字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Sheep... weren't always this fluffy. 綿羊,不是向來都毛茸茸的。 We fluffy-fied them by breeding the fluffiest in each generation. 我們讓每個世代最多毛的綿羊繁殖才讓牠們多毛。 This is domestication: sculpting wild animals for better human use. 這是馴養:改造野生動物以便人類利用。 As we saw in Part 1, for early man, animals were powerful tools 就如第一部所說,對早期人類,動物是強大的工具、 ...food, clothing, transportation, tractors. 食物、衣物、交通工具、拖拉機。 Yet, though there were animals everywhere, only a handful were domesticated in the pre-modern world. 雖然到處都有動物, 在現在以前只有屈指可數的動物被馴養。 What made these different? 為何會有這些差別? Let's make a domestication checklist, shall we? 讓我們來做個馴養條件清單吧 First up: Feedable 首先要:好養。 A cow is a machine that turns grass into steaks 一隻牛是一部把青草變成牛肉的機器, And a tiger a machine that turns steaks into… tiger. 而一隻老虎是一部把牛肉變成虎肉的機器。 Ten pounds of grass make a pound of steak. And ten pounds of steak make a pound of tiger. 十磅的草變成一磅牛肉,十磅牛肉變成一磅虎肉。 ... but these have the same number of calories -- so you might as well just eat the cow and save yourself a lot of work. 但兩者卡路里相同, 因此你大概只會吃牛肉並省下一堆麻煩。 So pure carnivores: you're not going to domesticate, just because of thermodynamics. 你不會想去馴養純肉食動物,完全是因為熱力學定律。 You're looking for herbivores that aren't picky. 你會去找不挑食的草食動物, They should eat something that's everywhere that you can't eat. 牠們會吃到處都有、你卻不吃的東西。 Any omnivores better be happy eating whatever and better be super worth it. 雜食動物最好不要太挑而且夠有價值。 We are, however, putting the pig before the pen here because first we need to catch something that's… 然而我們終究還是把豬關到豬圈裡了, 因為我們要抓到的動物必須...... Friendly 友善 OK, obviously catching a carnivore is a bad idea anyway because their day job is murder. 好,顯然抓肉食動物是餿主意, 畢竟牠們白天的工作便是殺戮, But plenty of omnivores like grizzleys moonlight in murder. 但很多雜食動物如灰熊,也會在夜晚獵食。 No safety in vegetarians either: buffalo are terrifying tanks for all the reasons mentioned before... 素食者也不保證安全: 野牛在先前提過的各種方面都算是狂暴的戰車, ...hippos hold the murder high-score in Africa, 河馬在非洲的攻擊力惡名昭彰, ...giraffes look real dorky until you consider their striking range -- lions mostly leave them alone. 長頸鹿看起來傻傻的,直到你想到牠們的攻擊距離─ 連獅子通常都敬而遠之。 Animals it would be awesome to domesticate are, not coincidentally, super dangerous. 理想的馴養動物,想當然不能太危險。 War bears would be a hell of an advantage for your tribe, but it's not going to happen. 戰熊也許會讓你的部落席捲八荒,但這絕對不可能。 And if it's big and not dangerous, it's a nervous wreck. 就算動物體型大又不危險,也可能神經兮兮。 Try sneaking up on a gazelle? Rhymes with "LOL". 你想偷偷接近一隻羚羊?牠笑你只有嘴砲很強。 Sure, you and a team of buddies could spend the whole day marathon jogging it down to exhaustion... 當然你可以和你的小夥伴們跑一整天馬拉松 直到牠筋疲力盡, ...but if it doesn't break it's own neck as you try to drag it back home, 但牠如果不會在你拖牠回家時折斷脖子, ...then it's going to casually leap out of whatever pen you built for it. 也會輕易跳出任何你建造的圍欄。 Ok, next up: some animals have reproductive -ah- preferences... 接下來,有些動物會有交配上的,呃,偏好 ...that make them incompatible with captivity. Looking at you, Pandas. 讓牠們難以被束縛。說你呢,貓熊。 The time and energy humans have spent to get pandas to get on with it is comical. 人類光要讓貓熊好好活下去,花費的時間和精力就不可思議。 Hunter-Gatherers need an animal so eager to breed, it gets it wrong sometimes. 獵人隊伍需要渴望交配,偶爾搞得亂七八糟的動物, ... not an animal whose mating seasons they have to keep careful track of. 而非在繁殖季還得仔細記錄的那種動物。 So: Friendly, Feedable and -- Fecund. 因此:友善、好養和多產。 It also needs to grow up fast. 動物也需要成長快速。 This gets us to the heart of domestication versus taming. 這讓我們進入馴養v.s.飼養的關鍵。 Again: to domesticate a species is to change it to make it better for us. 重複一次,馴養一個物種是使其更易利用。 And side note here: we domesticate plants as well. 順道一提:我們也會馴養植物。 We've bred them to be monstrous versions of their wild selves. 我們把它們培育成野生種類的怪物版。 So when hippies talk about going back to nature, they forget that these plants are just as man made as this pop-tart. 當嬉皮說要回歸自然,他們忘了連這些植物也是人為的,就如這些餡餅。 Anyway, back to the animals... 總之回到動物。 The pig porkification project succeeded because pig generations are shorter than human generations. 豬肉養成計畫之所以會成功, 是因為豬的世代短於人類世代。 A single, clever human can make porky progress in their lifetime. 一個聰明人類可在一生中以育種讓豬變肥。 Compare and contrast: Elephants. 反觀大象。 Two years to make a calf, five years in between calves, nine years until female maturity, fifteen years for males? 懷胎兩年,再次懷胎間隔五年, 雌性九年成熟,雄性十五年成熟?! You've got to be kidding, Elephants. There's no time for this. 你在莊孝維喔,大象。歹勢我沒閒。 But humans can still tame elephants. You can catch an elephant, and train it not to freak out around humans. Then, put it to work. 但人類還是可以「飼養」大象,你可以抓一隻, 訓練牠不會被人嚇瘋,然後叫牠工作。 But elephant domestication would require accurate records over several human lives... 但大象的馴養需要數個人類世代的精確記錄, ...never mind that keeping one or two tamed elephants around is incredibly costly 更別說養一兩隻大象付出的成本已經超高 ...which is why war elephants only happened on occasion in already complex societies. 因此戰象只可能出現在已經高度發展的社會。 Tame elephants are a luxury, hence this rule of thumb: if it's on farm, it's domesticated, if it's in a circus, it's tame. 飼養的大象是奢侈品,因此大致可以定義: 如果動物用在農場上,是「馴養」; 用在馬戲團,是「飼養」。 Finally: families. 最後:家族。 OK: zebra vs horses. 來,斑馬v.s.馬。 Horses are civilization game-changers -- it's remarkable to think that from thousands BC until the telegraph... 馬是改變文明規則的動物─ 很顯然從幾千年前到電報發明之間 ...a dude on a horse was the best internet available. 馬背上的傢伙是已知最好的聯繫管道。 Horses were domesticated in Eurasia, but humans started in Africa which has Zebra ... 馬在歐亞大陸上被馴養, 但人類發源於非洲,而那裡有斑馬 ...why didn't the first humans ride out of Africa on the backs of zebra to conquer the world? 為什麼第一個出非洲的人類沒有在斑馬背上打天下? Because zebra are bastards. They live to kick and bite: dangerous in a pre-penicillin world. 因為斑馬就是些混蛋,生來就愛踢和咬, 在還沒有抗生素的時代十分危險。 ...and zebra also have a ducking reflex making them very frustrating to lasso. 斑馬還有一種躲避的本能讓牠們非常難以捕捉。 In addition to being a real pain in the ass animal, Zebra lack a family structure. 作為令人蛋疼的動物,斑馬也沒有家族結構。 Horse herds hierarchy -- you can see it when they travel in a line: the male, top female, her foals, second female, her foals, and so on. 馬群有階級─你可以看牠們呈一條線移動: 雄性、第一母馬、牠的子女、第二母馬、牠的子女等等 Humans, by capturing and taming the lead male, become head horse. 人類捕捉並飼養領導公馬,就變成馬群的首領。 Lots of barnyard animals are barnyard animals because they have family values humans exploit -- 很多農場動物之所以成為農場動物 是因為牠們的家族習性可供利用。 ...they just grow up with the idea that this human is a funny sort of take-charge cow or whatever. No big deal. 他們從小就被灌輸這人類是某種搞怪的牛老大之類。 這倒沒什麼大不了。 Chickens will peck, peck, peck until they've worked out who's top chicken. 雞會啄來啄去直到決定出誰是老大。 But you know whose really top chicken? We're top chicken. 但是你知道誰最雞嗎?我們才是大雞雞 Dogs and cats: this is what makes them different. 狗和貓,這就是牠們的相異點。 Dogs will love you and defend you and hunt with you because you're part of the pack. 狗狗會愛你、幫你看家狩獵因為你是狗群的一員。 Dogs live to be useful to us -- which in the modern world means falling over to play dead -- but they love it 狗生來就對人類有用─雖然在現代這意味趴下裝死, 但反正牠們喜歡。 "Bang! .... Good girl. Good girl!" [laughing] 「倒!乖女孩、乖女孩。」(笑) ... whereas a cat is a tiny tiger that lives in your house. 不過喵皇就是你家的小老虎。 Ok, back to these guys. 好,回來看這些傢伙。 For zebra, there's no such thing as society. 對斑馬而言,沒有社會這種事情。 They hang out in groups because it's a good survival strategy but they don't really care. 牠們聚在一起因為更有機會生存,但其實不太在乎。 Catch a zebra and his family won't follow, try to ride him and you'll be lucky to keep your fingers. 抓一隻斑馬而其家庭不會跟隨, 想騎上牠能保住手指已是幸運。 Zebra look like horses on the outside, but not on the inside. 斑馬外表看似像馬,內在判若雲泥。 So that's the checklist: Friendly - Feedable - Fecund - Family Friendly 因此這是清單:友善、好養、多產、家族嚴密。 It's not a long checklist, but for Hunter-Gatherers, any animal they wanted to domesticate needed everything,... 這清單不長,但對獵人隊群而言, 任何他們想要馴養的動物需要符合所有條件。 ...which is why in early human history only a bakers dozen of big animals were domesticated the world over. 因此人類歷史早期全球只有十幾種大型動物被馴養。 [music] 此影片由 audible.com 贊助播出 This video has been brought to you by audible.com. 如果你和我一樣喜歡用清單做事 And if you like checklists as much as I do,... 我在此介紹你這本書給你聽:由Atul Gawande寫的《The Checklist Manifesto》 I'm going to recommend to you the book "The Checklist Manifesto" by Atul Gawande. 沒錯 這就是一本關於清單的重要性的一本書籍 Yes! There's an entire book about how important and life-changing checklists can be... 裡面記錄好的清單和壞的清單的特點 ...and what makes a good checklist and what makes a bad checklist, 還附有例子 從航空業至戰爭時期至日常生活 ... with examples from the airline industry to war time, to just your regular daily life. 再次強烈推薦 I highly recommend it. 你可以到 audible.com/grey 來免費試用,然後聽聽這本書 Go to audible.com/grey for a free trial in Audible and give "The Checklist Manifesto"a listen. Audible 那裡有超過 180,000 本有聲書供你選擇 我聽有聲書,讓我的生活更進步 Audible has have over 180,000 things for you to listen to and I listen to audiobooks all the time to improve my life. 所以 為何不去 audible.com/grey 試試看呢? Why not get started today by going to Audible.com/grey? [music]
B2 中高級 中文 馴養 動物 斑馬 人類 大象 清單 斑馬與馬。動物馴化 (Zebra vs Horses: Animal Domestication) 21 0 林宜悉 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字