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  • When Galileo pointed his telescope at Jupiter in 1610, he was the first person to see the


  • giant orbs attached to it by springs.


  • His actual drawings, compared night after night, show these bright spots moving back

    他的手繪圖,比對每個夜晚 表明這些亮點來回移動過

  • and forth past Jupiter, exactly the same as if they were balls hanging off of springs.

    木星, 跟球掛在彈簧上一樣。

  • I mean, yeah Galileo was looking at the moons of Jupiter, but if you plot their motion back

    我的意思是,伽利略當時看著的是 木星的衛星,但如果你繪製他們來回

  • and forth and back and forth over time, it forms a sine wave.

    又來回的運動一段時間, 它會形成一個正弦波。

  • And that motion is mathematically identical to the motion of something bouncing up and


  • down on a spring with a linear restoring force - also sine waves over time.

    具有續力 - 和正弦波隨著時間的推移。

  • From a side-on perspective that projects two dimensions down to one, things in circular


  • orbits look exactly like theyre springing back and forth on giant coils of wire.


  • Now, I’m not saying that we should think of the moons of Jupiter as being held on by


  • giant invisible springs, but it’s a valid mathematical model when viewing them from


  • a distanceitll make the same predictions about the motions of the moons as theorbiting

    遠處觀察 - 而它會有相同的衛星運動軌跡預測為

  • in circles due to invisible gravitymodel, and one can be mathematically transformed

    "因為無形的引力造成循環的軌道"公式 且其中一個可以由數學轉換

  • into the other.


  • The moons of Jupiter aren’t alone in having multiple mathematical descriptions: projectiles


  • and storms on earth experience a force (called the Coriolis effect) that causes them to turn,

    拋物線和地球上的風暴受到力的作用(叫 科里奧利效應),使它們轉彎

  • but viewed from an external perspective, the projectiles and storms are what goes in a

    但由外部的角度看, 拋物線和風暴會直直的走

  • straight line while the earth turns beneath them.


  • Both models, if you use them carefully, make correct predictions about reality.

    這兩種公式, 如果你仔細的運用它們,會與現實相同的正確預測。

  • And quantum phenomena can be modeled in at least three different ways that all give the


  • same predictions: as a particle being guided by a spread-outpilot wave”, or as a

    同樣的預測:1. 粒子被一個展開的“導航波”引導,或

  • spread out probability wave that collapses to a single point, or as a particle exploring

    2. 一個展開的機率波坍塌為一個點,或者

  • all possible paths it could take and interfering with itself along the way.

    3. 一個粒子的所有可能的路徑和所有一路上所有的干擾

  • All three of these mathematical models suggest different ways of thinking about what’s

    所有這三個數學公式 都提供不同的想法關於

  • actuallygoing on in quantum mechanics, and the fact that all of them give the same

    在量子系統中“實際上”是發生了什麼事 而事實上,他們顯示出相同的

  • experimental predictions suggests that perhaps none of them is therightway to picture

    實驗預測,表明著 也許他們都不是“正確”的方式來描繪

  • what’s happening in quantum systems.


  • Mathematical models give us nice, easy-to-digest pictures of how the universe works: moons

    數學公式給了我們不錯又很好吸收 關於宇宙如何運作的想像:衛星

  • orbit around planets, atoms bind together into molecules, electrons are clouds of probability,


  • and so on.


  • But we need to be careful how much weight we give to the models in our heads (or on

    但是,我們必須要小心在想像中的這些東西有多少重量 (或

  • our blackboards, or computer screens).


  • Do Jupiter’s moons move like theyre pulled back and forth by the invisible force of springs?


  • Or held in orbits by the invisible force of gravity?


  • Or are they following helical paths which are actually straight lines in curved spacetime?

    或者他們螺旋的路徑 實際上在彎曲的時空中是種直線?

  • The way we describe the world influences the way we think the world is, even when there


  • are other, equally correct ways of describing the world that paint entirely different pictures


  • from our own.


  • That’s not to say we should accept wrong ideas, but we should be aware that sometimes

    這並不是說我們應該接受錯誤 的想法,但我們應該意識到,有時

  • a different correct picture, one we haven’t considered, is the one we need to see.

    不同的正確想像,一個我們沒有 考慮到的,是我們需要去了解的。

  • Hey, Henry here, thanks for watching.


  • This video has been supported by, as you may know, a leading provider of audiobooks

    該視頻已被Audible.com的支持, 正如你可能知道,有聲讀物的主要供應商

  • including fiction, non-fiction and periodicals.


  • You can get a free 30-day trial at, and I’d like to recommend the bookThe


  • Power of Habitby Charles Duhigg, which explores how we form habits, how to break

    "查爾斯.杜希格 - 習慣的力量:為什麼我們這樣生活,那樣工作?" ,探索我們如何形成的習慣,如何突破他們

  • them, and how to use them to your advantageit’s a good one.


  • You can listen toThe Power of Habitor another book of your choice, with a free

    你可以聽“習慣的力量” 或者您選擇的另一本書,以免費

  • 30-day trial at


  • Thanks again for watching, and thanks to audible for supporting these videos.

    再次感謝您的收看,也謝謝發聲支持這些視頻。 - f8702111翻譯

When Galileo pointed his telescope at Jupiter in 1610, he was the first person to see the



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