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  • We've got no school photographs of Daniel Radcliffe.

  • And I am so sorry, I never thought we would be doing this again,

  • but viewers won't let it go.

  • The Daniel Radcliffe time traveller.

  • Now, it is bizarre.

  • So, there's all the old ones we used to have.

  • I think that was the first one we ever showed. Do you know about this, Miriam? No.

  • There is a thing that happens when I come on this show

  • where people sort of dredge the internet and have found

  • photographs of people that look like me throughout time.

  • And it turns out there's a lot of them.

  • Oh, my God - that's not you? That's quite a good one. Yes.

  • That one's uncanny.

  • Very good. That was a good one.

  • Some of them... That's rubbish.

  • That's quite... Actually, that is quite good,

  • I suppose. Let's see.

  • That's quite good.

  • That's ridiculous.

  • Oh, look, there you are as a nun!

  • I feel they're getting less like me, and just a person with glasses.

  • This is still one of my favourites because you look

  • so happy in this one.

  • I think this was when you were time travelling, and here's a really good

  • bit of your life here.

  • There you go. I think you were in love.

  • We've got some new ones.

  • I look like many other members of my family in that.

  • Weirdly, we found one of you, I think you are married

  • to Robson Jerome.

  • Yeah, that's good.

  • Ooh, you look...

  • That's a bad day. That's a bad part of your life.

  • That's a...

  • I take issue with...

  • Yeah, no, that's nonsense.

  • This one is good - this is again another very,

  • very jolly bit of his life.

  • Daniel is really loving life here.

  • Hello!

  • APPLAUSE Yeah, that is just... Yeah.

We've got no school photographs of Daniel Radcliffe.


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A2 初級

丹尼爾-雷德克里夫的時間旅行者傳奇還在繼續!| 格雷厄姆-諾頓秀 - BBC (The Daniel Radcliffe Time Traveller saga continues! | The Graham Norton Show - BBC)

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