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  • Hello Internet!

  • I asked for questions, and boy, did you deliver

  • with more than 7,000, so, let's get started.

  • :Question

  • Immortality!

  • Aging is a degenerative fatal disease of the genes in the same way Parkinson's is.

  • We're trying to cure Parkinson's with gene therapy along with Leukemia, Multiple Melanoma and others.

  • Why not aging?

  • Well, because most people think of getting old and dying as a beautiful part of the life cycle.

  • IT ISN'T

  • With 30 years of genius, we could grasp control of our genetics, and gain eternity.

  • Question:

  • I'm not sold on overpopulation as a problem.

  • Birth rates have been going nothing but down

  • and until we build that "Dyson Sphere" we aren't anywhere near the carrying capacity of the Solar System

  • and, immortality is exactly the sort of thing that makes crazy, long-term sustainability projects possible.

  • :Question

  • Scary experiences increase the probability of bonding. This explains horror movies.

  • If you want the date to go well, do them. If you don't, don't.

  • :Question

  • I'm sure I've answered this before, but everyone keeps asking, so here's the whole story in one place:

  • I grew up in the Empire State, starting in the suburbs.... which I didn't like that much

  • then went to college in the wilds of upstate, which I liked better. But, it wasn't "for me" forever so next stop, big city.

  • New York was the obvious choice, but, because I was raised in its shadow, New York felt a bit like a step backward in life.

  • I discovered around this time I had Irish dual citizenship through a series of random events, which opened up the EU, and her largest city, London.

  • I knew if I didn't live abroad while still free of life's anchors, I never would, which made it all the more reason to go.

  • I applied to an Economics Masters program in London, was accepted, and went and stayed for more than a decade.

  • It turned out great! When you're leaving school, try the adventurous path! You can always fall back on the known later.

  • Question:

  • Sounds like we're in a dangerous place, sounds like I need to keep that antivenim..while I go...get help *laughs*

  • Question:

  • So, I *do* have two podcasts that I'm putting on the screen now that you should totally click and go listen to.

  • YouTube is how I spend most of my work energy, despite what you might think from the CGP Grey Reddit posts but,

  • podcasts allow me to, with fewer of my hours, make *lots* of hours of stuff for other people to enjoy.

  • Ostensibly, I'm doing this Q&A because I hit two million subscribers, but I'm way more impressed that these short videos, according to Youtube, have engaged more than a millennia of human attention.

  • At least, I was impressed until I did some back of the envelope calculations and realized that the podcast has eaten up 3 millenia of human attention,

  • Which makes the time-return on my time for podcasting, astounding.

  • So the bottom line is that these projects are rewarding in different ways

  • Have you clicked yet?

  • Go Click.

  • Seriously, do it right now.

  • I'd love to see this number get even bigger.

  • Question:

  • Of course.

  • Question:

  • Standardized tests measure how good you are at school.

  • Same with your report card.

  • They don't measure your understanding

  • and once you accept that they're easier to deal with.

  • Question:

  • Modem sounds. *beep boop beep tchhhhhhkkk* [Grey makes modem sounds]

  • Question:

  • 4, 5, 6, 7

  • Question:

  • I measure success by what percent of my time I have control over.

  • Reaching 100% isn't possible, but on average I've been getting closer.

  • If this is your goal too: beware the money trap.

  • I've always preferred jobs that earned less if they gave me more time -- which didn't pay off in the short term, but did in the long term.

  • The holidays are like 80% of the reason I went into teaching.

  • Question:

  • Watch the Dog Whisperer. I am deadly serious about this.

  • It's also my advice for new parents.

  • Question:

  • Last Q&A video I mentioned opinions and how to change them. The hardest changes are the ones where you're invested in the idea.

  • And I've been a techno-optimist 100% all of my life.

  • But this book put a real asterisk on that in a way that I didn't want.

  • And now Artifical Intelligence is on my near-term threat list in a deeply unwelcome way.

  • But it would be self-delusional to ignore a convincing argument because I don't want it to be true.

  • There's much more discussion on Hello Internet if you click here. Technoptimistis beware.

  • Question:

  • In my ideal life I would live in many different places for a year or two at a time, but that's not really practical now.

  • If I had to pick a new city at this very moment it would be Amsterdam.

  • Question:

  • Answered your own question there.

  • Question:

  • I don't know. The kind of automation I worry about is the same kind that creates Star Trek abundance.

  • The transition from here to there worries me and solutions that would work in this world might not work in the in between.

  • Also, I am open to the idea that I may be wrong about automation and many have good arguments as to why.

  • Technology decreasing jobs goes against all the data from all the history of all the world's economies.

  • But I think we'll find out sooner than most people expect.

  • Teslas are quasi-automated already -- and automation of transport is my prediction for the biggest, most visible impact on employment.

  • Even pizza companies are getting into the auto business!

  • Question:

  • Way too much Factorio. *Way* too much.

  • Also, Rimworld. And, much to my own surprise, American Truck Simulator: so relaxing.

  • I cannot wait for them to add the rest of the states, and Canada. Please?

  • Question:

  • It used to look like this...

  • But, I've just set up a brand new one and it looks like this.

  • Question:

  • ::sigh:: Yeah, maybe.

  • Devil's in the details though. At one extreme end, if you want to take out tens of thousands of dollars in loans to persue a degree in something that ends in 'studies',...

  •'d be better off taking that money and starting a restaurant.

  • Don't get me wrong, starting a restaurant is a *terrible* idea but it's a *better* terrible idea.

  • On the other end if you live in a country that pays for college and you're getting a degree in a high-paying field, that's easy to recommend.

  • But between those extremes is where difficult decisions lie.

  • Personally, I went to college and took out a loan and got a degree close to this end of the spectrum...

  • ...but I only felt comfortable doing that because I was also getting a degree on this end of the spectrum.

  • Shock surprise: this one paid my bills and this one was a nice hobby.

  • Question:

  • Your life is in your hands alone now - this is the best and worst thing about adulthood.

  • Question:

  • Jesus Christ man, have you ever seen eye surgery?

  • You're *awake*, it's *your eyes*. I'll consider eye surgery only when I can replace them fully.

  • Question:

  • No, obviously not. UhMaybe?

  • Question:

  • It doesn't matter. Only agreement matters.

  • Question:

  • To live abroad is to be constantly reminded of outsider status. So I don't feel remotely British.

  • But having lived in the UK for the whole of my adult life, however, now when I go back to America it feels like Canada -- familiar yet foreign.

  • So I'm a bit homeless but it doesn't matter because people over-value national identities anyway.

  • In the end I feel like someone who grew up in America and is just a person in the world.

  • Question:

  • Here's a super fast way to iron you're clothes:

  • Don't bother: buy clothes that don't need ironing. I've just saved you hundreds of hours of your life. You're welcome.

  • Question:

  • I think New Year's resolutions are dumb and designed to fail.

  • I mean, how many of you have already totally abandoned your New Year's resolutions?

  • But I do like themes for the year.

  • This is my Year Of Less -- you'll need to go to Cortex for a full explanation -- because it's a bit complicated and not what it sounds like and I'm still kinda working on it.

  • Question:

  • Messy and, to the surprise of many, cursive.

  • Question:

  • Poorly. My stress management technique is to remove the source.

  • I'd rather eliminate the problem than get better at dealing with it.

  • Question:

  • It's hard to separate my thoughts on national flags from the countries themselves.

  • Scrolling through the list I find myself drawn to the Canadian Flag, the U.K., Germany and Nordic flags...

  • ...but it's because I *like* those places.

  • That said, I'm also always a sucker for a strong design in the center: like Barbados & Kenya.

  • And most national flags are pretty good, if a little safe -- they're no abomination like the state flags.

  • It's harder to pick the top out of bunch of mostly good designs as opposed to picking the best out of a pile of poo.

  • Question:

  • I didn't read as many as I would have liked but I'm going to pick "So You've Been Publically Shamed" as my book of the year.

  • If I designed a school curriculum, it would be required reading for the 'Living on The Internet' module.

  • Question:

  • I divide my working time into units, each unit is 40 minutes long and I spent 5 units over a couple of days looking at the most upvoted questions...

  • ...and all the questions in random order and selecting the ones that interested me ...

  • ...then many, many more units writing various drafts.

  • This script started at a 5,000 boring messy words and got cut to 2,000 hopefully more interesting words.

  • And thank you to everyone who submitted questions. I'm aware that I only got to half a percent of them, so we'll have to do this again sometime.

  • Oh, and of course:

  • Question:

  • Squarespace is the easiest way to create a beautiful website, blog, or online store, for you and your ideas.

  • I use Squarespace to run my own website and I can highly recommend that you use it to run your website.

  • It's super easy.

  • You can click the link in the description or go to to get 10% off at checkout.

  • If you're considering starting a website of your own, I can personally recommend Squarespace.

  • So go ahead. Check out Squarespace. Use the offer code "Grey". And help Squarespace. Help yourself. Help this channel.

Hello Internet!


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與格雷的問答#3。千年的人類關注 (Q&A With Grey #3: Millenia of Human Attention)

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