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top of the morning tea.
Ladies, My name is except the guy.
And welcome back to Similac Ra to also still sick.
Tony, are we playing the same game?
But I am in the same head space as well.
That's great.
Consistency is key when it comes to doing YouTube.
So let's say we we delved into the phone.
We restored it a little bit.
What is our warden doing?
We have Maya's case file.
We have that on on record.
Now we have distressed Maya, if you couldn't tell from her face and the way she was acting, Uh, let's go into our chats.
We have to start interviewing all of her friends in the first episode.
I also didn't realise that the person on Kimera, not you, Rex.
You're fucking dingus.
Um okay.
Can I go back?
The person on Kimera who was telling the story of being like they were open to their fans and everything, and I was saying, Don't be too open and don't rely on a too much.
She was talking about music, Everything.
That was the mean a friend.
I didn't put that together.
Uh, what is this guy saying?
Is he?
Oh, God!
Oh, I miss a shit.
God fucking damn it!
Anyway Ah, I just sent you my police report.
Please respond.
Setting up, down camera off!
God, What a day the hell did you do with your help?
I need help with a camera there, but shut up and get back to work.
I'm just trying to help you miserable piece of shit, Okay?
Fucking boomers.
Alright, let's slowly send an audio recording.
This isn't demeanors.
There's a lot to get over.
So let's go through these Ever gonna read it like, piece by piece by piece by piece.
I'm going to get out the best stuff.
Sort of prying so late.
So I thought about it, and I'm in.
You will be my first ever client claim.
For what?
Let's just do this.
Oh, my God.
I'm so excited.
Thank you so much for officially being my manager.
I feel like the real deal.
Now I'll follow all of your advice.
You're gonna be, like sensing.
See you next week.
That was the 12th of August, and then she didn't reply at all.
Uh, Maya, like, it might be a tech issue, but a song I uploaded got removed.
I removed.
Why did you get a hang of managing your brand?
Everything go through me first K.
I'm not feeling too good about Maya.
Guys, Uh, this isn't fair.
You don't like own me, okay?
I mean, I did it for your own good.
You give me so much anxiety right now.
Stop trying to control me.
I'm not your popper.
A puppet.
I'm so angry.
Okay, just relax and you'll see I'm right.
It's all gonna pay off.
No, I don't believe Just hate you.
You're horrible.
I can't wait to get a real manager who?
And that immediately said my I'm sorry.
That was really mean.
I shouldn't have said that.
It's not like you're doing so great yourself right now to Dale.
It's all going down.
Watership down the ninth of September.
That was what?
Ah, 31st of August.
I got it.
I got it.
Did I say I got it?
Thank you so much.
My, uh, your advice really worked The last time I audition, they kept telling me I got the talent, but like the X factor, Like, what does that even mean?
But who cares?
I did what you said and they booked me on the spot.
I am scheduled for next month, so please come.
Oh, someone's taken a fucking baseline out for a walk.
That's fantastic.
Told you I was right about the branding.
Oh, my.
Can you try talking to Aryan Rex to get off my back and let me do my own thing?
Like, just let me breathe?
They feel like they just soul condescending all the time.
It's like it's, like, really tiring to deal with.
I mean, I know they're older than me and stuff, but I'm not a kid, okay?
Oh, my God.
It's, like, so totally exhausting.
And Roy, I mean, that is exhausted and annoy.
Um, poor Amina means Got the top.
She got the X factor.
Uh, by the way, your last post.
I'm not crazy about the picture.
I think you can change.
Is something a bit more edgy?
Oh, God, this is so fucking annoying.
Imagine like this is technically the job that I get to do is what they're doing.
You get to be an influence, so you get to do whatever you want.
You got to play by your own rules.
What about you getting a manager.
That's like a You need to do this, by the way, and then you need to do this on this.
That would just take out all of the fun of doing this.
Oh, no, me?
No, I'm so sorry.
I completely blanked and forgot about tonight.
Did the show go?
I've been dropping the ball on everything.
I've just been so tired.
You know, I feel like I've been seeing.
Never mind.
I'll make it up to you soon.
She'd been seeing ghosts being seen.
Similac Chris, What was it that the Similac room actually was?
It was like a copy of yourself.
Um, remember, we looked it up for the original game, which this is technically the 4th 1 Now, I forgot that these people made Sarah is missing as well.
Um, do you like it under a gray rock?
Are you doing a great rock on me right now?
I'm so sorry.
My, um are you ignoring me or something?
Not dead.
Did Did I do something wrong to annoy, you know, dead?
I feel like I haven't seen you in so long.
You're not leaving us?
Are you.
It's just that you're the best at keeping the gang going in.
I need you to be your own together.
There's a lot of this.
I need you.
You should do this.
And, no, you're not as good without me.
None of it feels really like all of their friendship seemed so, uh, situational and so business driven.
That's like, No, we need you in the group.
You're the only thing keeping us together Also.
How are you?
Maybe that would go a long way.
Uh, I've got more questions.
Am I in trouble, Detective?
Got this?
Sounds like the start of a crappy porn.
I wanna hear your side of the story.
Let's be nice.
I mean, I don't know what else to say.
Evidence techs to meet.
I can't help thinking like I could have helped her somehow.
It's so sad that she died alone.
You gotta be there for each other.
Not just for the followers and not just for the gram Gram you got.
You actually have to be there for each other.
There was nothing you could have done.
She was a close friend.
How are you coping?
Uh, she was a close friend.
I don't want us to see Evelyn recording.
Put my phone or do I have to start?
Why am I still getting notifications?
She was my manager, but we were friends too.
She believed in me from the start.
You know, I was struggling to get out.
You want to listen to me.
But she heard me.
She helped me change my luck and made me who I am today.
But did you like her?
I know you say you were friends too, but I think it was all business E.
I'm not sticking anymore.
You look different before.
Sounds like you owe a lot to her.
I don't know.
I don't think Meena is a big bad.
I think she's just in this place right now at this time, doing what she does all of us do.
She taught me a lot about this business.
Your follower numbers matter more than talent.
Oh, shit.
She saw any signs of stress before this.
That was a timer.
Even my I got worried when she lost followers.
All that stress must have eaten up in sight.
Did she show signs of stress before this?
Just recently before she should have been there for her More.
I keep thinking about how, for fuck's sake, turn around a person to share any stalkers.
I don't think so.
Oh, but some of her fans were kinda intense.
So can I go now, please?
All this?
My attack is really triggering me right now.
I need some time alone.
Okay, So were the same before.
I don't even time to read it.
What if no one reported her death?
If that random person didn't call the cops, would anyone have found her?
I mean, if she is a significant person online with a follower, count and everything, surely someone would have poked into her life eventually.
I mean, I would like to think so if I just vanished off the face of the earth in the morning and never posted anything again.
I would like to think that somebody would come looking for me.
If you're worried that no one will come looking for me, then I don't know.
It kind of feels like he didn't have much impact on people's lives, which would be very, very sad if no one did come looking for you If you died.
That's a horrible thought.
Uh, we will get to the bottom of this.
Me and my detective skills.
Okay, bye.
Samina is a bust.
I don't think Meena is much to go on.
What is this?
Have you guys got tickets to my show yet?
I promise that it's worth it from practicing nonstop.
She just posted this.
Are you not tourney up about your fucking friend?
What was the last thing she said?
She said all this Maya talk is really triggering me right now.
I need some alone time on.
Then Big Daddy Detective comes out.
That's the wrong or app.
It's like if you guys got tickets to my show yet I promises it's worth it.
Been practicing nonstop.
So you're not trigger need alone time.
Right now, your dedication to your craft is inspiring.
My mom and I are big friends.
Come to Brazil.
She got 417 hang tens.
I really wish real life Twitter had those instead of ah just loves.
We're going.
It used to be stars.
Well, that stars favorites.
I know it's likes.
Uh, we're gonna save Rex for last.
Does he think he's amazing?
Ah, okay.
What's going on?
with you guys so much to get through.
Oh, my God.
One vegan burger and everyone's lost their minds.
I was hungry.
There was no way we heard some of this.
Um, the group is trying to control.
You guys had a big fight.
Uh, hey, my, uh Are you okay?
I haven't heard from you in a while.
You haven't dished me now that you're famous, right?
We heard this was like, huh?
You have dishing out your own famous right?
We had an argument before, but now that you're famous, I just gonna act all normal because I died.
Need the followers give love to make, uh, I need to get out of my house.
Things have been really weird.
Let me know.
Uh, we need to talk alone.
What do we need to talk about, Detective?
I've already told you everything I know.
Have you?
What about math?
Uh, you seem like you're in charge of the group.
I'm kind of curious to see how she responds to this.
Someone has to take the lead, but I'm not sure how I can help.
Do I need a lawyer for this conversation?
Maybe we're just talking area Slew the detective.
It's never just talking with cops, though.
Can we please just get this over it so I could go back to my life?
Ah, she didn't get a lawyer.
Um, anything I could do to make this easier.
Were you two close?
There's only to be defensive.
Let's let's diffuse the situation short of leaving me alone, you could start by getting to the point town.
Everything is falling apart and I have to pretend everything's fight work has been stressful enough as it is.
Uh, what's falling?
A perch, your life, your personality, your ego.
My entire career, from the looks of ha, I was right.
I am a detective, Mike.
I'm Air Account is going down, and I'm not sure why.
As devastated as I am right now, I still have to craft the perfect R I p response for my followers.
Oh, fuck off.
Otherwise my performance will tank even further.
Oh, suck my rectum.
There's nothing worse than like manufactured sympathy, like why?
Why write something at all if you're just going to write it for the sake of trying to get likes and followers out of it like right stuff that you actually care as shit pisses me off.
So tired of that nonsense online.
I see so much of it all the time.
And I'm like, Wait, you're told And then write a funny joke on Twitter about poop.
That's how I deal with my anger.
Eso It's all fake.
Yeah, get to the bottom of the detective Dragon breaks rules.
And, of course, on I'm authentic in my own way.
Your followers can make or break you in an instant.
You have to keep them happy at all times.
On that means making sacrifices.
No, you don't.
You don't have to make anybody happy all the time.
It's an unrealistic expectation of people to try and make everybody happy all the time.
I'm a I'm a happy, positive person most of the time, but all the time Hell, no.
Sometimes I have to swing a fucking break against the wall.
Not literally, because I do not want to deal with my emotions in an angry way because that's an unhealthy way and unknown healthy association.
But God, all of this shit is to really though there are a lot of people online who have a following who are like.
So I need to do everything for my fans.
And I need to do this or that or the other, because otherwise my followers are going to go down.
Who gives a shit if to go down that bull?
Whoop de do they go up and down all the time anyway?
That's the That's the thing about online stuff.
They can't keep going up forever.
Keep maintaining the same level all the time.
That's how you go crazy.
And that's how you end up being depressed cause yourself starts going down and that everyone's like, What radio?
You didn't do anything wrong.
The Internet's just fickle and they move on from things and they like different things.
And everybody's opinions are all different all the time.
It doesn't matter.
I'm very, very heated about this.
As you can see, I'm gonna get on my soap box and I'm gonna yell from the clothes.
This is a lie.
Will die.
Uh, kind of sacrifices.
Time, effort, family approval.
Need I go on work.
Doesn't feel like work when you love your job.
Oh, shit.
So for most of us, pressure is worth it.
Ah, Do you think the pressure got to my eye.
I got pressured into picking An answer.
Seems like it.
She was never good at handling stress.
She was always overdoing it with her lifestyle.
Who knows what kind of supplements she was popping?
Maybe she dropped dead in her living room from pure exhaustion.
Jesus Christ.
What kind of supplements?
Vitamins, performance, drugs.
I'm not her mom.
How the hell would I know are true that the investigator you don't?
Because I am.
I'd like to get back to my shoot now.
Ah, back to work.
Let's keep the light of question to go and pressure her.
Detective Detective Jack A boy.
This kind of work re literally never ends.
Glad to be of help.
I mean, that is true.
And a lot of what she's saying is true.
To an extent, it's how much you buy into it and how much you, like, Throw yourself into it.
How about you give yourself over to it?
Because fame and celebrity and followers and influence and all that stuff can go to your head very, very quickly if you don't have the right people around you or a little bit of self awareness around you as well.
And that's why you see so many people right so quickly and drop off so fast because it starts going to their head and they don't They're not in it for the right reasons anymore to make a bunch of silly decisions because they're not.
They're not keeping with it for the reasons they start it.
And if your goal is to start off doing it for fame and numbers and people and followers and all that stuff, then yes, it's gonna, like, dissolve very, very quickly.
I think that's why a bunch off us who have done it for years and years and years now on have still, like, kept true.
Oh, God, I pick my desk kept true to who we are and kept true to what we were doing it.
I still do this because I absolutely loved the craft of it.
I love entertaining.
I love making stuff.
I love interacting with all of you.
I love.
I just love it.
It's such a fun job to do, and without it I don't know where I'd be in life.
I had such a shooting time of life before I started doing any of this and just going back and remembering all of that every day is really damn important because that's that's how you don't That's how you avoid becoming this, which is just so gross and weird.
I hated I.
I'd rather have none of it.
Then do it for the sake of doing it, because the numbers need to stay up because that's it's just not for any more.
And that temptation is always there.
And I have fed into it like every now and then, not completely.
But it would be stupid to say that I've never, like, felt that temptation.
Everybody has every single creator has because that temptation is there.
But it's like when you dip your toe into it, it's like I, you know, I don't really want to go swimming after all.
I think that that's the dividing line for people not to have some sort of like holier than thou attitude about it.
Or to be like, though I'm better or anything like that again.
If you want to do it for the numbers in the followers, go ahead.
I'm not going to stop you.
To me that's just gross and to me that that's just a very short candle that will burn out very fast.
It'll burn super bright, but then it's gone and you have nothing left after it.
Unless you're fucking Kim Kardashian or somebody in your in absolute genius at it.
Um, but drawing from my own experience going through this type of stuff and when it starts to rise up in everything, I think the reason they kept going and this stuff didn't get to me because I just tried to make content to the best of my abilities and just trying to keep going instead of feeding into all of that like Media Machine.
I think that's why me and a bunch of my friends are still doing it and still enjoy doing it is because we haven't fed into that side of it.
It's fine to tap into it for like, the bigger opportunities, like the bigger projects I want to do, the bigger brand deals that I want to do on to try and like, pushed the envelope further.
But I think if that's all you become, then your entire career just falls apart because you just you're you're building a career out of cards instead of stone pillars.
Um, anyway, not too get old preachy about it.
But some of this stuff just sparks Interesting conversation for somebody like me who does this stuff as their job and then hearing a game.
Talk about it by fucking Rexy.
Let's see what Rex.
He's upto my Irish brother who is a piece of shit, but we'll just see their exes checking in.
You think we could get into the jabber thing?
Yeah, Yeah, I can get you into that networking dinner.
Those guys owe me as a plus.
I'll even explain all the complicated marketing terms you because I'm a swell guy.
Make it obvious you're on my day.
Don't cock block me.
All right?
Rex, you're at You are just the smelliest piece of shit.
Gross, Major, I rolled, Mr Casanova, I really doubt girls air falling at your feet when you look older than my dad on.
Trust me, that weird care you have is not helping.
Yes, Maya.
Fuckin take off his pants and spank him.
Uh, don't he probably like that?
Now's not a good time, all right?
I'm trying to get these douches to explain why I showed up to an almost empty hall.
My talks used to be a full house kind of deal.
So what the hell is this bullshit?
I even paid for ads this time.
I know I had eyeballs on those.
So why is translating into numbers?
See, this is what I'm talking about.
If it's just why is it not translating into number?
Maybe it's because you're just seeing the people whose numbers and you're not relating to anybody.
You're not interacting with anybody.
You just expect shit toe happen to you because you think you're God's pissed.
Oh, sorry.
My idea.
I think I really think it's gonna solve all of that for you.
Trust me on this.
Just give me a call later.
Find this.
Better be good, man.
Can't believe I joined some girl group.
Are Don't be a spoil sport.
Oh, because it's only the other girls in it.
Thanks for sticking with me.
This note.
So group.
That's what friends do.
My last so called friend almost got me locked away for life.
That mofo bastards.
How do you almost get someone locked away for life?
We'll never do that to your ex Pinky promise.
You know, I look out for you.
I wonder if his friend is something got to do with the previous game because we already had Taylor.
I think that was the guy who was singing last time.
And we might hear something about Greg.
I think the detective is some part of it from last time as well.
Yeah, fine.
I'll admit it.
It's pretty sweet to have a team that's got my back.
All right.
Don't get too excited.
I'm alone out for Wolf.
I can handle flying solo just fine.
But I guess what I'm trying to say is, uh it's, you know, nice.
Not everyone's that to screw you over, says Mr Con Man himself.
That's fucking brilliant.
Let's let's hear that one more time, shall we?
It's it's delicious.
Oh, the tasty treats Mo.
Yeah, fine.
I'll admit it.
It's pretty sweet to have a team that's got my back.
All right.
Don't get too excited.
I'm alone out for Wolf.
I can handle flying solo just fine.
I'm a lone alfa wolf, baby.
You got even handled me in the bedroom are out of the bedroom.
I can handle myself just fine, but Also where people not showing up to my talks.
Why is it not translating into numbers?
Yeah, So I looked up your noise issue.
I think you're old.
Ask year is just picking up all sorts of interference or, you know, it could be aliens.
Okay, so this is October.
So this is when the ship was hitting the find for her.
So you think it's just interference on my speakers?
Are those like, radio is okay.
That kind of makes sense is just kind of scary.
To hear voices from nowhere and no is definitely not my meditation chance.
I guess I'll try cutting.
Always sleep music.
Then why?
You have no proof that that was a reason for that?
It also could just be your Alexa or Google home.
You know, those motherfuckers say weird shit all the time.
Have any weight?
I'm gonna do this right now.
Um oh, God.
What's a good one?
Ah, Alexa, What's 100?
100 in Welsh.
If it's if it's doing that for you right out.
You're very, very welcome.
Uh, I don't have one for Google.
I'm sorry.
I only have Alexis at home.
Yeah, I'm not a peasant.
I we have a Google home as well.
Alexis just able to doom.
Or she interacts with more of my house until I went away to America and then came back at all my Amazon products d link themselves.
For some reason, I had to set them all up again.
Technology is perfect.
Um, are you followed up in their client deal yet?
All right.
A lot of crazy stuff has been happening.
You know, like ghosts, demons, me dying.
Hey, get your head in the game.
All right.
This isn't some happy copy friendship pact.
We're running a business here.
Point taking you to something nagging.
No, don't give me that.
Are you trying to kill off the group?
Oh, my God.
Are you still mad over that ad I did for Patrick Saint Patrick.
Patty himself the patron saint of Ireland.
Me and Rex have a kindred spirit since you brought it up.
You can't do my prom of it, but totally jumped on that loser's crap thing.
Oh, you can't do my promo of it.
But you jumped on that loser's crap thing.
I told you it just sort of happened I order the apology.
So my is, like a pretty big deal.
She's like managing this entire thing.
You best remember.
I don't need any of you.
All right?
I can drop you tomorrow and be just a Okay.
Well, go ahead, then.
The second I get something better.
You bet your ass a well.
Oh, but he's a He's a Alfa wolf and he can roam on his own.
He doesn't need the pack.
You know, he'll just be cannibalized out in the wilderness.
Dude, you want some dough?
Master treat just hit me up soon, all right?
Oh, let's see what this tasty messages.
My, Are you just gonna keep ignoring me?
Just be straight up.
You don't hide from me.
I'm not gonna buy.
If you can't handle the pressure or this thing's really not working out, let's just hash it out like adults.
This is hash it out like adults, you know?
All right, let's get sorry.
I'm still sick.
I need to swallow all of the snot that just went down my throat.
Is that delightful?
We all do it.
Shut up.
You don't judge me.
I could drop you tomorrow, Ok?
I didn't scan Ah, Anya's arias was frightening.
I've got more questions.
We need to talk alone.
I got more questions.
I got more questions for the Alfa Lone Wolf.
God, What you got to use Maya's number almost killed me there, huh?
I get it.
God, Rex.
Oh, you were just diarrhea in human form.
You think this is funny, Mr Quirky Irishman?
It's my way of dealing anyway.
Mr Officer, that's Mr Policeman Officer to you, time is money.
So shoot those questions, shoot you in the face.
I need you to take this seriously.
I got a lot on my mind, all right?
I gotta rethink my workflow now with Maya.
God, figure out a new career plan.
Problems keep piling up on me, then look for solutions.
I'm sorry.
I just can't stand this guy.
He's putting a bad name on Irish people.
You know?
I'm out here, Mr Top of the Morning Sunshine Ray Happiness, talking about potatoes and looking charms all the time.
I'm really pushing the Irish nation forward.
But Rex, he's bringing us back down.
I don't like him.
Um What problems?
Let me break it down.
Less followers equals big problem.
Ah, How was my first fucking panicking in these answers?
I don't do well under pressure.
Like we said, she was being weird.
A f even more than usual.
So my theory aliens My ride on some bullshit detox, self care trip, whatever she did, their messed up her face.
And she got so upset, she just croaked.
Uh, what kind of detox does that man I know?
Rabbit food expert.
She's 101 allergies.
Who knows?
I know you're just you're playing detective, but just let me say Maya being dead means business is bad for everyone.
Especially me.
Jesus, you fuckers!
Everyone immediately, Arthur be like it's so sad that she's dead because my followers aired out in it.
All right, Pete, come.
Well, we didn't check.
Uh, what the focus?
Your name area?
Anya didn't check her post that came in a second ago.
Always thinking of profits, huh?
Gotta be practical.
No point making any more drama over things.
No point making I m o drama.
Okay, time's up.
You need anything else?
If I've could have made 7800 books in these few minutes of talking to you, maybe put those monies into English in lessons.
Mr Big Shot, we'll be in touch.
You've been a big help.
No, he hasn't been a big cock.
Wrap it up fast, will you?
Jesus, You fuckers!
All right.
What's Ari?
Okay, I don't make more.
I don't make excuses.
I make money.
Hashtag quote of the day.
I don't need friends.
They disappoint me.
Jesus, Uh, Aria Park know it isn't easy.
This life isn't for everyone.
So before you think you can do my job, let me spare you some wisdom.
Don't compare yourself to me, ever.
You're not on my level, and you never will be.
You know, there is a nice message in there somewhere about being like this job isn't easy.
It's not all it's cracked up to be.
There are sides of it that thought everybody shows because not every everyone feels like not everyone wants to see that kind of stuff on DS.
It can get hurt, but just take care of yourself, okay?
But if you really want to go for it, you can do it.
You know something?
That's not like Get off my fucking level, you stupid bitches!
That's the T MK Mike Friggin drop getting ahead of yourself there.
Lem ao o hit him with a fucking fat limo.
He doesn't make jobs.
He makes careers.
He isn't a man.
He's a god.
He's not cool.
He's a fool like that.
There's always one person to call them out in the middle of all of these.
Uh, that's a pretty dope ass picture.
Okay, uh, let's go back to okay.
I don't really want to be on camera for a second.
Let's go to areas.
I was able to scan hers.
Shit up there.
You nice area spiked with Maya area has some animosity towards Maya.
Even telling Maya to just disappear.
All right.
Did we get anyone anything for Meena as we were going through it?
I hate you.
You're horrible.
Mean, a spot with my so everyone.
Everyone had a reason, but but not enough to kill her.
Where these people blocked.
Is this Maya Crane?
Just because you're famous doesn't mean you're not another stupid dumb slut.
Who the hell do you think you are giving other people fitness advice?
When you're discussing land, will yourself just shut up or I'm going to come over to your house.
Cut your tongue out and make you choke on it slowly and painfully.
The fuck was that ending?
All right.
Lovely piece of the Internet there for us.
Good morning.
My hope.
You have a great weekend ahead.
Hi and thanks.
Sorry for being rude, but I don't seem to have your number saved on my phone.
Who's this?
Oh, I just keyed in your number randomly.
How do you know my name?
Stairs shyly at the ground or caught.
Okay, I lied.
I'm just a huge fat.
And you're such an inspiration to be.
I've seen every single thing you've posted every post op.
Did you get my number from Ponders over whether to snitch?
Stop writing.
You're not six years old.
I'm ending this comfort out.
Rex, It was Rex.
That mother I paid for one of his classes because I knew.
He knows you adjust collar and blush is nervously OK.
I hope you're happy ripping up my freaking hard.
You, you you heartless, which you're gonna be sorry when I kill myself.
And then and then we'll see how many people will think you're such a great star.
Fucking lovely.
I just love the Internet.
Oh, you're just like all those other whores parading themselves for.
Thirsty man on Kimera.
You're the one who fucking contacted her.
Don't come running to me once all those chads use you up and choke you aside.
Oh, my God.
It's hard being on the Internet, all right?
What are people posting the Kimera?
You guys, thank you so much for coming out to my show tonight.
I really felt the love things that heinous.
So roll I can't find the words Why?
Where was my guiding light?
Without hurt?
I'm just groping her own in darkness.
You know, that's like that just stalks me.
Everywhere I go, I have to keep crashing into titles Suffering.
Are you 14 positions deep?
You guys tonight it was just me pouring myself into the music.
Meaning no, that's what she would have wanted.
Man, that was really deep.
Adele could have rolled in that.
God, I do like this dynamic, though, of showing what they post to be like.
This is what the public sees is like, Oh, you're such a good person.
Wow, You're so amazing.
My would have loved that and then you talk to them behind the scenes.
It's like everything's not really what it seems to be.
I like that.
That's fun.
It's just really Oh my God, Meena, I'm so, so sorry.
I mean, don't get me wrong.
I mean, it could still be authentic, but I don't know, based on what we've been chatting with her, this just seems like a employees, especially since she said I'm so triggered from Maya and I need some alone time and then immediately talked about selling tickets for her show.
This was so moving.
And yes, she would want you to carry on.
Will always support you.
Sincere outpouring could use more tears Eight out of 10 go to right.
That's an I g N review for that sadness.
Go to write a sad song about this.
Now what the fuck?
How can you be so insensitive?
Just stating facts mean as hell a predictable some people are seeing through it.
That's always the case is well, you.
You see, people call somebody out in the comments of something they post every now and then.
It's like, Oh, Yikes!
And then other people, just like No, you're jealous hater.
You just wish that blah, blah, blah.
It's got a funny um, you're really going to dictate how she can and can't feel?
No wonder she's depressed.
I mean, I guess because just cause we know the behind the scenes sort of aspect to it, it's just l It's fascinating style by area.
Oh, that's area.
Uh, grief is the price you pay for love.
Lexa cost us.
This picture means the world to me because my best friend took it.
She was the closest thing I have to a sister as she will be missed.
Rest in peace.
So you know this bullshit now because she said she only posted because she needed a post.
Um and this is why it's so hard to distinguish online because there are people who genuinely post stuff that who genuinely feel this way about things who are just being sincere, a nice and open and honest.
But all of the people then who realize that Oh, that's a good way to get clicks and likes and have people like me.
Then they just start feeding into it because they know that that's a way of gaming, the system and then it makes all the sincere people look insincere on Is this really weird cycle?
And then you don't know what's real and what's not riel.
And then it succeed.
People who are just generally nice people who have met in life, who post something online that everyone can.
It tears into the mirror.
No, but they're genuinely just a really nice person.
But everyone get cynical on the Internet.
All right, let's let's read the hot gas in its God.
I'm fucking terrible.
I'm like a 14 year old.
Oh, baby's crying outside the door.
I can't let him in, though, because the windows open because it's hot in here and he'll get out.
Um, I'm like I like a little teenager in my room being like, give me the tea.
Uh, I'm so sorry for your loss area.
Feel better soon?
Hashtag hugs.
You and Maya had a beautiful friendship.
My condolences.
Hey, you can drop me a line if you need to talk.
Did you just sneak in a brand shout out in a grief post today?
My A B F f morning eulogy, grief, hot threads boutique.
Ooh, Hold on.
You're sly nail polish.
drop was a one was one thing, but this?
No, thank you.
This is shameless folk.
How could you think to profit off your best friend's death?
Perhaps has done some fishy things, but she hasn't song as sunk as low as you have.
Let her grieve the way she wants to.
Maya wouldn't have minded.
Juicy Tired of losers holding you back, Tired of losers holding back your perfect self.
Oh, I read that wrong.
Uh, no.
How about Charles spearing here?
You know, don't you deserve loyal admirers instead of persistent haters?
I mean, that's the weird thing about extreme loyalty that if you have to believe, if you believe all of the extreme stuff that people are saying you on the positive aspect, that doesn't mean you can't have to believe all the extreme negativity people are saying on the other end, there's a there's a healthy middle to stay between.
It's nice to get compliments on.
Sometimes you need people to call you out and stuff and like course correct and criticism is healthy criticism.
Mind you, not pure vitriolic hatred.
That's not criticism, even if people say it is.
But there's a healthy balance right in the middle that you need to live it.
Otherwise, you go one way or the other.
Don't you deserve loyal admires and said no.
There is nothing no to everything.
Just spare minute as we reshape reality.
Okay, Take these questions to see how you like your reality to be shaped to.
Which image best describes how you see yourself voting in the woods?
Who spooky my getting hacked?
Dude, I didn't even pay to get hacked.
Uh, what would your journey to the top feel like?
Snorting a bunch of pink cocaine arm wrestling?
What's the top left?
One I know.
Claiming books.
That's deep.
What do you seek the most?
Weed flying high, multicolored cocaine.
I don't know the bottom.
Well, it looks like mirrors, and I'm gonna go with self reflection.
Uh, what would you change about yourself?
The fact that I looked like moldy apples.
What are you willing to become daft punk?
Oh, these ones are actually cool.
Ah, I don't like the bottom left.
One is much top left on his cool top.
One is cool.
Top right?
One is cool.
That's my type of imagery.
You just get Hackett.
You are a creative soul in mid bloom straddling the line between improving your craft and selling out.
Realize your potential through I'd let me read through your own identity.
You have the power of using raw emotion to total into people's hearts.
Use it with impurity of an artist.
I mean, that is me.
I have sat so it moves and I moved my phone.
I have sat on the school painting dewdrops before Hell, yeah.
Was that shit?
Ah, dude, this is sweet.
Ah, it's still sinking music.
My his laptop.
I don't have this way.
Gonna get this to your m.
I like the power people fearing me.
I used to be a huge bully.
Maybe I still am.
I think that I liked the power people fearing me although that was short lived because we need for affection was greater.
Don't you know how that's the quote they take out of this?
It would be like me saying, like, I used to be a huge piece of shit and I loved bullying people.
And then the rest of it is all about, like getting better on hating the old version.
of myself.
But then the articles would just be like accepting.
I used to be a bully and he loved the power.
Ah, although that was short lived because we ne