字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 In August 2011 a tournament featuring the popular 2011 年 8 月熱門線上策略遊戲《Dota 2》 online strategy game Dota 2 was held in Cologne, Germany. 在德國科隆舉辦了一場錦標賽 It offered the largest prize pool to date 大賽獎金創下史上最高紀錄 進而吸引了來自世界各地的職業玩家 attracting professional players from all over the world. 大賽獎金創下史上最高紀錄 進而吸引了來自世界各地的職業玩家 Yes, it is actually confirmed. 是的 已經確定了 1.6 million dollar prize pool! 總獎金 160 萬美元! I'm double-checking to make sure they haven't changed any details 我正重複確認自發布之後 since they told us last time. 沒任何變動 1 million in US dollars for First Prize. 冠軍可以獲得一百萬美元 That is for the winner. 那是給第 1 名的 1 million dollars for winning Dota! 只要打贏 Dota 就能獲得一百萬美元! It's going to be huge. Dota2.com 這將會轟動全球 The tournament tab is up, too. 大賽資訊也在 Dota2.com 上了 Our website will actually change for the next 24 hours as well... 我們的網站也將在 24 小時內更新… The day I transformed into an adult was the day I started playing Dota. 開始玩 Dota 的那刻 是我長大的那天 It's times like, when you go up on the stage, 譬如有時候 你走上舞台 you represent your country for something. 你代表你的國家 You get the prize. 你拿到獎金 It's the amount of satisfaction and achievement that nothing else can give you. 沒其它事物能帶來相同的滿足和成就感 It's something I definitely don't regret ever doing. 這是件我永不後悔的事情 Gaming is simply the proudest thing in my life. 電競是我一生中最引以為傲的事 It can be called "gamer," but for me, it's something different. 雖然通俗地被稱為「玩家」 但對我而言它有不同的意義 One way to forget about pain is to do something that you will be in completely. 忘卻痛苦的方法之一 就是全心地投入某件事情 So... 所以… computer games. 電腦遊戲 For me, it was... 對我而言它是… everything. 我的一切 This is my career. 這是我的職業 I've chosen to do it for so long. 我選擇走上這條路很久了 Success in my eyes is always based on how other people see you. 在我眼中 所謂的「成功」均是由旁人斷定 In the eyes of the public, 在大眾的眼裡 it's up to them. 是由他們決定的 It's important to be doing things that you love and you really appreciate. 做你喜歡的事情並樂於其中是很重要的 Because that's your passion, man. 因為那是你的熱情所在 You should really work for your passions. 你應要為你的熱情而付出 Ok, guys, you have 7 minutes to set everything up 好了各位 你們有 7 分鐘的時間準備 and then we go. 然後我們就要開始了 This is the first time I really wanted to take something seriously 這是我生平第一次想要為自己 and do something good for my life. 認真看待並做件正確的事情 FREE TO PLAY 10 年前根本沒人把電子競技當一回事 10 years ago, competitive gaming wasn't even really a thing. 你會跟好友對戰當作消遣 You would play for fun against your friends. 或許為 1 杯咖啡或其它事物作賭注而玩 Maybe you would play for a cup of coffee or whatever you wanted. 我最早開始玩遊戲時 我們會為了 When I started playing, we'd been fighting for 24 瓶啤酒爭奪第一 24 bottles of beer as a first place. 我沒騙你 I'm not joking. 在那之後線上對戰開始普及了 From there, though, online happened. 突然間你不單只想成為街坊間的強者 And, all of a sudden, you weren't just trying to be the best on your block. 現在你想成為世界最強的玩家 Now you're trying to be the best in the world. 而這改變也將電競世界推向全新的境界 And that opened up competitive gaming to a whole new landscape. 其中一個最具影響力的遊戲便是 Dota And one of the games really leading the way is Dota. Dota 有點像是綜合了足球及西洋棋 Dota is sort of a combination of football (or soccer for the Americans) Dota 有點像是綜合了足球及西洋棋 and Chess. 這大概會是我對不認識 Dota 的人 This is probably how I would try to explain Dota 解釋 Dota 的方法 to someone who's not familiar with it. 至少我對我父母是這樣說的 At least, that's what I did to my parents. Dota 是個講求氣勢的遊戲 Dota is a game of momentum. 己方五位玩家 You as 5 players 和對立五位玩家抗衡 爭取主導氣勢 try and battle against the other 5 players for momentum. 每位玩家操控一個角色單位 Every single player controls one unit. 遊戲的首要目標是摧毀敵方的主要建築 And the main objective of the game is to destroy the final enemy building 而這建築被稱為「遺跡」 which is called the "Ancient." 在這之間的一切過程 Everything else that happens in the meantime 便是遊戲的精采之處 is your amazing filler of a game. 你可以從 100 位英雄中擇一 You could play 100 heroes 和其餘 99 英雄搭配組合 in conjunction with 99 other heroes. 不斷地 有許多可能性 It's just nonstop possibilities 而且極為有趣 你知道的 and it's so much fun. 雖然每一場的地圖都是同一個 And you know, it's like the same map every single time 但坦白說永遠不會覺得無聊 but it literally never gets boring. 我會說 Dota 是種生活之道 I would say Dota is a way of life. 當比賽開始提供獎金 When the prizes started coming 我就想說 有正式競賽了 I was like, well we have tournaments 那自然就會有人開始說 so obviously some people are going to come and say, 「真是個好遊戲 我們玩幾場吧!」 或 「我們花點錢投資吧!」 "This is a great game. Let's play it. Like, let's put money in it." 然後它開始逐年成長 And it started progressing each year. 那些頂尖玩家 Those at the top level, 他們腦裡需要作出許多運算 they just do like lots of calculations in their head. 和電影《美麗境界》很像 Something like "A Beautiful Mind" 你能看見各種細枝末節 where you see like all kinds of things. 再利用這些資訊 And using all this information 決定你的下一步 make your next move. 在我看來它和籃球有許多相似之處 I see it in a lot of ways similar to basketball. 就像場五對五的比賽 Just like a 5 on 5 game 大家必須要齊心合作 where you kind of have to work together 善用每個人的強項來協力互補 and utilize each other's strengths and synergizing everything together. 團隊合作 信任 奉獻精神 The teamwork, and the trust, and the sacrifice 這是每個團隊運動都具備的 those are all true for every single team sport. Dota 是款團結彼此的遊戲 Dota is a game that unites everybody. 你的國籍或種族並不重要 It doesn't matter what country you're from or race you are. 這就像是種彼此間的羈絆 It's kind of like a bond that is shared 而當你是這緊密團體的一份子時 and when you're part of this tight-knit group of people. 你就像是擁有了第二個家庭 It's like having a second family. 是一輩子都不會放手的 That's something you never let go. 每個人都在尋找些什麼 Everyone's searching for something. 成就感 Fulfillment. 名聲 Fame. 滿足感 Satisfaction. 它給你一個蛻變成長的機會 It gives you the ability to become someone else. 成為一個強大的人 A someone who is powerful. 強大到足以撂倒五名對手 Who can take down 5 opponents. 展現他的創意 Express their creativity. 在不會真正觸犯法律的情況下破壞規則 Break the rules without actually getting arrested. 這些原因都可能潛伏在內心深處 All of these reasons are in there somewhere. 可能連玩家自己都沒有察覺 The player himself might not even know. 他可能自己都還不明白 He might not even understand it himself. 但它確實潛藏在那 But it's there. 奧勒岡州 梅德福市 Medford, Oregon 電玩能滿足我的好勝心 Gaming fulfills my competitive need. 我是個很好強的人 I'm a very competitive person. 說到運動 我認為電玩也是一項運動 When it comes to sports, I consider gaming a sport. 因此我好強的性格 So I use my competitiveness 透過 Dota 得到了滿足 and I fuel it with Dota. 它完整的滿足了那一部分的我 So it fulfills that side of me completely. Fear 若非美國第一的玩家 至少也是頂尖 Fear's one of the best in America, if not the best. 他有非常豐富的經驗 He has a lot of experience. 基本上 他算是老鳥了 He's one of the old hogs, basically. 而他平常就是個冷靜的人 And he's generally just a calm guy. 所以 就我看來那是他的長處 So, in my opinion, that's his strength. 籃球打得相當出色 Really good basketball player. 還記得我的教練看他打籃球 I remember my coaches watch him playing 直說來年要將他選入隊伍 and just talk about picking him up the next year when he came in. 總是不斷稱讚著他 Always had nothing but good things to say, 但他最後沒入選 but he wasn't picked on the team. 至於原因嘛 我猜是他不夠高 The reason was, yeah, he just wasn't tall enough, I guess. 所以 對 我知道他找到了遊戲 So, I know that, yeah, he found the game. 他對遊戲投入了不少心力 He got really devoted in that and stuff 他在籃球之後找到了其它的重心 and just found something else that worked. 我是典型的家長 I was your typical parent. 「Clinton 你花太多時間打電動了」 "Clinton, you're spending too much time playing computer games." 「你得上學」 "You need to go to school." 「之後還要上大學」 "You need to go to college." 然後他告訴我 and he would tell me, 「我想要玩遊戲 並靠它維生」 "I want to be able to play games and get paid for it." 他是在很小的時候說這句話的 Now he said this at a very young age 那時候甚至還沒有 Dota before Dota ever came along. 那時我想 他總有一天會成熟 And I thought, well, you know, he's going to grow out of it. 他會厭倦一直坐在那邊 He's going to get sick and tired of sitting there 盯著電腦玩遊戲 in front of that computer and playing. 但從來沒有 從來沒有 Never did. Never did. 新加坡 Singapore 在新加坡 家人對於教育方面 In Singapore the families actually put a lot of stress on us 給我們許多壓力 in terms of our education. 我得說過去要同時應付 I would say it's been tough on me trying to juggle 電玩與讀書很困難 both studies and gaming at the same time. 我的成績已經落後兩年了 My grades have dropped for two years already. 而我父母認為電玩是始作俑者 And my parents have treated the gaming as the cause of it. 他們常說的一句話是 I mean there was this phrase that they used. They said, 「打電動總有一天會害死你」 "Gaming will be the death of you one day." 他是個優秀的玩家 也是優秀的隊長 He's a great player and a great captain. 我敢說他是新加坡最頂尖的玩家 I would say he's the top player in Singapore. 毫無疑問 Easily. 我的父母和家人 My parents and my family, 他們不太談論我的電玩職涯 they don't actually speak much of my gaming career. 他們不會和親朋好友說 They don't tell their friends and my other relatives 我其實非常擅長於我的遊戲 that I'm actually that good at my games. 一直以來他們都拿我的學業炫耀 All along they have only been bragging about my studies. 因為我過去是個優等生 Because I used to be an "A" student. 他們逢人就提 然後… Yeah, they go on and on. And... 似乎只有這件事能讓他們引以為傲 And it seemed like that was the only thing they could ever be proud of. 事實上只有一個人 Actually, there has only been one person 一路上支持我打電動 that has always been very supportive of me gaming. 就是我的前女友 Huayan And that was my ex-girlfriend, Huayan. 她來自於新加坡的女子 Dota 戰隊 She's from the female Dota team in Singapore. 我們的人生有許多共同之處 There are a lot of things that we share in life. 真的很多 So many things. 對我來說感覺很好 你知道的 In my case, it felt really good, you know, to have someone 有個真誠欣賞你長才的人 who truly appreciated what you did best. 並為此愛你 And loved you for it. 她明白我在做什麼 也了解我熱衷的事物 She was aware of what I'm doing and what I'm passionate about. 分手是她的決定 而我尊重她 The breakup was her decision and I respected it. 我們交往了將近三年 We'd been together for close to three years 而分手後 我還是忘不了她 and ever since the breakup, I haven't gotten over it. 我想起最後一次和她說話 I recall the last time she spoke to me 她罵我「混蛋」… 所以… she named me as a bastard so... *笑* *Laughter* 我們沒有聯絡了 不過… We're not in contact anymore, yeah, but... 日子依舊是要過的 life goes on. 烏克蘭 利維夫市 L'viv, Ukraine 我來自烏克蘭 I'm from Ukraine. 我的暱稱是 Dendi My nickname is Dendi. 我讀完大學了 I finished my university, and 而我現在就在打電玩 I'm just playing computer games right now. 他本來要走上音樂一途 He was doing music. 他彈過鋼琴 He played the piano. 他練過舞 He was doing dancing. 在校時還曾擔任過音樂劇的男主角 At school, he had musical plays in which he played the main role. 觀眾常因他的藝術天分而印象深刻 Audiences were always impressed by his artistic ability. 當孩子們群聚演出時 When their kids' group was showing, Danil 的表現總是非常醒目 Danil would always stand out. 我們成長時 When we were growing up 家中的經濟狀況不是太好 it wasn't a good time financially for our family. 然而奶奶在 1997 年 幫我們得到了第一台電腦 But my grandma helped us to get our first computer in 1997. 和其他烏克蘭孩子比起來這算早了 Early, compared with other kids in Ukraine. 我們每天都有訪客 We got visitors every day. 過去我哥的朋友們都會來我們家 The friends of my older brother used to come to visit us 和我們一起玩電玩 and we were playing games. 然後 Danil 每次都會來看我們在幹什麼 And Danil, every time looked at what we do. 我們每次都會趕他走 Every time we would try to push him away 但他總會回來再繼續看 but he would come back and look again. 他總是比其他孩子更沉迷於這上面 It was more prominent with him than with other kids. 在他有生以來醒著的時間 During all his conscious life 我們都在阻止他玩遊戲 we were trying to stop him from playing. 我們把電腦電源線藏在公寓四處 We were hiding our computer cord everywhere in our apartment 但他總是能找到 but he always found it. 我總是想更了解他 I always wanted to understand him better. 包括遊戲的習慣 我都想更了解… Including that hobby, I wanted to understand him better. 其中有某些原因 There were certain reasons. 我先暫且先不提 I'm not going to mention them now. 我想他內心深處有一點哀傷 I think somewhere deep inside he's a little bit sad. 她後來不再阻止他玩 Dota 了 She stopped preventing him from playing Dota. 她給了 Dendi 選擇的自由 She gave Dendi the freedom to choose 讓他追求自己想要的人生 what is the best for him and his life. 當時的錦標賽獎金很少 Tournaments back then were really low prizes. 甚至還有玩家拿不到獎金 And a lot of prize money didn't even get to the players. 常有隊經理把獎金騙走的情況 There's been a lot of scams with the managers and stuff like that. 謠言傳出這次冠軍可獲得 5 萬美元 There were, like, some rumors that it's going to be $50,000 first place, 大家的反應都是「不會啦 不可能會有那種事」 and everyone was going, like, "Nah, it's not going to be like that." 2011 年 8 月 10 日 August 10, 2011 看整個論壇瘋狂起來! 大夥們! Watch the forums go nuts, guys. 看著整個論壇瘋狂! Watch the forums go nuts. 這是確定的了 It is actually confirmed. 簡直是讚到破表! It is off the fricking hook. 160 萬美元的總獎金! 1.6 million dollar prize pool! 而給贏家的獎金 That is for the winner, Dota 冠軍可帶 1 百萬美元回家 1 million dollars for winning Dota! Dota 這個我玩了 5 年的遊戲 Dota, the game I've played for 5 years now. 這個用來消遣打發時間 Which I played for fun. 用來賺取微薄餐費和雜支的遊戲 For some food money or whatever, you know. 沒想到就這麼熱門起來了 Ok, it's actually getting big. 這是目前電競史上最高額的獎金 It's the largest prize pool of any gaming competition to date. 感覺就像是某件大事的開端 It just felt like the start of something big. 像是場革命 Like a revolution. 你知道 我們具備了一切的條件 You know, we had everything we needed 讓電競正當化並受尊敬 for the game to become big and respected as an E Sport. 這也能說是洗刷我們的污名 It would kind of like vindicate us. 我們並非因為成癮才打電動的 We're not just playing because we're addicted. 有個正當的目標和動機 There's a goal, a motive. 一個只要我們夠優秀就能達成的目標 That we can actually reach out and grab if we are good enough. 中國 北京 Beijing, China 在亞洲 專業玩家和搖滾巨星的待遇相同 Over in Asia, professional gamers are treated like rock stars. 這是個可行的職業 It's a viable career opportunity. 他們有專門的選手基地能住 They actually live in gamer houses. 作為全年的生活場所 So it's set up to be a thing all year long. 他們把練習當做日常工作來面對 I think their approach to practice is that it's like a day job. 他們的粉絲群很大 The fan base is immense. 大概可以比擬整個西方的觀眾群 It probably is as big as the whole western audience together. 可能甚至還更大 Or even more than that. 所以你必須要很厲害 So now you really have to play good. 你非得要很拚命 You really have to try hard. 定要成為第一 成王敗寇 It's first place. It's go big or go home. 厲害的隊伍能得到大筆獎金 The big teams get big money. 但第 9 名到第 16 名一毛錢都沒有 But the 9th to 16th place earn nothing. 他們的薪資根本不足掛齒 And their salaries are not worth considering. 在職業運動中 你有足夠過活的薪資 While in sports, you have a salary that you can live on. 在職業電競這個行業 我覺得最煎熬的是 With pro gaming, I think that's one of the toughest parts is 需靠一場接一場的比賽過活 living game to game. 像月光族一樣倚賴下月的薪餉 It's like living paycheck to paycheck. 就像是一定要贏 沒贏下個月就沒有錢 Like, I have to win. If I don't win, I don't get paid. 無論什麼職業 任誰這麼過都會覺得艱難 That's a tough living for anybody. 無論什麼職業 任誰這麼過都會覺得艱難 It doesn't matter what you're doing. 當你的孩子盼望成為職業玩家 When your child wants to be a professional gamer 不像其他運動 你沒有任何歷史 you don't have any history to look back on 可以參考 like other sports. 我沒聽說有哪個人是靠玩遊戲維生的 I don't know anyone who's made a living at gaming. 所以當你看到你的孩子 So it's kind of a scary thing 全心全意投入遊戲時 其實有點可怕 when you see your kid putting their whole life into gaming 放棄大學課業或其它傳統項目 and not college and not the traditional things. 若到頭來是一場空呢? What if nothing comes of it? 就年齡來說 Regarding the age 我認為 I think, yes, 25、26 歲絕對是電競生涯的末期 25, 26 years. It's absolutely maximum for E Sports 因為 27 歲以後 because 27, 28, 29, 30 你的反應開始變慢了 your reaction time is lowering 你也沒辦法像小孩一樣 and you can't click so much, you know, 快速地點擊 as the kids do. 現在的我背負著很多經濟責任 A lot of financial responsibilities are laid upon me right now. 我必須成功做一件事 或維持一份工作 Require me to be successful in something or have a job. 因此 若我想繼續發展電競事業 So it's pretty critical that I am successful 成功是必要的 if I want to continue the gaming career. 他曾是個優等生 你知道嗎? He's an "A-Star" student, you know? 電玩讓他退步 拖累了他 Because of this gaming, it pulled him right down. 對我來說是挺難過的 It's very sad for me. 所以姑姑總是當壞人 So here the bad one is Auntie. 姑姑總是會來然後 Auntie is the one that always comes here and 嘮嘮叨叨個不停 nag, nag, nag, nag, nag. - 我沒說錯吧? - 當電競玩家是很艱困的 -Am I right? -It's tough being a gamer. 嗯? Sorry? - 我沒錯吧? - 我說 當電競玩家是很艱困的 -Am I right? -I said, it's tough being a gamer. HY啊 千萬富翁? Huh, hy? Multi-millionaire. *笑* *Laughter* 靠遊戲發財啊? For gaming, huh? 抱歉 但你並不是 Sorry, you are not. 你的願景是什麼? 計畫是什麼? Huh? What is your view? What is your plan? 那還比較重要 That is more important. 我是說 這是我們的看法 I mean, we speak ourselves. 這是我們直接坦率的看法 We speak our frank opinion. 現在是你抉擇的時刻 This is your choice now. 你想過什麼樣的生活? 那比較重要 What do you want in life? That is more important. 若我在這場大賽奪冠 If I'm going to win this tournament 我的第一想法會是… my first thought would be... 打給我的前女友 I will call my ex-girlfriend. 我們之間變得很不好… Things got real bad between us and... 不過現在 若我贏得這場大賽 but right now, for me, if I'm going to win this tournament, 我的第一個想法會是打給她 my first thought would be, yeah, I would call her. 我會告訴她我贏了… I would tell her about it and... 我想和她分享這一刻… I would want to share this moment with her... 沒錯 yeah. 本次大賽會是每位玩家此生重要的一刻 This tournament is going to be a moment in every gamer's life. 你所有累積的訓練 Everything that you've been doing has been building up 將影響你這一週的發揮 and is going to happen over one week. 甚至不是這一週 And then it's not one week anymore. 而是單一場比賽 It's one game. 抑或不是那一場比賽 And then it's not that one game. 而是取決整場中的一刻 it's that one moment in the game. 而整場比賽中的那一刻 也將是一切結束之時 And then that one moment in the game is where it's going to finish. 結果將是如何? And how's it going to finish? 你會手捧冠軍獎杯嗎? Are you going to be holding up a trophy? 或這將會是你此生最大的遺憾? Or are you going to be the most disappointed that you've ever been? 德國 科隆 Cologne, Germany 今天是星期二 It's Tuesday. 比賽開始的前一天 So one day before the event. 我們場地佈置了不少東西 We already have a lot of setup. 我們在這準備了許多電腦 We have a lot of computer setup right here. 整個選手室的工程快完工了 The whole booth construction pretty much finished. 一邊各有五位玩家 So five players per side. 他們可以透過玻璃看見彼此 They can see each other through the glass. 但彼此聽不見對方 They can't hear each other. 整個選手室是隔音的 This booth is soundproofed up. 此外這整個場地 Plus, the whole setup here 若從上面往下看 根本是整張 Dota 地圖 if you look from above looks exactly like a Dota map. 而這是中路 And this is the mid. 一切都在這裡發生 This is where it all happens. 今早已有隊伍陸續抵達了 A few teams have already arrived this morning. 隊伍為數不少 We had a lot of teams 從新加坡、中國、馬來西亞、俄羅斯等地前來 from Singapore. 從新加坡、中國、馬來西亞、俄羅斯等地前來 We have China. 從新加坡、中國、馬來西亞、俄羅斯等地前來 We had Malaysia coming in 從新加坡、中國、馬來西亞、俄羅斯等地前來 and Russia. 而明天比賽終於要開始了 And tomorrow it's finally happening. 第一天 DAY 1 of 5 贏得兩場比賽以上的隊伍將可以晉級 TEAMS WITH TWO OR MORE WINS ADVANCE TO THE WINNERS BRACKET 我們在位於科隆的 2011 Gamescom 現場直播 We're here live at Gamescom 2011 in beautiful Cologne. 今天是賽事的第一天 It's the first day of the event. 世界幾個頂尖的 Dota 隊伍聚集這裡 We've got some of the world's best teams here in Dota. 主辦單位準備了 160 萬美元的總獎金! And they're handing out a tournament prize of 1.6 million dollars! 這兒的規模真大 It is massive here. 一場總奬金 160 萬美元的比賽 A tournament of 1.6 million dollars. 這就是電競的未來 That's the future of gaming. 棒呆了! This is awesome! 這是我們首次看到這些高水準的隊伍齊聚在一堂 It's the first time we're going to see teams of this caliber assembled in one location. 這些人可不是無名小卒 These guys are not just nameless faces. 他們是世上最頂尖的人物 They're the best in the world. 這裡的隊伍中 The bunch of teams we have here, 有隊伍選手個人技巧好的讓人不可置信 there's a few teams that have individual skill that's unbelievable. 但還一大部分的隊伍 And then there's a big group of other teams 選手的個人資質不錯 雖然不是頂尖 that have good individual skill, not top-notch, 但能藉由團隊合作與良好的戰術獲勝 but who win through good strategy and team play. 譬如說 Fear 是位優秀的選手 Fear is a great player, for example, 但他還是不及亞洲專業選手的水準 but he is not comparable to good players in Asia. 這不是在貶低 Fear 他是位傑出的選手 And that's nothing against Fear, because he's still an excellent player 但他們的層次截然不同 but he's not them. 在亞洲他們極度重視電競比賽 Over in Asia, they take gaming so much more seriously. 舉個例子 Just to give you an example, 南韓國家足球隊參加世界盃的時候 the Korean soccer team were playing in the World Cup. 政府為了激勵球員的士氣 To motivate the Korean soccer team to play better, 請了《星海爭霸:怒火燎原》的職業選手 they brought in Starcraft Brood War professional gamers 在球隊出場前到休息室 into their locker room before they went out 讓球員和他們心中的英雄會面 so that they got to meet what were their heroes. 中國 上海 Shanghai, China Dota 在中國的意義就像《星海爭霸》對韓國一樣 In China, Dota is to the people there what Starcraft is to Korea. 有電視直播 It's televised. 女生都希望男朋友是職業 Dota 選手 The girls like their boyfriends to be Dota players. 當他們在賽後閒逛時 After a game, when they're walking around 你會看到粉絲跑向他們 you can see fans running up to them 要他們在衣服上簽名 asking them to sign on their shirts. 就跟傳統職業運動一樣 It's like a real sport. 我第三次到中國時 The third time I was in China, 我有兩天的時間和粉絲出遊 I was playing with fans for two days. 他們為我做了一個影片 They made a video of me, 拍了我在爬山的畫面 filming me walking in some mountains 還要我說了些句子之類的 and I had to say some sentences and stuff. 例如「在 Dota 一山還有一山高」 And I was like, yeah, "In Dota, there's always a new mountain to climb." 諸如此類的東西 Stuff like this, you know. 我來回地爬著樓梯 I walked up and down these stairs 開始跑步和舉重 and started running and lifting some weights, 就是為了將 Dota 與這些運動做個比喻 just to compare this with Dota like some metaphor and stuff. 福州 我來了! Fuzhou, I am coming! 電子競技它在中國 E Sports in China is already a sport 它就是一個被國家體育總局承認的體育項目 that is recognized by the General Administration of Sport. 它跟羽毛球 乒乓球 象棋一樣 It is the same as tennis, ping pong, chess. 只不過它是一個非奧項目 The only thing is that it is not an Olympic sport. 我得說中國隊伍都厲害 I will say that China teams are all great. 隊上每名選手都很強 Every player in the team is strong. 你不會先認識一個中國選手 You don't recognize China players as a player. 你先注意到的是整個團隊的強大 You just recognize them as a whole team. 你會畏懼整個團隊的實力 You just fear the whole team. 參加這次比賽的中國隊伍 The Chinese teams that have come to this competition 讓其他人都嚇的屁滾尿流 are scaring the shit out of everyone else. 我們的分組就有兩隻中國的頂尖隊伍 We had two of the top Chinese teams in our group. Online Kingdom 本次大賽並不被看好 Online Kingdom has not been regarded as one of the favorites to win it. 他們被認為是墊底的四或八支隊伍之一 In fact, they were considered bottom four or just bottom eight for sure. 這是我們第一次在 LAN (同一個區域網路) This is our first time on LAN together. 隊伍組成才四、五個月而已 The team together has only been around for around 4-5 months 相對來說算是支很新的隊伍 so it's a relatively new team, 擔任核心英雄的新進隊員 Pajkatt and Pajkatt, our newest addition, playing Carry for us, 其實才加入三個禮拜 he's only been on the team for three weeks now actually. 我們對要和中國隊伍比賽很緊張 We were really nervous going against a Chinese team 尤其還是中國的頂尖隊伍 especially the top Chinese teams. 年輕選手在面對這種壓力時難免表現失常 There are going to be players that choke 年輕選手在面對這種壓力時難免表現失常 handling this kind of pressure at such a young age. 這是 1437 第一次參加 LAN 賽事 1437, this is the first time he's ever been on LAN. 這可是百萬美元的比賽 卻是他頭一遭參加 LAN 賽事 It's not easy, like, this is a million dollar tournament. 這可是百萬美元的比賽 卻是他頭一遭參加 LAN 賽事 First time he's been on LAN. - LAN (區域網路) 所有隊伍均在同個地點比賽 - 這舞台、獎金、名聲 LAN (LOCAL AREA NETWORK) A TOURNAMENT WHERE ALL THE TEAMS COMPETE IN THE SAME LOCATION - LAN (區域網路) 所有隊伍均在同個地點比賽 - 這舞台、獎金、名聲 This stage. This prize money. This prestige. 競爭將會非常激烈 This is real competition. 我們努力保持冷靜 We tried to keep our cool together 並專注於比賽上 and we just played our game. ONLINE KINGDOM 對 VIRUS ONLINE KINGDOM VS VIRUS ONLINE KINGDOM 1-0 ONLINE KINGDOM 對 涅槃中國分隊 ONLINE KINGDOM VS NIRVANA.CN ONLINE KINGDOM 2-0 我們超興奮的 We were super hyped. 大家都很驚訝我們表現這麼好 Everyone was surprised we were doing so good. 連我們自己都不相信 Even we couldn't believe it. Online Kingdom 目前壓制全場 Online Kingdom dominating right now. ONLINE KINGDOM 對 天祿 ONLINE KINGDOM VS TYLOO ONLINE KINGDOM 3-0 和天祿較勁過後 大家都很興奮 After the match against TyLoo, everyone was very excited, you know. 我們剛擊敗了冠軍熱門隊伍之一 We just beat one of the teams that was actually favored to win the competition. 大家情緒高昂 有點像是 So everyone's spirits were, like, 「喔! 我們似乎有希望奪冠」 "Oh, we may be actually able to do this, you know." 擊敗中國隊伍後 Beating the Chinese teams, 某些人就開始打趣說 some people just, you know for fun, they started, 「嘿!你看是 Online Kingdom! 中國隊剋星!」 "Ok, hey, it's OK.Nirvana.Int. They're the China slayers." 第二天 雙敗淘汰賽開始 DAY 2 of 5 DOUBLE-ELIMINATION BEGINS 昨天發生了些出乎意料的事 A few little bit surprises that we had yesterday. 有不少場次爆冷門 Quite a few upsets. Online Kingdom 接連擊敗了兩支中國隊伍 OK.Nirvana.International managing to beat two Chinese teams in a row, 打敗了天祿 和 涅槃中國分隊 beating out TyLoo and OK.Nirvana.CN. 他們目前非常火熱 They're currently on a roll now. 同時證明了中國隊伍並非所向匹敵 And Chinese teams are not unbeatable. 但另一方面 But on the other hand, EHOME 才正要證明他們是中國四大隊伍中最強的 EHOME are just proving that they are the strongest of the four Chinese teams 目前 3勝 0負 的戰績 having a clean 3-0 record. 他們是被看好奪冠的熱門隊伍 They are the favorites to win the whole tournament. 有多次大賽獲勝的經驗 讓他們信心滿滿地參賽 So they come in with the confidence 有多次大賽獲勝的經驗 讓他們信心滿滿地參賽 that they've won so many championships already. 當然其中多少也帶些國家榮譽感 It's always a little bit of national pride at stake. 他們當然想證明中國的 Dota 實力還是高人一等 So, of course, they want to prove that Chinese Dota is still a little bit above the rest. EHOME 是中國 Dota 界資歷最長久的隊伍之一 EHOME is one of the oldest Chinese Dota organizations. 他們長期以來在電競的頂端 They've always been at the top of competitive gaming. 令人印象最深刻的是 2010 年的 ESWC Most memorably at ESWC 2010. 在 2010 年 ESWC 開始前 Before ESWC 2010, 我的想法是 I thought, like, yeah ok, 中國隊或許真的不錯 the Chinese, they're probably pretty good, 但又能好到哪去? but like how good can they be? 結果我們對上了 EHOME 他們在零敗績的狀態下贏了大賽 And then we played EHOME who won that tournament without losing a single match. 他們完封了每一支隊伍 Like, they just crushed every team. 1st PLACE EHOME 以 Dota 有史以來最佳戰績之姿 結束了那一年 EHOME finished the year as the best team in the history of Dota. 他們完全在不同一個水平上 They were just like on a totally different level. 譬如說 他們的經理會坐在他們後面 Like, they had their manager sitting behind them. 他會下達各種決策 He was making their calls. 他隨身帶著一本小黑冊 He was running around with this little black book. 那是我第一次聽說有隊伍會這麼做 And they were the first team I heard of who did that. EHOME 的經理會紀錄徵募陣容 進行對手情資蒐集 The EHOME manager copying down the draft, doing the prep work. 他相當於他們的教練 He was their coach. 當時有個不錯的採訪 There was a great interview that was done. 他們邀請了所有參賽的歐洲隊長 And it lined up all the top European captains who attended 而採訪主題是 EHOME and the topic was EHOME. 若你想在賽中有好的表現 If you want to ever play good 就千萬別邀請中國隊伍 you don't need to invite Chinese teams 因為他們實在是太強了 because they are too strong. EHOME 獲勝了… So EHOME won... 你覺得中國選手如何? What do you think of the Chinese guys? 我這輩子從未輸的這麼慘 I never felt this outplayed in my entire life. 他們強到令人難以置信 It's unbelievable how good they are. 他們對於時機的掌控和執行力… Like, their timing, their discipline... 他們主導了比賽 整場比賽 They're really in control of the game, the whole game, 而且他們能一直維持這種主導權 and they keep this control all the time. 就是連親眼看見都無法相信 This is really crazy to see, actually. 是因為我們在任何國際賽場的時候 It's because when we are at any international tournament, 所有的國外戰隊的經理和隊員看到我們的時候 when all of the foreign team managers and team members see us, 全體都會大聲的喊「EHOME!」 everyone will all yell out, "EHOME!" EHOME! EHOME! EHOME! EHOME! 你知道那是一個多麼壯觀的場面嗎? Do you know how spectacular that is? 這是一個故事 是一個風俗 Actually, this is a story. It's a custom. 當大家看到 EHOME 的時候 Which is when everyone sees EHOME, 他們就自然而然的認為 王者要入場了 they naturally think the king is entering. 這次的大賽期間 During this trip to The International, 其實和我的考試時間重疊 it's actually the same period as my exam periods. 因此為了隊伍和自己 So I treated it as a sacrifice that I've made 我放棄了考試 for the team and for myself. 我發現 And I find that 當你追求理想與熱情所在時 when it comes to pursuing your passions 你必須要決定這樣犧牲… it's really up to you to decide if it's worth the... 犧牲是否值得 worth the sacrifice. 新加坡 SINGAPORE 考試期間校方是不允許他離開學校的 When they're having exams, they don't allow him to leave the school 所以我認真地跟他說「你要好自為之」 So I told him really I said, "Mind yourself." 職業電競選手這條路的風險很高 非常高 Setting out on a career in gaming is risky. It's very risky. 考試和大賽期間真的有衝突 Because the examinations actually clash with the competition 而沒有正當理由錯過考試 and missing the exams without a proper explanation, 學校可不認為 Dota 比賽是正當理由 the school didn't recognize the Dota competition as a valid reason. 所以這算是違反校規了 It's kind of breaking school rules. 學校非常堅決的要阻止他 The school is very determined to stop him from pursuing 參加這次的錦標賽 his chance of going for this contest. 因此我認為這給了家裡不少壓力 So I think this has created a big stress for the family. 讓他的母親非常頭疼 你知道嗎? Gives his mother very headache, you know? 我認為 現在要將他拉出來很困難 It's quite difficult for us to pull him out right now, I think. 你知道他的意志十分堅定 You know he's so adamant about it. 所以當他跟我說八月要去參賽時 So that's why when he told me he's going in August, 我問「學校的考試怎麼辦?」 I said, "Then how about your school exams?" 「你要如何應付?」 "What are you going to do?" 有次我母親可能快到極限了 I think my mother, she was kind of at her limits, 她一直告訴我電玩是如何的拖累我 telling me about how much gaming has been weighing me down. 因此那次聊天我敞開了心胸… That was really the talk when I really opened my heart and I... 和她分享我對遊戲的熱情 shared with her my passion for the game 以及我是如何堅信 and how much I believed that 我的隊伍有機會奪冠 my team actually has the potential to win, 成為世界第一 to be the best in the world. 在沒拿到總冠軍前絕不停歇 So we are stopping at nothing less than first. 我嘗試這麼告訴我母親的 This is how I tried to put it across to my mom. 走到這一步我放棄了許多 By giving up so much to come here 我有絕對的信心相信我們會贏 I have absolute confidence in my team that we will win. SCYTHE 對 EHOME SCYTHE VS EHOME SCYTHE 對 EHOME 現在正要挑選英雄陣容 Alright the draft is under way. EHOME 要開始選英雄 EHOME, they will select up their heroes. Scythe 也開始選英雄了 Scythe will start selecting theirs. 現在看兩支隊伍 Looking now at both the teams, EHOME 看來泰然自若 it looks like EHOME they're fairly relaxed 同時你也看的出 Scythe 的渴望 while Scythe, you know they're eager. 他們聚在 hyhy 旁決定要選的英雄 They're all gathering around hyhy to pick. 若選陣不足被比下去 你很容易就會輸掉比賽 If you have a losing draft, you will lose the game. 這是我對 Dota 的看法 This is what I think of Dota. 所以陣容的挑選十分的關鍵 So it's really a lot on drafting. 選陣方式是由雙方隊長挑選隊上本次使用的英雄 Drafting is where two captains will select what they want to play with. 哪些是要使用的 哪些是要禁止對方用的 What heroes are selected and what heroes are taken out. 你能從 100 多名英雄中選出 5 名 You can select five heroes out of a pool of over a hundred. 同時禁用其中 4 名 And can also remove four of those heroes. 你認為對手會想用的任 4 名英雄 So four heroes you think your opponent will want to use, 你可以禁用 you can remove. 在任何一場比賽開始前 Before any game, any match, 我們會根據對手 we will decide our bans and picks 來決定選用和禁用的英雄 according to which team we are fighting. 我們常會臨場想出一些戰術 Usually we would come up with a very impromptu strategy 來試著反制對手的戰術 to try and fight their strat (strategy). 你真的需要長時間思考陣容的選擇 You really have to spend a lot of time thinking of the draft. 陣容的選擇大多會左右比賽的情勢 The draft actually decides a lot of the game itself. EHOME 是支經驗豐富的隊伍 EHOME. They're a team with so much experience. 他們已經想好這場比賽的策略了 They already know the way they want to roll this one out. 對他們而言 唯一能影響比賽結果的 The only thing that's really going to make it or break it for them 只有他們本身的執行能力了 is if they can get their execution right. 面對他們的陣容 In that particular match-up 我覺得我們需要些什麼來恫嚇他們 we felt that we needed something that could instill the fear in them. 看來山嶺巨人小小是 Scythe 的最後一個選擇 And Tiny looks to be the last pickup here from Scythe. Scythe 的選擇挺有趣的 A bit of an interesting pickup there by Scythe. 如此一來他們的英雄分路就完全改變了 It's going to start to change around their lanes completely now. 選擇小小是個讓對方出乎意料的戰術 With Tiny, it is good as a surprise strategy. 若對手搞不清楚小小在陣容中的定位為何 If another team doesn't realize where he fits into the whole lineup, 那你真的可以大亂對方的陣腳 then you can really throw the opposition off balance. hyhy 要往回走了 不對 He's moving away, but no, hyhy, 他轉身秒殺莉娜 he'll just turn around and just pops the Lina. 我現在想強調的是 EHOME I want to point out right now that EHOME, 他們可不是菜鳥 they are not noobs (new to the game). 只是 Scythe 的表現太出色了 This is just Scythe playing an amazing game. 當有這麼多的觀眾看著你 When you have such a huge audience and 而你知道家裡的人都在看比賽… you know that everyone is at home watching the game... 他們將希望寄託在你身上 they have their hopes pinned on you and 我感覺… I feel that... 這場比賽實在太重要了 there's so much at stake. 他們現在要收拾殘局了 And they should be able to clean it up right now. 小小要使用投擲了 他發動技能並成功地拿下了擊殺 Tiny, he's gonna toss, he's gonna launch and he definitely gets the kill. 357 (EHOME隊員)被定住了 We got 357 getting nailed out there. 自然先知也要做出最後一擊 Nature's Prophet going to get the last hit in as well. 看來 EHOME 被滅團了 It's the entire team down for EHOME. 分出勝負了 This is GG. 現在這至少會推掉兩座兵營 This is now a double-rax, at least. 而 EHOME 也離線了 And EHOME, they're going to disconnect. 第一支勝部決賽隊伍出爐了 We have our first Winner's Bracket Finalist. Scythe 將晉級 Scythe will advance. EHOME 則會落到敗部分組 EHOME will drop down into the Loser's Bracket, 而 Scythe 將結束這場比賽 and Scythe will now finish up this game. SCYTHE 獲勝 EHOME 在銀幕上打出「GG」(GOOD GAME) 認輸 SCYTHE WINS SCYTHE 獲勝 EHOME 在銀幕上打出「GG」(GOOD GAME) 認輸 EHOME CALLS "GG" ("GOOD GAME") CONCEDING THE MATCH 是啊 100萬真是… Yeah, the one million is... 100萬啊 yeah, one million. 真是多 That's a lot. 得到這筆錢的話 在這遊戲上花的時間都值得了 It's going to make my time playing this game all worth it. 我從不覺得抽煙對我有任何好處 Didn't think smoking would do me any good. 你什麼時候開始抽菸? When did you start smoking? 兩年前 Two years back. 兩年前 Two years back. 不該抽的 Bad move. 似乎跟你和女友分手的時間點差不多 That seems to coincide with when you and your ex-girlfriend broke up. 當時分得很難看… On bad terms... 她似乎已放下了 Seems like she's moved on already. 以前她還在玩遊戲時 Back then when she was playing the game 感覺我們有共同的牽絆 it felt like we had something we shared. 但現在 感覺就像… Yeah, but right now, it's like... 我想她也在關注這場大賽 不過… I think she's following this event, but... 大概… probably... 這是場盛大的賽事 This event's big. 我希望我可以打那通電話 I hope I will get to make that phone call. 終於有能引以為傲的事可以告訴她 Finally I'll have something I'm proud of to tell her about. 終於 Finally. 第三天 DAY 3 of 5 當你對上俄羅斯或烏克蘭隊伍時 When you played the Russians and the Ukrainians, 他們總令人難以捉摸 they were just the unpredictable teams. 我完全不知俄羅斯選手在想什麼 I had no idea what the Russians were thinking. 那就是他們最厲害的地方 That was their best weapon. 我們玩得很開心 Well, we're having fun. 我們試著放鬆 We're trying to relax. 我們要讓對手懼怕 We're trying to scare our opponents. 心理戰 這是心理戰 Mind games. Mind games. 我把腦中害怕的那個功能給關掉了 I turn off my brain in the way of being scared of someone. 讓我很讚賞他的一點是 One of the things I really admire about him is how 他的生活其實過得很困苦 he hasn't really had an easy life 縱使這樣他還是很樂觀 but he's always so upbeat. 他總是很開心 He's always so cheerful. 他最初在 Dota 圈展露頭角時 When he first came on the Dota scene, 看上去像是個 12 歲的小男孩 he looked like a 12-year-old boy. 大家就想說「這小孩是誰?」 Everyone was just, like, "Who is this kid?" 你不大會認真看待這小傢伙 There's no way you can take this guy seriously. 然後他就在遊戲中完全擊垮你 And then he would destroy you in games! 我在網路上看見 I saw somewhere on the internet 他是如何運用鍵盤的 how he works with the keyboard. 實在是令人著迷 It really is mesmerizing. 我想 Danil 從彈鋼琴那得了些好處 I think Danil benefited from his piano playing 他的雙手實在是不可思議 because his hands are absolutely amazing. 能做出十分精彩的操控 He can make really good moves. 他的操控不但獨一無二 His moves, I think are unique, 而且還能為你帶來勝利 and they might win you the game. 但他想完全依靠技術取勝 But he wants to rely completely on skill. 他想面對一個對手 He wants, like, an enemy against him 並完全依靠自己的技術解決對方 and he wants to kill him through skill, nothing more. 他想贏得比賽 He wants to win the game. 他的缺點就是耐不住性子 His disadvantage is that he doesn't have patience. 總想玩些技巧 He wants to make those moves. 這讓他有時在比賽中會幹些蠢事 He can get a little bit too silly in games. 他想嘗試新的玩法 He will try new and different things. 團戰時他會離的太遠 He will overextend in team fights 因為他相信他能得殺掉對方 because he believes he can get the kill. 有時他會急躁了過頭 And his impatience can go too far 我們就可能因此輸掉比賽 and he might lose the game for us. INVICTUS GAMING VS NA'VI INVICTUS GAMING VS NA'VI 喔 自然先知 他要進攻了 Oh, Nature's Prophet, he's going to go in. 這可能會是首殺 This should be the First Blood. 他們也對三生 (iG選手) 施放了萌芽 They got the Sprout on Sansheng as well. 極可能會是雙殺 There's probably going to be a double. Dendi 的大絕招命中了! Dendi's ulti, it hits! Dendi! Dendi! 不! 不! Dendi, Dendi, no, no. 他不是要…不會吧 He's not...he cannot be. 這是 Dendi 的招牌操控 This is Dendi through and through. 先放巫術再來急速冷卻 他將他封住了 Starts with the Hex, goes to Cold Snap, he locks him in place! 編織者快被殺死了! Weaver really close to death! 結果時光倒流回復到了先前的狀態 Manages to Timelapse back out again. Dendi 傳送回安全的地方了 Dendi will TP (teleport) back to safety. iG 打出「GG」了 So GG being called by iG. Na'Vi 贏了比賽 Na'Vi, they will take the game. - NA'VI 晉級八強賽 - - 勝部的兩支決賽隊伍將會是 Scythe 和 Na'Vi NA'VI CLINCHES QUARTERFINALS - NA'VI 晉級八強賽 - - 勝部的兩支決賽隊伍將會是 Scythe 和 Na'Vi Our Winners Bracket Finalists are going to be Na'Vi versus Scythe. 大多粉絲眾多的隊伍中成員都是同國籍的 Most teams that you see that have the most fan bases are full nationality. 而我們的隊員則來自世界各地 Our team is all spread out across the world. 他的確比我們都要艱辛一點 He does have it a little harder than us 因為和我們相比 because he doesn't really have this human support 在周圍支持他的人並不多 that we do. 奧勒岡州 梅德福市 Medford, Oregon 我此生遇過最困難的事情 The hardest thing that I've had to really deal with in my life 就是說服家人對我電競職涯的觀點 is just trying to convince my family about my gaming career. 真的很難 特別是當你起步緩慢 It's really, really difficult especially when you start out slow 但你知道這條路是有未來的 but you know there's a future for something 而你在上面也投入了不少心力 and you put a lot of time into it, 然後他們不斷地說「你還是找個真正的工作吧」 and they keep telling you, "You should probably get a real job." 我出生於加州洛杉磯郡 蘭開斯特市 I was born in the Los Angeles district in Lancaster, California. 我在那和父母同住 I lived there with my dad and my mom. 在我約 2 歲時 父親離開了我母親 Around 2 years old, my dad left my mom. 他也沒說什麼 他就只是… He didn't really say anything. He just kind of... 打包行李離開了 He just packed up and left. 她不但獨自扶養我們 還得天天去法學院上課 She's had to raise us both while going to law school at the same time. 法學院畢業後生活並沒變得更輕鬆 It wasn't real easy as far as just got out of law school, 不但沒工作 還有一大筆就學貸款要還 didn't have a job, had huge student loans to pay back. 找到這份工作後我們就搬來這裡 This job came up and so we moved here on our own. 從那時起我就獨力扶養他們 So I've been raising them by myself ever since. 這是我為 Clinton 做的相冊 So this is a photo album that I made for Clinton. 我放入了他成長各時期的照片 As he was growing up, I put pictures in it as we went along. 我的兩個兒子對運動非常熱衷 My sons were both really active into sports 他們想參加各種不同運動 and they wanted to do a lot 我還必須限制他們 so I had to limit them. 每個季節只能選兩項運動 They could choose two per season. 這對我接送練習和看他們比賽而言 That was maximum for me being able to get them to practice 算是極限了 and go watch their games. 真的非常辛苦 That was tough. 這是 Clinton 在哥哥扮的聖誕老人腿上 And Clinton sitting on Santa's lap - his brother Santa. 我哥對我父親的離去比我還生氣 My brother's more angry at my father for leaving than I am. 一想起他 He thinks about him. 我哥就會生氣 He gets upset. 相較之下 我直接當作他不存在 Compared to me, I just block him out and pretend he doesn't exist. Clinton 這時已經開始在玩電玩 Clinton already starting video games here. 他成天待在家裡玩 Dota He was sitting at his house, you know, playing Dota. 甚至是加入贊助隊伍參加職業賽事 Doing it competitively, had a sponsored team and everything like that. 我猜大概那時開始惹毛了她母親 But I think that's when it started getting on his mom's nerves. 那時我的睡眠時間很不規律 I have a crazy sleeping schedule. 由於我在歐洲隊 所以不是熬到深夜 I'm on a European team so sometimes I have to stay up pretty ridiculous hours 就是要非常早起 or wake up at ridiculous hours. 因此我的晝夜不是很正常 So the standard day for me is not so standard. 他整夜不睡 他的狗也整夜陪著不睡 All the nights he'd be up and stuff, the dog would be up too with him 而這讓她夜夜無法安穩入眠 and that would keep her awake most of the nights 他們的關係也因此緊張了起來 and this is kind of where the tension got pretty high. 這持續了好幾年了 You know, this went on for years 最後我不得不和他說 and it came to the point where I just told him 「你知道,你可能需要離開這裡」 I said, "You know what, you just need to go somewhere else." 為了我的電競生涯 我被驅逐家門 So I got kicked out of my house because of my gaming career, basically. 當 Clinton 搬來這裡 When Clinton first moved in here, 他在找書桌 但房裡一個都沒有 he was looking for a desk and there wasn't anything in the room. 我剛巧有許多東西正準備要扔了 And I had a lot of stuff we were getting ready to take to the dump. Clinton 就出去搬了這張綠色書桌 And Clinton went out there and he came back in with this green desk. 並說:「太好了!」 And he goes, "This is perfect!" 我那時也沒有螢幕 剛好我朋友有個多出來的 CRT 螢幕 So I didn't have a monitor, so I went to my friend 我那時也沒有螢幕 剛好我朋友有個多出來的 CRT 螢幕 and he had a spare CRT monitor. 如你所見我收下了它 還在底下墊了兩本書 So I got that, and then, obviously, I have two books here to hunch that up 這樣我才能看到螢幕 so I can actually see the monitor. 這看來是有點克難 So it's kind of a ghetto setup. 但我不認為我用賽事現場的高級設備 表現會和用這個不同 Even when I go to competitions, I don't think I play any differently on the nice setups 但我不認為我用賽事現場高級設備時 表現會和用這個不同 compared to this one. Clinton 可說是 Dota 中的洛基 Clinton's like the Rocky Balboa of Dota. 他應該是美國最早成名的玩家之一 He's definitely one of the first big US players 老實說我甚至不知道他這麼有名 and honestly, I didn't even know he was that big. 過去在北美 出名的優秀玩家並不多 In the North American scene, there weren't many good American players known back then. 大家都尊敬 Fear Everybody respected Fear. 許多我認識的玩家 已離開了這遊戲 A lot of the people I knew, they quit the game. 前往人生的下個階段 They moved on, stuff like that. 我選擇留下 但也因此算是圈內的老將之一 But I stuck with it so I ended up being like one of the oldest players. 他多年下來的經驗 With all his years of experience, 和對遊戲不變的承諾 and all his constant commitment to the game, 充分展現出他不輕易放棄的決心 he's really shown that he doesn't give up. 在沒有父親的情況下成長 Growing up without my father, 沒人在身邊教我男子漢的為人處事之道 I think in the end, not having someone there and teach me the guy side 或給我任何的幫助 and having a father to help you up, 這大概造就了今日的我 I think that it's actually probably made me the person I am today. 我會去確認隊中上事務是否順利 You know, I just make sure everything's running smoothly on the team. 我想我算是扮演隊上父親的角色吧 I kind of play, like, the father figure, I guess. 身為隊長 我想他覺得自己有責任義務 As a captain, I guess he felt he had that responsibility as well. 他基本上算是我的導師 He was like pretty much my mentor. 有次他跟我說 He did tell me one time, 「嘿,你若想找人談談心事…」 他隨時都在 "Hey if you need someone to talk to," he would be here. 所以我把他視作 Dota 中的兄長 So I kind of see him as a Dota brother. 我從未想說自己高人一等 I've never had an ego thinking that I'm better than anyone else. 我非常樂意幫助剛加入的新手 I'm always there willing to help people who are new to the scene. 這很像是我在遊戲中擔任的角色 And that's always been kind of my role in the game 幫助其他玩家發揮潛力 by just helping players get up for the most part. 是 Fear 把我帶進這遊戲的 Fear actually broke me into the scene, you know. 要義無反顧的投入其實很困難 It's very hard to get yourself out there. 那時候我是他的忠實粉絲 I mean, back then, I was kind of like a fan boy of him. 看他的比賽等等 You know, watching his games and what-not. 而他給了我參加高水準競賽機會 And he gave me a shot to play at a high level. 要不是 Fear 我現在根本不會在這 I wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for Fear. 這我敢跟你保證 I can guarantee you that. ONLINE KINGDOM 對 MUFC ONLINE KINGDOM VS MUFC 淘汰賽 ELIMINATION MATCH 比賽開始前 我們都想說 Going into the match, we were all thinking, MUFC 前幾場比賽表現不佳 但… MUFC didn't do so well earlier, but... 我們若這場輸了就得不到獎金 所以… If we lost that game, we wouldn't win anything so... 這場比賽風險很高 it was a high risk game. 比賽開始後 36 分鐘 MUFC 比對手多出近七千金幣 36 minutes in, almost a 7,000 gold advantage in favor of MUFC 比賽近尾聲時 我們的幾次失誤 Toward the end of the game, we made a couple of mistakes 使得我方兩名英雄被擊殺 that put two heroes on the sideline for us. 對方五人都還活著 並打算直接拆掉我們的王座 (遺跡) And they had all five still up and decided that they were going to go for our Throne (Ancient). 他們可能會直攻基地 They're probably just going to push for the base. 他們要結束比賽了! They're going GG! 他們想直接結束比賽了! They want to go for the GG! 他們想直接結束比賽了! No Fortification anymore! 當時我們差點失掉王座 We were really close to losing our Throne. 建築生命值已經低於 20% It's below 20 percent HP Online Kingdom 即將被淘汰掉! And Online Kingdom, they are so close to getting eliminated from this tournament! 我們得做點什麼 We just needed to do something. 好吧 跟他們拚了! 我要先去攻擊他們! Alright, I'm going to go on them! I'm going to initiate on them! 於是我朝向他們衝去 結果引來他們的追擊 So I ran in first and then they all went on me 這分散了他們對王位攻擊 這是件好事 instead of focusing on the Throne, which is good. 又是 Silvercross Again by Silvercross. Fear 他正試著撤退 Fear, he's trying to retreat. 他被變成了豬! He turns into a pig. 他怎麼可能還活著!? How the hell is he still alive?!! 衝衝衝! 上啊! Go, go, go! Go, go! 他們逼退了 MUFC! They push MUFC back! 我們逆轉了情勢 殺了對方全部英雄 We made this huge comeback where we killed all of their heroes. 並順勢反推 You know, started pushing. Silvercross 被殺了! Silvercross is down! Morphling! 也被殺了! Morphling! He's out of this! 上路的兵營似乎撐不住了! The Top Rax (barracks) will go! MUFC 不可能再逆轉反擊了! There is no way now that MUFC can come back! Online Kingdom 淘汰了 MUFC! 不可思議的… But it will be Online Kingdom eliminating MUFC! 我們整隊都瘋了 Our whole team just went crazy. Fear 帶領 Online Kingdom 達成了不可能的任務 Fear leading Online Kingdom to do the impossible. 我從未見過如此的場面 I've never seen anything like that. 別走開 And stay tuned. 還有更多精彩的比賽… We'll be back here with more exciting gameplay coming up. 《ONLINE KINGDOM 慶祝擊敗 MUFC》 "ONLINE KINGDOM CELEBRATE MUFC DEFEAT" 《打進錦標賽前 7 強》 "SECURE 7th PLACE AT INTERNATIONAL" 第四天 DAY 4 of 5 Scythe Scythe. 他們是 2008 年的 ESWC 大賽冠軍 They are the 2008 ESWC winners. 是亞洲最強的隊伍之一 One of the best Asian teams 但我們並不怕他們 but we aren't afraid of them. 我們會正面對決 We're gonna fight them. 我不知道我的隊友感覺如何 I don't know about my teammates, 但我一點也不怕 but I don't feel scared at all. 我只想要痛宰敵人 I feel like I want to crush my enemy. 我是這麼覺得 That's how I feel. 就這樣 That's it. NA'VI 對 SCYTHE NA'VI VS SCYTHE NA'VI 對 SCYTHE 歡迎來到勝部決賽 Welcome to the Winners Bracket Final Scythe 將和 Na'Vi 展開對決 where Scythe goes up against Na'Vi. 獲勝的一方 WINNER ADVANCES TO THE GRAND FINALS 將獲得總決賽的門票 The winner gets a slot in the Grand Final. 觀眾都在替他們加油 The crowds were all cheering for them. 他們的英雄陣容挑選令人懼怕 And their draft was very scary. 讓我們措手不及 We were, like, caught off by surprise. 但我們認為我們必須得贏這一場 But, we were like, we've gotta win this, man. 我們一定要贏 讓他們知道誰才是老大 We've gotta win this and show them who's boss. Scythe 是一支由新加坡頂尖選手所組成的隊伍 Scythe has managed to take all the best players from Singapore Scythe 是一支由新加坡頂尖選手所組成的隊伍 and put them in their lineup. 一百萬! One million! Na'Vi 看來氣定神閒 Na'Vi, they look cool calm and collected. 他們很清楚對手會做什麼 They know exactly what they gotta do. 現在一切要看應變實力了 It all comes down to gameplay right now 而我得說 Na'Vi 的陣容並非無敵 and I gotta say like, Na'Vi's lineup, it is not unbeatable. NA'Vi 一開始就對 SCYTHE 展現十足的侵略性 NA'VI GOES AFTER SCYTHE AGGRESSIVELY IN EARLY GAME 現在他們要找機會解決對手 Now they're gonna look for the initiation and possible kill. hyhy 要被逮了 hy is gonna get caught. 看來下路 被抓住了 Now bottom lane. Held in place. 斯溫被暈… 不 斯溫被幹掉了 Sven stunned. Sven will go down. LighTofHeaveN 前來協助 但 Dendi 成功的殺敵 LighTofHeaveN, he helped out but Ancient Apparition gets the last hit. Na'Vi 主宰了這場決賽。 Na'Vi are dominating this final. 現在 Na'Vi 要把握機會 Now Na'Vi, they're gonna take the chance here. 他們想要直接拿下勝利 They're gonna go in for the GG. hyhy 率先打出了「GG」 And GG is the call from hy first. Na'Vi 已離開了他們的電腦 Na'Vi are already off their computers. 也沒留下來看結果 They're not even sticking around. - Na'Vi 將晉級總決賽 - 他們取得了勝利 They've got the GG. - Na'Vi 將晉級總決賽 - 獲得爭奪百萬獎金的機會 Na'Vi are into the Grand Finals and will play for the one million dollars. - Na'Vi 將晉級總決賽 - 獲得爭奪百萬獎金的機會 NA'VI GOES TO THE FINALS Scythe 將進行敗部復活戰 Scythe will go down. They will face the winner of the Loser's Bracket. SCYTHE 再輸一次就會被淘汰 ONE MORE LOSS AND SCYTHE IS ELIMINATED FROM THE TOURNAMENT 對 Na'Vi 我們輸了一場原有十足把握的比賽 We had just lost our confidence match against Na'Vi. 這對我們的打擊不小 It was actually quite a blow to us. 那場比賽對我而言是個轉捩點 The game was really the turning point for me 我領悟到生命中你能靠的只有自己 because I actually learned that in life you can only trust in yourself, actually... 不是說你不能信任其他人 not in the sense that you can't trust people 但如我所說 只有你自己才是不會令自己失望的人 but, yeah, like I said, the one who will never let you down is yourself. 奧勒岡州 梅德福市 Medford, Oregon 電競圈中我想成為第一 Within the gaming world... 基本上 我算是跟隨我母親的腳步 You know, it's like I'm following behind my mother's footsteps basically. 她非常努力才有今日的成就 She worked really hard to get where she is, 我也想和她一樣 and I kind of want to be the same way. 全心全意投入在我做的事情 I want to work hard for whatever I do. 由於我沒有父親 For me, I mean I've never really had a dad. 所以我若有任何問題 So if I had any questions about anything 我最能交談的人選就是我母親 the person I was most comfortable talking to was my mom. 她絕對是影響我一生最大的人 She definitely had the most influence on my life. 每當她工作後回到家 When she comes home from work 她總是等不及跟我說她是如何打贏一場大案子 she's always anxious to bring up the subject how she won a big case. 而我也為她感到驕傲 And I'm always proud of her when she wins these big cases 我知道這對她意義重大 because I know it means a lot to her. 內心深處我總是覺得說 I mean, in the back of my head, I'm always, like, 若我夠厲害 又贏得了這次大賽 If I do well and if I win this tournament, 就能證明我入這行並非一無所獲 I'll finally be able to prove that I'm getting something out of this. - ONLINE KINGDOM 面臨淘汰危機 - ONLINE KINGDOM IS FACING ELIMINATION - ONLINE KINGDOM 面臨淘汰危機 - 贏得這場比賽的隊伍將與 EHOME 較量 And whoever wins this match will be facing up against EHOME, 而輸掉這場比賽的隊伍將會被淘汰 but whoever will lose it, is going to be eliminated already. EHOME 現在看來非常地強… Like, EHOME, they're looking really strong right now. 我們有更強的後期英雄和更好的團戰 We had the stronger late-game heroes, the better team fight. - 贏家將進六強並獲得 35,000 美元 - 我們有更強的後期英雄和更好的團戰 WINNER CLINCHES 6TH PLACE AND $35,000 - 贏家將進六強並獲得 35,000 美元 - 我們只要抵擋住他們的推進就好 Just all we had to do was just control the pushes. 現在 Online Kingdom 他們分開了! Now, Online Kingdom, they're split! Santa 被暈到了! 還受到了波及傷害 The stun on Santa! The splash as well. 他們即將解決掉風行者 They're gonna claim a Windrunner. 他們辦得到嗎? 辦到了! Will they? Yes they do! 現在 Online Kingdom 2 比 0 領先 It's 2-0 for Online Kingdom. 這並非 Moscow 5 他們所想的開局 Moscow 5, not the start they wanted. 但對 Online Kingdom 來說卻是最理想的開場… But Online Kingdom having an amazing start... 我們在後期快要贏的時候犯了幾個錯誤 We were so close to winning until some few mistakes that occurred in the late game. 他們可能要進攻了 They might go right now. 還有四位英雄聚在一起 There's four heroes standing right next to each other. 時機不對! The timing is wrong! 由於隊員來自世界各地 造成溝通上出狀況 There's communication problems because we're an international team. 相較下 隊員同國籍的隊伍比較吃香 So I think full-nationality teams have an advantage over most teams. 快成功了 再加把勁 Almost there! Big try! 但是 Fear 有麻煩了 Fear's in trouble though. 他被束縛住 而 Lacoste 也參戰了 He's shackled and Lacoste is in. 他已經用掉了大絕招 He casts his ulti as well. 情勢就從這裡開始急轉直下 And it just fell apart from there. 他們漸漸地壓過我們 They just slowly beat us down. 最後他們佔領了我方基地 並攻破各兵營 Eventually they just broke our base and took every single one of our raxes (barracks). 這對 Online Kingdom 的打擊可不小 This is really hurting Online Kingdom. 他們已經有三名英雄陣亡 They've lost three. 謎團出現了 Enigma pops. Online Kingdom 被團滅了 The team is wiped for Online Kingdom. 基地要毀了 Moscow 5 將晉級與 EHOME 對決 The base will be taken and Moscow 5 will now play EHOME and advance in the tournament. Online Kingdom 被淘汰了 原本眾所矚目… Now, Online Kingdom, they are out. So much promise... - ONLINE KINGDOM 被淘汰 - 看來 Fear 和隊友們最終無法實現夢想 It didn't happen in the end for Fear and the rest of Online Kingdom, - ONLINE KINGDOM 被淘汰 - - 帶著 25,000 獎金離開 -看來 Fear 和隊友們最終無法實現夢想 ONLINE KINGDOM IS ELIMINATED TAKING HOME $25,000 而 Moscow 5 將會晉級… and it will be Moscow 5 that will advance... 隊上的情緒起伏很大 I think everybody on the team was very emotional. 我只能想像他的感受 I could only imagine how he was feeling. 有些人會將責任攬在身上 為勝利付出一切 Some people take it more personally and they give everything to win. 隊伍進前 8 強已很令人滿足 It was very satisfying knowing that we reached that Top 8, 但他對我們的期許還更高 but he had better expectations for our team, 也多虧了 Fear 我們才能走到這一步 and we'd come a long way and it's all thanks to Fear. 若你在最終 沒走到預想的目的地 If you don't go as far as you thought you were going to be, 我猜你最後會掉淚吧 I guess you end up in tears or something. 我們真的很失望 但… All of us are really disappointed, but... 我想人生就是這樣吧 I guess that's just how it goes. 回到家後 我得要做出人生重大抉擇 When I get back home, I need to make a big decision in my life. 像是作為 Dota 職業選手的好處 Like, just the benefits of playing Dota professionally, 我能從中獲得什麼 how much I can make from it, 要花多少時間才能達完美 所以… and how much time I really need to put into it to be one hundred percent, so... 要全心投入的唯一方法就是和隊員同住 The only way I would ever do that is if I move in with my teammates 和他們共同訓練 and have like a training house with them 這樣才知道大家是全心地投入 so I know for sure that we're all dedicated. 我想凡事必有因 I think things happen for a reason, 當它來臨時 你盡管盡力而為 and when things happen, you just do your best, 並持續向前邁進 and continue going forward with it. 我心裡清楚 這職業最終會給我應得的回報 I mean, deep down inside, I know this career is going to work out for me in the end. …而我們中國戰隊呢 我也是非常的希望 也相信 As for the Chinese teams I hope and know that they're capable of coming out of the Losers Bracket. 能從我們的敗者組殺回來 目前來看的話很可能前三強將會是由 Na'Vi、Scythe The top three teams are likely to be Na'Vi, Scythe, and a Chinese team... 以及我們中國戰隊中的一支 我個人希望是 EHOME which I personally hope will be EHOME. 那麼感性上來說呢肯定是 EHOME 嘛 我們中國自己的戰隊 又是一個老牌的戰隊 Emotionally, I would hope that EHOME would win. - EHOME 對 Moscow 5 - 他被變成豬了! Turning him into a pig! - EHOME 對 Moscow 5 - 他們需要這次的擊殺 They need to get this kill. 暈到了! 編織者! 他現在是隻小豬! The stun! The Weaver Wave! It's a little piglet! 他掛了! 斯拉達! And it's dead! Slardar! 820 他快死了! 820, he's almost dead! 掘地穿刺和震央! Burrow Strike! Epicenter! 357! 編織者拿下了雙殺! 357! It's a double-kill by the Weaver! EHOME 的 FCB 也要陣亡了 EHOME, they'll lose FCB as well. Moscow 5 成了戰場的犧牲品 Moscow 5, casualties of war. 我的天哪 Holy Hell. 在中國 這個游戲已經是相當的職業化 In China, this game is a professional career. 他們有一個成績上的壓力 We are stressed because we have to win. 中國戰隊如果不拿到成績的話 或者輸給國外隊的話 If we don't win or we lose to foreign teams, 國人會給他們質疑 也會造成很多 (壓力) Chinese fans will have doubt in us. - EHOME 對 MYM - 萊恩找到了他 將他變青蛙 Now Lion though is going to find him. Hexes him up. - EHOME 對 MYM - 施放死亡之指 暈到了 Finger's already started. There's the stun. Maelk 的麻煩大了 Maelk in a lot of trouble. 站位不好被抓到了 Really caught out of position. 遠古幽魂的大招飛過來 落空了 AA ulti will fly in but hits on nothing. Mania 還有大招… Mania with the SK ultimate... 就是形成中國打世界的局面 The situation is China against the world. 這本來就是我的本職工作 如果拿冠軍的話是應該的 If we win the championship, it is what we are supposed to do. 我告訴他們:「如果你來這裡 就是來拿冠軍的」 I tell them, if you are coming here, you are here for the first place. 我每天都會跟他們說: 「我們一定要做到這件事 我們必須要做到這件事」 I will tell them every day, we must accomplish this. We must achieve this. 我們的傳統是 Our tradition is 除了冠軍獎杯以外 剩下的獎杯都不往回帶 anything other than the champion trophy we will not bring home. 他們直接扔機場了 They will go ahead and trash it at the airport. FCB 傳來救援 PLT 他先暈住了對手了 Now PLT. Support Teleporting in. FCB gets the first stun. Misery 在上路太過深入了 Misery over-commits on the top lane. GG! GG! 他們真的 我能感覺到他們真的很想贏我們 國外隊伍 I can feel they really want to beat us, the foreign teams. PLT 他受夠了 PLT, he's had enough of this. FCB! 這放招的時機! FCB! What a time for a Frog! Misery 要掛了 Misery will pop! 但是他們看我們打的比賽 他們就覺得… But when they watch us play, they feel... 根本就贏不了我們 that there is no way to beat us. 新加坡 Singapore 這是我父親工作的地方 This is where my dad works. 自有印象以來 For as long as I remember, 他就在這家公司做物流 he's doing the logistics for the company here. 這工作牽扯到將貨櫃從一處移到另一處 So it involves the shipping of the containers from one place to another. 我小時候 他每天工作約 15 到 16 小時 When I was younger, he used to work, like, 15 to 16 hours a day. 他基本上放棄了生命中其它事物 He's pretty much given up on everything else in his life. 他總和我說 要專注於人生 專注於學業 He's always made it clear to me that I should focus on my life, focus on my studies 以免步上他的後塵 so as to not follow in his footsteps. 他不想看到我以後和他一樣勞碌 He doesn't want me to be slogging as hard as he is right now. 但某方面而言 成為世界第一的機會… But the chance to be the best in the world at something... 一生中並不多 you don't get it much in life. - 最後一天 - FINAL DAY - 剩下三支隊伍 - THREE TEAMS REMAIN 我聽兒子說 I heard my son say 他在練習什麼 Dota he's working at this, what, Dota. 耗費多時但全無所獲 對我而言 挺讓人失望的 He spends a lot of time and he gets nothing. For me, it's very disappointing. 從不去學校 他只想玩電腦 Never goes to school. He wants to play computer. 到白天就睡覺 隔天熬夜打到天明才又睡覺 Then in the morning, sleep. Then computer until the next day morning. Then he sleeps. 整天下來 至少有 15 個小時在電腦前面 The whole day at least 15 hours at the computer a day. 他的生活… 我兒子的生活就那樣 His life, my son's life is like that. 我希望兒子能讀更多書 別像我這樣沒念書 For me, I hope for my son to study more. Not like me. I never studied. 我年輕時就和漢勇 (hyhy) 一樣成天玩樂 When I was young, I was also the same as Han Yong (hy), always spent a lot of time to play. 但我現在後悔 當初為何不念書 But now I also regret, why I don't study. 我現在希望兒子能繼續念書 But now I'm hoping my son continues to study 接受比我好的教育 to get an education better than me. 這是我的希望 This is my hope. - 到了大賽的最後一天 - Having reached the final day of the tournament, - 漢勇錯過了兩場考試 必須重修上個學期 - Benedict has missed two exams and must repeat his last semester of school. - 他的隊伍差一場比賽就能打進總決賽 - His team is one win away from the Grand Finals. 我真的超想贏 I want to win this badly. [你們準備好和 EHOME 比賽嗎?] Are you ready for EHOME? 我們將盡力而為 We'll do whatever we can. 對 hy 我覺得這選擇不錯 - 是很明智的選擇 For hy, I feel it was a great choice - a brilliant choice. 因為他有信心我們會贏 Because he was considering that we could have won. 這是個你不該錯過的機會 It's an opportunity that you shouldn't miss out. 準備好 登入 進入遊戲 測試一下 So, get ready, sign in, log in, play around, test a little bit, 四分鐘後加入大廳 and then join the lobby in about 4 minutes. 這是一生僅有一次的機會 It's a once-in-a-lifetime chance. 錯過了 你可能永遠再也不會有機會體驗了 If you miss it, it might be gone forever. You might not experience it again. 這是兩隊二度碰頭 SCYTHE VS EHOME 準決賽 SEMIFINALS SCYTHE 對 EHOME And we have a rematch. EHOME 對上 Scythe EHOME versus Scythe. EHOME 要再次面對將他們打入敗部的隊伍 EHOME facing up against the team that forced them into the lower bracket. - 贏家將晉級總決賽 - EHOME 要再次面對將他們打入敗部的隊伍 WINNER ADVANCES TO THE GRAND FINALS - 贏家將晉級總決賽 - 選手心理壓力都很大 尤其是選陣容的人 The psychological pressure is immense, especially upon the drafter. 因為最後對於隊伍陣容 他必須負起這方面的責任 Because he is the one who is in the end responsible for the team's picks. - HYHY 冒險選擇了「影魔」- - 他最擅長使用的角色 - HYHY GAMBLES AND PICKS "SHADOW FIEND," HIS BEST PLAYED HERO 不不不 No, no, no, no, no. 不 別說不行! No, no. Don't say no! 不 相信我 行不通 No, no. Trust me. No. 等等 等等 Wait, wait, wait. 跟我說 你真要這樣做? 我真的認為… Tell me this. You really want it? 跟我說 你真要這樣做? 我真的認為… I really think... 不是敵法僧就是影魔 It's the Antimage and SF (Shadow Fiend). 我是這麼認為 That's what I think. 影魔? 好吧 看來 hyhy 選了影魔 Shadow Fiend? Alrighty then. It's hyhy as SF. 任誰都知道該如何對付影魔 Everyone knows how to counter a Shadow Fiend. Scythe 的選擇挺大膽的 It's a very bold pickup here by Scythe. 事實上 Scythe 若前期發展順利將會氣勢大增 The fact, if Scythe wins the early game, they're going to gain so much momentum, 但若不順利 EHOME 基本上就可以輕鬆進總決賽 but if they don't, then EHOME will basically roll themselves into the Grand Final. hyhy 黑皇杖的持續時間就快結束了 hyhy, BKB (Black King Bar) is going to wear off pretty soon, 劇毒術士打漂亮! Venomancer, great strike! hyhy 死了! hy's dead! 留在樹裡面! Stay in the trees now! 他想幹掉 xy- 追到他了 And he wants xy-, he catches up to him. 他把他幹掉了 And he brings him down. 嘿 我叫你留在樹裡面! Hey! I told you to stay in the trees! 為什麼你要出來? Why'd you come out? 留在樹裡面! 我跟你講了! Stay in the trees! I told you. 精準的大絕! 他用齒輪了! What an ulti! He Cogs! Chawy 想跳走但他沒魔了! Chawy, he wants to leap, but there is just no Mana! 我跟你講了 I already told you. 我跟你講過了 你懂不懂? I told you. Do you understand? 不要緊 慢慢來 慢慢來 It's ok. Take it easy. 若他能那樣放大絕 根本不需要被敵隊看到 If he can pop off an ulti like that, he doesn't have to reveal himself to his opponent. 他只需要先手就好了 He can really just initiate. 他出手了! hyhy 沒打算使出大絕… Oh, there he goes! hyhy doesn't manage to pop off an ultimate. 漂亮! Nice! 漂亮! Nice! 已經三名英雄陣亡了 There are already three gone. 現在是四名 Make that four. 敵法僧拿下了雙殺 It's a double-kill for the Anti-mage. 現在他們往防禦塔去了 And they're headed for the tower right now. hyhy 打出了 「GG」 There is a GG—Good Game called by hyhy. Scythe 無心戀戰 Scythe have had enough now. EHOME 將會晉級 EHOME will advance. - SCYTHE 遭淘汰 - 中國的希望依舊存在 The Chinese hopes will stay alive 他們將對上有勝場優勢的 Na'Vi… as they will go up against Na'Vi with a one game disadvantage... 他們將對上有勝場優勢的 Na'V... SCYTHE IS NOW ELIMINATED TAKING HOME $150,000 第一名對我非常重要 The first-placing was very important to me. 同時 我的課業也受到大賽影響 And to add on to that, my studies were also at the same time affected by everything. 一切都有關連 So everything was related. 當全部同時開始崩壞時 When everything comes falling down at the same time 處理起來是很困難的 it's quite hard to handle. 一切都變了 Things are all changed. 因此你得重新規劃人生 So you gotta plan your life again. 全部重來 All over again. 我學了不少 I've learned a lot. 人都得認清自己的缺陷 You've gotta realize your flaws. 我認為這是最難的 That's the toughest part, I feel. 我不善於獨自處事 I don't do things as well alone. 所以 若你想獨自做一切 So if you try to do everything by yourself, 是不可能做得來的 it's not going to be possible, you know. 我其實相信命運 而且 I'm actually a believer of fate, and 我和自己說勝利不是必要的 I told myself that winning isn't necessary 因為生命中還有更多事物 because there are so many more things in life. 譬如要如何照顧你所愛的人 How you take care of the people you love. 我覺得那很重大 是很重要的一件事 I think that's a very big thing. That's a very important thing. 可說是最重要的一件事 It's the most important thing ever. 拍這些人 Catch these guys. 這不公平 It's not fair. 拍他們 Catch these guys. 我才剛起床 這不公平 I just woke up. It's not fair. 我的髮型… My haircut... 依然… still... 狂野 crazy. 對不對? No? 但我不在乎 But I don't care. 好 該帶的都帶了 Ok, I have everything with me. 我們走吧 Let's go. 我們在最後一天 We are now at the final day Dota 2 國際錦標賽的最後一天 of The International Dota 2 Championships. 這是 Na'Vi It is Na'Vi. 他們有一場勝場優勢 They have a one game advantage. 這在總決賽非常地吃香 Sitting very, very sweetly in the Grand Final. 誰將會奪下百萬獎金? Who will get a shot at the one million dollars? Na'Vi 一直以來都用同一種戰術 Na'Vi was running the same strategy the whole time 但似乎無人有對策 and no one seemed to be able to counter it. Na'Vi 偏好在開場 10 分鐘後進攻 Na'Vi loves pushing from minute 10 並在第 15 分鐘結束比賽 and trying to end the game at minute 15. 這種戰術的容錯率很低 Those strategies are very sensitive 因為只要有一次失誤 because if you fail even once 剩下的比賽就變得非常艱難 it can become a very difficult game for you. EHOME 是以防禦陣地著名 EHOME has been known for how well they defend their base 若有可以阻止 Na'Vi 進攻的隊伍 那一定是 EHOME So if there was a team that could stop Na'Vi's push it would be EHOME. 讓我們開始比賽吧 And let's get this game underway. 選手們將開始選擇英雄 The players will start to pick up their heroes 這關係到百萬獎金 with one million dollars at stake. Na'Vi 需要贏兩次 Na'Vi need to win two. EHOME 則需要三次 EHOME need to win three. 他們用了非常經典的三核心英雄戰術 Running a very, very old school strategy with three core heroes. EHOME 撐住了 Na'Vi 的前期猛攻 EHOME managed to survive Na'Vi's onslaught early. 一切都看 Dendi 了 It's all on Dendi. PLT 使用了傳送卷軸 PLT TP's himself in. Dendi 正往防禦塔的方向撤退 Dendi on the retreat back out to the tower. 他跑得掉嗎 Will he get himself away? X!! 好 有了 最後一擊 X!! Yes, there it is. 357 的劇毒術士在中路幹掉了 Dendi Last hit, 357, the Venomancer brings down Dendi in the middle. 每次看 Dendi 比賽時 他總是表現突出 Every time you see Dendi perform he's always playing very well 而且他通常都能穩住他的線路 and he usually doesn't lose his lanes. 所以Dendi 會比較按耐不住 是因中國隊伍都打的很有耐心 So, Dendi, his impatience is that 所以Dendi 會比較按耐不住 是因中國隊伍都打的很有耐心 Chinese teams, they are patient. 他們會等待你超越兵線的機會 They look out for the fact that you might cross a line 然後幹掉你 他們就靠這些情勢贏得比賽 and they will take you and kill you and win the game through those situations. 中路又有麻煩了 巨浪打到他了 Trouble in the mid lane again. There's already the Gush. 357 和 PLT 所有人都來圍剿 Dendi 357, PLT, everyone is right on top of Dendi. 他走錯位置了 He's in the wrong place. Na'Vi 採用的戰術像是在賭博 And the way Na'Vi played, they really gambled basically. Dendi 被圍住幹掉了 Dendi's really been ganked, just shut down. 他連一個擊殺數都還沒拿到 And not a single kill to his name as well. 現在 Na'Vi 要進攻基地了 Now Na'Vi going to assault inside the base 看 Artstyle 這招… 復仇之魂換位了 Watch Artstyle. Tier 3 tower. VS Swap! Artstyle 走錯地方了! Artstyle's in the wrong place! 末日也上了! 雙方都開了黑皇杖! Doom there as well! BKB's both popping off! LighTofHeaveN 放了毀滅 但對 EHOME 卻沒影響 Ravage will pop from LighTofHeaveN unable to affect EHOME. 帕吉在這倒下 Pudge will go down. 他們想要反擊 They want to be initiated on. Na'Vi 他們必須要撤退 Na'Vi, they need to fall back. 他們會緊咬住你的失誤 They take your little upsets 然後利用這些失誤贏得比賽 and just win the game through those mistakes. NA'VI 被迫認輸打出「GG」 NA'VI IS FORCED TO CALL "GG" Na'Vi 打出了「GG」! "GG" from Na'Vi! EHOME 現正在自己的隔間慶祝勝利 Na'Vi 無法置信 EHOME are celebrating right now inside the booth. Na'Vi cannot believe it! 他們本次大賽至今未曾輸過 但 EHOME 贏的讓人信服 They've dominated this tournament up till now, and EHOME takes the first match so convincingly. 這是 Na'Vi 在本次大賽首嘗敗績 That was the first loss of Na'Vi during the whole tournament. 他們在總決賽前的戰績全勝 They went undefeated until the Grand Final. 休息 15 分鐘後我們馬上回來 We're going to have a 15-minute break and be right back here soon. Na'Vi 需要重整旗鼓 Na'Vi, they need to compose themselves. EHOME 他們只需保持這股氣勢… EHOME, well, they just need to be awesome... 雙方打得真精彩! What a play by them! 每場失敗都會讓我非常難過 Any loss actually makes me pretty sad. Dendi 家 烏克蘭 利維夫市 Dendi's Home Dendi 家 烏克蘭 利維夫市 L'viv, Ukraine 我們盡量把家人的照片都放這 We tried to put family pictures here. 這是我們的父母 This is our mom and dad. 我想這張照片是我們的最愛 And I think that this one is our favorite actually. 我小的時候家裡的生活很困苦 My childhood, we lived a poor life 父親為我們努力工作 and Dad was working for all our lives. 但他總會幫助我們解決問題 But he helped us every time and every problem. 我只需開口 他就會處理一切 I just ask him and he'll do everything 為我 為 Katya 為 Danil 而做 for me, for Katya, for Danil as well. 但 Danil 和父親像朋友 But Danil and Father were like friends. 事實上我丈夫 Indeed my husband was 是個熱衷的釣魚愛好者 simply a fanatical fisherman. 而 Danil 我得說 是他最好的學生 Danil was, I would say, his best student. Danil 的耐心與定力和他父親一樣 Danil has the same patience and control as his dad. 他可以坐上好幾小時 盯著那不會動的浮標 He could sit for hours and watch the bobber 他可以坐上好幾小時 盯著那不會動的浮標 that wouldn't even twitch. 他們可以好幾小時互看不語 They could sit with no speaking for hours. 純粹享受對方的相伴 And just enjoy each other's company. 不用言語即可互通心意 They understood each other without words. 有天我去釣魚 但… One day I was going fishing, but 父親沒有出現 Dad never showed up. 我回到家時已非常晚了 When I came home it was already super late. 他感到不太舒服 He was feeling bad. 他去了醫院 他決定… He went to the hospital. He decided to... 住院稍微觀察幾個星期 stay for a few weeks, you know, so we watch everything, stuff like this. 結果是... And... 癌症 cancer. 當時我真的非常震驚 It was a very big shock for me 因為他看起來很瘦 because he was very thin. 我無法理解為何父親變成這樣 I cannot understand that this is my father. 我們很篤定一切都會好轉 We were all sure that it must be okay. 但是他很快就走了 But it was a very short time. 我那時很難過 I was really sad and was 也經常大哭 crying a lot. 我一想到 I was upset about 未能多次和他說我愛他 我就很傷心 I couldn't say to him, many times, how much I loved him. 在父親過世之後 After his dad passed away, 他就再也沒有去釣魚了 he hasn't gone fishing once. 一次都沒有 Not even once. 但現在這一切都過去了 For now this is all in the past. 其實我花更多時間在電腦上 因為 Actually I spent more time near the computer because 這樣我才不會想到他 I could not think about it. 電腦能讓你分心 It's like a distractor. 這其實像是一切的開端 It was like a start time, actually. 驅使我玩更多的動力 The push to play more. 或許那是我成為職業選手的原因之一 And that's maybe one of the reasons why I'm playing now. 不然我可能根本不會碰遊戲 Maybe I wouldn't play at all. Danil 和母親之間最近關係愈來愈緊密 The relationship of Danil and my mom grew stronger these days. 他們支持彼此 They support each other. 他們也是一對好朋友 and they are very good friends. 我認為這對 Danil 很重要 I think that this is very important for Danil. 五年前 我會關心的事情不多 You know, five years ago, I wouldn't care about many things. 而現在 我常會思考 Now, I'm thinking about it a lot. 當某件事打擊了你 Something knocks you down, 你要學著站起來 you need to learn to get up. 所以 我目前正在努力學著 So I'm trying to research this. 學著站起來 To learn to get up. 這是我此生中最重要的一刻 This is the most important moment in my life 因為我做的事情都不是很有用 because everything I worked on wasn't useful. 而現在 我有機會為家人贏得這場大賽 And now I have a chance to win this tournament for my family. 現在 EHOME 和 Na'Vi 正進行總決賽 So we have currently EHOME and Na'Vi playing the Grand Finals. Na'Vi 在上一場輸給了 EHOME Na'Vi just lost one game versus EHOME 比數 1-1 and it's 1-1. 要贏得百萬獎金 兩隊都需再贏兩場 So both teams have to win two matches in order to win the one million dollars. 因為我們的選角陣容完全變了 被動英雄居多 Because our picks looked completely different, we were like passive and stuff. 大家就想既然我們輸了第一場 People thought we lost the first game, 第二場也會輸 we're going to lose the second game. 我們的士氣或許有些低落 We were maybe a little bit demoralized. 但我們真的需要改變陣容 We really needed to change to a different pick. 感覺陣中少了某樣東西 We were missing something. 我們挑選了謎團 We picked Enigma just 以加強會戰時 to have a strong teamfight 五打五的團戰能力 a five versus five combat. 似乎是剩下的唯一選擇 It was, like, the last hero left 但我從未玩過這英雄 and I never played it before. 我們就說「Dendi 你上!」 Then, we're, like, "Dendi, you go!" 他回說「喂 我根本沒玩過他啊!」 And he's, like, "Guys, I've never played it!" 「但我可以!」 "But, I can do it!" 因此我們就冒險選了謎團 So we took the risk of taking him 並準備承擔他操縱不好的風險 and risking maybe playing him badly. 看來 Dendi 將使用謎團走下路 So it looks like down on that bottom lane, Dendi will be taking the Enigma. 這條路將會變得非常、非常凶險… It is going to be a very, very rough lane... Na'Vi 已輸掉一場比賽 Na'Vi lost the game. 他們現在又選了沒什麼信心的英雄 And they're playing something now that they're not as confident with. EHOME 看破了 Na'Vi 發現對付他們的方法 EHOME figured out Na'Vi. Figured out how to play against it. 因此我維持原先的看法 EHOME 會贏得冠軍 And I'm going to stick to my word and I'm going to say EHOME will win it. 在隊伍將贏得百萬獎金之際 It was incredibly ballsy from Dendi to do that Dendi 如此決定挺大膽的 on the verge of winning the million dollars for your team. 這行為真的是非常非常愚蠢 這等於是一個自殺行為 That's very, very stupid. That's suicidal. Dendi 真的無計可施了 Dendi really now caught out. 他有麻煩了 He's in trouble. 導彈飛了過來 Rockets to fly in. FCB 長途跋涉到了塔前暈到他 FCB long way in on the tower, lands the stun. 修補匠使用雷射將他殺死 Tinker just lasers him to death. 不過 FCB 也會陪葬 It will cost FCB his life. 我們有些小失誤 Then we made some little mistakes. 我們用了類似「龜縮」這類型的戰術 We played a really semi type of, like, "turtle" strategy. 很被動 非常被動 Really passive. Really passive. 這不是我們的作風 We don't play like that. Puppey 和 Dendi 只想著要撤退 Puppey and Dendi just want to retreat back out. 820! 漂亮的溝壑! 820! What a Fissure! PLT 到了! PLT is there! 也使出了回音猛擊! Echo Slam as well! EHOME 的演出真是十分精彩 Beautiful play there by EHOME. 但我知道若我死了 But I know if I die, 我絕不是白白送死 I die not for nothing. X!! 在中路… X!! in the middle lane... 推杖 導彈 雷射 Force, Rocket, Laser. 一氣呵成! It's enough! Dendi 在中路倒下 Dendi goes down in the middle lane. 有時情況是 雖然你死了 Sometimes it can be like, you dying 但隊友會有更多收獲 but your teammates picking up more. EHOME 還是想要推掉中塔 EHOME, they still want to push out that mid... 他們對 Dendi 的謎團毫無戒心 They weren't ready for Dendi Enigma. 他非常地有耐心 It was a patient Enigma. 大概是全世界最有耐心的謎團了 That was the most patient Enigma in the world. 大概是全世界最有耐心的謎團了 Puppey 到了 Puppey is here. Dendi 也來了 Dendi as well. 準備要放黑洞了 Going to look for the Hole. 黑洞!!!! BLACK HOLE!!!! EHOME 有三名英雄要陣亡了 Three are going to go down for EHOME 目前 Na'Vi 佔了優勢 Currently, Na'Vi, they have the advantage now. 他的轉型真的讓我刮目相看 That really impresses me how he's able to make that transition. 基本上你得要夠帶種 You just have to have the balls, basically. 他很怕輸掉比賽 He was scared of losing. 所以他才很有耐心 步步為營 That's why he was so patient and he did everything right. 他們的策略類似 EHOME 上一場的策略 Their strategy is kind of similar to how EHOME won. Na'Vi 在遊戲後期打敗他們 Na'Vi defeated them "Late Game." 我想這對 EHOME 的信心打擊頗深 And I think this really shattered EHOME's confidence. EHOME 打出了「GG」 And "GG" is the call from EHOME. Na'Vi 拿下了勝利 Na'Vi, they take the game. 而現在他們離百萬獎金 只差一場比賽了 And they are only one win short of taking home one million dollars. 我們差點輸掉第二場比賽 We hardly won the second game. 中國隊伍的遊戲後期潛力 常讓其他隊伍恐懼 Chinese teams generally are feared for their "Late Game" potential. 我們來到了關鍵的一刻 So we hit the point now. 現在該出全力了 The gloves come off. EHOME 需要充分運用他們的知識 經驗 執行力 EHOME, they will master their knowledge, their experience, their calls 準備再次應付 Na'Vi up against Na'Vi. 而 Na'Vi 最後選的英雄是帕克 And Puck will be the last hero for Na'Vi. 很敏捷的英雄 The nimble hero there already. 他們再次選出許多侵略性英雄 Once again a lot of aggressive heroes for themselves. Na'Vi 的 LighTofHeaveN 將再次使用獸王 Na'Vi LighTofHeaveN playing as the Beastmaster again 而 Dendi 這次要用帕克 with Dendi playing as the Puck this time. 如果 Na'Vi 嬴了這場比賽 If Na'Vi wins this, 就代表他們將是本次錦標賽的冠軍 they win the whole tournament. 這是一場世紀對決 This Clash of the Titans right here 是個我們肯定不想錯過的比賽 is something we will not want to miss. X!! 快趕到了 X!! will come in closer. 他們將拿下殺敵數 They will be able to get that kill. Dendi 中了末日 Doom now on Dendi. X!! 拉住他了 EHOME 整隊的炮火都對向他 Pulled in by X!! The entire EHOME team turns on him. 巫妖要倒下了 Lich will go down. FCB 要撤退了 FCB is on the run. XBOCT 在後面追他 XBOCT after the chase of him. 應該能拿下擊殺 只需要再多些傷害 Might be enough. Needs some more damage. 風暴之靈! X!! 從遠處飛進來了 Storm! X!! Long jump in. Dendi 往高處放出幻象法球 Dendi Orbing up to the high ground. FCB! 趕緊放出相位轉移 FCB! Puts on the Rift. 他能拿到擊殺嗎 他已經撤退了 Will he be able to get the kill? He's on the retreat. 他拿到了 Dendi 最後一擊取得擊殺 Yes, it is. Dendi with the last right click. EHOME 現在轉往下方 EHOME now, they're gonna rotate themselves down. Na'Vi 已經在那 Na'Vi already in the pit. 他們全部五人要拿下羅煞了! They're trying to bring down Roshan - all 5. Dendi! 他跳了出來 Dendi! He's gonna jump out! 他使出了夢境縈繞! 他困住他們了! He goes for the Dream Coil! He gets them! 他抓住 EHOME 了! 把他們全困在中路 He gets EHOME! Holds them in the middle lane. Na'Vi 已經要出來了 Na'Vi already on their way out of the pit. 他們要來幫助 Dendi 了 They're coming in to help out Dendi. 然後我們就過去把他們全滅了 Then we just went in and demolished them. 現在他們到了高地塔 Now they're on top of the Tier 3 tower. 他們要毀掉它了! 好 防禦塔倒了! They're going to bring it down. Yes, it does go down. EHOME 現在在絕境中掙扎 EHOME, they're trying desperately to defend 但 Na'Vi 的攻勢不會就此打住 but Na'Vi, the onslaught will continue. 中塔也已經被推掉了 The mid tower's already being pushed. 最後的防禦塔也要不保了 The Tier 4 tower is going to go down. Na'Vi 其餘隊員也跟著推進 And running in right now is the rest of Na'Vi. 他們朝百萬獎金的方向推進 They are running forward to one million dollars. 他們將會奪下獎金! And they will get it! EHOME 打出了「GG」! The "GG" is the call from EHOME. Na'Vi 贏得了獎金一百萬美元 Na'Vi have just won one million dollars. EHOME 則獲得季軍和二十五萬元獎金 EHOME do take home $250,000 in second place. Na'Vi 拿下了總冠軍! But Na'Vi are the champions! 在電競史上有幾個里程碑 There's moments of E Sports that are landmark, 而這會是其中之一 在科隆 and this is one of them. In Cologne. Na'Vi 總冠軍 And Na'Vi, the winners. 你們創下了不朽的歷史 You guys have just made history. 我在沙發上雀躍不已 I was jumping on the sofa. 一直大叫 活像個瘋掉的女孩 And screaming like a crazy girl 因為我就是全世界最快樂的女孩 because I was the happiest girl in the world. 我弟剛剛嬴了一百萬獎金啊! And my brother just won one million dollars! 我想十年以後 I think in 10 years time 目前這群台上的選手們 all the gamers which we currently have showing themselves, 他們將會是我們回首注視 they're going to be the guys we will look back at and say 並稱之為「先驅」的人 this was the beginning. 一切從這開始 This is where it all started. 這些人真的很努力 These are the guys that worked hard 也冒了不少風險 and they took the risk. 他們證明了自我 They proved themselves. 他們也為這個行業開創了一個嶄新的局面 And they forwarded the entire industry to the point where 他們也為這個行業開創了一個嶄新的局面 we could have a kick-start. 讓全世界都能見識我們的實力 We could show the world what we do. 誰又知道我們到時候能做到多大 And then who knows how big we could get at that point. 我們已走了不少路程 We've come far already. 當愈來愈多人支持 When more and more people support it 這職業圈也會越來越普及 and it becomes more and more normal, 電競就會大眾化 並被社會廣為接受 it's going to go from a niche to becoming accepted in societies. 我想在 15 年後 電競會比足球還熱門 I think in 15 years, E Sports will be bigger than football. 比籃球熱門 比任何活動都要盛大 Than basketball. Than everything. 那個你認為電動玩太多的孩子 That kid who you thought played too many video games 以後可能會步上 is potentially going to be on a path 年薪二十五萬美元的道路 where he's earning $250,000 a year, salary. 他將飛遍全世界 He's flying the world. 他將會獲得贊助 He's going to be endorsed. 電競將是全世界最大的娛樂事業 Gaming's the biggest entertainment industry in the world. 所以若你是這方面的明星 So if you're a star, 你有機會成為世上最火紅的明星 you are potentially one of the biggest stars in the world. 像其它與電腦相關的事物扶搖直上一樣 So, if that, like everything else with computers grows exponentially or whatever 五到十年可說是一大步 then 5 or 10 years could be a big step actually. 改變眾人的想法不容易 Changing mindsets is never easy. 所以會花一些時間 So it's going to take awhile. 當這一代電競選手有了小孩 When the gamers now become parents, 我們會支持我們的孩子接觸遊戲 we will be supportive of our kids playing, 我想到時一切就會爆發成長 and I think that's really when everything will boom. 「人生唯一不努力即可獲得的東西是失敗」 "The only thing achieved in life without effort is failure" 經過數週的訓練後 After weeks of training, 一個當地人帶領他的電競團隊達顛峰 a local man has led his online gaming team to the top, 在德國舉辦的國際錦標賽拿下第七名 placing seventh in an international gaming competition held in Germany. 是啊 她一定很引我為傲 Yeah, she's definitely proud of me. 我是說 她甚至拿出相機… I mean just, she had her camera out... 我想「拜託,何必要對電視螢幕拍照?」 like, "Why are taking a photo of the television?" 我知道她很聰明 她是個律師 所以… I know she's really smart. She's a lawyer so... 但在最後 我想她會更了解 But in the end, I think she'll be more understanding 並更加支持我 and be willing to support me more 所以問題解決了 so it worked out. Fear 現在住在舊金山 並擔任美國隊伍 Evil Geniuses 的隊長 他不再是獨自一人練習 Fear now lives in San Francisco, CA and captains US-based team, Evil Geniuses.He no longer trains alone. 錦標賽結束後 他買了張新桌子 And after the tournament, he bought a new desk. 我們對輸掉比賽感到失望 We were disappointed with our loss. 對 喜悲參半 And, yeah, it's a mixture of both, 對拿下第三名同時快樂與難過 we're happy and sad that we got third. 因為這些情緒 Because of all the emotions 我感到 她是我想要一同分享的人 I felt like she was the one I wanted to share them with. 然後很明顯 我得把她追回來 And it got pretty clear only then that I had to get her back. 大賽結束後我回去找她 After the tournament I actually went back to look for her, 把一些事情說開了 and talk things out, 而我們再次地開始約會了 and we have actually begun dating again. 現在一切發展順利 And things are actually going great. 你知道 我愛她 I love her, you know. 她對現在的我 She played a huge role, a very huge part 影響真的… in... 非常地深遠 in the me today. hyhy 目前在讀商科碩士班 他在錦標賽中獲得的獎金足夠支付學雜開銷 hyhy is pursuing his Masters in Business. He pays for his university expenses through tournament winnings. 一週前只有 3,000 名追隨者 One week ago it was 3,000 followers . 我非常的高興 I was happy. 然後一夕之間 爆出 8,000 名追隨者! Then it's boomed. 8,000 followers. 追隨者數目不重要 It's not about the number. 就算只增加一兩個也好 Even if it's one or two, I'm fine. 所以也不用給大家看那數字 So you don't need to show numbers actually. 我是這麼的認為 I think. 我想 我父親 My father, I think, 沒時間了解 Dendi 做的事情 didn't have time to understand what Dendi's doing. 「Dendi Dota 2 百萬富翁」 "Dendi the Dota 2 Millionaire" 我們太早失去他了 We lost him too early. 若他現在能見到 Dendi And if now he could see Dendi, 他一定很為他兒子驕傲 I'm sure that he's proud of his son. Dendi 是目前世上最出名的電競選手之一 Dendi has become one of the most recognized professional gamers today. Dendi 是目前世上最出名的電競選手之一 他的推特追隨者比整個烏克蘭國家足球隊還多 He has more followers on Twitter than the Ukrainian national soccer team. 特別感謝以下翻譯社群志工透過 Steam Translation Server (http://translation.steampowered.com) 協助提供繁體中文字幕 Free to Play Arank.Hawk 姚佳均 Clavius 李俊賢
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