's built into it,

  • taking a look at the current time, and then generating

  • a random number or again pseudorandom number based on that variation

  • or if it has a microphone or a camera taking some ambient noise of sorts

  • and using that to feed into whatever algorithm it's

  • using to choose something randomly.

  • But suppose I want to now do something with this value and not just print it.

  • Suppose that we want to implement a bit of a game for a user--

  • pick a random number between 1 and 10 and see if they can guess it correctly.

  • Well, let's see how a program might like that might be implemented.

  • Let's first go ahead.

  • And from that library called random, import as before,

  • a function called rand int.

  • Although it turns out if you want to use not only this function or others,

  • you can more succinctly just say import random.

  • The difference being if you only import random,

  • we are going to have to prefix with the word random followed

  • by a dot every use of a function.

  • So we'll do it that way this time.

  • Let's go ahead and declare a variable called n

  • and assign to it right to left the result of calling rand int.

  • But this time, because we've not mentioned rand int by name,

  • I need to qualify this symbol and say random dot rand int,

  • thereby making clear to Python that the function I'd like you to call

  • is actually inside of that library called random.

  • But I can otherwise use it as before passing in two values--

  • a lower and upper bound like this, one comma 10--

  • and that should give me an n, a random number in that range.

  • Now I want to go ahead and ask the user for their guess,

  • and I'll go ahead and define another variable called, say, guess.

  • That is the result of converting to an int whatever

  • the user's input is for their guess.

  • And now, quite simply for this game, I want to compare those two values

  • and print, say, correct or incorrect.

  • And so I'll go ahead and say if the users guess equals equals n,

  • go ahead and print out as much correct.

  • Else if the user's guess is not right, let's implicitly

  • infer that, nope, incorrect.

  • And so we'll print that instead.

  • Let me go ahead and save this file now and run Python of

  • This time, I'll be prompted for my guess.

  • I'll say five.

  • Unfortunately, it's incorrect.

  • Let's go ahead and play again this time running Python

  • This time, I'll go with 10 since we saw it so many times before and correct.

  • I'll run it a third time and see what's going on.

  • This time, I'll guess one but incorrect.

  • Unfortunately, I've implemented perhaps the most frustrating game ever

  • because I'm not even telling the user what the actual number was.

  • But surely, I could do that by printing the value of the variable

  • I stored that random int in, but that would be yet another game altogether.

  • All right, let's now bring all of this together and solve an actual problem--

  • one say from yesteryear.

  • You might recall this game here, Super Mario Brothers, the original, and this

  • was a two-dimensional world built up of images like this.

  • Well, there in the sky so, to speak, do I see four question marks.

  • And that seems like an opportunity to do something again and again.

  • How might I print out for question marks in a row, not nearly as graphically

  • as that here but just with my terminal window and text editor?

  • Well, here let me go ahead and open those two.

  • And in a file called, say,, let me go ahead and print out,

  • quite simply, four questions.

  • I'll go ahead and print out quote unquote question mark question mark

  • question mark question mark.

  • Saving that file again in, running in my terminal window

  • Python of mario0.puy and voila do I get an approximation

  • of what Nintendo did in yesteryear.

  • Now of course, doing something again and again

  • is clearly an opportunity for, say, a loop and not just printing it

  • all at once but just doing something again and again.

  • And while this will complicate the code initially,

  • it sets us up for a more interesting solution thereafter.

  • In a file then called, let me go ahead

  • and implement that same sequence of question marks

  • but this time using that familiar loop, not a while loop or an infinite loop

  • but perhaps just a for loop like this.

  • For I in the range of 0 up to, but not through 4,

  • go ahead and print out just one question mark.

  • Saving that file brings me now to my terminal window in Python of

  • enter.

  • Unfortunately, I have created not quite the right level.

  • But that's OK because remember that with print, you

  • get one new line for free every time you call it,

  • unless you override that default behavior.

  • So let's say, no, Python instead and your line with nothing,

  • and only once I'm completely done do I want you to print

  • one of those free new lines for me.

  • I'll go ahead and save my file again in my terminal

  • window, rerun Python of, and now we have the same exact result.

  • But later in the game do we see different aspects of Mario's world, not

  • unlike this thing here underground.

  • Pictured here are a number of blocks in the underworld,

  • and it looks to me like that bigger block

  • there is a composition of, say, 4.

  • So let's go ahead now and print out a block of bricks,

  • these are all represented by hashes so that I have four horizontally,

  • four vertically as well, and everything else filled in too.

  • We've not yet printed out anything on multiple axes,

  • if you will, both rows and columns of sorts.

  • So how to do this?

  • Well, in my terminal window, I'm going to create a file called

  • And in this file, I'm going to decompose this problem conceptually, so to speak,

  • into two different problems.

  • Built into that underworld are some number

  • of rows of bricks within which are these columns.

  • And I bet I could bite those off each one at a time.

  • So let me go ahead and do this.

  • For I in range of 4, go ahead and print what?

  • Well, for every row of bricks, do I want to print some number of columns too?

  • Because it's a square, the same number of columns as rows and so I

  • know how to print that many things too.

  • I can simply use another loop perhaps with a different variable

  • with which to count like for j, as is conventional in range also of 4.

  • And then inside of this inner nested loop, so to speak,

  • might I go ahead and print out just one hash ending each of my lines

  • with, as before, nothing.

  • In fact, I only want to move my cursor to the next line

  • after I've printed each of those columns.

  • And so only underneath that innermost loop do I want that call to print.

  • Let me go ahead and save this file now and run Python of

  • And if I've gotten this logic right, I can go ahead and print out

  • those rows and columns too.

  • And indeed, that's what I get.

  • It's not quite a perfect square because those hashes are

  • a little taller than they are wider.

  • But via a for loop, one nested inside of another can

  • I handle two problems at once--

  • the act of iterating from row to row to row and within each row, iterating

  • left to right via column.

  • And in fact, to make that ever more clear, why

  • do I even call my variables more aptly.

  • For each row in the range of four in each column in the range of four,

  • go ahead and print each of those hashes.

  • Frankly, it doesn't even matter what I call these variables because I'm never

  • actually using them per se.

  • I'm simply telling Python to count up from 0 to 4 using

  • those particular names.

  • Those then are some programming languages--

  • Python especially among them.

  • And just as we saw in pseudocode, the ability to express functions

  • and conditions with Boolean expressions and loops and then things like

  • variables and more, so can we express those exact same ideas in Python, in C,

  • C++, and Java.

  • And with each of those languages do you get different features,

  • with each of those languages do you get different techniques.

  • But ultimately, those languages are all just

  • tools for one's toolkit with which to solve any number of problems with data.



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