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  • Now, Michael, people always have interesting questions

  • about the program.

  • And what we want to do over here is spend a few minutes going through

  • some of the most common questions.

  • You all set?

  • I'm ready to go.

  • Great. So, the first question is, will this require me to take any type

  • of medication or purchase any special equipment?

  • No, absolutely not.

  • There are a couple of things that might be helpful in terms of

  • accentuating what we're doing.

  • Like, if we're talking about light, maybe you might want to consider blue

  • light blocking glasses, but everything is contained in the course

  • and it will help you without ever doing anything outside the course.

  • Now, second question is, who is this program for?

  • Literally, it's for everybody.

  • Now, I would be honest in saying that we probably don't want people taking it who

  • are under the age of probably 16 years old because their sleep patterns are going

  • to be very, very different, and I would have to make special

  • accommodations for them, but literally everybody out there would be

  • able to benefit from this course.

  • So, this is a common question, I guess. "I don't have a lot of extra time.

  • How many hours will I have to spend on this program?"

  • So, it's actually not that much time at all.

  • I mean some of the modules are only five minutes.

  • Some of them might be as long as 20.

  • The only thing I ask you to do on a regular basis is to track your sleep

  • and then also do the assignments in the Facebook group.

  • Next, how is this program different from any other way of learning

  • and optimizing sleep?

  • Well, I think the first thing that shows a big difference

  • is just the depth of content that we're going to be giving people.

  • I mean it's unbelievable how much information we've got here but I really

  • like the adaptive learning section of this part as well because it becomes

  • personalized and that's the thing that's so different than anything else that I've

  • ever seen is nobody actually created programs that people can go and do,

  • have differences in their lives that would affect their sleep.

  • So this is what's so amazing about this.

  • I mean there's literally not one like this in the world.

  • Right, I mean and then, of course, there are books you can read on optimizing

  • sleep but we know that typically, when people read these books,

  • it may lead to one or two ideas but it doesn't lead to a rapid transformation.

  • This program is designed to transform people on an identity level.

  • That means your beliefs, your mindset, your attitudes all shift.

  • Now, for this to happen, there are a couple of ingredients

  • which are necessary.

  • One is it cannot be a straight-up watch eight hours of video.

  • It has to be 5 to 20 minutes a day today.

  • Slowly, behavioral modification occurs.

  • It has to be done with a community because we learn our best often when we are

  • collaborating and communicating with everyone.

  • Now you don't have to join the community but that's there as a bonus.

  • And, it has to be spread out over 28 days because it takes around that time for you

  • to start locking in these new beliefs and these habits, and that's what

  • makes this effective.

  • Finally, it's Mindvalley's magic.

  • It's the quality of the app, the quality of the filming,

  • the quality of our teacher, The Michael Breus, and the quality of our

  • learning lab which actually builds these programs constantly taking into account

  • all these different dimensions and theories on learning so that we actually

  • have completion rates 10 times better than most ordinary programs.

  • It's really amazing because when you get people in that environment,

  • they almost can't help but change their lives.

  • Now, another question is, "Do I have to sleep eight hours a day?"

  • No, that's the whole point.

  • You're going to figure out exactly how much sleep you need,

  • and then when you should have it, and that's what's going to happen.

  • And then, "I have a diagnosed sleep disorder such as sleep

  • apnea or narcolepsy. Will this program help me?"

  • So, that's a great question that I think we should definitely

  • spend a minute or two on.

  • So, this is not a program for somebody who's trying to cure or treat

  • their sleep disorder.

  • So, if you have undiagnosed apnea or narcolepsy or restless legs,

  • this is not the course for you.

  • However, if that's something that you've been treated for and that's currently

  • going on and you want your sleep quality to improve, this is absolutely a

  • course for you.

  • So, again, this is not a course to fix or treat your apnea, narcolepsy,

  • or restless legs but, if that's already been treated in you,

  • you are good to go.

  • Fantastic, Michael. So, this is amazing stuff.

  • I cannot wait to get started and thank you so much for joining us in Mindvalley.

  • No, the pleasure is all mine.

  • I'm excited to be part of the Mindvalley community, part of Mindvalley platform,

  • and really help people, educate themselves about this.

  • And, thank you, all of you guys, for watching.

  • So, if you want to sleep like a champion, simply scroll down below, click enroll,

  • and I'll see you in our sleep program with Michael Breus.

  • I cannot wait to see the results you're going to be getting from this program.

Now, Michael, people always have interesting questions


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你對《掌握睡眠》最大的疑問是什麼? (Your Biggest Questions About The Mastery of Sleep | Dr. Michael Breus & Vishen Lakhiani)

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