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  • Hello.

  • How can I help you today?

  • Hi.

  • I found this awesome jacket at a thrift store.

  • I loved the style and all the patches.

  • I knew it meant something to somebody.

  • CHUMLEE: This is definitely cool.

  • We've even got some dice right here.

  • Perfect for Las Vegas.

  • CUSTOMER: There we go.

  • Yeah.

  • How much are you looking to get for it?

  • I was thinking about $350.

  • That's not out of the question,

  • but I think a lot of the value here

  • is going to be in these patches because there's tons

  • of patches, especially from this period, World War II era,

  • that patches are worth, you know,

  • $100 or several hundred dollars.

  • You know, I'm really going to have someone come and take

  • a look at this because there's maybe

  • a hundred patches on here.

  • CUSTOMER: Yeah.

  • If you have a few minutes, I'll make a phone call--

  • I do.

  • --get my guy down here, and he's a real

  • nerd for military stuff.

  • OK.

  • CHUMLEE: He'll probably know all about these patches

  • and about this jacket.

  • CUSTOMER: That's what we need.

  • Give me a few minutes, all right?

  • OK.

  • Thank you.

  • I would love for an expert to come in and look at this jacket

  • because I'd like to know a little bit more information

  • about it and some details about some

  • of these really cool patches.

  • Wow.

  • CHUMLEE: Pretty freaking cool, huh?

  • I'm pretty sure it's World War II.

  • I mean, you could probably tell me better.

  • EXPERT: Absolutely.

  • Yes, this is a model 1943 field jacket,

  • standard-issue infantry jacket.

  • The jacket itself is very common,

  • but military patches, especially from World War II, some of them

  • are highly collectible.

  • Now the thing that makes a patch good,

  • it's the rarity of the patch or, like, a famous division,

  • if a division or a regiment did something really well known.

  • I mean, I can already tell you in here, this is 82nd Airborne.

  • They jumped into Normandy on D-Day.

  • This is the 101st Airborne.

  • If you ever saw "Band of Brothers"--

  • CUSTOMER: Yeah.

  • Yes.

  • --that's all 101st Airborne guys.

  • I thought the photographer patch was pretty cool.

  • EXPERT: Yeah.

  • That's interesting.

  • I will say this.

  • I don't know whose jacket this was,

  • but if I had to guess, being a photographer makes sense

  • because if you were in World War II,

  • you would be in a specific infantry division.

  • You wouldn't get the chance to meet all these people.

  • A photographer might be.

  • I think it was somebody's collection of their time

  • during the war.

  • Let me take a look at some of these other patches.

  • So the more I look at this, the more excited I am by it.

  • I mean, look, I'll do the big one.

  • This was known as a blood chip.

  • So this is a Pacific-issued patch,

  • and it was typically used by American pilots and airmen.

  • And they would sew it on the back of their leather jackets

  • or on the inside, and if they went down,

  • this would basically translate to something

  • like I'm an American soldier.

  • Please help me and you'll be rewarded.

  • And so that patch is extremely rare.

  • This is an $800 patch.

  • $800?

  • We're getting closer to that $350 you wanted.

  • Yeah.

  • Oh no.


  • CHUMLEE: So what kind of value do you think

  • this thing has altogether?

  • EXPERT: I've been doing this for almost two decades.

  • I've never seen anything like this.

  • It truly is one of a kind.

  • $6,500?

  • Wow Yes, thank you.


  • CHUMLEE: Which I gave her the $350.

  • Thank you

  • Sorry.

  • Good luck.

  • Thank you.

  • Wow.

  • I'm sure you liked what he had to say.

  • Lot more than $350.

  • With that being said, it's really cool.

  • I can give you $2,500.

  • That's a lot more than you were asking.

  • Maybe $4,000.

  • You know, I wish I could, but I have to be able to sell it.

  • I mean, at $2,500 I'm in it at a fair amount.

  • Would you go up about $500 more?

  • $3,000?

  • Just a little bit more?

  • I'll do $3,000.

  • - $3,000? - Let's go write it up.

  • Good deal. Thank you.

  • All right. Leave it right here.

  • Come on. - OK.

  • Thank you.

  • I'm getting married soon, and I was hoping that the $350

  • would at least help with the cake.

  • And then now getting $3,000 is going

  • to pay for a cake and hopefully a photographer too.



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B1 中級

當明星。二戰珍品天價補丁 (第17季) | 歷史 (Pawn Stars: RARE WWII PATCHES SKYROCKET IN PRICE (Season 17) | History)

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