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  • DAVID MALAN: This is CS50.

  • Hello, world.

  • This is the CS50 podcast my name is David Malan,

  • and this is Episode Zero, our very first,

  • and I'm joined here by CS50's own Colt--



  • Colton Odgen. This is an interesting new direction that we're going.

  • DAVID MALAN: Yeah, it's one in which we clearly haven't rehearsed.


  • DAVID MALAN: So, but what we thought we'd do with the CS50 podcast is really

  • focus on the week's current events as it relates to technology,

  • use this as an opportunity to talk about the implications

  • of various technologies, and really explain things as it comes up,

  • but really in a non-visual way.

  • And so, perhaps, I think the topics Colton

  • and I'll hit on here will focus on things you, yourself, might have read

  • in the news that maybe didn't register necessarily

  • or maybe you didn't really understand how it pertains to technologies

  • that you, yourself, use.

  • COLTON OGDEN: Yeah, and I think that's ties as well to prior, when

  • we did CS50 live, and this was kind of the same idea.

  • DAVID MALAN: Yeah, absolutely.

  • Whereas CS50 Live, when we did it on video, was much more visual--

  • we prepared slides, we actually looked at sample videos and such--

  • here, we thought we'd really try to focus on ideas.

  • And it'll be up to you to decide if this works well or not well,

  • but we come prepared with a look at some of the past week's news.

  • And why don't we get right into it?

  • COLTON OGDEN: Yeah, absolutely.

  • One of the things I noticed, actually, is--

  • I put together this list of topics, but the one thing

  • that I didn't put in here that you actually found and put in here,

  • today, was something about Facebook passwords.

  • DAVID MALAN: Yeah, so a website named Krebs on Security, the author of this,

  • was contacted apparently by some employee-- presumably

  • and a current employee of Facebook-- who revealed

  • to him that during some recent audit of their security processes,

  • they discovered that for like seven years,

  • since 2012, had one or more processes inside of Facebook

  • been storing passwords-- users' passwords, like yours and mine

  • potentially, in the clear, so to speak, clear text, not

  • cipher text, which means unencrypted-- in some database or some file

  • somewhere.

  • COLTON OGDEN: Typically, people will use some sort

  • of hashing algorithm to store things cryptographically and much more

  • securely?

  • DAVID MALAN: Indeed, even like ROT13, like rotate every character 13 places,

  • would have been arguably more secure.

  • And there's not a huge amount of technical detail out there.

  • If you go to, you can actually

  • dig up the blog post itself.

  • And then Facebook actually did respond, and I

  • think there's a link in Krebs on Security to the Facebook announcement.

  • But to be honest, the Facebook announcement which is

  • on, pretty, to be honest,

  • it's pretty nondescript and really doesn't--

  • I mean, it's kind of disingenuous.

  • They seem to use this as an opportunity to talk about best practices

  • when it comes to passwords and all of the various other mechanisms

  • that they have in place to help you secure your password.

  • And yet, they really kind of didn't address the topic

  • at hand, which is, well, despite all of those mechanisms,

  • you were storing our passwords in the clear, or at least

  • millions of Facebook users, particularly on Facebook Light,

  • lighter-weight version of the app that's useful in low bandwidth locations

  • or where bandwidth is very expensive or slow.

  • COLTON OGDEN: So this strikes you sort of as an opportunity for them to,

  • what, hand wave over the issue and sort of distract people?

  • Is that sort of how it-- this rubs you?

  • DAVID MALAN: Yeah, maybe.

  • I think they, you know, acknowledged the issue,

  • but then used this as an opportunity to emphasize all

  • of the things that are being done well.

  • And that's fine, but I think the world is done a disservice

  • when companies aren't just candid with their mea culpas

  • and what they got wrong.

  • I think there's learning opportunities and, as I read this,

  • there's really little for me as a technical person

  • or as an aspiring program to really learn from,

  • other than the high order bit which is, encrypt your passwords.

  • But how did this happen?

  • What are the processes that failed?

  • I mean if companies like Facebook can't get this right,

  • how can little old me, an aspiring programmer,

  • get these kinds of details right?

  • I wonder.

  • COLTON OGDEN: So an article more about how they failed

  • and how they could address it, and how other companies could address it,

  • you think that would've been more productive?

  • DAVID MALAN: I think so.

  • I mean, postmortems, as they're called in many contexts, including in tech,

  • and I've always really admired companies that when they do

  • have some significant mistake or human error, where they own up to it

  • and they explain in technical terms exactly what went wrong.

  • They can still have a more layman's explanation

  • of the problem too, where most people might only take

  • an interest in that level of detail.

  • But for the technophiles and for the students

  • and the aspiring technophiles out there, I think it's just appreciated.

  • And these are such teachable moments and all

  • that-- but I would respect the persons, the company all the more

  • if they really just explained what it is they failed so that we can all learn

  • from it and not repeat those mistakes.

  • COLTON OGDEN: If a large company like Facebook is doing something like this,

  • how prevalent do you think this practice is in the real world?

  • DAVID MALAN: Yeah.

  • Oh my God.

  • I mean, probably frighteningly common, and it's

  • just if you have fewer users or fewer eyes on the company,

  • you probably just notice these things less frequently.

  • But I do think things are changing.

  • I mean with laws like GDPR in the EU, the European Union,

  • I think there's increased pressure on companies now, increased

  • legal pressure, on them to disclose when these kinds of things happen,

  • to impose penalties when it does, to therefore

  • discourage this from even happening.

  • And you know, I'm wondering why this audit detected this in 2019, and not

  • in 2012 or 2013 or 2014 and so forth.

  • COLTON OGDEN: GDPR, did that happened back in 2012?

  • Oh no, that was--

  • DAVID MALAN: No, this was recent.

  • COLTON OGDEN: That one Came onto force--

  • OK.

  • DAVID MALAN: Recent months, actually, has this been rolled out.

  • COLTON OGDEN: Was this-- is this related at all

  • to the proliferation, now, of cookie messages that you see on websites?

  • DAVID MALAN: That's US-specific, where I believe it's now being enforced.

  • Because that actually has been around for quite some time in Europe.

  • Anytime you took your laptop abroad, for instance,

  • would you notice that almost every darn site asks you,

  • hey, can we store cookies.

  • And honestly, that's a very annoying and almost silly manifestation of it

  • because the reality is, as you know, I mean

  • the web doesn't work without cookies or at least

  • dynamic applications don't work.

  • And anyone who's taken CS50 or who's and a bit of web programming,

  • really, in any language, know that the only way

  • to maintain state in most HTTP-based applications is with cookies.

  • So, I mean, we've created a culture where people just

  • dismiss yet another message, and I don't think that's a net positive either.

  • COLTON OGDEN: I think I see a lot, too, of the messages that say,

  • by continuing to use this site, you acknowledge

  • that we have access to whatever information, using cookies, and so on.

  • So I almost think that they do it already and sort of legally

  • can get away with it by having this message visible.

  • DAVID MALAN: Yeah, I mean, it's like cigarette ads

  • which, abroad, as well, there was--

  • before the US, there was much more of, I presume,

  • law around having to have very scary warnings on packages.

  • And companies somewhat cleverly, but somewhat tragically, kind of

  • steered into that and really owned that and put the scariest of messages.

  • And it-- you almost become desensitized to it because it's just so silly

  • and it's so over the top, you know, smoking kills.

  • And then, here's the price tag and here's the brand name.

  • Like, you start to look past those kinds of details too,

  • so I'm not sure even that is all that effective.

  • But someone who's looked at this and studied it

  • can perhaps attest quantitatively just how effective it's been.

  • COLTON OGDEN: Yeah, indeed.

  • Well, scary to know that our passwords may

  • have been reflected visibly on somebody's server,

  • a big website like Facebook.

  • Related to that, another of the topics that I sort of dug into a little bit

  • yesterday-- or not yesterday, a few days ago,

  • was Gmail Confidential Mode, a new feature

  • that they're starting to roll out.

  • DAVID MALAN: Yeah.

  • Yeah, I saw that, just in March, one of the articles on Google's blog

  • discussed this.

  • What, so do you understand what the--

  • what they're offering now as a service?

  • COLTON OGDEN: I have to reread back through the article.

  • So from what I understood, though, it was encrypting not P2P emails,

  • but encrypting the emails sort of towards a sort of proxy,

  • towards a center point, and then forwarding

  • that encrypted email to the other person on the receiving end.

  • But I remember reading in the article that P2P encryption wasn't something

  • that they were actually going to start implementing just yet.

  • DAVID MALAN: Yeah, and this is--

  • I mean, this is kind of the illusion of security or confidentiality.

  • In fact, I was just reading, after you sent me

  • this link on the EFF's website, the Electronic Frontier Foundation who

  • are really very progressively-minded, security-conscious, privacy-conscious

  • individuals as a group, they noted how this really isn't confidential.

  • Google, of course, still has access to the plain text of your email.

  • They don't claim to be encrypting it Peer-to-Peer,

  • so they're not being disingenuous.

  • But I think they, too, are sort of creating and implying

  • a property, confidentiality, that isn't really there.

  • And what this does, for those unfamiliar,

  • is when you send an email in Gmail, if you or your company

  • enables this feature--

  • I think it might still be in beta mode or in trial mode.

  • COLTON OGDEN: I don't think it's officially fully deployed yet,

  • but yeah, [INAUDIBLE].

  • DAVID MALAN: Yeah, so you can opt into it if you have a corporate account,

  • for instance.

  • It gives you an additional, like, Lock icon on the Compose window

  • for an email, where you can say that this message expires, sort of James

  • Bond style, after some number of hours.

  • You can add an SMS code to it so the human who is receiving it

  • has to type in a code that they get on their cell phone.

  • And so it also prevents users from forwarding it, for instance,

  • therefore accidentally or intentionally sending it to someone else.

  • But there's the fundamental issue because you

  • start to condition people, potentially, into thinking,

  • oh, this is confidential.

  • No one can see the message that I'm sending or that I've received.

  • And that's just baloney, right?

  • And you or I could take out our cell phone, right

  • now and not screenshot, but photograph anything on our screen.

  • You could certainly highlight and Copy-Paste it into some other email.

  • And so I think these kinds of features are dangerous if users don't really

  • understand what's going on.

  • And honestly, this is going to be a perfect topic

  • in CS50 itself or CS50 for MBAs or for JDs at Harvard's graduate schools.

  • Because if you really push on this, what does confidential mean?

  • Well, not really much.

  • You're just kind of-- it's more of a social contract between two people.

  • Like, OK, OK, I won't forward this.

  • It's just raising the bar.

  • It's not stopping anything.

  • COLTON OGDEN: Part of this kind of reminds me, too, of the point

  • you like to mention in most of the courses

  • that you teach in that security doesn't really mean much just by virtue

  • of seeing something.

  • Somebody sees a padlock icon in their browser in, let's say,

  •, that doesn't necessarily mean

  • that anything that they see is secure.

  • DAVID MALAN: Yeah, well that too.

  • I mean, there too, we humans learned, years ago, well maybe we

  • shouldn't be putting padlocks in places that

  • have no technical meaning for exactly that reason.

  • People just assume it means something that it doesn't, so we seem doomed,

  • as humans, to repeat these mistakes.

  • And this isn't to say that I think this is a bad feature.

  • Frankly, I wish that I could somehow signal to recipients of emails

  • I send, sometimes, please don't forward this to someone else

  • because it's not going to reflect well or it's going to sound overly harsh

  • or whatever the email is.

  • You sometimes don't want other people to see it,

  • even if it's not the end of the world if they actually do.

  • But short of writing in all caps, like, do not forward this email,

  • at the very start of your message, most people might not realize.

  • So I think having a software mechanism that says

  • don't, not forwardable, isn't bad.

  • But, you know, it should probably be like, please don't forward, and not

  • imply that this is confidential and no one else is going to see it.

  • COLTON OGDEN: Do you think that there is some sort of risk involved

  • in making these emails self-destructive, in as much as maybe

  • it will bite people sort of in the future when maybe they

  • want to look back on records that are important like this?

  • DAVID MALAN: Could be.

  • I mean, there too, I suspect there are business motivations for this,

  • for retention policies, where there might be laws or policies in place

  • where companies do or don't want to keep information around

  • because it can come back to bite them.

  • And so maybe it's a good thing if emails do expire after some amount of time,

  • so long as that's within the letter of the law.

  • But I presume it's motivated, in part, by that.

  • So this is a software technique that helps with that.

  • And so, in that sense, you know, confidential

  • does have that kind of meaning, but it's not secure

  • and I worry that you put a padlock on it-- that doesn't necessarily

  • mean to people what you think.

  • I mean, so many people, and kids especially,

  • might think or once thought that Snapchat messages are indeed ephemeral

  • and they'll disappear.

  • But ah, I mean, they're still on the servers.

  • COLTON OGDEN: Undoubtedly.

  • DAVID MALAN: They can be on the servers.

  • You can snap-- screenshot them or record them with another device.

  • So I think we do humans a disservice if we're not really upfront as

  • to what a feature means and how it works, and I

  • think we should label things appropriately so as to not oversell

  • them.

  • COLTON OGDEN: And it sort of takes unfortunate advantage

  • of those who are not as technically literate as well, allowing

  • them to sort of-- or at least capitalizing

  • on people taking for granted these things that they assume to be true.

  • DAVID MALAN: Yeah.

  • I mean, we've been doing this, honestly, as humans,

  • for like, what, 20, 30 years with DOS.

  • You might recall that when you format a hard drive, which generally means to--

  • kind of means to erase it and prepare it to have something new installed

  • on it, the command, back then, when you used to delete it or fdisk it

  • or whatever it was, was are you sure you want to proceed?

  • This will erase the entire disk, something like that,

  • and I think it actually was in all caps.

  • But it was false, technically.

  • Right?

  • All it would do is rewrite part of the headers on disk,

  • but it would leave all of your zeros and ones from previous files

  • there in place.

  • And there, too, we said it would delete or erase information, but it doesn't.

  • And so, for years maybe to this day, do people

  • assume that when you delete something from your Mac or PC

  • or empty the Recycle Bin or whatnot, that it's gone?

  • But anyone who's taken CS50 knows that's not the case.

  • I mean, we have students recover data in their forensics homework alone.

  • COLTON OGDEN: You have a background, certainly, in this too.

  • You did this for a few years.

  • DAVID MALAN: Yeah, or a couple, a year or two.

  • Yeah, yeah, in graduate school.

  • COLTON OGDEN: If you were to advise our listeners on the best way

  • to sort of format their hard drive and avoid this fallacy,

  • what would be your suggestion?

  • DAVID MALAN: Drop it in a volcano.


  • COLTON OGDEN: So then, are you insinuating

  • that there is no truly safe way to clean a hard drive?

  • DAVID MALAN: No, no.

  • Well, in software, it's risky.

  • COLTON OGDEN: In software.

  • DAVID MALAN: I think if you really want peace of mind

  • because you have personal documents, financial documents, family documents,

  • whatever it is that you want to destroy, physical destruction is probably

  • the most safe.

  • And there are companies that allow you to physically destroy hard drives.

  • They drill holes in it or they crush it or whatnot,

  • or you can take out a hammer and try to break through the device.

  • But it's difficult, as we've seen in class when

  • we've disassembled things, you and I, for CS50's Introduction to Technology

  • class.

  • It's hard just to get the damn screws open.

  • So that's the most robust way, is physical destruction.

  • You can wipe the disk in software.

  • Frankly, it tends not to be terribly easy.

  • It's easier with mechanical drives, hard disk drives that spin around.

  • But with SSDs, the Solid State Drives that are purely electronic these days,

  • it's even harder.

  • Because those things, in a nutshell, are designed

  • to only have certain parts of them written to a finite number of times.

  • And eventually, the hard drive, after a certain number of writes

  • or after a certain amount of time, will stop using certain parts of the disks.

  • And that does mean you have a slightly less space available, potentially,

  • but it ensures that your data's still intact.

  • That means that even if you try to overwrite that data,

  • it's never going to get written to because the device isn't

  • going to write to it anymore.

  • COLTON OGDEN: Oh, I see.

  • It closes off certain sectors--

  • DAVID MALAN: Exactly.

  • COLTON OGDEN: --that might have data written in.

  • That's interesting.

  • I didn't know that.

  • DAVID MALAN: So you're better off just destroying that disk, at that point,

  • too.

  • So it's wasteful unfortunately, financially,

  • but if you want true peace of mind, you shouldn't just wipe it with software.

  • You shouldn't hand it off to someone and assume that Best Buy

  • or whatever company is doing it for you is going to do it properly as well.

  • You should probably just remove the device if you can,

  • destroy it, and sell the rest of the equipment.

  • COLTON OGDEN: I think this is reflected too,

  • in Mr. Robot, where he microwaves an SD card that he

  • trusts I'll get off of his--

  • DAVID MALAN: Did he?

  • I Don't know if I saw that episode, then.

  • COLTON OGDEN: This was, I think, the second episode.

  • DAVID MALAN: That's probably not the right way to do it.

  • That's probably just very dangerous.

  • COLTON OGDEN: That's probably very-- yeah, I think it exploded in the video,

  • but yeah.

  • DAVID MALAN: You don't put metal thing-- for our CS50 listeners

  • out there, don't put metal things in microwaves.

  • COLTON OGDEN: Yeah, generally not advisable.

  • DAVID MALAN: No, I think never advisable.


  • COLTON OGDEN: Yeah, so off of the-- well,

  • I guess sort of related to the topic of security,

  • there was an article recently published on Gizmodo

  • about how the FCC admitted in court that it can't track who

  • submits fake comments to its database.

  • DAVID MALAN: Yeah, I was reading that.

  • And as best I could tell, it sounded like they had a web-based form

  • to solicit feedback on, what was it, net neutrality or some topic like that,

  • and they claimed that they couldn't trace

  • who it was because apparently there were millions of bogus comments generated

  • by script kiddies or just adversaries who wrote programs

  • to just submit comments again and again and again and again.

  • And as best I could infer, it sounds like they

  • were weren't logging, maybe, who they were coming from,

  • maybe it's IP address.

  • It sounded like maybe they didn't even have a CAPTCHA in place

  • to sort of force a presumed human to answer some challenge like a math

  • problem or what is this blurry text or click

  • all of the icons that have crosswalks in them or something like that.

  • COLTON OGDEN: Right.

  • DAVID MALAN: And so they just don't have much metadata,

  • it seemed, about who the users were.

  • So short of looking at the text that was submitted alone,

  • it sounds like they can't necessarily filter things out.

  • It's a little strange to me because it sounded

  • like they do have IP addresses, at least in the article that I read,

  • and the FCC doesn't want to release that for reasons of privacy.

  • But you could certainly filter out a good amount of the traffic,

  • probably, if it all seems to be coming from the same IP.

  • I'm guessing many of the adversaries weren't as thoughtful

  • as to use hundreds or thousands of different IPs,

  • so that's a little curious too.

  • COLTON OGDEN: Is it all related to onion routing?

  • And this is more of my sort of lack of knowledge of Tor and onion

  • routing, but is this sort of how onion routing works in that you can

  • spoof your IP from a million locations?

  • DAVID MALAN: Not even spoof your IP.

  • You just really send the data through an anonymized network such

  • that it appears to be--

  • that it is coming from someone else that's not you.

  • So yeah, that's an option.

  • I've not used that kind of software in years

  • or looked very closely at how it's advanced, but that's the general idea.

  • Like, you just get together with a large enough group of other people

  • who you presumably don't know, so n is large, so to speak,

  • and all these computers are running the same software.

  • And even though you might originate a message in email or form submission,

  • that information gets routed through n minus 1 other people, or some subset

  • thereof, so that you're kind of covering your tracks.

  • It's like in the movies, right, when they show a map of the world

  • and like the bad guys' data is going from here to here to here

  • and a red line is bouncing all over the world.

  • That's pretty silly, but it's actually that kind of idea.

  • You just don't have software that visualizes it.

  • COLTON OGDEN: And that's why it looks-- that's why they call it onion routing,

  • because it's like layers of an onion, kind of going all around?

  • DAVID MALAN: Oh is it?

  • I never thought about it.

  • COLTON OGDEN: I thought that that was why it was called onion routing.

  • DAVID MALAN: Maybe.

  • That sounds pretty compelling.

  • So sure, yes.

  • COLTON OGDEN: They apparently, per the article,

  • the API logs contain dozens of IP addresses

  • that belong to groups that uploaded millions of comments combined.

  • So to your point, it does sound like that indeed is what happened.

  • DAVID MALAN: Oh, so that's presumably how they know minimally

  • that there were bogus comments?


  • DAVID MALAN: And but hard to distinguish maybe

  • some of the signal from the noise.

  • COLTON OGDEN: Folks concerns were that people

  • were sort of creating these bogus comments that

  • were propaganda, essentially malicious-- maliciously-oriented comments.

  • DAVID MALAN: Yeah, well this is pretty stupid then,

  • sounding then because, honestly, there are

  • so many like available APIs via which you can at least raise

  • the barrier to adversaries.

  • Right, using CAPTCHAs so that, theoretically, you

  • can't just write a program to answer those kinds of challenge questions;

  • a human actually has to do it.

  • So you might get bogus submissions, but hopefully not thousands or millions

  • of them.


  • No, it sounded more like a technical--

  • I might not want to--

  • I don't want to stretch my words here-- but it

  • sounded like there was a little bit of potential technical illiteracy involved

  • at least in this.

  • DAVID MALAN: Could be.

  • COLTON OGDEN: Potentially.

  • DAVID MALAN: It could be.

  • COLTON OGDEN: I want to try to sound as diplomatic as possible.

  • DAVID MALAN: Good thing they're making all these decisions around technology.

  • COLTON OGDEN: Ah, yeah, exactly.

  • Right?

  • And I have a picture--

  • OK, I'm not going to go in that direction, but--

  • DAVID MALAN: I don't think we can show pictures on this podcast, though.

  • COLTON OGDEN: Another topic sort of related

  • to this was-- and John Oliver sort of did

  • a skit on this related to robocalls-- is, well, robocalls.

  • For those that-- do you want to maybe explain

  • what robocalls are for our audience?

  • DAVID MALAN: Yeah.

  • I mean, a robocall is like a call from a robot, so to speak.

  • Really, a piece of software that's pretending to dial the phone,

  • but is doing it all programmatically through software.

  • And it's usually because they want to sell you something or it's

  • an advertisement or it's a survey or they

  • want to trick you into giving your social security number

  • or that you owe taxes.

  • I mean, they can be used for any number of things and, sometimes, good things.

  • You might get a reminder from a robocall from like an airline saying hey,

  • your flight has been delayed an hour.

  • That's useful, and you might invite that.

  • But robocalls have a bad rap because they're often unsolicited

  • and because I have not signed up for someone to call me.

  • And indeed, these have been increasing in frequency for me

  • too, on my cell phone in particular, which theoretically is unlisted.

  • And I added the Do Not Track thing, years ago,

  • but that's really just the honor system.

  • You don't have to honor people who are on those lists.

  • COLTON OGDEN: They just supposedly have to check the list, right,

  • but they can still call you afterwards?

  • DAVID MALAN: Yeah, and I mean certainly if the problem is with bad actors,

  • then, by definition, those people aren't respecting these lists

  • in the first place.

  • So it's the good people who you might want to hear from who you're not

  • because they are honoring the Do Not Call lists.

  • COLTON OGDEN: I've noticed that I've received a great many as well.

  • Most of them from--

  • DAVID MALAN: Oh, yeah, sorry about those.

  • COLTON OGDEN: Most of them from 949, which is where I grew up in California,

  • and that's where the bulk of all the messages are coming from.

  • DAVID MALAN: But well, per-- seem to be coming from.

  • I've noticed this too.

  • I get them from 617, which is Boston's area code, too.

  • They're doing that on purpose.

  • I just read this, and it makes perfect sense, now,

  • in retrospect why I keep seeing the same prefix in these numbers.

  • because they're trying to trick you and me

  • into thinking that, oh, this is from a neighbor or someone

  • I know in my locality.

  • No it's just another obnoxious technique, to be honest.

  • COLTON OGDEN: I live in Massachusetts now,

  • so I know that it's not a neighbor, definitely, if they're 949.

  • DAVID MALAN: Yeah.

  • COLTON OGDEN: Likely.

  • DAVID MALAN: Well, the thing is, I don't know anyone's number, now.

  • So if I don't, it's not in my contacts, I know it's probably a robocall.

  • So no, it's really awful and, I mean, I think

  • one of the primary reasons this is becoming even more of a problem

  • is that making calls is so darn cheap.

  • I mean, you and I have experimented with Twilio,

  • which is a nice service that has, I think, a free tier but a paid tier

  • too where you can automate phone calls, hopefully for good purposes.

  • And I was just reading on their website that they actually

  • deliberately, though this certainly is a business advantage for them

  • too, charge minimally by the minute, not by the second,

  • because they want to charge even potential adversaries at least

  • 60 seconds for the call.

  • Though, of course, this means that if you and I are

  • writing an app that just needs a few seconds of airtime,

  • we're overpaying for it.

  • But it's a hard problem because calls are just so cheap.

  • And this is why spam has so proliferated, right?

  • Because it's close to zero cents to even send a bogus email, these days.

  • And so those two are dominating the internet, too.

  • And thankfully, companies like Google have

  • been pretty good at filtering it out.

  • You know, we don't really have a middleman filtering out our phone

  • calls, and it's unclear if you'd want a middleman-- software

  • picking up the phone figuring out if it's is legit

  • and then connecting them to you.

  • COLTON OGDEN: Right.

  • DAVID MALAN: It feels a little invasive and a time-consuming, too.

  • COLTON OGDEN: And it's kind of alarming just

  • how easy it is for your average person, your average beginning programmer

  • to set up an automated robocall system.

  • This was illustrated, and again, back to the John Oliver segment,

  • this was illustrated on there where they had literally had--

  • they were showing a clip of somebody who wrote a little command line script

  • or something like that.

  • And even John Oliver made light of it in this skit

  • where he said that his tech person took only 15 minutes to sort

  • of bomb the FCC with phone calls.

  • But I mean, the demonstration showed writing a simple script,

  • 20 phones just light up on the table.

  • And this can be scaled and, you know, however large you want to go with it.


  • And, fun fact, I actually did this in CS50 once, a few years ago,

  • and have not done it since because this blew up massively on me.

  • Long story short-- and we have video footage of this if you dig through--

  • several years ago, maybe if it's 2018, most recently,

  • it's probably 2014, give or take.

  • In one of the lectures, mid-semester, we were talking about web programming

  • and APIs and I wrote a script in advance to send a message via text--

  • well, technically, via email to text.

  • It was sent through what's called an email

  • to SMS gateway that would send a message to every CS50 student in the room.

  • And at the time, I foolishly thought it would

  • be cute to say something like, where are you?

  • Why aren't you in class?

  • Question mark.

  • And the joke was supposed to be, because if anyone were,

  • you know, cutting class that day and weren't

  • there they'd get this message from CS50's bot thinking,

  • oh my God, they know I'm not there.

  • When, really, everyone else in the classroom was in on it

  • because they saw me running the program and they knew what was going to happen.

  • And it was pretty cool in that, all of the sudden,

  • a whole bunch of people in the room started

  • getting text messages with this, I thought, funny message.

  • But I had a stupid bug in my code, and essentially my loop

  • sent one text message, the first iteration;

  • Then two text messages, the second iteration;

  • then three text messages, the third iteration.

  • Whereby the previous recipients would get another and another and another

  • because I essentially kept appending to an array or to a list of recipients

  • instead of blowing away the previous recipient list.

  • COLTON OGDEN: It's like a factorial operation.

  • DAVID MALAN: Well, a geometric series, technically.


  • DAVID MALAN: Or if you did it--

  • I did, I think I did out the math.

  • If I had not hit Control-C pretty quickly

  • to cancel or to interrupt the process, I would have sent 20,000 text messages.

  • And they were going out quickly.

  • And I felt horrible because this was enough years ago where some people were

  • still paying for text messaging plans.

  • It wasn't unlimited, which is pretty common, at least in the US these days,

  • to just have unlimited texts or iMessage or whatever.

  • So, you know, this could have been costing students $0.10 to $0.25

  • or whatever.

  • So we offered to compensate anyone for this,

  • and I did have to single out a $20 bill I think to one student whose phone I

  • had overwhelmed.

  • But, there too, it was also, phones were old enough that they only had finite--

  • well, they always had finite memory.

  • They had terribly little memory, and so when

  • you get a whole bunch of text messages, back in the day,

  • it would push out older text messages and I felt awful about that.


  • DAVID MALAN: Kind of overwhelming people's memory.

  • So anyhow, this is only to say that even hopefully

  • good people with good intentions can use robocalls or robotexting accidentally

  • for ill.

  • And if you're trying to do that deliberately,

  • maliciously, it's just so darn easy.

  • COLTON OGDEN: So solutions to this then?

  • DAVID MALAN: Don't let me in front of a keyboard.


  • COLTON OGDEN: Do we-- so there is a little bit of reading I was doing,

  • and it might have been in this same article,

  • but cryptographically signing phone calls,

  • is this something that you think is possible?

  • DAVID MALAN: Yeah.

  • I mean, I don't know terribly much about the phone industry

  • other than it's pretty backwards or dated

  • in terms of how it's all implemented.

  • I mean, I'm sure this is solvable.

  • But the catch is how do you roll it out when you have old-school copper phone

  • lines, when you have all of us using cell phones on different carriers?

  • It just feels like a very hard coordination problem.

  • And honestly, now that data plans are so omnipresent and we decreasingly

  • need to use voice, per se--

  • you can use Voice over IP, so to speak--

  • you know, I wouldn't be surprised if we don't fix the phone industry,

  • but we instead replace it with some equivalent of WhatsApp or Facebook

  • Messenger or Skype or Signal or any number of tools

  • that communicate voice, but over software.

  • And at that point, then yes, you can authenticate.

  • COLTON OGDEN: OK, that makes sense.

  • And especially if this keeps scaling, I feel like this is an eventuality.

  • DAVID MALAN: I imagine, yeah.

  • I mean, even now, right, like I don't get calls via any of those apps--

  • well, some of them, the Facebook ones I do--

  • from people that aren't in your contacts.

  • Sometimes, it just goes to your other folder or whatnot.

  • But I'm pretty sure you can prevent calls

  • from people who weren't on your whitelist on those apps like Signal

  • and WhatsApp that do use end-to-end encryption.

  • COLTON OGDEN: Sure, yeah.

  • That makes sense.

  • That makes sense.

  • DAVID MALAN: So we shall see.

  • COLTON OGDEN: There is a--

  • so away from the, I guess, the security, which

  • has been a major theme of the podcast today,

  • towards something a little bit different actually-- and this is pretty cool

  • and I'm, particularly for me because I'm into games--

  • but Google actually announced a brand-new streaming service

  • that people are really talking about.

  • DAVID MALAN: Yeah, that's really interesting.

  • You probably know more about this world than I do, since I am a fan of the NES,

  • the original.


  • COLTON OGDEN: Well, it's called Stadia, and I've

  • done a little bit of reading on it, not terribly,

  • because there's actually not that much about it, right now.


  • COLTON OGDEN: Because it just was announced maybe two or three days ago

  • and, actually, Karim, one of our team, actually kindly showed it to me

  • because I wasn't aware.

  • This is going on at a live event.


  • COLTON OGDEN: But it's essentially an idea that's been done before.

  • The companies have done this sort of, we process all the games

  • and then we stream the video signal to you and you play,

  • and there's this back and forth.

  • My initial sort of qualm about this is that we're fundamentally

  • dealing with streaming latency.

  • DAVID MALAN: Yeah, of course.

  • COLTON OGDEN: And it's--

  • I find it highly unlikely that we can-- especially for a geographically distant

  • locations amongst servers and amongst consumers--

  • that we can deal with less than 13 milliseconds of latency

  • in between a given frame and the input on someone's machine.

  • DAVID MALAN: Maybe right now, but this seems inevitable.

  • So I kind of give Google credit for being a little bleeding edge here.

  • Like, this probably won't work well for many people.

  • But it feels inevitable, right?

  • Like eventually, we'll have so much bandwidth and so low

  • latency that these kinds of things seem inevitable to me, these applications.

  • So I'm kind of comfortable with it being a bit bleeding edge,

  • especially if it maybe has sort of lower quality graphics, more Nintendo

  • style than Xbox style which-- or at least with the Wii, the original Wii,

  • was like a design decision.

  • I think it could kind of work, and I'm very curious to see how well it works.

  • But, yeah, I mean, even latency, we for CS50's IDE

  • and for the sandbox tool and the lab tool

  • that to support X-based applications, which

  • is the windowing system for Linux, the graphical system,

  • it doesn't work very well for animation.

  • I mean, even you, I think, implemented Breakout for us a while ago.

  • COLTON OGDEN: A while back.

  • DAVID MALAN: And tried it out and, eh, you know, it's OK,

  • but it's not compelling.

  • But I'm sure there are games that would be compelling.


  • I know that in their examples, they were doing things like Assassin's Creed

  • Odyssey, you know, very recent games that are very high graphic quality.

  • I mean, I would like to--

  • I would definitely like to see at work, if possible.

  • DAVID MALAN: Yeah.

  • No, I think that would be pretty cool.

  • One less thing to buy, too, and it hopefully lowers the barrier to entry

  • to people.

  • You don't need the hardware.

  • You don't need to connect something else.

  • You don't need to draw the power for it.

  • I mean, there's some upsides here, I think.

  • COLTON OGDEN: I think especially if they are doing this at scale--

  • and Google already does this, surely-- but, you

  • know, they have a CDN network that's very--

  • and it's very, maybe a US-centric thing at first,

  • and then can scale it out to other countries.

  • Maybe the latency between any given node on their network

  • is either-- or the gap is small enough such that the latency is minimal.

  • DAVID MALAN: Yeah, hopefully.

  • COLTON OGDEN: As long as it's less than 13 milliseconds, though.

  • That's the one in 60-- one's over 60, which is the--

  • typically, the games are 60 frames per second--

  • that's the amount of time it needs to be to process input

  • and feel like it's a native game.

  • DAVID MALAN: Well, to be honest, I mean this

  • is similar to their vision for Chromebooks

  • which, if you're unfamiliar, is a relatively low-cost laptop that

  • is kind of locked down.

  • It pretty much gives you a browser, and that's it,

  • the presumption being that you can use things like Gmail and Google

  • Docs and Google Calendar, even partly offline, if you're on an airplane,

  • so long as you pre-open them in advance and sort of cache some of the code.

  • I mean, that works well so long as you have good internet.

  • But we've chatted with some of our high school students and teachers

  • whose schools use Chromebooks and it's not great

  • when the students need to or want to take the laptops home.

  • Maybe they don't have or can't afford their own internet access at home,

  • so there's certainly some downsides.

  • But I don't know.

  • I feel like within enough years, we'll be at the point

  • where internet access of some sort is more commodity like electricity

  • in the wall and so long as you have that kind of flowing into the house,

  • that it'll be even more omnipresent than it is now.


  • Yeah that makes total sense.

  • I would definitely like to see it happen.

  • I hope it does.

  • DAVID MALAN: Yeah, so.

  • COLTON OGDEN: Well, I think that's all the topics

  • that we've sort of had lined up.

  • We covered a nice sort of breadth of them.

  • This was great.

  • I like this format.

  • DAVID MALAN: Yeah.

  • No, hopefully you're still listening because I

  • feel like we should offer a couple bits of advice here.

  • I mean, one, on the Facebook password front,

  • I mean, even I did change my password.

  • I don't know if mine was among the millions that were apparently

  • exposed in the clear, and it's not clear that any humans noticed

  • or used the password in any way, but changing your password's

  • not a bad idea.

  • And as you may recall from CS50, itself, if you've taken the class,

  • you should probably be using a password manager anyway and not

  • just picking something that's pretty easy for you to remember.

  • Better to let software do it instead.

  • And on the robocall front, I, mean there's a couple defenses here.

  • I mean, even on my phone, I block numbers once I realized, wait a minute,

  • I don't want you calling me.

  • But you can also use things like Google Voice,

  • right, where they have a feature which seems a little socially obnoxious where

  • Google will pick up the phone for you and they

  • will ask the human to say who they are.

  • Then you get, on your phone, a little preview of who it is,

  • so it's like your own personal assistant.

  • COLTON OGDEN: That's kind of interesting.

  • I actually didn't realize that was thing.

  • DAVID MALAN: It's an interesting buffer, but it's kind of obnoxious.


  • DAVID MALAN: Right, to have that intermediate.

  • COLTON OGDEN: You could have a whitelist, surely though, that--

  • DAVID MALAN: For sure.


  • DAVID MALAN: No, so for unrecognized calls,

  • but people tried rolling this out for email, though, years ago,

  • and I remember even being put off by it then.

  • If I email you for the first time, we've never met,

  • you could have an automated service bounce back

  • and say, oh, before Colton will reply to this, you need to confirm who you are

  • and click a link, or something like that.

  • And at least for me at the time-- maybe I

  • was being a little, you know, a little presumptuous-- but it just felt like,

  • ugh, this is, why is the burden being put on me to solve this problem.

  • COLTON OGDEN: Also, a little high and mighty, potentially.

  • DAVID MALAN: Yeah.

  • But, I mean, it's an interesting software solution,

  • and that's what Google Voice and there's probably

  • other services that do the same thing.

  • So you can look into things like that.

  • And as for like Stadia, I'll be curious to try this out

  • when it's more available.

  • COLTON OGDEN: Yeah, me too.

  • Me too.

  • DAVID MALAN: Yeah.

  • You know, I think it's worth noting that podcasting is how CS50 itself ended up

  • online, way back when.

  • Long story short, before CS50, as Colton knows,

  • I taught a class at Harvard's Extension School, the Continuing Ed program,

  • called Computer Science E-1, Understanding Computers

  • and the Internet.

  • And we, in 2005, I believe, started podcasting

  • that course, which initially meant just distributing MP3s,

  • which are audio files, of the lectures.

  • And then, I think one year later, when the video iPod, of all things,

  • came out, we started distributing videos in QuickTime format and Flash format,

  • probably.

  • COLTON OGDEN: Definitely MOVs.

  • DAVID MALAN: Yeah, of the course's lectures.

  • And it was really for the convenience of our own students

  • who might be commuting on a train or maybe they're on a treadmill,

  • and it was just kind of trying to make it easier for people

  • to access the course's content.

  • And, long story short, a whole bunch of other people

  • who weren't in the class online took an interest, found the material valuable.

  • And certainly, these days, there's such a proliferation

  • of educational content online.

  • But it was because that course we started

  • podcasting that when I took over CS50 in 2007,

  • it just felt natural, at that point, to make the course's

  • videos available online as well.

  • And even though we've kind of come full circle now and taken away the video

  • and replaced it just with audio, I think it really

  • allows us to focus on the conversation and the ideas

  • without really any distractions of visuals or need to rely on video.

  • So hopefully, this opens up possibilities

  • for folks to listen in, as opposed to having to be rapt

  • attention on a screen.

  • COLTON OGDEN: And what I like is this is a more current events focused talk,

  • too.

  • Yeah, we have so much other content, it's

  • nice to sort of have a discussion on the things that are relevant in the tech

  • world, or otherwise.

  • You know, it fits this format very well.

  • DAVID MALAN: Yeah, absolutely.

  • Well, so this was Episode Zero of CS50's podcast.

  • We hope you'll join us soon for Episode 1, our second podcast.

  • Thanks so much for CS50's own Colton Ogden, whose idea this has been,

  • and thank you for spearheading.

  • COLTON OGDEN: And thanks, David, for sort of leading the way here.

  • DAVID MALAN: Yeah, absolutely.

  • Talk to you all soon.

  • COLTON OGDEN: Bye-bye.



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