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it's going on, guys, think for your patients.
But now it's time to announce to you who are going to be the winners of the custom notching contest.
So if you guys missed the contest or anything, then we had a contest that was revolving around the notch in tank models that are made by copy co models.
They're in Japan.
They were originally designed by voice on.
It was just a illustration that he had made and that that was then made into a model kiss.
So it's pretty cool.
And so you need to say something.
Cues first before we get into this.
And first off, just big thank you to us a Gundam store for sponsoring the contest for providing the prizes for the contest.
Thank you to them, as always, for their support.
If you guys do want to check out us a gun store there, you can use my coupon code, Zach earliest and save 10% of everything in stock.
The link is down there, a video description.
So think of them and then big thank you to voice on himself for agreeing to help with the judging of the contest.
So not only was he very helpful in also just sharing information about the contest on Twitter and also Big thing you to copy co models.
The company that makes them also was helpful and sharing information on Twitter as well, especially to Japanese modelers.
They're just about the contest, so thank you to both of them.
And then, yes, my son also helped with the judging.
So he also reviewed all the entries and gave his input for his top picks for the contest as well.
So thank you to voice on everyone.
If you're on Twitter, go there and say Thank you to him as well if you participated in the contest or not, or just check out his work anyway.
Linked to his Twitter account will also be down that video description below a firm familiar.
So let's get into it.
There's going to be one People's Choice winner and then three top winners for the contest.
The first place will get his first pick of the three price packs, second place when it will get second pick on third place, when it will get the third price pack that's left over.
So I went over the prices in the announcement.
You can check that out if you want, but basically there's a master grade themed price back a real great dean, one in HD themed ones.
So we thought we'd give The winner is the choices if they have a preferred grade.
Basically, they're all valued about the same price as what's in the price back.
So the contest now wrapped a few days ago, and after it was done, I threw up an album on my Facebook page where you guys go there and vote on your favorites by liking the ones that you liked the most.
And so the winner of the People's Choice Award here is Brian Torres, who made this psychos aku have themed not you build here.
So this was pretty cool.
I think you guys just liked the theme that he went with for this.
It was a good idea just to make it.
I was kind of surprised at how few of the contest entries were based around something or not like Gundam related.
It was actually not very many of them, so this was one of the few once, and it was pretty well done is pretty creative, pretty interesting so, So great work, Brian on that.
And once again, the People's Choice Prize well, actually provided by True gum.
Plus, I need to say thank you to him as well.
He also reached out and offered Thio.
Put a prize for that.
So that'll be $50 to True Gun Plus online shop and then also an SD kid that he'll be sending out for Brian for that.
So then before we get into the winners, I just wantto just once again talk about really briefly here what we're like, the criteria that I was looking for and, like the three big criteria were number one, the creativity, the idea that you had Was this something cool?
Interesting creative that you did with the kit.
Secondly, was the painting The painting needed to be really well done and just really thought out in terms of what colors you use different painting techniques and styles and weathering.
And all this kind of went into that on and then just the basic building skills.
So any no mark steam lines on just kind of rough edges anything like that.
How was your kind of just building skills before even got to the paintings.
So those of the big things that I was looking for and it was really, really tough.
This one was probably one of the hardest contest is to judge because we had a lot of really great entries, which I'll show you here in a minute as some honorable mentions, and then to narrow it down from the inventions to picking out who are gonna ultimately be the winners was really, really tough because there was a lot that we're both really good.
And I think this one that was really super creative.
But the painting wasn't quite as nice as this one where this one had the painting really nice and it wasn't quite as creative as the other one.
So it was really difficult.
And so between those three criteria, that's kind of what I was looking forward.
Maybe this one didn't score quite as high on the creativity, but the painting was amazing, and also the build was really super clean and everything was like, technically, really good.
They didn't have any rough edges.
Like I said, our steam lines or anything like that.
So that is what it came down to for the final in treason was like very, very difficult.
I wish I could have had five winners or six winners would have been a lot easier than narrowing it down to three.
But before I tell you guys who the winners ultimately are, here are a look at some of the honorable mentions that were also really, really good.
And I wish I could give prizes to all of you guys.
But here, have a look.
All right, so then, without any further delay, let's get right into it.
The third place here is going to go to Kevin, who made this really cool, cute SD TV version of the not chanting.
So if you've seen on voice on Twitter, he has also done our work.
His, like actual Twitter profile picture is this.
He's also done different versions of this.
So this is just what Kevin has done has made an actual model version of the TV version of the tank that moist on has also illustrated.
So basically shortened up some proportions obviously changed a lot of that headed there and the legs and so it was really cool customization that he made to this and very cleanly done on so it was just nice, crisp, clean.
This was one of my sons picks for his favorites as well.
This isn't technically necessarily Gundam related.
He did use a couple of Gundam marking decals on there as well, so at least that was on there.
But yeah, this was very nicely done.
And just a good, solid custom entry there.
So and second place is going to go here.
Thio Andrew who made this really cool sort of samurai style one.
And there were a couple of different entries that working on similar to this one.
But what put this one ahead of the arrest was that it was maybe not quite as creative of some of the ones.
But the painting on this one was so well done.
And also the diagram A effects.
No, dire.
Emma wasn't necessarily something that was necessary.
And you will see Ah, lot of these in the top.
You know, category here, orange don't have any government, but basically as it goes with diarrhea Moses, it just becomes part of the building.
Can you really help you?
Or it can really hurt you depending on how good or bad it is.
And some people used Doremus and some people didn't.
But, uh, the sort of vignette here that he put together it was also really nice.
So that certainly added to the look of it.
If this was just the kid on its own, it may not have been quite as impressive, but it was also just really nicely put together there with this little tree and rock being yet that he had.
And so the painting and weathering on this is really fantastic.
That's kind of like definitely the the best part about this build Still really nice.
The customization is good, too cool customization.
Just at the little sandals sword, the ornament on the head and the flag on the back.
So you get that samurai vibe from it without it being super duper customized.
But just still, just the painting is amazing.
The details, the weathering and all of that.
A little bit of a great nation to the painting, and everything just made it look really, really nice.
So that was a really fantastic entry as well.
All right, so that is gonna bring us then, Thio, the final entry in the first place winner here that I have gone with is going to be from spiel 10 here.
Who made this custom whale entry here?
Now, what was really so cool about this was the fact that it transforms So it has a kind of, albeit kind of simple transformation.
But still, he customised this in a way that it could actually transform into, like, a sort of mobile armor sort of whale mode there, which was super cool.
That was something that no one else did.
A couple of people did also have a sort of similar sort of transformation esque kind of gimmick in their build.
But this one was definitely the best one in the most involved transformation of them.
So aside from that, the customization czar all pretty clean.
The painting is good, you know, just the multiple tones of gray and everything that he used for that the weathering is pretty nice on there as well.
And so overall, this one waas, it might have been in the best mix of good painting, good modifications and a creative idea.
S o.
I really liked this one and cyst.
So the and something transforming into a whale is pretty unique doing I mean, you might expect it transforming into, like some sort of like jets or car, some sort of other vehicle or some sort of other living more like intimidating animal.
I don't know something like a lion or something like that, but to a way out that was cool and unique and creative.
Interesting, cute.
Also a little bit s Oh, I like this one quite a bit.
So those were my picks.
Let me know if you guys agree or disagree.
I'm sure you guys will have disagreements.
Like I said, even I you know, it was really tough.
You know, I'm not sure if this really would have been that much easier, even if I could narrow it down to like five or six winners, and that's still would have been really tough.
But all in all, we had 64 submitted entries in the end, so that was pretty amazing.
I wasn't I was expecting maybe if it went really well, we could give probably around 50 entries.
But the fact that we've got 64 is pretty good.
That is pretty amazing.
So just what I say Thank you to everyone who participated.
Thank you for everyone who put time into your bills.
I hope you had a lot of fun.
The kids were really fun.
I know they have been difficult to get.
The thing with the kids just sold out everywhere like a suit is the contest was announced.
It's just calm because the tiny little company, so they don't have a ton of production capabilities.
So, uh, when the kids just sold out everywhere I think Cavaco, it seems like, probably put a lot of their restocking priorities.
Probably too different shops there in Japan before they were able Thio, get those back out to other countries, like in the U.
And so another.
The kids have been hard to get.
And so if any of you weren't able to get the kids in time, weren't able to finish your builds in time for the contest.
Hopefully, you will still share your works online.
Share them with me or anyone just around on the Internet.
You stick can still share the one voice on a swell on Twitter.
I'm not sure, necessarily if we'll have another notch in contest, but I still plan on doing work on different nights in tanks, myself and working on them Just cause they're fun gets to work on.
I still need to finish my custom build that I've got going on them on.
So hopefully you guys will to, uh, they're really fun.
Gets to work on.
So just like I said, yeah.
Really appreciate everyone who put the time into their builds.
I wish I could have given more prizes to you guys.
There's a lot of really great ones out there, but hopefully we're all proud.
With what?
With what you've created on?
Uh, yeah, just thank you.
So now, here as traditional at the end of the video, I'll give you guys a slide show of all the entries so you can see your entry.
Even if you didn't win, you still gonna check out your entry here amongst everyone else's now together is also an album of all the entries on my Facebook page as well.
If you want to check that out also.
So thank you everyone for watching.
And I'll see you guys for the next contest.
It should be probably pretty soon.
So we'll see you then.