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  • Oh, it's a match that sounds too good to be true.

  • The last of us adapted into a TV series on HBO being held by a combination of the original writer Neal Druckman and Craig Mason, the latter being the creator and writer of HBO's Chernobyl.

  • Welcome to Watch Mojo and today we're going to go through the top 10 Things we need in HBO's The Last of Us.

  • Everyone barricaded themselves in their homes and supplies started running low.

  • That's when you saw what people are really capable of for this list will be looking at what made both the last of us and Chernobyl such compelling pieces of entertainment, as well as what made previous video again, meditations, successes or failures to see how HBO's the Lost of us can be the best it can possibly be.

  • Well, then I'm staying.

  • Ellie.

  • We'll get another shot at this number.

  • 10.

  • The early years of the outbreak.

  • One thing we don't want to see is for the serious to be a 1 to 1 adaptation of Jolan, Eli's journey across the United States.

  • That story is perfect as it is.

  • Don't change it and don't remake it instead for this promise.

  • We're going to take a page from the Witch and Netflix series and proposed that the TV series should be set before the events of the main game.

  • The number of confirmed deaths has passed.

  • 200 Governor has called a state of emergency Thea the reason why it would be ideal to focus on the early outbreak as opposed to Jola.

  • Nellie's.

  • The walking dead like journey is that it runs the risk of being compared to the walking dead as opposed to its own thing.

  • It would certainly raise tensions to see how society adapts to the court.

  • Accepts outbreak.

  • Russian Line has no number nine jewels missing years, so I'll take one guess The whole deal went south in the client made off with their pills.

  • Is that about right?

  • With one downside in having the Siri's be a prequel is that we're unlikely to see Ellie play a major role, though we will still have the second game to make up for that.

  • That said, it would easily give Joel the screen time necessary to be further flushed out and expand his backstory.

  • You have any idea what's going on out there?

  • I got some notion.

  • Hold shit.

  • Got blood all over you.

  • How did he deal with the death of Sarah during those early outbreak days?

  • Why did he have a falling out with his brother Tommy, that sent them tow opposite ends of the United States?

  • How did he end up crossing paths with both tests?

  • And Marlene?

  • The advantage of a Joel prequel is that we can also explore these fundamental relationships intertwined within a grounded story of grieving of a once lost child.

  • Don't do it.

  • Don't do this number.

  • Right, Maura, about the fireflies.

  • Almost immediately after the news broke about this project being in the works, HBO tweeted out a Jiff off the fireflies emblem along with the Moto.

  • Look for the lights.

  • This could indicate that we will find out more about how the fireflies were founded.

  • How they came into power in the midst of the court accepts outbreak and how they came into conflict with the U.

  • S.

  • Military.

  • Let's go find a firefly.

  • You won't have to look very far.

  • Go Queen Firefly.

  • This would also mean that Marlene would have a more prominent role in the show as she was one.

  • The founding members of the group.

  • Most importantly, this story, I could set the stage for a large scale conflict between the fireflies and U.

  • S.

  • Soldiers with you know it.

  • Click is in the middle of the battlefield.

  • No big deal, right?

  • Got those things are terrifying.

  • Number seven reflect modern day outbreaks when he's in pain and a source stick to his gun when he soiled himself five times a night, I'll be looking after him.

  • Where have you bean?

  • In the North and West Wing, where there are dozens of patients from Chernobyl exactly like him.

  • What made sure noble a masterpiece of television, is that despite being based on the infamous 1996 accident, it was extremely relatable to the Monday political landscape.

  • It focused on the theme off the cost of lies and how those in power tried to downplay and cover up the severity of the worst nuclear disaster in history.

  • Even sacrifice.

  • I didn't you didn't.

  • You did it because it's not there.

  • Look to today, and it's impossible to escape the news of the Corona virus and how various governments around the world have employed different ways to contain the outbreak.

  • More importantly, how some have botched appropriate measures to contain the virus.

  • Since we mentioned how the show may explain the origins of the fireflies, perhaps distrust of the government was how they grew in numbers or why vaccine tests failed.

  • It's certainly possible to convey all of this within the law off the lost of us.

  • Swear to me that everything that you said about the fireflies is true.

  • I swear every lie you tell incurs a debt to the truth.

  • Sooner or later, that debt is paid.

  • Number six, how the rest of the world has fed.

  • Okay, the loss of us was solely focused on what happened within the United States.

  • From start to finish.

  • We didn't hear is much of a peep as to what happened elsewhere in the world.

  • Following up from our last entry, we know different nations have employed different ways to approach and contain the Corona virus.

  • Maybe for this show, some nations were able to completely eradicate the infection, maybe others a completely devoid of human life.

  • Perhaps this could be an important piece of social commentary on the price of secrecy and patriotism in the face of the pandemic.

  • There's certainly no right or wrong answer here.

  • And that's what can lead to compelling storytelling That's could be, no doubt about the supremacy of Soviet nuclear industry.

  • Oh, the cage would be classified it It's a state secret.

  • Number five music by Gustavo Centralia This'll seems almost like a no brainer.

  • Gustavo Santa, Leah's iconic score for the loss of us perfectly captured the emotional Bates of despair and heartbreak and the bittersweet beauty of the world reclaimed by nature.

  • Outside of the loss of us Santo Leah's discography really speaks for itself.

  • His most recent TV, Siri's credit, was for the Netflix series Narcos Mexico.

  • He also managed to snag a BAFTA for his score on The Motorcycle Diaries and an Academy Award for his work on Brokeback Mountain.

  • Chernobyl's composer Hildegard, not idea, who also won an Academy Award for Jirka, would also be highly ideal.

  • Should Santa Leah be unavailable?

  • Number four More Marlene.

  • Even if you get her out of here, then what?

  • How long before she's torn to pieces by a pack of clickers, as we mentioned earlier.

  • Since it's possible the show could focus on the origins of the fireflies, it would also mean that one of its founding members.

  • Marlene could have a lead role in the show.

  • It would be the perfect opportunity, considering her appearances in the game and comic series has been relatively sparse.

  • How do you know that?

  • I was close with his brother, Tommy said.

  • If I was ever in a jam that could rely on.

  • What we do know is that she was supposedly really close with Eli's mother, Anna, who apparently died within a day off giving birth to Ellie.

  • Marlene made the promise to a dying friend that she would watch over her daughter.

  • But I've kept my promise all these years.

  • Despite everything that I was in charge of.

  • I looked after her.

  • I would have done anything for her.

  • And at times I mean watching over an adoptive baby daughter and leading a revolution in a mushroom zombie infested the United States.

  • There's a lot to work with here where your military's been wiping you guys out.

  • You're right about that.

  • Number three rolls for Troy Baker and Ashley Johnson.

  • I'm sorry appeal your daughter Joel, but I've lost people, too.

  • You have no idea what lost is whether or not Tribeca ends up surprising Israel's Joel remains to be seen seeing his video game adaptations rarely, if ever, recast their voice actors into a live action roles.

  • It's also impossible for Ashley Johnson to play Ellie, given that she's 36.

  • But that doesn't mean they should be looked over by casting directors, as both of them have strong resumes of physical acting performances, even if Troy's is mostly motion capture.

  • Plus, it would be an absolute sin if the original stars of the show one honored in some way in fact, the most ideal role to give Ashley.

  • She could be the one to play.

  • Eli's mother, Anna Laser scanned Jane's body across all spectrums, so maybe I can just cycle back down to all the infrared channels.

  • Number two ideal casting choices.

  • Maybe, Maybe, maybe they had a map or something to tell us where they were going before we take this too far as it needs to go, I mean, we would love to see the cost of the game reprised their role in the show, especially seeing as many of them look their parts.

  • Merle Dandridge is Marlene, Jeffrey Pierce is Tommy and any washing as test, but there's always the risk of scheduling conflicts.

  • So we have a few alternate options just in case.

  • Obviously, some fans might say Hugh Jackman for Joel, but a list Hollywood actors might be impossible for a TV series, so I'll short list of alternates for but Joel and Tommy, since their brothers would be Nikolai Cost a Waldo Joel Edgerton or Travis Vimal from Arlene.

  • Our short list would comprise of Simone Misic, Orson Equal, Martin Green.

  • We tried alternatives for a test, but honestly, Annie is just too perfect in that role to recast.

  • No, you don't.

  • Actually, I know things that Anthony doesn't know.

  • Before we continue.

  • Be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos.

  • You have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them.

  • If you're on your phone, make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications.

  • Number one.

  • You complex characters from Neil Druckman.

  • It's no secret that what really made the loss of us such an incredible story where it's complex and fleshed out characters.

  • So while we'd love to see characters like Joel, Malene, Tummy and Tess brought to life in this new live action, Siri's.

  • We would also like to make new characters in the world of this franchise.

  • Look at it this way.

  • There are always limitations with writing for pre established characters, but Druckman has proved that he's not shy about introducing new characters against fan expectations.

  • Let's not forget that one lost of us Part two trailer that only start characters we had never seen before.

  • Clipper Rings Way also hope against hope that these new characters are just red shirts for the apocalypse, either.

  • Still, if Neil Druckman and Craig Mason can't get us emotionally attached to these characters, who else can?

  • It's Tommy's birthday.

  • It's Holy.

  • Wanting to do is went to our lease and Dr Cost Country.

  • Do you agree with epics?

  • Check out this other recent clip from Watch Murder and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos.

Oh, it's a match that sounds too good to be true.


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我們在HBO的《最後的我們》中需要的10件事。 (Top 10 Things We Need in HBO's The Last of Us)

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