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Welcome back.
As you know, I am Eli the computer guy, and today I'm going to be teaching you how to in a certain records into tables and you're my sequel database.
And then how to be of a search through those records using something called This Select Command.
So basically what we're going to be doing is we're going to be inserting into a table that we create.
We're going to create a user's table.
We're going to basically insert a number of user records, and then we're going to be able to search through those user records using something called a select.
So that's what we're going to be showing you how to do today.
So this is pretty cool.
We're now to the point where we're getting to the meat and potatoes of my sequel, and you could actually do something useful with what I'm going to be showing you today.
If you really wanted to, it's there's not a lot of flash.
There's not a great user interface, but theoretically, if you wanted to create a database the way that I've showed you up until this point, created table for the database and then insert records into that table, you can then be able to sort through it using select.
And you have something that's kind of sort of useful, if maybe slightly ugly.
So this is kind of cool.
This is the point where we really start to do things that are pretty interesting.
So with that, let's go over to the computer so I can actually show you how to use, insert and select.
So here we are, back at my Mac book pro again.
I have a virtual box running, and I'm using the bun to desktop 18.4.
So the desktop is the gooey on a version of the U Bahn to operating system, and so we're going to be using that just again.
I think this is a good lab platform for when we start to do additional classes down the road when we start to use scripting.
Language is such as PHP in order to be able to connect with my sequel, so anyways.
With that, let's go down.
Click on the show applications, then go appear and you type in A terminals are going to the terminal and we click into terminal and yea, we have a terminal.
We'd have a nice little command prompt, but this isn't the right command prompt.
We need the my sequel Command prompt.
So we're gonna be using a pseudo my sequel.
So anybody coming to this series for the first time and going Wait a minute.
That's not how you're supposed to get into my sequel and you're kind of sort of correct.
We have not gotten into user accounts yet.
That will be in a class, maybe next class or the class after that.
Right now, we're just building out the internal structure of a my sequel database.
And then once that is done, I will show you how to create user accounts and deal with privileges, basically permissions and all that kind of stuff.
So right now we use pseudo my sequel to a log in to this my sequel database.
This will log us in as the A local host route user s O.
That we get full privileges.
If you have a normal database server already up and running and that already has user accounts with privileges.
This is the point where you'd simply typing my sequel space hyphen.
You space your user account space hyphen P, enter your password, and then you would have logged normally.
So yes, To be clear, this is a non standard way of logging, and that's what you get out of me.
Sometimes you get a non standard A cz we go.
123456 and we hit Enter.
And now we're into the my sequel Command Proper Hit Control L.
To clear the screen because I like a nice clear screen when I'm doing these instruction classes from here.
What I want to do is, I want to show that a basis, because again, whatever you come into my sequel database server, you want to get an idea of what's going on with the environment.
So what we have here is these are the databases and currently we only have the default databases.
So I deleted the data base on the table that we created before I guess so I can recreate them again for this class just again to kind of cement to the idea of being to create these databases and create tables.
This is an important thing for you to be doing as as as a new as a new book or somebody trying to learn how to do things like his database administration.
Basically, typing in commands is a skill set unto itself.
So remembering to do things like Hit the Send Michael and remembering specific syntax, it's one of those things.
The more time you do it, the more reputation repetition you have, the better you will become.
Just because you book, learn and theoretically can pass a test doesn't mean when you're sitting down a computer and going to tippy tap type out things on that you're going to do it properly.
So I would highly recommend, especially right now, when these projects are so ridiculously easy, you should try to basically, every time you come in, start delete The database is already there.
Start with the new database, start with new tables.
Just keep typing this and get used to inserting commands, doing the commands that I'm showing you s so in the future when you actually do have to build something for production environment.
You're done.
You can just tippy tap away and you're not thinking about a semicolon.
You're not thinking about a single quotation mark.
You're so used to it already.
It's just easy.
So that's what we're going to do Here is we're going to then create Oh, that a base.
And we're going to recreate that class d D.
That has been deleted before.
On there we go.
So create database, whatever the name is, and then semi colon on that gives us class D.
B from this point we're going to do is we're going to use class Devi.
And so that is this is going to drop us into the class database database.
Make sure when we're creating tables were created in the right place.
We don't wanna be created it in the information scheme over somewhere else.
Don't be clear.
He's up here.
These air, these air default, these default databases don't mess with him.
Basically, think of them as the A read history for my sequel.
Don't mess with them unless you know what the hell you're doing now Again to make sure that you always know what database your end before you start creating a table.
We can use the command to select that base, open parentheses, close parentheses, and then we do the semi colon, and this will show us what database we're currently in.
So we just want to verify We wanna verify were actually in the class database before we start creating tables.
And so we are so this control at all to clear the screen again.
And the first thing that we have to do then is create a table, right?
So if we go show tables we're going to see is there are no tables in this particular database, obviously because it has just been created.
So we're going to create a table for the user's eso For this, we're going to create table users, and then we're going to open parentheses.
We're going to go down one.
We're going to user i d.
So again, we're going to need an I d.
Number for all of these tables again.
User account.
One part number one, part number two.
So on and so forth.
This is going to be an int and interred.
You're you're going to do auto increment.
So that's what this means is every time a new record is created, it will increment up by one.
This is the first record is one second record is to their record is 3456 and then we're going to call this the primary key.
Always need at least what primary key and any table that you're gonna have and the user i d or the I d is a good place to have it.
Then we're going to go down to the next not line.
We're gonna do a name that will be a text field.
Then we d'oh, calm again.
Then we go down the next line or going to age.
We're gonna make that it in't.
So when it is a whole number 1 2000 and two, a float is a decimal 20.10 dot 10 $10.20.
Whatever else.
Since this is an age, uh, we're going to use a whole number.
We're not gonna worry about the kids, all the five year olds out there.
I'm five and 1/2 years old.
No, you're not.
You're five.
So are the database is concerned you're five.
Deal with it, and then we're going to say gender.
We're going to make this a text Now for this blast One.
You do not put a comma because it is the last one.
Then you're going to close the parentheses and then you're going to the semi colon, and then, oh, you're gonna look through and again, this is the reason this is the reason why it's good to keep typing in these commands over and over and over and again just to verify You don't fat finger it, because again, the computer will do exactly what you say.
And if you screw anything off, you have to redo it.
You don't know.
You don't know how many reshoots I do on this thes these particular classes.
Anyways, let's hope this works.
Let's hit.
Enter ueo query.
Okay, is it was affected.
When you get that that needs that actually works, eh?
So from this point we're going to do is we're gonna use this.
Describe command D E S C.
And then we're gonna look at the user's table.
Verify, you know what fields we have and they're how they're supposed to be.
That's where the field with the user.
I d.
We have a name, we have aged, and we have gender, User.
I d is an end.
It is a primary key.
And for over the extra thing, it is auto increments.
So we'll go up.
1234567 Then we have name that is text again.
It is very important to remember with these data types, if you screw up and you make the debt name an integer or float or something and then you start trying to insert data, it's Oh, you're gonna be very, very, very frustrated.
So new verify.
Do verify that these are correct.
So name is text.
That's how it should be.
Ages an inch.
That's how it should be in again.
Int Editor is a a whole number, not a decimal point.
So 12 will work 12.5 will not work.
So again, be careful of that because when we start doing insert commands, if you insert the wrong type of data, you will get errors and then you'll get frustrated on.
Then finally we have gender and that is text.
So Okay, so we have created the user's table at all of the data types.
Seemed to be appropriate.
So now we can actually go and we can start trying to insert data so it'll do to control L.
We're back here at the clear screen.
And so what we're going to do is we're going to say inserts into users table.
So the end, sir, Command, this is We're only putting data in two on the table users again.
This is one thing to really realize with any kind of programming language.
Any time when you're trying to talk to computers is once you get used to the language, it becomes easier when you realize that drop means delete.
Then it's pretty easy to figure out how to delete a database.
Or how did you leave the table when he realized that create basically equals new for most computer stuff?
Then you realize how easy it is to create databases and tables.
So again, it's all it's all just words here.
Once you figure out the words, you will be okay, so we're gonna insert, then we're gonna open parentheses.
And so the first thing that we're going to say is what columns we want to insert information into.
So we're going to insert information into the name column into the Age column and into the gender column again.
Don't you figure that, Uh, so we're saying is insert into user's name column age column and gender column.
You'll notice there is no ah user i d.
Column here because that is that auto increment that is going to automatically happen for us, and I do not want to screw with it.
So again, unless you actually know what you're doing, don't mess with your auto increment column.
Just let it do what it's gonna do.
So we're just gonna be adding the name, age, gender.
Then we're going to save values.
So now the values that will be put into name, age and gender and here, uh, we're going to do a single a single quotation mark, not a double quotation mark.
And so we're gonna say, Bob, close single quotation mark comma to divide.
So that's gonna be the names.
The name is Bob.
They were gonna make Bob, let's say, nine years old, closing quotation mark again, comma again, and the gender we're going to call Bob a boy and then we're going to close parentheses and then we're going to do send Michael.
And so we're gonna look at all this.
So for the user's for the columns, you will notice there is no single quotation marks.
So you just put those in there.
But then, for values, for Bob for nine and for boy, there are single quotation marks now, actually, for this if you have a number so you haven't in't.
You don't actually have to put a single quotation mark in there.
You could simply put that in there as a number, but again to be kind of simple for you.
If if you don't use single quotation marks on text, you will fail out.
If you do, you single quotation marks and numbers you won't fail out eso again Try to make this all standard.
I will just show you the ropes.
I'll just show you this today.
But remember, with numbers you actually don't have to have those single quotation marks.
And so hopefully hopefully here.
Everything's right.
Enter and they're ago a query.
Okay, one row, effective now I'm going to do is I'm simply going to press the up arrow key s o all this pops up again, So I want to add a few records.
So they were going to say, Let's say, Sue, And then Sue is going to be 15 years old, and Sue is going to be a girl.
So this is an easy way to add multiple records pretty quickly.
Okay, Run.
One were affected.
It is.
We're gonna go up here.
We're gonna add a boy.
Oh, I don't know.
That boy's gonna be 17 years old.
We're gonna name that boy Fred Ener.
That's been added on.
Then Finally, we had to.
We had two boys and two girls are two boys, one girls.
We're gonna have a girl.
We're gonna make her five years old and we're gonna make her pet.
We're going to add her.
There we go.
So we have now added four records to the user's data.
So to name, age and gender, we've had a bomb.
Nine boy, we've added to 15 girl friend, 17 boy Pat, five girl.
And so those were now at it.
So what we can do now is we could actually start selecting, basically being able to read the records that are in this particular table.
So with that, I'm gonna hit control.
L declared screen again.
Now we're going to do is we're actually going to start selecting.
So basically, select is the statement.
This is how we say we want information out of this particular table, right?
So I'm gonna select and we're gonna do.
Is this also that asterisk key?
So what the asterisk e says is all all and so for this particular this field right here.
This is what columns of data you want.
Do you want the age?
Do you want the name?
So sometimes you just want names, and so you could do select name.
So that would only show you the column for names.
Oregon Select name and age and gender.
That would only show you those three.
We do select all this will show us all columns.
Then we're going to do from and the user's table.
Um, finger it again.
This is also one thing that's very important with naming conventions.
Things like s is things like S is when you create the parts table in a user's table in the accounts table is it accounts with an S at the end or is an account table You want to name everything the same.
So if you have a user table and a part table and an invoice table.
Right then.
It's very easy to go through and be able to do these these statements because you know, it's the user and the part and the invoice and the account and the vendor there's no s at the end or if you like, B s.
I'm kind of an s person.
I'm an S e type person.
I like those plural Sze.
So I would go.
It will be the user's table in the parts table and the invoices table in the vende or stable.
One of the things you do not want, you do not want when you're creating your naming convention is you don't want to use their table and accounts table and apart table and of indoors table because right, if you mix those final s is, then it could be a real pain when you just want to go in there and do some basic basic maintenance.
And it can also be very difficult when you give this information to coders, cause so remember, this is the back end, right?
This is the back end that your coders or PHP programmers, you're you're whatever else programmers are going to be interfacing with.
So when they're creating their front end and their front and has to communicate with his database when you screw up that naming convention, things like S is upper Case is lower.
Case is right.
Whatever the hell you pick, just pick just one way of doing it and sticking with it.
So it s so we're going to do is we're gonna select all from users again.
Remember the semicolon We're going to get in and out of this.
We got a table in a database that actually has some records Now a sweet Cincy here for the column for a user i d.
The first of the user that we added was Bob.
And so that is auto incremental to one.
Then we have Sue Sue was auto implemented, the to Fred was out of incriminated three and Pat was auto increment ID to four.
And so this is a way you can have at least one unique identify are for all of the records within this particular table past that, Then you have Bob sux, Fred and Pat.
We have they're different ages, and we have their different genders.
And so that's that's really all there is to tune it to basically being able to search a little bit through through through the through the team.
So we see that data.
So from now, now we can start.
Dio is we start to do some cool things.
So let's say we want to do something like an order by So we want to be of this Select all of this all this stuff But we want to do something like order by a eso From there we can do is give you select all from users and don't want to do is we do the order murderer by So it's the order by command and then we're going to say age So what we want to do is we want to order this by eight.
Then we're going to hit a cynical Then we're going to hit enter And now, uh, it's by a right, So so pet is youngest so good You look in the user I d s the user I d stays the same 4123 So Pat is the youngest.
She is five years old.
Then it goes to Bob is nine suis 15 and Fred is 17 s So that is how you can order by So again, if you want to order, order the results.
You can also do this descending s so basically, if you do order order by age whatever column so you can order by any column Here it is just the easiest because he's got a gun now Verbally could do Or 88 And then we could just say D E S c So this is descending.
So it should start with the highest A and then go to lowest.
We do the semi colon and we hit, enter and see.
Now we can see that it starts at 17.
15 95 So it orders in that direction.
You could also do something like a name.
So if you want something that's that's alphabetical So you could you order by name semi colon here.
Then we hit enter and so we can see Bob, Fred, Pat and Sue.
So it's now alphabetical here.
And so using order by that allows you to order how the results are shown to you.
So with that, let's go and do the control elegant.
And from here What?
I'm going to show you how to Dio is how to only select particular columns s so we can do is you can do it zips select And then let's say we just want the name and we just want to be a so well he wants to name the age and then we do from on the user's table, Right?
So that's all the information that we need and then we can enter.
And so now you can see we get name and we get a so we don't get through the user i d We don't get the gender someone and so forth.
If we want to do this, we can also do border by So again all of these you can kind of combine all these little commands together.
So you do order by age if you wanted Thio.
And so now we get this names, you know, ordered by ascending 859 15 17.
Or of course, you could do order by name Semi Colon and so announced Bob, Fred, Pat and Sue and you now have it ordered that way.
So this is one of things you can do with a column.
So again you can come in your name if you just want to.
Gender possibly is a name a gender from from users ordered by name, we had ender.
Now we only get the name and the gender on.
So this could be very valuable right now.
This this Asfour, This has four columns, so it's not a big deal, but imagine.
I mean, with tables, you could have a lot of columns.
You can have so many columns, right?
You could have 50 columns.
I guess he could have 100 columns.
I have to go.
Look, go look.
Something like the one is the max columns.
Anyways, you can have a stupid amount of columns.
And so this is where sometimes it could be very valuable for you to simply select what particular columns you actually want the information from.
So if you've got 100 columns, obviously on her 100 columns is not going to be able to fit on the screen.
So you can just say I want the user, the user name, and I want something else from there.
I don't want everything s so that's basically how you're able to select individual column so that let's do control elegant and now I'm going to show you how to use where.
So let's say I want some information from this particular table, but I only wanted a circum circumstances so that I could do is I nto select.
I'm just going to all to make this easier.
But you could do individual problems here from users.
Let's see where age is.
Ah, I don't know, the greater the greater than 12.
Let's do that.
So basically we're saying here is select also will select all the columns from the user's table where the column age is greater than 12.
So we're gonna hit, enter, and then what we can see here is we only have two of these people whose age is greater than 12.
So Sue is 15 and Fred is 17.
So we got a gender girl and we have tender boy or one of things.
We can do it again if we want to search on the text.
What we could do is produce select.
We're just gonna do all from the user's table where gender equals and this is one of things.
Don't fat finger it.
You're gonna need a if you're dealing with text text, gonna need that single quotation mark and we're going to say I wanna know about the boys.
I just want to know about the boys.
So I think, you know, whatever reason, here's one about boys and see what I could do is enter then.
And so now it shows me only the boys, right?
So this shows me okay, that's only the boys.
Then one of things you can do is you could do something like order by Sugo Select Oh, all from users where gender equals.
That's a girl and then we can do is order by a So, again, think about this.
It is with a long list.
We only have five records here, so this isn't too complicated.
But imagine Imagine if you had a full class roster So let's say you had 50 kids in the class and you wanna know what girls do you have in the class and what age is they are.
So you could say, you know, like all from users where gender equals gore all order by age.
We do semi colon and they're ago so you can see the user ideas for So pat comes first.
Eso pats Age is five on, then sues ages 15 and they are both girls.
So this is a way you can go through and sort information and again.
Remember, you could sort this by by any kind of text column that you created so you could have a text column again for, let's say, a sales rep.
So if you're creating some kind of invoicing software and you want to see what accounts a particular sales rep has, you could do select all from users where sales rap equals Bob and then you go through and you could see you know who Bob is dealing with that type of thing.
So basically, you can do this all of any text.
Gender is kind of against an easy thing for you to deal with here.
So that's really all there is to this again.
You use the insert into table command, and then you say the columns, then you say the values, then that that allows you to insert data into the table.
From there you knew the select on, then select and then what columns you want Do you want select all.
So what you want all the columns.
You only want some of the columns.
Then you say from the table that you're dealing with, and then you can put in some conditions.
So where gender equals girl or where eight equals something?
You can put that in there, and then you can do in order by.
Do you want to order that by an agent?
Do you wanna order that by unnamed?
You wanna order that again?
Group group by genders, that type of thing.
You could do that kind of stuff, and so that's That's the basics.
And from this point, you can actually start building something that's that's slightly useful in the real world.
So there you go.
Now you can start playing around.
You can actually start in the serving or records into your tables and a database, and then you can start doing select statements based off of that.
So basically, being able to search through being able to soar, soar to do all of that kind of stuff.
So you really, at this point, you actually have something that's slightly functional.
Now I know some of you.
I never Some of you may laugh at that idea.
You may say, Eli, who the hell would ever use something like my sequel at the command line.
That's idiotic.
Remember, I'm 43 So I remember when computers were green screens.
I remember Wang's.
Do you remember Wang's?
I remember Wangs.
So I know this may seem laughable to allow the young folks out there, but basically what I just showed you is what computers looked like about 30 years ago.
So, no.
Is this how you're going to be interacting with your my seal database to resist how your users are gonna be an interactive your mind single database?
Hopefully not, but just a real on is it works.
You can't do it this way again, especially when I start teaching you about user accounts and privileges, So privileges are essentially permissions.
So if you created user accounts within my sequel with the specific privileges to different databases and tables, you can actually have ah, full flag system from this again.
I want to want to use Sure is, I'm sure is I sure his crap know that your users don't want to use it, but theoretically you could.
And so, as we go forward, basically, all you have to realize is what I just showed you today.
How you create an application that your users will actually want to use is again use HTML to create the front end.
So to create the submission forms to create the report structure.
All that and you use a programming language is such as PHP, and the HTML uses PHP to be able to insert data into the database and then let it be able to pull down out of the database.
So when I showed you that insert statement, basically, when you have an HTML form, what happens is you against you.
You type out all of your information into that HTML form you hit, submit when you hit.
Submit that information that you talk to the A camel form is turn into variables within the back and script, something like PHP and then that back in script essentially runs one of the sequel statements to insert that data into the database when you then go to do a report.
So again I think about when you go to somewhere some software as a service sales force or something like that, and you're looking for a particular record, you're you're looking for a particular name, right?
You're looking for a user account.
So when you go when you when you type in when user account you're looking for essentially what happens is that information that that little information is taken created is a variable.
And then what happens is a select statement is then sent using P.
H here that back and scripting language that says, you know, select whatever columns from whatever table where the name equals this name, right?
That information comes out of the database, the PHP you're the scripting language knows how to interpret that.
Then that has been pointed out in front of you using HTML.
So this is how it works in the real world.
But basically again, then the back end of it is just these again.
All you're doing is inserting that into databases, ums, polling data, added databases of what makes it all fancy and cool is the CSS and JavaScript and the other programming languages to make it flashy.
But what's going on in the back end is actually a shockingly a shockingly simple, So I will recommend again for any new people out there that don't know my sequel again.
We have some my sequel of administrators that are walking this track, and I have no idea why.
But the people that aren't actually doing this day in, day out what I would recommend is every time we do one of these classes is delete the database to delete the tables that you've already created, and then recreate the database, recreate the tables, recreate everything, because then you start to get muscle memory.
Then you start.
Then you just start knowing what to do.
You just put the semi colon right, Because that's one of the funny things, right?
I I have these old timers.
I don't know why I have these old timers.
They watch these videos.
It's frustrating as hell because they live stupid comments.
Ben Eyes.
Yeah, these old timers and they will complain because they keep talking about the semi colon, right?
Why, why does Eli never showed up about the same Michael?
Well, they've been doing this stuff so long that they don't even think about putting a semi colon Edit a Michael Michael, I said Michael, right, So they don't think about it, but the reality is, is they had to get to that place.
They had to doo sequel statements 1000 times before they just they just instinctually do the semi colon again.
Whether you use single quotation marks or whether you don't use single quotation marks essentially need to use single quotation marks around text name, gender, that type of thing.
So whether you do that or not at a certain point, once you once you've done the repetition of 1000 times, you don't even think about it anymore.
And it seems almost stupid that people bring it up.
But realize if you don't use a single quotation marks properly, your sequel statement's gonna fail and you're gonna rip out what little hair you have left.
And so it's very important with these types of things is don't just like that's what a lot of people do, but a lot of people do with their learning programming languages of their third learning sequel or something is, they sit there and they watch, and then they take some notes and then they say, I know it, I can do it.
Don't worry, you can write because yes, sort of.
You've got the notes.
You kind of know what you're supposed to dio.
But it's so easy when you're actually doing this work again to forget small little things.
You know, put s is where s it?
Shouldn't be.
Don't put.
It s where you do need an s, that type of stuff.
You can run into a lot of problems.
So really, I would highly argue while you're doing the serious.
And again, any time you're learning programming, anytime you're learning anything, even though you know something even argue.
Although you've already learned how to do something, just do it again.
Do it again and again and again and again and again once you've done it 1000 times, then then you can stop doing it.
Least that's what my suggestion would be.
Because remember, in the real technology world, so much about repetition is just being able to sit down, do what you're supposed to do, hit, enter or hit, submit or whatever.
And everything just works.
That's why we get paid the real money.
Ah, lot of news, right?
They sit down and they spent three hours trying to figure out why doesn't this work properly?
That's just my advice there.
As always, I enjoy doing this this class and look forward to the next one.
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Wants for the future of YouTube.
This means that recommendations by YouTube to this channel have dropped massively, and views are becoming a comically small I hate to ask.
I used to say I would never ask, but if you could subscribe like common and most importantly, share the videos that you appreciate, that may help slow the death of this channel.
Do you remember that if anything at all happens to this channel, you can go to Eli, the computer guy dot com, to view the content and access information not available on YouTube.