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  • SELA KASEPA: So hello, and welcome to this S50

  • seminar, which is JavaScript, The Basics.

  • So quick introduction.

  • I am Sela, junior studying computer science.

  • And we'll be going through the basics of JavaScript.

  • So in this case, we are going to go over the different data types that we have,

  • some functions, some looping constructs.

  • And then we'll also go through JavaScript asynchronous data.

  • So look at callbacks, promises, async await.

  • So yeah.

  • So we can dive into the seminar.

  • OK, so we'll start with basic introductory JavaScript, which

  • is, what is JavaScript and what can you do with it?

  • So JavaScript, in a nutshell, is a programming language.

  • And then some of the terms that you hear,

  • whenever people are talking about JavaScript, is it's single-threaded.

  • It's asynchronous.

  • So I won't dive into these terms right now, but we'll come back to them.

  • So a brief history of JavaScript is JavaScript was originally

  • built to run in the browser.

  • And so browsers come in [? beta ?] JavaScript engines.

  • And then JavaScript engines, in this case,

  • are responsible for executing JavaScript code.

  • So some examples are SpiderMonkey and Firefox, and then

  • V8, a V8 engine in Chrome.

  • But then sometime later on, some brilliant engineer came along and then

  • decided to invade Chrome's V8 engine into some C++ program.

  • And then he called this firmware Node, Node.js.

  • And so what this Node.js framework enables us to do

  • is it enables us to execute JavaScript code outside the browser.

  • And so with us getting this capability to execute

  • JavaScript code outside the browser, that

  • meant we could now write server side JavaScript.

  • We could build entire web applications solely in JavaScript

  • because it can now write our backend in JavaScript

  • and simply run our JavaScript in the Node.js framework.

  • OK, so that's kind of a brief history in JavaScript.

  • And so now we're going to dive into working with JavaScript in the browser.

  • So I'm going to open a browser terminal.

  • So I'm going to open a browser window.

  • And then in this browser, I want us to go over working

  • with JavaScript in the browser.

  • So like I mentioned, Chrome has a V8 engine,

  • which is responsible for executing JavaScript code.

  • So if you open up Chrome, because I'm using the Chrome browser,

  • so I'll show you how I got here.

  • So you can literally open up the Inspect.

  • OK, so you can literally open up the Inspect option.

  • And so this brings us a bunch of options,

  • and then, because [INAUDIBLE] in JavaScript, what we're concerned about

  • is a console.

  • So the console is where we can write random JavaScript code

  • and execute it and see what happens.

  • So JavaScript is, like I mentioned, a programming language.

  • It comes with its basic data types, such as numeric data type.

  • So you can have something like five.

  • And you can store this in a variable.

  • So I've looked at variables previously.

  • So say I said x equals 9 and I can say y equals 10.

  • And I can do basic mathematics operations

  • with it, which is, in this case, I just executed x times y, which gives me 90.

  • And then we could also have strings types.

  • So let's say I had a name.

  • in this case, my name is Sela, and I can store that.

  • And one function that we're going to consistently use--

  • we're using JavaScript.

  • It's a console.log.

  • And what console.log does is it simply prints out something to the console.

  • So in this case, if wanted to print out my name,

  • I can simply print out a console.log name.

  • So in the console, you can also execute some basic JavaScript functions.

  • So one function you've probably encountered is the alert.

  • So alert is meant to pop up some window.

  • So if I run this, so we do see a window pop up there.

  • And it says "Greetings."

  • And I could do something.

  • So let's say I didn't want to say "Greetings,"

  • and I actually want it to say "Greetings to Sela."

  • So I can use the plus sign, which really just concatenates some strings.

  • So in this case, I have the greeting string and I have the name string.

  • And I can execute the strings together and I get "Greetings, Sela."

  • And then one other nice feature that you can probably

  • relate to with Python is as opposed to me using this plus sign to concatenate

  • my strings, I can actually input Format My String to have

  • the value that I wanted to have.

  • So in this case, we're looking at Greetings.

  • And then I want it to have Sela in it.

  • So I have Greetings that I can use the dollar sign with the curly braces

  • and have the name, which I want input there.

  • And then Close.

  • And then we execute that, I still get the same thing that I had.

  • So Greetings plus name is the same as me having Greetings,

  • the last line, open curly braces, the value that I want to have,

  • close curly braces.

  • And then one other thing that also changed

  • is instead of me using the quotation marks, the quotes,

  • I'm now using the backtick.

  • So you can find the backtick right before 1 on your keyboard,

  • if it's on my keyboard.

  • I'm not sure about the Windows keyboard.

  • So anyway, so these are some basic things

  • you can do in the JavaScript console.

  • And so we can also go over to [? enact your ?] Script and see how we

  • can execute JavaScript code from there.

  • So I'm going to open up an external page.

  • Sorry.

  • Give me a moment.

  • OK, so here, I want us to go over some other data types

  • that we have in JavaScript.

  • So we looked at numeric data types.

  • We looked at strings.

  • So one of the important data type that I think you need to know for JavaScript

  • is the object data type.

  • So an object, really, you can think about it

  • as something that has properties and methods.

  • And then in here, I have created a bunch of objects in which I

  • have listed some key value pairs.

  • So if familiar with Python, this kind of looks

  • similar to the dict data type, where you can assign values to keys.

  • In this case, I have a list of students.

  • And then for each student, I have different properties,

  • which is I have a name, I have a house, I have a major,

  • and then I have a number of students in there.

  • So we could go over create an object in JavaScript.

  • So let's say I decided to create a new student object,

  • and then I'll say New Student.

  • It goes to open, close curly braces.

  • So similar to how you'd initialize in dict Python.

  • And then I can assign values and properties to this new object.

  • So I can say I want my new student to have a name of, say, John.

  • And then I can say, let my new student be a member of the house.

  • I'll say [INAUDIBLE] again.

  • And then I can say let my new student be a mechanical engineering major.

  • So I have now created a new student.

  • So I can console.log the student.

  • And so if I opened up my browser--

  • so I have this JavaScript that I have defined, which I have [INAUDIBLE]..

  • And then this JavaScript, I have included it

  • in this HTML page, which is just basics.

  • So I have this particular page open here.

  • And then if you notice, on this particular page,

  • I still have the console window open.

  • And if I had to refresh this page, I have my new student.

  • That's here.

  • And OK, so I'm actually printing the student itself.

  • So if I look at this, I have the new student who I have console.log in.

  • So I said my new student is going to have the name John, house [INAUDIBLE]

  • major ME, and then we see that happen there.

  • And I'm also printing out all the students that I have.

  • So my student array has the predefined students that I made.

  • And then we see the predefined students in there.

  • And so if I wanted to add this to my array, I can simply say--

  • in My Students, I am going to push my new student.

  • So we notice array now changes.

  • Instead of me only having two objects in my array,

  • I now have three objects with all of them in there.

  • Now, let's say I didn't want just print out all of this.

  • Let's say I wanted to go over all my students, iterate through all of them.

  • So in this case, I want to look over my students

  • and maybe print out a particular value for my students.

  • So we can, of course, use a for loop.

  • So we're familiar with for loops.

  • And I'll probably use a different one that we haven't used

  • so much, where we can have students.

  • And then on students, I can call the loop for each.

  • So what students loop for each does is it's going to go through every student

  • and then return the current student that I'm at.

  • So these return the current object that I'm at in my array.

  • And then for this object that I'm returning,

  • I'm going to define a function.

  • So I'll say, student, where student is a current student I'm looking at.

  • And then does something with the students.

  • So let's say all I want to do is just print out the names of my students.

  • So I'm going to say, because of the log

  • And then if we save this, we notice, in our browser window,

  • I print out all my student names.

  • Sela, Jim, and John.

  • So what for each did, so it goes over, like I said.

  • So it's going to iterate over all my students,

  • and then it's going to return every single item that's in my student array.

  • So in this case, every item in my student array is an object.

  • So let me show you that.

  • So we can print out the student itself.

  • And if I save this--

  • so you notice student is actually an object.

  • Then I can do anything I want with that current item I'm at in the array,

  • or I have that.

  • So what I have inside my dot for each is this function here.

  • So this function is a function that's code.

  • Each time I go, I go to the next item in my array.

  • And then we can use some nice JavaScript syntax

  • to actually make this more concise.

  • So notice here, I have function defined, but then I have no name.

  • So basic construct fully functioning JavaScript

  • is you declare that I'm beginning a function.

  • Then you put some name, and then some arguments, parentheses,

  • in your brackets, and then have the curly braces.

  • But then in JavaScript, we are not mandated to actually provide

  • a function each name.

  • So in this case, I can do away with the func name

  • and then just have a function.

  • So in this case, this is an anonymous function

  • because I really haven't given it a name.

  • So what I have inside here, inside my [INAUDIBLE] is an anonymous function.

  • Now in this case, I have an anonymous function.

  • So with [INAUDIBLE] of JavaScript, they decided, well,

  • I'm not giving this function a name.

  • I might as well just not have it there.

  • So then they introduce another syntax, which

  • is the fat arrow, where I do it with a function.

  • And then, instead of me having function student,

  • I just do student, which is the parameter, the argument that I'm

  • positing, which is going to pass into my function, and then have this fat arrow.

  • So we're if we run this code, it's still as same thing.

  • So it's just more concise, and you'll probably

  • come across this notation, this type of syntax, from time and again.

  • And so they just didn't end there.

  • They went further.

  • And then they said, well, I have a function.

  • And so my function takes in one argument, which is student,

  • and it simply has one--

  • it just returns one thing.

  • And the only thing it returns right now is just console.logs.

  • In this case, print out the name.

  • For this array, I, as well, don't need to have my curly braces here,

  • and so I can just do away with them.

  • And if I run that, so notice, it still does the same thing.

  • So the function that we had before was just really just like bin string,

  • and then now I have this more concise function.

  • So that's on objects and functions and some function syntax.

  • So we are now going to move on to JavaScript as a DOM,

  • so going over some basic constructs in JavaScript.

  • And so now I want us to look at using JavaScript

  • on the client side, which is really using JavaScript to manipulate the DOM.

  • So I mentioned earlier that JavaScript was initially built to run in browsers.

  • And then what JavaScript did for us, and still does for us,

  • with it being able to write in process, is

  • I can actually add some dynamic functionality to the different HTML

  • pages that I have in my browser.

  • Now, the question is, how does JavaScript manipulate?

  • So it's a programming language that's going

  • to work with the different elements you have in your browser.

  • So in this case, an HTML page.

  • So the question is, how does JavaScript actually

  • manage to help us manipulate our HTML pages?

  • So in understanding that, we come across the DOM.

  • So the question is, what is a DOM?

  • So to put it simple, the DOM is a programming interface

  • for HTML and XML documents.

  • So what does that mean?

  • So the DOM is simply that.

  • It's an object that enables other programming languages to interact

  • with my HTML or XML documents.

  • So in this case, we'll be focusing mainly on HTML documents.

  • And so what a DOM does it takes an HTML page.

  • It presents it as a single object in universal format,

  • such that any programming language that I

  • wanted to use that provides an interface with DOM objects

  • can use it to manipulate DOM.

  • So with recent lectures, we've been looking

  • at working in the web, medium web applications, working in JavaScript.

  • So we're just going to quickly go over some of the methods

  • that we've encountered with using JavaScript to access and manipulate

  • the DOM.

  • So I singled out some.

  • So in this case, we have document.getElementById, which

  • has been in use for quite a while.

  • And then document.querySelector, document.querySelectorAll

  • are really some methods which I did later on.

  • So maybe not as popular, but still very useful.

  • And I will show you how you can-- we'll go through examples

  • of how you can use them.

  • Like, say, how can I use document.querySelector

  • in place of document.getElementById.

  • So open up some examples again and then we'll go through that.

  • OK, so now I have a new HTML page.

  • So I have it open here also.

  • So this is my DOM page.

  • It really just has one header tag, my one H1 tag.

  • And in this HTML page, I have linked another JavaScript file.

  • Sorry.

  • That's the wrong one.

  • So presently, my JavaScript file is empty.

  • So I'm going to populate it with some basic JavaScript

  • things we can do with a DOM.

  • So let me close this one.

  • We don't need this.

  • So like I said, JavaScript is able to access and manipulate some elements.

  • And so we'll start off with something basic that you can do with the DOM.

  • So you only have one tag in here, or one header tag, which is my DOM page.

  • And let's say you actually you wanted to create a new element in your DOM

  • and then add it to your DOM and have it displayed.

  • So of course, the simple way to do this is

  • you could just literally go into your HTML page and say, I'm going to add--

  • so to add a paragraph, I'm going to add a paragraph with some stuff.

  • But then when you stop programming, you'll

  • probably find that some things that you add to your page

  • are not needed when your page is actually loading,

  • but then you probably want to provide that information

  • after your page is loaded and you've maybe

  • gotten some information from a user.

  • So let's see how we can add a single paragraph in my HTML page.

  • So let's start with let p equals--

  • so I'm going to use my document object, which provides me some methods that I

  • can use to achieve what I want.

  • So in this case, all I want to do is to create an element.

  • So I'm going to make an element, and in this case,

  • I want to create a paragraph.

  • That's going to be a p element.

  • And then to my paragraph, I can add some content.

  • And so let's say let p dot text content equals the CS50 is awesome.

  • So I've created an element, which is a paragraph.

  • I've added some content to my paragraph.

  • And now, I really want to stitch this element that I've

  • added to this document that I have.

  • So in this case, I'm going to call my document Object again.

  • And then, say, from my document in here, I want to get the body.

  • And then to my body, I want to append some child.

  • So in this case, a child I want to append

  • is a new paragraph element that I've created.

  • So I can say this and see what happens.

  • OK, so right now, I'm in my console.

  • So if you have your element--

  • so it's not just my paragraph, which is supposed to say "CS50 awesome" also

  • hasn't been added.

  • And one use for debugging tool I like using when I'm using JavaScript

  • is uses a console.

  • So the console is going to tell you you have some error.

  • Can read property of append child of null?

  • And you can actually click on this when you open up your option JavaScript

  • code, and show you what an error is.

  • And if you hover over the cross sign, you see error it is,

  • which is can I trade property of append child of null.

  • So what this is telling us is you're trying

  • to append some child to something which is null.

  • So why do we think this might be the case?

  • Why are we getting some null object that we're trying to append to?

  • So if we go back to our index on HTML, we're notice--

  • so we have this script, this JavaScript, that we have included in our HTML page.

  • And so let's imagine we are a browser and are

  • trying to load up this HTML page with this JavaScript.

  • So I get this HTML page.

  • And then before loading up my [? text ?] HTML page, I have this JavaScript.

  • And this JavaScript is accessing some elements that are in my HTML page,

  • but then I haven't finished loading my entire page.

  • So this might be a potential reason for why I get this error.

  • I'm saying, from my document, get the body element.

  • So I know my browser is telling me, saying,

  • I don't know what your body element is.

  • Because I really haven't finished loading this document so

  • I don't have that body element that you're looking for.

  • So this is why, probably, you've noticed with the previous work you've

  • been doing, you have your script at the bottom.

  • So let's say I could put my script here.

  • And if I run this, it actually gives me what I want.

  • I have my DOM and then I have my CS50 is awesome, and it runs, right?

  • So now, I have this DOM.

  • This particular document has been loaded.

  • The different elements that I have in there have been added to my DOM.

  • And so now, when my source [? min ?] tries

  • to access some element in my DOM, defined in my DOM,

  • it now doesn't draw an error.

  • So one other way we can deal with this is I can still have it there.

  • And then I can use one method provided to us by the window object, which

  • is you can define a function and say, I only

  • want to load this function when my page is actually done loading.

  • So in this case, I'm going to call window.unload.

  • So what window.unload means is simply saying

  • when I'm finished loading my entire window,

  • I can define some anonymous function.

  • So it can have it there and there.

  • And then closes.

  • So when we save this to--

  • sorry, excuse me.

  • So when we save this, we notice it runs it

  • on an error, which is, of course, as explained,

  • this is now executing after my entire window is actually loaded.

  • So when I tried to access my documented body, you want to return it now,

  • it actually turns the element in my DOM.

  • OK, so those are some basic things.

  • Then it said it also wanted us to look a bit into document.getElementById

  • and document.querySelector and SelectorAll.

  • So let's add some more things in my HTML.

  • So let's say I had some paragraph.

  • Let this paragraph be 1.

  • And then you [INAUDIBLE] So I've added some your paragraphs,

  • which, really, are just numbers.

  • So let me try to minimize this.

  • So I have these numbers, and then let's say

  • I now wanted to, say, modify, or get some number,

  • or I mean, or get some paragraph from my HTML page.

  • So one way of doing this is using my document.querySelector.

  • And then that result equals that.

  • And then let's log this result.

  • So if I say this and run this, we can see what happens.

  • So in this case, come and save.

  • And so I can go to my console and see what I'm actually printing out.

  • So in this case, I have this paragraph.

  • So I documented query selector p, right?

  • So in this case, what this does is it's going to go into my DOM,

  • select any element that has the p tag in it, and then I finally pick it out.

  • So it prints out the entire thing, which is that.

  • So one thing that you notice is I actually defined a bunch of programs.

  • So I actually have three programs.

  • I have three p tags in my DOM.

  • But then what document.querySelector does

  • is it's going to get the first matching element

  • with the selector I have put here.

  • So let's say I just wanted to have--

  • I would select this p with the 1.

  • One way to go about this is I can assign an ID.

  • Say, let this have an ID of P1.

  • And then just so we can look at the different flavors of this,

  • let's also have a class definition.

  • Let's say this is class P2.

  • And so if we remember in CSS, if I had some CSS file that I've created,

  • then I want to assign attributes to some element based on an ID,

  • I would use a pound sign.

  • So I'd add a pound in front of that, saying this is actually

  • an element and not some--

  • I mean, this is actually an ID and not some element tag.

  • So in case, the idea I used here was P1.

  • So I can add it there.

  • And so we notice, it comes here is actually

  • have the ID P1 and the content unit.

  • We can do something more.

  • Let's change the content of this program.

  • This program just has one, and let's say you wanted to change it to result dot,

  • in an HMTL, and I can say CS50 is great.

  • And if I say this, you notice my P1 node changes to that.

  • So I had done something else.

  • So I also added a class here.

  • Now, let's say you don't select an element based on its ID or its tag.

  • You want to select this element based on its class, right?

  • So again, like we had in CSS, if you wanted

  • to select an element based on its--

  • let's call this result 2--

  • if you need to select something based on its class,

  • instead of you having the pound sign, you'd have the dot.

  • And this gives my class name as P2.

  • So if I print my result 2 and I save this--

  • So you notice, in our console, what we get printed out is my result P2.

  • So this is selector, document.querySelector, and then

  • we just do one last example of SelectorAll.

  • And let's say, in this case, I wanted to return all my p tags,

  • every single element I have in my DOM with the tag p.

  • So one thing I could use is I can use my Document.querySelectorAll

  • and then add my p tag there.

  • So in this case, if I printed out my results and I say Save.

  • OK, so what you notice is return some node list.

  • So in this case, if we expand this, I have my p with ID P1,

  • then I have my p with class P2, and then I have my other p's.

  • OK.

  • And we can look at the contents, too.

  • OK.

  • So the unfortunately, that didn't give me the content that I was looking for.

  • It was a bit too much.

  • But you could probably scroll through to see which p tag each of them

  • belongs to.

  • So what Document.querySelector does is it is going to select all my p tags,

  • and then it's going to return a list.

  • So in this case, it's going to return an array of all the different p tags

  • that I have in my DOM object.

  • So probably won't go so much into DOM manipulation.

  • We have covered a lot of that in class already,

  • so I'll move on to the next part of the seminar.

  • OK.

  • So finally, I want us to look at a single-threaded asynchronous.

  • So when I ask the question, what is JavaScript?

  • So I mention single-threaded, asynchronous language.

  • And like I said, I didn't go into detail then, would come to it.

  • And now we have come to it.

  • So now, the question is, what does it mean when someone

  • says JavaScript is single-threaded?

  • What does it mean when someone says JavaScript is in asynchronous language?

  • So in plain, simple words, what does it mean for JavaScript is single-threaded?

  • That means JavaScript, in its runtime, can only do one thing at a time.

  • So what does it mean, really?

  • So I'll give an example of humans.

  • So humans are multi-threaded machines, if I

  • should put it that way, in that you can say, I can talk on the phone and run.

  • I can listen to something and work on my laptop.

  • So I am performing more than one task.

  • I have the ability to perform more than one task at any given time.

  • But then with JavaScript, it just can't do that.

  • I can perform a network code in JavaScript

  • and be doing some algebra calculations all at the same time.

  • With JavaScript, when it executes in its runtime is

  • when you give it a list of tasks to do, it

  • is going to go over each task one at a time.

  • So this will be different from some languages that you are familiar with.

  • For example, Python.

  • Python is a multi-threaded language.

  • It can multitask.

  • It can do many things at one time, which is a useful feature, because sometimes

  • you might have something that takes long in the network

  • and you do not want that to stall every other thing that you

  • want to execute in your code.

  • So another perception of it, what does it mean to be single-threaded?

  • You also find many people say this, which

  • is JavaScript has a single code stock.

  • And so we'll look into what, really, is a code stock?

  • So I have a simple definition for it, which

  • is a call stack is data structure that is going

  • to record where we are in the program.

  • So I put up this diagram, and we probably

  • might have looked at this when we looked at our memory management

  • inside our computers.

  • So here, we have the JavaScript environment.

  • So we have the JavaScript runtime engine, which is really

  • where my JavaScript code is executed.

  • So in my runtime engine, I have the heap,

  • where memory allocation is going to take place, and I have a stack.

  • So in my stack, I have a list of functions.

  • And how the stock adds is that whenever I call a function,

  • function is going to be popped onto the stack.

  • And the function is only popped off the stack

  • when my function actually returns.

  • And so I have an example of this, and you'll see that in action.

  • And then the whole JavaScript environment

  • is not just made of the JavaScript runtime engine.

  • So you have some other features that are added to this environment.

  • You have things like web APIs, and then you

  • have the event loop and the callback queue.

  • And again, we're going to come back to this soon.

  • Excuse me.

  • OK.

  • So like I mentioned, JavaScript only has once you go call stack.

  • So it only has one single thread, where it's

  • going to be popping off and adding functions onto.

  • So everything is going to be happening by synchronously, one at a time.

  • So in this case, I have three functions in my stack.

  • So I have mean.

  • I have show text.

  • Set time out.

  • The total [? C ?] actually won't stay on that stack.

  • But then if I have defined a bunch of functions,

  • they're all going through my stack, and then JavaScript

  • is going to execute one function at a time.

  • So I said this may be problematic if you have something

  • that goes on for a long time because it is going to block everything

  • else from happening.

  • And if this was, say, in your web browser and you have using JavaScript,

  • you define some function that blocks out every other JavaScript code.

  • That would provide bad user experience, in that

  • every other thing that the user can do in your browser

  • will be stopped until that one function that's really slow finally completes.

  • and then other features can actually be accessed.

  • So the question is, how does JavaScript manage to get around this?

  • And so now this brings us to JavaScript being in asynchronous language.

  • It is, like I mentioned, in JavaScript runtime, where your JavaScript

  • code is actually going to be executed, can only do one thing at a time.

  • But then, because your browser adds these extra features, such as your web

  • APIs or event loop, JavaScript can do other things.

  • And then we'll see why.

  • So we'll come back to this and then I'll give an example

  • why the web API helps us.

  • So again, open up this example.

  • And then I found this nice visualizor for the JavaScript environment

  • and I'll use this.

  • OK, so firstly, I want us to visualize a call stack.

  • What really is a call stack and what does it mean to pop--

  • I mean, to put a function on it and pop a function off?

  • So if I run this, what we see is I have my--

  • pause this here.

  • So the highlighted means the functions that are being executed.

  • So here, I have this function at the top, which cannot be seen,

  • unfortunately, because of that.

  • So I have a function for which returns another function bar,

  • which returns [INAUDIBLE],, which returns another function,

  • returns another function, all the way up to bar z, which is going to--

  • so all of the devices, which is finally going to print out some high statement,

  • and then finally return.

  • So I have defined this function, and then among this function,

  • you have this main function, which we're at the bottom.

  • The main cause the function for, and then

  • after the function for has returned, main is finally going to return some 3

  • plus 5 value.

  • And so the first function to be code here-- so notice, all of these

  • are just function definitions that haven't yet

  • code any function, except within the function, within functions themselves.

  • But the first function that I'm going to call here is my main function.

  • So console.log is going to call main, and then main will execute this.

  • It's going to call for.

  • And then for is basically calling these other functions.

  • And so this is what we notice happening.

  • So as its function is code, it's going to be popped.

  • So this function is code.

  • It's going to be popped into the stack, and so the stack just keeps building.

  • It keeps going and going and going until the final function returns.

  • So in this case, bar z returns by calls of the plugin [? high. ?]

  • And then once bar z returns, then the other functions.

  • So once bar z returns, then bar z's finally popped off the stack,

  • and then the other functions can now get popped onto the stack.

  • So if I do this, so you notice now my stack starts decreasing.

  • So this is like what's happening in my JavaScript runtime,

  • where I'm just having functions pile up.

  • So I prepared an example to simulate what

  • I mean by if you have one function that's

  • blocking everything else on your call stack, and what that would imply.

  • So let's open up an example.

  • So I have another page, which is just a [INAUDIBLE] page.

  • So in this case, I've linked the first JavaScript file that I have here.

  • And so in this JavaScript file, we see it

  • does the first thing, which is it prints out [INAUDIBLE]

  • then enters this while loop, which goes on.

  • And then this while loop just prints out [INAUDIBLE] a couple of times.

  • And then when that while loop done, prints out console.log.

  • So if I run this in here--

  • OK, it's already been run, but let's see what's happening in the console.

  • So you go in.

  • OK.

  • So what we notice is I start with I'm starting.

  • Then I am the second that's being printed out.

  • And the last, now that's waiting.

  • So it will not print out until I am done with my while loop.

  • So say, in this case, you had some other JavaScript functionality beneath this.

  • What that means is everything that you have

  • occurring after your while loop is now just going to stall

  • and just wait for you to finish printing out this while loop.

  • So of course, this is not a real-life kind of scenario,

  • because unless, otherwise, someone wouldn't really want to print out,

  • I mean, that statement forever.

  • But this is just to show so you can have some things like this

  • that are in your code and then would prevent other things from running.

  • So I keep on giving an example of network codes

  • just because network codes, such as, say,

  • me getting something from some API, would take a long time to execute.

  • So let's say you had an network code here, which takes forever,

  • that means every other thing that you want to do

  • would have to wait for that network code to complete, and then you do it.

  • But then I said JavaScript has found a way to get around this,

  • to execute things more than once using asynchronous functions.

  • So we're going to open one.

  • So in this second example, I have replaced that while loop

  • that I had with a setTimeout function.

  • So a setTimeout is something provided us through the web APIs.

  • And what setTimeout does, so setTimeout accepts a function, a callback

  • function, and your delay value.

  • So in this case, what it means to be a callback function is

  • I am this function that's going to be code when this thing is

  • finished with what it's supposed to do.

  • So let me write it out as it would.

  • So it's supposed to have a function delay.

  • So the main object of setTimeout is it's going to create

  • some delay in what you're doing.

  • Now, the purpose of the callback function

  • is it's going to stipulate what is going to happen when your setTimeout has

  • actually finished.

  • So in this case, when your time has run out.

  • So in this case, I have set a time of 10,000.

  • And what I'm saying is create this delay of 10,000,

  • and then when you're finally done, I want

  • you to execute this function, which is just console.log in

  • and the callback function.

  • So let's see how this works.

  • So if I run this, so I'll go to into the index of this.

  • And let's link, instead, my async.

  • OK.

  • So let's refresh that, see what happens.

  • OK.

  • So it's taking a while.

  • Let me reduce the time here, maybe that much.

  • OK.

  • So it's taking a while, but we see what's happening.

  • So in this case, the first thing that I do is I code I'm starting.

  • Then I put a time out, and then I finally

  • code the console.log and the last function.

  • But then if we see the order in which they executed,

  • we notice the first thing that's executed

  • is I'm starting, then the last function, and then, finally, the callback.

  • So setTimeout is an asynchronous function,

  • which is really going to say--

  • so you're going to cause a time out.

  • And then setTimeout is going to run in its web API.

  • And then when it starts running in its web API,

  • I will not have setTimeout on my call stack.

  • And so what does it mean to push out the time out of the call stack?

  • That means I can add my console.log onto the call stack and actually execute it.

  • So notice, so if I refresh this, I don't have to wait for setTimeout

  • to execute for me to actually continue to [? kick ?] in my other code.

  • And so this is how JavaScript manages to get around--

  • deal with its single-threaded nature, by creating this asynchronous functions,

  • which do not block other functions from executing,

  • but simply are going to execute when I'm done.

  • So in understanding the synchronous functions,

  • I think it best to actually see how this happens.

  • Again, we'll go back to this visualizor here.

  • OK.

  • So let's get rid of this previous example.

  • So I started with [INAUDIBLE] And if I have it in here--

  • so this is [INAUDIBLE].

  • And you know what [INAUDIBLE] is doing.

  • The first one has really executed, and now I'm

  • just stuck in this while loop, which is running and running until it's done.

  • And then when it's finally done, then execute console.log.

  • But then let's see how this differs from how my asynchronous is going to add.

  • So I paste this in this [? 2, ?] and then I'm going to run this.

  • So we notice something happening.

  • So make this a bit slower so that you see.

  • So we would notice is when I start this, my first function,

  • console.log just pushed into my stack.

  • It executes.

  • Then I get my second function setTimeout.

  • But it's a web API, so it's pushed off the stack.

  • Then it goes into my web API.

  • So since it's pushed off the stack, I am able--

  • 2 [? plus ?] 2 so I'll probably use a pause.

  • They said I have console.log pushed off the stack, then setTimeout, which

  • is somewhere, maybe a function.

  • So here, it's pushed off the stack.

  • And so because it's pushed off the stack,

  • it's now been executed here in my web APIs.

  • I can have my other function here, which is beneath my setTimeout,

  • come on to my stack.

  • So that means I can execute this console.log function.

  • Now, when you have this setTimeout-- so setTimeout is working in your web API--

  • you do not want your web APIs to immediately modify your code,

  • or just immediately push code into your stack,

  • in the middle of your code running.

  • So why might that be problematic?

  • So I already have some logical flow of my work.

  • And if my web APIs could randomly push stuff back into the stack,

  • it probably wouldn't be as consistent.

  • The [? floppy ?] work will not be as smooth

  • as you probably would want it to be.

  • So you set up your web APIs randomly pushing stuff back onto your stack.

  • You have this callback queue, which is here at the bottom of the page.

  • And then what this callback queue does is it has this event loop.

  • So when the web API is done running what it's supposed to do,

  • it pushes the particular callback function

  • that you want executed at the end into the callback queue.

  • And then the event loop might have this callback queue saying,

  • when my stack is empty--

  • that means when I have finished running all my functions in my stack--

  • I am going to get the first function in my callback queue

  • and put it onto my stack, and then it's going to be executed.

  • So we see how this works.

  • And so I'm running.

  • So setTimeout goes into my stack.

  • It goes to web API.

  • The last function executes.

  • And callback goes into callback queue.

  • It's pushed into the stack.

  • It executes, and then I'm done.

  • All right.

  • And so this is the basic flow of your asynchronous functions

  • and this is how they're managed.

  • This is how they [INAUDIBLE] to do other things

  • whilst they are running, similar to background, but not

  • really in the background.

  • So move on to say my setTimeout is going to run

  • and only executed-- in this case, the callback function will only

  • execute once I'm done doing everything.

  • In this case, executing every other function in my call stack.

  • But there might be instances where you want to stipulate,

  • that I want this particular function to execute

  • only after my synchronous function is done executing.

  • So in this case, say I performed an network code to my Google search.

  • And all I want to do is give my user back the list of [? foods ?]

  • based on their preferences.

  • So I do not want to display something before I actually

  • back my response from Google.

  • So I would want to have a way to stipulate.

  • Say, when I do my search, I only want my display

  • function to execute after my search.

  • And so this is now where the issue of async await and promises coming.

  • So I'll open up an example.

  • So here, you have an example, just to show what I was talking about.

  • So let's go to this and let this be my promise one.

  • So if I open up my HTML page, so I've linked that there.

  • OK, there's my async page.

  • So I have my first promise here.

  • So in this case, my promise--

  • just give me a moment.

  • OK, so in this case, I have a promise.

  • I mean, I have a promise example, where we start off with the example

  • that I gave, where I have a function, except I want this particular--

  • in this case, it's not a function.

  • It's some line of code.

  • And I want this line of code to execute when my setTimeout is actually done.

  • So in this case, I set x to be the value that's

  • going to return once I finish running my setTimeout.

  • And then I let my y equals to--

  • I mean the product of x times 10.

  • So one potential problem that might arise from here

  • is-- so we notice that setTimeout is going to run in the background,

  • and then everything else is going to run as normal.

  • But then we notice, we're using x, which is the value returned from setTimeout.

  • So if setTimeout happened to run for a long time, which

  • it will do in this case, and then I code my y and x.

  • So the most likely thing is I would get an error.

  • And let's see if we can actually see that.

  • OK.

  • So the Python thing actually gives me--

  • OK, so I'm wondering why it's giving me some random value, which it should not

  • be doing.

  • But I'll, instead, run this in--

  • OK, so like I said previously, that we can run JavaScript

  • as an [? out ?] browser using Node.js.

  • So if you're going to run JavaScript outside your browser,

  • you'd have to use the Node.js.

  • So I have it installed on my computer.

  • And I think, for now, we use it because it cannot [? sync ?] while my browser

  • gives me some random value.

  • So in this case, I want to run promise 1.

  • OK, so it gives me what I'm expecting.

  • So at the bottom of my terminal here, so I call node

  • and I say node, can you run this particular JavaScript file,

  • where I'm running promise 1.

  • So promise 1 first prints out "I'm starting" and codes this function

  • x and then multiplies x times 10, stores it in y, and then prints out y.

  • One problem that we notice is, especially

  • if I'm stacking, then prints out none, which is not a number, and then ends.

  • So why does it do that?

  • So like I mentioned, you are coding--

  • you are using x before.

  • Most likely, your setTimeout hasn't actually been executed.

  • So get a certain time, in this case, execute this line of code,

  • it doesn't know what x is.

  • So it just returns not a number.

  • And so then I mentioned promises.

  • and async await.

  • So here, I have described, given a solution,

  • for how you'd get around this problem.

  • I want to set some code to execute after this has finished.

  • So this was the function, the setTimeout that we had before, except now, it's

  • defined inside a promise.

  • So basic syntax for a promise is you have a function

  • and then it has a parameters resolve reject.

  • And then what promise does is it's going to execute a particular function,

  • and then it will either, resolve which it means to give that value.

  • So resolving this case is my callback value.

  • So if my setTimeout is done, it's going to code this function

  • and it's going to code resolve.

  • So resolve means my promise is being executing,

  • and then I'm passing the value.

  • So that's the value it's going to yield.

  • And so if I define this promise, and then I wanted to use it,

  • so instead of we just use an x randomly--

  • so I define an async function.

  • So in this case, I am defining an asynchronous function.

  • So why do this is a synchronous function come

  • with this keyword here, which is await.

  • And then what await does is it's going to pause my synchronous function

  • and then wait for a promise to finish executing.

  • And then after this particular promise is done, in this case,

  • after my promise resolves, it's going to continue executing its code.

  • So I'll first await the value of my promise.

  • Then when my promise is done, I code y x times 5, and then I console.log y.

  • And so if I code my function-- so in this case, I have [INAUDIBLE]..

  • So this is in promise 2.

  • So if I keep promise 2, I get the value that I'm looking for,

  • which is I'm starting-- then it actually executes 25.

  • So now, this is using async functions.

  • And then one thing that has also been added

  • is, from using async word function, I can also use dot then.

  • So I'm going to use another chain of the promise example, where

  • instead of me awaiting a promise, I'm going to say execute

  • this async function in this promise.

  • Get this promise value.

  • Then when the promise is done, execute this function.

  • It's the same promise from before, and then I define a new--

  • so I call my promise here and say, perform this promise.

  • When my promise has finally resolved, then execute this function.

  • So I have a function, which takes an x.

  • So whichever value is returned from my promise

  • is assigned to this particular x parameter.

  • And then I can finally multiply my x times 5 and then I can console.log y.

  • And so if I executed this in my node, I still get the same thing.

  • So this is really doing the same thing as my async awaits.

  • So it might depend on my preference.

  • So you might go into Details and actually

  • talk about what is the difference between using dot then and async await.

  • But this is basically how you can handle promises

  • and how you can stipulate when a particular set of code

  • is going to execute with regard to an asynchronous function, where,

  • in our case, asynchronous function is setTimeout.

  • And then, probably, one thing that would want

  • to do from what we learned previously, which is I

  • can actually shorten my function here and say, instead of me having that,

  • I can simply set it to do that and save.

  • And then if I run this, I still get the same thing.

  • So we'll just summarize what we just did,

  • which is what happens when a function for it invites some web API.

  • It's called, in this case.

  • I stated web API, but let's say my asynchronous function is just called.

  • So we'd have that asynchronous function called.

  • In this case, for example, setTimeout.

  • And then that function, we pushed off the stack.

  • Then it's going to be executed somewhere else.

  • And then-- oops, sorry.

  • And then when it's done, my function is going to be added back to my task 2,

  • and then my event loop, which has a task 2,

  • is going to push my function back into the stack when done.

  • And of course, promise is async await, which we just looked at.

  • So this is probably a lot to take in, and I will say probably

  • working with the visualizor, seeing how exactly asynchronous function works,

  • getting more practice into promises and dealing

  • with those asynchronous functions, it's probably

  • a good way to get a handle of this.

  • And this is where, probably, JavaScript becomes

  • tricky to learn, just because of its single-threaded nature

  • and how you have to deal with these async functions.

  • But with more practice, you get a handle of them,

  • and I hope this gave you some place to start.

  • And that's it for this seminar.

SELA KASEPA: So hello, and welcome to this S50


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JavaScript--基礎知識,Sela Kasepa著。 (JavaScript - The Basics, by Sela Kasepa)

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